Straight Outta The Lair with Flex Lewis

Unveiling the Real Dan Bilzerian | Straight Outta The Lair Podcast

August 30, 2024 Season 3 Episode 100

Join us for an electrifying conversation with the one and only Dan Bilzerian, the "old Armenian greaser," as he takes us through his unbelievable life journey. From his new book to his explosive appearance on Howard Stern's show, Dan sets the record straight about his wealth and poker winnings, providing raw and unfiltered insights into his unique lifestyle. This episode goes beyond the glitz and glamour to uncover the perseverance and challenges that have shaped Dan's extraordinary life.

Ever wondered about the mental gymnastics behind poker strategy or how pop culture influences the game? We break down the intricate world of poker, looking at strategic calculations and the commitment required to master it. We then shift gears to discuss the illusion of wealth and happiness, exploring why financial success does not always equate to lasting joy. The conversation takes a deep dive into the emotional toll of financial stress and the addictive nature of the hedonistic treadmill.

The episode doesn't stop there. We cover a wide range of topics, from men's dating advice and military training to the nuances of steroid use. Listen as Dan shares his candid experiences, highlighting the importance of genuine relationships and personal growth. We also discuss his new supplement line, Protocol, and navigate through complex societal issues and wild mansion parties. Packed with insights, laughter, and thought-provoking moments, this episode is a multifaceted journey you won't want to miss.



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----- Content -----
00:00:00 - Intro
00:08:59 - The Complexity of Poker Strategy
00:11:52 - The Illusion of Wealth and Happiness
00:20:55 - Men's Dating and Relationship Advice
00:30:25 - Steroids, Military Training, and Life
00:33:33 - Steroid Use and Mule Smuggling
00:44:14 - Navigating Relationships and Sexual Encounters
00:51:25 - Bodybuilding and Data Tracking in Training
00:54:55 - Biohacking and Body Optimization
00:58:07 - Optimizing Training With Strategic Focus
01:01:31 - Lance Armstrong Training and Endurance Secrets
01:06:18 - Extravagant and Exclusive Mansion Parties
01:14:14 - Navigating Relationships and Personal Growth
01:21:31 - Navigating Relationships and Personal Values
01:29:15 - The Launch of Protocol Supplements
01:39:51 - Debating Politics and Social Issues
01:46:18 - Fan Interaction and Appreciation

Speaker 1:

When you come to a gym like this, I feel like it just pushes you to a different level. I'll go the extra mile here.

Speaker 2:

Straight to the left Flex and Rock Rock. We got somebody in the studio today, man.

Speaker 3:

Indeed, we got a special guest in the house, the old Armenian greaser himself. Oh my gosh, dan.

Speaker 2:

Blazarian. This podcast has already started, though before we even hit the like button. Dan Blazarian, welcome to the show, my friend.

Speaker 1:

What an intro. The Armenian greaser, thank you, it's an honor.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I can top that, but it's an honor. I don't know if I can top that, but, mate, great to have you on the show. Obviously I've got to know you now over the last like three years, like since I've moved to Vegas, and suffice to say, mate, like I don't know anybody like Dan Bazarian there is, suffice to say he's a prodigy. And when you truly get to read your book, you realize the life that you've lived. My friend and both of us have read the book, so don't be thinking I have my friend, but it's, listen, what a life, my friend. I don't know where you want to kick this off, but I do want to talk about the book. The Floor is Yours, my, my friend it's a great bathroom.

Speaker 1:

Read for all you out there, it's yeah, speaking of bathrooms, I always piss before podcast. Now, my first podcast I did it was, uh, howard stern and I went in there and I and I like I had to piss. But I was super late and I never forget I was like an hour into this thing and I'm fucking like sweating. I got anxiety. I like pushed as long as I possibly could. I was like at a point where I was like I'm gonna for sure piss myself before I, like you know ass has got to go the bathroom. In the middle of his fucking podcast he's like, oh, we're almost done, we're almost done. 30 minutes later, after the point that I had decided I was almost ready to piss myself at any second, we finally wrapped the show, but it was so are you telling me you need another piss?

Speaker 2:

no, no, no, okay, good, you know, that's how you, that's a hidden message there.

Speaker 3:

That's how you get kidney stones. You know, oh jeez. But usually Flex asks the guests right before they come in. He's like you got to pee, you got to drink a water, because I think we've had A couple of bodybuilders in prep for Mr Olympia.

Speaker 2:

Literally, I know the telltale signs, being one myself of old right. You see the fidgeting fucking legs crossing the legs. You need a piss. Yeah, bro, Can I go on?

Speaker 1:

Well, they also probably got like enlarged prostates. He's maybe got chlamydia. So there's like a few factors that's not verified that exacerbate the it's. It's a good segue into the book mate speaking of chlamydia, speaking of chlamydia.

Speaker 2:

I want to recap on the book. You told me and sent me the book and thank you very much on that, mate. I got to read it periodically but in the last like two weeks, since we had to push the pod back I've read it back to back and it's just a fascinating insight to your life, forehead by David Goggins, and you've got so many celebrity friends that are in that book. All these tell-alls and life experiences met. It's just a fantastic book Keystering, yeah, keystering.

Speaker 2:

We will be talking about that. I just want to say, for all of you who we're just just jumping on right now, a fantastic book truly breaks any stereotype or perception of dan bazarian, because what you've gone through and the things that you've pushed through adversity, diversity to get where you are today and and choose the life that you live by choice, is incredible, man.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, just I wrote it like a diary that I didn't want anybody to find, so good way of putting it. I was like if I just put all the like really bad shit in here, then it'll kind of like temper the crazy stuff. So it felt like I don't know. I didn't want to be like a whole braggy tale, so I just kind of just told it you know fucking good, the bad and the ugly, so mostly it was an easy read for me, you know, and I actually learned a lot.

Speaker 3:

So, mostly ugly. It was an easy read for me, you know, and I actually learned a lot. I actually learned more about you and I knew a lot about you already, but I learned a lot of things in there and and I think anybody who actually reads it and goes through and and sees the, the evolution, you know it's it is pretty impressive and you know the poker battles and you know getting getting through that and I know a lot of people out there probably think you just inherited all your money, you know, and that's been a misconception.

Speaker 1:

Well, that was kind of the thing it's like that's what got me into the poker game. So I can't really be too mad about it, because I relied on that kind of like background or image to get into those games. So you know and I kind of perpetuated that a little bit I mean I did have a trust fund. It just didn't kick in until I was 35. So, yeah, I fun, it just didn't kick in until I was 35. So, um, yeah, I mean it was kind of like a double-edged sword. I cared more about getting into the good games than people thinking that I did it all myself. So you know, I take the money instead of the glory, you know but dig into that, dan, for people who don't know.

Speaker 2:

You didn't inherit this. You know crazy amount of money you truly earned yourself to the top well, at one point is a crazy amount, I think it was worth like 100 million at one point.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, the fucking government sold off a bunch of the stock which caused it to tank. And then, yeah, by the time I got it was like a million bucks.

Speaker 2:

It was just, you know, insignificant but can you blow through that in one year?

Speaker 1:

I mean, that didn't even cover the jet fuel. You know, that year, um, and I'd bought a jet like four years before, but yeah it was, it was really insignificant. But I don't think that a lot of poker players want to admit to themselves that they kind of did it wrong, and a lot of these guys focus on, you know, you know, being known as the best player, winning these tournaments or whatever, and I really just focus on getting into the best games, and that was a big part of, to me, playing poker is, like you know, playing against bad players to me is more important than being slightly better. Like I would rather be like an 87 player that's playing against 50 guys than a guy that's like a 99 beating the, you know, 96ers, um, and their edge is like very small. So for me, I kind of like identified the biggest edge, which, I mean, that's kind of what gambling is mostly about is exploiting edges, and so, yeah, I just focused on that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, those big games. I mean obviously that's got to be super stressful. I've read a lot about like there's a crazy stress that is obviously going through these 12 hour or 24 hour games.

Speaker 1:

Right, like talk about that a little bit, because I know you've had some crazy head-to-head 50 million dollar type matches, hand type matches and like the pressure, yeah, the pressure yeah, it was stressful, I mean to a point where my actual hair was falling out of the table, like I, like, ran my head. Yeah, and it wasn't the juice.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, it was just a crazy thing, man, and yeah I, I got to a point where the wins didn't make me nearly as happy as the losses made me pissed off and the money didn't really make any difference in my life. So I think that's when I decided to quit was when it was just like it's kind of a negative free roll, like if I'm one more money, my life wasn get better and if I lost money it was gonna piss me off and I didn't like the stress. I wouldn't eat. You know I've always been into working out and health and whatever.

Speaker 1:

And poker's a really fucking unhealthy sport. Like you're not eating, it fucks up your sleep. Your cortisol levels go up so you're breaking down muscle. I mean, you know cortisol right. So it's like it's a lot of bad stuff and people don't really take it into account. Plus, you're just in an immobile position sitting there for whatever fucking 12, 14 hours and uh, it's tough you get out of there and your fucking adrenal system is drained, but then you can't still sleep because you're all fucking jacked up and then you gotta take a sleeping pill to go to bed and the sleep's not that great. It's just an unhealthy living. The nice thing about it is. You have a lot of flexibility, you can do whatever the fuck you want. You've got no boss. You make a lot of money, but the downside is just. I think it's really bad for your health.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I think it would be just that amount of stress I've seen even with chess players too. When they're sitting there for X amount of time, they're like literally losing weight. Like the stress levels are just such a crazy high that it's literally the stress is just killing you guys as you're sitting there playing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, when you're sitting in a stationary position you're not moving, but your mind is going a million miles an hour. I don't think that's like that natural of a state, and I think that's the state that a lot of us are perpetually in now with social media and with internet and with you know just all these like high adrenaline things. And usually when you're going through adrenaline you're doing something physical and your body can burn off that energy. And a lot of times when you're playing video games and you've got this stress and you've got this adrenaline but you're not actually physically moving, then it creates this like imbalance where your mind is going through all this crazy stuff, your body's just sitting on your ass. You don't really have a way to like flush out the cortisol and the adrenaline and stuff like that. So I think it's probably one of the reasons why a lot of people have anxiety today is because their mind gets so much stimulation their body doesn't have, you know, the same stimulus to match.

Speaker 3:

I completely agree. I can agree with that too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, having this injury, my mind is all over the place and I've had no outlet. Yep, just PT, yep, and I have wild ADHD. But I don't want to stay on the poker topic. So you said you have a lot of things racing through your brain when you're sitting there. What kind of things? Are you just trying to guess the next play, or is it Read the man?

Speaker 1:

I mean that's a part of it. So you're reading the person You're thinking about, like what could he have? What does he think that I have? What does he think that I think that he has? And then there's like a lot of levels to that, like, how much have I been bluffing before? Do I want to seem like I'm bluffing? Do I want to seem like I'm going for value? What percentage of the time do I hand better than his? At the same time, like, is this guy losing? And because he's losing, is he going to play more aggressive? Is he going to play more passive? Is he trying to hit hands?

Speaker 1:

Like there's so many calculations going on all at the same time. Meanwhile, you have to just remain calm, as a cucumber, act like you don't care. You know, and you know because the pros are the ones that are like analyzing everything, and you know you don't want to appear as a pro. So there's a lot of leveling going on in your mind. You're also doing a lot of calculations and then you're trying to not let it affect you too. You also don't want to give off tells. You're looking for their tells. Um, you're, you're trying to calculate the pots. You know how much you want to bet. You want to over bet the pot. You want to bet three quarters of the pot. You know, like, how, how much money do you have in your stack? How much money does he have in your stack? How much money does he have in his stack? If you bet this and he ships, you know, then can you call Like, is it correct? You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2:

There's so many. I don't know what you're saying, but I fucking agree with you that is wild man.

Speaker 3:

Check, check, check all night. Mr Son of a bitch, Just watch that last night, bro.

Speaker 2:

They're coming out with the rounders. Fucking cool kids, Fucking group message. Sorry, guys, have you seen Rounders. Yes, a while ago.

Speaker 3:

That movie got me into poker and made me want to get into it. Just watching the movie.

Speaker 1:

I think it got a lot of people in. I must have watched that movie like 200 times in college, Like every poker game that we played. It was just like on repeat.

Speaker 3:

Teddy KGB all day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you were just like the poker game would stop when the big scenes would come on.

Speaker 2:

I hate to be that guy. You know, I've never played poker.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's not something you just kind of do. I mean it's something that you really have to learn or else you're just going to lose a lot of fucking money.

Speaker 3:

Never played with your friends or never gambled.

Speaker 2:

Well again, this is the different part of the world I come from. There was nobody playing poker growing up, no college college, nor you know it was play rugby fight. But that's what I like those you don't kind of do it you like you know what I mean play or you don't play.

