The Reliability of the Gospels and the Historical Jesus (with Darrell Bock)
Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith & Culture
Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith & Culture
The Reliability of the Gospels and the Historical Jesus (with Darrell Bock)
Dec 22, 2019 Episode 108
Darrell Bock, Sean McDowell, Scott Rae

What is the state of historical Jesus studies today? How has the landscape changed over the past few decades? Dr. Darrell Bock provides some remarkable insight about how historical Jesus studies have moved in a positive direction towards embracing many key facts surrounding the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Sean and Scott interview him about his journey to faith, his love for studying the historical Jesus, and what non academics can learn from academic research today. 

Darrell Bock is one of the leading contemporary scholars on the historical Jesus. He is the Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has written over 40 books and is a New York Times best-selling author. Dr. Bock is the editor of the recent book Jesus, Skepticism, & the Problem of History.   

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Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith and Culture is a podcast from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, which offers degrees both online and on campus in Southern California.

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