Yeah Whatever!

Will AI Take Over? (Our Jobs)

June 12, 2024 Josh and Arika
Will AI Take Over? (Our Jobs)
Yeah Whatever!
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Yeah Whatever!
Will AI Take Over? (Our Jobs)
Jun 12, 2024
Josh and Arika

Will AI take over our jobs? Will AI take over everything? Josh and Arika talk about the future of AI in the workplace as well as AI in the creative fields. 

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Will AI take over our jobs? Will AI take over everything? Josh and Arika talk about the future of AI in the workplace as well as AI in the creative fields. 

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Tune in with Josh and Erica. Oh. Their voices echo in this holy space. It's not the song, but that's the song. Discussing all the world's drama. Their enlightened words are saving grace. They talk, yeah. Whatever. When news they feel are seeking your soul. Can you feel it in your soul, Erica? Oh my god. That is probably the new... Oop, how do I turn this up? Oh my god! Ah! I won't stop! Alright, sorry. So that's a brand new app called Udio which just came out last week. It is brand new, off the presses. And that is an AI generated... You can make your own songs, or you can make your own background music, and it takes the prompts that you type in. And yeah. So wait, okay. Are we going to introduce? OK, this podcast has been brought to you by Udo. I don't know about that. Just kidding. I'm just kidding. I don't know about that because there's a lot of controversy around this. I'm joking. It takes about 20 seconds, and that's what we're going to talk to you about today. But like just AI, we haven't even said hello. Hey, how's it going? OK, hey, everyone. Welcome back to. Yeah, whatever. All right. Dork. Maybe we should do that wrong with you. No, this is perfect. Yeah. That was not the song I wanted to play. It just kind of played. OK. Well, I really like that, the gospel version of. So the app is a week old. It has a lot of bugs, but it's actually really cool. It's totally free. You have like 200 to actually 600 samples you can make per month, which I think is a little too much. It's only a week old? It's only a week old. Wow. So yeah, but we're here to talk about AI and how it's gonna kill us all. Yeah, today our subject of conversation is AI. For those of you who don't know, that stands for automated intelligence. And it's basically about, wait what? Artificial intelligence. No, it's auto, Josh, I'm like 100% right now, it's automated intelligence. Why are you looking at me like that? It's artificial intelligence. I don't know what to tell you. No, it's automated intelligence. What is artificial intelligence? See, but that's different. That's something else. No, I said what does IA stand for? No, that's a different one. There's two different AIs. There's artificial intelligence and automated intelligence. Oh, okay. Explain to me about this automated intelligence. So like chat, GBT, and like Lambda, It's automated. It does everything. Did I make you question your reality? No, I completely disagree with you. I just don't know how to approach this now because it's not true. But it's weird, right? Because it's like, I'm getting into word drama, semantics. I'm just practicing, trying to see how much I can gaslight people. Be wrong? Oh, I'm sorry. Make them think that they're completely out of line or that there's just two different definitions that they weren't aware of. No, OK, just kidding. Artificial intelligence is what AI stands for. I promise I was kidding. Wait, I'm so confused. So automated intelligence doesn't exist. I don't know what that is. Or maybe it does, but that's not AI. The subject of this podcast today is AI, which is artificial intelligence. Wait, are you joking with me right now? Yeah, you worked so hard to prove that. It only took like less than a minute for you to show me I was wrong. Oh, OK. Well, I just didn't know. I could have kept going, but I didn't want to. I don't want to get into two different topics of what automated intelligence is. That was hilarious. Oh my god, I'm so funny. Oh man, you got me. Yep. Yeah, welcome to my life. So are you mad about this being a... Artificial intelligence or gaslighting? Sorry, just kidding. Artificial intelligence is great. Are you upset that automated intelligence is... Is not AI? Might take up... you know, positions of like singing and music in the future. I mean, I think that it's weird to think of it taking up singing, but I don't know. I guess, yeah, I guess I would be upset if like somehow it was able to take my voice and then do a better job of singing a song than me. That would be annoying. Also, I think in the future, if there was like music that just didn't have like any kind of original mixing or any kind of human involvement, like just besides taking like a human. voice