Yeah Whatever!

Catfishing Stories in Online Dating AND Moving To Florida

April 07, 2024 Josh and Arika
Catfishing Stories in Online Dating AND Moving To Florida
Yeah Whatever!
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Yeah Whatever!
Catfishing Stories in Online Dating AND Moving To Florida
Apr 07, 2024
Josh and Arika

Josh and Arika talk about dating catfish and their dating adventures in California as well as the possible moving to Florida if their dating scene doesn't improve. 

Show Notes Transcript

Josh and Arika talk about dating catfish and their dating adventures in California as well as the possible moving to Florida if their dating scene doesn't improve. 

back everyone to yeah whatever continuing from our previous podcast you yeah so what is your best boys

That wasn't the previous podcast. Oh, that was the patreon only podcast. Wow. That was a continuation So if our secrets like if you guys want to listen to the patreon only podcast about dungeons I mean our secrets. Yeah Yeah, that way but also they're both a joke. You got it. You got to join our patreon. It's gonna be great We have a bunch of podcasts Did you know we have five podcasts that no one has listened to? Including the secret one that we're talking about right now

Okay, did you know that? That's really embarrassing. Can we maybe not announce that everywhere? I mean, it's part of the Patreon, so. I don't want you to tie. If you want to listen to it, you gotta pay us moolah. No, I don't want their money. I just want listeners. Listeners are fun. No, bunny's better though. No, I don't need money. No? We're fine. Okay, well thank you to the 154 countries that have been listening into us.

So Josh was just beginning to tell us about his catfishing experiences with dating. OK. And especially with filters. I had about two minutes left of content. I'm not sure why we started a new podcast with that. Well, we might not stay on it. But we're just going to finish with that. I love meandering topics that confuses the viewer. Well, the last one was like 40 minutes. What are we going to do with that? Come on. We've got to meander.

There's a big catfish thing on dating profiles, mostly because of the pictures. I mean, it's not like a catfish, like I'm not gonna look at like a 29-year-old woman and then find out that, oh, she's actually like a 35-year-old man. It's not that type of catfish. It's not that kind of catfish. But it's like, oh, like all the pictures that you shared with me are like, you know, when you were in like high school or college. Oh yeah, this podcast is brought to you by.

Wait, wait, what does that have to do? Are you calling me the person that goes into girls houses? Oh, you are? Yeah, you're the Dateline, right? Okay. Well, who's that? Chris, go ahead. I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline. Go ahead, go ahead. What are you saying? So have you ever watched that show? So I just have like

perfect mermaid hair right now. I just want everyone to know that. No, you don't. You have kind of greasy, uneven, discolored hair right now. No, I don't. It's not greasy. I just washed it yesterday. And your teeth are slightly stained from the wine. Okay, now I think you might be right about everything because my teeth are most definitely gonna be stained from wine. So my hair can't be greasy though. I just washed it yesterday. I know. To be honest, I don't know what- Oh, I hate you so much. I know. I actually don't know what greasy hair means. I don't know what that means because-

I can't tell the difference between gelled hair and greasy hair because they both look girls don't gel their hair Like the 90s guys they don't gel their hair what that's weird. Okay, I don't ever I know I don't know So anyway catfish have you ever been catfished? I think I was catfished once. Yeah there was this guy went on a date with early on in this breakup process and He looked pretty good in his your break process not his breakup

No, in mine, yeah. So he looked pretty good in his photos, pretty fit and everything. And then said he was 6 foot 2 or whatever, which is the minimum requirement for my filters. He, you know, we went out. And sure enough, this guy walks up and he's like, hey. And I'm like, hey. And he's like, are you Erica? And I'm like, oh, yeah. Are you blank? And.

