Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight

PRISM Winner ARTEM with Daniel Denis and JP Singian

January 15, 2024 Sam Yates, Yates & Associates, Public Relations & Marketing Season 1 Episode 19
PRISM Winner ARTEM with Daniel Denis and JP Singian
Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight
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Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight
PRISM Winner ARTEM with Daniel Denis and JP Singian
Jan 15, 2024 Season 1 Episode 19
Sam Yates, Yates & Associates, Public Relations & Marketing

Text us for a shout out on an upcoming show!

The Gold Coast Builders Association continuues to spotlight PRISM Award winners as we place ARTEM at Wynwood in the GCBA Builders Spotlight Podcast.

Host Sam Yates discusses the project and the information you need to know about RunBrook and Dorsky-Yue Architecture in this special episode of Builders Spotlight.

The Gold Coast Builders Association is one of the fastest growing builders associations in all of Florida and is the number one source for information and news for and about the Florida home building industry presented from the Members perspective.

Here's Sam Yates with Daniel Denis, President, RunBrook and JP Singian, Director of Design for Dorsky-Yue International Architecture. 

The Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight Podcast is produced by Yates & Associates Public Relations & Marketing, providing exceptional marketing, public relations, and crisis communications for businesses of all sizes throughout Florida and the nation. For information contact your Builders Spotlight Podcast host Sam Yates

The Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight is also featured on The Florida Business Forum Podcast, Florida's Number One Rated Business Forum podcast.

Content may be used and rebroadcast with permission from the Gold Coast Builders Association

Show Notes Transcript

Text us for a shout out on an upcoming show!

The Gold Coast Builders Association continuues to spotlight PRISM Award winners as we place ARTEM at Wynwood in the GCBA Builders Spotlight Podcast.

Host Sam Yates discusses the project and the information you need to know about RunBrook and Dorsky-Yue Architecture in this special episode of Builders Spotlight.

The Gold Coast Builders Association is one of the fastest growing builders associations in all of Florida and is the number one source for information and news for and about the Florida home building industry presented from the Members perspective.

Here's Sam Yates with Daniel Denis, President, RunBrook and JP Singian, Director of Design for Dorsky-Yue International Architecture. 

The Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight Podcast is produced by Yates & Associates Public Relations & Marketing, providing exceptional marketing, public relations, and crisis communications for businesses of all sizes throughout Florida and the nation. For information contact your Builders Spotlight Podcast host Sam Yates

The Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight is also featured on The Florida Business Forum Podcast, Florida's Number One Rated Business Forum podcast.

Content may be used and rebroadcast with permission from the Gold Coast Builders Association

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Welcome to the Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight news you can use and news discovered to help grow your business and move our home builders industry forward. No matter if you're a builder and associate or a home buyer or seller, this news is for you. Let's find out who is in the builders spotlight today with your host, Sam Yates. Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the Gold Coast Builders Association Builders Spotlight. Now this episode is also being shared with the Florida Business Forum because we love to share news about our GCBA. Members and the projects that they are working on. And I just have to say that this is probably one of the more rewarding podcasts that I do because I learned so much. I'm Sam Yates, your host and I'm also a member of the GCBA Board of Directors and owner of Yates and Associates Public Relations and Marketing and again, today we are continuing our salute to winners of the prestigious PRISM Awards for the Gold Coast Builders Association. Now for those of you that may not know prism stands for professional recognition in sales and marketing, hence the prism. The Gold Coast Builders Association prism award each year takes a look at literally hundreds of entries and of those entries. We have our people across the country who are taking part in this act as judges, they pick the best of the best. And this year, we have some excellent winners and we continue to salute them today. Our guest today represent the honored recipients at our awards for the architectural design mixed use RunBrook Artem at Wynwood, and that was quite a project and taking a look at it. It made me smile because this really is the best of the best. And I want to get down to the wedding architectural design and learn more about the company that submitted the entry. And of course, we're going to take a look at Artem because that is important to do as well. A lot of companies try these awards and a lot of companies fail. But we have the true winners here today. So it is my pleasure to welcome Daniel Denis, the president of RunBrook. Mr. Denis is truly an expert in green building and sustainability. That is important. Keep that in mind. And we'll learn more about JP Vincent's engine. He was the director of design with Dorsky. You international architecture. Gentlemen, I hope I got the titles and the names Correct. Welcome to the program.

