Answers May Vary

How to Improve What You Find on the Internet

• Three Heads • Season 2 • Episode 20

Teachers cannot do it all, nor is it reasonable to expect them to! Let's normalize purchasing lesson plans, unit plans, and resources because, newsflash, teachers still have to put in some effort to make sure what they purchase fulfills their vision and meets the needs of their students. Hopefully what you spend your hard earned cash on is almost exactly what you need it to be (especially if you're buying from Three Heads 😉).  In our experience, what we've purchased (or found for free) on the Internet has been a live saving (well, certainly time saving) starting point for creating student materials. In this week's episode we talk about how we turn these already existing resources into exactly what we and our students need.

Related YouTube Video: Lesson Planning When Google Turns Up Nothing

Related Blog Post: Improving the Results of Your Google Search

Come find us so we can chat some more!