He's like, yeah, nice to meet you. I'm like, oh, nice to meet you too. He was shorter. Oh. He was fatter. OK. Just looked different. He wasn't a total catfish. I could tell it was the same face, but he was using old pictures. So do yourself a favor. When you make a dating profile, use recent pictures. Because if you don't, you're going to be

You might not be aware of the weight that you've put on, but you're setting yourself up for failure. I mean, I hate to say it. I was more attractive five years ago than I am today. But if I use those pictures from five years ago, that's just lying to my potential date. And it would be better to have an uglier picture for them to be like, yeah, this is the guy that I've been talking to. And it wouldn't, like, there wouldn't be any shock value.

I hate to say it, but like when you go on a first date the shock value takes about an hour to get like over Because you're like talking and talking and literally like an hour later. You could be talking about. Oh, yeah I love friends the TV show and in your mind you're be like, oh my gosh She hasn't she doesn't look anything like her the children are back. What is that? Probably the same ones that were laughing in the last podcast. They're in the hallway now. Are we haunted? Is this the haunting? sound like dolphins Erica

What's going on? If I look outside... Meant to be. Hold on, I'm gonna look outside. If I see like a half-demon dolphin. Hold on. Dude. Beee

Oh, he's talking back. Josh is scared. Oh, no, you lost your mic. Come on. Hello. Testing, testing. 123 testing, testing. One, two. I'm going to I'm going to heighten your you became soft. That's the ghost. That's what happens. I became soft. Yeah. You can you can you can look at look how you're talking right now. Ready? I'm ready. I'm talking and I'm talking.

And I'm talking. Oh yeah, it is soft. Yeah, you became soft. Talking louder and I'm talking louder. Talking louder, nope. Oh, this is the second gnat to fly into my glass of wine. Damn it. So basically, a demon's gonna visit us in the middle of the night. Okay, don't even put those words out there right now. I basically told the demon to go that way into your room. I'm so hungry. And not my room, so. There's gonna be a little demon child, like going, beep.

Beep like a dolphin maybe have a dolphin head maybe half half, you know, we don't know going back to you And that's you need to pee and that is the ultimate Catfish because it's a dolphin pretend to be a child Okay Why would you be looking for children in the first place? It's a cat because you know what this is against the rules. It's a can't say things like that Okay, I'm gonna get some wine and cheese cheese and salami Okay, I'm gonna pee on the demon and through the magic of editing will be right back

I'm trying to ward off the demons. Wow. This is really good salami. Yeah, what'd you get there? Create like a chikooti board when I was in the restroom. Mm-hmm some salami and some other salami and some other salami And some yellow cheddar and some aged white cheddar. Wow, that looks good. Can I have some of my cheese? Nice. Thank you Why would you ask me it's your cheese

Well, some of it's all of the cheats. Why does that cord keep falling? Well, because I keep stepping on it. Oh, like an idiot. OK, so Erica, yeah, I we were in the middle of your catfish story. OK, about the tall guy or the short guy. It was funny because he ended up asking me all these questions about like.

your favorite color, favorite animal, all this s***. And I gave like really in-depth answers. And like the horse was like my favorite animal cause I was like, oh, I really like, you know, how majestic they are and powerful and muscular. And like, you can just get on top and ride them wherever you want to go. And then literally after that question, he was like, the reason why I asked you this is cause it's usually what you look for in a mate. I'm like, oh s***.

Literally said you can just get on top and ride wherever you want to go. I mean Yeah, you kind of but anyways the next day he texts me and he was like, hey Erica. What are you up to today? Oh M gosh Really? Yeah, he said that he said name He said like multiple wise and he thought that was like something like cool or sexy Yeah

I think he was actually serious. That's the worst part. Like, I don't think he was joking. How old was he? He was my age. Okay. I mean, this honestly still wouldn't- This podcast is brought to you by horses. This still- Uh, yeah, nay. Nay for life. This still wouldn't have worked in junior high. I'm sorry. This is like so cringy. It wouldn't have worked at any age. That's a great word. It was very cringy. Yeah. I was like, dude, what?