Daniel Denis, RunBrook:

Thanks for having us.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Thank you. So let's, let's, let's start right at the top if we could, we have a lot of information. Mr. Dennis, you have a fascinating background, a very unique career path that has led you to become the president of runbook. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

Thank you, Sam. And first of all, thank you for having us here on the podcast today. I really appreciate it. You know, yeah, I do have a sort of a unique story and a track to have gotten to this point. So I studied construction management at Florida International University. And I wanted to be a contractor. But my first job was really at a mechanical engineering firm. And you know, so a very common story that you hear you start off rolling up plans and making coffee and making deliveries and that kind of stuff. Right? And, you know, slowly but surely started learning how to draft and start asking the right questions. And all of a sudden, folks told me, you know, kid, maybe you've got, you've got a future in this. And so, you know, start really kind of fell in love with the engineering side of the design side of things and thought, you know, maybe maybe contracting isn't the way to go. And so I stuck with design and then around 2008 2010 is kind of when LEED, at least in my world started becoming very prevalent and right lead being Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, sort of the, the, the foremost green building rating system, the most recognized internationally. And, you know, we took on a few projects and you know, we thought it was going to be easy and and it wasn't and, and, you know, I was the youngest guy in the office at the time. And so the principal at that firm, gave me a firm pat on the back and said, Alright, Kid figure it out. And I'm so glad that he did because I turned it into a career. And so I I then learned I earned my LEED AP credential, and it's, it's been a wild ride since then. I started working a little shortly thereafter with a sustainability firm down here in South Florida. Full time and That was when I started focusing fully my professional efforts on on the sustainability in the built environment. And then I was there for about six or seven years, and then got the call to join runbook. I want an exciting opportunity that was to take over what the founders had had built on the foundation that they had laid for us, and to try to take us to the next level. And so I'm very proud to be here and to talk to you about Ron Brooke and all the great work that we do.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

For our audience coming up, we are going to get to JP in just a moment, but I want to focus in a little bit if I could on the green building concept, like you said, for many years, I don't think people really paid a lot of attention to sustainability and energy efficiency. And then, in the last few years, this is no pun intended, something that really has blossomed taken root and grown. What makes this so interesting, from your vantage point, we know how you got into it, but what sustains you, in the green building concept approach? That's

Daniel Denis, RunBrook:

a great question, you know, for me, and I think the best way to answer this is to give you my motto, and what I try to instill on our team is do well and do good. Right? Do well for yourself and for your family, obviously, right? We're in the business of providing for our families, but do good, right, if you can do good for your community, for those around you. And for the environment, if you can do both of those things in your professional setting, I guarantee you, you'll have a very fulfilling life. And so, you know, I had the opportunity to do that very early in my career. And I said, this is it, this is this is how I'm going to make money while making the world a better place. And so that's, that's, uh, you know, it sort of sounds a bit cliche in some ways, but you know, it's the truth, and we wake up every day, wanting to make the world a better place. And that's our inspiration. You know, and I know, it's, it's, you know, sometimes we are, we are presented with sort of, you know, the, the well, what you guys do is a drop in the bucket, right? And that may or may very well be true. But we control the things that we can control, and we do the best we can every single day. And I think that's the best you can do.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

You know, I guess a lot of people look at what you do and say it's not magic, but there is a magical part about it, because it's the bringing together of all the different components. And then before you know it, you have a workable solution. But a question would be if you boiled it all down LEED in GB, s, AP, GBC. And others, could you put that all into one statement that gives us a little reflection on why that really is we know the philosophy, but why is that really important to the end user?

