Everyday Joes

Season 3 Kickoff

September 19, 2023 Michael Stahnke & Derek Carroll Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Kickoff
Everyday Joes
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Everyday Joes
Season 3 Kickoff
Sep 19, 2023 Season 3 Episode 1
Michael Stahnke & Derek Carroll

Get ready for an electrifying start to Season 3 of Everyday Joes.tv, the podcast that celebrates the unsung heroes among us! In this highly anticipated kickoff episode, your hosts, Joe and Joanne, are back with a bang to uncover the extraordinary stories of everyday people making a difference in our world.

Join us as we embark on this new season, where we dive deep into the lives of remarkable individuals who have been quietly changing lives, one act of kindness at a time. From community leaders and social activists to teachers and healthcare workers, we explore the inspiring journeys that have led these everyday heroes to where they are today.

In this special episode, we'll introduce you to some of the incredible guests lined up for the upcoming season. Get a sneak peek into their heartwarming stories and find out what motivates them to be the change-makers our society needs. Expect tears, laughter, and a renewed sense of hope as we uncover the powerful tales that often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.

Join the Everyday Joes.tv community and be a part of something bigger than yourself. Tune in to our Season 3 kickoff episode as we redefine heroism and discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Get ready to be inspired, uplifted, and reminded of the beauty of the human spirit.

Don't miss this heartwarming journey of everyday heroes who prove that anyone can make a difference. Subscribe now and be part of our mission to shine a spotlight on those who truly deserve it. Welcome back to Everyday Joes.tv Season 3!

Thank you for listening to today's episode. Please follow at @everydayjoes.tv on all social media and podcast platforms

Show Notes Transcript

Get ready for an electrifying start to Season 3 of Everyday Joes.tv, the podcast that celebrates the unsung heroes among us! In this highly anticipated kickoff episode, your hosts, Joe and Joanne, are back with a bang to uncover the extraordinary stories of everyday people making a difference in our world.

Join us as we embark on this new season, where we dive deep into the lives of remarkable individuals who have been quietly changing lives, one act of kindness at a time. From community leaders and social activists to teachers and healthcare workers, we explore the inspiring journeys that have led these everyday heroes to where they are today.

In this special episode, we'll introduce you to some of the incredible guests lined up for the upcoming season. Get a sneak peek into their heartwarming stories and find out what motivates them to be the change-makers our society needs. Expect tears, laughter, and a renewed sense of hope as we uncover the powerful tales that often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.

Join the Everyday Joes.tv community and be a part of something bigger than yourself. Tune in to our Season 3 kickoff episode as we redefine heroism and discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Get ready to be inspired, uplifted, and reminded of the beauty of the human spirit.

Don't miss this heartwarming journey of everyday heroes who prove that anyone can make a difference. Subscribe now and be part of our mission to shine a spotlight on those who truly deserve it. Welcome back to Everyday Joes.tv Season 3!

Thank you for listening to today's episode. Please follow at @everydayjoes.tv on all social media and podcast platforms

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:06:00
We sit down with Michael and Derek? Michaela, Derek is going to be talking about how you get your house along. Getting

00:00:06:00 - 00:00:06:26
good. Stand me.

00:00:06:26 - 00:00:07:13

00:00:07:13 - 00:00:31:26
everyday Joes Every every day. Joes Every day. Joes Every every day. Joes. Wake up and go get a puzzle game comedy. I'm just a regular guy up here. Everyday Joes every every day does its your boys think and DC here we are out here with everyday Joes.

00:00:31:28 - 00:00:52:23
We're back, baby. Season three. Let's go, Derek. What's up? Heck, yeah. How are you doing, Mike? It's great to be back. It feels like we've taken two years off, even though it's only been our normal season cycle here. But a lot of stuff. I know, right? It's. You know what I think it was? It's because we didn't really come out with

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a spring spring addition.

00:00:54:27 - 00:01:12:27
Normally we kind of, you know, do a few episodes in our spring. But yeah, our last episode officially was last year of November of 2022. So it's been a minute, but it's good seeing a familiar face. Not saying, I didn't see you here all summer, but

00:01:12:27 - 00:01:19:18
you know, always great seeing you on the other end. Absolutely. Yeah. I just feel like I saw you a couple of weeks ago, but.

00:01:19:18 - 00:01:20:01

00:01:20:01 - 00:01:40:03
yeah, I guess you want to go over our agenda that we're kind of putting forth here coming into season three. I know we're kind of already into the recording process and everything line and stuff up, even though this is the official launch here, this episode. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, this is what you're going to really expect on Everyday Joes Season three.