And I'm a romantic kind of girl. I want something serious, someone determined, someone very, like not afraid to show their, how much they like me, like obsessive borderline. Like I love that. But when you say nay, Oh my gosh. I go, what the? That's almost as bad as gobble gobble, honestly. Did you guys hit it off? Second date, third date? Uh-uh. No? That was never a second date. Oh, did you just like ghost him after nay?

I didn't ghost him. I just said, hey, I'm sorry. Like I didn't feel much of a connection with you But like I wish you the best Wow. I don't believe in ghosting. I always give people closure Yeah, you you're better man of me. I mean obviously so so enough about catfishing Okay, moving on. No more catfishing. Okay Wait, well to tail end that because I know you like to just stop things and move on Because you know you have your wine and your cheese and your your meats You're very happy, but I have to say

I dated about five girls during this pandemic time and I think the first girl was great. Second girl was a catfish. We ended up, you know, we gave each other our Instagram so I actually know what happened to her. She found a guy and they're happily, you know, together which is great. Third girl, she was not a catfish. I actually thought there was potential here. It wasn't the kind of girl that I was initially attracted to.

She was very adventurous and she liked hiking and she liked going into the mountains and I was like, okay Like this is a girl I can like dig, you know get sink my teeth into It's weird No, not 19 I'm older than that 88 yes, I'm an old soul. Oh my gosh 88 I'm gonna die with nobody to love Yeah, but

I think, weirdly my, I don't think my standards are too high. And I know no one can actually hear what Erica said, but she said that I'm too lovable to be single forever. But I feel like-

My standards are not high. Like, I'm not looking for a Margarabi here. I'm not looking even for like an Emma Stone. I'm not looking for, I don't know, what's the middle of the line actress? I can't. The one from 50 Shades of Grey. The one from, that's a middle of the line actress, you think? I think so. Really? You're pretty mousy, dude. Okay, well, I'm not even looking for her, but it's just like the, it's so narrow.

It's so hard to find someone that you like because it's not only like you're trying to find your personality type and your physical type But they have to also be in your radar, too It's like two stars two shooting stars hitting each other in the universe. It's super difficult But I'm trying man. I'm trying and that's basically the last date. I've been on four years ago and I don't know. I just have not been super enthusiastic to do anything since then

And what the heck are you eating right now? Cheese balls. Cheese balls? Is this a podcast brought to you by cheese balls? Oh my gosh. So how many can you fit in your mouth? What the fuck? I don't know. Just asking. Can we appreciate the fact that I poured two drinks for myself?

Yeah, you have you actually have a bottle of wine a glass of wine and then a hard seltzer right? I don't have a bottle. I'm not drinking the bottle. I mean, I'm pretty sure I saw you red wine. That's the red wine No, I don't want that anymore. That's why I switched to white. Okay, it looks like a hard seltzer cuz like it looks like a pink it looks like a Let's tell you there was red wine in it before. Oh, you just you just mixed it yourself. Oh, this is so good Nice. All right, you're going full

Yeah, whatever. You know what I can't wait to watch right now. What the circle? Oh my gosh the circle We love that show you guys it's the last two episodes. I think yeah So we're on season five if everyone anyone's interested. I know it literally released last year So no one cares about the circle anymore because everyone already knows what happens to the circle because

Everyone watched it on me and Erica are like the last people that watch TV shows apparently That's true. So like when we watch a TV show, we're like, oh my gosh, what's gonna happen? And literally they're already out of the show been talking about it for a year on social media. Yeah, everyone knows about it It's yeah. Yeah, but we're excited You're going to Florida in two and a half months. I am yes Florida you're gonna give it what six months to a year to make it work there six months to a year Yeah, I think that's fair. Yeah

And I'm going to see if I hate it. I just brainwashed you, by the way, because in the last podcast, you said you were going to give it a couple of years. But I changed it on you. No. You're welcome. I am pretty sure six months was always the thing for me. OK. Listeners, you can verify this. That's OK. We know who's right. Join our Patreon and tell us who you think is right. But anyway. Why do you keep promoting our Patreon? No one f-----.