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

You have so you know, sustainability is sometimes people they only see energy efficiency, water efficiency, those things are obvious, right? The savings on your on your bills. But think about the the more inconspicuous green features, if you will. A lot of people don't realize that. We, when we're working on a sustainable development, we focus we've put a lot of focus on the material selection, that we the finishes and the paints and coatings and sealants that are put in the building and ensuring that those things don't off gas and don't harm occupants, right. Sometimes we we forget that the primary purpose of a building is to not harm its occupants, right. It's to house them, right is to shelter that. And so, you know, we, for many years, give you an example, right? And when when we talk about how the sustainability movement has shifted the market, right? I always like to use the example of paints right back when LEED NGBs and GBC first hit hit the market. They were asking for low VOC paints, and low VOC paints. If you're unfamiliar with them, essentially they are paints that don't really smell bad, right? And at the time, when they first started asking for those, you'd walk into the paint shop and they'd be 20 to 30% more expensive than the standard paint at the time. Well, nowadays, you go into one of the paint shops and you'd be hard pressed to find paint that is not low, low or no VOC and so you know, it's really about market transformation. It's and people don't really some people don't really understand that that we're You know, we're trying to go beyond saving energy and saving water, we're actually trying to transform the entire construction process, from the materials that we put in to even the where we're sourcing our materials from and how we're getting them to our sites and how we're storing them. And then well, then we can really start talking about, you know, the lifecycle analysis of, of these of these materials and what, you know what we can do sort of to give them a second life and all that. I mean, I'll talk you, you're off about this stuff, Sam.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Well, I forewarn you, I've got some big ears. So you've got a lot of talking to do. But, you know, I want to come back to RonBrook and the company itself in a moment, but JP Sengian, who's the Director of Design with Dorsky-Yue International Architecture. Now that he has heard about you a bit of your background? And we have heard all of your background, we get a good indication of why you have turned to JP at his company. So JP, tell us about yourself?

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

Well, I work for Dorsky Yue International, their firm that is based in Cleveland, and also has an office in Fort Lauderdale. It was started in 1959. So there's a deep history in that firm by William Dorsky. He's no longer with us. But the managing partner in Fort Lauderdale is Victor Yue, who I directly work for and very talented guy super smart. And knows a lot about the industry taught me a lot. I've been working there for 14 years. So you know, when when I when I started there, like I started there. You know, it was after the recession. Nobody was nobody was hiring after you know, I came out of college, worked for two years came out of the recession, like no, nobody was hired. And then he was the first one that got gave me a shot and been there ever since. So I managed the design process there, the Director of Design, so I usually take like projects, through entitlement and oversee the project through SD and CA all the way to see a and make sure that design intent is carried through all the way.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Now I know somewhere in that background, a little birdie told me that the University of Florida figures in there as well.

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

Yes, yes. I also at the University of Florida. So Go Gators.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Well, I had to get that yeah, you know, being big a Florida boy myself, we definitely have to get that in. But I want to go back to the title director of design that that's a big title, and you wear it well, what does that mean, when it gets down to the reality of the projects that you work on?

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

What that means is kind of like I oversee many teams and projects at the same time. So you know, if any, if there's any question about design on the go to person? Well, while there's you know, we, we have a lot of different types of projects, and a lot of, you know, a lot of questions being asked at the same time of through construction. So I just make sure that everything is, you know, in the original intent, because when you when you design these projects, it's also like, when you go through entitlement, it's it's like a contract. It's like a contract with the city. It's like I agree to do these design features. And you know, so but but, you know, through the process, things change, there's, you know, structure that grows and things that you know, your materials that are no longer available, there's a bunch of different things that could happen. So I just make sure that all of it is still maintained through the process.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Having had clients come to me with sketches on the back of a napkin, and they want to do a creative program with advertising, marketing, social media, I can appreciate on a very small scale, what must go into your thought process, but I'm going to warn our listeners that I think he's being a little modest, too. Because if I were to look at the projects you've been involved in, I see Azerbaijan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Wuhan, China, you get around quite a bit with these great projects.