00:01:40:03 - 00:02:05:24
So in life, sometimes you got to take one step back in order to take two steps forward, right? So that's kind of what Derek and I did. We reevaluated everything, kind of seen where we wanted to do really realized our strengths and weaknesses from both of us. And that's why we're back. Because in life you're going to have struggles, you're going to have adversity.

00:02:05:26 - 00:02:08:23
Sometimes you just have to wheel that back in

00:02:08:23 - 00:02:19:23
and really break down a pros and cons list, like something like that. You know, pros cons of doing something is a easy way to

00:02:19:23 - 00:02:32:12
figure out a solution. You can also do like a ranked system ranking the highest priority of goals that you want to accomplish that helps out as well.

00:02:32:15 - 00:02:32:29

00:02:32:29 - 00:02:34:11
long story short,

00:02:34:11 - 00:03:03:26
you know, Derek and I realize we just need a lot more people. So we've been reaching out, lining up guests. So essentially in September, we're going to have to we're going to have one guest in September, and then we're going to have four guests in October, four in November, four in December, four and January four and February four in March,

00:03:03:26 - 00:03:05:15
and then four in April.

00:03:05:15 - 00:03:23:01
And then kind of then we're going to take the summer off, you know, because both of us travel a lot, see family, friends and whatnot. And that's what life is about. You know, you got to have your go to work life balance. You can't just work, work, work. You got to have some play in there as well. Right there.

00:03:23:02 - 00:03:33:03
Yeah, absolutely. We love that plan. Oh, yes, absolutely. So, yeah. So essentially, we'll have some very high level guests.

00:03:33:03 - 00:03:34:21
I don't want to, you know,

00:03:34:21 - 00:03:47:07
say spill too much of the tea out there, but we're going to have a lot of people that have had some problems with

00:03:47:07 - 00:03:50:07
illnesses, diseases,

00:03:50:07 - 00:04:00:08
some overall life struggles as far as maybe financial struggles or just trying to figure out

00:04:00:08 - 00:04:02:24
the path in life of where they want to go.

00:04:02:26 - 00:04:29:11
We're going to we're going to keep it open this season, but obviously, we're always going to tie it back to that nontraditional path to success. So something that they've cam overcame in their life, some adversity, and then they've found overall success. It doesn't have to be financial success, but however they define success. So, Derek, why don't you catch the

00:04:29:11 - 00:04:37:04
the listeners up on year like Summer and what you've been doing kind of the past like nine, ten months?

00:04:37:06 - 00:04:38:07
Yeah, for sure.

00:04:38:07 - 00:04:38:23
Well, I guess

00:04:38:23 - 00:04:59:20
not to spill too much of Mike's story here, I guess, for what he's been up to because a lot of our lives pretty intertwined here. But, you know, Mike, Mike's absolutely true and right about kind of reevaluating things. I mean, if we're being truly transparent, there was a moment where, like Mike and I just talked about like just stopping and quitting, I guess, if you will, and,

00:04:59:20 - 00:05:07:26
you know, just taking some time off, reevaluate and, you know, first couple of season, you know, like Mike and I had a vision and a dream, if you will, for what we wanted this to be.

00:05:07:26 - 00:05:15:19
And we kind of just you weren't getting the results. You know, we come from sales backgrounds where you look at the metrics, you

00:05:15:19 - 00:05:30:09
do certain things, and if you're not getting the results, you know, it's time to, you know, try, fail it or just or, you know, just shift directions altogether. So there's a few months there where, you know, Mike and I got busy doing our own stuff with our work, our family and relationships and things like that.

00:05:30:11 - 00:05:46:29
I actually got back into downhill skiing this last year. I hadn't had a season pass at our local downhill skiing facility for probably 15 years, so that was a thing I really wanted to get back into. Going through a divorces and college and stuff like that. I just couldn't afford to be in all the sports I like to.

00:05:47:00 - 00:06:16:22
So I, I overindulged this year. I was probably up at the ski two or three times a week, sometimes. I mean, I went over three times ski and which kind of transitioned into, you know, my love for, you know, the audio visual and social media type stuff. Mike got me into doing Tiktoks for, for our podcasting stuff. And as long as I was, you know, still filming, I had my GoPros and I'm Ski and I met a bunch of know people that we were doing some fun stuff, going off jobs and just doing some some fun little things on our own.