I don't care. 154 countries care. No. Oh my gosh. Don't join our Patreon. No one f***ing cares. Oh man. See, this is why I have to replace you with someone from a Florida person if I ever move out there. You know what? F*** you. Would you actually be down to do a telephone thing? Of course I would. Yeah? Alright. You'll be the co-host A. So? Which, there'll be a co-host B.

I do think you're gonna love the weather there. That's a good thing for you. Yeah, I'm not too thrilled about sweating every morning and being so humid, but I do like the rain. So that's that's a plus. So it's gonna be very humid, but the rain so it kind of you know offsets like the rain though. I love the rain. Yeah, do you like like hot rain though? I love hot rain. Yeah, you do Who loves cold rain who goes like this like this? Oh my gosh, it's so cold

You've never no one's ever i've never seen anyone go like this in florida in florida on the beach when it's raining Everyone goes like this. Oh my gosh. It's so nice. Maybe we have the beach when you're naked But when you're already closed nobody starts raining and it's hot rain like nobody wants that. It's okay It's first of all, it's not it's never hot rain. You're thinking of like a jacuzzi pouring on you It's like normal. It's warm. It's normal rain. It's soggy

Your panties are moist, your body's moist, your armpits are sweating, it's nasty. Nobody wants that. It's the same thing here, so. It's nasty. Anyway, Eric has never really been caught in a rainstorm in the South, so. I've been in rain in Florida. But did you go like this? Yeah, did you extend your arms and look in the sky and just have a downpour on you and have your.

Have your underwear wet? No, you have not done that. So you don't know. You don't know the majesty how that feels like. Okay, so you're gonna like that. I think you're gonna like all the theme parks available to you in Florida. Are you able to move between them? I don't know yet. Yeah, this is gonna be like a total, I have no idea. I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know where I'm gonna be living. I think you would love living in Florida if you were by the beach, but you're gonna be in Orlando. I've been living...

by the beach for 10 plus years and it's been okay. I'm not a beach person. I hate to say it like. Then why go to Florida? What's the point? It's not because of the beach, I'll tell you that. It's because of the career. Sorry, is it because of the swamps and the rain and humidity? So it's because of the career. And if it wasn't because of the career, I would definitely move to like the mountains, like in Colorado where there's real mountains.

So Colorado or Washington state or the East Coast. So, but yeah, I feel like California's kind of been it. And I love this incredibly smooth transition from catfish to me moving to Florida in my career. Well, you can eat catfish in Florida. That is true. Yeah, there is catfish in Florida. I was born in Louisiana, so I'm used to catfish. So if that makes any sense, if that makes any sense at all. But anyway, let's talk about you for once.

No, no, no, no, no, we were talking about I mean, I'm pretty sure that's it No, we were talking about something what we were talking about me moving to Florida You know what you're going to Florida at this point is too late But I think at some point you should look into film in mountain cities. There is none zero unless you want to be like a PR for like the Sundance Film Festival in Up up there in Park City, Utah

There is zero opportunities. In fact, there's little opportunities here. Have you seen what's going on, California? There was a strike this year. There's gonna be another strike with IATSE. IATSE is the union that controls the camera, the lighting people. So they're probably gonna get blue-balled by another offer and there's probably gonna be like 1,000, probably 1,500 firings, you never know. So it's just...

California, I hate to say it, California is not the land of opportunity anymore. People are moving out in droves. The state is growing less and less in popularity. It's growing less and less in population. And at the same time, the film industry is not, California is not needed for the film industry. You can go to, Atlanta is booming. Chicago is booming right now. Hollywood is shrinking when it comes to here. So it's like, okay, like.

I'm still in California, so I'm still living that Hollywood lifestyle. You can't fill his face. To kind of marriage the two random topics that we've been talking about, the catfish, which the dating scene in California, me trying to stay in California because, hey, guess what? I don't exactly hate California. I love the mountains. I love the opportunity to drive two hours anywhere and be at the ocean in the desert

That is rare. At the top of a mountain, skiing, skiing in snow in the same day. You could actually do that in California. What else would you ski in?

