Celebrating Industry Giants: Honoring Legacies and Embracing Excellence

July 17, 2024 CJ
Celebrating Industry Giants: Honoring Legacies and Embracing Excellence
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Celebrating Industry Giants: Honoring Legacies and Embracing Excellence
Jul 17, 2024

CJ Clippers - Let Us Become Sharper -TNS Podcast 7-16-24

How do we preserve and honor the legacies of those who have risen to greatness in their fields? In this episode of Let Us Become Sharper / TNS Podcast, we explore just that, starting with a heartfelt reflection on our longstanding friendship with John from D-Town Coney Island. Our conversation celebrates his thriving business and its deep roots in both Dallas and Detroit. We also share the inspiration behind our podcast title, "Let Us Become Sharper," which aligns with the mission of CJ Clippers LLC and the Thursday Night Society (TNS). The latter is a dynamic community where respect, freedom of expression, and achieving one's dreams are fundamental values. Plus, we give a special birthday shout-out to Reno and preview upcoming TNS events, urging you to stay updated via our social media stories.

We shift gears to spotlight the importance of recognizing and honoring the legacies of industry giants, with Chris the Barber receiving a special mention as one of the greatest in the barbering world. This episode underscores the importance of gratitude, persistence, and the need to celebrate the contributions of dedicated professionals. We extend our gratitude to our supporters, highlighting the significance of verified contributions and generosity. Listeners can look forward to future segments featuring guest barbers and other intriguing personalities, all aimed at fostering a community of excellence and respect. Join us on this journey to sharpen both your business acumen and personal growth, inspired by the relentless spirit of industry leaders.

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CJ Clippers - Let Us Become Sharper -TNS Podcast 7-16-24

How do we preserve and honor the legacies of those who have risen to greatness in their fields? In this episode of Let Us Become Sharper / TNS Podcast, we explore just that, starting with a heartfelt reflection on our longstanding friendship with John from D-Town Coney Island. Our conversation celebrates his thriving business and its deep roots in both Dallas and Detroit. We also share the inspiration behind our podcast title, "Let Us Become Sharper," which aligns with the mission of CJ Clippers LLC and the Thursday Night Society (TNS). The latter is a dynamic community where respect, freedom of expression, and achieving one's dreams are fundamental values. Plus, we give a special birthday shout-out to Reno and preview upcoming TNS events, urging you to stay updated via our social media stories.

We shift gears to spotlight the importance of recognizing and honoring the legacies of industry giants, with Chris the Barber receiving a special mention as one of the greatest in the barbering world. This episode underscores the importance of gratitude, persistence, and the need to celebrate the contributions of dedicated professionals. We extend our gratitude to our supporters, highlighting the significance of verified contributions and generosity. Listeners can look forward to future segments featuring guest barbers and other intriguing personalities, all aimed at fostering a community of excellence and respect. Join us on this journey to sharpen both your business acumen and personal growth, inspired by the relentless spirit of industry leaders.

CJ: 0:15

Hello, welcome back again to yet another episode of Let Us Become Sharper slash TNS Podcast. We're back again and it's a pleasure to be here with you. I hope that everybody enjoyed our last episode with D-Town Coney Island. I made specific that was very, very special and dear to me because John is, like I said before, a very, very good friend, someone I've known for a long time, and it was a pleasure having him on. If you've been following on Facebook, instagram and actually YouTube at hashtag Let Us Become Sharper, you'll see that episode, you'll see clips and it was a great thing to have someone come in where we go back for sure 30 plus years to speak with you and to give you insight on his business, which is the town Coney Island down there in Dallas. But they also cater here. They come home, you know they come back to Detroit and cater and do events there. So I want to brush you up on that, just give you an update on the last podcast coming in today with the title Let us become sharper. The title is based on my brand, which is CJ Clippers LLC. It's funny that we have CJ Clippers LLC. That we have CJ Clippers LLC, you know, as I promote my personal business on Facebook and Instagram and I actually have some commercials that I set up on YouTube or what have you. As I promote my own business, I'm noticing that we're growing as a family and we're growing as a community and I definitely appreciate that. I'm glad that you guys are very supportive to my business and my brand. But that is the birth of the title Let Us Become Sharper Double Entendre Become Sharper as far as the business and also become sharper in life. So that's where this podcast is crafted from. That's the derivative of how this show comes to be Let Us Become Shar sharper. The title also is slash TNS. Tns stands for the Thursday Night Society. The society is stronger than ever. To my society, brothers and sisters, the Thursday Night Society is stronger than and we're glad to have you come in and support the society, always support the society. We are growing to a level where it's expanding and the society is becoming stronger and stronger each, each day, each week.

