Who are Frontier People Groups?
This podcast is an audio supplement to a children's prayer guide by Indigitous which aims to inform prayer for 31 of the largest Frontier People Groups. Hard copies of the booklet can be found at: https://crustore.org/product/who-are-frontier-people-groups/ or download at https://idserve.us/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Indigitous-FPG-Booklet-PDF.pdf
Who are Frontier People Groups?
Episode 11 - Dhobi (Pg. 16)
Various Artists
Season 1
Episode 11
Find the Dhobi on page 16 of the booklet and for more information, view their Prayercast profile.
Quick Facts
- Location: India
- Language: Hindi
- Religion: Hinduism
- Population: 11,993,000
Prayer Items
- Since many of their professions are going out of business, pray for the Dhobi people to gain access to better education and new skills in the modern world.
- Pray that the Dhobi people will hear the gospel and that only Jesus Christ can wash away their sins.
- Pray that the Holy Spirit will give the Dhobi people spiritual hunger that they will not be satisfied until they taste and see that the Lord is good.
Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!
— PSALM 67:3