Kingdom Mothers Rise Up

83: The Transformative Power of Hormonal Coaching with Bekah Yawn

July 21, 2023 Mukkove - The Mom Mentor Season 2 Episode 36
83: The Transformative Power of Hormonal Coaching with Bekah Yawn
Kingdom Mothers Rise Up
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Kingdom Mothers Rise Up
83: The Transformative Power of Hormonal Coaching with Bekah Yawn
Jul 21, 2023 Season 2 Episode 36
Mukkove - The Mom Mentor

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Unlock the power of hormonal education with my special guest, Hormone Coach Bekah Yawn. Learn to understand and appreciate the divine design of your bodies. 

Bekah's insights will empower you to explore the potential of hormone coaching, focusing on the importance of understanding instead of diagnosing. The Fiat Institute's unique 'let it be' approach hones in on identifying the root issues providing women with the necessary tools to apply in their unique situations. 

Ever wondered how self-care and hormonal understanding could significantly impact your life and those of future generations? 

Discover the transformational possibilities of lifestyle changes, and how taking care of ourselves physically and biologically can redefine our lives. Bekah introduces us to the FEMM Hormone Harmony program, a game-changer in hormone coaching that is already transforming women's lives.

Listen to Part 1: 

81: Understanding Your Body: Hormone Coaching and Fertility Awareness with Bekah Yawn

Meet Bekah
Bekah Yawn, FEMM Educator & Hormone Coach at Fertility Set Free

Bekah Yawn has worked with dozens of women and couples nationwide to empower them in their fertility, cycle, and hormones. With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, graduating top in her class with FEMM, and certified as a Hormone Coach through the Fiat Institute, she is well respected in the fertility education community. As a FEMM educator and Hormone Coach, she can help any woman learn magnitudes about her body and how to support it naturally through utilizing her FEMM Hormone Harmony program.

social @bekah.yawn

Gifts for you!
If you're ready to take charge of your fertility and hormones and need a support sister in your journey, schedule your free 20-minute consultation with Bekah at

Discipling mothers to disciple generations

Encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

I'd love to hear from you! Text me

Unlock the power of hormonal education with my special guest, Hormone Coach Bekah Yawn. Learn to understand and appreciate the divine design of your bodies. 

Bekah's insights will empower you to explore the potential of hormone coaching, focusing on the importance of understanding instead of diagnosing. The Fiat Institute's unique 'let it be' approach hones in on identifying the root issues providing women with the necessary tools to apply in their unique situations. 

Ever wondered how self-care and hormonal understanding could significantly impact your life and those of future generations? 

Discover the transformational possibilities of lifestyle changes, and how taking care of ourselves physically and biologically can redefine our lives. Bekah introduces us to the FEMM Hormone Harmony program, a game-changer in hormone coaching that is already transforming women's lives.

Listen to Part 1: 

81: Understanding Your Body: Hormone Coaching and Fertility Awareness with Bekah Yawn

Meet Bekah
Bekah Yawn, FEMM Educator & Hormone Coach at Fertility Set Free

Bekah Yawn has worked with dozens of women and couples nationwide to empower them in their fertility, cycle, and hormones. With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, graduating top in her class with FEMM, and certified as a Hormone Coach through the Fiat Institute, she is well respected in the fertility education community. As a FEMM educator and Hormone Coach, she can help any woman learn magnitudes about her body and how to support it naturally through utilizing her FEMM Hormone Harmony program.

social @bekah.yawn

Gifts for you!
If you're ready to take charge of your fertility and hormones and need a support sister in your journey, schedule your free 20-minute consultation with Bekah at

Discipling mothers to disciple generations

Encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to this episode of the Kingdom Mothers Rise Up podcast. This is part two of the interview with Becca Yon, a hormone coach episode. The first part will be linked in the description below so you can catch up on her story and how she got to this place of being a hormone coach and what that means the power of understanding how God designed your body and all of these things and today we'll dive into just more of that and pray that it's a blessing. Information to contact Becca will be in the description. Enjoy today's episode.

Speaker 2:

We could go to any like really expensive doctor or get all of these tests, all of this lab work done, and the doctor could be like okay, here's what you need to do for the rest of your life to fix all your stuff. And you're going to be like nope, nope, so, and that didn't do anything for you, and so kind of the goal in hormone coaching that we're trained with in the Fiat Institute I would love to talk about, like what is the Fiat Institute? Yeah, but what we're trained in is just looking at the woman and listening to her and being like here are some things that I think would help you. This is why I think this would help you. So you have the education, because if we're just not educated, why do we believe that this is actually going to help?