Speaker 1:

And if you, if you kind of play, you're just gonna piss away money, because you can't play poker unless you're playing for money, and if you don't play for an amount of money that you care about, it's kind of hard for it to really be a fun game. So it's you either get the bug or you don't, and it's definitely better to not get the bug, I would say.

Speaker 2:

I've stayed away from the bug because I'm unless you haven't fucking already noticed super competitive in anything I do.

Speaker 1:

Addictive personality.

Speaker 2:

And also I'm very emotional. So if I was losing I don't think I could hide it. I can't fake being fake. That's why people are friends with me. And also it'd be on my face if I was fucking not doing well too.

Speaker 3:

You know, I just don't want to sit there in that much stress, dude. It's almost like it's like winning the money, like losing the money's worse, and it's like uh nah I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you mentioned that then and that's interesting. Like so you never felt whole when you won. You were more pissed off.

Speaker 1:

You said well, there was times I would say like in I think the wins mattered a lot more to me, because it meant something like I would go maybe buy a motorcycle because I want, or I would get a nicer car, or I mean it was like we could get another plasma TV. There was like some correlation between the win and what you would do with it. And then there was like a level of freedom to with the money is like OK, you know, if I get to a certain point point, then I don't ever have to work for anybody, I could travel. I don't have to listen to this fucking dipshit teacher, I don't, you know, my homework doesn't matter. Like there was like real tangible um things correlated with the wins versus later in life when you've got all the stuff that you need.

Speaker 1:

I mean listen, once basic needs are met and once you have real freedom. It's kind of like the hedonistic treadmill, like the incremental money doesn't bring you more happiness. I mean temporarily you'll get the pleasure, whatever, but you just calibrate to that. You calibrate to it in like three to six months and then that is your baseline. So even if you make fucking 500 million dollars, you are not going to be statistically happier than if you had 10 or 20 million dollars like, and in fact, maybe less happy, because now you're used to only the best of the best of the best shit, and there's so many things that are let down and you have so far to fall right, and you're also comparing yourself with all these other people and it just never becomes enough. And then the money really isn't fulfilling, because every dollar that you make, it literally makes no difference to you. Every dollar that you make, it literally makes no difference to you.

Speaker 2:

And so I think that it's one of those things where, um, if you correlate the money directly to your happiness, you're never going to be happy when do you, when do you hit that glass ceiling where you were like, fuck, I've got all this money and and there's only a few things that are bringing that happiness in at that point in time, right, there was a few key moments of my life.

Speaker 1:

I remember in college just simply thinking like if I had a million dollars, that would be it. I'd be set. I could have the motorcycle. I could tell my principal to fuck off, like you know what I mean. I'd get the pussy. Like. I'd have the nice TV Like it was. Like that's it. You're set full of cash and buy the, buy the mercedes, like in 50 cent. You know what I mean like get rich or die, try it.

Speaker 1:

You know, like that was the dream, yeah. And then it was like five million, and then it was 10, and then it was 50, and I remember like every time I would hit a milestone I'd be like sure, like I was like, okay, like 10 million is enough, like I get the house, you know, and then it was like, okay, I need the jet, but then like 50s for sure enough, you know what I mean. Then 100 is like okay, okay, definitely 100. It's just never.

Speaker 3:

Now you're not even living like a normal human anymore, and Dana White told me this one time because he was like anything in the 2, 3 million range. You're still working your ass off every day Over 10 million. At 10 million you're lightly working, you're picking and choosing what you want. 50 million to 100 million. You're not living like a normal human anymore. Or 100 million plus. You don't live like a normal human anymore, like or a hundred, a hundred million plus.

Speaker 1:

You don't live like a normal human anymore. No, you don't, um, but you think that you do and for you it's normal. And that's kind of the thing is like whatever you perceive as normal is normal for you, right, right, so you're living in this like bubble and then everybody else is living in reality, but for for you, you know, your normal is your normal. And so I, just like I said, basic needs met. That, I think, is the is the limit to where, like, the money actually does bring happiness. And I remember the time when it really stuck out.

Speaker 1:

I was on a 300 foot yacht with like 30 girls, super hot chicks, all trying to fuck me, and I had every single thing. I wanted money, the fame, the ball, the bullshit and uh was like fuck, I was like I'm miserable. I was, I was less happy on that trip than I'd been on many other vacations and, um, you know, a lot of times you tell yourself like the money doesn't bring you happiness, or the money isn't the answer, or whatever. But that was a time when I was like, okay, now I'm sure, like, sometimes you're like, oh, you stick the finger in the light socket and it shocks you, but, like me, let's try it again and like does it really shock me that much? You know, like whatever, but that was a moment I'll never forget, where it's like okay, like you can't get a bigger boat, you know, like my dick can't go into more chicks.

Speaker 3:

You tried, you definitely tried.

Speaker 1:

We're at a max, you know, like with the cialis and the testosterone and the stem cells, like my dick is at max volume. I'm maxing this thing out and I, just like I said I was, I was happy on other vacations. In fact, I was actually kind of miserable on that vacation because I remember my energy just being like pulled in so many different directions, um, and I think that's one of the problems with dating a lot of girls is that they do just like suck your energy um and so uh, dating a lot of girls at the same time yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's a weird thing like actually dating five girls, I think, is harder than dating like 50 or 100. Um, when you date four or five girls, they require more, they're actually more jealous, it's it's just a different dynamic and they're all kind of like competing for that main girl role. When you're dating like 50 or 100 girls, they're just happy for the time and they're also so interchangeable that like they cause you no stress, you don't care um, but when you're only hanging out like four or five girls, it's kind of like you know if, if you lost one of them, you would care more, like you get a little.

Speaker 3:

One wants more time, more than the other.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know how these fucking Mormon guys have the five wives.

Speaker 3:

I was about to say it.

Speaker 2:

I just don't know.

Speaker 1:

And then secretly behind the scenes, these chicks have got to be cutting each other's throats because they act like they're cool with it. And they are when it's 20 or 50 or whatever, and it's just kind of like it's not even an idea that they might be exclusively dating you. But when it goes down to like four and it becomes more of like a possible reality, then all of a sudden like the claws come out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah how does the date in a hundred girls look like?

Speaker 1:

I mean, let's look at his dms real quick yeah well, every week there's just, you know, in order to do that, you have to have a pipeline. So, you know, my pipeline was, you know, we were doing test shoots every week. All these girls were hitting me up like you know, I want to come, come by or whatever. So I would just have them all come by on like a Thursday and then they would stay through the weekend, and so my house would just be like full of whatever girls I wanted. I would always book them only for like a day or two and then, if I liked them, they could stay. I didn't like kicking girls out, so they would always come under the assumption that they would be leaving soon, and then we would adjust accordingly.

Speaker 1:

If you know they were cool, it's like okay, you know yeah right, so like yeah, exactly, and then there wasn't like a vetting process yeah, and then they never got bored because I was like, oh shit, you know, we only have one day.

Speaker 1:

They never like tried to play any games about, like fucking you. It was always like as soon as possible. And so that's another thing too is like when I would like do dates, I would always like, hey, I got an hour on thursday or whatever, and then they would come over and it would just be like it would be like a race to bang you. And so what I found is, when you had time constraints or a limited amount of time, they valued it more. And nobody, they never got bored. They were never, you know. It was just always like, okay, how can I get my time with him? And so, yeah, like I said, you have to have the pipeline, so they're just constantly coming in.

Speaker 3:

Well, there's been, there's been a few times.

Speaker 1:

I actually introduced myself three times to a girl that I'd fucked on three different occasions. It was pretty embarrassing, but that's another story.

Speaker 2:

But anyways, that's another story.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, you would have kind of like the regulars, and it was always important to have regular girls around. And this is like one of the things that I learned was when you went on vacation or when you went to the club, having two or three super hot girls that have fucked you, that were eager to fuck you again, was very powerful, because then you could just ignore all the other girls and they would be competing to talk to you. It's one of the things that I kind of like.

Speaker 3:

It's the setup.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I broke this down in the course. So, like the last two years I've been working on this fucking like course for guys to teach them what they're doing wrong. I think 99, 99 of guys have no fucking idea what they're doing wrong. And then like the optimal approach, um, and it's kind of similar to gambling right, like in the beginning of gambling was everybody had like an idea of like what was right and then 10 years later, like all the best pros would all kind of talk and we would agree on stuff and there was stuff that we were all sure was right and the quants and the supercomputers came out and the game got solved and we realized like how fucking wrong we were about this shit.

Speaker 1:

And it was like you know, you're supposed to bet like twice the pot on the turn in certain spots. You're supposed to just do all in bluffs, you know? I mean like stuff that nobody even considered to do was. You know, game theory, optimal was correct. And I think that's one of the things that I found with the dating stuff, when I really like spent the last two years deconstructing what had worked and what didn't work was how fucking wrong guys are about things that they're sure that they're right about, like the, the commonly accepted like right approach for a woman, is just fucking wrong such as what give us.

Speaker 1:

I think you're beautiful. Can I buy you a drink? It's horrendous. You're over communicating interest. You're putting the girl in position. Like I know I can have this guy. Do I want him?

Speaker 1:

At that moment your flaws become magnified. It's just like the whole power shift changes. It's like a traveling salesman shows up at your fucking house and like maybe he has great pots and pans to sell you. Maybe you need great pots and pans. But when he shows up at your fucking door, you're looking at everything wrong with those pots and pans. You're thinking about like could I get it cheaper there?

Speaker 1:

You're thinking about all this stuff versus like think like an auction. You're in an auction and there's an item that you really fucking want and in your mind you remember all the times that you really wanted something. You didn't get it. There's five of them motherfuckers, that want that shit. You're not thinking about what's wrong with it. You're thinking how do I get it? And that's the difference when chasing a girl and it's on both sides like on the side where you're chasing the girl your flaws become magnified. You know her flaws disappear and vice versa, when she's chasing you, your flaws disappear and her flaws magnify. I mean, how many times you had a girl that's like hits you up constantly, this fucking like stage five clinger. All you can think about is shit wrong with her and she just kind of played it cool and like wasn't so fucking thirsty. You know, maybe she wouldn't be like the friday night fucking last minute booty call if nothing pans out of the club.

Speaker 1:

Chick, you know what I'm saying, like the 3 am time, yeah hey, sorry, I didn't text you back the last seven times and I'm like, what are you doing? It's like 4 am and then all of a sudden she pings you back immediately. Oh, I'm just hanging out at the house. What are you doing?

Speaker 1:

yeah right, but anyways, the point is that you know it was only because I had a big sample size of girls that wanted to fuck me that I screwed it up with and a large sample size of girls that wanted to fuck me that I also fucked. And most guys have, you know, like the. You know, maybe they have the girls that wanted to fuck them that they fucked, but most guys and I mean like 99 of guys don't have a huge sample size of girls that really wanted to fuck them they screwed it up with. And only in comparing the things that I did with both of those that were different, did I figure out, like how I screwed it up with a lot of girls that wanted to fuck me. You know, and I'm talking about like girls that dm me, like I want to fuck you, butt naked, asshole spread, like you know, saying I'm ready, like I want to see these dms like that's a girl that wants to fuck you right.

Speaker 1:

There's no like misconception yeah, there's nothing and and, like I said, and also girls that I did fuck later. So I know they wanted to fuck me because they like had hit me up, whatever, but the common thread was it was girls that I like, really liked or that I would start chasing and I would act differently because of that. And when I did that, all of a sudden the results fucking completely changed.

Speaker 3:

Got too nice, got too nice, got to I just acted differently.

Speaker 1:

I act, I didn't, I didn't cooperate from a place. But there's just a lot of different things, right, but the point is that a lot of guys don't even understand how many things they're doing wrong and they're putting in a lot of effort that actually hurts them. So they're doing things thinking that it's going to help them get this girl and it's actually hurting them and it's it's counterintuitive, because in work, in relationships with friends, all this stuff, like you know, more effort yields a better result. Usually you work your ass off at your fucking job, you get a promotion, you fucking show up at 2am to help your buddy change a fucking tire. He's got your back. You know what I'm saying? Like positive correlation between effort, right, but pre-fucking a girl there it's opposite. It's like negative correlation. The more effort that you put in to a girl before you fuck her, the more it cuts against you so anyway.

Speaker 1:

So I did, you know. So I spent the last like fucking two years creating this fucking thing where it's like just a basic roadmap of all the things they do wrong. The correct approach is like the way I look at it is like guys have a fucking map, they're trying to get to mexico and it says mexico's fucking north in canada, and they're just like traveling north and they're just never going to get to mexico yeah their dick is never going to get to a vagina you know like it's just not gonna happen and you know it would be like if you went to the fucking gym and you hit the heavy bag for 10 000 hours but you never had a coach.

