
State of Illuvium - 2022 Recap, 2023 Preview & Long-Term Vision (Co-Founders Kieran & Aaron Warwick)


Co-Founders Kieran Warwick & Aaron Warwick recap Illuvium's 2022 accomplishments, preview upcoming 2023 launches, and detail their long-term vision for the Illuvium Universe in this EP of Illuvium Insider, hosted by Andrew Wall.
🎮 Explore The Illuvium Universe:

Illuvium is an exploration looter and collectible autobattler game built on the Ethereum Blockchain, releasing on PC and Mac in 2022. Play and earn in a graphically-rich, vividly-realized sci-fi adventure and conquer the wilderness to help your crash-landed colony flourish.

Race across stunning alien landscapes on your quest to uncover the cause of the cataclysm that shattered Illuvium. Hunt and capture Illuvials, powerful creatures who have ruled the land unchallenged until your arrival. Train and fuse your Illuvials into powerful evolutions. Build your ultimate Illuvial team to take into battles and tournaments in PvE and PvP Arenas. Use your creativity to build unique synergies to outsmart your opponents and progress to the top as become the most legendary Ranger on this planet.

Illuvium’s collectible NFT games feature crypto token assets with functionality and a gaming use case, interoperable across the Illuvium universe and the larger DeFi metaverse. The decentralized NFT collection offers players a user-maintained custody never before possible in mainstream gaming.

#StateofIlluvium2022  #IlluviumCoFounders

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Content on the official Illuvium website and social media does not constitute financial advice. You are responsible for doing your own research and seeking independent professional advice about your involvement with the Illuvium DAO and any Illuvium products or services. Illuvium products (such as tokens including ILV, sILV2, Land NFTs) and services (Illuvium game) are not financial products and accordingly the Illuvium DAO is not licensed by any regulator. Please be on constant alert for scams. You should read and ensure you understand the terms and conditions available on the official Illuvium website before engaging with the Illuvium DAO or any Illuvium products or services.

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[Music] foreign

[Music] God that soundtrack's so good I gotta turn it down though because we've got so much to go over today hello everyone welcome to the state of eluvium 2022. this is our first time doing one of these it's a recap of everything that happened in 2022 with eluvium a preview of what we have in store for 2023 and the vision of where the eluvium universe is going moving forward I guarantee you'll learn a few things you didn't know about eluvium from this stream before I bring in the co-founders let's quickly recap what we're going to talk about this is it right here let us know what you think about this I think this is going to be cool for all of you guys as a Nostalgia fast and something to get excited about for the new year before we get into it you got to understand friends this is not Financial advice do your own research get your own professional advice but since you guys are super Geniuses and you're already following eluvium you already knew that let's bring in the co-founders the first co-founder that we're going to bring in today is Aaron Warwick co-founder and let's call him game director at eluvium Aaron what's up buddy welcome to the stream how you doing thanks for having me oh yeah of course dude I love your background the fishies back there and everything you're bringing it right now on the audio visual I can appreciate that Aaron is going to help give us Insight on all of the product side of things from 2022 and moving forward and of course you all know Kieran Warwick co-founder and ceo-ish like figure at eluvium let's bring him in here Karen what's up buddy the CEO ish like figure I like that uh unfortunately I don't have as good a background as iron but yeah equally as happy to be thanks for having me man of course we have so much to go through and let's start with 2022. I bet a lot of people out there didn't even know everything that we launched and all of the crazy stuff that we ended up pulling off so let's just get into it here's your 2022 recap in the state of alluvium first things first was the illuvvedax launch in quarter one of 2022. so I want to kick this over to Aaron first what were the essential features we needed to launch uh with the oluvadex Aaron can you tell us a little bit about that uh yeah I could probably talk for days about it because we probably bit off far too much for what we could chew at the time basically the louvadex is our Marketplace and repository of information at the same time and when you combine those two together as well as adding onto it a launch platform for various sales that we will have going forward it was definitely the most complex thing that we had done to date up until that point as far as what was needed to launch the repository we have left it's it's not in there yet you can't see the details of the alluvials because that gets linked with things like the actual captures in the world I'm still going ahead with that even though most of the people watching this stream probably have a little bit of extra knowledge that they maybe shouldn't have by getting a whole bunch of leaks but the actual details will come out as people capture the alluvials but the main things were to build us up for the land sale so it needed to be able to do our entire Marketplace transactions so that is trading on layer 2 on IMX with our custom skins and all of the functionality that that goes with it including things like analytics to see how the the price of things change over time you can drill down into all of the Nitty Gritty details and find out exactly what you want to know about any of the plots that we have but the other big piece for it was the land sale itself which is like an extension or like a plug-in for the olividex we have another one of them coming up that we'll talk about later but effectively it was a really Simple and Clean way for us to show you what was going to be available in the launch you can see it on the screen there that we had the entire world displayed with all of the plots and you can drill into each region and find the exact plot that you want to buy people know that we have an extension coming called mega cities so there was a lot of really cool things where people were buying plots trying to snipe out little two by two grids and three by three grids and it was almost a meta game on top of the land sale itself right where people were playing a game on top of the game here it was exciting to watch that with the land sale I think that a lot of people found that interesting but what they don't realize or at least what not that many people realize is that the entirety of eluvium and our entire ecosystem is like another metagame that sits outside of even that little meta game and so we'll probably get into that a little bit later when we talk about what's coming in 2023 but we needed to set ourselves up for success and so everything that we did with that sale needed to go off smoothly just before we did our sale there were a couple of other high-profile sales that were complete disasters and people were rapidly losing faith in the the whole crypto Market to be able to do things competently and so even though we did delay it by a little bit it was it was actually planned to be at the end of 2022 we just wanted to make sure that it went as good as it possibly could and that was an important thing for us because we needed to build the trust of the community to say that we are the sort of project that you can believe in that has competence that has you know hundreds of Highly skilled people behind it who can actually build and deliver something that you expect out of that AAA moniker what were some of the challenges in building something the like the Olivia Decks that the public wouldn't be aware of they're like just make an exchange you know connect one plus two throw some graphics on top no big deal right yeah think of like one challenge that maybe nearly killed you or the team what's that challenge that the public maybe doesn't know about a little behind the scenes on a louvadex building so the the olividex is not just an aggregate of blockchain transactions it's already hard enough being a layer 2 solution there are some differences there that make it different from just having an exchange on layer one but the hardest part of it was building it in a modular way so that we could actually put these specific sale events or there's going to be other events that aren't specifically sales that will go on to there so effectively looking to 2025 and working out what feature set that we needed for it was probably the the toughest part about it and then you have to work back from there to the different states and a lot of people have given us criticism about not being able to give exact deadlines for things one of those reasons is because we don't get a lot of opportunity to go back and redo stuff that we've already done it needs to work out of the box and it needs to work for things that aren't coming for five years so things like the the metadata scheme for land it might seem trivial to someone to say just put some stats on there but the way that the entire gaming ecosystem is going to evolve in the next three years totally makes that dependent and we needed to get that right and where we couldn't know we needed to put in place features that would allow us to adjust it over time and it made it much much trickier than what anyone had possibly ever seen and that's not even talking about the fact that we tried to optimize the gas fees for customers they just come off of another sale where literally 40 percent of the fees came out as as gas which is just useless and then for us ours was just a tiny portion of it what a waste all of those things take Dev work I think it was it was like 200 and the cell that you're talking about it was like 280 million Us in gas fees for something like a 350 million dollar sale and what were our guest fees something like 180k yeah it's very low so it was a small percentage particularly low compared to what we sold that's something to be proud of the very proud of and that led us to uh the next development in our 2022 launches which was staking V2 and that dropped right there in q1 of 2022. some people may forget it forget that it launched but it's there lots of hard work went into it and what were some of those essential upgrades from staking V1 to staking V2 that we just had to implement that necessitated staking V2 dropping Aaron so I have talked about it with the community before but I think people probably don't realize just how dire it was I'll be totally honest the the biggest essential feature of staking V2 was to fix a particular issue that there was a bug that led to some some big problems later on but there was an additional bug that people didn't realize at the time which was caused by a few you know bits of I mean that I it was short-sightedness on my point to not make it a little bit more robust and effectively what that meant was that as people started to make their claims the cost of claiming would go up for that person and that that was like it would actually get to a critical point where people's money was going to be you know not worth it to claim at all because it would hit a ceiling whereby it was way higher than what any particular claim could be so we needed to to build it out really really urgently but at the same time because we had this other bug in the back end that we found there were these two competing things which is it must be super secure and it must be able to fix this problem with the original contract and then you add on to that the fact that all of this stuff needs to work in unison because when you upgrade it you don't take funds out of one and put it into the other those funds still exist in the first one and yeah we originally planned it the day after we launched staking V1 we said nope we're going to get this out of the way and get it done we went through all of the requirements that we needed to get it done and by the time we've been builds out what the plan was going to be it had ballooned into this monster I don't think people realize it but it reached the bytecode limit for the blockchain so the contract couldn't be any bigger than what it actually was and we actually need to solve that for staking V3 going through in this year we have plans for for how to fix that but I that was probably the one part you know 2021 was a little bit of a struggle there because we went out super early and tried to get it built as fast as we could that there's a bunch of other upgrades that are in there that help people out like being able to transfer the they get a lot better gas fees it's so much more optimized if people look at it now that there isn't a rising gas fee claim plus we reduce those fees by a massive amount plus we added a lot better analytics and tracking for it a lot of other optimizations so as much as I want to say that there was this huge Suite of things that improved it I also have to be honest and say that there were some things on the the V1 side of things that just needed to be fixed and we're adamant that we need to make sure that our customers are safe and secure and everything that they have is in a stable environment and so we just needed to get that out of the way as quick as possible staking V2 obviously there were challenges that needed to be solved along the way and guess who that often falls on the person leading the organization Kieran once staking V2 was launched how did that feel what kind of relief was that for you because I know that was a crazy ride there in the first quarter of last year for you leading this organization and helping us get through that two-staking V2

