
IlluviTalks #13 - Women & Gen Z in Web3 Gaming | Cryptomom, Miss Teen Crypto & CYN

Illuvium Season 1 Episode 13

Why do women account for the minority portion of crypto investors? Why is Gen Z showing outsized interest in finance versus previous generations? What new experiences do you want to have in the metaverse before you die?

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Illuvium is an exploration looter and collectible autobattler game built on the Ethereum Blockchain, releasing on PC and Mac in 2022. Play and earn in a graphically-rich, vividly-realized sci-fi adventure and conquer the wilderness to help your crash-landed colony flourish.

Race across stunning alien landscapes on your quest to uncover the cause of the cataclysm that shattered Illuvium. Hunt and capture Illuvials, powerful creatures who have ruled the land unchallenged until your arrival. Train and fuse your Illuvials into powerful evolutions. Build your ultimate Illuvial team to take into battles and tournaments in PvE and PvP Arenas. Use your creativity to build unique synergies to outsmart your opponents and progress to the top as become the most legendary Ranger on this planet.

Illuvium’s collectible NFT games feature crypto token assets with functionality and a gaming use case, interoperable across the Illuvium universe and the larger DeFi metaverse. The decentralized NFT collection offers players a user-maintained custody never before possible in mainstream gaming.

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[Music] thank you bringing the music down because we're bringing the show in what's up everybody Andrew wall here host an executive producer at alluvium and welcome to oluva talks wow what a moment in crypto history today holy moly we're doing an episode on women in web 3 gen Z and web 3 and crypto but we're gonna have to address the moment that's happening out there with FTX with markets just in a free fall right now the craziest moment in crypto ever and I've got an expert panel of some of the smartest people on the internet with me really quick before we get into that here's what we're talking about here's the financial disclaimer this is not Financial advice we are just a bunch of smart people to sharing our opinion about the future of web 3 and crypto you need to do your own research and maybe part of your research is listening to some of the brilliant people we're bringing on the show today including Miss Teen crypto in the house let's bring her in here welcome to the show thank you so much for having me Andrew hope you guys are doing well in the eluvium community happy to be hanging with you in such a crucial time in crypto history I chugged so many of your podcasts and your videos and what have you in research for this episode Miss Teen crypto spreading uh crypto and nft adoption to gen Z in the world hosted the Miss Teen crypto Show podcast the word zesty will be used multiple times also on this episode we've got crypto mom I was with crypto mom and another podcast I'm like I've got to have her on the show such fire what's up crypto Mom how you doing today hey everybody I'm doing great thanks for inviting us thank you crypto mom is the owner of bundles bets and uh Gentry media and one of my favorite crypto Twitter accounts to follow with all the madness happening with FTX and binance right now you're actually one of the primary accounts that are popping up on the top of my feed Twitter algorithm knows I like your tweets and we've got Cynthia in the house as well Cynthia how you doing welcome to the show hi guys thank you for having me I'm super excited to be here with the with amazing women and Andrew you're awesome so super excited to talk to the eluvium community today I'm really glad to have you here Cynthia is a gamer and a marketing lead at Gentry media and we've got folks with marketing expertise Creator expertise business backgrounds Bankers here we've got the expert panel we're going to talk about women and gen Z in web 3 and your opinions are obviously incredibly valuable there but wait we've got to talk about this wild moment in crypto history happening right now with FTX maybe it's going to be insolvent maybe binance is going to buy them out maybe the crypto markets will be saved maybe it'll be tanked further this is a historic moment that we're going to refer back to years from now so I just want to go around the table and just get your kind of hot take in the moment here on November 9th 2022 on what's happening in the markets and what you think we will learn from this moment looking back five years from now what do you think we'll learn from this moment right now and I'd like to start with Miss Teen crypto what are your thoughts awesome well thank you for having me again well I have a lot of thoughts on what happened with FTX binance this whole shenanigan as we could say if you've been watching what's been happening with FTX and Ben AKA bit boy has been kind of throwing warning signs you could say about FTX about Sam binkman freed and there were warning signs about the ftt token way before this it was just whether people you know noticed or did their research in a certain situation I do think that this coming to light is a great thing for the crypto Community being that in this bear market we've discovered a lot of I guess faults in the crypto space and we have cleared them up and we need to clear all this up for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency to go mainstream we can't have all these problems if we have mainstream adoption and millions in the whole world basically using this system we need to clear out these Bad actors I think this is a good thing hopefully Finance could take over and do some good things with FTX and that everybody could kind of filter this out and move on makes sense crypto mom you've been given some hot takes on Twitter I love them what are your thoughts right now in this moment what do you think we're gonna learn when we when we do this show Olivia talks five years from now and I bring all of you guys back what are we gonna reflect upon this moment and think about this moment today in crypto history

