Crypto FITZ

David Snelson Smith Podcast 1

Crypto FITZ

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David Snelson Smith

Software engineer, artist, and musician.

David entered the Army out of high school as a journalist. It was a natural transition to work for a newspaper when his military tour was over. With an artistic talent, he migrated to the advertising department, where he became a special projects editor. During this time, he was introduced to software-generated artwork for creating advertising assets. Here, he discovered a knack for writing software.

In a span of 36 years, his Software career has been mostly creating business-to-business applications. In the late 80's and 90's, David developed software for tracking the use of music in television — and later expanded to include film. The knowledge gained from this experience led him to develop a software tool for tracking royalties for songs used in film and television.

He also helped create a method for streaming digitally encrypted movies over the Internet and decrypting it on the consumer's device for playback. This method of securing video streams is pretty much the same as being used by most video streaming companies, today.

Combining his software expertise with his artistic talents, David has experimented with 3D graphics, games, and VR/AR technology. Using software like ZBrush and Blender 3D, he has created digital artwork and videos.

As a youth, David loved reading and creating his own comic books. Again, combining his software and artistics talents, he developed a workflow for collaborating and creating digital graphic novels -- sketch, ink, paint, and letter via a computer -- and prepping them for printing. He and Drummer-Musician, Freddy Satterfield have, together, created and published five published graphic novels -- and working on their sixth and seventh. In addition to graphic novels, David and Freddy have created CD/Album jackets, book covers, posters, and other digital graphic assets.

David also plays guitar and inherited his grandfather's Gibson S | ReplyForward |