oops sorry I was on me yeah I mean look we had the vulnerability that we needed to we needed to fix as well that was obviously a a very very bad time for us you know we ended up uh fixing that but for me I I was watching it I I don't know if many people know but I was staking myself right and I was watching the gas fees go up every single claim and it got to a point where we're like okay it's literally costing us like 400 500 to to claim our rewards it's it's just not worth it so and I know how much hard work the blockchain team went to to get that out it was not easy it was another thing that we delayed and you know I guess from my position I was trying to hold off the community and say look we know this is delayed we know you've been waiting a long time for this there's a reason for it there always is and I think that's the underlying message that that we've delivered in in 2022 is if something is delayed it's not because were being lazy or you know we just don't right right things it's literally because we're trying to make things the best that they can be and uh and I really think that they uh they achieve that but then you know Aaron being Aaron it's like as soon as staking V2 was out he was like now we're going to do staking V3 and I'm like Jesus aren't we you know so but I think you know staking B3 the plans are to to eventually migrate that to L2 which would be you know zero gas costs at all uh you know which is the ideal of of all staking programs that makes sense and the whole it needs to be polished enough and the experience needs to be good enough to be able to share with the public I feel like the perfect example of that was uh eluvium Arena private beta one the the Polish that this private beta I mean I've played so many closed betas and private betas of games before the level of polish on this uh it exceeded the launch products of easily 90 plus of what's already out there in our space and so I have to ask you about private beta one we had to hold off we had to make sure that the right features were in there and what were those must haves Aaron you're just like I've got to have this in this beta before we can show it to everybody what are those must-haves that had to be in there before we could go out with the luvium arena pb1 so probably the main one was we needed to have a range of characters in that beta that would give people The Full Experience and we didn't start the tier zero alluvials until quite a bit later because we were still developing them uh conceptually while we were in the process of building out the the start of it so they didn't actually get into the art pipeline until too late to hit this beta they would have been the perfect ones because they cover all classes and affinities so that meant that we needed to cover all classes and affinities with other characters inside of that beta the tricky part with that is that each of those characters has unique omegas and unique attacks and we wanted them to be as polished as we could possibly make them so finding that right balance of characters and finding that right balance of different omegas is was was probably the biggest thing but behind the scenes there were two areas that were super important that people probably didn't realize and the first one is that our pathfinding system and our hextile system is something that is a lot more complex than what people probably understand there's still some issues with it to this day but because we use a deterministic simulation you can't just use standard math and expect it to work because we need this to run so that it's the same on one person's computer as another person's computer that's what allows us to have this serverless architecture for the game where it just runs as a piece of code in the background but because we're using very small tiles that allow us to make each alluvial appear a certain size it just adds a layer of complexity that's I demanded going in but I didn't realize that it was going to be so difficult there's other games in the genre DOTA underlords and team fight tactics are probably the two biggest ones that people know and they have a very fixed quantized size for the blocks and if there's a character that's bigger than there they just say oh well whatever it's just going to overlap with the rest of the characters in the game for us we have to say so it'll look a janky and it limits their their design options with this yeah and you've got these huge creatures that are sort of intersecting with each other and it doesn't look great for us it was a little bit more of a problem because the Fidelity of our graphics compared to those two games is probably like an order of magnitude higher so that means that when you're seeing these battles unfold you have an expectation that when someone throws a punch or slashes with a claw that it actually hits causes the creature that it's hitting to have some sort of reaction to it and that becomes incredibly difficult when you're talking about all these different sizes when you've just got one coherent size and they're all humanoids it's it's super easy and we didn't have that luxury we're using I think something on the order of maybe 85 different skeletal models for the different creatures which means that they're almost all unique and it's just ridiculously tough to to do the other side of it was that we wanted to have a fully data driven system and we needed to build out the final state of the auto battler before we started implementing any characters so that was just a massive undertaking to to get that right and it did take us longer than what we had anticipated initially but I'm so glad that we did it because just in the last couple of weeks we've added I believe five new modules to that system and just those five new modules means that our Omega system goes from something on the order of a quadrillion different options that we can choose up to something like 180 quadrillion options so we can do upgrade everyone can you even consume conceive of a quadrillion 180x more of those everybody it's it's a big number is the point it doesn't cover all possibilities there's there's always going to be some omega ability that's that you could put in there that that we don't have in the game but to add that new thing in later on is now quite simple because it just slots in as a new module inside an existing system rather than building it all up and that was what we needed to get the the groundwork done that makes sense Karen you guys and you guys have told the story many times on many interviews um and talked about your vision about what you wanted to create here with eluvium I gotta ask how did it feel to see these alluvials on the screen in action with these AAA graphics with the ray tracing they're all moving around the particles like gorgeous grants work Aaron's work the teams work all converging into an actual video game after all this time how did that moment feel for you to sit down and play it yeah it was it was ridiculous man like we we've been talking about this our entire lives like like genuinely Aaron Grant myself even Kane our eldest brother we have been playing games since I can remember right they're not I'm obviously the the youngest and so like all I remember is us just playing game after game after game and our dad was always in the back of his mind he thought you know with the the different skill sets that we had that we could potentially create a game one day you know and so seeing it go live and actually being able to play it not only did Grant and I get heavily heavily addicted to it for like two weeks and it was it started becoming a massive problem for for like our workflow like we needed to get back into into the Dow and contributing but it was like I can't even describe the feeling because you've got to remember we had so many naysays like we we went out and we said we're gonna achieve something that is is pretty insane right like the the goal that we set for ourselves was not easy it it really was only achievable in a decentralized studio I believe now and we had so many other projects out there that were saying the same thing right like we're going to build a game in the space of 12 months and and we really needed to go out there for investors for our partners for our community and show them that not only are we going to release a game but we're going to release a game that is as polished as what you'll see in mainstream and maybe we didn't get quite to that level with private beta 1 but it was enough to show people that if a brand new studio kit with I think we had like something like 70 people at that time maybe 80 but if a brand new studio with only that many people in it can create something from scratch this polished with that many different characters all the animations or the like the graphics the gameplay and we if if we can do that in that amount of time what can we do if you give us two years three years or even ten years so that that was really the biggest thing for me just it just blew my mind what we could accomplish in such a short amount of time that's awesome I wasn't planning to ask this but I wanted to ask have we uh shared the numbers on how many thousands of people uh tested private beta one do you guys know that off the top of your head a rough number I think it was uh nearly thirty thousand oh no sorry it was I I think probably better one was about uh 20 000 20 000 or so yeah that's awesome uh so thank you to all 20 000 of you I wanted to tee that up to thank you for testing the game to for giving us feedback and for sharing your valuable time on a game that was this early in development we really really appreciate you investing your time at that guys we're not even halfway through the things we launched in 2022 I've got even more this is ridiculous boys team you worked so hard eluvium land sale this one nearly killed me quarter to 2022 we did the land sale and wow what an event and so many of the things like louvadex that we talked about earlier were kind of and the state staking and all of that kind of uh came together to T us opera to give us the foundation for us to be able to execute the land sale itself so Aaron I want to ask you um what was the most unexpected thing that resulted from the land sale or unexpected challenge that came up while building for the land sale uh from the team's perspective I'm curious to know what your take on that would be so as far as building goes it was probably the complexity of the work to have a very low cost and when I say low cost I mean low gas cost contract on layer one that would then kick over the land plots to Layer Two originally we had planned it to be just a layer one sale and the idea was that because it was fairly high value items that the percentage would be fairly low for gas fees and we'd be well ahead of everyone else the second that we had the option to put it onto IMX we jumped over to that because we knew that we could get that number way down and it was just going to be way better for the community to be spending they're hardened on actual land rather than on fees and stuff like that so that that was probably the the hardest thing conceptually from building it the the most unexpected results of that sale was I I mean I I'd love to say that it was the the sniping of the plots but we actually predicted that well in advance that there was going to be a lot of people effectively acting as like Prospectors and trying to pick and choose their land and where where they go and what they do and and so that was actually part of our overall process that we wanted to have that feeling of I guess Anarchy with it but the most unexpected thing was that we had zero problems with it right it was it went off without a hitch at all and that's uncommon for such a a big thing right it's such a big sale event that went off from start to finish without us needing to do anything like we had put in place plans to Halt the sale we had put in place plans to be able to reverse things in case there was issues with it and all sorts of contingencies there were like contingencies on contingencies on contingencies and I think because we had planned all of that out we sort of covered all of our bases and