to me when I'm 50 years old okay you're not listening now you're gonna listen then um so first of all thank you so much I'm honored to be on the stage with my my darling daughter Cynthia and uh Miss Teen Andrew that was a good good podcast we had last time so now this is a Black Swan event I personally did not see coming now I do realize big boy has been you know telling us about this and I I'm I'm not I'm not a fan but I love big boy because he just keeps it real you know sometimes you gotta follow us accounts that just keep you real I've met him in so nice nice guy down to us um and behind the [ __ ] for saying all the all the stuff that um some was trying to do acting like he's going to be the Savior during the May lunar uh collapse when Terra Luna collapsed earlier this year when Celsius when Voyager went down he acted like he had all his ducks in a row that's why I was when when I started looking deep into this FTX thing I was like oh my God this is not going to be good for us and this is not definitely especially when coindus came up with the report last week as when I realized okay this I don't know if you all know this but anybody with fans on fex needs to start taking their funds away thank God I've ever used the platform because of I don't think they're even legally in Texas um but yeah a lot of people that I was speaking with students I was telling them get on First and for for me as a as a leader in the space a lot of people reach out to me and I for God does this not just me I don't do this on my own every time something's about to happen like with the lunar crash I told people to get off I was telling my followers get off lunar and this time I told I was I was telling people that were dming me I was like I wouldn't have any money on FTX it is what it is and five years from now this is a story we're gonna be telling we won't be telling my grandchildren like um I was in the middle of all three crashes like how this was crazy not your keys not your crypto yeah and you can't trust the words of leaders in the crypto industry you can only trust yourself and that's part of uh obviously that's a part of having a hardware wallet personally full disclosure I am stuck in some active trades on FTX us I had a significant amount of money stuck in there and active options trades and so uh I got fingers crossed over here on that one so yeah you told me that yesterday I was like I'm crazy for you I know someone nasty millions in there so yeah I've got a lot I've actually got a lot stuck in FTX Cynthia what's your take on this moment five years from now we'll look back what are those Lessons Learned what's that perspective we'll have on this moment in crypto history the biggest lesson for me and I think for a lot of Traders or investors or people who want to be Founders is this is a lesson fundamentally on Greed uh FTX or whatever Sam bankman fried I think for a lot of people was probably the last person we would expect to be in the situation kind of echoing on what my mom said about seeming like it was all put together in that when you're when you know you're insolvent or at least on the brink of insolvency you're not going to buy a stadium you're not going to invest in multiple layer ones and those sorts of things it's just it's it's greed at the bottom line um I think this what what Miss Teen crypto and a lot of people are saying is that this is good not in the moment it's painful in the moment it's a bloodbath in the moment but it's good because it's purging out Bad actors and bad business practices like this is not sustainable it really wasn't sustainable and it isn't sustainable if we want crypto to be what we know that it can be and then for assumers it's a lesson on I don't want to say it's common sense but it's crypto sense right these ideas like you're saying of having a cold wallet of um not storing your money on centralized exchanges um and doing your research and things so lots of lessons to be learned I think it's definitely really painful growth and lessons are typically painful but in the long run um the projects that are uh of good intent and are for the betterment of people are gonna definitely withstand the test of time and I think it's going to be great in the long term that makes sense so thank you for sharing your thoughts on that I want to get into uh the main topic at hand here which is women in web 3 women and crypto I I went ahead and did some research and there's some conflicting numbers out there let me know if you've seen some better numbers on this um I've been in some really cringy discussions with men talking about how we were going to bring women in crypto it's been really bad so generally speaking the numbers I've seen out there is that about five to ten percent of crypto Founders are women currently and roughly 25 ish the numbers I've seen are kind of conflicting from different sources out there 25 ish of crypto holders right now Bitcoin holders as well are women which means it's a male dominated industry 80 to 90 percent basically of uh people working in the crypto industry are male and then about 75 percent of crypto holders are male right now so the question I want to bring up with all of you and I want to start with crypto mom why do women account for the minority portion of crypto investors when in many cases I know it's cultural depending on the country but in many cases in the United States for example women are actually in charge of the household Finance yet a minority portion of crypto holders in particular are women right now what are your thoughts on that my main thoughts are that we are very cautious women are very cautious I'm gonna look back in the 80s and when I was you know when I was younger in the 80s obviously um I didn't want to imagine that the tech boom would be the future I was waiting and sitting on the sidelines and saying maybe um maybe this is not it and a lot of women mothers in the household we take care of the finances it takes a very bold mom to say I'm going to go with my gut and I'm going to invest in an industry that's early stage um a new asset class um obviously there's a lot of Education that has to be provided but we're we're just we're very cautious um in nature and and one thing I've realized when I even left the bank after almost two decades in banking in traditional finance a lot of people are looking at me like I'm crazy like you really are not gonna go into crypto are you you know like this is very volatile very you know like you're not you're not I know that feeling away from my career um your 401k that is sure every month you know getting money to something that you don't know but when you know what you know and you stick with it and you're not looking at now and you're building generational wealth I could care less because I was not going to keep making the the CEO of of you know of a web 2 industry reaching richer I had to get out and a lot of the women that reach out to me they want to learn it's all about education right now and and and that's why we have that low Ma you know like right now no one's really paying attention on but the more we keep educating and like right now we're telling people that this industry is actually okay when you come in and you learn first before you invest I like that okay so so you're saying that uh women can be more cautious or maybe what you're saying maybe women generally could in the past be more risk averse and that could be a reason it's an emerging technology and with a moment like today if you're just flipping through the headlines or flipping through Twitter and you're seeing one of the major crypto exchanges crashing you're that would be reinforcing to yourself right and say oh I knew that crypto was too risky and this may push do you think that this moment in history will push women further away from crypto adoption or some women further away from crypto adoption when they see headlines like big exchanges are going bust right now this is a [Music]

