The Hunting Stories Podcast

Ep 096 The Hunting Stories Podcast: Cory "Overtime" Anderson

The Hunting Stories Podcast Episode 96

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Ever wonder what happens when a Bellator heavyweight champion swaps the gloves for a bow? On our latest Hunting Stories podcast, we do just that, inviting Cory "Overtime" Anderson to share his first forays into the hunting world, as well as the laughs and lessons he's picked up along the way. From his initial rabbit hunts to a tree stand escapade that'll have you in stitches, Cory's tales are as impactful as his punches in the ring.

But this episode isn't just about the thrill of the catch; it's a celebration of the mishaps and memories that hunting inevitably serves up. Join me as he recounts his own introduction to deer hunting, complete with adrenaline-charged successes and the kind of slip-ups that have become family legend. You'll hear about the connections that form in those quiet moments waiting for wildlife, the shared experiences that define our outdoor adventures, and the belly laughs that echo through the woods.

Coreys Linktree

Corey "Overtime" Anderson
Outdoors With Overtime
Hunting Stories

Hunting Stories

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Speaker 1:

howdy folks and welcome to the hunting stories podcast.

Speaker 2:

I'm your host, michael and, as usual, we got a great one for you today today we're actually connecting with uh bellator heavyweight champion cory overtime anderson.

Speaker 1:

Um, cory is a lifelong outdoorsman and a recent champion at bellator, which is super cool. Um, he has some fun stories. We had a bunch of big laughs during this episode. So I want to thank Corey, of course, for coming on. The podcast Could not have done it without him. Beyond that, guys, please check out our YouTube. We have a big giveaway going on. I will have a video up here shortly, probably in the next day or so, but our Instagram is also a good place to follow to make sure that you don't miss out a couple thousand dollars in prizes. So that's it, guys. We're going to kick this thing off. Thank you again for tuning in. Now let's let Corey tell you some of his stories. All right, corey. Welcome to the Hunting Stories podcast. Brother, how are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm good, mike, how about you?

Speaker 1:

I am doing very well, man, I'm doing very well. I'm excited to have you here, corey. I reached out a while ago and you've done some pretty big things in the world since I first got connected with you. But why don't we start this thing off with just letting you introduce yourself, so the listeners know who they're hearing some stories from today.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'm Corey Overtime man. The name Overtime comes from fighting. If you don't know me from that, I've also been bow hunting since 2006. Been hunting since I was probably knee-high to a grasshopper, walking a rabbit track with a train track for my dad Recently won the Bellator MMA world title. So UFC or not UFC 205?

Speaker 1:

champ wasn't in UFC. For what? Seven years, so 70 years. So you know. I mean, I've been hunting my whole life, so that's awesome man. So I assume you're your, your dad or you know someone important. You got you into it when you were knee-high my dad got us into rabbit hunting.

Speaker 2:

We still walk the train tracks every winter, every Saturday, for all winter, every Saturday, with shotguns, chasing rabbits or coons or everyone. And then, uh, we were shooting archery. I started shooting archery when I was 12, 13, 3d archery with my father, just something we saw interest. And then a buddy of mine from high school took me on my first hunt and that's actually a pretty funny story.

Speaker 1:

So all right, man. Well, that's awesome. Man. Well, I'm glad to have you here. So thank you very much for taking some of your time. I really do appreciate it, man, but let's just jump into it. We're not here to mess around. We're here to hear some of your favorite stories, so why don't you set the stage for us, man?

Speaker 2:

all right. Well, let's start off with that first one. Like I said, my first one, uh, was 16 years old. I remember was the day before after football and on wrestling practice I was telling my team oh, what are you doing? Today? I'm going to the archery shop to shoot the bow of my dad. They're like oh, you hunt. I'm like you got nothing to rap in and stuff with my bow. No, they're like no, you can hunt with the bow. What do you mean? You can hunt with the bow. Have you never hunted with a bow before? I mean, yeah, sergeant Mark, look, go to the store Walmart, get your license, whatever, and I'll pick you up at your house in the morning. We'll go hunting. The sergeant said, all right. He called me that night like yo, you got a tree stand or whatever, like a climber or something. I'm like I think my dad got a climber in the shop. I'm like, all right, you should grab that. I grabbed my dad's climber, never practiced with it, didn't know anything about it.

Speaker 2:

We go out to the woods and we're walking in. I'm like all right, so this is a good tree right here. You're right here, off this corn field in the beans, you used to hear something coming. I'm walking down his edge. You got a good sight. You get up there in the tree, you'll be able to see right down in there, yeah, all. So he keeps going and again, I've never used a climb before, so I have no clue what's going on, what to do. I take it off my back and I'm looking at it, like, okay, I think this goes around here and I last touch the bottom. Okay, I got that. I see the top part. I'm like, okay, now I think this must go up here. Okay, I got it, and I go to start climbing and it's like it ain't. It looked like somebody made me a garage or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no shit.

Speaker 2:

I take the top up, I'm trying to get the bottom to go and I can't get the bottom to move. Like what the fuck? Like I'm lifting it up, it's not going, I'm not catching. So next thing I know I just end up bringing the bottom back down. I'm probably like this far off the ground, my back, like yo, you see anything Like no, he's like how long ago? How long have you come down? Like how long ago did you come down? Like it's me Like at the bottom of the tree. How long have you been there? I was like I've been here all morning. He's like what you mean? You didn't go up. I didn't know anything but the bushes in front of me.

Speaker 1:

That's too funny, man.

Speaker 2:

That's too funny. That was my intro to deer hunting.