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

Yeah, I've gotten to work on a lot of international work. Even like cruise ships and different different all different industries. They've been a little bit of interior design and product design, but like, yeah, so it helps me helps me kind of like see all ranges of design because not every client, you know, wants the iconic building that you know it's it's cost, like hundreds of million dollars. To build, you know, like, so every everybody has their own design requirements that we try to meet.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Have you ever had a client that absolutely had one idea, you were looking at what their idea was? And it's like, you know what, that's not the greatest idea in the world, how can I change them, and has that ever been something that's all the

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

time all the time. But like, in the end, in the end, it's like, they're the client, right? Like, I don't design for myself, like I designed for myself, kind of, but like, I really designed more for the client, and what they're specifically looking for, um, you know, a lot of a lot of the, I had to learn this through my careers, like a lot of the thing is, like, you let your ego get into the design, and you kind of try to overtake it, you have to really listen to the client and, and see, see what they're trying to get out of it. And, and not try to overrule them, but yet, you have to still guide them in the correct way, if they're not knowledgeable in why you should design a certain way.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Well, having had the experience of only having to fire a client, once in my career, I could actually relate to what you're saying. And and, uh, Dave, I see that you're chuckling as well, same thing for you with Ron Brooke, I'm sure that you've had some difficult clients over the years. But this particular project was my understanding, not a problem project. In fact, both of you really, were stellar in the performance. So I want to jump back to RunBook. If I could, for a moment, tell us about the company.

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

Yeah, so RunBrook is a green building consulting firm with an energy testing arm. And so I like to describe us as a two headed monster, right. And that's reflected in our in our logo, you'll see runbook green building and energy testing, right. And so the green building site is what we're talking about today, consultative in nature, sitting in the room with brilliant minds, like like JP and his and his staff, are architects, engineers, developers, and guiding them through the pursuit of some form of green building certification, in this case, the NGBs, the National Green Building Standard. And then the the energy testing site is, I guess, you can call it more of a blue collar service, we have trucks scattered around the state doing diagnostic testing that's required for code and for various forensic analysis throughout the state. And so you know, it's those those things are complimentary. There are certain green building rating systems that require those diagnostic testing as well. And so there's a lot of synergy there. But that sort of at the, you know, 30,000 feet, that's, that's what runbook is all about. And

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

your service area all of South Florida, all the Florida. Yeah,

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

so boots on the ground, we cover all the Florida, you know, the nice thing about the consulting side of the business is that we can really do it from anywhere, right. And so we've got projects in Puerto Rico, Virginia, the US Virgin Islands, Texas, and we're hoping to continue to expand our footprint, but boots on the ground, the diagnostic testing portion, that's a little bit more difficult to get to. And so you know, you have to have a physical presence there. And right now that that's the state of Florida.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Well, I'm gonna say on behalf of the the Gold Coast Builders Association, I'm very proud to have you as a member of our organization, I'm going to flip that back around, what is it that you bring to the table that contributes to the overall success of the Gold Coast Builders Association, and our members, you

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

know, before I speak about myself, in the context of the Gold Coast builders, I just want to say that gcda has been tremendous. And it was the first organization that I participated in, when I joined runbook. And everyone there welcomed me with open arms. And I've got to say, of all of the organizations that we are a part of, it seems like DCBA, and really all the builders associations in general, but DCBA especially the members take great pride in doing business with other members. It is absolutely incredible. How just, you know, becoming a part of that community has opened doors for us. So shout out to GC VA and everybody there I got a lot of love for you guys. But you know, what, what do I bring to the table? You know, a sense of community, right? Like, I'm not there. I don't, I don't go to those meetings to try to sell people on runbook I try to build relationships and, you know, ultimately, people do business with people that they like. And so it's very important to me to just contribute in any way I can be. Be a positive presence. Whether it's at a hardhat happy hour or at the builders showcase or meet the builders event, just show up high energy and put some smiles on faces. And I think, you know, everything sort of flows from that.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Well, I'll remind everyone that I will have our installation of officers for 2024 We still have some opportunities. If you have not signed up to attend, please do so we have some sponsorship opportunities. I always like to get that in there as well. So I hope to see you there on the 18th it's going to be up a good a bit at the the beer garden in Boca. So a lot of fun, a lot of camaraderie and a lot of new people that I'm sure we're all going to enjoy meeting. The project got

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

to say it's it Yes, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. But it's it's really easy to bring a high energy and positive energy and a beer garden just saying.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

You know, JP, and I were talking about our favorite sports. Before this, we started recording the program. And I sort of let slip that one of my favorite sports is darts, because you can have a pint at one hand and a three aid you know, it's a great sport for for drinking. But let's get down to the project itself Artem now, whichever of you would like to go first to say, what makes this project so wonderful and unique?