Speaker 1:

Like doesn't mean you're gonna be a great boxer, you put in the fucking time. But like if you worked with mayweather's team for fucking you know whatever five days and then you put in 500 hours, you'd probably be a much better boxer than the guy that did 10 000 hours and no coaching. And guys will like get coaching with everything. Not that I want to be a fucking dating coach, but I just wanted to put out like the right information so I felt like that I think it's needed. I think it's needed for men.

Speaker 3:

I mean, we're so soft I don't know. I don't know what the exact stat is, so somebody you know can quote me on the, on the in the comments, but it's like half the guys in the last year have not had sex. It's like. It's like. It's like 40 or 50 percent are versions still going into their 40s. It's absurd, it's a crazy number.

Speaker 1:

But more than that, that bothered me was the relationships that I saw with my friends, with girls that were just so fucking subpar, like guys that were worth $100 million, $500 million, literally dating hookers, engaged to girls that had fucked their whole friend group Just embarrassing shit. Girls that you know had like fucked their whole friend group, like just it's embarrassing shit. And then like the way they behaved, actually caused because they, you know, there's so many, there's a lot.

Speaker 3:

I get it because I've been I've been around a lot of guys who've made a lot of money and had zero clue how to talk to chicks. You know they got a lot of money, they're. You know they got the boat and they're. They're trying to do this stuff but like they don't know how to talk to them, well, they don't know how to engage.

Speaker 1:

That's a part of it. But another part of this is like they have this like subconscious descending value in the girl's eyes because they're doing, they're making so many sacrifices for the girl instead of like standing their ground here and there, and because of that, like all these tiny sacrifices add up and it's like a war of power. It's like every little battle is, you know, like to contribute to whether or not you win or lose the war? And what happens is a lot of these guys, they just make so many sacrifices that become expected instead of appreciated and then all of a sudden the girl cheats on him and it always ends with like, oh, he was such a nice guy, but it's always, like every chick is like finish sucking my dick, tell me about her fucking boyfriend that's sitting at home.

Speaker 1:

It's like, oh, oh, he was such a nice guy. But that's always how it fucking goes, like you know, like it's just so ridiculous and in dating it, you know this like being a really nice guy just gets punished over and, over and over again, and I, and, like I said, I think these guys don't have the right directions, so that's why they're continuing to get like the same bad result over and, over and over again so this is just talking about this.

Speaker 3:

There's a difference between being a nice guy and a good man.

Speaker 2:

Literally talking about this about an hour ago.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, but we won't open that kind of worms up. Is this a online course?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Tell us about where you can find it too, Don.

Speaker 1:

Called Sigma, sigma Society, that's like I just kind of dropped it in there. I spent fuck, fuck, I don't know almost two years. It's not that long, it's like five and a half hours, but it's basically just like a full deconstruction of, like I said, all the things that, like I and other guys do wrong and don't know, and then like the small tweaks that you can make that'll fucking have a significant impact, like positive or negative, and then like a lot of the psychology too, like why women, women, do certain things, why they respond to, you know, like this stimulus or that or you know, and so I think understanding the psychology will actually help guys also in negotiations and business whatever, because it, you know, the thread goes through. So I felt like it was important and I don't know, I was just kind of tired of just doing the pleasure-seeking stuff, the hedonistic treadmill, so I wanted to do something that I felt like was going to contribute some value. So that's what I did.

Speaker 2:

I know we kind of tented this book about it earlier, but was this something that you've just generally seen?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I saw it with my friends. I mean, I saw it with guys. I mean, the status of dating is so bad out there and I think it's partially due to social media because these women have this unrealistic expectation of what they deserve. That's a piece of it. I think another part of it is that guys aren't having as many normal, like human interactions that they used to like in our generation. Like you would have to actually fucking talk to people, tell stories. You know like people would communicate.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't just like fucking glued to the cell phone, like you literally go to a party now and it's just like a bunch of motherfuckers all glued to their cell phone. Versus like when we were kids, nobody had cell phones. You had to talk and because you had to talk, you became better at telling stories and you were funnier and you connected with people and whatever. And now it's just like it's. It's kind of like degraded to only an online dating sort of thing and because of that they've shown like a very small percentage of guys get the swipes, but the percentage of guys to get the swipes get all the swipes. And then also in social media now because of the access, like you know, if a chick wanted to fuck Leo back in the day. She had to, like find out where he was going to be, fly to LA, show up at that club in hopes of maybe seeing the motherfucker. You know what I mean, like maybe, and then he picks her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, also has to pick her. Yeah Right, versus. Now it's like she could just slide in the DMS and she could be like his four o'clock on Tuesday, you know. And so like now these chicks are able to fuck these guys. These guys aren't going to date them, but because these guys will them, these girls then think that like okay, like I can get this guy and they get ran through by all these like high value guys and then they end up settling for some fucking, you know rich guy that can take care of them they never respect. And the rich guy is just like happy to get her because she's hot and doesn't realize that she's been run through. And so it's this whole like bad relationship where she doesn't respect him. He thinks he's so happy to get this girl, she knows she's kind of a fucking ran through piece of shit, so she doesn't really respect herself and the better he treats her, the less she respects him.

Speaker 1:

It's this whole like bad cycle that I just see going on and on, and. And it's funny because if the guy just acted slightly different, he could still be with the same girl. He'd just get a lot more respect, she'd treat him better, less likely to cheat on him, you know, she'd be sucking his dick on command and she'd be happier to do it because she would have more respect for the guy. So it's like I just see these relationships where there's such a disparity in value, which is fine.

Speaker 1:

You can date down, you can date a chick that's like just so happy to be with you because I've done that and I actually like that. I don't mind it as long as she, like is in that mindset of like I'm so happy to be with this motherfucker, let me do anything I can to make him happy with this motherfucker. Let me do anything I can to make him happy, as opposed to her being like damn, this guy's a fucking sucker. Let me see how much money I can get out of him, which is the the side that I see more often than not as do I, unfortunately.

Speaker 2:

But um, I know we can go in so many different directions. I know that. You know you're limited on time. First of all, I didn't say this beginning of the show. Thank you, bro. I know you're gonna jump on a jet in a couple of days' time. I don't know if you want to break that news or not, but regardless, you put time in your day to come and pull this off for us and I appreciate that, man. So that's why, with your life and knowing you more now, since I've been in Vegas and the book, so many different fucking topics, so many hats you've worn, but I do want to cover because obviously it's a little close to home for you too your time, uh, in seals training and that fucking horrific battle, you, you put on yourself to, to get through to hell week twice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that was. Um, that was a tough period of my life because I put so much into it and then to get kicked out one day before graduation after doing like the whole thing twice, it was a tough pill to swallow for sure. Um, I think that that military training was probably some of the best stuff that I did, though, honestly, because I went from living in a big house to being in the shitty little fucking barracks and I think, like, my level of appreciation for all these different things just went through the fucking roof and I realized that a lot of the happiness and stuff that I that I found was through achieving things getting through first phase or getting through second phase, or accomplishing things as opposed to having things, because when I was a military, I was poor as a motherfucker.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I was like smuggling steroids up my ass to save 150 dollars that I could have paid, a bunch of which we need to talk about. You can't just skim over that fucking topic. Yeah, it's a technical term. This audience is bodybuilders, bro.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, listen, I've always been open about the drug stuff. You know, I think a lot of guys kind of hide it and I think it's not something that young guys should be doing and I wouldn't encourage it. But I do think that too many young guys do it without knowledge and if you do it too young you're gonna fuse your epiphyseal plates not your growth, like you know there's, there's definitely some big negatives grow tits if you don't understand, like the aromatization process, and you know there's competitive blockers, there's aromatase inhibitors, there's like a lot of stuff that guys don't know they're just like oh, I'm just gonna blast 500 milligrams of test, I'm gonna get jacked.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly that's what I read online everybody says trend is good, so let me just start with that. You know it's like dude. My first cycle was fucking like 50 to 150 milligrams of uh deca, like literally just in the ready jack string with an 18 gauge, because I didn't know, I didn't have the fucking literature. But I still gained 15 pounds on three weeks and I would have done it longer. I just got sent out to a fucking base and I couldn't smuggle it back from mexico anyway.

Speaker 3:

Wait come on, come on, I'm trying to pull this story. I'm trying to pull this story out. They're in the book.

Speaker 2:

They're in the book, but we gotta hear these stories. But come on so okay.

Speaker 1:

So the first time I I ever did steroids was I just got, not I just gotten kicked out of SEAL training. I had finished how week? I went through natural and I'd always been curious about it, because my cousin, he had big arms and he did a D-ball cycle, grew breasts and fucking lost some of his hair, but he got big arms. I was like I want big arms, so I was like maybe it's worth it Fuck his hair.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fuck that, who cares? And so it was always something I was curious about. But I was scared because he had had like some pretty negative side effects, because he didn't have any knowledge. He didn't have any of the you know, like the aromatase inhibitors, you know.

Speaker 3:

nobody even really knew what aromatase was there really wasn't any knowledge back then and there was no internet.

Speaker 1:

No, I had like Anabol.

Speaker 2:

You just fucking stole it out of my mouth. That was like the book the body bowl.

Speaker 1:

And I read that motherfucker cover to cover multiple times.

Speaker 2:

I may have read it once or twice, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so you had that, but you didn't have like a YouTube video even to like show you how to inject the shit, right? So I had no fucking idea. So I ended up like I said first cycle. I go across the border really bad forget about the steroids just being down there anyways. So I'm like in the back of a fucking mexican like veterinary pharmacy and I got some fucking like pablo, fucking like open hand, slapping my ass and then blasting in an 18 gauge harpoon which, like fucking bled everywhere just a screwdriver just to shoot me with with a 1 cc of 50 milligrams per cc of deca.

Speaker 1:

It looked like a decent amount, like, okay, this is like a dose, like maybe I read that book wrong, like I don't know. So I did that and then I was like and then I was like read the book like three times in the deca section, I was like, fuck, 200, 200 milligrams seems like the minimum. I was like, okay, maybe I'll do 100, like I don't want to grow tits. So the next time I did like the two cc's and then I think I did um three, and then they had to put them in like a different syringe, because when I did the two, I did one in each cheek and then the three, I just had them put it in a three cc needle.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, I gained 15 fucking pounds. I just got out of you know seal training. I was fucking like malnourished. I just finished how week, like how week is like you know, five days, five and a half days with no sleep and running 144 miles, all this crazy shit. So I had stress fractures and I was fucking broke down. I was like 165, like 165 pound, like fucking scrawny dude, and I did this I never forget. I did three weeks of deca, no test base which I guess I probably didn't need because I had natural tests and I gained 15 pounds and for the first time in my life I looked like I actually worked out. I still look like shit, but I looked like I might have been in the gym here or there and I've never been so angry. I truly understood the meaning of road rage on 150 milligrams of Deca, apparently, when they told me that I had to go out to the island because that was like. You know. I was like in this fucking, this goddamn thing.

Speaker 2:

Throw it right back down.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to figure out somewhere to put it where it's not fucking me. Anyways, they sent me out to the island.

Speaker 2:

You want to help him put it back in there and, yes, somewhere with me.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, they sent me out to the island.

Speaker 2:

You want to help him put it back in there, and, um, yes, give him more when it's not like.

Speaker 1:

Poland. Give him some more length, there we go. Yeah, that's what I told the surgeon.

Speaker 2:

I set you up for that bro, and you just went right over your head, anyway you're on the way to the island, anyway.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah. So they tell me I gotta go out to the island and I fuck like I didn't care that I had, like you know, sweet floors, or that I'd just gotten kicked out of seal training, or that I was a fucking loser, that I was probably going to ship, or that my dad thought I was a fucking scumbag, or that I had no money, or that I wasn't getting any pussy. I was pissed. I didn't have no more steroids. I was like, forget the rest. I was like literally ready to like destroy my entire apartment.

Speaker 1:

I was so much angrier that I didn't have my steroids and I couldn't work out than that I got kicked out of seal training after spending like a year of my life and get my dick fucking kicked in the. I was so much fucking more pissed about the fucking lack of juice, but anyway, so I just stopped cold turkey, lost like a lot of my gains and um, but that kind of like broke the seal and uh, and then I never really like did any like hardcore cycles. But the next, when I went to seal train the second time I was taking it's like a hundred milligrams of test and I was taking like 200 milligrams of Ecopoy and I got some HGH prescribed from a doctor and it was like dude, it was fucking night and day. I checked in at 178 pounds and I was like 193 by the time. Like in doc rolled around, I like gained like 15 pounds of muscle or 10 pounds of muscle, and I was faster too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was like the craziest thing and I just felt better. Like it didn't help me to like carry around all this fucking muscle, but I didn't care. I was like so happy that I had it and I just I'll never forget like the recovery and just kind of like I don't know you just it was just like the perfect drug for SEAL training, Cause you're getting a small amount of sleep, Like you need to be fucking motivated, you need to be gung ho, and it was just like going through on the sauce versus natural was like. It was like a different sport. Plus I was in better shape too.