Speaker 1:

There you go. Did you ever take it to your dad and be like this thing's busted, or did he? Show you how it actually worked.

Speaker 2:

No, he used it all the time. They didn't even ask much. When I got it, my own Went to Walmart and some gorilla tree stands with a little climber and I got that the next day and that worked fine. So I got left in the woods and then somebody stole it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no shit, Damn it. Did you end up killing a deer with your bow that season, or just getting some practice?

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't kill a deer with my bow until I was 22. I shot a couple.

Speaker 1:

I shot one that year a doe wounded.

Speaker 2:

I thought I missed 22. I had shot a couple I had shot. No, I shot one that year, a doe wounded. I thought I missed completely. And my dad called his buddy because he was at the job site. He had a roofing company. He called his buddy like yo Corey. I said to Sir Charles, and he think he he shot a deer. He think he missed.

Speaker 2:

We go out an arrow. You see a little red flake on the fletching. You nicked that deer, you hit that deer or something. But there's blood here. You got to go back and track it. You got to do due diligence. We tracked it for probably like 400 or 500 yards to another bean field. We got to the point where we were still standing in the corn. Yeah, we're not finding it here. We got to the point where it was so thick, this first blood we follow. There's no way we're going to find this tall blood. We're going to chalk this one up. You know what I mean. And that was that and other than that I wanted another one when I was like 21, 22, 21. And I finally killed one later that season.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha Was the only reason you switched to archery because your buddy was like what? You got a bow, like you'd been doing target stuff, and he just was like get out here and get hunting with me. That's the only reason you switched the only reason I ever tried.

Speaker 2:

I mean my dad had never done it at the point. Uh, that was that year. I think it was that winter or the next winter. I ended up going deer hunting up in eagle river, wisconsin, with one of my dad's buddies from uh abc river supply. I'm from uh mark timbers. I remember mark coming by one time I had actually just got suspended from school so I was stuck at home for like four days and uh, he was over telling my dad like, oh yeah, we're going up north maybe or tomorrow to go hunt this and that. Remember that. Like can corey go with him? What you mean? He's suspended. He's supposed to be in trouble. You're gonna sit around the house, let the boy go hunt whatever. Because I got suspended for it. To my dad it wasn't a bad thing, to my mom it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

What did you get suspended for? If you don't mind me asking it was well.

Speaker 2:

Let's just say we was doing some things that we shouldn't be doing at 16, 17-year-old in the basement with females and stuff in between football practice.

Speaker 1:

And somebody would have snitched us out and we got in trouble. That's too funny, man, that's funny that. Your dad's like that's not a big deal, your mom's like nope.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when I came home from school and from the suspension, they pulled me to their office. It wasn't even on school property, but it was kind of like doing school functions. We just left and came back or whatever. But I remember when I got home my mom grilled me. She was so disappointed. This and that, this, and that she said where did your father get home? And my dad got home and my mom's telling the story. She's at the table looking at him and then she's like you ain't going to say nothing. And he turned around and looked at me like were they at least cute? And that's when I knew like okay, so Pop's, okay with this, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You're like boy, I understand that At least. I'm glad you're doing it with a female and not with a man, so all right yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's funny man, I'll tell you something? It's not a hunting story, but my niece, she just got suspended not too long ago, not for the same thing, but it reminded me of just suspensions and I think it's a funny story and I want to share it. But you know, these days, kids they're weird. There's kids going to schools that, like wear ears and they think they're cats, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's, that's some weird stuff, right? So so my niece she went to school with a bag of cat food and filled up this girl's bag with cat food because the girl identifies as a cat. And so she got suspended. And she came home and was like Mom, dad, I'm sorry I got suspended. And Mom and Dad were like that's funny as shit. And so Grandma, grandpa, myself, everybody's just like, yeah, I mean, it's bad to be suspended, but that's pretty funny.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I tell you, we wanted to treat them like a cat. They identify as a cat. Treat them like a cat. They identified the cat. Treat them like a cat. Well, she did, she just gave them a little snack.

Speaker 1:

You gave them a snack. That's right, man, that's right. She's just helping her out. So, either way, she got suspended for that. No more suspension stories. But yeah, I just wanted to share that because it's been on my chest for a while. I've been laughing about off. I asked why you got suspended, but you went up with your dad. Tell me more about that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I went with my dad's friends up Eagle River, wisconsin, but at this point he had Actually no, he did show me how to use his climber, but I hadn't got the climber yet. I had to use his climber pulling this coast, eagle River, like up north, up north December, like snowing, it's miserable.

Speaker 2:

I didn't see none. It was just a bunch of people, just public land, christmas break, everybody, obviously people walking through the woods here and there, here and there. And then so two days in seeing us, and the last day my dad gets off the job so he drives up to the river where we are, and we end up just sitting in like a bunch of trees downfall on the ground and I'm sitting there talking and I'm playing with the survival kit we got, like the kinder stuff you're supposed to light if something happens and keep the fire. While I'm playing with that, I'm playing with Dad, I'm just acting. I'm not even paying attention. I said my dad's sitting on this side, he's looking at me and I'm looking at him while I'm on his back and I know he's looking.

Speaker 2:

Give me the rifle I'm like for what he's like. Give me the rifle I'm like for what he's like. Give me the rifle Like no, for my shoulder. I stand up all fast like, and I take off. That's why I wanted to do the buck right behind you. Why didn't you just say something? I would have moved slow. That was it. That was how my deer career started.

