Player One | Player Two: The Board Gaming Duo

Episode 27: Don't Know Much About History

April 13, 2020 Eric Bonkowski & Kathleen Shaw Season 2 Episode 3

Pax games are a sort of micro-genre of their own. Medium to heavy-ish opaque games that smash up euro mechanics with some borderline aggressive player interactive. Oh, and they are [nearly] all historically based. I can tell you where I fall, but Kathleen has more complicated feelings. You may have heard about last year's Pax Pamir 2nd edition.

We'll discuss–probably not for the last time–the question that keeps coming up here on ye ol' podcast: Does playing a board game recreationally about difficult, tumultuous, or violent periods in history inherently trivialize them? I bet you have an opinion, because we sure do. Oh, and by the way, this game is fan-friggin-tastic.

*** NOTE: As of the publication of this episode, Pax Renaissance is currently on Kickstarter. Like, right now! ***

Finally, apologies for any slight anachronisms (for example: the Oscars). We recorded this episode about three months ago.

Pax Porfiriana (2012) on Board Game Geek: 

Theme & End Credit Music by Javier Suárez (Jahzzar) 

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