Speaker 2:

Was it other guys also?

Speaker 1:

Oh, for sure.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, I mean I literally went down with other guys to get shit.

Speaker 2:

That is true, I know for sure. And talking of that story, the Tijuana, we kind of leave that off the table, dan.

Speaker 1:

It was actually Ensenada. We'll let it go, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So anyways, yeah, we went down to Ensenada and we went to like this um, it's like veterinary, but not veterinary. It's like for horses.

Speaker 1:

Um, it was like it's not a vet, it was like it was for cattle, like like cattle and horses. It wasn't you know and uh. So we went in there and it was like literally like dirt floor and um, we just got a bunch of shit and I remember I got, I got my. All I got is test neck boys.

Speaker 1:

My buddy is like you know, he just shot like an entire bottle of windstroke. It's like, you know, shooting it was cheap but like bringing across the border right and so, which is like a horrible idea because it's like super fast anyways. So we're like, well, you know, we don't want to get caught, but we don't want to keep coming down here every fucking week. So we're like we'll just stick it up our ass and you know keister it. And you know my buddy's like well, you know, if we put it in a condom, we use lube, it's not going to be that bad. So we're like in this bathroom stall and I can only imagine what the people heard. I didn't really think about it from like the outside. So there's definitely like other people in the bathroom. We found this out and we had left the bathroom and the entire restaurant was like staring at it. I could hear a fucking mouse fart in this place.

Speaker 3:

Hold on, it was like one guy shoving it into the other guy's butt.

Speaker 1:

The things that were heard was like I can't get this in my fucking ass. Quit being such a fucking pussy. You know, give me some lube. It was just like the things that you heard. I mean we're either smuggling drugs or we're each other in the ass. I don't know what should be worse he's a mule, he's a mule so we walked out and we're all just like sweating.

Speaker 1:

And then we had a drive across the border which was damn near like two hours and I'll never forget like when we you know the board when you go up to the border, it's like it wasn't as bad as now, because now you need like a passport and all this shit, yeah, but like they still ask you fucking questions and like in your mind you're like oh, these guys are like human lie detectors they know yeah, we can't give any information off.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, meanwhile we're like sweating profusely with ac max like maximum anxiety, like total freak out mode. You're also like clenching your ass because you got a turtle head of fucking steroids sticking out at all. You know it's just like, and you're kind of like the prairie dog in.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's a little prairie dog horrendous and can't be saying a law yeah, it was so bad and so, anyways, I just remember like being fucking positive that we were going to be pulled into secondary and then like imagining, like running through in my mind, like all the different scenarios of, oh, we're going to be in secondary and I'm just going to shit my pants and it's going to come out, and it comes. Yeah, it was really bad. We ended up making it across and it was five minutes across the border. My buddy's like pull over, pull over, pull over. We're like fuck OK, so we pull over and he literally just drops, trow in the middle of a Goodyear parking lot and shats out his fucking juice and then obviously he's not going to just leave it there.

Speaker 1:

So he goes through his shit and picks up the condom and gets in the car. We're just like come on, bro.

Speaker 2:

What the?

Speaker 1:

fuck. So all the windows are down but it's like wafting the smell, it's just horrendous. So we had another 10 minutes smelling his shit on the way to the house and I remember we just like literally like jam the thing in park and like blasted through the front door and this girl who had loaned us her car was making me chicken at the time. And I remember my buddy, just like there was one bathroom, I fucking blasted in there and like fired this thing into the shitter and my buddy just like panic, looking around the room. He's like the only thing he could identify that he could shit in was the sink, which also had the chicken. She's like one leg up just fires a shit right into the sink. And this girl's just horrified. Just she's like what have you been using my truck? It was like still running on the curb. I never get. She just like looked at us like what the fuck turned around, ran out of the apartment. I just like never saw her again, not that I wanted to Explain that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, she definitely ran. Remember the story she says about Dan.

Speaker 2:

That guy came to my house and shit in my fucking sink. Yeah, projectile shit Right into my chicken. You don't know Dan. You don't know Dan.

Speaker 1:

Shit in my sink. To be fair, I didn't shit in her sink.

Speaker 2:

I friended, but regardless, I didn't shit in the nursing room, I friended. But regardless, you know the story gets twisted bro.

Speaker 3:

You know how it goes. That's that guy. He's shitting my sink. That's that guy.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, you got all the way to the end of Hell Week again.

Speaker 1:

Well, way through Hell Week I got one day before graduation. So Hell Week is you had like I don't know, like one to two months of indoctrination, which is kind of the same shittiness as first phase, and then you do how week, like three weeks into that. So you're kind of like a few months in a couple, two and a half months into training and then um, and then you've got another damn near six months after that. So I was like way beyond. And then I got. I actually got one day for graduation there and then I got rolled all the way back to the very beginning of second phase, then did all that shit again and this is the second time that I went to Bucs. But yeah, it was fucking miserable, man. But you know it's funny because looking back now I'm just so happy that I didn't graduate, but at the time I thought it was the worst thing, that navy seal and feel like I'd like climb the mountain, you know yeah, but your life would have taken a way different turn.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't have like that insecurity to drive me to do all the crazy shit that I did, and I think in doing that I realized that that also probably wasn't what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing, but I think it was one of those things that I just had to do in order to know.

Speaker 2:

In the book you talk about you trying to gain that respect from your dad too, and that's why you kind of went into the military to chase that right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't get a lot of attention or respect from him growing up and so I figured that would be. You know, he was in Vietnam and he volunteered to go in and he was an officer and all this stuff. And then he was an officer and all this stuff. So I figured if I did that that he'd have to respect that and also I just figured it would get me pussy and I wanted to brag about it.

Speaker 3:

I really just did it to get laid For the usual reasons.

Speaker 2:

We're talking, of which you guys have known each other. What 20 years.

Speaker 1:

No less than that, I think 12. Okay, I moved out here in 09. Yeah, I moved out here in 09. Yeah, I moved out in 09. And we briefly met a few times, but we didn't actually start hanging out, I don't think, until probably more recently.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, 2020, really. 2019, really hardcore.

Speaker 1:

And 2020, when everything shut down, we were out doing something every day yeah, we had mutual friends, but it was one of those things where I was like I was in la most of the time. I was gambling.

Speaker 3:

It was like you know, we had similar circles, would see each other, but but back in 2008, when, uh, and I don't know if I even told you, but I think you know this, I think we talked about this, but we were basically, we were basically banging the same girl, oh shit you gotta tell us it was 100%.

Speaker 3:

This wasn't the only one it was not the only one, but this one was like playmate of the year and like there was like I don't know she was playing in the middle of both sides. But there was like a time where she was like well, dan says he's gonna kill you and like for me, you know, like for me that's like a bull going red and I'm like really, and I'm trying to get to Dan Fleshman and get to some people, to get to him, because I'm that guy right, and we end up meeting up, we end up becoming friends about it, laughing about it and yeah to the point, literally like he was saying anytime I date any girl, I have to send them over. And he's like hold on, I've got to verify this, you can't date her yet.

Speaker 2:

I've got to verify this.

Speaker 1:

I've got to go.

Speaker 3:

There's a couple of us, it's like between us, like somebody in the group's like sorry, Somebody's fucked her or no somebody's fucked her.

Speaker 1:

It was funny she actually did the same thing with her ex him that I that I wanted to kill him. That told me that he wanted to fight me.

Speaker 1:

It was like wow like wanted to feel important, I think all the time, um, but yeah, it's funny, man, it's uh, it's funny. Looking back, you know, um, but I think a lot of girls do stuff like that, like they want, they want people, they want guys to compete for them, they want to feel important, you know. So they'll start a lot of this. You know drama, um, and you see it, you know you see a lot of these chicks they'll like literally start fights, um, you know, and uh, and just you know, they'll feel validated because two guys are fighting for him.

Speaker 2:

You know how have you been able to navigate through all these girls without boyfriends? Just turn up at your fucking house um, I mean.

Speaker 1:

So I tried actually, like like once I got famous, I actually tried not to fuck any girls that had boyfriends or husbands, unless they were chicks that were just like massively cheating on the guys anyways. And then I made that exception, but it was just one of those things where there was such an abundance that I felt so in college it was like, well, if a chick will fuck me, she'll fuck anybody. So there wasn't really like much responsibility there. But I felt like later on there was girls that might not have otherwise cheated, but because it was me, they would fuck me, and and the worst part about it was it was because their boyfriend had like said how great I was, so they'd be like, oh well, my boyfriend's saying this guy's great, then I better go find out for myself, you know so, yeah, so I I didn't, you know like want to do that, because I didn't really give a shit. If I fucked one more girl, what does it matter? But if I wreck some guy's marriage or his relationship, then you don't want that on the conscious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, and I would. I would also like tell some of these guys too, like, by the way, your girlfriend's a fucking whore, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Here's the. Here's the DM.

Speaker 1:

Well, I didn, yeah, I Well. I mean like also I put in the book some of the ones too. There was like this one chick that came over. She turned her phone off for like 24 hours, was banging me. He was already pissed that she was like naked on my jet. Then she was banging me and then she like turned her phone on after talking shit about him the whole dinner and the first thing she said to him was like hey, have you fed the dog? Like I mean these chicks are just ruthless dude.

Speaker 1:

And so after seeing enough of that stuff that was another reason why I kind of want to do this course I just like felt bad for these dudes. I don't think there's, I don't think a lot of guys realize, like how conniving and manipulative some of these girls are and they're so blinded by it. And I've seen it because you know I was like that guy. You know I was like the guy that they would like come over and bang and then they would have these you know boyfriends that would like be laughing about it at dinner or tell their girlfriends like stories, and I'm just like I just fucked you in the ass and she's like talking about like her engagement.

Speaker 3:

It's like you know it's just crazy shit Can you not talk about the engagement while I'm fucking you in the ass, really not doing it for me.

Speaker 1:

I literally had a girl answer the phone while I was fucking her. She told me before she's like oh shit, I have to answer this. My boyfriend's getting pissed off and I'm just like okay.

Speaker 2:

Great idea. I'm not stopping Great idea.

Speaker 1:

I'm not losing momentum right now, and she's like I'm in a movie with my girlfriends. I'll call you out Like what? The All in one breath, yeah it was so crazy. Some of the stuff that I saw and I talk about some of the stuff in the book, like the girls that went on the boat and left their boyfriend on the pier.

Speaker 3:

And we're like, we're not. You've told me before and you know, because it's just to have the manpower to get through five, six, seven girls in one day. Like, tell us a little bit about that, because I've been around a lot of dudes who rock stars and you know they're in that.

Speaker 1:

But your numbers, your numbers. Well, they got Cialis every day Like fucking Skittles.

Speaker 3:

But don't you get tired?

Speaker 1:

Like after, like fucking skittles or a, but don't you get tired? Like after like the fourth one, aren't you like? I'm just tired, dude, I don't want nothing in the tank. Yeah, I don't know, man, I like the example that I give, the only one that seems to illustrate. It would be like if a billionaire is walking down the street and he saw a hundred dollar bill, he's always gonna pick it up, like I guess, because when I was growing up I didn't get a lot of pussy. I just felt like there was a hot chick that wanted to fuck me and I was a bitch, you know, it was kind of like and it came from early on, like you are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you're not fulfilling your duties as a man. You know, and it was, I think it came from like early on, when I would see a hot girl and if I didn't go talk to her I would just internally beat myself up like you fucking pussy. You know this and that my internal pulverizing myself would be much worse than any rejection and could get. And I made sure of that because then it like forced me to talk to girls like nah, like I gotta I'd come up with all these reasons, like I gotta catch this fucking flight, or you know I'm late to class, but it's like no motherfucker, go do it. You know, go do it. And so I think that like insecurity, and then like also that man code, and then plus the testosterone, and then plus the cialis, and then also the stem cells, led to a situation where, like if, given the opportunity, like I just had to do it yeah and the sex addiction.

Speaker 1:

It was like a tornado of shit that caused this direct result.

Speaker 2:

What is the biggest number on the board?

Speaker 1:

um, in one day, I think nine, that's the number I'm like, yeah, that's a lot of work in one day, walk bro the next day.

Speaker 3:

Did you still work out?

Speaker 1:

Of course, absolutely. I never missed the fucking training.

Speaker 2:

No, you don't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I and I would almost rarely ever like stop a workout to bang um training. I had like a hierarchy. It was like training, weed and pussy were like interchangeable and then like eating, showering and work. Right at the bottom of the bottom.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

How long have you been into it? Because the training, because since you and I met.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, fuck, I think we all know that's it. Since I figured it out, how long have you been into pussy?

