August 09, 2024 Eleonora Gendelman Season 3 Episode 65
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Aug 09, 2024 Season 3 Episode 65
Eleonora Gendelman

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In this episode, I dive deep into the concept of how our personalities shape our realities.
Discover how to harness the power of your thoughts, actions, and emotions to transform your daily life.
Learn how to see each day as a fresh canvas, ready to be painted with new opportunities and possibilities.
This episode will empower you to break old habits, embrace a mindset of resilience, and create a life full of potential.


1. How does your current morning routine influence your mindset for the rest of the day? What changes could help you start each day with more intention and positivity?

2. Think about a challenge you're facing right now. How might viewing it as an opportunity rather than an obstacle change your approach to solving it?

3. In what areas of your life do you feel stuck in old patterns? How can you begin to see each day as a new chance to create different outcomes?





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Instagram: @bendingreality.pod

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Show Notes Transcript

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In this episode, I dive deep into the concept of how our personalities shape our realities.
Discover how to harness the power of your thoughts, actions, and emotions to transform your daily life.
Learn how to see each day as a fresh canvas, ready to be painted with new opportunities and possibilities.
This episode will empower you to break old habits, embrace a mindset of resilience, and create a life full of potential.


1. How does your current morning routine influence your mindset for the rest of the day? What changes could help you start each day with more intention and positivity?

2. Think about a challenge you're facing right now. How might viewing it as an opportunity rather than an obstacle change your approach to solving it?

3. In what areas of your life do you feel stuck in old patterns? How can you begin to see each day as a new chance to create different outcomes?





WORK WITH ME (fill out the form)
Instagram: @eleonora.gendelman

Instagram: @bendingreality.pod

If you think this episode is valuable, please support my podcast by sharing it with your friends and family, on social media channels tagging/crediting @eleonora.gendelman & @bendingreality.pod

Please subscribe to my newsletter to receive the latest updates, upcoming events, workshops, and retreats.
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You are listening to me talking to myself. Welcome to the podcast, where I share useful tools to create more space, more freedom, inner peace, connection, and life on purpose.

New beginnings, fresh starts. As you've noticed, this podcast has a new name, it's no longer just me talking to myself. I'm now talking to you—you who want to grow, evolve, and explore what's possible to create in life.

My intention with this podcast is to provide tools to create life on purpose. I want to empower you to live with purpose and intention, follow your truth, and experience life fully, attracting what you desire, becoming the best version of yourself, exploring possibilities, questioning our limitations, and be delusional.

i know we are powerful beings and i have this feeling inside that so many of us including me use only a small part of what we are capable of , we are this powerful machines, this latest iphone version and we are only using calls and messages functions. I want to challenge my beliefs and limitations and inspire you to do the same. let's go.


We are wired to be creators. if your personality creates your personal reality, and your personality is made up of how you think, how you act and how you feel, then the present personality who's listening to the show, has created the present personal reality called your life.

So if we want to create a new personal reality, a new life, it means we're gonna have to change our personality. It means we have to start thinking about what you've been thinking about. we have to become conscious of your unconscious habits and behaviors.


This very moment is your canvas. Ready for you to paint a new reality. Each day we have the power to choose who we want to be and decide how we'll engage with the world. It's like pressing a reset button on your life day after day. Isn't that amazing?

But what if we have responsibilities, problems and challenges that don't just vanish overnight. And yes, Life can be difficult, complex and unfair. But While we may not always control what happens to us, we always have control over how we respond. When you start seeing each day as a new chance. You're not ignoring your current situation. You're choosing to face it with a new perspective and an open mind. You're allowing yourself to see possibilities where there were once only obstacles.