I, sand? You can probably surf in sand, ski in sand or something. Really? Sure, why not? Anyway, California is like one of the few states you can do that in. Unfortunately, it's been so popular, it's been overpopulated, it's just had a rough time with. We are the state that is moving, people are moving out of the most. Sorry, what has it had a rough time with? Honestly, California native over here, Erica, what's your plans? Are you gonna stay in California for your whole life? I feel pretty strongly that I'm meant to be here right now.

I don't know why exactly, but I think part of it is probably because it's what I know and my family and everyone and everything I love is here. I'm a born and raised HB Bay. I grew up in Santa Ana for part of it, but I've been Huntington Beach as well most of my life and spent the better part of my childhood here. So kind of trying to figure out what to do next. But I think at this time in my life, I feel like I should be here. I'm passionate about singing, so I think it would be stupid.

not to give that a real swinging chance, you know, if I love singing and I'm born next to LA, that's very fortunate. So, and also I'm a natural like travel bug. Like I love to just go to the mountains, the desert, farms, beach. So you can have all of that within- That's true, you were just in the mountains like last week, right? Yeah, and two weeks before that I was there too. So it's just a thing I like to do. I just like to get away and-

Experience nature. That's a big part of me. I don't think I'd be really happy anywhere else at this time because I love all those different terrains This is one of the few states where you can get all that so tying it back to catfish and dating Are we still talking about catfish and dating? We've been talking so when you talk about a topic for the first 10 minutes and then you drastically change for the last 10 minutes Or 15 minutes You have to tie the two together somehow. Okay, so

You want to stay here. I'm guessing you want a life here and you want to partner here. Uh, I don't know. I don't know if my life will be here. Oh, no. I don't know yet. So you're dating here just to see. I mean, yeah, I definitely foresee myself for the near future being here. So I'm definitely dating here because I'm not wasting time with dating. If I meet the right person, great. If I don't, I won't settle. I have to meet the right person. But ultimately, yeah, I'm dating.

because this is where I feel like I should be right now. So how is the dating scene like in California? And this is just your quick two cents. And. See, my personal opinion is the dating scene in California is actually pretty good. Right, most guys feel that way, because girls are naturally more committed than guys. So my two cents is girls in the Midwest are usually more open-minded towards different types of guys, where in the Midwest, it's pretty much

You know, like let's say you were a black guy and you want to get someone from the Midwest probably not gonna happen I have to say it like it's just too traditional over there people want their babies to look like them And I hate to say it but that's just how it is But in the bigger cities like the West Coast, you know, you have more open-mindedness but at the same time when you have open-mindedness if you have something like if you are Want a girl to be specific religion?

Things like that. They're not going to be so keen to anything like that. So it's going to be harder in that aspect to to shoot the bullet through the needle is going to be harder. So in your perspective, like how are the guys in California? It's hard to compare because you've only known California guys. So I don't know if you know any like out of townie guys that try to get with you or like Texas guys or whatever.

You tend to be pretty traditional. You want that like, you're very secure in what you want. You want a tall guy, you want Italian stallion, you want kind of a surfer bod. So you're very specific. You're not- I'm actually a little looser in terms of body type. Like you can have a little bit of dad bod or be a little skinny. Like you don't have to be athletic. Yeah, surfer is ideal, but it's not required. Okay, but your height- Height is a requirement for me. Yeah.

And I learned that the hard way because I found a guy that was very handsome, very sweet. We had a great connection, great personality, but he was a little short. And for me that was it greatly diminished my attraction to him. Oh, I see. Greatly. So yeah. What if he was a millionaire? Still. Still? Yeah. Wow. Okay. Yeah. Height is really important for me. I think that what I've noticed is that in California, guys are kind of just down to f***.