it meant that we never needed to use them and it just went smoothly for people I I believe that there were like about three or four people that because of some issue with minting it took maybe about an hour or so for those plots to be minted for them but they still got them and everything went was fine and so yeah I mean I I would love to say that we expect everything to go off without a hitch all of the time but that's just not the the case for large software deployments and it did so yeah that that one threw me for a loop isn't it wild Kieran like does isn't this an indicator of how early we are I remember us talking about this during the land sale how impressive it was that we launched land and it wasn't broken or didn't take hundreds of millions of dollars of people's money with the product launch I mean isn't that fascinating is that to you is that an indicator of just how ridiculously early we were with this land sale yeah we certainly were but I mean we we in terms of actually uh projects selling land we definitely weren't early right there were so many other examples of people selling land and that was actually adding pressure as we were building because we had multiple land sales where either the minting process was terrible the ux was was not optimized and you know people would go to buy land and then they would miss it and you know they they wouldn't get another chance to get it this was uh moving into the the bull market so there were sales where you know if if you didn't get in within the first 10 seconds you missed out on it and you might have been waiting it might have been your favorite project so there was so much talk on uh in in crypto land on Twitter and whatever they you know are they going to actually be able to achieve this and that's what Aaron's saying we built in so many different fail-saves to ensure that no matter what it would go off without a hitch and again like Aaron was saying I think that made everyone who is building it go to a level that ensured that they were covering all their bases but there was a like I remember it was about a week before there was let's not know names but there was a project that said uh Dutch auctions are [ __ ] right now we remember that I remember there was a lot of Dutch auction flood in the Market at that time yeah and uh and you know we know we we had done our tge using a Dutch auction so we knew that it was a really good way to distribute the token the land whatever you want to call it in the fairest possible way and so we stuck to our guns we didn't listen to to any of the fud that was out there and uh in the end it worked out really really good you know there was unfortunately there were a bunch of people that uh that didn't sleep it was uh it was pretty intense I was one of those people that was staying up to to buy the land uh one thing that I one thing that I really wish I had of thought of earlier so we could have added it into the sale was mega cities right like that but as soon and this is part of my problem right until I'm like in the headspace of like okay if we're buying it what's gonna make people like what's gonna make things like chaos and and create a whole bunch of fomo and I need and and buy more and whatever like and it was right at the the last minute that I was like hey Aaron this would be a cool feature and he was like God damn like where were you on that one three months ago when we were building this you know I've written out all of this documentation and I was like well let's at least you know make it a B2 which luckily in crypto you can just say it's coming in V2 and uh and yeah so that was the only thing that I was sort of annoyed at myself that I didn't you know we didn't have that feature in because I think moving into the second cell if we have it if the council does want to perform another sale of of 20 000 plots or whatever amount having that feature built in where you can literally into like interactively see your mega City being formed if you're able to get all four or six of those I see I see so you buy plot one plot two plot three and maybe it shows you the bonuses and it gives you a graphical confirmation that you're building a mega City and you can really truly understand it yeah 100 yeah you know you can actually like they did such a good job on building their interactive map out I think like by far our ux and UI was uh was ahead of every other land sale at least that I had been in myself and so you know there's no reason why our animation team couldn't make some huge really cool animation that that pops out of the screen and says like Mega City complete you know you've got a four a two by two or you've got a three by three and uh and then it almost makes the event streamable which uh you know I I think some people were streaming when they were buying and whatever but it wasn't exactly that super super exciting uh thing that I think we can do for uh for next one but I'm sure Aaron's got you know a ton of other ideas of how we can make it even more exciting for the next one got it guys I'd like to get it do you want to get into those ideas because we have even more launches to talk about that we did in 2022 Aaron if there were one thing that you'd want to do if there were another land sale what would that one thing be and then we're going to move on to the next launch of 2022. well by the time we do the next lens sale we will have Elysium zero out so if I could add one more thing it would be a live plot viewer so what what you see is the the actual aspects of the plot such as the fact that it has you know this sort of resource on it or that sort of site and and that's fine and we did a viewer for that to show roughly what the plot would look like but I think it would be much cooler to be able to see how someone's building up their land possibly throw in a couple of features such as a privacy filter so that if you wanted to peer in and look at how someone's doing it and they have a privacy filter up you can't but in general I think it would be really cool to be able to look at a land plot that you want to purchase and know what the current state of the structures on it is I love that idea yes and obviously improving the louvadex experience is a huge part of the Land Experience they're integrated with each other seeing those attributes seeing what you may want to purchase or what you're researching all a part of this kind of macro economy game in Q3 2022 there was the oluvadex V2 upgrade learnings after the land sale what were those upgrades Aaron from luvidex V1 and v2v2 and were any of them Community suggested because I tell you what the community they had lots of suggestions they were telling me after that land sale the stuff they wanted in luvideck so what were those upgrades yeah the the main upgrades between V1 and V2 were about quality of life improvements things like responsiveness accuracy with certain information being able to do some smaller functions extra analytics that are available to the the customer things like being able to try transfer the the land they originally had to do it using other marketplaces so there wasn't any groundbreaking features and a lot of those quality of life upgrades came out of bug reports and features that the community had suggested so it was really good to see that Synergy where people were using it all of the time giving us some feedback and then we were implementing those things behind the scenes but I think it's also important to to realize that even if it wasn't some giant Hero upgrade this is what we'll do for all of our projects all of our projects will start off in one state and they will gradually get better over time we we're not in the business of getting something out and then just leaving it to the side after it's been used these things will gradually improve over and over and over again if you come back in 10 years time it will look completely different to how it looks now and it'll be based on feedback from the customers it'll be based on ideas that we we've had from Necessities new technologies all that sort of stuff and it'll just keep on getting better I love it so where do we see the louvadex going from here let's say V two three four five six seven eight nine ten do you have any Visionary sort of items or like things you'd want to see from the louvadex in the future or things that we've already talked about to communicate to the audience I'll give that to you Aaron so V3 is all about getting the features that we need for a Louis vuitars and if we can get it in then it'll also be about the repository which is where all of the information sits inside of the olividex so at the moment there's not really an easy way to see you know what are the drop rates on a particular region what are the various alluvials that are in the game what are their abilities effectively like a giant Wiki of information and and more than that we have this whole system that goes behind the scenes that we're building called achievements which is all about taking all of the things that any individual nft does so whether that be an alluvial and how it operates in any of the individual games or whether it be some sort of a plot or a disc or tracking where it's going throughout its history we want you to be able to see how everything progresses outside of the game and this is where I talk about having that meta game outside of the metagame we want you to be able to purchase a ram fire and value it because it has the highest damage count of any Ram fire in the entire world possibly the the highest damage count of any character inside of the game we want you to be able to see the the level we want you to be able to see who was the first person to catch a particular one but then on the individual State we want you to be able to see who first caught that specific alluvial and who owns it now how has it transferred ownership in between those times if kieran's bought one or Grant's bought one on me and then you find that valuable I don't know why you would but if you want to then own it later on you should be able to do that and it's that integration of information that I think people are sleeping on because that's what's going to connect all of these games together with a community rather than just the functionality of being out able to take an asset from one game to another we want you to be able to see what are the random stats that this character gets in in one game versus in another maybe it's super powerful in Arena but when you go take it into a cart racing game it's got really weak stats and then you've got to decide is that one actually worth me getting how often am I spending time playing the cart racing game or the first person shooter how much time do I spend on the auto battler all of those things will tie into everything that we're doing and it all stems from that a louvadex experience to be able to allow people to feel like they're part of a world while not just needing to be in some sort of a like weak VR experience inside just you as a person are going to affect this ecosystem and that is beyond anything else that we could do as far as like a meta experience I love it I love that vision for the louvadex Karen do you have anything to add there with the louvadex or do you feel like Aaron covered I mean he covered a lot of visionary stuff that we're looking to go into at the Olivia decks anything to add otherwise we got private beta 2 to talk about all I want to know is is there going to be a feature where you can see what the land plot actually is uh is outputting because I think while a privacy filter is good if you would be able to see okay well this land plot is creating this much fuel it's going to make it a lot more sought after and I don't actually know that so I'm I'm literally asking Aaron live right now live right here it's a live meeting Aaron is that happening it is not a planned feature but it is something that we will look at I think it's going to come down to the analytics side of things but we definitely want to be able to show off land plots by zooming in to that map and instead of just getting down to the the the grid view where you see all the plots we want you to then be able to drill inside of there and see the current state of that plot it it would be a fair bit of work to be able to get that extra information out of there it'd probably be something that I would have to speak to Johnny about because that whole game is is really in his hands at the moment I don't have a lot to to do with it to be perfectly honest so in in the next 10 years there'll be some crazy things that happen with alluvium zero and there's only a finite number of plots that will be there so it is that's a really really good example of uh of how our meetings go it's generally whenever I come up with an idea it's like it's a hard no actually let me go a little bit deeper into it I'll see what I can do but there's never a yep that's great let's go and build that it's always um probably not feature creep is uh is a problem in development so I think that's a feature creep defense filter that's