Yeah Whatever!

Our Podcast Turns Into Dating Advice

March 31, 2024 Josh and Arika
Our Podcast Turns Into Dating Advice
Yeah Whatever!
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Yeah Whatever!
Our Podcast Turns Into Dating Advice
Mar 31, 2024
Josh and Arika

Josh and Arika talk about the podcast and how professional they are. This of course spirals into talking about dating advice and their stories about dating in California. 

Show Notes Transcript

Josh and Arika talk about the podcast and how professional they are. This of course spirals into talking about dating advice and their stories about dating in California. 

Okay, hey everyone, welcome back to... Hey, whatever. Oh, I totally forgot our own title. I thought you were doing that on purpose. No, I... You weren't doing that on purpose? No, no. Wow. All right, well, cheers. So, all right, cheers. Cheers. Happy Friday. Happy Friday, everybody. I realized today, I listened to our podcast again and I realized I always sound drunk. Even when you're like dead sober. I'm literally dead sober

Like the way that I talk, there's like weird slurs. Okay. Like I just sound slurry. You just slur all the time? Okay. I mean, I really haven't noticed that when editing. I just noticed that we both equally say um and uh a lot. So we probably have to work on that. I wish we could play music while we talk. Then it would be copyrighted. Then we gotta pay them, which we don't have any money. Actually, it's funny that you bring that up because...

At the start of a podcast, you're like, this is my jam. And there was nothing playing because. Yeah, why did you do that? Because they wanted money. I literally. What do you mean they want money? Like if we make money, they want money? No, it literally. They just want money. It flags, right? And it says like, hey, this song is owned by this corporation, what the heck? Do you have permission to either play this or like, did they pay you?

And I have to be honest, I'd be like, no, I'm sorry. And they're like, well, you can't use it. Wait, so did you post that before? Yeah, no, it was a post. They flagged it, I had to take it down and then repost it. How long ago did you post it? It was literally like 30 minutes. The AI is incredible. So then you took it down immediately and then the same day you posted it again, without the music. Cause I listened to it and I was like, why is there no music? Because the AI caught me. All right, you got caught. I got caught by the AI people, but you know.

When we get famous, maybe we can use some Nsync stuff songs or something like that. So we were just debating and we decided to start recording. Yeah, I was asking you to tell Joshua. He's like, I walked in his room. I was like, hey, let's shoot a podcast while I was taking a bubble bath. And he's like sipping on this clear fluid in a coffee cup, a see-through coffee cup, by the way. And it's the same one that I bring to work. Are you drinking vodka? And he's like, no. So then a minute later, I'm like, wow, I've been having this

like glass of wine and I feel a little tipsy already. And he's like, I don't know what it is in my old age. I don't really feel this drink anymore. And I was like, no, that's not old age. Cause you, okay. So when you are older. Could you sing that again? When you are older, you have a lower tolerance, okay? Because you, things just affect you.

Worse your body doesn't metabolize like it used to so you wake up more hungover You guys know what i'm saying and then you said what? I said, uh, oh dang you're right. No, you basically said exactly and then I realized Tick tock dance point somehow. I think uh, I see I don't understand how you proved my point Because I basically was trying to prove that when you're older your tolerance is lower

Yeah, and you made a point that when you're younger your tolerance is lower and I basically agreed with you Okay, it was cuz you were young. All right Irish no, okay. No Irish. All right. Fine Irish. There you go Oh my gosh. Well, Erica decided to just leave the podcast but we're it's a good time to introduce our sponsor for today, which is Costco to tequila

Costco tequila do you hate the taste of tequila? Well don't buy Costco tequila because you'll hate it even more I'm telling you this is like really raw stuff. All right. Well cheers. Here we go. Cheers If anybody out there likes wine do yourself a sweet little favor and buy the Hartford Zen almost said Vin Fendell Vin Fendell. Oh my gosh, dude. How many glasses are you in? I literally poured myself like

Maybe three quarters of a glass. Okay, and I still have a quarter left. Geez. All right Tolerance or age. I don't know anything today. You haven't eaten that single thing. Not a thing. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's a problem You should probably eat something. Okay. Cheers for real. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers listener. Cheers everybody So what listener? Oh, I'm sorry. Cheers listener

You know, I told Erica today that we actually have a lot of listeners. We have over a hundred and fifty four different countries listening to us right now. That's so crazy. That is weird. And still a three star rating. I mean, we, oh, we have a rating. Yeah, we have a three star rating. I didn't even know we had a rating. Oh my gosh. Look at us getting rated. Oh, on what? I don't even know. On Spotify. Oh my gosh. Three out of five. Yeah, that's pretty bad. That's pretty bad. Yeah, I'm sorry guys. It's the slurring.