Speaker 1:

There you go man, that sounds like a lot of people start to hunt deer. There's two ways it goes. It's either just struggles for years and years and years before it finally happens, or some people are just lucky and get it every time. I'm with you on the uh, more missed opportunities than not. I I've been hunting for like eight years and I just got my first elk. It was a long, long journey. At least you got it though that's right now I'm even more addicted.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, man, Corey, what else you got for us? That's a good kind of story on how you got started with archery and with your dad and tree climbers. What other stories you got for us? I know that when I reached out to you on the live you said, oh, I got some stories, so I'm ready for them. I got one.

Speaker 2:

Like you said, I just got addicted. I can go to my first year. Let's talk about how I got addicted to it real fast. That was, I said, my first year. Like 22 23, I was coaching college wrestling time, the reason why I didn't really kill one in the past. So I'm 16 at the end. Like I said, I was a college athlete. Wrestling season was always right through hunting season, so I never really had a time when I was coaching college wrestling.

Speaker 2:

I came home home one weekend and I went in a small bean field, still not really knowing what I'm doing. It's kind of funny at the end of it, not knowing what I'm doing, I go home and take my dad's Ford Excursion, take it out to the spot because I had a car at the time. I grab his range finder, that's it. I only got my license Range finder license. My old bow from high school same one I got in high school, fredbear Element and I go out to woods and it's raining. I'm taking a chance. I'm here, I'm taking a chance. Whatever I'm calling blind, calling this, and that it's raining, it's cold, it's about November, end of November in Illinois, so it's already down like a single digit. Ain't nothing happening. I'm getting out of here. So I lower my bow down. No sooner than my bow hits the ground here, of course I'm looking like what the fuck is that? What is that? Is that just a ring hitting the ground? I happen to look around the tree and this huge 10-point buck just runs through the woods right at that call. I'm like, oh shit, I'm breathing, I get up, I get on hand, I get on hook, I get an arrow, I decrypt, I put it in. He runs straight into the bean field where I entered. It's like 25 yards from my tree to where he is. It's an opening, like a little walk in a tree, and he stops with his vital right where my face is. His vital stopped right between the opening and I went off. I draw back, I put the top hand and pull it and just and I hear him take off. And again I remember all I had was my bow and a range finder. Now it's about last light. Now it's about last light. Now it's getting dark early. It's probably like 430. The sun is coming down. I've never shot a deer, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Like the process of waiting and all that, I dropped the bow, I climbed down quick, thinking like it's going to die right away. I run to the spot and I'm trying to chase the wood. It's getting darker and darker. I don't have a flashlight, I don't have it, I'm running through. I call my dad. I just I'm running through, I didn't push, I just saw one.

Speaker 2:

It's getting dark and I don't know like who you flashed at, like I ain't got no flashlight. He's like what? You ain't got no flashlight. I'm like well it you're. You're here day, right here, you on that side of trees, right here. You know, I know you got a field dresser. Well, you got a what like field dresser. Now you got food dressing. Begins your truck. Oh, okay, he's like I'm gonna park it spot like I'll meet you up in a little bit. So I put it on, I call and I call like yo, rio, rio, I got a big, a huge buck. I'm saying big because I don't know how big it really is. It's just my first buck. I'm like I got this buck, he's already coming. Oh, my God, that's huge man. I've never seen a deer like that before. I'm thinking he's just talking again. I was like what you got?

Speaker 2:

and it's raining and it's a cut bean field so it's all muddy and it's already been tilled back in, so it's just mud, and I'm probably like 250, 300 yards from the truck and I'm like and I'm just dragging back and I'm slipping and I'm falling and I'm getting out of my thing. I was like I finally get back to the truck and I got the thick like the Walmart Realtree one piece bibs on. I'm soaking wet from the rain, I'm drenched in sweat, smoke coming off me. I'm like what are you doing, boy? I'm like you told me Meet you at the truck. I said field dress him to get him to the truck. Like what's field dress mean? You got to cut the guts and stuff off. You got to cut the guts and stuff out first. Like what is you doing? I was like I ain't got no knife. You ain't got no knife. What? Like I just wanted to go hunt. Like you got gloves. Like gloves, what you need gloves for? Like you got to put your gloves. He was like you gotta put your hand. He was giving me a hunt pack. Like boy, take this thing over, take that, ditch that spot in the woods and gut that thing out. Like you take this knife and cut it right down the middle. You gotta pull everything out there and bring them back. They're gonna put this ice in and we'll leave them in the shop overnight.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, wait, there's more to just shooting these things. It's like like it's a whole process. Boy, you can't just kill, you can't be humble prayer. You just out here whistling dicks, you don't know nothing. I got him yeah, I was. I remember next morning I took him to the bow shop or not the bow shop um processing factory and the guy he comes like oh my god, this is a monster. Like wait, it's big as a hanks and deer. This is big and fire. Like wait. Like is it that big? He's like dude, that is. He goes outside, shows me the pictures. Like you don't see no deer up here. Like that he's like this is your first deer. Like this is my first deer. He said, bro, good luck topping that I didn't top it until 2018. So that was 2013.

Speaker 2:

I topped it in 2018 when I went to Saskatchewan, canada. That was a big 10 point. I got a 6 by 5. In Saskatchewan, I weighed about 3 something. I topped that one with a 15 point. It wasn't as much, but it was a monster. That was probably.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't as much, but it was a monster so how, if you, I don't know, have you ever scored that that first year, that 10 point?

Speaker 2:

I've never scored a deer in my life. That's my thing, that's my whole thing. I do on my youtube channel everything I thought because it's real. I feel like the moment I start checking and scoring and trying to compete, I never really the shakes won't be as much. I still shoot a doe today and start shaking. I just get that adrenaline. I don't want to get to a point like, oh, that's not as big as the last one I've had. If I see my blood start boiling I'm going to shoot it Good for you, man.