built up there correct me if I'm wrong there Aaron no I mean I I'm the I'm the worst Karen came to me with the idea for a Louis vuitars and the idea that was presented compared to what it is now it's like a monstrosity that's about a hundred times as big so as far as olivatives are concerned the the feature creep bad guy is 100 me all right let's talk about eluvium's private beta 2 getting closer to today moving into Q3 of this year guys launch after launch after launch after launch this year private beta 2 came out with improvements obviously over private beta one and so what were those additional features Aaron that came with private beta 2 that maybe made this experience more complete and how is the feedback been uh from the community and from the development team on those features we rolled out in private beta 2. so we we added more alluvials to the mix we added all of the lynxes and all of the tier zeros it might not sound like a lot but that's over a hundred units that were added to the game but that's a lot of work that went into that put us to the point where we have more than half of our roster done the other thing was a a few more little mechanics that made the experience a bit better around things like being able to roll back to a previous level augments interest there's there's a number of things that went into there mostly they were seen as as positive changes augments I think we still need to do a little bit of work on to to get that right and we're in the process of doing that as we speak we have some pretty cool ideas on how we can make them better the the other things like interest and stuff like that I think everyone was super happy to experience that there is one more feature that would be in survival that people don't know about yet that will go I'm not even sure if it's going to get in there for private beta 3 but I think once people see it they'll they'll realize the the utility of it and it'll be very cool it'll be a way for them to connect through to the Overworld and a couple of other things that they can do so that's that's pretty exciting but overall I would say that even though there was a massive number of new features and units and stuff like that it was still a little bit more incremental in terms of how we did the developments there's there's still a lot of things that we need to do that we haven't we're not focused particularly hard on the UI at the moment which does make the game a little bit tougher for people to learn and there are a few things complex games it's a complex game and there are a lot of systems yeah involved in in our Arena game and uh so I think the UI improvements would definitely be welcome um that's awesome and so Kieran I remember we went to the very first ever together Australian crypto conference and we had private beta 2 fresh build on all those computers we had kids grandmas everybody that you could possibly imagine in there I was just shocked by the diversity of people that were playing private beta too what were the reactions that you saw on the floor there and with people that tried out this build and did it surprise you any of those reactions that you got when you saw people experiencing the game for themselves

well I mean firstly when I played Private beta 1 and I'm a huge TFT then it's one of the only games that I played continuously over the last you know five six seven years and when I played pb1 I was super impressed right there were there were a bunch of things like the uh the checkpoints that were needed like you'd get to a level and then you'd have to start again which was just like made you want to kill someone but uh but when those improvements came in and then there was more alluvials so for for like kids and and uh and people who love collecting games seeing that diversity of the characters was huge right and we had so many the the demographic was just crazy at that conference in uh on the Gold Coast and watching people play for the first time because I mean playing it yourself is one thing and getting addicted to it you know Grant and I were literally sitting next to each other just like how is this even possible but then watching other people and their reactions and you would watch them lose a battle after they'd gone you know up to you know stage eight nine ten eleven and you know that would be in despair like oh my God I gotta get back in and then you'd have someone else like no get off that computer you've been on there for like 30 minutes oh people were camping those computers they gave they came back as soon as the exhibition Hall opened and they wanted to get a piece of this pb2 yeah and that was the the craziest part about that is and this happens a lot I've I've spoken about this is Aaron and uh and the devs they they tend to not tell me when something is going to happen because they know as soon as I get hold of something I'll go crazy right like I'm because it's ridiculous to me like the the whole thing that we continuously uh releasing and releasing and releasing and we're building so much cool stuff like it's just it's it's mind-blowing and then you know Ben said to me no it's not possible it's not ready we cannot do it and then all of a sudden we're there and you're installing private beta and I'm I go up to a couple of the the people early on it was like the the morning the the first morning of the conference and I see an alluvial that isn't in private beta one and I'm like whoa what is happening here like there's there must be some kind of glitch or or something and then you looked at me and you're like it's private beta too and I was like what are you kidding me and so that that reaction for myself was was you know ridiculous and so I tried to personally after that stay away because I I literally got addicted to playing private beta 1 and with the the the add-ons that they had in private beta 2 I knew that they were the things that were missing out of private beta one right like the all the the new alluvials that they had in the addition of augments was so much just made it so much more complex and then again those checkpoints which was making everyone go crazy and go you know what I'm not playing this anymore because I get up to level 28 then I die then I have to go through and it was like it's like an hour of gameplay to get back up there and uh and so I knew like I'm staying away but I tell you what and obviously we'll talk about this uh soon but when PVP comes out you won't see me that will be that will be the end for me I will never return to alluvium I'll be stuck inside the universe that's cool though so uh tip of the Hat then to the uh to the folks that have designed these experiences develop them and created such a compelling world alluvials every piece of the product development you got hooked like that's why you get excited in these interviews right you got hooked yourself on your own product you actually genuinely like it me too and it's really cool to have that aha moment where it's not just Theory and then all of a sudden you're sucked into the gameplay Loop that's really cool to experience yes yeah go ahead 100 but it's not really my product right like people are like wow it's your game but the thing is like we're the the three brothers are very separate right like there's there's Grant who is leading the charge on the graphics and then there's Aaron who's leading the charge on the game design and the actual Dev build and then there's me who's sort of on the front lines who's saying like this is all the crazy stuff that we built and so it's uh to to get to play at the for the first time as I said like they wait a certain amount of time until it's really really polished and that makes it for me like almost like I'm in the community you know and that's cool it's so yeah that first impression when I get it and even alluvium zero right like I'm sitting there and I don't know if Johnny is like got some secret thing that he's doing at the moment but I've been begging to get into alluvium zero I got to the point where I could download it it was load on my Mac and are they keeping you out yeah I think they're faking me out because they know as soon as I get in I'm gonna be like oh my God olivium zero I thought City Builder games were dog ass and now now I uh now I've played it myself and it's super cool and I can see how the interoperability will fit into the the entire universe but it's like yeah you're gonna have to wait for the next build and it's like how is Bridge our community manager right like how is he inside the game and I'm not that's what I mean about you know like it's it's it's very decoupled from what I do and so when I finally do get to play the the latest version of whatever we're building or see things like you know going men to louvatars and things like that I lose my mind because it's literally like you guys when you first get things it's like holy like this actually got built in this short amount of time indeed speaking of which the experience that blew me away personally was being able to get my hands on the Overworld and I remember when we dropped the trailer last year just that snippet of Overworld footage people saw they freaking lost their minds well alluvium Overworld beta dropped here in Q4 which is an exciting moment for all of us for them to be able to finally experience all those AAA Graphics I've been showing everyone with Grant on eluvium showcase every week for themselves in Crimson waste and sanctum Mesa so Aaron I have to kick this one over to you with the beta what were the finishing touches if you will that needed to be put in for alluvium Overworld experience before we could let players get their hands on it why not let them play it six months ago you know what I mean everybody asked for it now now now well what were the things that we needed to put in that took that time for us to be able to get it into this beta state so I think what a lot of people don't realize about it was that when we put out that trailer a lot of people thought that it was just pre-scripted footage and it was like pre-rendered and stuff like that that was literally recorded with a 2070 and it was just in-game footage captured from Nvidia capture software it's exactly what you see here but what we didn't have were all of the connection pieces to allow people to go between the different regions we didn't have the ability to allow people to connect to a region go and collect and get their own personal stash of things in there there was a lot of collection features that weren't done by that point last year but we had already done all of our look Dev of course I was not part of that at all that that's the the art team that that goes through all of that sort of stuff so I just got to enjoy looking at the quality of it all my only contribution was the movement mechanics and just the design of them then that was taken over by the dev team and they spent hours and hours polishing it to the point where it looks really really fantastic but it was mainly those three core experiences of being able to do a battle through the arena game sort of like connecting in there plus the movement and plus being able to collect things in the world and then on top of that we needed to make sure that the quality of the graphics was something that we were happy with and our our points that we said we're done with the region so Crimson waste when we said we're going to stop on it was at our 80 percent Mark so there's still a 20 extra push that we can do to optimize make things look nicer make things more interactive there's way more things going in there and that that was super important for us to make sure that we at least had some level of quality of all of those different features there's things we've deliberately kept out so that we can force people to go through the Fairly grindy parts of the game because at its heart there is that grind to it and we wanted to make sure that people found that enjoyable we've been blown away by the feedback from the community loving the grind loving the experience all of that sort of stuff I'm probably the most negative person on the team when it comes to the the product because it's like me designing it and I'm always thinking that it's not where I want it to be and then I I push the the design team to to go further and to to push it and they always come up with amazing features that make it better and better and better but they don't get enough credit because I'm just always like yeah but what else could we do what what more could we do I I say this to ban our lead game designer all of the time we'll get on a call and I'll say it needs to hit XYZ criteria and and I refuse to accept that we can't find that and he'll say it's not possible we can't do all of those things together they're mutually exclusive let's just go with X and Y and we can you know find another way to get Zed through some other experience and I'll just say no we just need to get it done and then I'll leave it over to him and he's got to come up with brilliant strategies on how to get those experiences into the game little