Here's a little secret. Your brain can't tell the difference between what's real and what's imagined. When you behave as if something is true, Your brain believes it and begins to look for evidence to support that belief. So when you wake up each morning and embrace the day is full of endless possibilities. Your brain starts scanning your surroundings for opportunities you might have previously overlooked. It's like putting on glasses that let you see the world in a whole new light. But it's not just about spotting opportunities. It's about creating them. When you approach each day with enthusiasm and openness, you radiate a different kind of energy. People pick up on this energy. doors that were closed might start to open and ideas that were confined to your mind might manifest into reality. 

Breaking old habits and forming new ones takes work. It requires consistency and patience. But the beauty of seeing each day as a new opportunity is that you don't have to perfect it immediately. If you stumbled today, tomorrow offers another chance to try again,


reflect on the last time you felt truly excited about something. Whether it was a new project at work, a hobby you were passionate about, or a goal you were eager to achieve. Remember that feeling of anticipation, that spark of creativity, that sense of endless possibility. That's the energy I am talking about here. And the incredible thing is, you can choose to bring that energy into every single day of your life. When you act as if every day is a new opportunit, You're not just changing your mindset. You're literally changing your biology, your thoughts, initiate chemical reactions in your body. positive, hopeful thoughts, release chemicals that make you feel good, energized and ready. To take on the world. On the flip side, negative thoughts and limiting beliefs trigger stress responses that can leave you feeling drained and defeated before your day even starts. by consciously choosing to see each day as a fresh start. You're not playing mind games, you're creating a more supportive internal environment for growth, healing and transformation.

So let's get practical. How do we actually do this? How do you shift from viewing each day as a continuation of your old story to seeing it as a blank page, ready to be filled? It starts with your morning routine. The first hour of your day sets the tone for everything that follows. instead of grabbing your phone and plugging into the world's problems or yesterday's unfinished business take a few moments to center yourself. Breathe deeply. feel gratitude for this new day this new chance you've been given. As you go through your morning routine. Stay present. Feel the water on your skin as you shower, taste your breakfast, look out the window and really see the world waking up around you. These simple acts of mindfulness help anchor you in the present moment where all possibilities exist. Before you step out into your day. Take a moment to set an intention. How do you want to show up today? What kind of energy do you want to bring to your interactions? What one small step can you take towards your dreams? By consciously choosing your focus for the day, You're already acting as if this day is different, special, full of potential. as you move through your day stay alert for opportunities, they might not always look the way you expect. Sometimes an opportunity comes disguised as a challenge or a setback. But when you're operating from the mindset that every day is a new chance. You're better equipped to see the hidden blessings in difficult situations. We are not trying to force a particular outcome. You're simply opening yourself up to possibilities. It's like casting a wide net into the ocean of life. You never know what treasures you might discover.

Now let's dive into the power of consistency. treating each day as a new opportunity isn't a one time act. It's an ongoing practice, a lifestyle. Like any skill it becomes stronger and more instinctive the more you practice it. At first, it may feel awkward or even slightly absurd. Your old patterns of thinking will attempt to reassert themselves. That's perfectly normal. Just gently shift your focus back to the present moment to the possibilities that exist right here and now. Over time, you'll begin to notice changes. You may feel more energized, more creative. You might attract different kinds of people and experiences into your life. You could even start seeing manifestations of things you've dreamt about for years. But here's the truly exciting part. As you consistently live as if every day is a new opportunity. You're not just altering your external circumstances. You're literally rewiring your brain. You're forming new neural pathways and patterns of thought and behavior that foster your growth and evolution. This is where the real magic happens because as your brain transforms, so does your perception and as your perception shifts, so does your reality. It's a beautiful, self reinforcing cycle of growth and transformation. Now I want to clarify something important. Acting as if every day is a new opportunity doesn't mean ignoring the reality of your current circumstances. If you're facing significant challenges or difficult situations, it's not about pretending these issues don't exist. It's about choosing to approach these challenges with a fresh perspective with hope and determination rather than despair. In fact, this mindset can be incredibly powerful during tough times. Because when you live as if every day is a new opportunity. You remind yourself that no situation is permanent. you affirm your capacity to adapt, grow and overcome. Think about some of the most inspiring stories of human triumph. Stories of people who achieved things that seemed impossible. These individuals made a conscious choice to look beyond their current circumstances. They chose to believe in possibilities that others couldn't see. You possess that same power. Right now in this moment. You have the ability to decide how you will perceive and interact with the world around you. You have the power to live as if today, this moment is brimming with unlimited potential.