Speaker 1:

There's nothing more than that.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing more than that, my wife is actually at the Quisto, cody and Andre the Quisto, that's her uncle and cousin. So the first doe I shot when we were together was in New Jersey and it was small. But again it gets my blood blowing. So I come home excited, I tell her babe, babe, come on, I got the first deer in Jersey. I got a deer, come check it out. Oh my God. Oh my God, let me see, looks at me and goes did you shoot someone's dog?

Speaker 1:

Who shot this Labrador?

Speaker 2:

She hit me on the back and was like babe, I'm happy for you, but do not tell my family about this deer. I was like dang it, that's how you're going to do me. I'm excited I just killed a deer. I'm pumped my first deer in Jersey. I ain't heard that in some years I've been in fights. That's how you know I'm doing this.

Speaker 1:

Just tell me, that's too funny man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, found by my own wife, right?

Speaker 1:

I've heard a couple people on this podcast say who shot this dog?

Speaker 2:

It's pretty funny that she's asked if you shot a dog. They must have hunted in New Jersey because they are small. But they're cynical.

Speaker 1:

I call it.

Speaker 2:

Rio, venezon, that meat is delicious.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing, man. I've only got one whitetail. I need to do more whitetail hunting. I have an open invite to get out to Kansas. They got some monsters out there. I have a buddy Again, I don't know scoring either, especially for whitetail, but he says he's got like 190-inch deer. So I'm like sounds good to me.

Speaker 2:

As long as it tastes good. That one back there, that's Kansas. In the back over there, that's a good-looking deer. And that one over there that's a Saskatchewan. That's the one that topped my 10-pointer.

Speaker 1:

That's a good-looking deer. That's an 11-pointer corner.

Speaker 2:

that's a good looking deer. That's 11. I don't know if you can see the axis off around the corner, axis but is that Texas or Hawaii axis?

Speaker 1:

very nice man I've. I've always wanted to. I've been axis deer hunting in Texas twice not had any luck. But I'm going to Hawaii actually in June to to hunt some axis deer.

Speaker 2:

So I'm hoping I can finally get it done I think it was like 2016. No-transcript invited me out there with him, cam haines and john dilly. I ended up having a fight camp at the same time, so yeah, I don't know they've been since, because the next time I thought I went out there with him to do the podcast and then the pandemic happened shortly after.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I haven't seen them post about going in a lot, so yeah dude that's a good, that's a good group you went with I didn't get to go.

Speaker 2:

I had to fight. Can't they invite joe?

Speaker 1:

damn, damn. That's too bad, man. I'm sure he'll get you out there again though sometime. Um, but yeah, man, what are the? What are the stories you got so far? That last one was awesome my wife making fun of me well, no, I was gonna say the, the one where your dad was like what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

yeah, let's see, I got, uh, I got another one, my dad, when we were rabbit hunting when we were kids. So you know, we rabbit hunt you use like a six shot the light, the shells, like the bullets spread. They ain't that powerful, but they spread and hit the rabbit. So, again, like I said, we spend like every Saturday crossing the tracks, nothing else. Eight or nine on this one, and again. So we walk and we got beagle hounds. So it's always somebody in the front tracking the hounds and you hear the hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, get everybody coming. So he goes, hey, get everybody coming.

Speaker 2:

So I'm walking ahead of my dad and I guess, not, I guess but a rabbit ended up coming up behind me on the tracks and my dad said Corey, jump the track. So I turn to take off. I knew it was that good he about to shoot. So I go to turn and jump. I'm probably like 20, 25 yards from him or whatever. I'm probably even further than that. So I go to jump. As I jump, I hear the shot go off and the shell, like a few of them, just hit me in the back. Shit, I know they didn't penetrate because I got to cover all the stuff on, but me being 89, I swear I've been shot and I'm about to die, but they're like I ain't never hit you, boy, I swear a couple of them peepees hit me, oh man.

Speaker 1:

Your dad's a character man.

Speaker 2:

He's like move my dad's a country bumpkin. He don't care. He don't care, that's amazing.

Speaker 1:

What kind of shot were you using for that? Those rabbits have real thin skin so they are easy to kill.

Speaker 2:

A little sick shot. So I had a 14 at a time and he had, I think that, 12 or 28 sick shots. So I mean they never even destroyed a rabbit so many times we eat the rabbit and bite into the pellet. Steel like my tooth broke, my feeling, oh it's the worst.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've had my buddy shot a big old uh snowshoe hair. I don't know if you've seen those, but they, they're like.

Speaker 2:

I just seen my first one. Was it like a month ago, two months ago? Was it the dog bone hunter guy? Oh my, what the hell is that he's plugged in? Hold on.

Speaker 1:

I was elk hunting in northern Colorado and we had a blizzard come in where you couldn't see more than 15 feet and we're like, well, there's a shotgun in the car, let's go look for some rabbits. We just kind of kicked up, kicked up logs until we got some hairs to come out and man, these are huge and they're beautiful. They're solid, white when the snow hits, yeah, my buddy shot it and he had to put a second round in it. So it had way, way too too many little shot pellets in there. He threw it in some gumbo. It was delicious, but my teeth ached for like a month.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that'll get you. That'll tear your teeth up for sure.