Speaker 2:

No, because you and I met originally. Fuck me, I think I was training for the Mr Olympia in 2014. We met at City Athletic, that's right.

Speaker 1:

I saw this guy walking around like Look at the fucking guy's forearms, like what the fuck is going on?

Speaker 3:

He just showed me a picture the other day and I was just like God damn bro, like you look like he's stung by 100 bees in his photo.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I don't know who he is, but he's got to be somebody important in bodybuilding.

Speaker 3:

He's too big not to be.

Speaker 1:

There was like Steve Aoki, and I think it was like the first time I'd taken insulin or something. I was feeling like really good about myself. I just shoulder pressed like the 75-pound dumbbells and I gained like 17 pounds in a very short period of time. And then and then I went to go do um muay thai and my trainer's like dude, he's like you, not only do you look like a bag of shit, he goes, you're moving like you're moving through mud. Like yeah, I feel really bad too I feel like that.

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, I also feel like you're correct. Uh, but go back to the city like and we seen each other, we said what's up, but then, as soon as you left the gym I can't remember if I messaged you or you messaged me, but either way, like first, straight into it you asked me so many high-level questions and all our conversations you're just a wealth of knowledge. Like a seeker of knowledge, I would say.

Speaker 3:

Definitely a lot smarter than he looks. And again, I want people to know too.

Speaker 2:

Like you're so data-driven as well. We talk about so much stuff which a lot of people would not expect You're so data-driven, obviously. We've got the whoop on. You've got fucking all the rings whooping. Oh, he verifies all three. He verifies all three. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

But again, he got me into it. He actually forced me into it. When, then, I forced you into it? Yeah, that's what happened.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like, once you get that data, it's hard to not have it, I mean. And also you start to see the correlation between like oh, I drank or I took a sleeping pill and like that negatively affected my deep or my rim and now I feel like shit today or I'm not like cognitively sharp, and so you see like a lot of downstream effects. You also understand how important your recovery and your sleep is, and so I think once you start tracking stuff, it's it's hard to not have that information yeah, I'm like addicted to it.

Speaker 3:

We, we like, every morning. It's like you know I'll hit you like, would you sleep? Would you sleep like you know? I'm tracking the calories, but I remember you weren't too into it. Flex, when we first approached, you went to you might have you might have said I will not quote you.

Speaker 2:

Well, again, you kind of Dan, you and then maybe one or two other people Were all talking about it and I was like I feel fucking left out here Because I knew I was sleeping shit. But then when you've got that data Over a period of time, you can analyze and be like, and you see the difference In what you've done in that day. You know, like you said, if you've had a drink or whatever else. Um, but I don't sleep fucking much about four hours. But this is not about me all three of us here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're all.

Speaker 2:

We're all asleep what are you monitoring yourself like? What are you looking at right?

Speaker 1:

so hrv resting heart rate um, there's a decent amount of metrics that I think are important, but the, the HRV is a pretty good indicator of, like, how you're recovering, um, and then the quality of your sleep, like the stages that you get in, um. I just cause I also have sleep apnea too, so, like, my sleep is just very precious, and I feel like I've never been able to, like run a ton of gear, and so in order for me to try and you know, maximize my performance, I just have to get to sleep. That's the one factor that I have a decent amount of control over. So I try and just max that out, because without recovery it's kind of a fucking.

Speaker 2:

You're spinning wheels. Yeah, what part in your life did you go all into this, getting the research and being like, wow, this is fucking interesting and I want to change my body by diving.

Speaker 1:

you know, diving into this well, the body stuff was always interesting to me. Like I started lifting weights, I think, when I was 15 ish, when I was playing, uh, baseball in high school, and then obviously the military was a whole nother step up because it, like your physical performance is just fucking everything, um. And then when I got on the juice, then that added like a whole nother list of calculations, because now you're the way I would describe it is like it's like you're going from driving a fucking I don't know Mustang to a fucking Tesla no, I would never drive a Tesla.

Speaker 1:

So it's not like driving, that's like being gay, but no, I mean, like a fucking mustang is going to go around the track a hundred times, you're never gonna break down, but it's not gonna be that much fun, right. But like a fucking race car, you're gonna have to tune it, you're gonna have to do this, you're gonna do that and it's gonna break down more often. It's gonna be more expensive, it's gonna be a pain in the ass, gonna monitor shit when you're driving that. Motherfucker. It's fun, you know.

Speaker 1:

And so I think when I started fucking around with that, like I wanted to understand it, because only in understanding it can you like really tune the race car, and I had shitty genetics too, so I wanted to counter that, um, but yeah, so I was kind of like into that, but I didn't ever really like run cycles that often. It was just always just pretty much like hT and then eating the five meals a day and like understanding, like glycemic index and you know, doing um, carb loading and and and keto and just just experimenting with all the different ways that you can manipulate your, your body fat, um, and then I think it was probably fuck, I want to say around covid ish time, I think. Then I started like getting all the stats and I did the whoop, because I wasn't doing that when I was fucking partying, I know that for sure. So it definitely wasn't until like after 19, um, but yeah, then I started like you know, monitoring it, checking my sleep and um, and kind of doing more on the biohacking side, like the peptides and all that Um, but I've always been into it, you know, like from the nutrition side to the you know training side and the different types of training.

Speaker 1:

Um, more recently I've actually been doing like I will do and I and I and I did this with J-Rock too I'll do like a you know set on bench of like 95 pounds on incline, and then I'll do 135. And I'll do like you know whatever, 10 or 15 reps of that, and then I'll do like a few reps of 185. And then I'll go to 225. And I'll do like 12 or 13. I'll just like go all the way, all the way, ball to the wall with that one set 225 pound dumbbells.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, Fucking, no, oh my.

Speaker 3:

God I was like jeez, you fucking beast, calm down flex.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's what my brain was going to say.

Speaker 1:

You know that your lifts are unimpressive when they don't know if it was a bar or a dumbbell and the possibility is there that it could be done with a dumbbell.

Speaker 2:

You know you're not lifting. When you said 185, I was like that's fucking quite a lot of weight but what is it?

Speaker 3:

Mike Metzger was the guy. Yeah, heavy duty, yeah, heavy duty, it's like one set to the fucking balls, to the wall.

Speaker 1:

And also another thing that I noticed too is when I decreased some of the volume I actually got better results too, and I would see that with the HRV, because I would go in and I would just fucking annihilate my legs. One thing about going through that crazy military train is you realize you can push your body way fucking further than you ever imagined. When you swim seven miles in the ocean and you do this crazy shit, you realize that your fucking mind is a big governor of what you can do.

Speaker 2:

Watch for stress factors.

Speaker 1:

Those don't help, that is the mind of a matter.

Speaker 2:

Right that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot more true with endurance, right, like with fucking running. Like you could just go out and fucking probably go run a marathon right now. I know you think that you couldn't, but if I had a gun to your head and I was going to kill your family if you didn't go run 26 miles, you're going to go run 26 fucking miles. Gay ass cyclists were like there's zero percent chance you can fucking ride 300 miles in 48 hours, like I was like what do you mean zero percent? They're like it's physically impossible and I'm like fuck, is this like the gallon of milk challenge? We're like it sounds you can't do it. Like what?

Speaker 3:

the fuck. You know hot chip challenge.

Speaker 1:

It's like no spoiler, like cyclists are just fags um but like well speaking of cyclists.

Speaker 2:

Well, hold on, I think he's yeah but, but.

Speaker 1:

But the point is it was just like it was not that hard. I did it in 32 hours, a few weeks of training. It was just like so.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, the point that I'm making is, with endurance you can just go fucking way beyond what you think that you can do. And I think a part of it too is with running. The first mile always sucks. Whether you can run 100 miles or 50 miles, the first mile always sucks, and most people don't get through the first mile so they go. Look at like david guys, like oh my god, that guy's suffering for four hours straight or 20 hours straight. It's like no. Like once you get past that like initial warm-up, it's like it's not that big a deal. You just can feel like you can just go and go when you're in good cardio shape.

Speaker 1:

But with the training what I found is like I was, I was able to just like really, really fucking push to the point where it was counterproductive, like when I would go hit legs and I would do it super fucking hard, and every set was like almost a failure. I wouldn't be able to sleep that night, like I don't know if, like, my central nervous system is overloaded, or like what it was, but I would just always get shit sleep after like a super hardcore leg day. So I started like splitting legs from like quads and ham, so I just do one and do a little bit less volume. I started doing the menswear thing and I just felt like I got better results, better recovery, more strength and I actually did less volume. It's kind of like the girl thing, like sometimes you can do less effort in a better way and have a better result interesting.

Speaker 2:

I do want to go back to something that you skimmed over Again with Dan and these stories. Unless you know these stories to pull them out, you just say something and just just fucking part of the conversation, the training you done for that bet you hired Lance Armstrong. Oh, that's right. And you just said yeah, I done some weeks of training and not only did you get within that 48 hours, you had a 33, 37?, 32.

Speaker 1:

32,. There we go. So I actually didn't even hire him. I mean, I ended up donating to his charity because it wouldn't take any money. But he actually reached out to Joe Rogan and was like hey, can I train Dan? And Joe hit me up and was like hey, lance wants to train you. Is it okay to give him your number? I was like like the first thing that I asked him when I got on the phone with him was like okay, dude, like what's the drug?

Speaker 1:

like give me the drug and he just like didn't want to talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Like bro, I can get anybody to teach me how to like come on, bro, like I want you, you know, like, I know, you know, and he just like didn't want to fuck with it, um and uh, and so I just ended up doing like a little bit higher hrt and didn't really change anything. Um, but I, I was always kind of curious about that, like what endurance athletes would you know? Like you know they did the epo and blood doping and stuff like that. But as far as like, the hormone stuff because they're also on hormone protocols, like what exactly is that?

Speaker 1:

Because I know there's, you know, with certain stuff there's not only is it like diminishing results, it's like negative, like when I do, when I tried Anivar, it fucked up my HDL, my LDL, my cardio went to shit, you know. So there's definitely like and I think it's more with the like really anabolic steroids, especially it seems like the ones that you don't hold any water with it it seems to have the worst effect, that it seems to have the worst effect, at least for me, on my cardiovascular output. So I was just kind of curious, like you know, what do boxers do? Or what do endurance athletes you know what I mean Like, what is their cocktail? And I was always kind of curious about that. I figured I would get to you know, hear it from him, but I didn't, that's crazy Like I would have.

Speaker 2:

okay, I've got everything you have on the table. Just point to what I need to use.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly like you know, maybe your doctor just forwarded me something I mean, did he give you any like bike lessons or like how to breathe, and like you know a little?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean like there was one thing take him on the red rock loop we actually did some drafting because I was able to have a car that I could draft. So we did some vehicle drafting, which is actually like harder than you think. What is that? So they do it in the tour de france and all that. Like it's basically, if you get behind somebody, there's a lot less wind resistance so you can go a lot faster with less effort, and that gets um magnified if it's a vehicle right. So like it's like, if there's zero wind resistance you can go a lot faster.

Speaker 1:

Really, like the limiting factor on a bicycle is how it's geared. And then your wind resistance. It's not so much like your leg strength or whatever. So if there is no wind resistance, they've had guys that I mean that's how they got up to like the record where I mean I think a guy like pedaled to 100 miles an hour, I don't know, there's like some crazy speed, but he was like vehicle drafting, um, and sometimes even if, like the vehicle is creating enough force, it can actually actually suck you forward a little bit. But anyways, so we did some vehicle drafting and it's touchy because you can't really see what is directly in front of you, because you have to stay really close to that bumper and if the motherfucker just taps the brakes, you're in that vehicle. So I saw this guy on YouTube. It was crazy man. He was vehicle drafting a dump truck at 70? At like 70 miles an hour and I was just like fuck, and it's like to Metallica or something.

Speaker 1:

I would just like watch that before I'd go for a bike ride. It would get me all pumped up, but it was just fucking crazy. This guy's going like 70 miles an hour and he's like fucking inches from a dump truck and he like puts a GoPro on there and then, like before he stops riding, he like one arms at like 70 and like grabs the gopro back off the back of the dump truck, like inches from the thing. It was just like crazy to watch.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it's um the the wind resistance is a big deal, oh fuck yeah, um, I was going to say I know we're kind of coming up on time. I know, uh, there's a few more topics that I can talk about, but I don't know if there's anything you'd want to pop it off. I want to talk about house parties because, bro, that's how I used to see all your stuff from the UK the wild house parties, the chicks, the celebrities.

Speaker 2:

I can give you a little bit on that too, I know, but I want to kind of talk about a little bit of that in this show before we part ways, because you are a man of many house parties, many celebrities and many stories, I'm sure can I give a few ground rules of these parties before you start in on that?

