Deep Waters

Can You Lose Your Salvation

Kenneth Shelton Season 14 Episode 24

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So now then welcome to my second topic of ten which is titled, “can you lose your salvation?” And but you should know why I am doing a message on this topic and for those of you that think you know, my answer might surprise you. I am doing this not because I am trying to point out that there is a difference between us and them, the believer and unbeliever, but because there are so many of us’s that believe we are in because we simply stated a prayer at an alter. This really is a message more for the Christian nutralites. A nutralite is a Christian that even though they may have had a born-again experience, they have done nothing by way of changing from the old man to the new man that would show or demonstrate that they were actually born again. For them or others they may remain as they were at the beginning of their salvation because they have been taught that they cannot lose their salvation once they have gotten it. There response is to do nothing because all the work was already completed on the cross and they know that they can do nothing to earn salvation so they gladly shift their lives into neutral; and it is right there that we have the birth of the nutralite. 

 So before we go on, as I am hoping I didn’t already lose my listener base, ha I should tell you that I do feel unqualified to delve into such things as this from the position that I will be trying to take. And I say so, because really there are others who have done a better job at explaining these kind of things. So why do it Ken? Because it occurred to me when I was reading a book this past Sunday that something strange bumped into my current thinking. Allow me to share. So I have done more than one message and a book soon to be released down the road, on the subject of losing your salvation. And I supported that thought using some of the same scriptures that I will be using in this message, but from a new angle. We will take a look at the inerrancy of God predestining His peeps to salvation which, if this is the case, then there is no guesswork as to who name is in the book of Life and who’s is not right? It is finished before it started so to speak (1 Peter 1:20). The other angle is that your name could be in the book of Life but because you went south in your walk with God your name vanished from the book. I will provide the scripture and the event which alludes to the fact that this could be the case.