Let's also address fear. When we start discussing new opportunities and possibilities. Fear often emerges. fear of the unknown fear of failure, even fear of success. these fears are normal. They're part of being human, but they don't have to dominate you. When you live as if each day is a new opportunity. You're also embracing the belief that you're capable of handling whatever comes your way. You're affirming your own resilience, creativity. And strength. And the incredible thing is, as you consistently act this way, you genuinely become more resilient, more creative, and stronger. It's like exercising a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. The more you practice spotting opportunities instead of obstacles, the better you become at it. The more you act as if you're capable of managing life's challenges, the more capable you actually become. This doesn't mean you'll never experience fear or doubt again, those emotions will still surface however, you'll discover a new way of interacting with them. Instead of allowing them to stop your progress, you can acknowledge them. Thank them for trying to protect you, and then gently move them aside as you embrace the new opportunities each day offers.

Now, let's consider the ripple effect of this mindset. When you consistently act as if every day is a new opportunity, You're not just changing your own life. You're impacting the lives of those around you. Think about it. How do you feel when you're around someone who is enthusiastic about life? Who sees possibilities everywhere? It's infectious, isn't it? That energy tends to uplift everyone. It encourages you to see things differently. And to believe that maybe, just maybe there are more opportunities in your own life than you realized. Conversely, being around someone who constantly complains and focuses on the negatives can drag you down. It makes the world seem smaller, more confined.

By choosing to act as if every day is a new opportunity. You're not only transforming your own life, but also contributing to the transformation of the world around you. You're creating a ripple effect of possibility and hope that extends far beyond your immediate surroundings. This is powerful. It's the kind of energy that can change relationships, friendships, communities and even entire societies. Because when enough people start believing in and acting on the possibilities each new day brings, amazing things can happen.

this all sounds great, but what about when things go wrong? What if I try something new and it fails? These are valid questions, and they highlight one of the most crucial aspects of acting as if every day is a new opportunity. Resilience. When you approach each day as a fresh start, you're also developing the ability to recover from setbacks. It's true that not every opportunity will turn out as hoped. Not every idea will be successful. That's just part of life. But with this mindset, setbacks don't define you they're feedback information you can use to refine your approach. Consider it this way. If you try something new, and it doesn't work out, and you're back in your old patterns of thinking, you might view it as a failure as proof that you shouldn't try new things, that it's safer to stay in your comfort zone. But when you're acting as if every day is a new opportunity, You see that same situation differently. Maybe that idea didn't succeed, but look at what you learned in the process. Look at the skills you developed, the connections you made. And most importantly, remember that tomorrow is another day another chance to try something new to approach things from a different angle. This resilience, this capacity to learn from experiences without being defined by them is one of the most valuable skills you can develop. It's what keeps you moving forward, growing and evolving, no matter what challenges life may present. And here's something really thrilling to think about as you develop this resilience. As you become more accustomed to the idea that each day brings new opportunities. You might find yourself becoming more adventurous you may start taking risks you wouldn't have considered before, because when you understand that every day is a fresh start, The fear of failure begins to lose its grip on you. Consider some of the most successful people across various fields, whether in business sports, arts, or science. These individuals often share a common characteristic. They are not afraid to fail. They recognize that failure is part of the journey of growth and discovery. They act as if every day is a new opportunity to learn to improve to move one step closer. You can adopt this mindset too. You can choose to view each day not as a test to pass or fail, but as an experiment, a chance to learn and evolve. 

