Yeah Whatever!

Thanks Dad, for everything

February 29, 2024 Joshdangit and Arika
Thanks Dad, for everything
Yeah Whatever!
Show Notes Transcript

Josh explains why he's been gone for 6 months. 

Hey everyone, I'm sorry, it's gonna sound a little different right now for this podcast. Damn, I'm not sure why I'm so nervous. I think I just want to get this right. No theme music because it's a little more of a somber podcast. It's gonna be very short. Basically, I just want to kind of explain what's going on. First of all, I want to apologize that it's been like six or seven months since the last, I guess, new podcast.

The one that was released a couple days ago was just really one that was kind of in the chamber that needed to be edited anyway. It was the last of the series of podcasts. But today is very somber for me because there's multiple reasons why. Today is actually the six month anniversary of my dad who passed away. And yeah, he passed away six months ago exactly on a Thursday today. And.

Another important date is today is actually leap year. So February 29th, a date that does not exist usually, but it does once every four years. And today is actually my ex's birthday. So I don't know if I ever mentioned her before, but you know, this ex had a lot of mental problems and we tried to get through it and couldn't. She broke up with me.

And eventually I found out in 2019 that she actually passed away. Um, she, she got hit by a car. She was walking down the side of the road and, um, Google maps. I see that there's no sidewalks. I'm not sure what she was doing walking on the road. There's just a lot of just mystery and just uneasiness about that. And I always wish that she would have kind of moved on from her illness and

She would have gotten help and hopefully she would have gotten a family and she would have moved on with her life That's I always wish the best for her and for her to have a sad ending I don't know it never really quite sat well with me and today is her birthday so and today is also the anniversary of my dad's six months passing and it's just Not sure how to feel or even what to say So

Basically six months ago my dad passed away Unfortunately, and it was very hard for all of us and especially I guess me I stopped my YouTube stuff I stopped my podcast just because I didn't wasn't really feeling like you know having a good time And just I don't know I was in Illinois for about two to three months trying to figure out you know funeral stuff and paperwork and all that stuff and

I think it's pretty clear, we've talked about this before on previous podcasts about my dad's kind of battle with cancer and just the last five years of him fighting it and you know, things like that. And in fact, he was on a podcast kind of a while ago, the Father's Day podcast. And I think he also was on Moving to Indonesia.

with that podcast as well. It really does mean a lot. And I do wanna thank my dad for kind of giving me that creative side of myself and that humor side. Thank you, dad. Without your humor and being an amazing father, the best father I could possibly have ever asked for, I would have never started these little endeavors like a podcast or a YouTube channel or.

Patreon, you know, I wouldn't have even dreamt of it, but and you being on my podcast, you know, just just giving your two cents and helping me along the way. In fact, right now I'm going to play you a clip that that was from one of our podcasts, the Father's Day podcast where he kind of talks about being a father and having kids and things like that. And I actually played this at his funeral.

And a lot of people appreciated it. When my dad recorded this podcast, he was taking treatments for cancer. So it shows his deep side and his serious side, not so much of his humorous side, which kind of slowly went away as the cancer was taking over. But he always still tried to have a positive side to him. And he still made me laugh until the last day. And...

Yeah, I'm gonna play this right now and this kind of shows you a little bit of his personality and what he was like.

Fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus

I'm out.

I just wanted to kind of get you on here to talk about Father's Day and what it means to be a father basically. Once you become a father, you become a father for the rest of your life. You worry about your kids, you worry about their finances, who they're going to eventually have a life with. Are they going to have kids? What kind of people are they going to grow up to? What kind of jobs are they going to have?

You help them go through college and high school and you worry about them and you pray about them and you look at people who have children and you go, boy, that's a lot of work, that's a burden. And then you start to have children. I have three. I have two girls and one boy. And when you start to have children, it's the greatest thing in the world.

I say it's a lot of work and a lot of worry, but it's like there's nothing more wonderful than having children. You love them so much, you'd die for them. I remember you and me, Josh, just going to Singapore and just being buddies and walking down the street. You were about five years old and we were just the best of friends. We had a lot of adventures.

We had so many, and that made me feel like a kid. In fact, I can't even believe we had so many adventures. But she asked me, how do I like being a grandparent? I love being a grandparent. They're so cute, and it makes me remember my children, how cute they were. Matter of fact, my grandchildren are cuter than my own kids. Oh, wow. That cuts deep.

It does cut deep. Oh, wow. You guys were fun, but they're just cute. They're just cute. They're just so cute. No, I would encourage everybody to be a parent, though, because you've never lived until you have children. Once you have them, you never want to let them go. And then you have grandchildren, and that's wonderful, too. And these are God's gifts to us. I'm not just saying that. I mean, you've got to experience it.

to believe it. Like now that I'm sick, my kids take such good care of me. It's unbelievable. Well, love you, Josh. I'm going to let you go now. Is there any last things that you want to say to your kids and your grandkids on Father's Day? Personal message, I guess, to your children as well. I love you little buggers. You know, I love you all, you know, and you know that I do. And uh...

I think that's about all.

And that pretty much wraps it up for today guys. Thank you so much for listening. This is not our usual format. So hopefully this six months has been quite a journey and the next few podcasts are going to kind of talk about that. Me and Eric are going to jump back into the bandwagon and maybe some special guests about dealing with grief and how to move on. And then after those few podcasts, we're going to kind of swing back into our normal silly selves.

But thank you guys for tuning in and see you next week. Thanks, Dad.