Speaker 2:

And then giving those solutions and then asking what do you think? Like, do you think that's something you could do of those things? What is something of those that you could do? Okay, like, let's talk about that on WhatsApp, you know, and check in, and so it's. You really actually get change, like tangible change, that happens. That's the whole point of coaching.

Speaker 2:

You know you're like I need someone to do that, but it's in a such a loving, Christ-centered way, not in a barking way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I love that you're saying it's not here's the formula and I'm going to stick you in the box with the formula, but I'm going to get to know you and I'm going to find out what your body is telling you and then from that we're going to figure out what you need to do and like, yeah, that's such a good model of coaching, you know, because, like, I'm dealing with the emotional, mental side of stuff, but that's exactly like I don't have somebody come to me and be like here's the first three things you need to do. Cause, just cause. That was what the first three things I needed to do, or my last client needed to do. Like I need to hear from them what is going on, what they have already tried, what their perspective of things is, and part of that, like you said, to asking what do you think? What are you?

Speaker 1:

And so many women don't trust themselves, though it's helping to build that of like, no, listen, listen to your body, listen to you. Have the Holy Spirit. He's speaking to your spirit. What's he telling you? Learn to trust that. So I love that you bring that into. So tell me about the Fiat Institute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Fiat is the Greek word that Mary said to Gabriel the angel, when he said you're going to have baby Jesus. And she said Fiat, let it be. And so we're just trained in this method of Fiat living. We're trained to be a Fiat coach. We're trained to help women, to listen to what God is calling them to do for their, for their body, for their lifestyle as a mother, as a daughter of Christ, as a wife. It's just so beautiful, so just that, very much, let it be. Okay, lord, this is what you're calling me to let it be.

Speaker 1:

So it's, something.

Speaker 2:

I personally live in and love it and it's I love kind of mentoring women in the coaching process towards towards that as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. I learned what Fiat meant before my six year old was born. So I have three kids that are in their twenties, all married. So they were all teenagers and the Lord started.

Speaker 1:

I won't share the whole story I'll do a different episode on that but I kept seeing little black cars and I was like, oh for the heck of it. I just Googled little black car, thinking I don't know was going to come up with little Mazdas or Hondas or whatever you know. But it happened to be that the Pope had been in Washington DC and instead of the typical luxury motorcade he had requested a Fiat. So the first article that came up was the Pope's little black fiat or little black car or something. So then, yeah, looked into it, that fiat is that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that Mary gave. And so that was one of the ways that the Lord, you know, was like highlighting that yes, just let it be whatever you have for me. So then, a few months later, when I'm trying to convince myself that it's paramedipause instead of taking a pregnancy test, I finally took the pregnancy test and threw my fit for a couple hours of telling him how wrong he was of giving me a baby when I had three high schoolers I was homeschooling and women's ministry and all this other stuff and then he's like, well, are you done?

Speaker 1:

I'm like yeah, he's like you already said, yes, wow, because he'd you know, use that of like. Or, as Mary's saying, yes, so that's cool, I like that, that there's that, and so it was the fiat Institute focus on, like the hormone coaching in that perspective of yes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, awesome, yeah. So we're trained, you know, kind of in all of those things we're trained to. We don't diagnose, we don't treat, we don't read labs, but we're trained to kind of identify and point towards what is that root issue from Gillis. And then we're trained in like I think it's six core pillars, I like to call it of in our toolbox for the women to utilize as it is applicable to her. So, like I said, I can write up a whole support plan of like everything that's going to make you feel amazing but if you do, none of it not going to work. So you know, in that toolbox there's, there is diet, there's exercise supplements, toxic free living sleep is a huge one and essential oils. But we'll focus on the ones. She's going to get education throughout the whole hormone coaching process. But we're just, we're going to really focus on the ones and put the ones in her support plan that she agrees with and that she wants to do and she says yes to, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so how long is it typically before they start to see an impact from the changes that they're making?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it definitely depends on how. How motivated is she, you know like, is she ready to just take the bull by the horns and do everything she possibly can? Maybe that typically those women are the ones who have had miscarriages or struggling with infertility, and, you know, those are kind of the strongest, most driven ones. Some of them are dealing with anxiety and mood swings and they're just sick of blowing up with their kids and they're like I am a Christian, this is not who I am, and so they're just like leading help to to have peace in their homes and to have energy and to not lose it multiple times in the day, you know, and so it just. It really depends on their motivation level. But for a pretty motivated person and typically when they want to do coaching, they're pretty motivated, truly, like within a month, like from one session to the next session, they're starting to see results and it is so amazing and it's so much fun. I just love.