You think so? Yeah, it's how I talk. Oh, you think that brings us down two whole things? And my terrible laugh. You don't think anyone wants to make enemies out of us and like rated us low? I mean, if they wanted to rate us low, they would rate us like one star, right? So maybe that's not the case. Yeah, I don't know. But three stars? Well, maybe somebody might have rated us five stars in the past, and then someone else got on there and was like, this b****** rated us one. Oh, so it's your fault. Okay. Yeah, it's probably. You know, I think it's my fault, and I'm so sorry.

I actually looked back at our podcast and we didn't record a single new podcast in 2023, if you can imagine that. Wait, not one? No. Between us or all of your guests? I mean, we did a series when we just recorded for five hours or something. And then we, there was enough to cut it up into four podcasts and that was it. That's really bad. We didn't record any new podcasts in 2023. So I'm sorry, guys. We're kinda slippin' here.

You know, and it's my fault too, because like I just wasn't, there was a lot of things that I was prioritizing back then. Yeah. And they weren't healthy things for me. So now I'm getting my life back on track. You're OnlyFans? And I am.

We don't talk about the O.F. OK. Just feet stuff. Just kidding. I'm sorry. No. No, I don't have one. Someone actually pretended to make one for me once. I'm just saying. We could be living in a much better apartment. Maybe I'll start one.

I mean honestly if I start one we would have to probably move away from the coast If you started a frickin only fans with your little Indian feet Oh, yeah, and you just posted everyone that you were actually female what extra large dominant What if I just poured like chutney on them you think that'll yeah, that'll work. Yeah, all right

At least for me. See, this is what gives us a three star rating right now. See? And that's why. But you know what? We're pulling in the listeners. I mean, my. What did my ex always love to say when I read, oh yeah, bad publicity is the best publicity. It's the, yeah. So, there we go. Oh wow, okay. Yeah, thank you guys for listening to us, even though we ramble sometimes. Yeah, we still have what, 150 countries listening? 154 countries listening. How many active, like, recently?

Well, recently, here's the problem. We've been away for so long. We've just been starting to get new podcasts. So it's kind of like a snowball effect, right? It like starts to roll. But when you've been gone for like a year. Been a gone? I know, it's my Jamaican side, sorry. When you've been gone for a year. Wait, that is not Jamaican. Anyway, so when you've been gone for a year. What was that? It.

The algorithm just hates you it like oh you're trying but you failed so the algorithm thinks we're a failed podcast right now Yeah, we have to I mean, it's not a far off We did lose our only patreon like a year ago, and I didn't even know I honestly I'm surprised He was doing it as long as you know what I am so sorry if you're still listening Australia guy remember that

Thank you for doing that. Yeah. I actually feel really bad because I didn't know he was still paying. Honestly, like, Australia guy, I tried to find a way to refund you the money that you spent with us. But I think there's like a one month or two month time limit. I'm so sorry. Well, yeah. I mean, it wasn't like he was like, he wasn't subscribed, right? It was just like a thing that he. No, he was subscribed. He was subscribed. For like five months. But could he cancel it?

He did he did cancel after five, but he was able to cancel. Yeah. No, he's gone Yeah, he but he paid us money for five months that he was like trying and believing us And what's funny is that we don't even actually have the money because there's a threshold that you have to reach before you actually Get any money, so I'm not sure what I'm not sure what no no look like okay we don't make any money off this podcast, but

If you want, we do it for funsies. And because we're sponsored by Nike. So we owe them. Whoa, whoa, hold up. The Nike, we just thought offer. We could not refuse. Listen, we are actually sponsored by Adidas. Okay, get it right. Adidas. A-D-D-I-S-S-S-E-S-S. So.


I wish you guys could see me get up and start recording. Anyway, critical race theory. So what are your thoughts? OK, I'm going to stop bringing up my ass. Sorry. It's OK. You know, how long has it been? It's fresh. What? So December 28, I broke it off. So it's been like four months? No. Almost three. January, February, March, and we're almost April. No. March 28 will be three months.

