Why Cruising Should Be On Every Traveler’s Bucket List
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Why Cruising Should Be On Every Traveler’s Bucket List
May 30, 2023 Season 1 Episode 11
Bruce and Shelly

Why Cruising Should Be On Every Traveler’s Bucket List

Travel More Podcast

Some people swear it's the only way to travel - others turn their nose at the thought - is cruising really so controversial? There’s more to cruising than what you’ve seen in brochures or heard from sitting through your relatives slideshow from their 12th Caribbean adventure. Keep listening to hear our take on both classic and lesser known ways to set sail and find out why cruising should be on every traveler's bucket list. 

#1 Caribbean Cruises

Caribbean cruises are great for people who just want to relax and see some great beaches in the meantime. These aren’t going to take you to the most authentic and cultural places, but they’ll be a fun, all-inclusive experience. These are fantastic for big groups of people, like family vacations, because everyone can go and do their own thing. These can also be an affordable way to vacation. We’ve seen them from as little as $700pp to, well as much as you want to pay. Making sure you pick the correct cruise line is the number one consideration with Caribbean Cruises.

#2 European Cruises

This is where things get interesting. European cruises obviously drop you off in European cities which are generally easy to get around. This allows you to get out of the tourist traps right on the docks that you will probably be stuck in on caribbean cruises without an excursion. 

There are also smaller cruise lines like Variety Cruises that are only 49 people tops. Because of the small size of the boat, they are able to port in smaller destinations. This allows you to explore places that would be very difficult to get to on your own. This cruise line goes all over the world but has lots of amazing European destinations- like Greece. 

#3 Adventure/Expedition Cruises

Adventure cruising is cruising that is specifically focused around exploring. You won’t necessarily find mini-golf on the top deck or a 24 buffet in the galley but you will find naturalists on board, sometimes labs are on board, specialists and destinations that you can’t get anywhere else. 

Get Reliefband here 

Book with Virgin Cruise Here

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