things like the dimensional stability that was his brainchilds and I just threw at him we need to make it such that the player conscious steamroll everyone give me a perfect solution and come back a week later and it's like this is what I've got and it's brilliant you know and we still have a lot of things that we need to improve and add into there and I'm always going to be that person who looks at it from the perspective of what's wrong and how do we fix it but I think that in the end that hopefully will make people happier with the end product because they'll always be that drive to to just make it a little bit better all of the time and I know that Grant is exactly the same as me when it comes to the graphics it's always it looks good but why doesn't it look ungodly amazing and he always had this Vision in his head that it was going to be the best graphics that you could possibly get out of a video game and I was like well we can't do that we don't have a team of a thousand people how are we going to do it but it's just nope go do it and come back to me when it's when it's done and then the art team goes away and they come back and they say here you go best graphics that you can get and that just seems to be a formula that works people out there said you don't even have a game Kieran they said where's your freaking game it's just Vape it's vaporware fake project scam lololo dead how does it feel to drop this TR these AAA Graphics in this actual video game on the mark how does that feel because I know I know it pissed you off when people made those kind of comments and you're like I wish you could see it how to make you feel that should be able to share this with the world finally on the front page of twitch yeah I mean it was insane right like for me I hadn't played I I played like three months before and I think that was when you were in uh Australia at that time and it was when I finally started seeing this whole vision of a interoperable universe and how all of the different games will interconnect they'll be able to utilize the same assets but I hadn't seen the the final form of the Overworld and when I got in and started playing that and yeah it would it just that was the most Next Level feeling I've ever had in my entire life right and mainly because I know how crazy hard these guys have worked right across every single department whether it be the art teams the dev teams the Ops teams the marketing teams like so much has gone into that moment of releasing whatever I'm called an actual game right because first it was oh you've only released an auto battle and it only has 15 characters and then it was oh it's still the Auto Battle who cares if you put 150 characters into it even though every other Auto Battle has you know maximum 30 40 characters at a time when we release this it was like okay haters now now what have you got right and the thing is if if people uh trying to get to us in a way where it's like I I want them to quit right I want them to stop working as hard I don't want this team to be successful it does the opposite like we are literally crazy and I don't know what like made us like this and and grants the same Aaron's the same you tell us we can't do something we will do whatever it takes to show you that we can do it right and that is what happened with the graphics when you know people in the team told Grant you don't know games right like he came from the print industry he came from movies film it was not the same as gaming as what he was being told over and over and over again and he would come to me and go these guys don't get it right like they don't they don't get that I don't give a [ __ ] I am going to literally Ram this circle through the square hole and I'm getting it through no matter what and and that just is at the ethos of everything that we do even to the point where you know I have a meeting with uh with Ben our lead game designer and I can attest to exactly what Aaron is saying with with you know Ben saying he's just crazy right like it doesn't it doesn't work you can't do what he's saying and yet he just sits there and he goes do it make it happen right like there's no other option we need this to work and then two weeks later we jump onto our meeting and he's like yeah I figured it out and it's like that that type of uh thinking and that just relentlessness to create something that is actually quality inside of this space is what sets us apart from so many other projects out there and I know that there are other projects that are coming out that have the same quality or or you know uh are at least close but there's just something about the team that we've built and when you play that Overworld I know we've only let 30 000 people in but when you play it and I trust me I've been playing it I've got my own twitch stream now like who would have thought if you told me that two years ago I would have been like a twitch streamer now guys insane I'm there and I'm like I'm loving this right and now the new fight out there is just because this is the the topic that you brought up the new fight out there is oh it's empty you know there's there's nothing to do it's not empty right like go and play the game like I just wanna once again we get to this stage where I'm like open it open the floodgates let people in now there's no other game in web 3 that has this quality of gameplay and graphics and just immersion just open the goddamn floodgates and people will see that once you get into that Overworld it does not feel empty because on the other side uh 150 different alluvials that you can collect and we've really really created that bond between you know leaking all of these characters out over the last two years we've we've got people who are like yes I finally caught a ram fee or I finally caught uh uh an odd choice or or an atlas or what you know there's so many that you finally get and you're like like last night I got a Kaka and I was like yes I finally got a Kaka and it just it's that feeling of what Pokemon was to me so like boiling it all down that's what we wanted to and Aaron was less interested in creating the the Pokemon style of game like we really had to to go harder than him to say like please please design in the collection sale game but now that you're playing it it's like holy [ __ ] have we actually reached like have we created the new age of collection games here and yeah man it's just I'm pumped man that's fan that was a great answer guys we're already running way long on the state of eluvium 2022. I'm just gonna blow through a bunch of major accomplishments so we can get to 2023 sorry everybody that contributed to these uh yeah so game awards we won best RPG 2022 awesome we did that thank you very much Forge app ready for a future race potentially so Karen what's context on Forge app that people need to know if they're uh just in a nutshell yeah so it essentially allows uh retail investors so people in our community in in the same terms as what a uh Institutional Investor would receive and allows them to participate in any future Capital races that we have now obviously uh it's to implement a capital raise in the first place it needs to be voted on by the council so it's it's very decentralized in that nature but it allows us to like 12 months ago when we wanted to to do that Capital raise and we decided you know what it just doesn't feel right not allowing the community in on the same terms we now and then we went and built that and it took a little bit longer than than uh we thought now we have that there in our pocket so the next time that we do a large scale Capital raise we can offer it to people who are die-hards in the community who believe in alluvium and the way that it works is there's large lock-up times so it's really targeted at those people that see this Grand Vision that we have of we're not going anywhere for the next 10 15 20 years so if you want to get the most value out of your investment then you won't mind locking it up for that longer period of time and and yeah we think that once that's actually uh implemented and it's available and people see how cool that is not only do I think our community is going to be super excited about it I've already said to Aaron I want to start uh licensing the forge app out to other protocols because it you're such an entrepreneur build technology white label it license it Revenue ching ching ching I see where your brain's going and not again not give me the money give the Dow the money because I want the distributions yes economics model that we've created I want that to to start chugging along and actually you know giving value back to to investors but but yeah I think it's that cool and it's little things like that where we've just been building them we haven't really marketed that you know at all and that's like entire protocols that are out there if you look at different D5 applications that are out there that have you know 20 30 40 million dollar valuations it's just a product like that like a single product and so I I know you said to be sure but one of the things one of the things that we are really excited about is we've got a strong blockchain team Pedro who heads it up he's exceptional what he does I think you know we got him at such a young age but we want to build D5 tools that we can start to license out to other protocols and then earn revenue from that and again just fill up that Vault so our investors the ilb holders are getting benefits from us building these defy applications that are you know not only benefiting alluvium but helping out other protocols as well okay that makes sense I'm gonna blow through these next ones we gotta get to the 2023 Outlook everybody's looking forward to audience growth this year obviously when you have such an incredible looking product and uh with such polish it's it's relatively easy to Market YouTube we've almost hit 50 000 subscribers Discord 200k followers Twitter 350 000 followers and Counting and obviously registrations for our game is 1.5 million and Counting 2 million roughly back of the napkin math here followers and audience for eluvium that has roughly doubled this year so great job to the marketing team and really it's all about this product right if we can just get this product in front of somebody's eyes just show them the product is what I've been yelling since I've been here at eluvium it's so compelling that people follow and they jump on board so audience growth has been fantastic this year in 2022. let's get into 2023 boys I gosh we've got that was just so much just from 2 2022 that we pulled off this next year though eluvium 0 beta beta beta beta beta is here my role it's not here it's going to be here soon so everybody's been what's that Alpha oh I did I'm sorry I called it beta on accident alpha alpha alpha sorry this is the wrong wording there my apologies everybody I screwed it up so what do players have are what should players expect from the Iz Alpha I should have worded it Aaron they can expect a very clean experience it's I think Alpha is not doing it justice I know that Johnny probably wouldn't want me to put extra expectations on it Beyond it being an alpha and there are definitely some parts of it that we'd probably both agree are alpha but it's such a beautiful game it's it's just relaxing and simple it's just like a peaceful sci-fi version of something like Simpsons tapped out and you can just sort of get lost in it the the UI is in my opinion quite good we still have room to improve to make things a little bit easier to see there's optimizations that we need to do to make sure that it runs on lower level devices but once we get all of those individual animations in there people are going to love it I think something that they should realize is that it's not a 3D game it's it's 2D isometric but the actual renders all come from 3D objects and they're not just 3D objects that are there they're actually 3D and rendered in the region that they come from right every individual building comes from the region that it's in right so things like the reflections off of the grass in Breitling steps or the little bits of Blue from the specular highlights of the water in Halcyon sea that is all there right and it took a massive amount of time to render I'm glad that I didn't have anything to do with it at all but they just literally have got so many Assets in there the game by itself I believe sits at something like maybe three gigabytes something like that it's it's pretty massive considering that the Overworld is 10 gigabytes and that's including Arena as well so it's quite a big game it's got beautiful art in there and overall we just think that people are going to have a lovely experience playing it like I said there's definitely things that we want to get some feedback on stuff like that but overall they should expect something that is in line with other eluvium products Karen what do people need and by the way this has never been seen never before seen footage of the alpha uh right here captured by our team but Aaron akiran what do people need to do to be able to get access I mean you have to be a landowner correct yeah so uh We've gated it so you have to be a landowner and you know we this this is another situation where we said that land would come out at a certain time after the land sale I think we said you know four to six weeks after right and then we decided to to go pretty Next Level Johnny wanted to add in a whole bunch of uh of stuff into the the gameplay which makes it I'm being told makes it much more immersive I would love to know but I am I'm I'm not allowed in to all this salt here man wow but uh but yeah so we wanted to we wanted to give something to those land holders that you know backed us so long ago now and uh and so yeah you have to be a land holder to get into the alpha that's obviously going to change once it does go into beta and uh you know there's there's almost like a mini Community inside of our Discord Community where if you go into that alluvium zero chat it's like they're all land holders they've all been bracing themselves for this Alpha and it's I'm not like again I've I've been very clear about this I don't think I'm going to be you know I hold a lot of land but I don't think I'm going to be a massive player of this game I'm

