Eleonora Gendelman Season 3 Episode 61

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In this transformative episode, I delve into the power of relaxation, trust, and expectation in manifesting your dreams.
Learn how to align your thoughts, energy, and actions to create the life you desire. Discover practical tips on meditation, gratitude, and inspired action that will help you tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Join me as I explore how to live in the end result and expect miracles every day, transforming your reality in ways you never thought possible.


1. How can you reframe past experiences and setbacks to use them as a springboard for personal growth and transformation?

2. How can you integrate self-care into your daily routine?

3. What daily practices can you incorporate to shift your thoughts and energy towards a higher frequency that attracts miracles?





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You are listening to me talking to myself. Welcome to the podcast, where I share useful tools to create more space, more freedom, inner peace, connection, and life on purpose.
Right now, in this very moment, you have the power to change your life. You are the creator of your reality, and today we're going to talk about how to tap into that incredible power within you. It all starts with two simple words: relax and trust. Think about it. How often do we spend our days rushing around, stressed out, and worried about what might happen? We're constantly trying to control everything around us.

But what if the key to getting everything we want is actually to let go? The secret to manifesting our desires and creating the life of our dreams is to relax and trust.

It sounds so simple, but it’s true. When we relax, we open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities of the universe. Our mind becomes clearer, our body becomes calm, and we create space for miracles to happen. And when we trust, we align ourselves with the natural flow of life. We stop fighting against the current and start moving with it. The really exciting part is, when we combine relaxation and trust with expectation, that's when the magic happens. That's when you start to see results. Not in some distant future, but right here, right now, today. So many of us have been conditioned to believe that change takes time, that we need to work hard, struggle, and suffer before we can achieve our goals. But what if that's not true? What if we expect miracles to happen the same day we set our intention?

It's not just about thinking positive thoughts or visualizing what we want; it's about feeling it. It's about embodying the reality we desire right now, in this very moment. When we truly relax and trust, we enter a state of being where anything is possible. Our body releases tension, our mind becomes clearer, and we tap into a field of infinite potential. In this state, we're no longer separate from our desires; we become one with them. And here's where expectation comes in. When we expect something to happen, we're not hoping for it or wishing for it. We're knowing it. We're living as if it's already happened. And that's when the universe starts to respond. The universe doesn't understand the difference between what's happening in our outer world and what's happening in our inner world. When we can create the feeling of having what we want before it actually manifests in our physical reality, that's when we become a true creator. So how do we do this? How do we relax, trust, and expect miracles to happen today? It all starts with our thoughts and our energy. Every thought we think sends out a signal to the universe. When we think thoughts of lack, fear, or worry, we're sending out a signal that creates more of those experiences in our life. But when we choose to think thoughts of abundance, love, and possibility, we're creating a whole different reality. We're tuning into a different frequency, one where miracles are not only possible but expected. And it's not just about your thoughts. It's about your energy, your vibration. Every emotion you feel is sending out a signal to the universe. When you feel stressed, anxious, or frustrated, you're vibrating at a low frequency. But when you can relax, when you can trust, when you can feel joy and gratitude even before your desires manifest, that's when you're vibrating at a frequency that attracts miracles.

So how do we shift our thoughts and our energy? It starts with awareness. Pay attention to what you're thinking and feeling throughout the day. Notice when you're stressed or worried, and then make a conscious choice to shift. Take a deep breath, feel your body relax, and then ask yourself, "What would I be thinking right now if I truly believed that everything was working out perfectly for me? How would I feel if I knew that my desires were already on their way to me?"

This is where meditation comes in. When you meditate, you create space between your thoughts. You step out of the constant chatter of your mind and into a place of peace and possibility. In this space, you can start to reprogram your subconscious mind. Most of our thoughts and behaviors are controlled by our subconscious mind. It's like an autopilot that's been programmed by our past experiences, our beliefs, and our environment. But when we meditate, we can access the subconscious mind and start to change the program. In meditation, you can visualize your desired reality, but it's not just about seeing it in your mind's eye. It's about feeling it with every cell of your body. What would it feel like to have perfect health? What would it feel like to be financially abundant? What would it feel like to be in a loving, supportive relationship? As you sit in meditation, allow yourself to fully embody these feelings. Let them wash over you; let them fill you up. And as you do this, you're literally changing your brain chemistry. You're creating new neural pathways that support your new reality. But you can't just do this once and expect miracles to happen. This needs to become a daily practice. Every day, take time to relax, to trust, to expect great things. Make it as much a part of your routine as brushing your teeth. And as you do this, pay attention to the signs around you. The universe is always communicating with us, always guiding us towards our highest good, but so often we're too busy, too stressed, too caught up in our own thoughts to notice. When you relax and trust, you become more attuned to these signs. You start to notice synchronicities, those little coincidences that seem too perfect to be random. Maybe you think of someone, and they call you moments later. Or you overhear a conversation that gives you exactly the information you need. These are all signs that you're on the right track. They're confirmations from the universe that has heard your desires and is working to bring them to you. But you have to be open to receiving. You have to trust that they're there.

