Deep Waters

Take Your Father to Work Day

Kenneth Shelton Season 14 Episode 30

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Today is take your Father to work day. No it isn't, you're supposed to take your Father to work everyday. Now but you know that I am talking about God, His holy Spirit, and Jesus who dwells in you right? 

 My Dad is better than your dad if your dad is not my Dad, ha. No but so I have heard for a good part of my Christian walk that you cannot and should not manifest your Christianity at work, and oh especially if you work a Government job. Oh the legal knuckleheads have so many people confused and deceived regarding the statement, there must be a separation of church and state. And but my concern is not for the God haters and earth-rebels, but for the ignorant Christians who are daily silent in a world of opportunity to change lives like nothing else can for all of eternity. Oh excuse me Eternity, I cannot right now lead anyone to you as I am instructed not to do so while I am managing their short-term journey to hell. Oh I care just not between the hours of 8am to 5pm. And but if I am a ruler of many then those hours are extended to on many days more than 12-hrs per day or more. That I know is a lot of silent time but boy do I get the work done and by the way, I don’t know if you have noticed but I am really making such a big difference in peoples natural lives, and but….bink, bink, bink we interrupt this message to bring you some breaking news. It appears as though people have been disappearing, not a lot but it is significant enough to notice that they definitely just vanished…

 Ha, and what is happening these days? They are trying to join all of the religions of the world into one. But in order for this to work, and many of us will buy into the idea even though we have been given advanced warning, they, we will have to remove Jesus as God. Yup we will have to relegate Him to a man-status. Why Because He is the only way to salvation and for whatever reason satan seems to know this more than the crowds that will agree to this insanity. You see Jesus and His true followers will get blamed for all of the unrest and spiritual wars so of course it stands to reason if we are to have peace, He must go. It’s the work of the anti-christ and the majority are ignorant of his working things out to his end-time advantage. One Government and one church that lines up with Government. 

 1 Thess 5:3 - For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.