00:06:16:22 - 00:06:32:25
So I kept kept that going. So I've got a another social media channel. Derek in the Wild that, you know, I post a lot of my adventures outside of work. As you know, Mike and I always talk about work hard, play hard, and we definitely do that. But it's just my fun little area to kind of capture what I'm doing.

00:06:32:25 - 00:06:34:19
And and if you do jump on that

00:06:34:19 - 00:06:54:19
that channel and follow some of our stuff, I'm on Facebook as well as Derek in the Wild and Instagram. Mike, obviously he's been on a bunch of that because he's been involved with a lot of my adventures over the summer as well, But that's really what I've been doing. The the big news is, is I turned 40 this year, so we, we did the big four.

00:06:54:19 - 00:07:16:15
Oh, we definitely celebrated that. Mike surprised us, flew up here to Wisconsin and celebrated with us. We had a a great showing of friends and family. And I think for my time I can't speak for Mike, but my time away from podcasting this last year has just been, you know, sometimes you just got to take take back a step or two and just kind of listen and just see what what the universe is telling you.

00:07:16:15 - 00:07:38:15
And for me, just, you know, having my pivotal birthday and being around really close friends and family and just having some time apart. And there was another life event that I let Mike talk about, but really just seeing a lot of our fans that, you know, we have a lot of friends and family that watch some of our stuff and, you know, kind of help us as far as pointers, you know, how to get better because that's what we're always trying to do.

00:07:38:15 - 00:07:58:21
Me and Mike is try to get better. You know, if we can do this, we can we can tweak that and become the our best version. But just really seeing a lot of, you know, friends and family that really came to us like, hey, when are you going to get another episode going? And yeah, I didn't want to be like, Well, we're actually thinking of quitting and whatnot, but that's just some of the feelings that we were we were feeling.

00:07:58:21 - 00:08:14:21
But it was overwhelming. Coming into the third season that Mike and I both were just like, We can't let this die. This is something that is has been impacting people. So if we can impact one person, we can impact thousands. So that's where our vision really is to keep pushing forward and get some great guests on here, too.

00:08:14:21 - 00:08:18:06
We don't have all the answers. We're not multimillionaires by any means, but

00:08:18:06 - 00:08:35:17
we're just excited to get more guests that are influential and impactful and can help people at whatever level they're at. You know, like Mike always talks about those people in the middle or that are looking for those nontraditional pathways and and looking for some inspiration to keep them going.

00:08:35:21 - 00:08:50:22
Yeah, I love that, Derek. You know, I really love the fact that you really took a deep dive into the audio and visual aspect because, you know, people don't know my background, your background and stuff like that.

00:08:50:22 - 00:08:52:06
Long story short,

00:08:52:06 - 00:09:03:18
you give me car parts and whatnot and. And a toolset I got. I got nothing for you,

00:09:03:18 - 00:09:10:05
but you give me, you know, computer parts and computer programs and whatnot.

00:09:10:07 - 00:09:29:22
I'll fix it right up. But well, versus Derek. Derek's the opposite. He's very hands on mechanical, you know, That's how he is. He's a very fix it mixer, fix it type of guy. And I'm I'm not I'm more of the technical side so I didn't know where you're going with that metaphor at first You like give me some car parts.

00:09:29:22 - 00:09:31:15
I'm like, what are you talking about?

00:09:31:15 - 00:09:48:26
Hey, got to keep our listeners off guard, you know? And so they're constantly I always finding out what who we are as individuals, because that's really what we want to do is we want to highlight who we are as individuals,

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you know, what adversity we've overcome some of our personality and then obviously show the guests and highlight their accomplished accomplishments as well.

00:10:00:05 - 00:10:07:25
So but I love the fact that, you know, you went outside of your comfort zone to do that, You know. Well, it's

00:10:07:25 - 00:10:20:09
way outside their comfort zone to the point where you're like, wow, this took me 40 minutes. And then I was like, Derek, you could do that in five, but it's okay. Yeah, Yeah. So I'll learn some way.

00:10:20:09 - 00:10:44:02
I just learned the hard way. The trial by air. You know, Then obviously I had some updates from this summer. Should I run through those? Yeah. Updates. I guess there's a few. Want. A few I don't want to steal your thunder, but that's. That's an understatement. A few. A few of you. Well, first and foremost, we got a

00:10:44:02 - 00:10:45:20
beautiful new puppy

00:10:45:20 - 00:10:48:12
named Brewery sleeping right here.

00:10:48:15 - 00:10:50:06
Well, I don't wake the beast.

