Design My Best Life

From Homeless to Harvard After 40: How I Became A Life Coach to Women Over 40!

January 01, 2024 Lisa
From Homeless to Harvard After 40: How I Became A Life Coach to Women Over 40!
Design My Best Life
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Design My Best Life
From Homeless to Harvard After 40: How I Became A Life Coach to Women Over 40!
Jan 01, 2024

Have you ever wondered if the Lord has more in store for you, especially after life has dealt some harsh cards? Coach Lisa's remarkable journey is a testament to the power of the Lord - and the ability to reinvent your life - NO MATTER WHAT THE ODDS!. 

Struck down by a huge & sudden loss at a young age, she battled through  years filled with panic attacks, massive stress & epic hormonal hell  - until she lost everything - and landed in a homeless shelter. 

But within this episode, you'll discover a fantastic  story of rebirth, as Coach Lisa shares her rise from the pit of that homeless shelter to the legendary classrooms of Harvard - ALL AFTER THE AGE OF 40! 

Her story is not just one of personal victory.  It's a SUCCESS BLUEPRINT for transformation that she shareS with women over 40.  Women who are looking to discover their own true selves, their own unique superpowers - and how to make an impact on their own world!

Amidst the raw and captivating recount of her life's ups and downs, Coach Lisa infuses the conversation with actionable hacks and research-backed strategies for instant confidence—straight from the corridors of Harvard itself. 

She passionately advocates for a life unbound by age, where discovering one's authentic self and hidden talents carves the path toward a meaningful impact and a legacy to be proud of. For the women out there seeking a guide to navigate the later stages of life with grace, purpose, and a dash of humor, Coach Lisa stands as a beacon of empowerment. 

By the end of this episode, not only will you be moved by her powerful narrative, but you'll also be equipped with the tools needed to turn your own life into a thrilling adventure.

Show Notes Transcript

Have you ever wondered if the Lord has more in store for you, especially after life has dealt some harsh cards? Coach Lisa's remarkable journey is a testament to the power of the Lord - and the ability to reinvent your life - NO MATTER WHAT THE ODDS!. 

Struck down by a huge & sudden loss at a young age, she battled through  years filled with panic attacks, massive stress & epic hormonal hell  - until she lost everything - and landed in a homeless shelter. 

But within this episode, you'll discover a fantastic  story of rebirth, as Coach Lisa shares her rise from the pit of that homeless shelter to the legendary classrooms of Harvard - ALL AFTER THE AGE OF 40! 

Her story is not just one of personal victory.  It's a SUCCESS BLUEPRINT for transformation that she shareS with women over 40.  Women who are looking to discover their own true selves, their own unique superpowers - and how to make an impact on their own world!

Amidst the raw and captivating recount of her life's ups and downs, Coach Lisa infuses the conversation with actionable hacks and research-backed strategies for instant confidence—straight from the corridors of Harvard itself. 

She passionately advocates for a life unbound by age, where discovering one's authentic self and hidden talents carves the path toward a meaningful impact and a legacy to be proud of. For the women out there seeking a guide to navigate the later stages of life with grace, purpose, and a dash of humor, Coach Lisa stands as a beacon of empowerment. 

By the end of this episode, not only will you be moved by her powerful narrative, but you'll also be equipped with the tools needed to turn your own life into a thrilling adventure.

Coach Lisa:

I'm Coach Lisa, and I know I have this accent Don't be ridiculous this perfectly ridiculous accent. So if you're okay with it, we're perfect. Before I tell you how I ended up going from homeless to Harvard what? Let me ask you a question Is it right for you still having to deal with emotional issues, massive stress, hormonal health, self-esteem, food and figure? We can't just give up? Certainly not. That's what I say. That's precisely why I became a life coach. So ask yourself, after 40 or more years of living, is it right that you are still having to deal with these issues?

Coach Lisa:

When I was 19 years old, I fell in love with a man named Ken Dale. I knew Ken was going to ask me to marry him. I mean, you and I know when a man is getting ready to do that right. And we were driving home from a retreat and he began proposing marriage to me, right there in the car. And right in the middle of him proposing marriage to me, the car went out of control. We both went through the windshield and Ken was killed instantly.

Coach Lisa:

I was never the same after that. Never the same. I suffered for years and years Emotional issues, insecurity, emotional eating, weight out of control, massive stress, anxiety, panic attacks, epic hormonal health For years and years and years. I hit rock bottom in my 40s. I ended up in a homeless shelter. But I'll tell you something I found a way out and I found a way up, a system, a program that actually works. Is that true? There's no proof of anything yet. Well, actually there is. I ended up at Harvard. I'm going to Harvard. Harvard won't be impressed that you aced history of polka dots, I know, but somehow I managed to get in anyway.

Coach Lisa:

Lord called me to Harvard and I was there for almost seven years. And then the Lord called me to be a success coach for women over 40, just like you. Listen, I don't want you to settle. Don't be defeated there. It's very middle class. Don't settle for where you are now. Why, and I'll tell you why Because you're not getting younger.

Coach Lisa:

Remember when you were a little girl. I'll tell you something I was raised with my great-grandmother. She's the reason I talk like this, because she talked like this my dear. I was raised with her. I'm very, very fortunate and very blessed to have been raised with her for several years. I loved her dearly and I always wanted to go to her house and my mother would say well, we can't go until the afternoon. And that took forever. When I was a little girl. You hear me, you understand right. It took forever. And now, how fast does time go by? For you know it, it's another Friday, it's another Monday, another week goes by, another month, it's another year, it's two days. You're smacking us in the face. You're getting older and I want you to make the rest of your life the best of your life, do you promise?

Coach Lisa:

As a success coach, I teach women just like you how to do it. You need three things Need to discover your true, authentic self. You need to discover your God-given talents, and the Lord has put hidden talents within you that you don't even know are there yet. You're a treasure and you need to put them to work for you and for other people that the Lord has called you to serve. You need to discover and define your own clear path so you can make an impact on the world and finish your life strong and leave a legacy for those who come after you.

Coach Lisa:

My job as your success coach is to be your guide. Like Yoda Strong, am I with the Force? You're the star of this show and I am your guide. Take the quiz so I can send you a clear picture of where you are now and what your next steps are. We will all pull together and it will be great fun. Yes, now I know what we need. You need the top three hacks for instant confidence and you guessed it, they're backed by studies at Harvard. Not let another year go by without knowing the things that you have to do. I want you to be thrilled with your life. This is what a success coach does. I'm going to guide you there. Take the quiz.