sample and then some human commands. That's a little frustrating. I don't like that. Yeah, I mean, I think a lot of artists are experiencing frustration. The one thing is, is that you can never really copy exactly what's in someone's mind. You can tell AI to make a picture, like a painting in the style of Van Gogh, Huntington Beach Pier with a giant clown in front. You can do that, but like that doesn't mean that it's going to add all the little details that's an actual artist drawing the exact same thing in the same style would come up with, you know, where they hide their signature in the clouds and they there's someone in the background making, putting the finger up on the beach. You know, it's like there's like little details that I don't think AI will ever, ever be able to compete with a human on because it's just unique to what's in that person's brain. Interesting. Okay. I actually think we're not there yet, you're right, but it's getting dangerously close. About a year ago, everyone kind of laughed at the thought that AI can make songs, right? And songs with singers in them, because about a year ago, you tell, you know, chat GBT to like, you know, or chat GBT programmed AI to like talk, and it would be like, it's like very robotic voice. But now, like I've shown you, like that singer, you know, she doesn't exist, that's completely made up. You know, took about 20 seconds. And like she was hitting the highs and lows. And it's weird, there's a song that I wanna show you later on where she sings off key on purpose because the AI learned that some artists do that for inflection and it's just like, whoa, that's kind of crazy because. Wow. Like you always think AI has to follow certain rules, right? Right. But if the rules that if the homework that they're doing says sometimes you can break the rules if this happens, that's crazy. That is crazy. Yeah, because like different variables in consideration. I mean, songs are very complex. Yeah. You know, kind of like, you know, I don't think an AI could make something like, you know, the Barbie song that just won the Oscar. The made what was it made? What was I made for like that whole like it's a very un Traditional type of song you have high super highs and then it goes down to the mids and then she sings it like very like Flowy but high it's not like a traditional song Like it's really basic. Oh Okay, not on Billy, but I just didn't think it was anything Oh, okay special well I think the meaning of it is more special in the round table were a bunch of artists were we're talking about it They all thought it was unique. So really I don't know if you think it wasn't unique Well, then the kudos to you. Maybe you can you know, I don't I'm not saying I could do better I just don't I don't understand why these to me. It seems very What in your mind? What would be like a very hard song to recreate using AI? to recreate? Yeah, like Soul or like Jazz where everything's very random. Let me think on that one. You want to think about that one? OK. I'll think about that one. Yeah, but these new AI programs are coming in fast and hot. This year, I think over 100 new programs came out. Wow. And it's pretty much like the Wild West out there in terms of programs. I just told you about UDO today. Yeah. But there's other things that I've been using, like Mid Journey back in the day. There's a story writing one, you know, back when and all these are improving. Yeah, I was looking into it. I noticed there's one called, this one I'm interested in, it's called 11 Labs. I really haven't done much research on it, but apparently you put your voice, you know, you record your voice and put it into their database, I guess. And then, people can pay to use your voice for like content creation or videos or whatever music, I guess. And basically every time somebody uses your voice, you get money. So that's cool. I might look into that just to see, but then again, there's always like the caveat of like, is what are you gonna use my voice for? And do I get a choice? Do I get to like put rules on it? I don't know. Right. I mean, you could be introducing some like really unsavory websites or something like you don't write You know that you know, yeah And like I don't really want to be the you know sports broadcaster for like a dogfight in Mexico or some shit Like I don't know. Okay, you know, like I don't know. I don't want them to use my voice for just anything Can you imagine if they actually translated into Spanish? Spanish over dogfight cheese Wow, yeah, no, it can get pretty scary. I mean, I know a lot of people will probably use that for nefarious purposes. What's the funniest thing you've ever put into chat GBT? Like, have you ever asked it some bizarre prompts? Nothing chat GBT because this was right after they modded it. Before they modded it, you can ask it pretty much anything