00:10:50:06 - 00:11:00:09
Oh, I wake up. He gets a little aggressive during podcast sessions and sometimes likes to run around and play with noises. But it's okay.

00:11:00:09 - 00:11:04:06
He just officially turned one

00:11:04:06 - 00:11:21:28
last week, so that was pretty exciting. And then, um, his a original name. This is a funny story. His original name was AD and there's an ad that's interesting.

00:11:22:00 - 00:11:28:01
Ed Devon I know, right? I know. Or the reason why and this is kind of a sad story

00:11:28:01 - 00:11:44:15
there was three dogs that the Humane Society actually found that were in the desert. So basically there was three dogs that were brought in, must have been brothers or sisters, and they had cactus

00:11:44:15 - 00:11:46:21
in their mouth and stuff like that.

00:11:46:24 - 00:11:51:15
Yeah. So the Humane Society actually rescued

00:11:51:15 - 00:12:14:28
that, put them up for adoption. Me being a Wisconsin sports guy that I love, of course had to go to the last Brewers spring training game of the season and they had a pet adoption day. So I was like, Oh, okay. I mean, I'll go there, see what they have. I probably won't see anything.

00:12:15:01 - 00:12:20:26
All of a sudden I see Brewer or AD and and ad.

00:12:20:26 - 00:12:36:16
The reason I found out he was called AD was because the three dogs that they brought in, they were named ad Edward and Eddie just so then, you know, they can,

00:12:36:16 - 00:12:40:18
you know, differentiate between the two, but not by much.

00:12:40:18 - 00:12:46:16
But not much. Yes. So I love the word ad, but I was like, I don't know.

00:12:46:16 - 00:12:47:18
I so

00:12:47:18 - 00:12:56:25
of course, I had to go to the Brewer games, so I called them Brewer. So I got one dog named Finley who is named after their Michael Finley

00:12:56:25 - 00:13:10:21
wife, one of my favorite basketball player players, and also the greatest basketball player in probably Wisconsin sports history as far as like from the Badger side of

00:13:10:21 - 00:13:14:20
of everything for basketball fans, in my opinion.

00:13:14:23 - 00:13:19:02
And then I have now Brewer who's named after the Milwaukee

00:13:19:02 - 00:13:27:23
frickin Brewers. And a side note, I haven't met Brewer in person yet, but they look almost identical twin dogs, too, even though they're not from the same breed. Right,

00:13:27:23 - 00:13:41:27
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. So you can actually see some of their videos, which I took a little sidebar to and started a little side channel called Carolina Twins with a Z.

00:13:42:00 - 00:14:08:07
So Carolina twins with a Z instead of an ass. And it's just a lot of them playing at the dog park. Being twins, you get to see Brewer chases shadows. Well, a lot of fun stuff. He likes to walk backwards. That's right. I haven't seen that one yet. Oh, yeah. They're they're hilarious. I haven't posted as many as I want to, but, you know, you know how it is.

00:14:08:07 - 00:14:33:08
You're in that space. It's hard to post the tic tac even every day or a couple of times. Everything else. People don't realize the challenges of social media and being constantly up there, because then when you post, you also get comments. So now you're your phone in your hand. That's, you know, you're used to supposed to be for work and everything else is constantly pinging.

00:14:33:08 - 00:15:04:09
Ping, ping notification. So if people say I'm ignoring them, it's not because I'm ignoring you, it's because I'm getting paid. Ignoring everybody. I get pinged at work with notifications, I get pinged at home with notifications, and then I get pinged when we do podcast stuff. So 20 47a day, My my phone's constantly pinged, so sometimes I silence it and just turn it off and I'm away from the world.

00:15:04:12 - 00:15:04:25

00:15:04:25 - 00:15:10:04
Well, speaking of the the Green Bay Packers, I guess one last update for for me.

00:15:10:04 - 00:15:24:09
Mike and I will be going to a few extra Packer games this year. It was time for the family to pass down the season tickets. So now I am the rightful heir of the Green Bay Packers season ticket holder. So we will be going to opening day.

00:15:24:09 - 00:15:42:11
And I think that since you're going to be up here, we're going to the next game, too. And so we'll be hoping we'll be busy this year going to every single game we can, too. So hopefully it'll be a great season. Yeah, exactly. I'm I'm stoked. I see the new edition of your artwork behind you. I got I got the same one.

00:15:42:11 - 00:15:50:08
People who can't see it in this frame. But Derek was able to get me that at the state fair and I was able to

00:15:50:08 - 00:16:02:25
put it in my, you know, a little old Wisconsin, a wall of wall of fame or a wall of champions. I don't know what I want to call it yet, but. Well, I'd have to give the credit to my son.