going back to now having to like emphasize in the space that this is the best time to build quietly build because they think it's it's not this industry is almost like not going anywhere like we're not gonna resurface in 2024 and Bitcoin is going to be back up again at 60k but we're gonna do it quietly because when we make noise they're like oh they're just making noise and this is about nothing so we have to go back and we have to um it's not about bringing people right now into web 3 actually there's just it's about education and building in the building quietly the people who are here are here to stay the people who are not I don't think they want to come in right now I think this is not a moment to try and bring people in right now Thanksgiving is going to be interesting yeah it's going to be interesting oh I told you not to invest in that Bitcoin or whatever Cynthia you're you're currently working in the crypto industry and I want to know what can web3 industry do to attract more women if only five to ten percent of Staff in the crypto industry are women and and what can we do to attract that's one thing but maybe a side question there what can the web 300 industry do to stop repelling women if there's some things that are obnoxious about this space that are pushing women away be curious to know your thoughts on them how do we retain the women that we have right so that's twofold I think in attracting women actually the recession um impending a recession whatever you want to call it could be an interesting time given this notion that my mom laid out that women just tend to be more careful um in terms of finances less risk verse and I think that is like the fact that they tend to be the ones controlling finances for our families so if you have kids to feed and you know they need to go to school and all that stuff and um you're not likely to put your crypto into or your money into crypto pardon me because it's volatility right so I think it could be interesting to see what I'm starting to see emerge is these just stable apis that just perform better than inflation they're kind of boring or they're pegged to real world assets like um farmland or the yield is pegged to things like form um I think that could be really compelling for women others um all over the world do want to be a part of a new exciting asset class but don't want the risk and volatility that comes with it a lot of people are starting to move to stable coins things that allow for them to be in this space but not be like you know um having to check coin market cap every hour to see the volatility that's like can be really good please don't yeah yeah I don't recommend anybody check coin market cap every hour that makes sense let me re-emphasize the question is there anything like uh you know as a as a crypto bro myself I guess like is there anything about the crypto bro culture or like whenever you Google crypto or Bitcoin or any podcast it's usually freaking white dudes talking to each other assertively blowing it up in conversations about the future of the metaverse or crypto or whatever is that repelling to women and like what can we do about this let me know what you think definitely it's naturally repelling if you come into a space any space and you don't feel embraced or you don't feel like you're around people that are like-minded or who will hold space for who you are um naturally it's repelling and it's kind of funny we I know Miss Teen crypto and my mom we've been in this space for a while so we've seen a lot of that but it's funny it's like I think it's more so repelling on the outside looking in but then when you're in the space there's a lot of sweet people like you Andrew and there's a lot of good guys like I mean I know that's kind of like taboo to say but there's a lot of good actors in this space what makes the news though is you know the not so bad the toxic the um kind of in The Fringe that do have happen I'm not gonna don't happen they definitely do happen right but it the reality is that I I mean I can speak okay cool that makes sense okay here's the pickle that uh eluvium is in we're trying to Market video games which AAA video games hardcore video games typically have difficulty marketing to women now women do play certain types of games but typically not the types of games that eluvium is currently creating with RPGs and hardcore Auto chess Auto Battlers with lots of combat women typically gravitate toward uh like puzzle games Collection Games casual games and mobile games and actually make up the majority of Revenue through these types of games I'm not saying women don't play other types of games it's just the numbers so eluvium's in a pickle where we're creating games that are typically played by men and then we're in a space crypto which is also mostly men and uh in terms of the industry and in terms of people with wallets so I gotta ask you miss teen crypto as a crypto gamer I know you play I know you dabble and I know you keep track and you play games yourself are we too early in adoption to really attract women into the crypto gaming space is it a double whammy that we're trying to put together gaming and crypto to things that are normally kind of occupied by men together does that make it like a extra like double whammy of too many men in this in the space what are your thoughts on that absolutely not I think the amount of women from when I first came in is dramatically higher than it was when I first came into crypto Twitter I was going to conferences there was not even a line at the women's bathroom it was deserted it was empty last time I went to nft nose he actually had to wait at outside that means that there's more women there that's progression and I know that's a silly example but that's like what the reality is you just have to see there's so many women there's a lot more women actually in nfts and gaming and this whole type of space rather than more of the Bitcoin crypto space which is kind of funny to me but I think it's because it's just this is a more open fun space and I think gaming is actually going to bring in a lot of gen Z it's going to bring in a lot of women just because it's more open and it's a lot more fun with nfts in the crypto Community