So we're not at three months yet. Three, OK, you're right. Yeah. OK, three months in a couple of days. Yeah. So how are you feeling three months in? I'm feeling great. OK. How am I really feeling? You know, it is what it is. And I like that weird Jurassic Park sound noise you made from your mouth. We are what we are. It is what it is. And I'm just.

Bein' Erica, I'm just livin' one day at a time. I think that, to be honest, I think he's a lot more fine than I am. Whatever, right? I'll find somebody that cares about me the way that I care about other people. You've been dating, right? I have been dating, yeah. I've been dating, and I don't know what it all means yet. I think that everything happens for a reason, and I will say that for the...

absolute multitude of men that are out there kind of looking to get or whatever have some kind of situationship there's always a couple that are actually really really good men yeah that actually want something actually want something and they're they're good yeah so i think that regardless of how things turn out the universe has given me a couple nice little signs that

There are men out there who are attractive and tall and wonderful people that like me and only me and want me. So that's been nice to see. So far, I haven't found the right combination yet where a person has the personality that I'm looking for because I think, and not that I'm looking for a certain type of personality, but more like when you hang out with somebody and,

You don't have that, as we Brits call it. Oh my gosh. The chat. You don't have chat. Are you calling yourself a Brit? I am a Brit. If you don't have the chat, the game, then it's kind of complicated, where you don't feel a strong sense of spark with that person. It's been like that, where I feel like a little bit of, I don't know what the.

That is is that a cognate? I'm like alternating between like I mean A aristocratic yeah, you're doing like high English. I'll just like the Queen's English I'm just gonna stop and then you're yeah, you're switching it out. I was almost a cognate like oh, I It ain't the main sales Hey love what you doing up, okay?

Hello, Poppet.

So no, basically what I've found is that you can have, you can find someone that is attractive and treats you really well, but you could still be missing that like connection, like that personality, you know? And I try not to compare things with my ex, but it's more just like in general, like I've been wondering like, okay, is it possible to find a guy that has all of it? And I don't know, because ultimately I don't think I've ever met somebody that had...

everything that I was looking for. And you know, you'll never find the perfect person, but ultimately like at least what you think the perfect person you'll never find the perfect person, but ultimately like character like is very important to me loyalty. And so I've found guys that have that where you can tell that like they are good that they're good men and no matter what they will be.

faithful, which is huge. For some reason, I haven't found someone with the personality connection yet. So my ex and I definitely had a lot of laughs, and that's important to me. So we'll see if I find it. But until then, I'm just going to keep being Erica in her hot girl era. Well, that's great. Congratulations. That's a little cringy, sorry. That's OK. I'll keep that in. So. Oh, no. You know what? I think we're all kind of dealing with a little bit of just.

barely there, kind of trying to hang on right now. So I think that's the theme of this podcast, trying to hang on. Hanging on, ooh, now cue the music by L. Goulding. We can't afford that. You can't do it, but it's like, do do do do do do do.

Like that. Okay. She's singing just like that. No editing. All right. So, so if we don't get sued, sing that exact same tone, but with different lyrics. So like, I just want a burger from McDonald's. Yeah, so you didn't want a burger. Yeah, I should just use that. I just want a burger. Nope, not the right song. No, what were you singing? I just was singing about burgers.

Oh, we just got sued again. Oh gosh, we got sued three times this podcast. No, but you didn't finish the note, right? What note? Oh, I didn't, yeah. Bop bop. Okay, maybe that's my way out. Yeah, I'll always serve one year in prison and not six. That's great. So yeah, that's the theme of this podcast and I am feeling a little down. I don't have a breakup with a boyfriend personally. Thank God. Yeah, I know, really? That would be a surprise to you.

No, no, I mean because of a boyfriend. Oh, oh no you're no I'm that that wouldn't that wouldn't okay that actually wouldn't shock you No, that's what you're expecting all right. All right. I'm not I wouldn't be No, cuz I oh my gosh, okay. Oh, no like I didn't know you were down. No, okay I'm sad cuz I'm leaving. I only have about two and a half months here

And that's really sad. Yeah. Honestly, I wake up and I'm like, I'm not gonna see this room anymore. I walk out into the living room. You're in the, on the patio sipping coffee. And I'm just like, this is gonna be, this is all gonna go away. It's all gonna go away. And you know what? For what? For Florida, guys. For Florida. For a new chance. But you know what? Maybe it'll be better. I mean, it's probably not gonna be better for the next few years, but hopefully it will turn into something that would turn into my life.