Speaker 2:

I know, we went up north for once and tried to do the snowshoe hair and we didn't get anything. But the snow was like for me, it was like knee deep. So I was spending most of my time trying to fight to get to the next step and not lose my shotgun in the snow. And they just like the adults, I'm still a kid, whatever like 13, 14,. I went to high school at 13 years old, so I'm like trying to keep up with them. They just marching through the snow. I'm like yo, yo, y'all forget there's a kid back here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was the only time I ever did snow, snow yeah, man, those fun hunts, but when you're walking through that deep snow, that gets your hips like nothing else, man, I mean maybe not you, you're. You probably train your hips more than I do, but that's the number one thing I think of when I'm hiking in the snow is how much my hips hurt.

Speaker 2:

I was a little fat boy back then. I didn't become who I am now until college. I was fat growing up, so that was miserable.

Speaker 1:

That's too funny, man. All right, what else you got, Corey? This has been great. I've literally got wiping tears from my eyes. These stories are so good.

Speaker 2:

I mean, let's see, I got another hunt, a hunt and another story with my wife. I found out she was related to the Quistos in the same weekend. So I would start with the hunt. One Were you married or?

Speaker 1:

dating at this time. We were dating at the time. Okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

So we're hunting and hunting camp. So I went back to visit some buddies from college. They up in a eager with Iowa, grant County, wisconsin, which has got some great deer up there and know like two or three people from my buddies wrestling club didn't kill 200 inch deer off the same property I'm hunting. So he tell me to go through the spot. So I go to the spot. He just directs me. You go up the fence. It's gonna be a hole in the fence. You turn with. You know about ten steps you can get it. It's gonna be a ladder and you go up and it'd be a stand. All right, I'm walking, I go up in there. And now I remember I wrestled heavyweight and my buddy wrestled 141. He's a small guy and I'm a big guy with a size 14 foot. So no, I don't know if you you said you ain't done many much white tail hun. So have you ever seen a tree saddle like a saddle platform?

Speaker 1:

I've seen them, but I've never used one.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, so I get to this tree Again, it's early morning, so actually first I jumped the fence and my bow get caught up in the barbed wire. I pull it and it hit the ground Again. It's dark, so I don't know. I hit the ground Again. It's dark, so I don't know. It hit the ground. I pick it up and just keep going. I get to the tree, so I go to climb up. I get all the way up there. Like I said, if you've seen a saddle platform, you know how small they are. I got a size 14 foot.

Speaker 2:

I don't know where he got this tree stand from. It's dark. Again it's dark. My headlamp ain't that bright so I can barely see. I get off and I go to step and my one heel is on, so I feel comfortable. I go to step the other foot and the other foot feel like it's just completely missing. Yo, what the? So I put my headlamp down. He puts me in this stand that's probably like this wide, like a foot by a foot, yeah, so I'm literally sitting there with my heels the whole time, this little bitty seat that I'm like sitting on against the tree.

Speaker 2:

Yo, this ain't no way I'm going to kill. I'm not going to be just standing up and shooting nothing, you know what. Whatever, I'm up here, I'm going to sit and just see what happens. So the good thing I've realized I can't shoot because the first light come. I looked down at my bow when it got caught up in by fire wire or whatever. Somehow, some way it ripped my strings off. The can. No shit string is just hanging in the. Are you kidding me right now?

Speaker 1:

that's insane.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so then, on top of that, he tells me he's gonna pick me back up at the road at like 9, 30. All right, so I get down a little early. I'm like I'm not gonna sit here all the way till 9, 30, 8, 50. Ain't nothing happening. My balls broke. I'm tired of this little seat. I get down, I get to the road, I'm waiting and I'm waiting and I'm waiting. Before you know, ain't nobody coming. So I'm trying to think, like yo, I wonder if I can figure my way home. I start walking, I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking. Again, if you've never been to Wisconsin, our drink is literally nothing, just wide open. So I'm thinking like the first house I see has got to be this place. The first house has got to be this. Just keep walking. So I see a house in the distance. I'm walking, I'm walking. I turn up this road and magically I go down this hill and I come next to the area. I see the house. I make it to the house. I get there. He's in the house, asleep.

Speaker 1:

No shit.

Speaker 2:

I forget, I forgot, I had to forget. Then, all of a sudden, trent another guy that was from college he come walking, he's panting and breathing. Y'all can't believe it. Y'all won't believe it. Like what? So one of the farms that they have permission on had like longhorn bulls on it or whatever. So he was leaving his stand on the back, the bulls was following. No, trent. Trent is a big dude, he ain't a small, he's probably like 300 pounds.

Speaker 2:

At this point we just out of college, he comes and he tells us a story. Hey bro, I was going down to here and the bulls started walking over here with me and they weren't chasing me, they were just walking. So I started getting scared, thinking these things are going to chase me. So I started jogging. I started jogging, I started running. I get to the bottom. It's like the little creek you got to get over. So I jump and I jump, thinking I'm going to make it, and when I make it I'll just eat. I'll eat it. So hot. When I'm thinking, when I make it, I'll just eat it, I'll eat it. So hard he said. When I'm down there, all I'm thinking is I'm going to get speared by a longhorn. What was?

Speaker 1:

that I couldn't make that out.

Speaker 2:

You're going to get speared by a longhorn. He was kidding. He said when I get up they stopped on the other side of the water. They didn't come anymore. I just took a run all the way back to the house. I was like Trangio, that's too big to be running. First of all I was like, well, I made it anyway. And then another hunt with that same group. It wasn't the same weekend, but this is how I found out my wife was a DeQuisto.