I think you guys are doing great at the same time we're just a little bit early I think if you guys keep going doing what you're doing being inviting to one another just like how you look anybody else course the women are going to come we just have to keep doing what we're doing I don't think anyone was doing anything wrong I think obviously the toxic spaces were mostly like those are gone now and there's a lot more women in crypto there's women in crypto spaces all the time especially in gaming so I think we're gonna be okay you guys just have to keep doing what you're doing and be inviting be zesty with it there's the zest I was looking for there's that there's that catchphrase you know Cynthia I know you're you're working uh you're kind of leading in the marketing space here in crypto and uh one thing that just my quick two cents on this I think that there's a huge opportunity for women to be on the marketing side in particular in the crypto industry and crypto gaming industry um in my experience in web 2 some of the strongest leaders that came up uh like my head of operations and my uh our head of digital at eluvium for example were female marketers and I feel like the teams in the crypto and crypto gaming space right now desperately need more women on the team to expand the appeal so Cynthia what are your thoughts there if you were to tell someone who's thinking about maybe working from home or jumping into technology and into the this new wide marketing world what would you tell them about the space uh for them to be able to put their foot in the door if they're thinking about jumping in the marketing side of this industry I would say a hundred percent do it do it do it do it do it do it your perspective your voice is so necessary on many reasons but mostly in getting people to understand the technology and the impact of what a lot of marketing is really just communicating it's having empathy and being able to tell a narrative of something and women are just amazing at that so um if you're wanting to get into marketing do it do it do it do it do it especially for a crypto web three companies um I think they're like you're saying there's a lot of room for growth and there's a lot of room for growth there's a lot of room for changing the narrative there's a lot of room for adding your perspective and really making it sounds good you don't have to go market for traditional boring companies you can be doing so on The Cutting Edge of Technology we have an audio version of this podcast that you can enjoy anytime you want quick plug here go to I'll be editing this episode it'll be literally on every podcast platform in the world and I'll process all the audio make it sound nice and tight and you can listen to this on the go so you can hear the thoughts of our panel today and all the other genius panels we've had on the show recently so it's not just about women in crypto there's this generation out there that's younger than me gen Z and gen Z is adopting crypto at Preposterous rates is interested in finance at a level that I've never seen before and certainly that I wasn't interested in at that age and in terms of uh crypto adoption gen Z right now I'm gonna go ahead and pull up a chart on the screen right now and then kick it over to miss teen crypto but this chart was really eye-opening to me let me pull it up for you right here here it is this is crypto buyers 18 to 40 years old and gen Z accounted for 17 of crypto buyers boomers are obviously a minority there Gen X a minority and then of course Millennials like me are a huge bulk portion but folks that are 18 to 24 years old are accounting for a huge slice of the pie in terms of crypto investment and if this space is going where we think it's going to go then that means there could be an opportunity for generational wealth building for wealth transfer as crypto mom is always talking about happening right now is Gen Z hopping on the right train right now and is this maybe a pathway to get gen Z Financial Freedom Miss Teen crypto what are your thoughts on that you said it perfectly I really think that crypto is evening the playing field not just for Gen Z but for everybody globally this is a really important movement gen Z has been on social media for a long time I grew up on social media I remember when Snapchat came out I remember when Instagram was first popping off before even Instagram enabled videos I was on Instagram from the very very start growing up on social media you do discover a lot as iPhones progress as apps progressed you had more accessibility to information at this point you could just Google anything and at the top of a finger you could find your answer to anything less than that you could literally go hey Siri on your phone and ask a question and you'll most likely get an answer this is in a revolutionary technology blockchain cryptocurrency it's going to take us very far us being digitally native is of course a huge part of why we love cryptocurrency I know that there are kids that are hacking these websites that they do homework on just so they don't have to do the homework and they can just get the right answer and move on we like to those are real life skills right there hacking absolutely and you know these kids were digitally negative we've grown up on technology all the time why wouldn't we want to take part in blockchain build on blockchain a lot of gen Z are Gamers I grew up buying iTunes gift cards like a degenerate growing up just trying to get every dollar so I could go to Walgreens buy an iTunes gift card go on the Apple store and then go buy assets in game but the thing is I couldn't trade those assets I couldn't do anything with it once I bought an asset in a game it automatically went to zero there was no real value there I couldn't trade I can't do anything with it once the app is gone then my assets are gone right so I think obviously Growing Up This Way digitally native taking part in gaining in-game currencies digital currants these were made for this gen Z is made for this I think that chart is going to change dramatically in the next two to three years as gen he kind of grows up a little bit but we're going to take over this space No Doubt jeez all right I think yeah