Speaker 2:

I love seeing that, and we I usually work with women for about three months in hormone coaching If they want to learn FEM together with hormone coaching, which is a beautiful combination for someone who knows nothing about her body. Then we meet for about four months total and by the end of it they are just like a different person, completely transformed. You know I don't get we never guarantee like you're going to get pregnant when you work with me. I have had people get pregnant when they worked with me when they couldn't before, and I've had people who haven't. But everyone who does is getting the baseline foundation that they need to be living for, like in that fiat way that glorifies God for their hormones, for their endocrine system and that whole symphony. And it's so much fun, it's such a gift to journey with these women, yeah that's incredible.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Yeah, I was thinking. In your bio you said you have a BA in psychology too, so how does that fit into your journey?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Psychology is really cool. I just love how people work. I had an original goal of getting my degree in psychology and then doing marriage and family therapy. And after graduating with about 40k in student loans and applying to the program for the marriage and family therapy masters and being told it would be $50,000, my husband and I looked at each other and said we're going to want to have kids in a few years.

Speaker 2:

I want to be a stay at home mom. I don't think this is our next right move. So I've utilized psychology in my endeavors post college and it's been beautiful and yeah. So that's kind of where that came from. Totally not what I imagined. But here we are.

Speaker 1:

Therapy good for people in like the para menopause phase of life too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely, and those are really fun too.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, we do work with women in para menopause and menopause, and they just get a different type of service and education.

Speaker 2:

I still enjoy educating the woman about how God designed her body and about those hormones that she had, and usually she gets so many ahas reflecting back in her childbearing years.

Speaker 2:

But it's also foundational for her to understand how her hormones were working and how they're working now, because for the woman who's in menopause, she's still producing estrogen and progesterone low levels from her ovaries and adrenals, and so for her to understand how they used to work and then, how they work now and how she can live in her body optimally now is so critical. That's why most women in menopause, I mean, are just kind of written off of like, well, welcome to the second years. But no, the Lord says these are the wisdom bearing gears, these are not the brain fog years. If you're having brain fog, something is wrong. Your body is telling you this is not right and there are things that you can totally do very duably from home that can really impact that and support your body to be making those levels of hormones so that you do feel better, you think better and you're able to bear that wisdom for the younger generation.

Speaker 1:

So yes, it's your question. Yeah, that's beautiful, I love that. And yeah, I love that you bring in that perspective too of, yeah, god didn't create us to get to this stage of my stage of life and be written off. That's not his intention.

Speaker 2:

That's his lie from the end, not his design.

Speaker 1:

I guess maybe it was a curse, but we're no longer under the curse to have these crazy years of yeah, you're just subject to your body being completely out of control. Congratulations. Write it out.

Speaker 2:

No, there's so much more hope. There really is. Yeah, one of my menopause clients is like a joy to work with her because when she first came to me she was just like I can't even go outside to take a walk. I have no energy, I'm just not motivated. I know God has called me to be so much more. You know sex issues, all that kind of stuff with her husband and within a month, like by her second session, she I mean she was someone who took the global weather hordes. She did all the things that I suggested and recommended and it's crazy how making lifestyle adjustments can truly impact us living and who we're called to be as a Christ follower.

Speaker 1:

It's wild, yeah, and I love that you're supporting the physical side of that, the biological side of that, because, yes, like I know for myself, I've seen how the emotional wounds or the mental things that are off hold me back from what God has made me to be and called me to be, and that's not okay. But then to know that, like, oh, there's all these physical things, biological things going on that we can address to, that are equally holding us back, my heart is like we're in a season where we don't have time for that anymore. But if you're not taking care of you, how are you going to do what you're called to do? You know, and that that self care is not selfish, that self care is vital.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because, like you said, the mom that can't stop blowing up at her kids well, if she had the resources to take care of herself, whether those blow ups are from past emotional baggage or from hormone imbalance, either way, like, if you can stop doing that, how much more is your life going to improve and how much is the life of your children and even grandchildren going to improve because you have the capacity to have healthy relationships and to grow. And so it's just so, it's so important, and I feel like the closer we get to the end, the more important it is, because obviously the world is just getting crazier, yeah, and so it needs healthy women of God to stand up and be like there's a better way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, as you were talking, I feel like the Lord spoke to me. A really beautiful line of us taking care of ourselves will literally serve generations, yeah, and so we're taking a little bit of extra time, a little bit of extra intention, and then, whatever we do, it impacts our family. So if we're eating healthier, if we're using more natural things for our health or, you know, ditching the candles and doing diffusers instead, like, everybody is impacted in us using this and raising up our families in this way, it will impact our future generations. And if we continue to neglect and continue just to give in to, I'm not worth it. It's not worth it for me to invest in this. It's not worth it for me to. You know, I'm just always going to be stuck with this. It's normal and it's fine. Like, is it going to be normal and fine for your daughter to act that way as a mother? Is that what you want? Yeah, kind of going it out, but I mean I wouldn't want my daughter, when she's older and grown, to be losing it on her kids. That would make me so sad.

