What Does She Want You For? and Get to the Bag Event

June 05, 2024 CJ
What Does She Want You For? and Get to the Bag Event
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What Does She Want You For? and Get to the Bag Event
Jun 05, 2024

What if you could unlock unprecedented prosperity and power within the beauty and barber industry? Join us as we introduce the second phase of the Let Us Become Sharper brand, featuring the highly anticipated "Get to the Bag" event on June 10th at the Hollywood Casino in Greektown. This episode is packed with invaluable insights for professionals looking to scale their businesses. We'll also spotlight the Thursday Night Society (TNS), a unique weekly gathering where individuals can showcase their finest attire and network between 7 PM and 2 AM.

Ever wondered what truly makes you desirable to your partner beyond the usual attributes? This episode dives deep into the thought-provoking question of "What Does She Want You For?" We encourage you to reflect on the unique qualities that attract your partner and make you stand out. We'll also express our heartfelt gratitude to our supporters, whose contributions are vital in keeping our podcast alive. As always, we remind you to guard your intellect, emotions, and safety. Stay tuned for the next chapter where we flip the script to discuss "What He Wants You For." Stay safe and prosperous!

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What if you could unlock unprecedented prosperity and power within the beauty and barber industry? Join us as we introduce the second phase of the Let Us Become Sharper brand, featuring the highly anticipated "Get to the Bag" event on June 10th at the Hollywood Casino in Greektown. This episode is packed with invaluable insights for professionals looking to scale their businesses. We'll also spotlight the Thursday Night Society (TNS), a unique weekly gathering where individuals can showcase their finest attire and network between 7 PM and 2 AM.

Ever wondered what truly makes you desirable to your partner beyond the usual attributes? This episode dives deep into the thought-provoking question of "What Does She Want You For?" We encourage you to reflect on the unique qualities that attract your partner and make you stand out. We'll also express our heartfelt gratitude to our supporters, whose contributions are vital in keeping our podcast alive. As always, we remind you to guard your intellect, emotions, and safety. Stay tuned for the next chapter where we flip the script to discuss "What He Wants You For." Stay safe and prosperous!

CJ: 0:15

Welcome. Welcome back to another episode of the Let Us Become Sharper slash TNS podcast. The title Let Us Become Sharper is the brand Let Us Become Sharper Operating. Now to the second phase of the brand slash business, which is to highlight prosperity and power. That's the second phase of my business. The business of being in the beauty and barber industry doing the necessary work of maintaining the equipment and tools used for that particular trade is the brand Let Us Become Sharper.

CJ: 1:02

Now I want to make a note right now. I want to come in and say that we have an event coming up. The event is called Get to the Bag. Y'all know what the bag is, Okay, well, for all of the people who don't understand what, get to the bag means get to the money, the dollars, get to the check. The bag. Get to the bag is the event that's being offered. This is being held on June, the 10th, at the Hollywood Casino, at Greektown Casino, hollywood Hotel, at Greektown Casino. I was going to be in the venue. The venue was very, very nice. I want to ask some slides and pictures to kind of show the venue, but we got people registered already on the event, right?

CJ: 1:51

This event is for the 10th and it's going to be get to the bag for the beauty and barber industry, for the enrichment of the beauty and barber industry, is going to be information. It's going to be speakers. It's going to be speakers, it's going to come in and it's going to give, basically, knowledge and insight on how to get to the bag, how to take talent, raw talent, how to take skills and what's the business what you already have. You know, people already have their business, people who have already started. But this is to enrich and enlighten, to take the game higher, to scale businesses and to show the advantages, as well as perks, perks and advantages of becoming a true professional. So this is going down on the 10th of June, which is a Monday, from 9 am to 2 pm. Hollywood Casino at Greektown. We're hoping to see you there. We got a lot of people that are supporting us in this move. I am just a humble servant to make sure that I am letting people know, bringing awareness to the summit, but we hope to see you there. We want to see you there and let's get to the bag. So, coming in to the podcast, like I say, the title and the brand has become sharper. Also slash TNS.

CJ: 3:10

Tns stands for the Thursday Night Society. Thursday Night Society is is very, very, very, very important piece, a masterpiece actually, of of the game of, of the game of of of the game of life as we, as we, as we travel through this life and navigate through this life, you need some form of prosperity. Thursday night society is based on, and the foundation of Thursday night is prosperity. So what we're going to go over real quick before we get to our topic, is the Thursday night society rules. We're going to do a rule or two moving forward in the podcast. So one rule of the Thursday night society how it come to be. By the way, the hours of Thursday night society are from 7 PM to 2 AM. We keep it professional and clean for our loved ones, for the, for the relationships. You know we don't drag, we don't hang out all the hours of the night and the night, no, we don't do that. We try to cut it. Thursday night society ends at 2 pm. But, moving forward, I want to give you a Thursday rule.