CJ: 2:58

The hours of the Thursday night society go from 7 pm to 2 am. We cut it at 2 and it's the evening that you come out and dreams come true. They have had several stigmatisms on thursday night, but the fact of the matter. You know, as I, as I sit back, as a founding member, and as I sit back and I observe the Thursday night society, tns, which is going going places in this world you know it's a great thing I sit back and I observe and I say, uh, what is the criteria for the Thursday night society? What is the? What is the, the outline or the basis of the society? And and then just to explain it, thursday night society is the place where dreams come true. Thursday night society is the place where respect comes true. These things tend to lay dormant in our lives from time to time, some of us uh, sometimes me but it's the place where dreams come true. It's the place where dreams come true. It's the place where dreams can be fulfilled. Now they talk about birds of a feather that flock together. This is a saying that you've been hearing for some time. Birds of a feather flock together. Thursday night society lifestyle are for the birds that flock together, that fly high, that wish for their dreams to come true.

CJ: 4:35

Now we have a space, a safe space, and with it being Reno's birthday today, happy birthday Reno. This is a Tuesday. Having a happy birthday Reno. This is Tuesday. Having a happy birthday Shout out to him TNS. We just got a shout out in the text group. The group is going crazy because they said happy birthday to him. But he come in and he says you know, this is you know, especially for him, it was a safe space. It's a safe space where you can be respected. It's a safe space where you can be respected. It's a safe space where you can be free and it's also a safe space where dreams come true.

CJ: 5:10

Now we have a few events coming up for Thursday. We're going to put those events once we get them organized, so actually right now. Pardon me, but I got my, I got my notes here, so I don't have them completely organized right at this moment. But what you can do is you can check on. I'll be. I'll be putting these events on my stories, not necessarily on a post, but on my stories on Facebook, at Sweet Carl MRCJ, on Facebook and at Instagram. At CJ the Clipper man, cj Clippers, cj the Clipper man. At CJ the Clipper man CJ Clipper is LSE, but CJ the Clipper man, it'll be on the stories about the advancement of TNS, the Thursday Night Society, those events and we have a few little. It's a few of them that we have outlined. You can stay updated on the Thursday night events on my story on Instagram and Facebook. So I just wanted to let you know that.

CJ: 6:07

But the Thursday night society has become a staple, has become a pillar of our lives. It's a very, very positive thing and it's like I say I can't say it enough it's where dreams come true. It's the place where you have an idea and your idea will not be censored. Thursday night is a place where you have a desire, a reasonable desire, and that desire will not be censored. You know, we live our lives and we really, really have a dislike and a disdain for censorship, for being censored.

CJ: 6:45

We don't like to be cut. We don't like to be. We don't like to be. What's the word I'm looking for? We don't like to be. We don't like to suppress. We don't like to be suppressed. We don't like to be suppressed and oppressed. We like to be free. We like to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor, because you do labor, if you have anything in this world, and whatever is given, it's not given for long. It's going to be some work involved in it, as somebody doing some work. So, on thursday night, the society we allow you to be free, uncensored, and we allow you to be unfiltered and we give you your roses and your freedom and your dreams can come true for those hours. So that's the importance and the significance of the Thursday Night Society Hashtag TNS, tns and for all of the members and the supporters of Thursday Night Society, we're moving right along, we'll keep you posted on everything and we thank you for your support. So we're going right into the. We're going right into the events.

CJ: 7:56

Like I told you, I gave you those little sites to just check up and see, on the stories, what we got going on that, on the stories, what we got going on that. We have a new thing. I have a new thing in between my podcast, because my schedule has changed a bit and I'm not able to catch the studio, the podcast, as I would like to, as regular as I like to. But I'm fortunate to be able to get in today and get this podcast done for you. So in between the podcast, I have a little vlog that I do, called Prosperity and Power. Prosperity and Power is just a rant. Basically I would describe it as a rant. Some people, you know I've got some positive feedback from it, but it's just a rant, it's just me expressing a lot of things that I might not even express, you know, more subject matter additional that I would do just in my private time and my private thoughts. I put that up Prosperity and power is also an active ingredient of the Thursday night society, something that drives it, you know prosperity and power.

CJ: 8:59

So when speaking on prosperity and power, the topic that I came up with just to speak with you guys briefly about was there are barbers and we're moving on to mental health. We're moving on to, we're moving on to sponsorship. We're moving on past just normal barbering. As you saw, the event get to the bag, get to the bag was the event that I, that we done. That was in June. That was very, very, a very, very successful event, but it's not over. It's not over Get to the bag. That was just the first part of get to the bag. But get to the bag was something that gave insight, it was informational, it was a summit, basically, and a lot of people came out and it was very informative to them how that ties into prosperity and power. Prosperity and power is just an extension of that same thought process, but I have it condensed to a level where, um, you can see the benefits and aspects of prosperity.

