Player One | Player Two: The Board Gaming Duo

Episode 20: Picture in a Frame

November 06, 2019 Eric Bonkowski & Kathleen Shaw Season 1 Episode 20

In this episode, we’ll dig into a big, heavy, and very well-regarded euro. As we go, we’ll discuss a designer known exclusively for his heavy, thematic, and puzzly games, and how his theming is able to instruct the mechanics of this design specifically. 

After that, we’ll be forced to come to terms with how we may have been doing ourselves, and by proxy the game, a bit of a disservice by catering to our own existing predilections of keeping to ourselves and not wandering into another player’s proverbial backyard. 

The Gallerist (2015) on Board Game Geek: 

Theme & End Credit Music by Javier Suárez (Jahzzar)