Speaker 3:

first off, the scarcity model. Like I'd be like trying to bring like, like, like, celebrity dudes and he's like no, no, no, no, like, especially not that fucking guy. So the, the parties, bro, were the. The ratio in those parties was incredible, like, and it was hard not to.

Speaker 1:

I mean 20 to 1, yeah, something like that like minimum 10, like it was it was a 10 to 1 like, it was pretty bad, unless it was like really at scale.

Speaker 1:

I think my last one had like like 300 guys and like 3 000 girls. I remember it like started before the party because I would tell these girls like if you don't want to shuttle, you could, you can uber to my house, but you got to be here early. So I remember there was like one point when I had like 1800 girls and and like lingerie and there was like two guys, like one guy, like I had these contests and I would like fly out like random guys to these fucking parties just to blow their mind, and it was funny, man. There was like I remember one point there's 1800 girls in lingerie in the house and there was like these two dudes from like idaho or wisconsin or whatever the fuck they were from, just like what what the fuck stepping into that world and one of those guys ended up making out with christina hencher some famous hot bitch on instagram, whatever and I was like somebody got a video and I remember reposting it and everybody's like your life has changed, bro.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to the club.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you are outside of the matrix, um, but yeah, I, I think I lost a lot more friends throwing parties than probably anything I ever did, because I would just I would not let any guys in there. I mean there was a lot of, I mean almost every athlete. I said no to and like famous athletes, but I wanted it to be a situation where there was enough entertainment and enough like really big celebrities with the girls wouldn't mind the fact that they were having to fucking fight tooth and nail to get some dick so that, like we could have ran out of alcohol, the fucking music could have cut off, the fucking electricity could have gone out, and that the fucking music could have cut off, the fucking electricity could have gone out, and that party was going to be awesome for all the guys there. Because the fucking ratio is crazy and, at the end of the day, the only thing that guys go out for is to get pussy. That's it.

Speaker 1:

If you're a fucking single guy, you're not going to the club to drink beers with your friends, you're not going there to dance to the music You're going to get pussy. Dance the music You're going to get pussy. So I recognize that I didn't have any qualms about that. That was how it was. But in order for the girls all to have fun, I had to create an environment where there was entertainment. Cardi B was performing, or Tyga, all these big artists, and then I would have a Cirque du Soleil show. I would have all this shit, and then, when I did the pool parties, I would have masseuses and champagne.

Speaker 3:

Guys flying in and landing from helicopters. That was more for me than the chicks, but it was still badass.

Speaker 1:

Fucking RIP. That dude is a stud. But hair and pedicures and manicures, just shit. Right, they just had shit that they could do. And then it also gave them excuse to their boyfriends or whatever, like why they were coming over to my house.

Speaker 1:

Like I just want to get the free pedicure and the champagne you know, but it was uh, it was a lot of work to do those, but I think I set a standard of like what was a fucking gangster ass party like I remember one time I had um, dj, carnage and diplo and alesso all spinning on the top floor and I was like in this bed with like 20 something chicks and, uh, quaaludes were kicking in. I was just like looking around, it's just like nothing but hot chicks and it's like fuck, like I did it. You know, like that was the moment. That was like the moment on top where I felt like good about it. I was like okay, like this is the, I've perfected the setup. There's nothing better. There's no better part that's ever been thrown. Like this is it? And that was that was actually. That felt pretty good. I think I fucked like eight chicks that day um one off the record yeah, close, that's the record.

Speaker 1:

And and that was like one of my last parties and I just remembered like okay, like I did it, like this is the top, like we couldn't. I don't think there's no way to top this.

Speaker 3:

This was like probably like one of the best parties ever been thrown I remember the security team looked like they were ready to get deployed into afghanistan. You should have seen these motherfuckers like I'm like snipers on the roof.

Speaker 1:

I had these dudes like little machine guns, like because and I made sure of it too I was like I don't want a fucking guard out there that doesn't have a shotgun or a machine gun, like I want everybody like ex-military. I had 70 of them like it was. It was like security teams were like, and I remember they were like, why I'm like? It's a show of force it definitely was nobody fucks around.

Speaker 1:

At my parties, like you, there's no fucking rapper sneaking in, like I don't want any bullshit, no fighting. And yeah, it was just I don't know man. It was just like whatever man, we're spending a million dollars on the party, what the fuck does it matter? You know, like get the security guys. I remember there was one time it was kind of funny where the security guys got a a little out of line and there was too many girls and they wouldn't leave and they wouldn't get off my driveway and there was this line because we had capacity. There was capacity at these parties. It was crazy to get to this point. These girls would be wrapped around a fucking four city block in lingerie and the guards were telling them to leave and they just wouldn't get off my driveway. And I think at the time- it started raining early.

Speaker 3:

No, this is a different time.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this was the one where they got the actual fire hose and we're like hosing bitches off the driveway and they're in heels, so they're like fucking legs will be coming out from my way like bro, I'm gonna get sued like stop. You know like it's funny, but like don't use it a horse funny, but don't do

Speaker 2:

that, yeah, like. Stop imagine your younger self thinking I got all these hot chicks in lingerie and I am hosing them away from the house Blowing them off the driveway literally.

Speaker 1:

No, they were getting, yeah, like a fire hose and they were in heels on a sloped driveway so it was like literally blowing them off of their feet because they like wouldn't walk off the thing. But yeah, it was crazy. The good old days, yeah, it was crazy.

Speaker 3:

The good old days.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then there was also the fights, too, of girls that wanted to stay there and the rooms were kind of overrun. And I remember one time Alessio was in the I always gave the person that was performing the big guest room and it was just packed with chicks and he's like it was funny because some of them I don't think it was him, but there's another DJ that was like dude, like I need to get these girls out of my room, but he's like but I don't want to get them out of my room. He's like but this is too many, he's like can you take some of them? And that was like the famous photo that I took when I was in my bathtub and I had like all these naked chicks in there. And I photo that I took when I was in the jacuzzi this is my bathtub and I had like all these naked chicks in there and I actually posted on my instagram.

Speaker 3:

I think they deleted it, um, and I just like took a selfie and said to him I was like I'm full here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll pull here, can't sit here like sorry, um, but yeah it was. It was fun, man, like it was. It was everything that I ever thought. A playboy party was times 10. Cause I went to the playboy parties and they weren't that cool.

Speaker 3:

I can verify that too, cause I threw a couple of playboy parties midsummer's nice dreams and I'll say that Dan's parties it definitely felt like that right. It felt like at that level, you know cause playboy definitely did do it Right, but I felt like the guys even the guys were a lot cooler that you had in a lot more guys. The guys that were in in dan's party were way cooler. They weren't like creepy photographer types, um, and obviously playboy had the, the mansion and the legend behind it, but dan's parties definitely was the first that like really rivaled that. And you know, without an entire magazine and uh, you know yeah, I mean, he had the pipeline down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, motherfucking science. Like I will give credit where credit's due. Like he was first of all, he's the og. He was the one that like set the fucking stage for, like, what was to be a playboy. But um, you have to know we're talking about absolutely legend you know he had the, he had the pipeline figured out.

Speaker 1:

That was like that's a big part that, like a lot of these rich guys don't understand is, you know they use their money to brag or, like you know, they talk about it or whatever, but they don't use it to create an environment where women have to compete for them.

Speaker 1:

The Playboy Pipeline did for Hugh Hefner was he just created a situation where these girls were constantly coming in, fighting to stay at his house, fighting for a position in the magazine, fighting for his attention, and because of that it was just literally like the epitome of chasing. So he would just sit back and he would just choose. He probably didn't have to have any decent game at all. He could be the creepiest, weirdest dude in the world and just none of it mattered and he was just going to have his pick of the litter and that's what he did for a long time and it was interesting to watch that. He was an inspiration. But it's funny I say that. But then later on in life when I watched him with those three bimbo fucking blonde girls on that TV show, Holly TV show Holly, bridget and Kendra.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I saw it in a documentary. I think it was after he died. I remember watching that and I was just like fuck, like I do not envy that situation because I know what it's like to be there. And he's also with three girls that aren't into him at all. Yeah Well, bro, they're living their own life.

Speaker 2:

I was dating one at the same time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Like two out of the three. There was one that was like his girl and then the other two just had to kind of not have anything public.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they were like banging basketball players and they just like clearly were not into him and it was kind of like one of these things that was like for the cameras and for us. And it was just like I just looked at that and I'm just like this motherfucker got to be miserable Because, like, I haven't been doing this nearly as long as him and I, if I'm 87 and I'm fucking- I'm out.

Speaker 1:

Three idiots like shoot me in the face because you know, I just got to a point in my life where I'm just like I just had a lot more fun hanging with my buddies doing shit that I like to do and I look, I mean, getting pussy is fun and it's great and it's something that everybody should do.

Speaker 1:

So they figure out like what they like, what they don't like, so they don't feel like when they're in a relationship later that they might have missed out on something. I think that's a big piece that guys gloss over is if you haven't kind of gone out there and fucked a lot of girls and had your fun, you're always going to have a little bit of a wandering eye. I don't. I could be in a relationship now and have some super hot chick come up to me and try and fuck me and if I didn't fuck her I wouldn't feel like I missed anything. But if I was 25 years old and I was married and I was a mormon guy and I only fucked a few chicks, I would be thinking about that shit for the rest of my life like what, what would have that?

Speaker 3:

been like yeah and so how does the other side live?

Speaker 1:

yeah, so I just feel like it's good to get that out of your system. As a man, you know, I think 100 yeah, otherwise it's just, it's just impossible to be faithful you know is that you're at now in life.

Speaker 1:

I could definitely do monogamy. I've done monogamy. I'm actually a proponent of it. I feel like if you really like the girl, it's very difficult to get a woman that is going to be interested in you for the right reasons that won't be really hurt by you fucking a bunch of other girls, you know. So it's. It's just one of those things where it sounds good in theory.

Speaker 1:

I've done it, you can do it to a point it's never it's just so hard and then there's just always bullshit and fall out and I feel like you can't really be in love and have like a solid, really solid relationship where you feel like that person's got your back and you got theirs and you guys are like fucking bonnie and clyde if you're out fucking a bunch of other pussy, like there's just always gonna be, you know, like that strain on the relationship and I just don't think it's necessary.

Speaker 1:

Like, like I said, I just don't care, like I'm at a point in my life where I don't give a fuck about banging hot chicks that much. It's just like it's fun to do, like, you know, not fucking gay, but I'm not going to schedule my day around it. I'm not going to spend fucking five hours a day scheduling the pussy and doing all the shit that I used to do. I'm not going to let it consume my life and if I don't have it, I don't care. I'm not going to fucking really miss it. And so I think that was a big deal for me, especially as a sex addict, beating that addiction. So I feel good about that. That's probably like one of my like most proud accomplishments is that a new?

Speaker 1:

thing is beating that sex addiction. I mean, I would say, I would say around about the time my book is when I beat all my addictions, because I just really zeroed in, focused on that and I had one girl, um, she was cool, she wasn't lizard, yeah, yeah, she was hot, she's cool. She's, like, you know, 18 year old sex freak that just like showed up my door on her birthday and just never left it wasn't something that I ever expected to like straight cat that came in literally like I was like I was like you can come for three days.

Speaker 1:

She's like please, let me come for longer. I'm like no, she's like how about four? I'm like okay, four is it? You have to leave after four days.

Speaker 1:

And then she's like didn't leave the negotiations it was a whole thing, um, but I was just in a place where I just I was so focused on the book and doing that that I just didn't want the distractions. It was like she was, you know, running around in lingerie and like ready to bang me anytime I want to bang her, suck my dick and while I was writing the book or you know whatever, like any time, any place. So I had no need for the sex and I didn't really get tired of banging her and she was cool and she's actually smart and she was willing to do all the stuff that I did, like mountain biking, wake surfing, you know, free diving, whatever. So it was just like. You know, it was almost like a placeholder.

Speaker 1:

I didn't obviously have any like serious mental connection with a fucking 18 year old, but, um, it was nice to not have the distraction and I think some of the girls that I've dated in my life it wasn't because they were the hottest chick or the girl that was like, you know, the smartest or whatever. It's just like. Sometimes I just got to a place where I just didn't want to deal with it and she was cool, she didn't cause no problems, the pussy was good and she was like into similar shit. So it's just like okay, this is enough. Like you?

Speaker 3:

can start checking all the boxes.

Speaker 1:

We're going to stay with this for a little while, and then a little while turned into a longer while, and you know, that was just some of the relationships that I had, and some of those were monogamous, and it was just, and I didn't mind it. It was like whatever, I didn't care, I did want to fuck other chicks. At the end, I didn't want to do it behind her back. So I did the right thing and I broke up with her.

