Eleonora Gendelman Season 3 Episode 76

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In this episode, I dive deep into the transformative power of consistency and how it shapes our reality.
Imagine being able to rewrite your identity, redefine your habits, and take control of your future, not through willpower alone, but by understanding how your brain truly works.
I explore the concept of neuroplasticity, how your brain forms and reinforces habits, and how small, consistent actions can reshape your mind and life.
This isn’t just about achieving goals—it’s about becoming the person you’ve always envisioned.
Join me as I uncover the science behind consistency and the practical steps to harness its incredible power.

1. What small, consistent actions can you start implementing today that will move you closer to your goals?

2. What are some stress-management techniques you can use to ensure your brain is in the best possible state for change?



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Imagine waking up one day to find that everything you've ever known has vanished, your memories, your habits, your very identity is gone. 
 Terrifying, isn't it?
 what if this isn't just a thought experiment, but a reality you're living right now every single day, you have the power to completely reinvent yourself. the person you were yesterday doesn't have to be the person you are today. Yet, how many of us truly embrace this power? How many of us are trapped in the prison of our past selves, held captive by inconsistency and unfulfilled potential?

Close your eyes for a moment, picture the version of yourself you've always dreamed of becoming, the one who's achieved all your goals, overcome all your fears, and lives life with purpose. Now open your eyes. Why isn't that person staring back at you in the mirror? Consistency, or rather, the lack of it. Consistency is the hidden force that shapes our reality. It's the invisible hand guiding our thoughts, our actions, and ultimately, our destiny. But consistency isn't something that happens to us, it is something we create, moment by moment, choice by choice. Think about the last time you set a goal for yourself. Maybe it was to exercise regularly, to learn a new skill or to meditate. How long did your enthusiasm last? a week, a month, or just a few days? We've all been there. We start with the best intentions, excited with motivation and big visions of success, but then life happens. We get busy, we get tired, we get distracted, and before we know it, we're right back where we started, wondering why we can't seem to make lasting changes in our lives.

But what if we knew that this cycle of starting and stopping, of passion apathy isn't our fault. What if we knew that our brain is actually wired to resist change, to stick to the familiar, even when it no longer serves us? This is where the real magic begins, because once we understand the science behind consistency, Once we realise how our brain works and how to work with it rather than against it, we unlock a power that can literally reshape our reality.

Imagine for a moment that your mind is like a vast unexplored wilderness. Every thought you think and reaction you take is like carving a path through this wilderness. The first time you walk this path, it's difficult. You have to push through bushes, climb over fallen trees, navigate around obstacles. But what happens if you walk the same path every single day, it becomes easier, doesn't it? The ground becomes walked. The obstacles are cleared away. Eventually, with enough repetition, this once difficult journey becomes effortless, a habit. This is the essence of neuroplasticity. Your brain's ability to rewire itself based on your consistent thoughts and actions. It's the reason why forcing yourself to be consistent isn't just about willpower or discipline. It's about literally changing the physical structure of your brain. But here's where it gets really interesting, your brain doesn't just respond to your physical actions, it responds to your thoughts, your emotions, your very intentions. This means that consistency isn't just about what you do, it's about who you become. every time you choose to act in alignment with your goals, you're not just making progress towards those goals. You're reinforcing neural pathways that make it easier to make that same choice in the future, you're literally becoming a different person, the person who naturally and effortlessly takes those actions. This is why consistency is so powerful, why the lack of it can be so devastating. When you're inconsistent, you're not just failing to make progress, you're reinforcing the neural pathways of your old self, the one who doesn't achieve their goals, who doesn't live up to their potential. inconsistency can trap you in old patterns. Consistency can free you from them, and it doesn't require dramatic life changes. It simply requires a commitment to small, consistent actions taken day after day, week after week. This is where most people go wrong. They try to change everything at once, to become a completely different person overnight, but that's not how your brain works, your brain changes gradually Through repeated exposure to new thoughts and behaviors. So the question isn't whether you can transform your life. The question is, are you willing to commit to the consistent actions that will lead to that transformation? Are you ready to push past the initial discomfort, to keep going even when you don't see immediate results, to trust in the process of change? Because, forcing yourself to be consistent isn't easy. It requires courage, it requires faith. It requires a willingness to let go of who you've been in order to become who you're meant to be. But the rewards, they're beyond anything you can imagine, because when you master consistency, you don't just change your actions, you change your very reality. You step into a world where anything is possible, where your deepest dreams and aspirations aren't just fantasies but inevitable outcomes of your consistent choices. So are you ready to embark on this journey? Are you prepared to harness the power of consistency and become the architect of your own destiny? Because if you are you're about to discover a truth that will change everything. The key to unlocking your full potential isn't out there somewhere, it's within you waiting to be unleashed through the unstoppable force of consistency. Let's dive deeper into the fascinating world of your brain and uncover the neuroscience behind consistency. This knowledge isn't just interesting, it's the key to unlocking your true potential.

Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to break old habits or form new ones? Why does it feel like you're fighting against yourself every time you try to make a positive change in your life? The answer lies in the workings of your brain. Your brain is an incredibly complex organ composed of billions of neurons connected by trillions of synapses. These connections form neural pathways, which are like highways of information. every thought you think, every action you take, every habit you form, they all create and strengthen these neural pathways. your brain is constantly trying to conserve energy. It does this by automating as many processes as possible. This is why habits are so powerful. They're your brain's way of putting certain behaviors on autopilot, freeing up mental resources for other tasks. This efficiency comes at a cost. Once a neural pathway is established, your brain prefers to use it, even if it's not the best option. This is why Breaking Bad habits can be so challenging, you're not just fighting against the behavior. You're fighting against the very structure of your brain. Now imagine your brain as a garden. Your thoughts and actions are like path through this garden. The more you think a certain thought or perform a certain action, the more well worn that path becomes. this is the physical manifestation of habit in your brain. But here's the crucial point, you are the gardener. Through consistent thoughts and actions, you have the power to clear new paths, to create highways where there were once only overgrown trails. This is the essence of neuroplasticity, your brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout your life. Neuroplasticity is the game changer. It means that no matter how ingrained your habits are, no matter how set in your ways you might feel, change is always possible. Your brain is not fixed. It's plastic, malleable, constantly adapting to your experiences and behaviors. But just as consistent positive actions can rewire your brain for success, consistent negative actions can reinforce harmful patterns. This is why consistency is so crucial. Every time you choose to act in alignment with your goals, you're not just making progress. You're literally reshaping your brain.

But let's break this down into practical terms. When you first try to establish a new habit, let's say daily meditation. It feels difficult. Your brain has to work hard, using up a lot of energy to perform this unfamiliar task. But if you persist, if you meditate every single day, without fail, something magical starts to happen in neural pathways associated with meditation, neurons that fire together, wire together. The more you repeat the action, the stronger and more efficient these pathways become. Eventually, sitting down to meditate becomes as natural and automatic as brushing your teeth. This is the power of consistency. It's not just about willpower or discipline. It's about literally changing the physical structure of your brain to support your goals and aspirations. But it's even deeper than that, your brain doesn't just respond to your actions, it responds to your thoughts and emotions as well. This is where the concept of mental rehearsal comes into play. Studies have shown that mentally rehearsing an action can have almost the same effect on your brain as physically performing that action. When you vividly imagine yourself performing a task, the same neural pathways are activated as when you actually perform it. This means that consistent visualization and mental practice can help rewire your brain even before you take physical action. It means that every time you sit down to visualize your goals, to mentally rehearse the actions that will lead to success, you're not just daydreaming. You're actively rewiring your brain. You're creating and strengthening the neural pathways that will make those actions easier when you actually perform them. This is why consistency in your thoughts is just as important as consistency in your actions. Your brain doesn't distinguish between what's real and what's vividly imagined. By consistently focusing your thoughts on your goals, on the person you want to become, you're priming your brain for success.

Here's where many of us go wrong. They try to change everything at once. They set ambitious goals and try to change our entire life overnight. But trying to create too many new neural pathways at once can overwhelm your brain, leading to mental fatigue and ultimately failure. The key is to start small. Focus on one new habit at a time, be consistent with it, no matter how tiny the action might seem. Remember, you're not just trying to achieve a goal. You're rewiring your brain, and that takes time. Let's say you want to become a morning person. instead of suddenly trying to wake up at five am every day, start by setting your alarm just 15 minutes earlier than usual. Do this consistently for a week or two. Once this becomes easy, set it another 15 minutes earlier. Gradually, over time, you'll rewire your brain to naturally wake up earlier. This gradual approach works because it aligns with how your brain naturally changes. It's like slowly turning a ship. Small consistent adjustments over time lead to a complete change in direction. Consistency isn't just about repeating actions, it's also about maintaining a consistent emotional state. Your emotions play a huge role in forming and strengthening neural pathways. When you consistently generate positive emotions associated with your goals, you strengthen the neural networks related to those goals. This is where the power of gratitude comes in. by consistently practicing gratitude, especially for progress towards your goals, you create a positive emotional state that reinforces the neural pathways associated with those goals. You're not just changing your actions, you're changing your entire emotion landscape.
 let's talk about the role of stress in this process. When you're stressed, your brain releases cortisol, which can actually inhibit neuroplasticity. This means that stress can make it harder for you to form new habits and break old ones. This is why self care and stress management are crucial components of consistency. by consistently practicing stress reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing or exercise, you create an optimal environment in your brain for change. You're not just reducing stress, you're enhancing your brain's ability to rewire itself. Perhaps the most powerful aspect of consistency is its compound effect. Each consistent action, each repetition of a thought or behavior, isn't just a single event. It's laying the groundwork for future actions, it's making the next repetition easier, more natural. Each repetition builds on the last, creating a momentum that becomes virtually unstoppable. This is why consistency is so much more powerful than intensity. It's not about making dramatic changes or heroic efforts. It's about showing up day after day and taking small actions that align with your goals. It's about trusting the process, knowing that each consistent action is rewiring your brain, bringing you closer to the person you want to become.

Remember, your brain is not your enemy in this process, it's your greatest ally. By understanding how it works, by harnessing the power of neuroplasticity, through consistency, you can literally reshape your mind. every time you choose to be consistent, You're not just going through the motions, you're creating new neural pathways that will make future actions easier. You're becoming, on a neurological level, the person you aspire to be. This is a true power of consistency. It's not just about achieving goals. It's about transformation at the deepest level. It's about becoming a person for whom success is not just possible, but inevitable.