Player One | Player Two: The Board Gaming Duo

Episode 29: The Longest Year

September 21, 2020 Eric Bonkowski & Kathleen Shaw Season 2 Episode 5

We’ve been hiding, taking stock of our place in this wild, wild year, and taking care of each other. Hopefully you and your loved ones are doing all right. We may be holed up, but we’re still playing games and pushin’ those cubes. Again, hopefully you are, too.

Rather than focus on one game, this episode is a bit of a mixed bag/State of the Board. We’ll touch on a few games we’ve been playing, like Lorenzo il Magnifico (2016), Unmatched (2019), and Rune Stones (2019), and come clean about how tough a year it’s been for us.

Theme & End Credit Music by Javier Suárez (Jahzzar) 

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