So you're just trying I'm just trying you know, I'm just here I am out here like any millennial in 2024 just trying their best right before Probably the economy is going to collapse You know, we don't know what's going to happen with the election There's probably going to be world war three happening soon. I'm too old to be enlisted. Are you too old to be enlisted? I don't know. How old are you? Okay, I think that's old enough to not be enlisted so there you go

You're not going to war. Congratulations. But I want to go to war. Well, then you could always volunteer. I'm just kidding. There's a lot of volunteers. But anyway, yeah, the world's just being crazy. And I'm moving to Florida. And, you know, we've been friends. We've lived together for what? Eight years. And I'm just sad, like, I know it's, you know, it's not going to last. Like, you're going to find someone. I'm going to find someone that was obviously going to go away. But we've been best friends for like eight years. And it's just sad, sad.

Have that comfort, you know, go. Go away, yeah. Go away. So like, you know, there's a life here. We, we, we have a pretty good apartment here. We, we. We, we, we, we, we, we. We, we, we, we. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we. Oh my God. I'm gonna miss stupid things like that. Speaking of my ex. What? What? I didn't say that. I know you didn't say that.

Okay. Anyways. Anyways, it's beautiful outside. The sun is setting. I told myself I'd get outside and enjoy some nature today, but guess who didn't make that happen? Yeah, I don't know why you spent all day inside. It's kind of sad. You know what? I wasn't expecting to talk to Jason on the phone for two and a half hours. Do you want me to bleep that out or no? No, that's fine. Okay. Hi, Jason. Yeah.

Dude, honestly, he would be so funny on a podcast. I feel like we should get him in. We should totally invite him. And we have Matt and Sarah. There's so many people I want to like. We should just do that with all our friends. Like, just be like, hey, would you guess podcast? Yeah, and we should find like topics that they can talk about easily. So, you know, whatever your friends can do. Yes. Because, you know. Chasen, I'll just tell you in advance. Start getting ready for some content for Newport Girls. Is that the topic? That'll be the topic. Newport Girls.

Yeah, and my ex can speak on Huntington Beach Girls. Do you want me to cut that out? No. Oh my gosh. That's not my. Oh. I'm not producing. This is not my idea. I'm sorry. It's not my idea. So anyways, no. I'm just bitter today because I'm just. You're going through it. I'm going through it. Sorry, I have ups and downs. OK, listen. If you guys.

Have listened to our previous podcast about you know breaking up and dealing with that Go take a listen. It's really educational But so just maybe just ignore the last 10 minutes of the podcast because I was pretty pretty much just rambling for a while Oh, that's fine. That's I mean that I'm used to that so you kind of just ramble on The last five years of our friendship you've been rambling so Okay, how about this yes discuss

How we're barely hanging on? Yeah, how we're barely hanging on. So what's happening in your life today? Specifically today? Well, it's kind of boring. Today I cleaned my room. You know why? I say cleaned my room because I had a pretty rough couple of months. I actually moved out of here. I don't know if we ever mentioned that. But I was gone for like three months. And then I moved back. So I had to move all my stuff back.

No, thank you for coming back. That was like divine intervention, because it, yeah. So I had to move back and just, oh, someone just murdered someone upstairs. I don't know if the listeners could hear that. I sounded like a guillotine, but I'm pretty sure no one has done that since the French Revolution, so. Wow, somebody's into history right now. Our upstairs neighbors are the loudest, I swear. We hear weird stuff, like in the middle of the night. I'm pretty sure they were doing laundry. I like, no, but like, our neighbors, Matt.

with neighbors Matt and Sarah were saying that they can hear the toilet seat slamming from their other neighbor. And I was like, wow, that's really thin. And he was like, yeah, we can hear him peeing too. Like, can you guys hear that? And I was like, all of a sudden I realized, yes, I can. But it doesn't bother me. Like it's actually somewhat soothing. Like when you hear someone, what? the peeing or the shower. You have ASMR with someone peeing?

No, it's just like a... Is that a thing? It's like a... I don't know. It's like the shower turning on or somebody peeing. It's like, but the seat thing, maybe not. I probably wouldn't like that. I don't know. See, I've never understood why. I mean, I guess the thing where guys just drop it, right? Where they don't just lower it and just, but they just drop it. I've never been that kind of person. But...