Speaker 2:

So I go up there another time and I'm sleeping on the couch and I wake up and they got the Whitetail Adrenaline DVDs which is along with custom gear and my buddy, like the whole time we there he's watching these things the whole time. The whole week All he's doing is watching, watching, watching. I'm in my room but I can hear him. I'm not paying him no attention. I'm sleeping on the couch. I wake up and I roll over and I look. I see a dude on TV Again. I've never met Andre or Cody or anybody at this time.

Speaker 2:

I see a dude on TV. I look at my boy like yo because my brother-in-law, who is my brother-in-law now. He was at the same college as me. The guy knew who he was. I look like yo, why is my wife's dad on your? Or my girl's dad on your TV? I'm like what are you talking about? He's like that's Pete. Why is Pete on your TV? He looked at him like that's not, that's not Pete, like you don't even know. Do you Like know what? What are you talking about? He's like bro, you have no clue, do you? I'm like no, what. What are you talking about? He said take a picture of that and send it to your wife. You're going to find out something right now. Your girl keeps saying why? I'm like send it to your girl, you're going to find out something right now.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, yeah, and the kid's like babe, why is your dad on this TV? And she goes oh boy, it's he right now. What am I missing? He owns some tree stand company, wolf, something. I don't know. We haven't talked to him in years. I haven't seen Cody since we were like 13. She said he owns some company, wolf, something. She was like yeah, long Wolf, custom Tree Stands, bro, it's like one of the best tree stands in the world. I and Cody are straight killers of the white tail. You didn't know that. I said hold on what he was like, yeah, you married one of the best white tail hunting fans ever. They killed you all the time. They got the best trees and they cost so much. Nobody can pay for them, but you can get the hookup. Like hold on.

Speaker 2:

I look at my phone like I've been ordering tree stands for all my properties week after week and my wife complained about all these different boxes up at the house. My girl complained about different boxes up at the house and she ain't yet to tell me her family owns a tree stand company. I look at the phone like, hold on. You literally just got mad at me ordering all these tree stands and you ain't told me your family owns a tree stand company. So I was like what? I've been talking to them for so long. I didn't really think it mattered. Like, oh, it matters and you better get to know them real quick and introduce me right away. I get back. I'm still like yo, are you not going to? She's like I haven't talked to him in forever so I don't even know where he are. Well, guess what? I'm going to find out. I go to the website, find I got an Instagram. We go hey, how you doing?

Speaker 2:

Corey Anderson, I'm married to your cousin Jenny. This is Nat. I'm going to introduce myself. This is Nat. Like, oh, all you ever heard of Harrisburg, pa? Like, no, like we got a trade show, the Great American Outdoor Show. We'll be up there next weekend. You should come introduce us. We'd love to meet you. Tell Jenny to come too. Get through all. We're up there with the buffet now. Me and Cody. We got a good relationship, his wife Anna and my wife. They talk all the time. They're like look, I rekindled the family back together. You know what I mean my hungerness and my hustle. I brought the family back together that's too funny, man.

Speaker 1:

How long ago was this like? How long ago did you get introduced to him so?

Speaker 2:

I met them at? What was it 2000? What year did I start my YouTube channel? 2018? No, it was before. 2017 was the first year.

Speaker 1:

God that's too funny. That's too funny that she's angry at you for all these boxes showing up and she literally hit the hook up on that.

Speaker 2:

She keep getting mad about tree stands and not wearing safety harnesses and all that she's like. You got a family that got the tree stand and everything I need in my life. I only need one who could have had this and been done. What are you talking about? Help me.

Speaker 1:

That's too good man. Oh man, that's funny, I don't even know what to say. It's just amazing that she didn't piece that together.

Speaker 2:

You know, I mean her brother. At the time we hadn't talked much. I don't think we had hunted together yet. We had talked about different functions. We talked hunting and stuff around the deck, but nobody ever brought up Long Wolf Custom Gear starting her dad's warehouse right up the road in Cudahy, wisconsin, and all this stuff, like okay, and there's one missing piece. Me, introduce me. Like I need help too, like I want to learn how to kill deer Now when I see them at the family point. I'm just going to talk to her brother. Are you going to get a picture and post it? Like you, damn skippy, I want to learn as much as I can. Like I'm okay with asking questions. You ain't got to laugh at me.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. Yeah, that's so funny. That's so funny. Well, corey, that's a great story. It's always weird to transition for us. I know I got more.

Speaker 2:

I just gotta figure out which one is worth telling, even like killing the 15-year-old.

Speaker 1:

I was going to ask another question Did your wife give you shit for shooting that doe before or after you realized the whole relationship?

Speaker 2:

This was before. I think it was something time-wise because I was shooting Matthews. No, it was around the same time. Actually, I only shot the Matthews for one year on that hunt. I remember I missed a big buck in Wisconsin with the Matthews and I shot a doe with the Matthews that season, so I can't remember if it was before or after, but either way I think it was before because she was staying with her dad and her brother, not the Andre and all them. Yet Okay, gotcha, I know up like her dad and her brother, not the Andre and all them.

Speaker 2:

Yet Okay, gotcha, I know up in her dad's house and he got some big old books on the wall. I think that's what she was saying.

Speaker 1:

That's too good.

Speaker 2:

All right, what else you got? I tell you. I see you got turkey up there on your back. I tell you, my first turkey hunt.

Speaker 1:

There you go, turkey season opens here in Colorado in the next couple weeks, or actually, like I want to say, like in a week. So I can't wait. But yeah, go for it yeah, it opens.