CJ: 10:14

So I speak of a barber. You know barber birth. I speak of a barber that was very, very. He was very, very punctual. He's very, very professional, and I come up alongside this barber many, many years ago and when we worked together some time ago, years ago, I noticed that the efforts that he would put in, the skillset that he would put in to his craft were second to none, something that I admired, and I always watched this guy. I watched him, I even learned from him, and it's just one of those things where when a barber or any professional for that matter reaches a certain point and maintains and sustains in the industry for the amount of time, or, you know, for a lively amount of time, we ask ourselves, man, that guy's good. We say to ourselves that guy's good and we observe the work that he or she does.

CJ: 11:33

The barber that I'm speaking of now is Krista Barber. Krista, I want to get I said this before but I got to get Chris in my man MOB. I got to get Chris in here to sit him alongside of me and I got to give him his credit and I got to give him his roses while I have this platform. So Chris come into the shop many years ago and he was what I would coin as a hustler. He would hustle the clientele from the front of the shop. He would interact with people in front of the shop. He would pass out cards if he had, if they're available, and he built a clientele based on this and he overcome a lot of obstacles that I observed and he always was very, very nice to me, as nice as two barbers could be. You know it's a competition thing to an extent, but it wasn't a competition thing between us, but it's always that little, you know, that competitive nature there. But he was always Gay, recognized, recognized me. He always recognized me as a professional, just like him.

CJ: 12:46

So I would like to speak about Chris. I want to get Chris here, like I said, but the topic and the moral of why I'm speaking to you today is but the topic and the moral of why I'm speaking to you today is when someone does good for themselves, when somebody does a good service, when somebody has been loyal, when somebody has been through the ups and downs of a specific day, and they excel past obstacles, they excel past adversity, you become the goat, and Chris is one of the old school goats of the barber game, goat meaning greatest of all times. He is one of them, of the greatest of all times. Coming from the old school era of barbers. He would always use the razor, he would always use the shears and he would always put $5 in the jukebox and listen to those old classic records like California Dream. He would listen to this and we had Rob at the shop too. Rob was also a master, but I would like to give the credit to these barbers who I've worked alongside of, and also these barbers who have paid a lot of dues for many years of performing this craft.

CJ: 14:08

I've noticed something about the fate of the barber and the fate of our grace the people who have really worked hard to excel. They try to take, they try to un-goat the goats. Don't un-goat the goats. Once someone barber, engineer, basketball player, baseball player, soccer player, it doesn't matter Once you reach GOAT status, what they do is they attempt to un-goat the goats, and this would not be tolerated. Chris, I stand for you today. They tried to un-goat Chris, but today I'm going to step in and we're going to tag Chris the barber as one of the goats of the industry. We did not do this and they're trying to un-goat the goat, but we're not going to allow that. I know I've seen and I'm going to have many conversations about it. I've seen the goats get un-goated. They try to take you out the game raggedy, although you was in the game, putting in work and excelling past whatever, whatever levels you had to. Now they try to ungoat the goats.

CJ: 15:57

Chris the Barber is one of the goats of the Barber world, the Barber game, and we give him his roses. Like I said, I want to get him here. I want him definitely to see this. I'm going to tag it. His handles, his names on the social media will be put into the cut, into the description where he can get tagged. On that you can see exactly who I'm talking about. When we're talking about chris the barber, he's one of the goats and the goal of this podcast today is just a friendly reminder. I have no panel today, just me. But I want to remind you to stop trying to un-goat the goats. They tried to un-goat me, but that's. I'm going to say that that's a whole. That's like a. That's a far shot out there. We're going to talk about that later.

CJ: 16:49

Don't un-goat the goats, don't take away the hard work and the legacy and the effort that Chris the barber put into the barber shops. You know he's I believe he's on the other side of town now. I believe you're on the East side Now. I got to go see my brother, chris, and I also got to give a special shout out to my man, w T. So these are barbers that I've worked alongside of who have been inspirational to me. They might not know it, but what I'm going to do is, you know they say goaded. I'm going to goat the goats instead of trying to un-goat the goats, the ones who did things before you come along and have done it well and still doing it to this day, far as you know.

CJ: 17:34

As far as these lames out here, we got to address it for me. I hate to do it, but it's a job that has to be done, a task. These lames out here, you know what we do. We just like when you play Uno. You just skip over, just skip right over them. You sweep them to the side.