I've never been the kind of person that he's up to. I mean, that's one of the benefits of being a man is you don't really have to think about that kind of stuff, right? I mean, part of being a man is you don't have to think. So that's great. Cheers. You're one of the rare men. Cheers. Yeah, it's great. You're one of the rare men. Here's a real cheers. You're one of the rare men who actually act very chivalrous and gentlemanly. So cheers to that. I was raised in the Midwest with a...

pretty traditional standards of how you treat women. So I'm just like, this is how you do stuff, right? Like this is how everyone does stuff. Nope, apparently not. I will say actually, being at Fred's, I've met quite a few tourists and I have noticed that Midwestern men are much more like just normal down to earth guys. They treat you very nicely and they're just like looking to build a family. Like very, very nice men.

So I don't know. I don't know what that is about the Midwest, but it seems to be a thing. Well, I mean, the Midwest, you really don't have any like stature or like, you're not whipping around your Bugatti. You know, you're just, there's not a status thing over there. Like most people are blue collar workers and you're just trying to find like a good person to spend your life with. So you're like, and most people over there are the exact same status. So when everyone's the same, what do you do?

you're like, you're super nice, you're super kind. Like you'll do anything for a girl and that's what gets you ahead. And you know, I feel like in the West it's like, oh, like a lot of handsome people go out to the West to be like superstars, influencers, movie stars, whatever. And so they just have their like, like a hole just walking around the street. Like I can get any girl I want. So it's like, I don't really have to pull a chair from you, open doors. I don't have to compliment you on like how you look because

I can get whatever I want. That's like in competition with regular guys, which these guys can get girls by acting a certain way. And I feel like it's kind of a conditioning that girls also feel. They look at nice guys as like, ugh, you know what I mean? Like I hate to say it, but being too nice. It's like, what does that mean? In the Midwest, you would be a nice guy, but in the West Coast, you would be like, you're ugly or you don't make as much money, so you're trying super hard to get a girl.

That you're being a nice guy in quote unquote when that whole like this whole complex thing Guy and girl does not exist in the Midwest because everyone's pretty middle of the road. Everyone's pretty much the same they go to the same Malls they go to the same stores. Everyone goes to Walmart. Are there a lot of attractive people? I've noticed a lot of Midwest

There's a little be pretty average. Although the guys seem most people are average. See if you have like any any kind of like Stature, you know whether it's beauty or wealth or you know talent you go to the cities So like in Chicago the people that are like jogging, you know around Chicago. They're they're gorgeous You know like you the men women like they're just like oh wow because they moved out of their country bumpkin lifestyle like they've

And that's what the city is great for, because there's five million people. There's 10 million people in Los Angeles. So I went on a tangent, I'm so sorry, but. No, it's okay. What were we talking about? Being nice to women? Podcast is brought to you by Andrew Tate Podcast. Ooh, by Andrew Tate, another podcast is our podcast. Yeah, Podception, so. Podset? I'm pretty sure he's in jail now, but yeah. Oh, I don't know.

It's funny because if you actually listen to some of some of the things he's saying Yeah, some of the things that he says makes sense, right? But then he litters a little bit of poop in the brownie He literally like binds it to like a huge thing like and that's why like guys like me can get multiple girls a night I was like, whoa You're doing so good. You were doing so good Andy like why did the rune?

And unfortunately, it's really sad because I think that TikTok and the media, music especially has done a really good job of building boys out of men, right? Guys that would have otherwise turned into men have become, you know, just kind of content with living like a mediocre life and not settling down, just being bachelors. And it shows. And at least in my experience in the dating pool right now, I...

For those of you guys who don't know, we are located in beautiful SoCal, Orange County, pretty much in a prime spot for culture right now, at least American culture. Some of these coastal cities like where we live really dictate a lot of stuff for other places in the country. So it's really sad when, I can honestly say as a fairly wholesome girl that's sitting here dating, that the dating pool is really

Someone I was talking to recently was very quick to let me know how great the dating pool was for him. And it doesn't surprise me because girls are always kind of trained to believe in fairy tales and living happily ever after and just getting married and having babies is kind of the goal for girls from a young age. But for guys, media and culture has really done a good job of telling them, you know, f*** around and...

do whatever you want for years and just play the field. And even for girls somewhat too, telling them just, hey, just sleep around or you're not gonna be cool. Like guys aren't gonna want you unless you're willing to give it up. And it's true, dude. Like some of these guys that I've talked to, like just meeting out playing pool or just out with my friends. Like I've met guys since I've been single that we haven't even been on a first date, but I give them my number because we have a conversation. They seem interesting.

and then they text me like, hey, come over tonight. And it's like, what the? What kind of entitlement is that? You know, you can thank Tate Nation for that. Like, okay, you really think, yeah, I haven't even spat any game at me. We haven't even, you haven't even taken me to dinner, which by the way, I wouldn't even give it up after dinner. I don't know where this third date rule came from, y'all.