Speaker 2:

Uh, here in Indiana the 24th and in Kentucky I think this weekend actually, because a buddy of mine hit me up and invited me out to go to one of my properties with him. But, uh, so my first time turkey hunting. Like I still, to this day, can't call, I just like YouTube run out of the box a little bit. Do the slate Can't do a mouth call sound like a broken whistle. Same, same man. I'm like yo, I'm going to do my first one with a bow. I'm going to do it the hard way. I'm going to go out with a bow, so every day.

Speaker 2:

So for my first hunt, it was a bust. So I go out. I set my tactic cam up. Tactic cam hooks me up. I set the tactic cam up in the tripod right next to the decoy, the stuff I see on YouTube. I'm going to get a goblin coming. I'm going to blow his head off with a bow, like Bomar, right on camera.

Speaker 2:

I got the wine. I got all my windows open, you know. So I can see everything, not realizing tur's gonna see. Very well, there's something I come from this way, busting my silhouette on this side. Yeah, I'm posting selfies like yeah, the blonde from the first one. My buddy texted me like yo, what are you doing? Why you got the windows open? You're not gonna see nothing. What you mean, they do it right. They know you gotta have it really concealed. They see really well. First one bus I cancel that hunt. So the next time I go out I bring my boy with me, one of my teammates. He wanted turkey hunt. He's never done it before. He goes with me. So we go to the blind, another blind. We got the windows and stuff up in this one. So you know we think we're gonna get one. We're sitting for like three hours, nothing happens.

Speaker 1:

I'm doing a little best toy for your kids, man. My little man loves playing with that gobbler. Nothing happens.

Speaker 2:

I seen it on YouTube. You got to get mobile, sometimes I don't know. You got to have a location, you got to hear them, you got to know where they are. We just get in mobile, we just get up and start brushing through briars and thick stuff. He's bigger than me, he's a heavyweight, I'm a 205. So we're going through and I got this little bitty accordion-type little window thing you put in the ground just something to hide behind with a shotgun. I didn't know, so I got it in my pack.

Speaker 2:

We got to like let's just sit up here. I sat in it like I'm a big dude. He don't even cover me enough. He's bigger than me, taller than me and wider than me. I'm like bro, what are we doing? We're high, we're standing like sore thumbs right here. You go to that tree over here. I'm going to stay here behind the thing. I'm like plug it back in so I don't die. All right, so he's back there. Look, I heard on YouTube one person calls, the other person hunts. So I'll sit here with my boy. You go back there and call. He don't know what he's doing, he's just making noise sounding like a broken band. I'm like yo, dude, what are you doing like that, like I don't even know how to call, but I know that's not a good call. I don't know you, tim. So we sitting out there with my bowl, he in the wide open. Oh, I said, I know where he's at. Oh, bro, what you got. He looks down. He got tiggers and chicks running all up his lip. Like all right, we got a board, a board mission, a board mission. That was over with.

Speaker 2:

So next day I go out again. So in Jersey, you, I go out again. So in Jersey, you get a week slot. If you get the draw, you get week A, b, c, whatever. You got that whole week and that's it Again. I don't know exactly how it works. I know it's just a week.

Speaker 2:

I didn't read the games, registration or the regs and rules of each place, so so I'm out there Again. I'm taking selfies. I post stuff on Instagram like, oh, today's the day, this is the night. I hear one gobble and I don't know what I'm doing, so I put them off calling and try to the gobbling stops. So I'm like okay, I know something here, so I'm going to stay Now.

Speaker 2:

Also, in Jersey, you can only hunt until 12 or something like that. I didn't know that. So it's like 1 o'clock and I'm posing a selfie stick Like I still got a feeling it's coming. So my boy, luke, who taught me how to actually got a tracking dog, a tracking wounded deer, he hits me up like bro, what are you doing? Like I'm hunting. He he's like, yeah, you better get out of there and quit posting stuff on Instagram. I'm like what do you mean? You're only hunting until 12. If the game wasn't quite, you're going to get in mad trouble. I'm like, wait, I'm going to be in trouble. I've been hunting every day until like 3. I had no clue.

Speaker 2:

Good, thing I didn't get shot If I get out of there instantly. So the Bull XL, whatever the big one, and I remember I'm like I'm determined today I'm going to get one, yeah, and I said I'm going to turn around the camera. I got to see two gobbles. You got to get a feel of the weather. I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm just talking I, you got a good feeling, the weather is good. I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm just talking. I feel like something's going to come. I got a feeling.

Speaker 2:

So I turn the camera and not like 15, 20 seconds later, sure enough, two little. I don't know if they were jakes, I don't know if they were hens, I don't know how it even worked. To be honest, I think they had little chicken, gizzard beers or something. They come strong right past the blind and they go right out to the deep pool and they're looking at and I draw it off and I draw back and I put it right off. That's all I had on. Pull it through and it hit and it flies up and it do a little flop, like it hit and I'm like I'm watching. I'm watching he take off. I got a poor camera, I got a turkey. I'm watching he take off. I'm like, oh my God, I got to pull the camera, I got it. I got a turkey. I got a turkey. I'm watching, I'm watching he goes out there and I see the one. The other one keeps running and the other one never got there. He's dead behind the tree. He's dead behind the tree. He's dead behind the tree. He's going to be right on the other side. I look, I look on the camera, like wait, y'all see him on camera, like I did. He never went past the street, like there's nothing here. I don't know what's going on. I'm looking up and down, kicking up brush, like I swear I shot that turd.