CJ: 17:49

I speak about this on Prosperity Empower, my little rant that I do. I just sweep them to the side, man, I don't pay, just sweep them, boys, man. Just don't pay them no attention. Stop paying these lames any attention. It's just like the little bad kid in school. When you have a little bad kid in school, the more you laugh at his little jokes, the more jokes he do, the more he get attention. Right? You pay these lames no attention. You pay them no, never mind. There are trolls out there that try to distract you. Nothing but distractions. You pay them no, never mind. I don't pay these lames no attention.

CJ: 18:25

There's so many lames that I done come across in my life I'm talking about lames in the game so many of them have come along and tried to un-goat the goat and tried to undo the hard work that I've done that all I can do is ignore you. I know, I know that was powerful. I know, I know I ignore you. I'm ignoring you. I don't pay you no attention. You fools, you fools. I don't pay you no attention. So we come in today, focus streamline on making sure that we don't un-goat the goats because the goats is the greatest of all time and you got to give them their credit and stop sliding the hard work of those who pay their dues. We can't do that. No more.

CJ: 19:15

Never, ever in my life, never, ever when I do this podcast, never when I come to the studio and speak about my business, which is CJ Clippers LLC. When I speak about my business and when I make reference to Thursday night, I never come into the podcast studio without getting you to understand the assignment. The assignment is what we don't stray from. A lot of times you stray from the program, from the assignment. I never stray.

CJ: 19:44

The purpose of the assignment is to be prosperous and make good on your labor. Make good, you know, the purpose of any business is a result To see the results of your labor, your intellect, your skills. That's the purpose. We're never straying from the assignment to be able to be prosperous. That's why I call it prosperity and power to be prosperous. And I'm talking about making a dollar, and I'm also talking about sharing and showing gratitude, giving as well. So we're not straying far from our assignment today. This is a lovely day. I'm glad that I came in, I'm glad that I talked to y'all, because I love to. I love to speak with you from the heart. I love to speak with you from the heart, and that's what I do here today. So we never strand from the assignment we never abandon in the hustle. These are just things that we're never doing. Spoken on past podcasts. We're not giving a refresher course today here and building the business and building the podcast as such.

CJ: 20:50

So to all my supporters out there, I want to speak. I got a special person, somebody that I want to speak to Delaina Delaina. You very, very special to me. I saw Delaina over the weekend. Delaina talked to me. What that means is she talked to you, delaina talked to me and she took her time out to spend a little time with me and let let me know that I was important and also, you know, in return I wanted to let her know that she was important as well. But Delaina been in my life almost my whole life and it felt good to have the support of someone who genuinely cares about you. And because I have this platform, I want to put that type of testimony on the platform to say thank you for spending some time, for thinking about me, and the thought and the favor did not go unnoticed and it will be reciprocated to you as soon as possible.

CJ: 21:52

I thank you so much to my supporters, the supporters of the podcast. I thank you. All cash is verified. Any cash coming in or any cash going out is verified. Simple as that. We try to make it plain to you that you know we're running a, we're running a, we're running a broadcast here, and broadcast, you know, need some help sometimes. So we thank the people for helping us with that podcast. Also, to my personal supporters the ones who support me I thank you from the bottom of my heart because it doesn't go unnoticed. All cash is verified. It does not go unnoticed. It's verified that you are helping. It's verified. Your generosity is noticed and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that.

CJ: 22:34

Don't try to un-goat the goats. I've been catching you doing it and the best way to slow it and stop it and do something about it is to speak on it where the people can see and observe what's happening. Don't un-goat the goats. The goats reach greatest of all time status through what Hard work and dedication and you have no business interfering with that. You don't, and if you feel that you have the right to do so, you're wrong. I'll be back to you guys. So when I had to come in, I had to do my cast, I had to speak to you. I'm going to go ahead on and get out of here. I'm going to go ahead on and get out because I got work to do, work to do tomorrow as well. You'll see me on Prosperity and Power. You'll also see me on Thursday Night.

CJ: 23:29

The Society If you're not built for the Society, you're not ready for the Society, or if that's not your thing, just demonstrate prosperity and power, leave it there. But that is a very, very active ingredient. That's a foundation. Prosperity and power is the message that I bring to you today. I'd like to thank you out there. I want you to stay dangerous. I want you to always be thinking who are the goats and make sure you're not ungoating the goats. If you got somebody in your proximity or somebody that you know and you recognize the hard work that they was doing, don't disturb that and make sure, if you get a chance to even recognize them, if you get a chance to even recognize them, that you do so. I got more of my barbers going to come in here on this panel with me and I got more guests going to come very, very soon. But in the meantime, in between time, y'all hold tight and I'll be back to you and let us become sharper.

Let Us Become Sharper TNS Podcast
Recognizing and Supporting Industry Leaders
Recognizing Support for Podcast and Goats