CJ: 4:18

So there have been questions of what is Thursday night all about? Is it a party? Is it? Is it a? Is it a hangout? Is it a? Is it a gang?

CJ: 4:31

No, thursday night society is, by my design, set up for to give opportunity. And in times you'd be careful and be ginger the way that I speak. And in times be careful and be ginger the way that I speak. But in times, especially in this life, opportunity sometimes is abundant and at times opportunity runs thin, very thin. And when your opportunity runs thin, where do you go? Prosperity still lives on Thursday night society. So one of the Thursday rules is you know when is the last time Now we're not offending nobody, but when is the last time that you wore your favorite outfit, your favorite shoes, your favorite jewelry? When is the last time you get caught up into that grime because our lifestyles and our bills and our responsibilities and obligations become paramount. So, with that being said, it's very, very rare for you to pull out your finery, but the opportunity presents itself at 7 pm to 2 am every Thursday night, 52 times in a year. Between those hours, you wear your finery, you wear your finest item. This is the reason that you wear it. Otherwise you probably would never put your mink coat on or you probably would never put your gaiters on. You probably wouldn't do that because why you have nowhere to go Thursday night gives you somewhere to go. It's the ultimate fashion hub, the ultimate show and tale for the grownups. So moving forward. Yeah, that's the brand and the title. So moving forward.

CJ: 6:33

Speaking of prosperity, you know I put together a few videos. If you look on Facebook at Sweet Carl, mr CJ. You know, if you look on my IG at CJ the Clipper man, you'll see that I have a few videos that I put together just independently, just speaking about certain subjects and topics in between the podcast. One of them was prosperity, and prosperity is the foundation. You know, bringing your name to the table. Table also bring your brand to the table, because what we're going to do is we're about to, we're moving into times now where it's time to verify. You know, when those lames that try to interfere, we just sweep them on to the side. You know, as we verify and become sharper when they try to come in and and we just sweep them right, sweep them right out the way. You know, like the like the lames, just sweep them right onto the side. I didn't even pay him no attention. You know, never straying from the assignment. The assignment is to. You know, remember. You know it's all about a dollar, a dollar for profit and a dollar to help, a dollar to share and a dollar to give. So, uh, all of that culminates. Until you know my starting off the cast for you. You know I'm happy to be here with you and we want to speak about the topic, the topic today. Oh man, the topic today.

CJ: 7:56

I was in a. I was in a think tank last week and in that think tank came a conversation about relationships in the barbershop. Relationship conversation is the number one topic outside of sports. We try not to talk religion, we try not to talk politics although we do but the number one topic in the barbershop, salon and self-employed environment is relationships. Now, we were in the think tank and it got dangerous in there. It got tight in there when we were talking about something that's very, very important. Now everybody knows we're going to go.

CJ: 9:00

This is going to be a two part podcast, with this being part one, but this topic and subject matter is powerful. Now there are men who pursue women. There are men who pursue women. There are men who pursue relationships. There are men who love women. They have the ones that they love, the ones that they really care for. They also have the ones that they pursue the ones that they want.

CJ: 9:34

But the question, which is the topic, topic, question, question topic is what she want you for. What she want you for, why do she want you? This, right here, is going to be earth shattering, game changing, intel and information moving forward. No different than the days when my Clippers brought me prosperity, you know, when I had the Walls, seniors, the Masters, when I had the, the, the liners I became, I began to feel complete. I began to feel whole. I began to not care if she wants me or not, because I'm sinking into my craft to my trade, but my outside world and my outside life of business.

CJ: 10:34

The question is asked internalized what do she want you for? Now? When we ask this question, when we ask this question, several answers were given, such as here's the main one she wants you for stability. She wants you for stability. She wants you for stability. She wants security, she wants to feel secure. There's not a woman that does not want to feel secure. There's not a woman that does not want to be stable, even the ones who lean and rely on their own independence. They still are creating a form of stability for themselves, but they still have the desire to feel secure and stable. So a guy said she wants me for stability.

CJ: 11:36

Okay, I understand, but that ain't what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about paying bills and being a man and being stable and being so and creating a safety. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about what make you hot to her. This is a question that we posed in a think tank at the shop. Now, the flip side to that coin is we're going to do part two. I know we're waiting for it, we want to get right into it, but I'm going to take comments, I'm going to take responses, I'm going to take all of that for this one, for this segment.

