The Rising Beyond Podcast

Ep 110: Playing the Narcissist’s Game: Is There A Way To Win?

Sybil Cummin, MA, LPC, ACS Season 1 Episode 110

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“Playing the game” of family court and co-parenting when your ex partner is a narcissist is so mentally taxing and goes against every fiber of the survivors I work with.

This episode is a bit of a rant after the themes of the moving goal posts of an abuser and the system, needing a crystal ball to make decisions to ensure safety, and the mental exhaustion all came up in my first few days back from vacation.

How can you find relief from the extreme weight placed on your shoulders and combat the moral injury that continues to develop as you follow court orders?

Know that you are not alone
Become in-tune with what you need in the moment
Focus on your Why when moral injury feels extreme
Choose your battles to make fewer decisions
Acknowledge the weight and heaviness of what you are experiencing
Use coping skills like distraction and self soothing with intention
Acknowledge what is in your control

Episode References:

Moral Injury Episodes
Ep 56 Start Healing from Moral Injury | with Guest Dr. Daniel Roberts
Ep 63: Reducing Your Child's Anxiety Around Visits

National Domestic Violence Hotline - 800.799.SAFE (7233)
Call 988 a mental health crisis line from anywhere in the United States 

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