The Historic Lynwood Podcast

ONCE AN EMEMY, Chapter 9

Kevin Lynch Season 3

ONCE AN ENEMY, Chapter 9

Chapter Nine Begins as we see the implosion of the test bomb at Alamogordo. Oppenheimer delivers the line “Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.” Harry Truman is in Potsdam reviewing post-war realignment with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. He announces the successful testing of the new super weapon and Japan’s imminent surrender.

Nobou has been assigned to lead his squadron to find and sink the USS Indianapolis, an apparent one-way mission. At The Brookings Harbor Cafe Beth and the boys are dealing first hand with the effects of the war effort and rationing. A surprise visitor, former Forest Service lookout and now Navy Lieutenant Bob Larsen stops by for a visit and gives an update as well as getting one.

At the White House, Truman and the cabinet are being briefed by Groves on the readiness of the Little Boy and it’s transport from Santa Fe to San Francisco and onto the Indy for transport to Guam and eventually Titian. 

Howard and Yoriko (1962) are hiking in the foothills near Mt Emily in deep philosophical discussion of the ethics, morality and geo-political ramifications of the US strategy, and subsequent success, of using the bomb to end the war. 

Brigadier General Paul Tibbets, pilot of the Enola Gay, is five minutes away from the target.

At the White House, Groves, Truman and the Sec of War have an open phone line to Tibbets. Truman gives the “go” and the Little Boy is released, effectively changing the world forever.

At the Brookings Harbor Cafe, the Japanese surrender is headline news, celebrated by Larsen and his pals in a toast to peace.

End of Chapter Nine.

Chapter Ten will be published on Monday, July 15.

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