well again yeah yeah so I don't know look uh I'm uh but but what I am fascinated by is uh the economy that that comes out of this game right like once once we have that real world economy and uh ideally you know it is on Rails at the moment where it can't deviate prices inside the Overworld by more than uh 25 but I believe like Aaron does that eventually we'll be able to take those rails away and just the idea of being able to just dictate to other players the price of things if you know you get a whole bunch of people that are holding on to solons and they just wanna they wanna hoard it up they don't want to sell it back to the pool and you start seeing the prices of things in the Overworld go crazily high and then you start seeing this uh Dynamic where they're like hold don't sell don't sell we'll keep on we'll make it go higher and higher and higher and then at some point someone's like well I'm I'm getting too much money for for my fuel so then it's a landslide of everyone selling like that is that that's what really interests me about uh alluvium zero the agency that it gives you on uh on pricing inside of the the Overworld it makes it like this Eve online situation which you know that in itself is is just ridiculously cool to play as a game and uh and yeah so I think I think people that have been waiting are just like they're bashing down that gate and so we're really happy for to for us to be able to actually give a date that is a solid date it is happening on the 6th of next month and finally those people will uh will be able to to enjoy playing their land very exciting and we've got yet another 2023 drop illuvitars and q1 2023 in a nutshell Aaron it's hard to communicate something like this because it it has many layers and it's deeper than just a JPEG on that you have to pay insane gas fees for right so in a nutshell can you just summarize what a louvitars are for everyone out there that's not familiar the olivetar itself is a base image of a particular alluvial in the first of our sales there will be 25 plus an additional 25 which are the tier zeros that people can get so they'll be 50 to get but over the course of the next year or so we will have all of them be launched on top of that you get these things called accessories that fit into accessory slots and they adjust the image to match that particular one so where people might understand something like crypto punks there are these like traits where the skin can be a different color or there can be a different hat and stuff like that the reason why those ones are I guess I don't know what I would consider to be old school from the perspective of the blockchain is because they're just the same image every time just pasted onto one base portrait of a particular character with ours we have 150 based portraits so when you take an accessory it's going to look different when you put it on doka versus when you put it onto Ram fire right and it'll even change between something like an earth doker versus a nature Joker because they are drawn separately and they have different Expressions so getting it to match so that the monocle sits on the eye exactly right requires hand drawing all of these things and when you combine them together what you'll find is that we have billions of combinations of these effectively hand-drawn artworks and that's just absolutely stunning to me and that's without talking at all about the illovitas album which is a way for you to collect them into various collections based on the different metadata properties of them so instead of being able to just own one and put it as your Twitter profile you can own many of them and you can start to look forward to collecting for example all of the water alluvials and you can try to collect all of the fire or all of the tsunami etc etc etc there are I believe something like 270 different collections that are available from this at the start there's only going to be a few collections that they can complete but that's because we're only releasing a subset of them they'll be able to do all of the tier zero collections from this first batch of eluvitas they'll also be able to do a couple such as I believe the Axolotl collection is something that they'll be able to get their hands on but beyond that we go even further there are different Expressions so you can get atlas in a neutral pose and you can also get atlas in a bit of a brawler pose where he's looking quite tough and that has a different Rarity and it gives you a different num amount of power for that Louis Vuitton when you combine it with different accessories that have different multipliers you start to be able to build these combinations and you watch the power meter of the olivitar start to crank up up and go around and then you put it into a slot and all of a sudden your collection points have just gone through the roof and it just I don't know there's just such a cool feeling about that we have things like milestones and what you're describing sounds like a video game in and of itself the illumitar's album It's Gonna Be its own game yeah louvatars being you know the sort of the Collectibles that go almost into that game is that it's a web game 100 it's it's a web game it's a collectible album very similar to those old you know Panini albums with the soccer players that you could get all of the team and stuff like that yeah I learned that from Roger who actually sort of came up with the idea of doing this and then we just we just ran with it and we said okay well this is not physical so what are the limitations of physical and how can we blow past them and make something cooler but then it's not purely digital where it's all fake and it's just sitting on some you know back end somewhere it actually exists on the blockchain you can see how many of them there are so how can we blow through all of the the digital problems and combine them together into something that is like super cool and when you combine all of that together you've got this huge project there is I think something like 350 pages of documentation that cover all of the little aspects of what Olivia's is and people are going to go nuts for it it'll be absolutely insane man that is so exciting guys there's even more coming out in 2023 by the way I'm sorry we're running oh go ahead Karen well just before we go we move on with Louboutins so there's always like a little sleeper with with uh with every product that we release I find and illumitas is the bane of my existence Aaron knows this we came up with this idea literally and again it was very basic and then Aaron goes to town and then once you get Roger in that same room it's like okay I'm leaving this room because I'm never gonna get out and uh they've now come up with this ridiculously complex product that I think is going to be absolutely amazing but the thing that it's allowed me to do is step back and think about okay how can we integrate real life Brands into the game right like I've always been thinking about this fortnite does it so well with their skins but Aaron is super protective and it's because of the ipe it's because of the lore of the game and he doesn't want any real life Brands to start appearing inside the games and he's always told me that a louvitars aren't inside the game they're outside they're this you know in the beginning it was like they're this stupid thing that you wanted people to have as a profile photo and so I thought okay here's my opportunity right I'm gonna pitch him on getting real-life Brands to have their own collections so yes we have the two types of disks which will have your normal alumitars inside them but the thing that I'm most excited about now is the Partnerships right we've got partnership promo disks that you can buy and we've started conversations with and not just started conversations we've literally gotten to the point where we've signed two deals now we can't reveal what they are yet but they are huge brands that you'll see every single day in real life and we literally want to get that product to a point where we partner up with someone like a McDonald's and instead of it just being your digital illuvatar with that you might get an a Louis Vuitton coming in your Happy Meal right like things like that where it's it's Bridging the Gap between the digital and the physical and that gives us the opportunity to to Market to such a a new audience that wouldn't ever be interested in crypto but you're looking at it and you're like well that's a really cute a little guitar or creature or or character or whatever you think it is you know if you get a an atlas a Louis Vuitton that ends up in your Happy Meal you're probably going to be pretty happy as a kid I mean this is a strategy that Barbie and Hot Wheels have used and so many brands have used to make their brand omnipresent across the board right movie launches do this Etc so I love that brand Partnerships ships strategy with the louvatars and given how customizable they are and how collectible they are with the album essentially kind of bonus game it seems like a combination that's kind of a slam dunk thank you for adding that I appreciate it guys there's a ridiculous amount of other things coming out in 2023 I know you guys tuned in for this I mean I've just got this laundry list here Arena private beta three over World Private beta two a merchandise store governance V2 public beta launch God there's so much here that's coming out in 2023 I'm sorry eluvium team that you have to do all of this so you spoke earlier about prime you know Arena private beta 2 moving into private beta three Aaron are we uh what do we want to say about what will be unique or interesting about Arena private beta 3. the number one thing will be ascendant mode so or at least some version of ascendant mode similar to how in private beta 1 we had survival mode and that has evolved over time and it has still evolved there's things that people don't know about survival mode that we have internal so the major part of it is player versus player which is what ascendant mode is we have some cool ways that we're connecting people to emotes and skins and stuff like that plus there will be quite a significant number more alluvials available for that at the moment I don't think that we'll get all of them in but we should get a decent amount there's not a whole a lot of lines left to do but that is definitely the biggest part of what the private beta will be about is getting people to play against each other fight each other battle that's where we can really start to do our balancing at the moment balancing is a bit more of an afterthought we're doing the the basic connections on the back end but one of the things that people don't realize is that the way that we will do balancing is through generating very clever artificial AI that will play the game and we'll play the game with an idea to get as good as it possibly can get and then once it gets to a certain level we make you know a million of those and they fight against each other and then we balance the game around those like super experts playing the game then once the game is balanced we go back to the drawing board make new AI that has to learn that version of the game they go up and we just keep on getting it more and more refined so we're pretty adamant that at the start when the game launches there's going to be a whole bunch of people who say you need to Nerf this it's completely op and you need to buff this it's total trash and the answer will be I'm sorry but there's a bot that's about 50 times smarter than you that has already worked out that it's not trash or it's not epic there are counters to it and things like that once we get that in there we'll be able to really refine the experience for people and once PVP is done and Polished the arena game is ready to go that's on and