I feel like it just happened just now I mean I mean listen me and me Cynthia Imani like we we know what we're up against right we know that we've been using in-game currencies our entire life we've been using digitally digital property our entire life like we say if you didn't take a selfie you weren't there we already understand the concept of digital property and what that means to us so there's no doubt that Bitcoin crypto nfts we're going to want to be self-sovereign individuals we're not going to want to go to the tradify system and trust somebody else when we trust ourselves finding our own information anyway

oh go ahead it's a missed teen crypto for president

Cynthia I'm not gonna I'm not gonna assume anything about your age I don't know if you're gen Z or a millennial but I wanted to know your thoughts on um how do you think gen Z or even you know you know let's say younger Millennials um will adopt traditional Finance Vehicles like stocks precious metals Banks Etc versus crypto like is this going to be the kind of the line here generally generationally where we start to see uh Legacy Finance drop off or is it or are we going to continue to see those things be used in the future uh by gen Z and my younger millennials well I will just say that I'm I'm happy you said that because I'm at the later end of gen Z and sometimes I think I look younger than my age so for you to not know it's like okay okay um but yeah gen Z but definitely one of the Elders disease and I will say basically what Miss Teen crypto said like echoing that when I go on Tick Tock and I'm looking at like people who've made money or people who've like invested and they're super young they're like they're like how did you do it and they're like crypto and so that's kind of the Paradigm that our generation is shifting into um less and less people are are been talking about traditional like hedge funds and all that stuff here a lot of it publicly like on Twitter or really anything um so yeah I think definitely it's going to be again it's going to be what happens right now like after today um you know like uh they're out they always say like millionaires are made it during the recessions and I know there's so many gen z's are just gonna like just blow get out of the park in terms of like Financial uh progress for like and then kind of like lead the way for the older Generations like I mean like Miss Teen crypto she's a perfect example of someone who gets it super young and I'm seeing it like people from like kids from China kids from Africa like all over they're just they just so um I don't know what to say about the Legacy banking I think it's going to survive for a while because we still have Boomers we still have the silent generation like my mom we still have like Millennials but she's not silent okay

one percent okay that's that's me yeah I gotta ask you though for for us for us Elders here I'm an elder Millennial myself I'm almost gen Z and uh you're I think you're gen z uh there was this interesting article right what's that you mean the Gen X right Gen X I'm sorry I'm saying Z Gen X is what I meant to say uh sorry about that uh so there was this interesting article uh here that said that uh gen Z and Millennials want 50 want crypto in their retirement funds and I know that crypto Mom you're a former Banker sorry I mixed up Gen X and gen Z that all these letters are kind of silly to me uh but uh this kind of leads me to think Boomers right now a lot of them have stonks a lot of Gen X have stocks and we were kind of and even Elder Millennials like me were raised to think you know you want to put money away in your 401k and your Roth IRA which go into these stock and bond portfolios and that's where most of the wealth is right now for folks that are 35 Plus at this point but the younger Generations don't want those type of assets from what I can tell and so the question is are people that are maybe in the middle there and their 40s or so that are holding on to stocks but boomers are all selling their stocks are they going to be holding the bags on traditional Finance if they don't go over to crypto I mean my parents and all the Boomers right now are selling off all their stocks right and so who's going to be buying stocks in the future you need future generations to buy these traditional Finance vehicles for them to thrive and survive so do you feel like this is going to be a does crypto spell um sort of the um maybe maybe stocks becoming Antiquated and maybe not being in favor anymore in the future is that really a viable retirement vehicle in the future I'd be curious to know your thoughts on that is there generational shift Happening Here actually as a as a former Banker I have to tell you I've been paying attention to the uh stock market as well they've gotten a beating this year um the tech stocks that everybody was counting on Facebook um back in 2010 when I wanted to get in was less than a hundred dollars it's definitely gone back very low if you put the same money in there it's back to the same money you you know almost the same money you put in if you didn't get out all the tech stocks that everybody was um looking at and and you know salivating on is not doing too well a lot of uh and Cynthia has a friend that that you she was telling me this weekend she went to see one of her older friends that she likes to talk to and her husband who's 75 years old is getting into Bitcoin um so a lot of people are they are cautious and they're looking at uh they just want a 2X we who are in the space right now we want a 10x the others that I the My Generation or even the older generation if you just give them a 2X in their 401K they're okay with that you know what I'm saying so we're gonna see a lot in the next a lot of shift cultural shift in the next five years um actually in the next 10 5 to 10 years whereas they realize Bitcoin is at 20K and it could no not not it could be it will be at 40K in the next five years that's guarantee it will be it's an asset class that's not going anywhere so the older generation is starting to think so if I just put my money in Bitcoin on Fidelity because Fidelity is now offering what Bitcoin and ethereum you know what I'm saying if I leave it in Bitcoin and ethereum and not touch it it's gonna do its little swings up and downs but in five years I have a 2X you know I may not get that on on in the regular stock market I Gotta Give an example my husband's uh 401K for the last 20 years um um yeah exactly so right

um you know he's looking at the cryptos business saying okay yeah we should have moved a lot more into crypto because um so a lot of people it's eye-opening for them and um I'm looking at your comments people are like let's talk about Olivia we're talking about bringing women into crypto yeah that's right and uh this is uh this Luba talks is a show about the crypto gaming industry and so it's really important that we expand the tent in this industry and we don't just uh talk about the same things that we all agree upon all the time the next topic I want to go into because I know all of you very closely followed the nft space and also the gaming space related here and eluvium I want to thank our sponsor for this episode eluvium luvium's been here as our sponsor since the beginning of this show and they pay me to play this advertisement I'm gonna play this real quick we'll take a quick break and we'll be right back to talk about the future of nfts and gaming with our panel of experts see you in just a moment