00:16:02:25 - 00:16:22:13
He just turned 13 as well. And yeah, when we're at the state fair, I always like memorabilia and art and he playfully checked me and said, Well, Uncle Mike's got all kinds of great art in the background. You have nothing, so you got to get something. And I was like, If we're going to do that, we got all of it, all the legends over here at Culver's, if they were, well, not all of them.

00:16:22:13 - 00:16:42:01
Yeah. And we got we are. I mean, loans still are still questionable. We're still waiting. He's still questioning. We're he looks all right, though. He looks sorry, but we got Janice. We got Yeah, it's. Who's that? Who's that other one over there. I'm sure. You know, being a Brewers fan. Oh, yeah. That's Rob, bro. Robin Yes, yes, yes.

00:16:42:03 - 00:17:04:27
And yeah, I mean, Derek, I'm super excited for this year and the opportunity to go to all the games. Thank you Carol family for passing it down. I appreciate it. So me and my boy can go to the games so we will I won't be able going to all of them, but I will definitely be there for the home opener coming up here shortly.

00:17:05:00 - 00:17:31:04
And also the Thursday night Lions game. So I've been going to two games that week, so that's going to be dope and I'm going to give all my podcasts listeners because I love you all. A little preview, a new tradition that I'll be whipping out this year. So typically everybody knows me. I go to the games with my double jersey,

00:17:31:04 - 00:17:36:24
my big Dr. Seuss top hat, some sunglasses or roll it.

00:17:36:27 - 00:17:52:20
Right. But this year, new quarterback got to switch up that tradition. So I brought a little little A-Z to Lambeau Field this year and I'll be racking this.

00:17:52:20 - 00:17:53:26
You got the little poncho.

00:17:53:26 - 00:17:58:18
You got the little pod. Did you get that in San Diego when we've seen a bunch of those?

00:17:58:18 - 00:18:06:10
I did. I did. But I got this in San Diego earlier this year before you and I went there.

00:18:06:12 - 00:18:26:19
But that's a great segway for San Diego. Yeah. Yeah. Look at look at this little pod. Almost, almost picked one of those bad boys up. Good thing. A good thing we did there because the twins, Then we'd really look like twins if I had one, too. And I know, right? See, you had that little tickle in your throat just like me to see.

00:18:26:19 - 00:18:33:00
I hate when that shit happens. It's that allergies are changing the seasons, but that brings on fact. Maybe.

00:18:33:00 - 00:18:56:10
Yes. So don't worry, Lambeau Field, Your boys is not going to miss a home opener, especially with a new quarterback. So people, I'm telling you, when your boys thing comes into town, we cover the spread. I don't I'm not saying we're going to guarantee a win, but whatever the spread is, but on the Packers spread, we will cover.

00:18:56:12 - 00:18:56:25

00:18:56:25 - 00:19:10:06
All right. Besides that, there were some more updates, just a couple extra updates. I feel like we're we're still building into this or still building. We're still building. But

00:19:10:06 - 00:19:21:15
the reason we were in San Diego was because I had my bachelor party with all my close friends. And

00:19:21:15 - 00:19:25:20
so that was amazing. Time to go out to San Diego.

00:19:25:22 - 00:19:55:16
Derek I think what did we end up having like 14? It was like 15 or so guys. Yeah, whose was it? Like 16 guys all in one area as far as like two double Airbnbs that were connected right near Pacific Beach. Perfect distance to the beach. Walk into the beach. We got to bike, we played the basketball, went some dance clubs, got met up with my friend Mercedes from Lacrosse.

00:19:55:16 - 00:20:24:02
So that's always great time meeting up with her and then met up with some other, you know, friends that traveled from all over, shout out, you know, to like Chris Sanchez traveled from Milan and shoot Addy that traveled all the way from Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee. Yeah, Nashville. So, yeah, we had people travel from like, I swear, like four or five different states.

00:20:24:02 - 00:20:31:03
It was crazy. But, you know, I appreciate all you all one love to you guys. But

00:20:31:03 - 00:20:56:29
besides that, obviously you can't have a bachelor party without getting married. So then I got married on July 7th to Megan Kinstler. So Megan was my fiancee. We've been engaged for about a year now, and, yeah, now we have two dogs and are married and looking to buy a house.