let's discuss the power of small actions. When thinking about new opportunities and possibilities. It's easy to get swept up in big ideas and big plans. While ambitious goals are important, The true magic often lies in the small consistent actions we take each day. When you act as if every day is a new opportunity. You begin to see the potential in the small acts. It could be starting a conversation with a new colleague, trying a different path on your morning walk or spending 10 minutes learning a new skill. These small actions may not seem significant at the moment, but over time they accumulate. They create momentum, open doors you never knew existed. And importantly, they reinforced this new way of thinking. Each small action you take is like a vote of confidence in the belief that new opportunities are always within reach. Small consistent actions, taken with an open and positive mindset can lead to remarkable transformations in your life. 

What if you have tried positive thinking before and it didn't work. How is this any different? That's a valid question. And it highlights an important point. Acting as if every day is a new opportunity isn't just about positive thinking. In the traditional sense of forcing yourself to feel good all the time. It's not about denying reality, or pretending that everything is perfect. Instead, it's about cultivating a state of openness and possibility. It's about approaching each day with curiosity and wonder, rather than assumptions and limitations. It's about being willing to see things from new angles and to question your habitual patterns of thought and behavior. This is a much more active and engaged process than simply trying to think positive thoughts. It requires presence, awareness, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. But the rewards are far greater. When you truly embrace this mindset, you're not just thinking differently. You're living differently. You're showing up in the world in a new way. And that's when real transformation becomes possible.

Let's explore the role of gratitude in this process. When you act as if every day is a new opportunity. You naturally start to notice more things to be grateful for. You become more attuned to the positive aspects of your life, both significant and minor. This isn't about forcing gratitude or pretending everything is perfect. It's about training your mind to recognize the good things already present in your life. As you do this consistently, something remarkable happens you start to attract more good things. It's like tuning a radio. When you adjust to a specific frequency. That's what you receive. Similarly, when you focus your awareness on spotting opportunities and reasons to be grateful, you begin to see more of them around you. This doesn't mean that challenges and difficulties vanish. But it does mean you become better equipped to handle those challenges. You develop a deeper reservoir of resilience and positivity to draw from when times are tough.

let's discuss the power of community in this process. While acting as if every day is a new opportunity is ultimately a personal choice. Having a supportive community can significantly enhance the experience surrounding yourself with people who share this mindset, who are also committed to growth and possibility. can be incredibly uplifting. These individuals can inspire you, challenge you and support you as you navigate this new way of life. Consider the people in your life who lift you up and encourage you to see the possibilities in each day. These are the relationships to nurture and cultivate. If you don't have such people in your life currently, don't worry. Remember, every day is a new opportunity. You can start seeking those connections today. Join groups of like minded individuals, attend workshops or seminars or engage in online communities focused on personal growth and development as you do this, you'll find that your new mindset attracts people who resonate with it. 

this all sounds great, but my life is so busy. I don't have time to think about new opportunities every day. This is a common worry and perfectly understandable – the lack of time and not having enough time. Even if time is an illusion. Many of us lead very busy lives juggling work, family, and other responsibilities. However, the beauty of this approach is that acting as if every day is a new opportunity doesn't require extra time. It's not about adding more tasks to your to do list. It's about changing the way you approach the things you already do. It's about waking up in the morning, and taking a moment to set an intention for the day. Even if it's just while you're brushing your teeth. It's about approaching your work with fresh eyes, looking for new ways to solve problems or enhance processes. It's about being fully present in your interactions with others, open to the possibility that each conversation could lead to something unexpected and wonderful. In fact, this mindset can actually help you manage your time more effectively. When you're open to new opportunities, you become more attuned to what's truly important to you. You get better at prioritizing at saying no to things that don't align with your values and goals. Here's something really exciting to consider as you consistently act as if every day is a new opportunity.


you might find that time itself starts to feel different. When you're fully engaged in the present moment and open to possibilities, time can seem to expand, you might find yourself accomplishing more without feeling rushed or stressed.