And they're just kind of whatever there I can pull attractive guys left and right but They're they just want to get laid and that's not what i'm looking for. I don't want that and i'm I'm not that girl. Like i'm just not that girl well kudos to you because I know a lot of girls that are going through a breakup that would just kind of Go through that and just go through the motions and just want to be Emotionally taken care of and you know all that jazz and so kudos to you too. Thanks. Yeah

Not pick the low hanging fruit. There's guys that are attractive that are also good people, but for me so far, there's been a little bit of a humor or personality element missing where we don't have that kind of chatter, you know? So it's hard, because that's important to me, I guess. I guess if I had found that, I'd already be wifed up. I'd already be settling down with somebody. But it's only been three months since I broke up with my ex, and it just doesn't happen overnight.

I think the important thing is to not settle to know what you're looking for and recognize that it will happen. If you're patient. You know what would be fun right now and a little depressing? I want you to tell me the kind of person that I'm going to end up with and I'm going to tell you the kind of person that I think you're going to end up with. Really? Years down the line when we look back at this podcast, we're going to see how close we were actually were. I like that. Yeah.

So let me go think about it. Okay, so let me go first then so wait. No, I have to think about yours Well, yeah, you can think about yours as I know but I'm gonna be listening to you. Oh, you can't think and listen. No So you want to just be quiet? Okay, this podcast is brought to you by what is that? Milton's multi-grain gourmet crackers

So Erica's very audio, neurologically audio synchronizational something. And when, when there's any noise, you can't think.

No it's not, I have to get it perfect.

Okay, so I think that Josh's future wife is going to be a short little blondie, little thick and big personality, kinda louder, but very, very genuine and vulnerable with you. Like very vulnerable, very open and honest about who she is and what she needs from you. Just very, very, very good with communication.

And yeah, I think she'll have an appreciation for the finer things like music art stuff like that I think she'll not necessarily be in it But I think she'll have a strong appreciation for it and I think she Will want to give you babies and that's all I have to add. Wow Let me remind everybody that you took like 10 minutes to think about that Uh, I think it'd be fun to bet on this since you've taken this so seriously. Okay. What do you want to bet?

And you still owe me a McDonald's Hot Fudge Sunday, by the way. Oh, my God. After all these years. Yeah, you pay me back. You owe me like a DVD. There was one. Remember that the DVD you gave that back to me. I don't know what you you gave me, but it was it was fine. I think it's just the McDonald's Hot Fudge Sunday that you owe. But anyway, I do. It could be another McDonald's Hot Fudge Sunday if you want. Yeah. OK, let's you want that to Hot Fudge Sunday. I don't want a Hot Fudge Sunday.

Okay, what do you want? Oh, no, it's gonna take 10 minutes for you to think about what you want through the magic of editing Brought to you by Kirkland the signature hard sells How many Okay, I want $10 worth of Ice-cream sundaes from McDonald's I mean by the time I get married that might be one Sunday Okay, so what I think you're gonna who you're gonna end up with you've been very very

What's the word? Asinine. You've been very picky about what you want throughout your entire life. So I actually believe you are gonna end up with someone who is tall, but not as tall as you think. But he's gonna be tall. He's still gonna have brown eyes. He's still gonna have dark hair, just like you like. He's gonna be a white boy. I would laugh my head off if you actually ended up with anyone who was not white.

Because that is never the person they've ever wanted except when you were a kid when you wanted that Asian guy But so you're gonna put the white guy. He's gonna be tall not as tall as you think dark hair dark eyes He's gonna have a great smile. He's gonna have like a very charismatic smile Like he's like whenever you smile starts you you're gonna melt in his hands like I just feel that way He's gonna be a bros, bro

So he's gonna do the whole, you know, stereotypical like, ee, and just like, yeah, like I'm into either, he's gonna be either into like cars or computers, one of those two. Cars or computers, he's always gonna be like tech savvy or car savvy, one of those two. He's gonna be kinda skinny, he's gonna, you know, wear skinny jeans, he's gonna, yeah, it's gonna happen. I mean, I hate to say, I'm just, you're giving me the look of death right now. So I don't know if you actually believe it.