CJ: 12:19

The next one, guaranteed, is going to be sweetheart, what he want you for. What he want you for, and we have the obvious X, y and Z reasons, but what really makes you hot to him? What make you hot to him? This is the question what do she want you for? We went on and on. They went on and on about, about the, the, the qualities, about the. You know the attributes and the accolades, and we were going and going on and on about why she wants you. That's not what I was saying To every one listening. This is something to be discussed and this is something to be internalized and thought about at your own, to your own judgment.

CJ: 13:25

When you have a wife, a woman, or you don't even have somebody that you're pursuing, somebody that you want in your life or to have in that magnitude, one question, just one question that we ask what do she want you for? That is a rhetorical question and that question is to be answered by everybody that hears it Now, because I'm on the panel alone. I'm going to say this I know why my woman want me. Yes, I do. I know why my woman want me, so I'm going to give you an answer to kind of guide you, to get you to understand how this question should be answered.

CJ: 14:24

My woman don't want me for no stability, although I can provide stability. My woman don't want me for security, although I can provide security. My woman don't want me to have someone to listen to. Although I live, I lend a listening ear every opportunity and every chance that I have. My dad is something that I had to learn to do, tell the truth, just being honest, I had to learn how to listen more, but that ain't what she want me for. And it's not just about sex? Yeah, no, it's not just about that. So what she want you for, what you good for, what she want you for you want to know why my woman want me. Huh, my woman want me Because I'm a dog, because I run around like a dog.

CJ: 15:26

Yeah, I'm a dog, I just be dogging and dogging, doing all types of wrong stuff. That's what she want me for. She don't want no good guy because she too strong for a good guy. She powerful man, she strong. She want somebody who will dog, and that's me. I'm a dog, that's why she want me. Ain't got nothing to do with no stability. She was stable before I got her. She was secure before I got her, but she didn't have that dog. Like me, I don't listen to nothing. I don't listen to nothing. She say to me that I don't want to. When I go in my dog mode and that's what I had to learn to do Come out of dog to be able to listen, but when the time is right and when the certain environment presents itself, I turn on the dog. That's what she want me for. That's what a woman wants me for, because she want the junkyard dog when it's time. Not all the time, but when it's time. That's what my woman want me for. What does your woman want you for? Tell me now.

CJ: 16:54

We're going to leave this open for comments, questions. This is going to get some comments, trust me. We're leaving this open. This is an open forum to ask the topic what do she want you for, man? And next time I come into the podcast we're going to do part two.

CJ: 17:13

Sweetheart, what do he want you for? Is it because you a dog? We don't know. We don't know what you want you for, but that's the topic. So I want y'all to to to work with that one. I want you to kind of talk about that one and if you just by yourself, or you have to internalize that topic, just think about it.

CJ: 17:36


CJ: 17:37

What do she want me for? Cause I got a good job, because I pay bills, because I no, that's not what she wants you for. These are good qualities, but what do she want you for? What makes her want you? Is the question To our supporters, our beautiful supporters, who have been so helpful, who have been so gracious with their gifts, with their giving, to keep this podcast going. I do this the best I can, but I also got a lot of help and support. All cash is verified, meaning anything coming in or from a monetary standpoint, anything coming in or going out is verified, and you can believe that. So, my personal supporters, who make sure that I have everything I need and take care of me, oh so well, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and you know, just letting you know that we can't forego you, can't forego the people that look out for you, help you and support you.

CJ: 18:41

Yeah, so, going back, going back to a wonderful topic on another wonderful day what she want you for, what do she want you for? Why? What about you is hot that make her want you? That's the topic. We going on that one and we're going to do comments and we're going to do more. We're going to have some people come in and we're going to go over this topic a little bit with a few more, but that's what I put out there to you today uh, be safe out there.

CJ: 19:16

You know, be safe out there. Uh, we always say the same closing every podcast because it's important. We don't say it because it's something that's written down, or we don't say it because it's something that we feel we should say, meaning that be safe out there, and I'm talking about guard your intellect, guard your mind, you know. Guard your emotions. Put a steel lead on your safety out there, because it's tricky. But we'll be back soon and we'll go over the topic what she want you for and then we're going to flip it to sweetheart, what he wants you for. This is what we're going to do next. So the next time coming back at you, be smooth, be prosperous in the name of prosperity and power. This is CJ signing off. Let us become sharper.

Get to the Bag
What Does She Want You For?