Speaker 2:

I go back to Arrow. It's got blood on it. I was only using the little G5. G5 dead meat, not the mega meat, just the small blood. So I'm thinking maybe I go back and get my tracking dog. She's a tracking dog. If I put her on Arrow, maybe she can smell the turkey too. I go back, I get her. She follows the same line, same exact line. Gets to. I go back, I get her. She follows the same line, same as that line. I get to the tree and she's lost. What the what's going on? I don't know, but I don't know what's going on. So we're out there, we're kicking around, we don't find nothing. So I put the arrow instead of putting the arrow in my quiver. I just sit in the backseat of my truck. So I go from the woods, go home, drop my dog off, end up going to the gym Right before I go to reach in the back to get my bag and I forget that arrow back there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, it's still with the fluid on the ground by my back. I reach back there and just slash my whole leg. I'm like God, no shit. I end up just taking the roll of toilet paper and wrapping my hand in duct tape and just taping it over my hand. I go in the gym. I'm like yo. It's like strength and condition. My coach is like yo, what the hell are you doing? I was like I'm just slicing my hand over. He's like he's going to lift. I'm like I'm going to miss practice. He's like well, ms Parker, you're like bro, if you don't go get your hands fixed, I'm like I'll be all right, I'll be all right, get home and take the tape and shit. I was like I mean, it was like just like the blade Got the cross going right here and it slid up my knuckle Like you, son of a bitch, oh man.

Speaker 2:

It was like I didn't get a turkey, but the turkey got me and I'm not recovering. But I found blood on myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, zero turkey two zero turkey.

Speaker 2:

I'm just a dumbass. Turkey hunting was not meant for me. That week, breaking the rules didn't kill nothing, didn't cut myself up real well how long was that cut?

Speaker 1:

like just a little one, or was it like two or three inches it went across.

Speaker 2:

If you want to see it. It's going to be hard to see. Here I can see, like the one you see, that going up. That was the one blade and it went across the top two all the way to this number. You can definitely see that one still Right. Yep, I see it, that's right, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Gosh, that's brutal.

Speaker 2:

Like the whole tip of the blade.

Speaker 1:

I reach back and it just man, that's like one of my biggest fears is cutting myself with one of my broadheads. When I'm out elk hunting, I'm just constantly tucking, just making sure my arrows are tucked into the quiver as tight as possible, because I don't want to fall out and just stab me in the ass or whatever right.

Speaker 2:

I've seen those stories Like the guy saw his quiver and fell back with a walk backwards and went right through his leg.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, I don't know if you know who Dave Brinker is. He was hunting with like Corey Jacobson in like Oregon or something and just fell out of his quiver and then it went through his leg like no, no thanks so consider yourself lucky, but still not that lucky.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I usually use expandable and I use a raised hyperdermal two blades. I would think like there's a less chance of that cutting, but you never give me too sure. Yep, yep. Well, corey man, this is fun.

Speaker 1:

I tell everybody I'll listen to stories all night long, but I know I only booked you for so much time and I know that it's uh, it's pretty late, yep, yep. Well, corey man, this was fun. I tell everybody I'll listen to stories all night long, but I know I only booked you for so much time and I know that it's pretty late where you are, as a man. So if you want to tell more stories, I'll listen. Otherwise, we can wrap things up and you can maybe tell people where they can find you.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to wrap it up. I get up early with the kids. I know that. They wake up in the middle of the night and they'd be all up in the bed, Cool man. Well, why?

Speaker 1:

don't you tell the folks where they can find you? I know you've got a couple different Instagrams, youtube, so why don't you share all that stuff?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you can check me out on YouTube at Outdoors and Overtime. Like I said, my stuff is real as it comes, no editing. I got the failures, I got the small does, I got the big deer audit on there. I'm just straight honest. There's no cut and paste. You can get me on Instagram and outdoors over time as well, or at my fight page at Corey8 underscore MMA Twitter TikTok. I think TikTok is outdoors over time. Twitter is Corey8 underscore MMA. Still trying to get into the TikTok thing. It's just so hard in the hunting industry, everything gets everything I post on tiktok gets blocked and I'm they've told me one more bad post and I'm banned.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just I'm just like putting up a photo and that's it.

Speaker 2:

No animals, no guns, no bows, anything they're tough but they don't tell you the user guidelines. Like this is against user guidelines. You try to find the user guidelines. There is no user guidelines Like what is the guidelines, yeah. Or it says it's like unless it's very clear, hunting.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, do I have to like show the tag, like, what do you want? Yeah, man, well, corey, this was a lot of fun, man. Like I said, my eyes were watering most of your stories. So you pretty funny and entertaining stories. I appreciate you coming on, man. I'll make sure to put links to everything all your Instagrams, youtubes, tiktoks, if I can find it, all that stuff into the show notes. So, thank you, man, I really do appreciate your time. I know you're a very busy guy, probably prepping for your next fight already.

Speaker 2:

I mean I'm always prepping for a fight, but I ain't got nothing booked. I stay training. That's why I was in the gym at night, Just got to get in. That's why they call me overtime. We don't stop there you go man Well.

Speaker 1:

Thanks again, I appreciate you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Mike All right, guys.

Speaker 1:

That's it. Another couple stories in the books. Again, I want to thank Corey for coming on the podcast. Could not have done it without him. It was a ton of fun. I really enjoyed my time with him, laughed really hard, my face was hurting, um, but make sure you guys go out there and follow him. Everything you need to know is in the show notes his links to his fighting profiles, his hunting profiles. Just go ahead and click on that stuff and uh, and give the guy a follow. Beyond that, I did mention that we do have a big uh contest coming up here. I'm probably gonna announce it the week of april 15th. Uh, look, follow, look, follow us on YouTube, follow us on Instagram. You'll see information about it. Uh. So thank you again, guys. I really do appreciate you. Now, uh, get out there and make some stories of your own. Thank you.

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