obviously Kieran will be lost forever at that point it's okay we'll come rescue you PVP private beta 3 thank you for describing that now we have Overworld private beta 2 do we what do we want to say about private beta 2 what are some of the aspects of that that we want to reveal or not I'll kick this over to you Aaron is there anything we want to reveal there or do we need to wait for the first private beta uh actually there are a few things that we've already told people about such as New Movement mechanics that will be part of it there are some polishing features that we need to do with the alluvial wakes at public beta launch they'll still be wakes they're not going to be we're not going straight away to some sort of a giant monster hunter style of games so there'll still be wakes but they'll have a bit more creative path finding and things like that there is one feature that I won't mention but it will make the world feel a little bit more populated is probably the right way to describe it and there's one other feature that will go in that will make the experience a little bit more frantic is probably the way that I would describe it but both of those features Link in to a little bit more of the law of the game and we really don't want to give away too much before we drop the release cinematic trailer and that that release cinematic trailer will sort of give you a little bit more context about the whole world and you know the the situation that got you there in the first place and because all of that stuff is interlinked we just don't want to ruin it for people so we'll just give it to people piecemeal but there'll be a few things that they can play in private beta 2 I would say it's more of a incremental update it will be connected to our backend systems a little bit more heavily so there's a few people that get a little bit locked out due to some of the limitations of our system it'll be cleaner better experience and the the final part of it is that there'll be two more regions if we can get it in in time there'll be definitely one but I'd prefer to go with three even if the third region is a little bit more blocked out maybe it's not at that 80 Polish state because people will understand what our level of 80 polishes from the other regions but I have a sneaking suspicion that we might be able to get it in that's very exciting Overworld fans Rejoice a lot of great information there on the slide I had merchandise store now we haven't we've showed some leaks of prototype designs of merchandise and stuff like that on eluvium showcase what do we want to say about merchandise Karen in terms of 2023 yeah so this was one that we were really trying to get out before the holiday period uh look building uh an entire pipeline from start to finish is a little bit harder than I thought and uh We've we've gotten to a stage now where the the actual storefront is ready it's uh it's connected it's going to be inside the illumidex uh but the range that we have is just not quite there so a week ago we got samples that were sent to the office and I would say we're we're about 85 of the way there and it's very similar to how we do everything in alluvium unless it's like perfect we're just not going to release it right and I know people are saying when merch when merch when merch and the first when plushies more specifically they want that Atlas plushie Karen plus cheese are being worked on as well we're getting samples of them like literally like imminently they should be here this week hopefully obviously uh with uh Christmas coming up things have have slowed down the post but everything is being built and I can assure you it's going to be like I am very very obsessed with uh not that obsessed I guess but I'm I I'm into fashion right and I know what is good and what is not good and we're absolutely not going to release something that isn't super high quality that isn't in the price range that fits across the board there are going to be some pieces which uh price a little bit higher but they're going to be really nice Fabrics that are you know super durable and really cool designs and then there's going to be more of the basic stuff that just has you know prints of alluvials and stuff like that that are in the the cheaper side of things but there's going to be something for everyone and I promise you it is coming in 2023 we're doing everything we can to get it out in q1 so I don't have a date for you but as soon as we get to that uh that point where we're happy with the garments and the designs and stuff like that we will will be there the really really cool thing about that sort of fits inside merch that we didn't talk about with the louvitars is uh the metal plates so we've Roger has been testing these for months now and we've gotten to a point where we can uh have them production ready and also print them in bulk so when you are purchasing your Lupita regardless of it being uh unique a one of one you can get that printed and again for a really really reasonable price if you look at what a display costs we're looking to be cheaper than that and displayed prints the exact same thing and you know prints 50 000 copies of it and then sends it out whereas you'll have a unique one of one and the last thing I'll say about merchandise is it's an experience right when you get that box from alluvium and it comes in the mail and you open it up you're going to get that Goosebump good feel of I just bought something that is epic right so and and that's across the board eluvium is a quality first brand and so of course the merchandise would follow I love the idea of being able to print your louvitar put it on your wall behind you I've reserved a spot right here it's right there it's ready so I'm very excited about that okay governance Karen you ever heard of it you ever talk yeah you've got you got a spot over there too Aaron you ever heard of it I've actually got one up here if you want to check that out so what yeah sneak preview so that was sent to me by Roger it's actually signed by Rogers the first a Louvre plate if you will in the world but uh yeah so guard V2 I made a tweet about this ages ago and and where it came out of was I've been on the council for pretty much every Epoch I think apart from one and uh one of the things that has uh has has come out of those councils uh and and certainly the meetings is we sometimes don't have the right diverse mix of uh of people that are discussing the different proposals that come through and so we wanted to number one get more people with more expertise looking at proposals and deliberating on them and saying okay is this actually valuable to the protocol or is this going to be you know too much Dev time or you know not effective enough and uh and so in that case you know we're going to vote it down so that was the first thing and the second thing is we wanted things to be more decentralized so that we needed more people to be inside of the governance process and obviously we are decentralized in in the way that all of the token holders vote in the uh the the people that end up on the council but the decision making being five people it's not the most decentralized model you can you can use and it's it's definitely not the most efficient so governance V2 is all about bringing in more more people into the into the process I think in uh in total and shout out to Rich for actually putting this together I've been saying we're going to create it for a long time and it's just been shoved down on the list of things to do and Rich really just took it upon himself he said you know what tell me what you're thinking I'm gonna then give my thoughts we're gonna put it all on paper and uh and he's come up with a really good system it's now being reviewed by our in-house Council and we're hoping to have that I think the council was like if you don't get this back to us fully reviewed by the 7th of next month then we are releasing it to the public and that's it there's no more delays there so uh so yeah that that is going to be shown uh I'm not sure how we're going to transition into governance V2 there needs to be a new uh vote but again it's it's up so the current Council how we we make that happen because there's 25 plus new people that that need to come into the governance process we really need to work out do we end this Epoch early or do we launch launch into it after the end of this Epoch there's obviously a bunch of technical stuff that we need to build in the background for this as well which Aaron probably is going to get the hell away from me you're not touching our devs but it is something that we we really need to to build into it because we want our own systems we want better voting processes we want better nomination processes and uh and yeah overall I think it's after two years nearly of uh of being decentralized and governed by the people I think it's uh it's definitely timely for us to to step into this new optimized model very good more decentralization more diversity more expertise with governance V2 all of those sound like positive things to me and the last item on the list is public beta launch Aaron what does a public beta launch entail what are the pieces of that then after you answer that we're going to move into alluvium's vision and end the stream because this has run quite long so much good information public beta launch what are the pieces and components involved Aaron all three games need to be through a quality control process where we're happy for them to be launched to the masses where anyone can download anyone can play obviously we have a large free-to-play component of the game and there are a lot of features that people will be able to do without giving any money into the system so we just need to make sure that all of those are optimized and we're streaming people towards understanding all of the different features of our ecosystem so that we can onboard them to eventually become not just tier zero players but tier one through five players the other thing that we need is a few more pieces that will be available on Layer Two to allow our not not really the the financial side of it but just the ability to trade fuel for other tokens such as eth and things like that there are a number of ways that we can go about doing that we would love to go with the best way straight out of the gates but it does require some extra functionality to be available for us in the next you know couple of months so that we have time to build those features but that will basically be the interconnection piece between all of the games and each other in terms of the token and the fuel then we need to interconnect all of them from the perspective of the blockchain that's actually one of the easier things that we can do now because we've done a lot of the work up front in building out our backend systems to be able to do all of these things so you know just just little things like when you want to buy an a louvitar for example you trade some amount of eth or srv2 and you get that elevator our back end sort of makes a request for IMAX to be able to Mint that for you and then it hands it off to you so there's always this like custodial piece that we need to build out for all of the games one of the Beauties about a louvatars is that it does test out all of those systems perfectly so when you go to sancta Mason you want to forge something what you're doing on the back end is you're effectively saying I want to give you these two things or three or five whatever it happens to be so that you can burn them but I expect in return for the IMX to Mint some cool new thing and then I expect you to give it to me making sure that that acts seamlessly is very important to us we don't want people to feel like they're missing out on things because you know they they captured something and then it's unfair because they didn't get it that all needs to work out flawlessly and so it's mainly those connection pieces that need to be really really good the actual game design and game features don't need to be a complete at Game launch for the public beta and they won't be it's never been planned that we would have every feature in the game we've spoken quite openly about things like eventually sort of decommissioning the encounter mode and replacing it with a monster hunter Style game where you're interacting with the alluvials in the environment we are going to move to that but it won't be before we go to private beta there's a million other things on that really quick so in the open world or in the open world you're basically shooting The Singularity then if you choose you can scan it and then enter the singularity to go inside of an encounter where you battle and maybe collect alluvials you're saying that shooting a singularity isn't the long-term vision for Overworld it's going to be something more um like monster hunter in the future I think that shooting the wake in in a roundabout way will absolutely be a feature of the game but it the alluvials won't run away let's put it that way at the moment they're running away