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

Well, I think it's I think it's appropriate to let JP take the reins on this, you know that it is ultimately the award was for architectural design. So I think the the architecture should wax poetically about how their work is.

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

All right. So the, the thing that makes this project unique is the actual location of the site, which was originally a 1.1 acre site and largest then Wynwood district in Miami. And originally what was there was Wynwood yard now I used to go to windward yard all the time, and you guys talk about drinking and events, like Yeah, that was that was like one of the, you know, that was one of the watering holes that I used to go to, and they had live events and, and would have food trucks out there, a lot of it brought a lot of energy to the city. So when I found out that, you know, they were eliminating it and going to be building, you know, a project that I would be working on there, I was somewhat heartbroken because like I really had a personal connection to the site. And that's why when, when when I started designing it, like, we, like I wanted to bring back the same type of energy. So I didn't want to just do a typical kind of, you know, big box, just white building, right? So we started, we started looking at that site, and it was very, it was very unique site, because it was very long. And to put the density that the developer wanted in there, um, was was challenging, because, you know, what are the most challenging things is when you have to have a parking structure under units. So it's like a puzzle, you know, that you have to solve and you don't want to transfer structure because then the cost of the building becomes too much. So it's just like you're constantly trying to, you know, and you also don't want a lot of unit types either. So you have your modules, and then but you have a lot of variables that are chained trying to change your module. So it was like it was a very complex puzzle to this project, which was fun to design. Well,

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

it's a mixed use project, tell us about the various components that comprise mixed use,

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

mixed use. So there's retail there was retail on the ground, and then parking level podium, then kind of it kind of steps back. So there's a larger footprint of residential units comprised of Studio One, bedroom two and three, and then goes into the tower. So you know, the amenity on the pool deck level? I think it was the seventh floor. Oh, no. It was it. Sorry, ninth floor, podium, pullback level. But the mixed use is just because there's retail on the ground as well as residential.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Mr. Dennis, I know that you're shaking your head. Yes, there and I can, you know, I see you two here, almost interacting at the same time, I can see the wheels moving is like you're both envisioning the various components of that project, about, you know, even down to some of the simple things of how the roofing and the materials were all put together to abate the heat island effect and you know, someone driving by that may not realize that that's a very special building. Would you like to address that?

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

Yeah, and I think that kind of goes back to some of the more the more inconspicuous. The less conspicuous features are Green features of a building, right? And so, you know, we put in light colored roofing and light colored hardscaping whenever we can to combat heat island. And you know, people don't, some people don't even really know what that is, right? And so what is that, really and so heat island is, is essentially the warming of a region based on large quantities of dark hardscape, and roofing materials, building materials and asphaltic materials and things like that, right. So these things, think about it, it makes a lot of sense you are out in the summer and you're out in the sun, you wear a black shirt, it's hotter than when you're wearing a white one, right? Or at least it feels that way. Right. And so it's the same concept with a building. And that benefits the building in many ways. One, it's going to benefit the overall community or the the region at large, especially if in an area like Winwood, where the the, the local municipality has had the foresight to mandate the green building practices in that area, most of the buildings are going to implement this kind of roofing system. And so it's at a large scale, it starts to make a big impact. Right. And so, but even at the building level itself, cooler roofs mean that the HVAC system on that on that upper floor doesn't have to work as hard. Right. And so what does that mean? That means energy efficiency, right. And so a lot of these things, sort of, they have multiple benefits. You know, the nice thing about green building and our movement is that everything has an intent, right? We're you know, we're not just doing this stuff, because we're hippies don't get me wrong. We're hippies, right. Like, I, I like to say that I'm a capitalist hippie, right? That's, that's my, if such a thing exists, you're looking at him, right? But but we're thoughtful about the things that we do, right? We're every single thing, if you go through the LEED rating system, for example, and NGBs, as well, every credit and prerequisite has an intent. And it explains to you exactly why we're doing the things that we're doing, and why we're assigning certain weight to those things, which is why you'll see, you know, energy efficiency and water efficiency always have the greatest weight, right, where you can get the most amount of points. But yeah, like I said, it's it's all about, you know, the intent of making sure that we're building better buildings, that we're improving the built environment. And