Now let's talk about the role of creativity in this process. When you act as if every day is a new opportunity, you're essentially living in a state of creative possibility. You're constantly on the lookout for new connections, new ideas, and new ways of doing things. This doesn't mean you need to be an artist, or traditionally viewed as a creative person. Creativity in this context is about approaching life with curiosity and openness. It's about being willing to question your assumptions and try new approaches. As you cultivate this mindset, You might find your creative abilities expanding in unexpected ways. Maybe you'll come up with innovative solutions at work, discover a new hobby or passion or find creative ways to connect with others or contribute to your community. The key is to stay open and playful, and not to judge your ideas. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to experiment, to learn and to grow.

Now let's discuss the power of this mindset in overcoming obstacles. Life will always present challenges. That's just part of the human experience. But when you act as if every day is a new opportunity, you approach those challenges differently. Instead of viewing obstacles as roadblocks, you begin to see them as invitations for growth. Each challenge becomes a chance to learn something new about yourself to develop new skills and to become stronger and more resilient. Think about some of the most difficult times in your life. Looking back. Can you see how those experiences helped you grow? Can you identify strengths or insights you gained from those challenges? When you approach each day as a new opportunity, You bring that perspective to your current challenges. You start to ask yourself, What can I learn from this? How can this situation help me grow? What opportunities might be hidden within this difficulty? This doesn't mean you always feel good about challenges when they arise. It's normal and human to feel frustrated, scared or overwhelmed at times. But this mindset gives you a tool to work through those feelings and find a constructive way forward.

Now let's talk about the role of rest and renewal in this process, acting as if every day is a new opportunity does not require you to be on all the time. In fact, taking time to rest and renew is vital to sustaining this mindset. Consider this. If you're always pushing yourself without taking breaks to recharge, you'll likely burn out and when you're burned out, it becomes much harder to recognize the opportunities each day offers. So  embracing each day as a new opportunity involves honoring your need for rest. It's recognizing that sleep, relaxation and downtime are not indulgences, but essential elements of a life lived with openness and possibility. This might mean dedicating time each day for meditation or quiet reflection, ensuring you get sufficient sleep each night or taking regular breaks during your day to reset and refocus. the goal isn't to be productive every minute of every day. The goal is to approach each day with openness and possibility and sometimes the most effective way to open yourself to new opportunities is to simply rest and recharge.

Now let's discuss the power of this mindset in relationships. When you act as if every day is a new opportunity. It can transform how you interact with others. Consider how often we fall into habitual patterns in our relationships, we make assumptions about how other people will act or react in certain situations, our friends, partners, family members. But when you approach each day as a new opportunity, you open yourself to seeing people with fresh eyes, you become more curious about them. Ask more questions, and listen more intently. This can lead to profound shifts in your relationships. You might discover new aspects of people you've known for years. Find new ways to connect with those around you or even attract new relationships that align more closely with your evolving self. And here's something really powerful to consider. As you show up in your relationships with this open, curious mindset, You inspire others to do the same. You create a space where growth and transformation become possible. 

Now let's talk about the role of intuition in this process. When you consistently act as if every day is a new opportunity. You start to develop a stronger connection with your intuition. You become more attuned to those subtle nudges, those gut feelings that can often guide you toward opportunities you might otherwise miss. This isn't about ignoring logic or abandoning critical thinking. It's about integrating your rational mind with your intuitive wisdom. It's about learning to listen to that quiet voice inside that often knows what's best for you. Even when your logical mind is unsure. As you practice this, you might find yourself making decisions that don't always make sense on paper, but feel deeply right. You might find yourself drawn to experiences or opportunities that you wouldn't have considered before. Often, these intuitive choices lead to some of the most rewarding and transformative experiences of your life.

Every day is a new opportunity. Embrace it, live it and watch as your life transforms in beautiful and unexpected ways.

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