
Chris Brunt

I'm Chris, a poet, writer, and professor of English at Syracuse University. I'm also a dad to two little boys, Julian and Nico. They're the funniest and most interesting people I've ever met, so I wanted to make a show about what it's like to (attempt to) parent them.  

I myself have two dads. And I know a lot of people who are dads, or who have dads, or who don't have dads, or have opinions about films with dads in them, so this show writes itself.

My kids have never seen me take a drink because I've been in Recovery since before they were born. We talk about this a lot on the pod. We also talk about art, philosophy, religion, history, music, TV shows, NBA basketball, leadership disputes in the Italian mob, and why the famous Irish footballer--and not me--should be the one to change his name.

I'm from Texas but I live in upstate New York. My writing appears in Ploughshares, Oxford American, Fugue, Copper Nickel, and other places.