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

I think I'm gonna give away some of my nerdiness now by saying as soon as you said, NGBs, I was thinking, you know, the, with the the density on this building, it's, it's among the highest NGBs that could be possible for this type of structure. So kudos to you for that. recycled materials. Is it true that there's a high high percentage of recycled materials in in Artem

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

there is there is there's, you know, an emphasis on recycled content, there was an emphasis on on regional materials placed on this project. And you know, that's, that's a team effort, right? That's not something that we do alone, that everyone has a hand in that from the design team down to to the subcontractors on the construction team, selecting materials that they believe are going to earn these points. And so you know, that that's another great part about green building is how it, it galvanizes the team towards a common goal beyond just delivery of the building. It's now this this sort of secondary goal of hey, not only are we going to deliver this building on time and on budget, but it's going to be better than its neighbor. Right. And there's some there's something about like that competitive edge that that I think gets some people going

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

I want to ask JP about Dorsky you because if we don't get some information out there about Dorsky you I'll be in trouble. And I don't want to be in trouble because of it. Oh, such a it all the standards that I keep hanging out with you to on this program. But I do have to ask before we do that. Are you already thinking of an entry for prism next year? Or this year? 2024?

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

Um, yeah, actually, we're gonna have to we're gonna have to go over the our projects and well yeah, I definitely want to get more involved in in what's called your organization. Yes, sure.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

But JP, Dorsky you tell us about the overall the period organization, we know about you, but a lot of people don't know a lot about Dorsky you?

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

Well, Dorsky you we we do a we do all the wide range of projects from you know, we we've done condos, apartments, retail centers, high rises, low rises garden type. So we're pretty spread out there. And we do offer, you know, all different masterplanning our our office in Cleveland is more of the retail side, where we do have like, people work, we do have people that also work in retail in the Florida office, but then mainly, Cleveland is retail. So, um, we, we were about, like, 40 to 50 people. Midsize midsize firm, very strong team, great team. And, you know, I enjoy working with all of us, and that's great. Yeah, that's great.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

How can someone if they hear the program, they're intrigued by what they hear the quality of what they hear JP, how can they get in touch with you, or Dorsky you,

JP Sengian, Dorsky-Yue:

they could just go to our website and reach out to us or you can even contact any of us directly. And we will, you know, speak to you about your project and and go from there.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

Downside question, contact? Yeah,

Daniel Denis, Runbrook, President:

best way to find us is also on the internet We're also on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram. And if you want to reach me personally, my email is my first Initial D is and Daniel and then my last name, Dennis. D. N. I S There's just one n and Denis at And bombard me with information. And and I'd love to help

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

the gentleman I too for a question for both of you at the same time, because I'm watching the time. And I am trying to keep the program to a reasonable listed listening experience. But there's so much more that we can talk about. So can both of you come back for a future program? I'd love to. Yes, for sure. All right. We have it from both of you. So I want to thank you both for being here. Daniel Denis. RunBrook, President, by all means. Green and sustainability expert and JP Sinjin, Director of Design for Dorsky Yue international architecture. We've learned a lot about both of you today and your companies and the projects and that you're working on and I know that we're going to continue to hear great things from both of you. So for all the Gold Coast Builders Association and me personally, thank you both for being here on the program today.


Thank you Sam. It's been a pleasure.

Sam Yates, Host, Florida Business Forum, Florida's Number One Business News Podcast:

And until our next episode of the Gold Coast Builders Association builders spotlight I am Sam Yates with the eighths and Associates Public Relations and Marketing. Have a great day everybody. Thank you for listening to the Gold Coast Builders Association builders spotlight. If you have a guest or news you would like to have featured here on Florida's number one podcast builders, contact your GCBA podcast host Sam Yates the Gold Coast builders spotlight podcast, building relationships, one podcast at a time. Have a wonderful day everybody