that's right Louboutins are your avatar in the eluvium universe they are nfts and you can customize them building a louvitar today at luvitars go check it out we're really excited about this project we have a collections feature that's going to be coming out for this as well we can collect your louvitars put them in your collection and receive rewards for them I think it's a fun interesting twist and Innovation on the nft space which leads us to our topic here with our panel of experts it's not just about crypto it's about nfts and the conversation three years ago nobody was talking about nfts it was just about tokens now that nfts are in the picture it's changed everything so I want to talk about the future of web 3 in gaming and we'll start with Cynthia how do you think the nft space will look different at the end of the decade versus now now I know the nft space just started but let's say we're doing this podcast in the Year 2030. how's this space going to look different and what do you think had happened has happened leading up to that moment that's a really good question I like thinking that far out one of the first things that I think will happen is and we're already seeing this but it's going to be a drive for more polished projects it's going to be very hard to do what we've seen in the last bull cycle where people are just pumping projects out that has really little to no meaning and they're just making a lot of money and then you never hear from them again like that is not going to survive 100 survive there's a higher standard to which these projects are going to be um measured on and people are getting smarter at doing their own research and on what really makes the nft community Thrive there's a lot more that the average consumers asking out of an nft consumer so if you're a Founder uh and you you're it was able to you were able to get a lie with a lot of things the last full cycle um but now it's gonna be are you saying that people won't pay a thousand dollars for a JPEG of a goblin turd in the future or is that what you're really saying right now [Laughter] oh my gosh I mean leave it to people to do the craziest things with money uh of course it's gonna happen here and there but it's definitely not going to be what the market consists of which was what I would say largely the last full cycle a lot of people can say that it was um so it's Gonna Change on one level like the quality is going to change the experiences that communities get being in an nft Community fundamental become a huge part of your social life your your school maybe everything right um I think it's more and more it's going to be tied to real things like um real estate um getting a degree all these things that we do in our lives a lot of that is going to be um translated into nfts got it so so you're so you think that uh obviously nfts are more of the let's say an art thing or maybe a gaming thing or a music and entertainment thing and let's call let's put it all under entertainment for now and lifestyle but you think you believe in the use case for nfts to maybe uh do think and really important things like real estate Deeds or legal documents or digital identity and like all of these governmental or legal or political type of functionality in the future you think we're going there absolutely if you if you really look at the essence of blockchain technology and what it enables it's literally built for the exchange of such precious things that you you don't even want it to to be on paper anymore um and I think like right now entertainment was an easy buy-in it's really easy to sell a nice video game that's also an nft but more and more institutions are kind of like holding really tightly to what I I think is inevitable like I think uh real estate is inevitable although there's a lot of red tape so we're not seeing it right now it's now it's inevitable for me um and so we're going to see both we're going to see the the because like games perform well during bearable markets people need to be entertained especially if you're at home you're going to want to play a video game like entertainment is always a strong uh commodity but we're gonna see an explosion of of cases we probably can't even think is possible right now