Speaker 2:

Such a jackass.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then I went off on a crazy fucking tear again, but my tears got shorter. I think 2011, 12-ish was the first real crazy run, and that one went until I was like 2016. That was like balls to the wall, like fucking non-stop, like partying, gambling, like that was like I would say that was like the motley crew era. For me, that was like the dregs drugs, sex and rock and roll craziness prime ig too.

Speaker 2:

What's that? Was that prime ig for you, or was that?

Speaker 1:

um, yeah, that was like when I was blowing up on ig, like Like initially, for the first time, I was getting famous. I just fucking won, you know fucking $50, $100 million in poker and I was you know, just shit was just going Like I got my plane. I was just like. It was just like the Scarface moment when they're like running into the bank with the fucking duffel bags.

Speaker 3:

Push it to the limit? Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

It was like that was literally my life and I did that until 2016. And then I was like man, I need to chill the fuck out. And I remember at that point I got a girlfriend. I did like the couple's vacations, like went to kawaii, we're doing surf trips and shit like that. I was just so much happier and I was hanging with my buddies, would play cards, I'd fuck my girl at night, I'd hang with my boys, would hit the gym, would fucking free dive, would surf, would do all the shit that we like to do. There was, you know, my girl was there when I wanted her but like, and she would hang with the other girls. It was just like. It was just nice. There was no stress and I was just like man, like I'm so much more at peace and so much happier doing this. And I did that for like a year.

Speaker 1:

And then that was like when I was like okay, I gotta, I gotta monetize this fame because I'm fucking taking pictures of every asshole in every parking lot and I have no privacy, like I gotta do something with this or I'm gonna regret it. So then I kind of like went into Ignite just because I like wanted to just finish that chapter and then I, like you know, kind of like went all the way to the limit there, but it was less because I wanted to do the crazy party and more for, like, the brand, but like we did it on a whole because, like, in order for it to be fun, we had to do it like way bigger and way crazier. So I was doing it way bigger and way crazier, but I would actually say that, like, the 2015-16 was more nuts because it was new and it was fresh and I was doing it because it was fucking fun and I want to do it and I'd never done it before. And like, also, back then, girls girls were, I feel, like a lot crazier because everything wasn't really on the internet like it is now, and so it seemed like, I don't know, it seemed more rock star-ish then and then later I just didn't give a fuck In 2019, I'd fucked so many girls I didn't care, so it didn't give me that dope mean hit.

Speaker 1:

I didn't go high-five my my buddy like dude, I just fucked two chicks in the bathroom like it was just like whatever, like none of it was just like any big deal. Like I remember eating breakfast with my buddy. I was like, yeah, he's like, what'd you do last night? I was like, oh, I fucked like five chicks or whatever. It was just like it wasn't even just like oh, that's cool, you know it's just normal conversation.

Speaker 1:

at this point, I've gotten so numb to it that it just didn't even hit a pleasure spike at all. It was just like, oh yeah, that's what I was doing, and then I just did it all the time. It was just no big deal. I got way more enjoyment out of it in 15, 16. I guess that was the big differentiator.

Speaker 2:

So into it, though everything that's been going on. It seems like strip all that away.

Speaker 1:

You still, and most pleasurable thing for you is just to be chilling out, hanging out with your guys 100% and working out doing shit like that just makes me feel good, like there's nothing better than sitting on your fucking ass on the couch after you just fucking blasted yourself into oblivion in the gym.

Speaker 1:

Or you just did some fucking like long mountain bike. You went surfing for two hours like and just relax with your friends, smoking weed, playing cards, like. It's just nice, you know. And it's like no distractions, no headaches, no stress, no fucking stupid girls running around talking about stupid shit, not having to like worry about like who am I gonna fuck next? Or is this chick mad about this?

Speaker 3:

it's just none of it, all those girls out. I feel like there's a lot of stress added, like just trying to to manage personalities, manage the situation. It's like no, I just want to. I don't want to have any of that stress 100 is there? Is there a world where you see yourself getting married, having kids?

Speaker 1:

I don't see much upside in marriage unless you're going to have kids. That would be the only time that I think it would make sense for a guy that has a lot of money, unless it's like your high school sweetheart that she's just been there, ride or die from the beginning and it's just that would be different. Like your situation is probably different and you got kids and it's just like I get that. I do get that different. And you got kids and it's just like I get that. I do get that. But like if jason strauss were to go get married, I'd be like what the fuck are you doing?

Speaker 3:

what are you doing like? Come on, he's delayed a long time, so I mean I get it, but like what's the upshot?

Speaker 1:

so I think it's different when it's somebody that you like you know, is like been there for you, is down for you, like the money's not a thing. I think, like once you, it's really hard to know if the I mean who gives a fuck, if they're there for the right reasons. Anyways, like why make your relationship transactional? And I feel like that's what marriage does. Once you become rich and then get married, like if you do it before and you guys grow together and the whole thing, like I get it. It's different.

Speaker 1:

But if you're already successful, you're literally almost putting a bounty on your relationship, because if she marries you and then divorces you, she's getting $100 million, she's getting $200 million. Whatever it is, she's getting a big chunk of money. And then also, I feel like that just disincentivizes her from trying as hard. And I think a lot of relationships are good because, like one side is like really trying hard and the other person appreciates that and the guy likes that attention and he likes the fact the girl's like waking him up with a blow job every day and then now he married, marries her, and then all of a sudden the blow job stops. She gets fat. It's just like the fun stops.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the fun stops, it's like wait what?

Speaker 1:

And then now he feels trapped because now it's like okay, do I want to get new pussy that's going to cost me $200 million, or do I just want to cheat on the side? And then he kind of resents her. It's just this whole thing and it's unnecessary. And to me the best relationships are ones where it's like yours, where it's been for a long time and whatever, or a relationship where, like you guys are both hanging out because you want to hang out and you're not married and you're not forced, and it's just like you hang out because you want to and if somebody wants to leave they can leave, right, right. And so that's to me kind of like where I'm at is like I get it. I understand why. Me it's a negative free roll.

Speaker 2:

I'm just shocked. There's no little fucking dons running around. You've got a polo game. It's fucking good bro.

Speaker 3:

There's definitely little bambinos out there. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

Test is actually more effective as birth control than condoms, they've shown. I also did use condoms non-stop for a four-year period. I would jerk off with a condom.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I barely jerked off, but even though I did like it was just never yeah well, it's easier for cleanup well it's like it's like you know, when you get blind, like your fucking hearing gets better, like you just get more sensitive, you know, like. So if you're always wearing one, it's not a big deal, but if you're wearing it some of the time and then you don't, then it's just like oh, all I can think about is it doesn't feel as good, or am I going to be able to keep my dick hard? You know what I'm saying. I just want to rip this fucking thing off and then half the sex. Is you thinking about ripping the condom off? You know, it's just, I don't know. Like I said, I did it for a long time and I wore one every time.

Speaker 3:

And it was not a's. You know I didn't drink, though I didn't drink.

Speaker 1:

If I drunk that, wait a minute, hold on back then. Barely, bro, I literally I could count the times that I've been drunk in my life. Probably like that's good, it's not a lot.

Speaker 3:

I mean I did a lot of gh I was gonna say you look pretty fucked, oh don't you know I've been fucked up, but like ghb Quaaludes, it was different shit.

Speaker 1:

In college it was the G, later it was the lewds and then there was a lot of weed Like 2018 to 20,. I, literally I don't think I had sex one time, not high, and I had a lot of sex. I think it was like three years and I don't think I jerked off once in three years and I don't think I had sex one time when I wasn't high that actually makes sense to me, right?

Speaker 3:

because it's like everything, everything is better when you smoke. Weed.

Speaker 1:

Food tastes better, sex is better, it's almost like it's almost everything's funny it's almost like having sex high feels better than having sex without a condom. When you're like used to that, you don't have to be like a crazy. I'll take it for fucking granted.

Speaker 2:

Dan, I know we talked all over the place, I know we've gone a little bit over time, but in landing the plane I know you're working on your supplement brand.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The floor is yours. I'd love to hear this from you. I know that you and I spoke, oh my gosh, maybe a year ago, and you were telling me you were doing this and you do a lot of diligence in anything you do. That's one thing with the book. I know you told me about that fucking three years ago, that you were going to be working on that, and that was great for me to remember these.

Speaker 1:

The supplement line yeah, finally finished that. I almost started that about the same time as the dating thing. I mean, I just fuck man, these things. I'm just such a perfectionist and I want to get everything right. So with the supplement thing, I went down the direction of no artificial sweeteners and just like 100 natural stuff.

Speaker 1:

So what I noticed, you know, when I did the insulin for a very short period of time, was that when I would have stuff that are artificial sweeteners in there, it just like like would fuck up my gut, like I wouldn't feel right, and so because it's just like, it makes you like a sponge, right, you just absorb everything. And even when I didn't do the insulin, it fucked with my gut, but not as much. But I noticed it and I was like, okay, it's for sure that because I did stuff, I would do the protein with artificial sweeteners and then I would do the protein with artificial sweeteners and then I would just do the nasty chalky shit that had nothing and it would taste gross, but it wouldn't fuck with my gut. And so what we ended up doing is we perfected this protein. I mean I'm literally and no bullshit, you know I don't bullshit Like the best-tasting protein I've ever had in my entire fucking life.

Speaker 1:

You don't make much money on protein. Protein is like a very small margin thing, but we fucking nailed it. You know like that is where's the samples, bro?

Speaker 1:

Dude I've been. I just keep fucking eating them all.

Speaker 2:

So hopefully I'll have them all I cannot.

Speaker 1:

It's like, it's literally like a dessert, because I don't have any fucking sugars, I don't have any sweet shit, so like it's. It's literally like my cheat. I feel like my protein shakes are like my fucking fucking cheat meal. So, um, yeah, I, I'm pretty stoked about it. The the pre-workouts fucking, you know, tastes kind of shitty but it works really good. Um, but the protein tastes fucking amazing and the other stuff, you know. I mean like we nailed the flavors, we got some hydration packs. It's basically like all the important stuff that I would take with a supplement line if I could get it without the um, artificial sweet. I mean, remember we were taking the yeah, vcaa. Is it tasted like fucking nasty feet because we didn't flex his feet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I remember I didn't want the artificial sweet.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna do you know you and you in his house. You messaged me and go bro this tastes like fucking feet, bro. Well, he didn't tell me.

Speaker 3:

He said he goes, he goes. Uh, it doesn't taste good, so you don't want to just mix it with water. And I was in the like I don't give a shit. You know what I mean same.

Speaker 1:

I had a whole thing and I had to drink the 16 ounces.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah he had a flavored one and I was like I don't know if you should do that, dude, I'm telling you, it tastes like flex's feet. Not that I hated his feet, but if I could imagine what his feet tasted like. That's what it is that was pure eaa's.

Speaker 2:

That's the thing yes uh, did you try that what I did? It I did.

Speaker 1:

It was disgusting, but I would rather drink something that tasted disgusting, amen, but didn't have the fucking artificial. So I made something that doesn't taste disgusting and doesn't have the artificial shit.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to give it to you when I get it, but I think you'll really like it. So this is launched, or launching done.

Speaker 1:

Launching. It's called Protocol that's the name of the line and I think in another week or two. So I think in another week or two, so probably by the time you release this, it'll be out Fantastic.

Speaker 2:

Right around the corner. Yeah, good timing. Where can people get this?

Speaker 1:

I mean we're probably just going to do online DTC, you know to start, because I don't know man, did anybody go to fucking GNC anymore? I feel like everybody just like orders their shit online.

Speaker 2:

Everybody orders online, I think.

Speaker 1:

anything else that's coming down the pipeline. You can uh tell us about that. You're working on time. No, those were like the. You know, I just put a lot of fucking effort into those two projects. You know, I don't do a lot of shit. I don't really like promote a lot of shit, but like when I would do something, I really fucking put a lot into it. And this is supposed to be done over a year ago for both of it, but fuck man, I don't know. Just you'd be surprised how many tweaks you can make. I mean, we saw it in my book. I did 37 fucking edits.

Speaker 3:

It's really gotten in the way of our workout schedule and then you get injured. It's just a. You know what do I do around here.

Speaker 1:

Well, he probably blames you, and then he blames you. He left you Not an excuse.

Speaker 2:

He left you to come to me and I was like the fucking side checker and then we set a train in and then I fucked myself up and then he jumps back to you. So where, uh j j-rock eskimo brothers right on that north mid? Anything else from you, my friend?

Speaker 3:

not much, man, who you voting for, um. I honestly, I already know who you're voting for.

Speaker 1:

Yeah I mean it's, I don't even think it's close. Um, I mean I like trump. He's a fucking locker room guy. I think he's pretty straight up. My only criticism of trump is just his support of israel. But I mean I you'd have to be. I mean dude, how could you ever vote for camilla? I mean she's just, she's like the drunken fucking school teacher, like she's atrocious, I know she just doesn't have.

