
Policing Rye

Ryecast Season 2 Episode 7

Ryecast this week is all about the police in Rye with an interview with Chief Inspector Jay Mendis-Gunasekera, the Sussex Police Area Commander for Hastings & Rother. He’s been telling James Stewart about his team, his priorities and how he thinks policing has changed for the better.

Plus there are questions from Rye News readers about the uncertain future of Rye police station, tackling crime & anti-social behaviour, drug taking, and confidence in the police following recent scandals in London.

A detective with 22 years service, he now leads a team of 65 officers and staff looking after policing across Rye and much of East Sussex. He says he’s invested in helping the most vulnerable in the community, and talks about his work on the child protection team and how an eight year old boy showed him how he was making a difference to people’s lives.

You can find the statistics about crime in Rye here and here’s the link to the Rye News article

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