Deep Waters

Shoulda Bought A Hunda No It's Not It’s Called Tongues Untwistered

Kenneth Shelton Season 15 Episode 15

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Ok so we are now going to cover tongues:

2 Cor 12:10 - to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.

So, because of the current condition of the church which is that we are in the Laodicean church age, and many are without the Holy Spirit, and many are not making disciples or equipping the saints for the work of ministry which leave many Christians without ammo. Oh they may have weapons, and know the word in part, but without those elements being in place, that is being equipped for the work of ministry, being a disciple, and being taught how to use and function in a spiritual office, if called to do so, and how to use the Holy Spirit given spiritual gifts, what chance do they have? If the devil has talked you out of seeking tongues or of using tongues then he has stolen some of your ammo (John 10:10).   

Do you believe in using any or all of the gifts (spiritual tools) that God has given you as you go and preach the gospel? If so then you should bibbly babbly away. We cannot get around these scriptures which is perhaps why some are up in arms about this interesting manifestation. 

Where we do this is irrelevant if indeed you are unable or unwilling to learn how to do this right? When I got saved I did not know how to speak in tongues at all, and yes I was definitely intrigued when I heard others doing it. And yes, I looked up every scripture on tongues to see if we were OK. And well we were, and I was set on learning how to speak in tongues, and did eventually do so, and in so doing my prayer life was extended in time and in effectiveness. My longest prayering day was about 8-hrs. 99.9% of my prayer was in tongues, and boy did I have some kind of experience while doing so. So I will provide some testimonies of speaking in tongues so that you are aware of your need for it and the fact that even outside of your normal prayers that this is like adding super-powers to your prayer life. I was going to say Nitrous but not everyone loves and appreciates cars as I do. Ha…