00:20:56:29 - 00:21:02:03
Just not right now. Just because the market's really bad. I'm partially,

00:21:02:03 - 00:21:17:29
but yeah, so we had a lot of big steps and then the wedding was phenomenal. We had over 300 people there, a lot of close. Hold up, hold up one second. We got to we got to bring back that ring. It looks unique given the story behind that bad boy.

00:21:18:01 - 00:21:22:29
All right. Okay. You did one of these real quick ones to slow that bad boy down.

00:21:22:29 - 00:21:24:20
Okay. We'll give them a little slope.

00:21:24:20 - 00:21:25:16
Not that slow.

00:21:25:16 - 00:21:29:06
What do I do with my hands? I'm Ricky Bobby. Now

00:21:29:06 - 00:21:31:22
shout out to Will Ferrell. I love that scene.

00:21:31:22 - 00:21:48:18
This. So this is a special ring. So anybody that knows me knows I love everything about Michael Jordan, the way he plays basketball and how he carries himself as far as his motivation level

00:21:48:18 - 00:21:50:03
him as a person.

00:21:50:03 - 00:22:19:18
I've only met him once in my life, which was phenomenal. It was on the golf course. I got to see him in Vegas teeing off. That's the the sting out of me, man. Meet Michael Jordan. I asked them, I said, Hey, Mike, you're almost 40. You're going to come back and play. It's almost 50 or 64 I met or I said, I at the time, I said, I said, you're almost 50.

00:22:19:20 - 00:22:27:03
You're going to come back and play. Because that's he's that's what he said during his Hall of Fame speech. He said, Who knows, I might come back and play.

00:22:27:03 - 00:22:30:28
And he was like, No, he was like, I was drunk when I said that.

00:22:30:28 - 00:22:33:08
True story by Michael Jordan.

00:22:33:08 - 00:22:39:18
And he was it was it is very real person and, you know, very cordial with me.

00:22:39:18 - 00:22:58:28
But this rig is made out of the floor at the United Center where Michael Jordan won his first three championships with the Chicago Bulls before they ripped out the floor. So what they did was they

00:22:58:28 - 00:23:10:12
you know, they rip out the floor, then they auction it out or donate it to people. Well, this company essentially bought it. And I got to see a way to prove it that

00:23:10:12 - 00:23:16:07
that it was actually made from the material that Michael Jordan played basketball on.

00:23:16:07 - 00:23:44:23
So I'll give you guys a little sneak preview. So any anybody that is is a bulls fan or a michael Jordan can clearly see that that is that red that was Chicago red and that United Center floor that he used to play on and obviously win championships. So I got I got that gold on my on my hand and I'll really care if if if it sounds a little weird the way you said that.

00:23:44:23 - 00:24:10:03
But wow. You know what I mean? Yeah. Know, like, well, like where he won his championships, I guess. Yeah. The floor of where the goat won the championships. And I don't care if you think that the goat is LeBron. If you want your own goat to be LeBron, so be it. I'm not going to argue about it. I'll just prove stats and statistics to claim that he's not.

00:24:10:06 - 00:24:30:21
But so one more little Michael Jordan piece I got Mike to try Michael Jordan's tequila this summer. It was the synchro, the Clear. And we yeah, we got a big bottle of that for my 40th and we ended up drinking it. Not all of us. It was, it was a number of people, but we finished that bottle and my mom's got some clear light crystal wine bottles, and she.

00:24:30:23 - 00:24:39:07
She's probably going to know now if she watches this, but we snuck that little empty bottle in there and it's still there a couple months later. It's still there isn't even has even noticed it.

00:24:39:07 - 00:24:51:03
I, I love that. I love that. That's funny. But yeah, so that's kind of been the highlight of our summer. You know that back the phone up we're not and yet we got to touch base on this wedding.

00:24:51:03 - 00:25:00:26
Mike had a pretty damn epic wedding. I've been to a lot of weddings, officiated my fair share of weddings. But I will say Mike's wedding was one of the most fun weddings I've been doing a long time.

00:25:00:26 - 00:25:09:01
Yeah, it was definitely fun. You know, when we planned that wedding we really talked about, and when I say we planned it.

00:25:09:03 - 00:25:32:21
Your wife? Yes, my. My wife planned it. I mean, let's be honest. Most grooms just show up, and that's exactly what I did. You know, I gave my $0.02 where I needed to and stuff like that. But mainly I only had a few must haves at the wedding. And then besides that, I was kind of, well, hey, whatever you want.

00:25:32:21 - 00:25:37:17
What were those must haves? Because those must haves were were some pretty epic things.

