Stronger Than Your Boyfriend

How to Break Through Strength Plateaus

Barpath Fitness Season 1 Episode 195

Today’s episode of the podcast is all about how to break through strength plateaus. A strength plateau is a period of time when your strength gains level off or plateau even though you are continuing your workouts. The biggest reason people plateau with their strength is by doing the same routine indefinitely. You need to send new stimuli to the body to keep it guessing so your body has to adapt. We discuss the many other reasons someone finds themselves at a strength plateau, such as too much change in a fitness routine, overtraining, stress, not getting enough sleep, etc. Then we discuss how to break through a strength plateau, which includes adding the right amount of variation into your routine to keep your body guessing. We end this episode by discussing general programming tips, incorporating rest days, refining technique, and tracking your progress. 

In this episode, we discuss: 

  • What Causes A Workout Plateau?
  • How To Break Through A Workout Plateau With Strength Training
  • Deloads
  • Switch Up Your Training Volume
  • Take A Rest Day
  • Change Exercises

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