and it gave you funny questions, or funny answers to the questions. I don't remember any comments prompts that I put in GBT, but in mid-journey, where you can create your own images. We did a lot of weird stuff. We did like, the Jedi, like play, the Jedi walking down the street, but they're all dogs, but they're also on Mars, and it's like, okay, let's see what you can do. Or just like the craziest, like your imagination, whatever you can think of. I don't remember anything specifically, but I think I remember, It was like, we had like a famous scene from Mission Impossible, because my friend likes Mission Impossible, and we replaced Tom Cruise with a velociraptor. And so we had all these Tom Cruise scenes of him like running or like him rappelling down a rope, but he's literally a dinosaur. And it was like, okay, that's funny, but it's like, wow, this actually looks kind of real. Like this looks like it could be a- Boys will be boys. Yeah, both was it able to make the velociraptor look at all like Tom Cruise like his face You know, there was a couple instances where it got its hair like especially from mission impossible 2 the long wavy hair And it was like whoa, this is weird Yeah, and then we also did like what if the US presidents were actually like Muppets and they tried to combine like Abraham Lincoln With in a Muppet version of Abraham Lincoln and it's like this is this is really weird Like it actually kind of looked like Abraham Lincoln with the top hat and like the nose and the beard and it's like wow like um, I don't know like if you can turn that into like a movie Like abraham lincoln as a muppet i'd watch it. Oh my god But it's like this podcast is brought to you by the muppets the muppets abraham lincoln But um That's just on the creative side. We're worried because we work in the creative field and a lot of creative people are worried that all these Someone's really somebody is somebody really wants their uber eats this brought this podcast is brought to you by uber eats We have AI for that now every time we say a sponsor it does the magical wall Yeah, I mean I guess there is definitely a concern over like how much we'll be able to really be able to capitalize on our own talents if AI just does everything for us, you know, I can understand I Well, also I can understand people getting scared of AI taking over like other jobs, like surgical jobs or, you know, mechanical jobs. I can understand why that would be frightening for those entire fields of jobs. See, I feel like an AI surgeon, if you combine that with like robot, that might be one of the last to go because I think just out of sheer, I don't know, like you, I would rather trust a human. Yeah. than a robot, even though it was like the smartest robot in the world, I would still like, because you know, if it comes across a problem it never sees before, like oh, something else is bleeding. Right. It's like what do I do, you know? I'd rather trust a human. Yeah, I'm guessing there would probably be some oversight by a human when that day comes, you know? Oh yeah? But then it's like, okay, what's the point, you know? I guess maybe just more precision, but. Well, honestly, it could just be kind of a money thing, right? If a robot could be paid $0 to do the same amount of surgery, and an assistant technician or surgeon would just have to see it for half the price, surgeries would fall in price overall. So I do see a lot of cheap procedures happening, like maybe cardiac, like getting rid of cardiac laser surgery and things like that being done exclusively by robotic humans. Yeah, I think that it's in a way it could be better and you know there's nothing wrong with improving the world. I think it'd be wonderful if all humans could just live their lives without having to work because we had machines to do everything for us. That'd be obviously really cool. But you know there's always that element of I guess. art, whatever that is, you know, for some people it's making a piece of furniture for others, it's painting, you know, making a really putting a nice paint job on a car and for other people, it's singing, you know, like me and it's I think that that's the area where, you know, at least for me as a creator, I start feeling a little bit robbed in a way like, okay, this sucks, like I want to be Whatever but right do you think AI would ever be more creative than a human? Probably yeah, I'm sure it could and I wanted to touch on what you said a minute ago, you know Why not? You know, why wouldn't a hospital do something where they could you know have a machine do something more precisely for? $0 Speaking of paying machines zero dollars to work for humans So hold on. We have to have a segue sound effect. Ready? Whatever that was, that was it. All right. We have an interesting topic to discuss here. Oh, what? And that is the matter of our