Let’s talk about gratitude. When you're grateful for what you already have, you open yourself up to receiving more. It's like telling the universe, "Hey, I really appreciate everything you've given me. I'm ready for more." So make gratitude a part of your daily practice. Every morning when you wake up, before you even get out of bed, think of three things you're grateful for. Feel the gratitude in your body, let it fill you up, and then carry that feeling with you throughout your day.

Gratitude is like a magnet for miracles. When you're grateful for what you have, you open yourself up to receive even more. Start and end each day with gratitude. Before you get out of bed in the morning, think of three things you're grateful for. As you're falling asleep at night, review your day and find things to appreciate. And throughout your day, look for things to be grateful for. At first, you might have to really search for things to appreciate, especially if you're going through a challenging time. But the more you practice gratitude, the more automatic it becomes. You'll start to notice beauty and blessings everywhere you look. And start being grateful for things before they happen. Be grateful for the job you want as if you already have it. Be grateful for the perfect health you desire as if it's already a reality. Be grateful for the loving relationship you're calling in as if your partner is already by your side. This is what it means to live in the end result. It's about feeling the feelings of having what you want before it manifests in your physical reality. And when you can do this, you become an unstoppable force of creation.

But what about action? Don't we need to do something to make our dreams come true? And that’s correct. Action is important. But it's not about forcing things to happen or struggling against the current. When you're relaxed, when you're trusting, when you're expecting great things to happen, the right actions will become clear to you. You'll feel inspired to take certain steps. You'll be in the right place at the right time to meet the right people. Opportunities will present themselves to you. This is called inspired action. It's not about pushing and forcing. It's about flowing with the natural current of life. It's about following your intuition, trusting your gut, and taking steps that feel right to us. When we are taking inspired action, it doesn't feel like work. It feels like play. It feels like you're doing exactly what you're meant to be doing. And that's when miracles start to happen.

Now, let's talk about expectation. So many people say they want something, but deep down they don't really believe it's possible for them. They have doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs that hold them back. But when you truly expect something to happen, when you know it in your bones, that's when the universe moves mountains to make it happen. And the key to expectation is to detach from the outcome. What do I mean by that? Well, when we're attached to a specific outcome, we're often coming from a place of lack. We're saying, "I need this to happen, or else I won't be happy." And that energy of need and desperation actually pushes our desires away from us. But when we can detach from the outcome, when we can say, "I'd love for this to happen, but I know that whatever happens is for my highest good," that's when we open ourselves up to receive even more than we could have imagined. So expect great things to happen. Tell yourself, "It will be this or something even better." Feel that excitement. Trust that the universe has a plan for you that's even better than what you can think of with your limited human mind. And remember, expectation isn't about waiting for something to happen in the future. It's about living as if it's already happened. It's about bringing the future into the present moment.

So often we put our happiness on hold. We say, "I'll be happy when I get that job," or "I'll feel successful when I make a certain amount of money," or "I'll feel loved when I find the right partner." But the truth is, you can feel all of those things right now. You can feel successful, loved, and abundant in this very moment. And when you do, you attract more of those experiences into your life.

Here is a summary: start your day with relaxation and trust. Take time to meditate, to connect with the feelings of having what you desire. Live in the end result. Feel the feelings of having what you want now. Practice gratitude. Be grateful for what you have and for what's on its way to you. Take inspired action. Follow your intuition and take steps that feel right to you. Expect miracles. Know that they can happen today, in this very moment. And finally, detach from the outcome. Trust that whatever happens is for your highest good.

You have the power to create the life of your dreams. Right now, in this very moment, you can tap into that power. Relax, trust, and expect miracles. And watch as your reality transforms in ways you never thought possible. So here's to your miracles. Here's to your dreams coming true. Here's to you living the life you were meant to live. Remember, it all starts with you. It all starts with relaxation, trust, and expectation. You are the creator of your reality. So go out there and create something amazing!

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