Speaker 1:

She doesn't have the, she doesn't have the credits underneath her to pull off running the country's never even owned a business herself I don't understand how they didn't put big mike in there, honestly, like I think, I think she would have had a fucking decent shot. I mean, I think she would have probably does she want to.

Speaker 3:

Does she want that life?

Speaker 1:

I don't know like who wants that life? Honestly, it's like, yeah it strange. I think the only person that would want to be president is somebody that's like trying to make money off of it, or somebody that like really wants to do something good. And I don't think hardly anybody does it because they want to do the right thing, I think let's be clear about who we're talking about Big Mike michelle oh my god yeah she would have been a uh, a strong candidate.

Speaker 3:

I'm shocked that they didn't push her yeah, I just don't think she wants to put any part of it like why do you want your life ripped apart? It's hard. Yeah, you can't blame.

Speaker 1:

I mean this is the media is just gonna shit on whoever's in there. Everybody's gonna fucking criticize every single thing about you. It's you're gonna live under a microscope. I mean, like I said, you have to really be doing it for the right reasons or really want money. That bad and I think that's why we don't get very many good candidates is because who the fuck would want to?

Speaker 3:

do that. When I was a kid everybody was like being the president of the United States was kind of like it was this honor, right, it was a lot of kids in class would be like I want to be the president of the United States Before social media, before social media Before social media, like before you get your entire fucking life ripped apart all the time and your whole family's life ripped apart like everything bad.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. So I think you got to have like really thick skin to even want to do that. So I do give some respect but, like I said, I think a lot of the people that do it do it for the wrong reasons.

Speaker 3:

Well, Trump, I think, is doing it for the right reasons. I mean, you saw his assassination attempt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean that was a whole crazy thing. You know, I don't know what was going on behind that. I mean, they knew about the shooter for a long time and they didn't do anything.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of things there. When you start really looking and unpacking everything and all the details and all the evidence, it's bro, it's scrubbed this.

Speaker 2:

It's just hard to they scrub this kid's fucking host too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's really weird I mean this kid just like wakes up one day and decides to drive two hours to go fucking take pot shots of the president. Can't hit a fucking standing target at 150 fucking feet or yards, whatever. Like I mean I, I was shooting, I mean you're in the military, we're shooting fucking standing 400 yards at iron sights, fucking hitting. You know what I mean. Like nine out of ten shots.

Speaker 1:

Like and this guy in the prone position with a fucking scope can't hit one out of fucking set like I don't know just well that little, that little, that little head tilt I mean that's one. That's one, but I think seven times right that's seven, I thought it was three.

Speaker 3:

There was eight shots. Well, he did only shoot three that's what I think. Okay, yeah, maybe, but I mean like when you start looking at the sound of the shots, when you start really getting into the like evidence of of the event there's, it stinks really bad I mean it stinks really bad and I'm tired.

Speaker 3:

I'm tired of them trying to just sweep it on the rug like nothing ever happened. Right, it was just this kid. And they keep using this kid in this picture of him when he was 15 years old not the 22 year old photo of him, you know, and what he looks like now and I just feel like media is just really suppressing it and it's a big deal and it bugs me well, I look at it like a girl.

Speaker 1:

You know you lie to me once and I'm not going to trust you. Lie to me twice and I'm for sure not going to trust you. You lied to me three times and I trust you. I'm the fucking idiot right. And so the government's lied to us, you know, many, many times. You saw it with COVID, you saw it with all this stuff. The media's lied to you. So I'm at a point now I just don't believe anything they say I'm pretty sure of is the Earth ain't fucking flat.

Speaker 2:

Aside from that, I'm questioning everything, bro, you know we're going to get all these comments now about fucking Earth, flat Earthers.

Speaker 3:

They're going to start coming in heavy.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, like Guido Liberté, the guy that owns Cirque du Soleil I play poker with him at his house in Ibiza fucking book of when he went into space for three weeks and he's taking photos of the earth and it's fucking round. I have pilots that have flown around the entire fucking globe on my fucking plane with me. I've gone completely around the globe multiple times and didn't run to the end of it. So, like nobody's ever had a every. There's eight billion people on the earth with phones and nobody's taking a picture of the edge. If it's not, yeah, if it's flat, there has to be an edge here, here, here and here, like. So anyways, that one is just like fucking retard central. But the rest of it I don't know. Man, like you know, like they just boldface lied over and over and over about fucking covid, so, you know, lied to us about jfk. It's like what fucking 60, 70 years later, they fucking still don't want to release the files? Like, why do we not have the right to know, like, who the fuck killed the president?

Speaker 3:

of our country and we and we do have the right and they keep suppressing that information. The CIA keeps suppressing it and you get another three letter agency pop up like like herpes. Yeah, I mean it's like everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Like yeah, the CIA seems to be just operating like a terrorist organization.

Speaker 1:

You know, and I just I don't know, man, it's a very strange state of affairs that we are in with our country, but it doesn't seem like the people that are in Control are actually controlling it. And you see that with a pack, you see they all have these little a pack handlers. If that constantly brags about like oh, you know, we supported a hundred percent of the Democrats that won. You know it's like, like, and look, I know, on a small scale, cause I've like donated to fucking you know different politicians and stuff and I donated like a hundred grand to this guy. I donated like 50 grand to this guy, a hundred grand to this guy. They fucking text me all the time Like is there anything you need? Like how are you doing? You know it's like what if you gave a hundred million, like what does that get you? Because I know what a hundred grand and like I don't need anything, I don't leave my house, I don't do shit now you're playing with the big boys.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, I'm good, I don't need anything but like what if you did, yeah, and what if you gave a hundred million?

Speaker 3:

you know what I mean, like you're at epstein's island right like a fucking and then like why doesn't that come out?

Speaker 1:

because that's a fucking israeli massad operation to get dirt on our politicians and control them and they don't want to release that information. They don't want to release politicians because they still have fucking dirt on those people and those people are in control. So, like, who's actually in control?

Speaker 3:

it's a crazy thing. It's like the only time they haven't actually gone after the people who are actually doing all the, all the dirty work, and obviously epstein. You know he. He died in prison.

Speaker 1:

So I mean bro they're literally in civil war in fucking england right now and I just saw a video of them arrest a guy for facebook comments obviously I've sent you stuff, yeah like women are being raped women are being raped in the streets and you are spending your time and resources arresting a guy for making offensive Facebook comments, like on what fucking planet you know? And it's like everybody wants to blame the Muslims and it's like there's a whole country of Muslims. You have the fucking UAE, you've got Saudi, you've got a lot of places where it's all Muslim and they don't have fucking all these problems. You have a fucking border problem. You've got a crime problem and you're not controlling it.

Speaker 1:

You know, and it's like I got into an argument my buddy the other day and you know he's like arguing that it's the fucking muslims and he's a black guy and I'm like okay, well, blacks commit over half the violent crimes in america. Do we have a black problem? I don't think so. Would you argue that? You know? It's like a quarter of the globe is muslim, so you're just gonna say a quarter of the globe is bad, like no, it's fucking bullshit. Like you know, we've got a fucking problem with nationalism. We've got a problem the media. We've got a problem. They're open borders and nobody's fucking doing that about it. It's like and it's not like a maybe. It's like we have borders for a fucking reason, like why even issue passports? Why make me go through all this fucking headache if you're just gonna let all these fucking guys just run across, and now you're gonna let them vote, and now you're gonna give them them vote, and now you're going?

Speaker 3:

to give them fucking like Free health insurance. There's all crime. Crime's just jumping up. They're cutting financial systems for poverty, individuals, veterans, social securities like now in question right, it's like what are we doing right? Where's all this money going? We're putting money into war and inflation.

Speaker 2:

Sending it overseas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly. Where's the money going? And why is our standard of living lower now than it was 50 years ago, when we have automated all this stuff, we've got more people fucking working, we've got more efficient means to produce things, and yet our standard of living is going down. Where's all the fucking money going? Follow? The money, follow the money and you'll find out like, yeah, who's fucking us?

Speaker 3:

yeah, it's also. It's just, uh, it's one of those things where my dad and progressively I've like, paid a lot more attention to politics and things and you know, we're not always the good guys right, we've done a lot of, uh, we've done a lot of bad stuff around the world. Um, you know, and unfortunately I I believe the same as you in the fact that our government could be doing a lot more. Obviously, I think they have let the borders open on purpose and whatever reason that is, we'll find out but it's not helping anybody in this country. Nobody here is prospering from 20 million immigrants coming over the border, right now I'll tell you what it's doing.

Speaker 1:

It's helping them control our country, because when people are divided, they're easy to control. So you want to go to the root of the problem. You go to the people that are pushing this bullshit narrative the fucking media, the government. You look at like the root of the problem is the people that are pushing this and are responsible for this. And and then you look at like why would they want to do this? Like why they want to divide us, why would they want racism to be at an all time high? Why do they want to focus on all these negative things? Why do they want to rip the nation apart? Because a lot easier to control people that aren't fucking, you know, unified and it's a lot harder to unify. When you destroy nationalism, when you attack the majority, which is white people, it's like you should be ashamed of being white, like I literally saw two fucking celebrities yesterday like basically apologized for being white, like like john stricken was like oh I wanted to like yell at this bum, but he was black, so I, you know, like it, like went on this whole thing and like even he used to be a skinhead, like what the fuck he's changing

Speaker 1:

down, man, it's like it was like some other guy, I think it was like ben stiller or something. He's like, yeah, like I wish I was a black guy. It's like what? Like you know, it's just like, it's just crazy, and I don't give a shit what fucking race you are, but, like you shouldn't make people apologize for their race, regardless of what it is. That's like literally the definition of racism. So, like, in this whole like scope of like, oh, we want to like make everything equal and, you know, not racist. They're like making everything racist because, like you, can't make people ashamed of their race and then other people, you know, have this victim mentality and not expect there to be like fucking downstream negative of that. So, um, yeah, I mean, I just wish that, uh, we would fucking start figuring out like who is pushing this bullshit?

Speaker 2:

yeah, and cut that fucking head off there's a lot of bullshit that's being pushed right now and nobody I know fucking agrees with it. That's the thing.

Speaker 3:

There's so much going on right now. I mean we could do a whole other podcast on that. Yeah, we won't. I know we won't.

Speaker 2:

And actually that guy that we started off the podcast talking about is right me right now I'm busting to fucking piss.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So, right me, right now, I'm busting to fucking piss. I am actually also have to piss. Well, if that isn't a way of segwaying off my own fucking podcast, at least it's not our guest. But, dan mate, thank you very much, always great seeing you. Obviously, you train here at the gym and, as you know, I've said many stories. I've told a lot of people this story in particular. There's a lot of celebrities that train in this gym, you know, but I love to invest in this gym to give everybody the best product, selfishly, including myself. But there's not many people that hit me up and text me and genuinely thank me for bringing in X piece or whatever it is, and every time I've done that, I've told you this story. You fucking hit me up, man, and you don't understand for me as the gym owner, as your boy as well, how much I appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

Uh well, I appreciate the gym. I mean, this is literally probably the first public gym that I've worked out in in like 16 or 17 years and I've got a pretty nice gym at my house. But I just always train harder here and I don't know if it's because the chicks have bigger arms than me or if it's the fucking equipment, but I just think it's just kind of like the environment. You, when you come to a gym like this, you just you're not gonna fucking half-ass it. You know not that I would like really half-ass it at my gym, but it's just like I feel like it just pushes you to a different level and I also like I'll ask guys for a spot here. You know what Like, and I wouldn't have that at my gym. So I will just, I don't know, I'll go the extra mile here and so I do appreciate you building kind of like, you know, a fucking Mecca for people that take the sport seriously.

Speaker 2:

It's your home, from home, and you bring, you know. All that added value just makes this gym what it is mate, for everybody else that comes in here, because there's so many fans that that come in and and they have you know about seeing you. Of course, we have some fucking crazy ones, which you remember too. It was like guys in your face filming you literally in his face. And yeah, he came up to me. Dan was like hey, flex? I said, do you? And then I seen this guy again relentless. Hey, you meet her.

Speaker 1:

He's like yeah, if you don't mind, this guy's in my fucking and he was in his grill. He was like actually filming my set of squats, which I felt like it was a little strange. Closer than this. Closer than this.

Speaker 2:

But everybody loves seeing you, bro, everybody who meets you. Everybody says great things about you because you genuinely Give time for the fans and chat it up and obviously everybody goes on their own way. So, man, I appreciate you for who you are and the Dan that I've got to meet outside of, the guy that I've seen on social media man, and there's only one, dan Bazzaria, my friend.

Speaker 1:

Appreciate you, brother, thank you.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate you, j-rock. My man hope you didn't have the squat pad on in that video all right.

Speaker 2:

This is Flex, this is Rock. We are out.

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