But I don't subscribe to that either. I don't know where guys got this entitlement that if they go on three dates with a girl, they earn her body. You know, like that's crazy to me. And I tell that to guys up front. I'm like, just so you know, I don't owe you. Like we're not gonna, I'm not gonna sleep with you. Like I'm gonna do that when I'm ready. Anyways, these guys out there, they're obviously getting on the first date, which makes me sad. Cause it's like girls, we gotta have more self-esteem for ourselves.

And I am noticing that the hotter the girl, the more, there's a lot of girls that are growing older that are beautiful and they're single because they have standards. And guys our age are just not ready to settle down. Guys are settling down later. Some guys, some guys are ready earlier. But I'm really disappointed with what media and culture has done to us. I think that, yeah, those podcasts, a lot of random reels on Instagram.

And obviously it's working because some girls are giving it up. Yeah, I really never understood that kind of culture. But, you know, it's it's it's weird because, like you said, the girls are caught up in it. And it's like, OK, so if if the guys want to brag that, oh, this stuff works, is it because it actually does work, you know, like there is a lot of girls that are actually willing to do things on the first and even third date.

You know that it's like, ah, like don't you have standards? Like of course everyone has standards, but I think everyone is tired of being alone, single, girls compensate. Like, okay, so I'm gonna do something that's not usually what I'm okay with. In my character. You know, yeah, in my character. Just for the gamble that this guy might be a nice guy. And then, you know, it either works or it doesn't.

Yeah, and it's like, is that really worth it? You know, to build a marriage and a family with somebody that you were basically able to lock down and be the ball and chain for, you know, just for him to eventually cheat on you or whatever is the cause of divorce. I know that women usually lead in divorce, but if you look at, uh, cheating rates, it's men, so you wonder, you know, what has to do with the other. Okay. So girls will do all the

to get a man attached and he'll become attached through sex, but what are you really building a life on, you know? Yeah. I don't like that. It bothers me. I don't know, man. But I guess this is like a broader range. And I think we found our podcast theme. We are barely hanging on because the dating pool in California is just not that great. Now, what have you experienced with women that you ask out to a date?

Well, first of all, how long has it been since you've been on a date? Honestly, since the pandemic, I have not been on a date since the pandemic, which I told you I was like, you know, the only thing that's going to keep me in California because if you met a chick is if I meet a girl that I like, not a chick, you sound you literally sound like Andrew Tate right now. Right. I'm trying to adapt to the culture. Oh, I see. I see. OK. We'll keep going. It's going to see how far it gets me.

as a girl. So yes, I need to go on more dates. I want to go on more dates. This is going to probably save me from Florida. But when I was dating, because I hate to say it, but when this all kind of ties in together, when my dad was diagnosed with cancer, the thing that actually was buried in my brain was like, I really want him to see my wedding. Because I'm like...

you know, mid-30s, you know, not doing, really doing anything. And I really haven't been going on any dates because like the Midwest, I thought I would find someone naturally in the grocery store, at church or at work. But honestly, I feel like that's so rare now. Like you meet someone organically at work, you know, in the grocery store or anything like that. And everything's like online now. And I really didn't wanna be like the whole stigma. There was a stigma.

you know, back in the day, at least five years ago, there was still a stigma where like, oh, you're gonna meet someone online, like it's not gonna work out. You know, people are just, you know, wanna hook up and all that stuff. But when my dad was diagnosed, I was like, okay, I jumped into that pool and I dated around a little bit and all of them were California girls and a lot of them were nice. I have to say though, like the big thing that everyone is like talking about, at least for guys, the pictures.

do not match the actual person. I've heard that from some of the guys I've gone on dates with. Yeah, the last one I met with from Bumble, he said, I just started this whole thing. The first four dates I went on from Bumble, they were all catfish. And he was like, you're the fifth one. To be honest, if this didn't work out, I was gonna delete it. Wow. Yeah, no, honestly, like the first girl that I went out with was gorgeous. You know, there was no problems at all.