that was good that was good we're gonna clip that that's a highlight of the show right there that's definitely a highlight um so I'm gonna do some market research right now uh so we want to get those sweet sweet gen Z downloads and users here in the crypto gaming industry so what is that ideal web 3 game to get that sweet gen Z crypto user in here spending their dollars and get those future Generations pouring in to the web 3 gaming space Miss Teen crypto what is that ideal video game or video games that are going to bring in the masses we need games that are going to give easy accessibility right gen Z we don't we don't have that much of an attention span we like easy things I'm just gonna be honest you know we need one stuff that we could just easily download like let's say that's an app on your phone or an app on your computer just one click sign in um I think a lot of the time it's a little challenging for the especially for the onboarding just having even a meta mask for some is a barrier to entry so the most simple way you can make a game the better I know um some games have started with custodial wallets then you could connect your meta mask and move your assets from there I think that's probably a really good way just easy accessibility easy entry and I think you know one thing that was brought up before it was just paying an extreme amount just to enter a game that's another thing that I think was a huge barrier to entry previously now we have more a more free to play movement going on in this beach which I'm really enjoying because for me especially I thought it was kind of crazy for some games to pay six hundred dollars for an asset just to play a game that maybe I can earn something from I just want to play the game that may maybe I'll start investing in it that's how it was in web 2 and I hate to compare it like that but I know a lot of kids that even myself right when I first started playing fortnite I loved fortnite I liked the game obviously I wanted to level up my character get more assets I'm gonna start investing my time and my money from there except now with web3 like I was mentioning before it's an elevated aspect where I'm investing my money in the game yes my time in the game yes but now I could trade these assets or sell them or even rent them out now which is a really cool aspect of web3 gaming that I really enjoy I could teach a lot of kids about economics teaching kids financial literacy is something I'm very passionate about so I I completely agree with you there 100 uh teaching them about ownership uh being able to own your own things um all right well let me ask a sort of existential question here and kind of open up our minds then so maybe the metaverse will exist in the Ready Player One format or not let's say but let me ask you crypto Mom let's say in a perfect world you and I we retire or something here in the next couple decades and this metaverse thing plays out we got ready player one haptic suits we're old people in our old folks home we're jacked in what sort of metaverse experiences do we want to have before we die like what is that like sick amazing futuristic experience that would just really be a wow experience for you okay so first of all I'm not going to be in an old people's home um Andrew you're gonna be over there by yourself I'm sorry about that all right that's cool whatever you're gonna be yeah and mommy and so okay so what the matter of us is gonna happen in 2040 in 20 even before 2040 it's gonna the the Gen the generation right now the Gen z's are taking advantage of crypto their children will not be playing uh Fortnight these kids will be playing web 3 gaming the reason I know this because even with the tech uh you know the web 2 Tech before and one generation makes it the other generation uses it you know the that's that's just how it it's gonna play out um the the web two companies know this is gonna happen uh how meta came into the space was not ideal they I personally have to say something about they should have done some research uh use people who are already in the industry instead of using the people who are in web 2 to fix web 3 or to come and you know build in web 3. so how I wanna I mean I wanna I own land in the metabus I already do on my land in the middle of us when my grandkids okay where do you own land in the metaverse when you say that or is it your sandbox to Central land or revolution right yeah yeah I don't know if I should announce this yet but my project you don't have to if you don't want to okay you know we have Partnerships with our working with the the three top ones um um and I also have a massive home at tcg as well but the three top ones sandbox um decentral uh we have some Partnerships are happening with those two as uh as as we speak but um my my grandkids coming over to play my future grandkids I don't have grandkids yet I'm speaking that into existence so when they come to play guess what we're going to be doing we're going to be going into the medevas okay you get get you your land and let's just play some games come and play Scrabble in the middle of us with me that's what I enjoy doing and that's that's a good way to re you know to to enjoy life with your when you're when you're older um my brain is going to be less saturated with with everyday events and I have time to enjoy um spending time in the middle of us and you know with the land that I acquired I like that do you think about let me ask you this uh do you think about metaverse land in a similar way as like a physical land or or how how is it different to you so the reason why I ask is some folks that are uh I'll get it right this time generate Gen X have come to me and they're like real estate developers they're like in their mid-40s and they're thinking like you know I've got traditional real estate guys they're interested in this metaverse and they'll like want to pay me for a Consulting session to tell them about metaverse land like it's some sort of real estate Buy can you help people understand how metaverse land differs from physical land other than the obvious fact that it's physical versus digital land so as for me I've been a realtor and those people who are coming to you and asking about merova's land I I know a real estate office big real estate office offices that are actually selling land like they bought Pastels in the central land they bought parcels and books and TCG um I don't know does eluthia I need to do my I should have asked do you all have land in the med of us we do yeah we sold 20 000 plots uh earlier this year we did like uh we sold like 72 million dollars worth of land how come I didn't know about this and I don't know why you didn't know about it I think I think you and I we jumped on that podcast after the land sale so yeah I think it's still for sale today is it really yeah it is it is yeah we gotta talk okay so yeah so what's happening is I've been a realtor I'm trying I've won so many hats in the last 20 years you know being in the US So Physical land is it does it's obviously it's uh an asset that's always going to um it's it's I don't know how to break it down there it's an asset class that it definitely is going to go keep going up but just having the fact that I have physical land that I have that I have a house um it's comforting it's a comforting thing and I think most people who want to have it in the middle of us feel the same sentiment like I'm just having it like a wealth another asset class it's it's just it's it's gonna go up but it's going it is another form of asset class people like to buy vehicles uh um I personally love to buy bags Louis Vuitton bags if I can put 2500 in a bag I can put 2 500 in the members because that's 2500 will probably be 4X in the next five years I think of it as a diversification to a new asset class correct correct got it that's really interesting okay Cynthia I want to know from you before you die not anytime soon obviously what type of experience do you want to have in the metaverse like what is that like pie in the sky Ready Player one type of moment you think like that would that would be cool what's that what's that moment like in your mind really Norm like I'm I have like not maybe boring taste I guess you could say like I I think for me it's like the social interaction that you get to have and for