Speaker 2:

So if we can just take a moment that the Lord is wanting us to be still in and to listen and to learn. Maybe we need some help, maybe we need someone to guide us, but what is his next right step he's calling us to? It can truly make a difference, and it's so beautiful to actually have peaceful days. As a stay at home mom, I could say that personally. I mean I had man. My anxiety was so rough in it. It's really wild to reflect on how badly that impacted my days with my kids to how it is now and my days with them. It is night and day and I'm so thankful that the Lord brought me through that journey of having balanced hormones and living in peace with my family and kids. We have our moments, but it's not like multiple times every day, every day, every day, and it's not all consuming.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's incredible to know that, for example, the anxiety can just be a hormonal issue and then it's not necessarily a character issue or a maturity issue or something else, like it could actually just be biology.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's something that's like. This is why I'm so passionate about talking about this, because Satan has just dug his talents into our heads of saying like you're not good enough, you're not being a good enough Christian, you need to fix this. And he's the one, like I feel, like I feel like there's layers of this spiritual warfare and it's, it's, yes, it's, it is spiritual and it is emotional and it's mental, but he's literally doing it like with screwing with our hormones, and when women become educated about how they're supposed to work and how they can actually support it, we get to fight back, and it's so cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and if the biology part is better, like he's not going to stop fighting, but then we have the presence of mind and the clarity and the energy to see what he's doing and be like, oh no, oh, no, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Not on my arm. Our armor is on. Yeah, yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So it totally makes sense that he attacks women with the anxiety and the depression and the brain fog, because then we're much less of a threat. When we figured out we are a threat, like I just had a client well, she was sharing and I was like I feel like you're being tormented, like I don't feel like these are all your thoughts, and so she was sharing that she felt kind of scared that she hadn't recognized that it was the enemy harassing her and I was like you need to flip that. He needs to be scared because now you know. Like you don't need to be scared, that you didn't need to know before, now you know. And he needs to be scared because now you know. Yeah, absolutely. I love that God has so many different ways that he's meeting women now to do that, because we are supposed to be a threat to the enemy. We are a threat to the enemy. That's why he worked so hard to take us out.

Speaker 2:

We're so worthy. We're studying Proverbs 31 right now. I mean a little group of women and you know a noble, a wife of noble character who confined. She's worth far more than rubies. And I did some research on rubies. You know I love to research and it's kind of interesting because they've depreciated since the Old Testament times in value. But I mean it's like 50 million plus for a ruby and we just have this beautiful discussion of how worthy and valuable we are as women and that is how God sees us and it's truly beautiful and I think it's something we all need to remind ourselves of to counteract the enemy, because one of his common things is you're meaningless. The work that you do all day, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't have any impact, it's just another dirty diaper, it's just picking something else up off the floor. But no, no, no, the Lord sees you as more valuable than rubies. Go do your own research on it. It's very interesting yeah love that so good.

Speaker 1:

You have a gift for our listeners. Can you tell us about that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So the program that I mentioned, I do Femme Education in hormone coaching. When we do them together, I call it Femme Hormone Harmony. So I would love to give $50 off if you guys would like to do that program with me. It's beautiful. We meet every other week. We talk on. You get access to me on WhatsApp so we can voice chat in between sessions. The goal of this is not we have a session and I'll see you in four months, you know, in person also, it's really beautiful. So if this has just been tugging on your heart and you're needing that support, sister, in this journey that the Lord is calling you to, you can head to my website, book a free consult and just let me know you're a McCove listener and I've got that coupon for you guys.

Speaker 1:

All right, that is awesome. I appreciate that. Becca Any closing thoughts?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I just pray, lord Jesus, please let this bless so many women and just call them to their next right. Step them as a wife, as a mom, for their own health, for the generations to come. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen. Thank you so much, becca. It was good to get to know you. You too, all right.

Fiat Institute and Hormone Coaching
Importance of Therapy and Hormonal Education
Hormone Harmony Program and Coupon Offer