And I probably should have asked her out on a second date. Yeah, it probably would have went somewhere. I was just, I was, listen, I was like, OK, this is the first date. Like, what are the chances? I didn't feel fireworks at first, which is kind of a myth. Like, you don't necessarily need to feel fireworks on the first date because it's a first date. You're nervous. What did I tell you after my first date with my ex?

When we broke up, I was so beside myself and you were like, hey, remember after your first date, you told me you weren't even that like into it or something. Obviously there was a lot of great things about him that I got to know over time. Yeah, yeah. I'm literally, I am just stating what you told me without actually meeting him on the first date. No, but it's funny, because like I don't remember exactly what I told you, but I do remember on our first date not being that, it wasn't like sparks were flying everywhere.

wasn't like that. So it's crazy how that can change. In fact, you were about to delete your apps and then you basically just messaged like the guys that you're talking with saying, hey, you wanna go out with me or not, I'm gonna delete the app. Yeah, you're right. And that's when he responded. Right, which was actually really sweet and cute, but that's okay. I guess. I mean, if a girl told me, hey, I'm about to jump off this cliff, do you wanna date me or not? I'd be like, yeah, sure. No, I wasn't.

I wasn't jumping off a cliff. I was just done with the apps. I was like, the apps suck. Metaphorically, you were leaving. You're going away forever. And that's what jumping off a cliff means. Yeah, no, and I gave him my number and I was like, okay, so we need some context. So it wasn't like he wasn't willing to ask me out and then I had to like force his hand by threatening to leave the apps. I realized that that's how that sounded. That wouldn't be sweet. No, what it was was we had matched before. I think we've.

I actually had matched a couple times on the dating apps. And it was like, but we were just not really talking a lot. Like I was kind of spotty with my responses to him. So it just wasn't, it was like one of those dead conversations. And then I like looked really quickly through the guys that I was like connected with to see if there was any of them I really wanted to talk to. And

the poor guy I'm pretty sure hadn't responded in a while. And then I like randomly sent him that message that was like, hey, if you're looking for something serious, here's my number, cause I'm deleting this app. And all of a sudden, instantly actually, it was like within a couple minutes, he messaged me and was like, hey, let's go grab a drink. That sounded a little spicy. Like, you know, I want to hear more about this. So yeah, it wasn't like there was just no,

Interest there from him until I put that out there. It was I think quite the opposite actually, okay All right fair enough, so it's not like jumping off a cliff and the first time wasn't like anything crazy But you know after a couple dates I started having more feelings and it's crazy because that can happen with people where you can Go on a date and not feel intense sparks the first time and then over time the sparks built That's at least what happened with me. Although

After four years, you think she's still thinking? Why not reach out and check? I don't know. I don't even know what app I use. OK, literally, I use- Did you have her number? Three apps, no. This is all the chat in the app. And I did what someone told me to do. I deleted my entire profile because the algorithm knows that you're trying to get, and they won't match you with the same girls that you either rejected or rejected you. And people change, right? People change like, oh, he's kind of cute now, two years later.

Hey, that girl was actually cute. What was wrong with me? Why didn't I like her, you know, so Yeah, so you just delete your profile and you start again. I just haven't started again yet, but Yes, my first date was great should have probably married her anyway second date did not look anything like her picture and It was very shocking to me. Like I probably should have seen it coming But every picture and please if you're listening and you're a girl don't do this

Every single picture was like a different hair length and a different hair color. And it's just, it was weird. I didn't catch it at the time because I'm a dumb boy. No, that's not dumb. It is dumb because you know, the girl is literally choosing her best pictures from the last five years. Oh yeah. If they're different hair lengths. And when she's, uh, when she comes, she's not, she's going to like look and nothing like any of our pictures. This podcast is brought to you by.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

is Twilight. Look at that. This podcast is brought to you by Twilight. This broadcast? Oh my gosh. How many wines have you been drinking? This is my second class. That's it? But the first one wasn't even a full. Actually neither of these were a full pour so I don't know but whatever. So anyway we're going over on our podcast but I am trying to date again. Long story short.

I'm probably going to start soon. That's going to be my last ditch effort to stay in California. OK, let's talk a little more about your dating life and Florida in the next podcast. Thank you guys all for coming. Goodbye. Bye.