it to feel really real so I loved playing Club Penguin I loved that when I was a kid I loved going to school and then coming home and then logging onto Club Penguin and hanging out with all my friends from school I think what would be really dope is to do a social thing in the matter feels really real like a wedding or something I would not my wedding I wouldn't want to get married in the metaverse but to witness a wedding I think would be pretty dope and then I'll be like okay well this did what it had to do like the metaverse brought people together and it facilitated something for me that I feel is is one of its purposes is to like bring people together so when I can see that I'll be like okay we did our job we we did a good thing but as far as like the crazy player one all these things I mean that's real life for me like I want to have real life just supplement real life okay that's fair I remember when the first people got married in World of Warcraft I don't know if you guys heard about that and people laughed it was a news story but the reason why it happened was that obviously that couple they had met in World of Warcraft they had spent hundreds of hours maybe thousands of hours with each other in that digital world and so it only made sense for them to get married there and so I think what you're talking about will happen when relationships start in the metaverse people spend more time than not in the metaverse together while they're falling in love then of course they'll want to get married in the emetaverse it only makes sense emotionally for them to do so so I think what you're describing is is inevitable um and I guess you could argue it already happened in World of Warcraft right yeah that's that'll be crazy to witness though it's one thing to know what happens and then to like see it it's crazy yeah that's fair okay Miss Teen crypto I gotta know from you what's that dream before you die I gotta do this in the metaverse thing what's in your mind oh that's a good one I really like the idea of real life and the metaverse kind of coinciding with one another I don't know if you guys watched um I didn't get to watch the whole entire thing by watching majority of the Joe Rogan podcast with Mark Zuckerberg and Mark Zuckerberg was kind of just talking about the metaverse kind of being a part of your life not the whole life but I do would like I would love love love to see something where it's a simulation like bungee jumping or literally jumping out of a plane something that you want to experience so bad but maybe you just can't physically get there type of things that's what I would love to see got it so crazy experiences that makes sense or experiences you could never have before that maybe emulate real life or something like that and and also you know having an economy where people are openly able to communicate and use blockchain technology to facilitate things like um you know transactions and what people are doing on a daily basis like you know you sign into a wallet to play a game maybe the same thing could happen in the metaverse where you just have blockchain kind of tracking everything and just being able to facilitate that you do still own your assets got it beautiful all right I've got the final question for each of you as we go around the table I'm going to ask you the final question and then I want you to tell our audience where they can find you here's your final question you're walking down the street today you bump into somebody who's never explored crypto gaming before and you have just 30 seconds to tell them what they need to know what do you tell them all right I'm gonna kick it off with you crypto Mom first or it could just be in the nft space or web 3 space in general that's fine give us that 30 second Pitch to that person who's never understood this space before and then tell everyone where they can find you crypto mom so have you ever heard of web3 gaming um where you can actually make or earn money while you play your game versus pay money in web like you know web 2 and not get anything out of it a lot of young people have been playing games like fortnite and just throwing money away because it never I mean the returns you just keep buying and keep buying but web3 is bringing something even better has brought something even better check it out it's gaming in web 3 and you can follow me on at Miss crypto mom1 on Twitter I spend more time on Twitter than on Instagram and Linkedin and obviously haven't been to Facebook in a minute but I need to check Facebook check out check on the old folks uh that I went to school with and see how they're doing but yeah that's me thank you that was my 30 second take follow crypto mom on Twitter for the love of God great Twitter account got it all right what's your 30 second Pitch Miss Teen crypto you bump into I mean you literally do man on the street style interviews or whatever uh bumping into people be like have you heard of Bitcoin so what do you tell that person in 30 seconds about web 3 gaming and then where can people find you awesome what I would basically tell them is hey you've been playing a bunch of games throughout your entire life what you've been doing is just paying to play where you just insert money into a games ecosystem but basically the assets you buy you can't do anything with besides how they have the utility within their game now if you look into web 3 nft gaming you have a situation where yes you could buy the same assets but you could do more with your assets whereas you can trade it with one another you could send that asset to a friend you could sell it on a secondary Market or just keep it for yourself but you could actually own it now and move it from wallet to wallet it gives you an entire new way of just owning your assets and giving you accessibility to games that you haven't had before if everyone wants to find me on social media I'm at Miss Teen crypto everywhere has all of my links I'm on Instagram Twitter Youtube Tick Tock anywhere you are I am too so make sure to look me up at missing crypto thank you again for having me I had a great time hanging out with you guys a star in the making no doubt thank you Miss team crypto I appreciate it Cynthia yeah 30 second Pitch you only have 30 seconds I got 30 seconds yeah I would just say 30 seconds to get them play web three games go okay I would just say uh so there's a story a quick story so during the 2008 recession Poland had one thing that was outperforming everything and they weren't going bad so I'm speaking to the Speculator here I'm speaking to the crypto Speculator the cryptocurity serious the gaming Speculator that thing that they had the commodity that they had was a game called The Witcher and it sustained their entire economy of one country so gaming is here to stay and crypto is here to stay and the the way the two meet is just a match made in heaven that you don't want to meet out you don't miss out on it it's a Once in a Lifetime up at the start of something and yeah so that's what I would say and uh on Twitter everywhere Instagram Tick Tock all that stuff I have already done that I have already followed and enabled notifications thank you so much for joining me all of you it is mandatory that you use my book secret booking link I gave you and book for another episode in 2023 I want to revisit the markets here after the Smoke Clears from the FTX nonsense after we move into yet another chapter in about in a few months in crypto and nfts I want to get your take on the markets and get your insights once again will you guys come back on the show of course I would love to it's amazing it's been amazing

great audience links in the description of both the YouTube video as well as the podcast we're gonna go ahead and sign off here everybody and I'm Gonna Leave You with some original soundtrack music you maybe have never heard before of eluvium I'm gonna play about a minute of it for you just as a sneak preview we'll release our soundtrack entirely I believe on Spotify is our plan prior to launching all of our games this is a medley of all the soundtracks from all three of our games Olivia Marina eluvium zero and eluvium Overworld thank you so much for watching louvatox and we'll see you next week on all the same channels adios everybody

that was awesome [Music] foreign [Music]