New Wheelchair, 3D Printing For New Mechanical and Biological Parts

February 04, 2024 Andres

      Hey everyone, welcome back to the CRAZYDRE PODCAST SHOW. I'm going try to make a Sunday episodes about experiences  in life. Theses episodes will touch on disability, weekly political updates and general fun information
     On today's episode my guest, my friend Ron shows back up talking what life has been like. Recently Ron has a new wheelchair, how much different it has made for him. The challenges of with insurance companies and the co-pay.  Ron owning a van is always working progress, We even talked about technology and 3D printing.
    3D printing in a form of making car parts for his van, he even has a friend who has tech sappy intelligence. Truly  amazing how science has been progressing, I recently read an article about 3D printing (BIO Printing) that will function to create "Human Brain Tissue". The objective is the model will allow scientists to better study neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  You can follow this link study was done by Wisconsin Madison University. 
    Some how or some way, we touched on my father's passing. We talked about why Ron or I are not fans of going to church. I did say there were benefits for having a community of people have the same faith.  I hope you all have an excellent week at work and with family. If you enjoy this episode please pass it on and let me know what your thoughts were.

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