00:25:37:17 - 00:25:38:02

00:25:38:02 - 00:25:40:12
The must haves were

00:25:40:12 - 00:25:49:05
I had to wear sneakers, so Jordan shoes to walk down the aisle. So that's that was a must have

00:25:49:05 - 00:26:04:25
we also wanted a must have was because we had people from Wisconsin, from Minnesota and from other states like Arizona that traveled shout out to all my Arizona friends and family that traveled as well.

00:26:04:25 - 00:26:08:18
Appreciate you guys a lot, because that's a lot to ask.

00:26:08:18 - 00:26:23:07
So we add some Wisconsin food. So we actually started the wedding like right after the ceremony. We led right into where you got brat bites, cheese curds, and also

00:26:23:07 - 00:26:25:25
what else you're forgetting, the ice cream spot.

00:26:25:25 - 00:26:33:16
Well, that later on. Later. But no, you got you got brat brat bites, cheese curds.

00:26:33:16 - 00:26:40:03
Oh, and french fries. That's what it was. So it's just like a little, little car before the party started.

00:26:40:03 - 00:27:01:23
And then 30 minutes later, we had to have drinks after the little bit of food, because you got to have a little carb load before you have a few drinks in Wisconsin. Otherwise you'll be sleep in by 7 p.m. because everybody in Wisconsin likes to drink.

00:27:01:23 - 00:27:04:09
And if you don't know that, I'm sorry.

00:27:04:09 - 00:27:08:18
Speaking of drink and what did you have for your rehearsal dinner

00:27:08:18 - 00:27:13:09
so you could my area so we could all safely get around If I'm leading you.

00:27:13:09 - 00:27:16:26
Oh, yeah. For the rehearsal dinner

00:27:16:26 - 00:27:22:27
so we all could get around. We had a nice little party, but was not at all that

00:27:22:27 - 00:27:29:07
I was a mother truck and the coach bus and was a coach bus.

00:27:29:10 - 00:27:52:08
It was a coach bus, AC And it took us up to the bluffs and we had a good time. The speaker system was a little outdated on it, but overall we got to see some great views and we really got to see some really good scenery and take some good pictures with a lot of close friends and family.

00:27:52:08 - 00:27:54:21
So that was good. And then

00:27:54:21 - 00:28:05:02
some other highlights. We had the Pearl Ice Cream as our dessert instead of cake. Because my wife has gluten allergies,

00:28:05:02 - 00:28:25:16
she's has celiac disease. So she can't have gluten. So we decided to have ice cream where Meghan and I served ice cream and we handed it out to individual containers from the pearl ice cream that's been established since like the fifties in lacrosse.

00:28:25:16 - 00:28:35:06
So it was awesome. Ice cream local as well. So we supported local. And then Mike Mathers from

00:28:35:06 - 00:28:39:08
WIC killed it on the day. And then

00:28:39:08 - 00:28:40:11
as usual,

00:28:40:11 - 00:28:42:23
I've been to his weddings in the past. He did

00:28:42:23 - 00:28:55:06
awesome job and his entertainment company company that he runs as far as doing deejaying did amazing job. So shout out to Mathers.

00:28:55:06 - 00:29:15:20
We really appreciate, you know, everything that you did. And yeah, it was an overall epic wedding with over 300 people. That was a great time. I mean, just like weddings usually go like, it seems like the day is going to take forever. And it just felt like an hour went by because it was so action packed. Everybody was out dance and having a great time.

00:29:15:20 - 00:29:23:12
I got I got tied up for most of the night because somebody somebody made me take a bunch of pictures with a bunch of random people. But but it was fun.

00:29:23:12 - 00:29:24:26
How many pictures I have like,

00:29:24:26 - 00:29:28:28
wow, you got the high score.

00:29:28:28 - 00:29:31:07
Those are some of my close friends.

00:29:31:07 - 00:29:40:09
So you got the high score because I think in the photo booth, you ended up being on seven different pages of

00:29:40:09 - 00:29:43:09
photo photo booth that you bombed.

00:29:43:09 - 00:30:01:14
As far as you're just like, I'm I'm the best man. I'm nothing. I'm jumping in the photo with you. The groom's not here yet. You get a close second. You are working your work in that photo booth. Grooms Most people were having fun with it. I don't know. I don't think a couple of the grandmas were too cool with it, but it was all good.