He's I don't I don't picture you with a like guy that has muscles. I don't I don't think that's gonna happen Gee, thanks. He's gonna care about you a lot. He's gonna care about your children a lot But he is gonna be like a bros bro. So he's gonna be like that kind of guy. What is why do you keep saying a bros, bro? What does that mean? Well, like so the things that stereotypically positives and negatives towards a bro bro

So like everything like girls complain about on TikTok. Sorry guys, I love TikTok. I know it's gonna be banned in like three days by the US government. But so remember TikTok guys. Okay, let's just have a little member. Okay. Ah, TikTok. Remember the good times. You never were on TikTok, but it's great. But anyway, all the things girls like complain about and praise about. He's gonna be a great dad. He's gonna be the kind of dad that like saves the kids like from.

Every time they try to fall or they go to the like they build like a cart and they go too fast down a cliff and like he just comes in the last minute and saves them like dives in front of them. So he's gonna be great dad. Great dad. And that's why I see you with. Okay. So a bro is bro in the good and bad ways. So he's going to be disloyal. No he's not going to be disloyal. I think he. I mean.

You never brought up anything bad towards me. So I feel- But you said good in bad ways. So now I'm like, what does that mean? Well, I have to be neutral. Like I don't know exactly how bad he's gonna be, but I just feel like he's gonna have the standard, like you're gonna marry like a standard man. This sounds terrible. I'm never getting married. He's gonna love you though. I love Foxy and my- Oh, I don't know if we can.

Bleep that out or not. Do you know the brand name? Maybe we could get some money off this. No. Oh shoot so some generic brand from China probably Probably it still works. I guess so. Yeah, okay. We got it in the bag now we got it on record who me and you are gonna end up with and It would be hilarious if you ended up with someone totally different because I totally owe you seas candy if they're still in business In 20 years when you get married

I'm totally going to get you that seas candy. So when do we measure this? When we're actually like after the wedding day, if we've said I do, that's when we decide? Yes. After I do, I'm going to literally like, that's my wedding gift to you, actually. It's going to be seas candy. It's going to be like, here you go. Ew, did you fart? No. Or did my cat just? Probably the Leia letter. Yeah. I mean, what do you smell? Cheese? Or what do you smell? No, I smell like little.

That's, yeah, I, hold on, let me check. Nope, that's not me. Is that you? No. No? Okay. I haven't even shifted positions. If I moved, it might be questionable. All right, well, those are the bets, and I hope I'm gonna win. So this, was this the podcast that was about catfish and Florida? Honestly, I have no idea anymore. I have no idea.

but the catfish kind of led into your future husband. Let's be real.

Listeners we have don't listen to us for consistency. That's one thing. So the title, it doesn't have to be, or the topic doesn't have to be related to anything because that's not really who we are. Catfish to Florida. Florida catfish? Yeah, I don't know. I had catfish when I was in Alaska and I think I had it in Louisiana as well. Never had catfish. Yeah.

It was fine. It wasn't really anything crazy. Now, grilled alligators, a lot more impressive. Oh, OK. I had an appetizer platter of fried alligator and grilled alligator. Yeah. And the grilled was like, I don't even know. How about this? Because I love to tie in like a past podcast, which this is going to be to a future podcast. How about when you visit me in Florida? We're going to try grilled. Yeah, let's try grilled alligator. OK. Yeah, because you're going to visit, right?

I'm gonna oh, thank you. I can show you Harry Potter land again the one that we missed though. Yeah, you're gonna love that All right. Well, thank you guys so much for joining us in this Lupiti dupiti podcast is bad. So sorry about that. But this is what happens when you're at the end of your rope We're tipsy. So this is what happens. Okay well, hopefully you know a little bit about catfish in California dating in California and What it feels like to not have anything to do?

on a Friday night. This is my Sunday, but it's okay. Oh, you have work tomorrow? Yeah. Go out, girl, what are you doing? I don't know, I've been home all day doing chores. Do stuff. Go right now. Like, go, go, go. All right, see you guys later. All right, good night. Good night.