and leaving behind the singularity that you can follow right going to this this other place and at some point in time they they won't be scared no more and and there'll be a whole new game but there will be a progression of things that we're adding to the game up until that point to make it feel quite seamless but this is the long term strategy for us for all of the projects there are I would say for something like eluvium zero there's like even more crazy long-term visions that we have of what game that will evolve into and for the arena that's probably the one that will stay the most the way that it is now because it has always been designed from the beginning to be a game that sort of sits inside of the universe and acts as a value proposition so that you know what exists in our world and how you can move the pieces around but there'll be other games that match up with that such as you know possibly we might do a cart racing game we could do some action RPGs and there's all these other games that will exist there and they'll act as experiences which you can go inside and and play and love you can just do that experience by itself you don't have to interact with the larger universe at all or you can hop and change between all of them but for the public beta we're talking about a solid version of each of those games as they exist now but with all of the Polish sitting there and then from there our work has only just begun and we'll start adding all of these extra things upgrading the games until they feel like V2 V3 and then eventually they'll feel like an expansion and all of these sort of things will grow out of there and what we're hoping people start to get is that the actual RPG that we're building is not Overworld it's not alluvium zeros not Arena the RPG that you experience is that whole ecosystem it's just an RPG split into maybe eight different games and that's something that no one's ever seen before and that I'm super excited to show you guys wow that's so cool really quick before we go I mean you really cut into some Visionary items there in terms of where alluvium's going Aaron always mentions a louva cart or an alluvium cart game Kieran do you concur doctor like is that a top of a list game for you in terms of you know this interoperable blockchain Suite what do you think dude yeah definitely uh either that or Tower Defense or the Dungeon Crawler I mean we've we've basically look at the end of the day it goes back to the community anyway right all we can do is present a very good use case for why we think a card Style game is is good for OIP or a Dungeon Crawler or a MOBA or whatever other crazy and wonderful ideas that that Aaron can come up with and and the game design team but I it always from our perspective if we could have it our way it always draws back on the games that we used to play while growing up those nostalgic games that just gave us the the feels of like you know I mean GoldenEye comes to mind uh there's there's so many games that that we played but yeah I mean a cart racing game I what do you reckon Aaron how many hours do you reckon we played uh Mario Kart 4 in uh in total I've I've got everything gold in Mario Karts yeah I've played a lot but the the thing that people should I think understand by now is the ones that I pushed the hardest to the community are probably the ones that are coming the latest down down the line there are certainly some games that we could do that leverage the current assets and the current designs that we have a lot better and anyone who knows me inside of the team knows that I'm all about efficiency so we'll be trying to pick off the low-hanging fruit of really cool experiences that we can do fast get the I guess the library that that Content Library up to scratch and have lots of games in there before we start going to wholly new IPS such as things like a cart racer or a dating app stuff like that so no matter what happens no matter what these games are Karen they're going to be interoperable blockchain games and they're all going to work with each other and this is a term that you coined in uh 2022 help us understand what enter what that term interoperable blockchain games means and then I want to get into the other Visionary items that you've shared with me and then we gotta end this freaking live stream so Karen what's an interoperable blockchain game so it's it's essentially a series of genres of games that are inside the same universe utilizing the same IP and the same assets so in our case we have nfts and let's so right now you go out into the Overworld and the alluvials that you're catching that they're what you use to go into alluvia Marina and start battling similarly if you capture those alluvials and you we do decide to build a racing car game you would take that alluvial let's say you've got Atlas which is a water-based creature you take it you'd run over ideally uh inside the Overworld you run over to the racetrack and you would have your your Atlas transport into the track it would turn into a cart and it might have this water gun on the back and you would go up against all of your your friends in a Mario Kart Style game but utilizing the same asset you don't need to purchase a new game you don't need to buy any new assets all you need to do is go into the Overworld and capture those alluvials so that's where it all starts is in the Overworld and then with any of these assets you can take them into the next game the next game they're all interoperable as Aaron was saying one might be a super op in in one game and then it might be a little bit of a dud in the next game right you might take it into the Dungeon Crawler and it's nowhere near as effective as what it is in the in the cart racing style game can't have the same balance across all of these different games obviously different balance different games different attributes different games but each character is going to retain its its uh Essence right as it moves across title similar to how Mario in all of Mario games he's thoroughly average at everything whether he's playing tennis driving a cart or jumping around in a platformer right that's exactly right we we have a a thing called the the random stats for each character and it comes from this one unique ID that you'll get at the time of minting that unique ID will work out what your random stats are in every game that we have and every game that we will have into the future so you can have stats for a particular character like your Atlas might be slightly better at a particular thing in one game and you don't even know it but in 10 years time there's going to be another game and he might be super powerful in that particular one that's going to be exciting but I think probably the more exciting thing for me is that once all of these games start to interconnect we'll start to have situations like selenium shortages because people want to get the Slick wheels that work really well on Brightman steps track for the illuvic cards game or it could be that there's a particular weapon that works out really well in some sort of a Dungeon Crawler that requires a particular gem or resource and so now all these other people who need it for their game don't have access to it because you're buying all of it to make it for this particular item and then there becomes item shortages and all sorts of of things and it's that it's that interconnection that sits above all of the games that people are going to absolutely lose their mind for I love it and we have even more Visionary goals we're going to share with you I can tell you guys are both losing your voice so let's just get through these really quick but we have to share these ideas Kieran I know a lot of these were coming from you and these are projects that are being driven by you and the marketing team Partnerships team we're talking about Visionary goals like partnering with top tier Brands you mentioned a few examples earlier things like Netflix series and movies are Visionary goals that Grant and I have talked about extensively on eluvium showcase and I've even spoken about large-scale Esports and even Olivia Fest is on the list here so Kieran Partnerships with Brands I think we understand that the potential of this IP to use which to be used with in shows I think we understand that as well let's dive into large-scale Esports what's your vision what's your dream here with the competitive aspects of eluvium what's that kind of end state where you're like oh yeah baby we did it so it ties into a louvrefest right like where we basically we want to have obviously there's going to be multiple different competitions that we have in alluvium using the arena game but we we want to have our own in real life event at some stage I'm hoping that we can get it done in 2023 but uh essentially what that will be is a culmination of different uh D5 crypto experts that come in and uh they that your standard conference where they're talking about all of the new Innovations and D5 and crypto and so you get that educational piece then there's the entertainment piece where we've got a lot of connections to Big artists funnily enough a lot of them have ilv and so they're they're very keen they've heard about the the festival that we're thinking about putting on and they want to be a part of that and then Aaron's idea was to to fit in if we're going to have this massive event why not fit our Marquee Esports event where we have that prize money that we've been talking about where we're going to break the record for the largest amount of prize money given in any Esports tournament why not have that inside of this a Louvre Fest and get millions of eyeballs on this just purely because we've got such a high ticket a prize money but not just that also adding in the fact that we have hundreds of different artists that are sharing out hey oliverfest is here this is what it's all about you've got to go and play eluvium then you've got on the other side from the the web 3 you've got the biggest names in crypto who are going out and saying this Festival was insane they went next level on all of this entertainment stuff which not many conferences do it's either a conference or it's a festival and there's maybe one two festivals and I even have ideas on you know how to make those better and so mashing it all together in one annual event that we do is uh is is a big big marketing play for us and I think that's how we're going to start to when you see your favorite artist out there and you have no idea what crypto is and then you start looking into it where is the where is he playing or where is you know she DJing or whatever and then you start going okay well oh it's a game right that's cool like is this the next Pokemon is this the next Fortnight like what's the deal there and uh and then you realize oh wow this is actually a crypto game so it's that that gradual nudge into mainstream adoption that we're looking for by putting on these large-scale events and utilizing your tier 5 land plot very cool I love that vision for a luva Fest and it makes sense um some of the most successful in Real Life gaming events I've ever attended and I've produced content in Esports for BlizzCon and it's kind of reminiscent of what you're talking about back in the Heyday when people really liked Activision Blizzard the World Championships of all of their franchises and games happened at BlizzCon in one part of the conference area they had concerts from top rock artists and shows in one other part of the conference area and in the middle it was all those community activities you're talking about people buying Collectibles people demoing the games people playing cards people doing cosplay all the culture there in the center of the event holding it all together that type of model for a luvofast makes perfect sense to me anything you'd like to add to these Visionary goals Aaron otherwise we got to get out of here before I kill you guys I'd rather not die so let's leave it there and we'll live a little bit of mystery for what's to come in 2023 fantastic guys I want to thank you so much for spending all this time with me and sharing all these insights with our audience about 2022 where our vision is and where we're going 2023 and Beyond and of course all of us on the behalf of everyone in the movie and we all want to say thank you to our community and to our team for supporting this project and coming together in this decentralized experiment thank you Karen thank you Aaron I really appreciate you guys perfect

oh man I got I kept these guys around for another hour to give you insights I can't do it any longer they need to go build the louva cart not just kidding they're not building that right now thank you so much for watching State of the alluvium State of eluvium 2022. I'll leave you with some of that original soundtrack music to enjoy and I we appreciate you spending all of this time with us have a happy holiday Merry Christmas happy New Years whatever it is that you celebrate and we'll see you on the other side after New Year's adios everybody