00:30:01:16 - 00:30:27:10
Yeah, it's all good. You got to have fun. But yeah, it was a phenomenal wedding. Shout out to the counselors and the Stank is for getting together and the Ryans was all together and all my other family members Astros as well. So I appreciate all everybody showing up and showing out for us. And then

00:30:27:10 - 00:30:33:16
like a week later, I came back to Arizona and then we went to Ireland for a honeymoon.

00:30:33:16 - 00:30:38:13
So Ireland, we ended up going to four different countries in Ireland.

00:30:38:13 - 00:30:41:29
I like cities, I guess in Ireland that countries. But

00:30:41:29 - 00:31:02:11
we ended up going to Galway and then which is like more on the coast side of Ireland. And then we went through Killarney, which that was mine. And Megan's favorite city, just a smaller town. It's where they got a national park there.

00:31:02:11 - 00:31:04:21
We did some horseback riding,

00:31:04:21 - 00:31:28:25
riding in a boat, so some great things there. And then got to see Cork the city of Cork and stayed in a tree house. That was always a life goal of mine is to say in a tree house like Swiss Family Robinson. So that was pretty awesome. And then we ended up in Dublin where we got some professional photos taken in Dublin

00:31:28:25 - 00:31:32:01
courtesy of Megan's

00:31:32:01 - 00:31:32:27

00:31:36:09 - 00:31:51:22
because they bought us kind of like a little white wedding gift ideas. So shout it to them and shout out to Emily as well for setting all that up. Appreciate it, Ellie, Emily, Emily and Cecilia.

00:31:51:22 - 00:31:54:00
But other than that, you know,

00:31:54:00 - 00:32:02:22
it was just an overall epic month and a half that I don't even know what what happened.

00:32:02:22 - 00:32:33:23
I mean, we went from like bachelor party to a wedding to honeymoon for your birthday the next week. So literally, I people don't realize I landed after spending a week and a half in Ireland, landed on Sunday and then in Arizona in Anna's zona for four days and then flew home to Wisconsin for Derek's 40th birthday for that weekend and then flew back.

00:32:33:23 - 00:32:36:07
So I've been all over

00:32:36:07 - 00:32:40:07
flying everywhere and anywhere, so racking up the miles.

00:32:40:07 - 00:32:46:09
Yeah, I'm laying low a little bit until, you know, this home opener. Yeah.

00:32:46:09 - 00:32:54:10
Yeah. So that's a little bit about what we've been doing the last eight, nine months. I know you and I were talking the other night where it's like,

00:32:54:10 - 00:32:56:22
I don't know how it's only felt or it's only been a year.

00:32:56:22 - 00:33:20:06
It felt like two years have gone by just because we had so much left and right that we were doing, you know, especially then we're working on top of it, trying to, you know, figure out if we want to continue doing this. And then, you know, Mike and I the last few weeks, last month or so, I've really been kind of game plan and how we can, you know, get better at what we're doing and get better at talking, get better at our audio visual, how we present this and and develop in a strategy behind it too.

00:33:20:06 - 00:33:42:06
So we're not just trying to find guests and crank out a podcast in a couple of days and put it up here. So a lot of work behind the scenes has been going on to outside of just, you know, enjoying life and getting through some big monumental life experiences and things like that too. So we're excited about where we're going here the rest of this season and hopefully hoping that everybody else is excited about it as well.

00:33:42:13 - 00:34:07:23
Yeah, it's very exciting stuff that we're back for Season three. Definitely not going to be our final season, but we're in too deep now. We can't stop. Oh yeah, we're going to we're going to keep writing this out for as long as we can, right? Get excited people, because this season is going to be better than the Bears season.

00:34:07:23 - 00:34:09:19
Well, I'm just saying, what's

00:34:09:19 - 00:34:16:00
the Bears? Could be good. Yeah, I don't know. The Lions are starting to look pretty solid. I don't know what's going on. And I know

00:34:16:00 - 00:34:36:09
you can follow us on every day. Joe's that TV, we're on all social platforms as well as via social media. Just look up every day Joe's that TV, you'll find us and then we're on all streaming podcast So obviously YouTube,

00:34:36:09 - 00:34:43:24
Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, and then Spotify as well are the main ones.

00:34:43:24 - 00:34:46:25
But you name it, we're on it,

00:34:46:25 - 00:34:48:03
or just Google us.

00:34:48:03 - 00:34:50:00
I think we have the whole first page already,

00:34:50:00 - 00:34:52:00
right? Exactly.

00:34:52:00 - 00:34:54:26
Stay tuned. So be a heck of a season, people.

00:34:54:26 - 00:34:56:19
All right, Peace.