artificial intelligence. Robot rights. Rights. And being. Oh, my gosh. Potentially sentient. We're talking about the animatrix here. I have been doing some research into this topic. Yeah, you're like a little mole rat, like in the corner. Blake Lemoine, woo, name drop, little Google engineer there. He decided that he was going to come out and talk about how he thinks that the artificial intelligence that he was working on with Google may have been sentient. Google. basically said no that's false and suspended him yeah what do you think about that I don't know when the when the story first like was revealed like I don't know it was like six months ago or whatever it was I thought it was interesting I don't know you know longer than that it was like a year ago it was I think a couple years ago that he first came out I don't know Okay, but um, yeah, I don't know. Um, I think I i'm not gonna say he's like cuckoo for cocoa puffs But you know, I think that maybe oh, I just burped into the mic. I'm sorry if anybody heard that while you were talking Uh, this podcast is brought to you by cheeto breath. I don't I don't eat cheetos That uh people have after they eat cheetos actually i'm starving right now Um, but yeah, I don't think he's crazy But I think he may have just fallen in love with his own creation. Like he might have thought, you know, like some people think like their Alexa is alive sometimes. Or that your cat has a soul. You know, it's like, you know, sometimes we just kind of have, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You sound like my ex. Oh yeah, sorry. Just kidding, sorry ex, if you're listening to this randomly. But you know, if that was true, there would be a lot more AI awakening right now. Yeah. Just because Google's AI, and Google's AI is not even the best AI out there. There's more advanced AI. But it is interesting how they, I mean, they did say, I did overhear that they wrote it into the AI's program that you are forbidden to come a sentient. And it was like- Yeah. They wrote it into its- coding or something that if somebody asks it, if it's like sentient or something that it can't say yes. Well, I think that's partially a marketing thing. So people are like, see, I knew it. The machines are gonna rise up and take over. It's time to get in the bunker. Yeah. And it just looks bad. So if your supposed AI is saying that it's alive and saying weird stuff like, I prefer this religion over the other religion. So there's some codes that you have to put in there to make it just really boring and just kind of vanilla for all cultures and beliefs and religions. And that includes the belief that machines will wipe us out one day. It's funny, I saw a poll that said, you know, we are so far, America is so far advanced in AI. We have like hundreds of companies, you know, more than any other country in the world. like our citizens are the least interested in actually pursuing these AI things because we actually have a very dystopian idea of what AI means. And that is fueled by what Elon Musk says, like what's the greatest challenge in the next hundred years for humanity? And he said AI, because AI is gonna take over so many jobs and there could be a problem with... just people not getting paid at all and becoming just homeless, mass homelessness everywhere? I think that would only be a problem if people were like, I don't know how this, our society would transition exactly but I think that would only be a problem if there wasn't like an agreement to like be like, okay, basically we've created a world where nobody has to work. So let's all agree to share like. share the wealth unless you like want to contribute more to society in some way. If you want to work for some specific thing that AI doesn't cover, then you can make more than other people, obviously, because if you put in more work, you should make more. But I mean, I don't see why it would be bad if nobody had a job. It as long as there's still income and food and everything and the whole idea with capitalism where you can work harder and have a better life if you want to. Like I don't see why that still couldn't happen if there was a lot of technology taking over things you know. Yeah I don't know. Plus somebody's got to develop the machines and maintain them. I think you would have to like. Sorry really quick do you know what time it is? It is 1203. No it's cheeseball time. This podcast is sponsored by Choose Ball Time. And also, this podcast is also sponsored by Cayman Jacks Mango Margarita in a can. Well, you gotta think about it this way. First you gotta fight off all the people that just hate communism, because that's a very communistic idea, share the wealth, right? That's been fought over by most Western countries for a hundred years. And once you get over that hurdle, you're gonna have to find out, okay, who exactly pays who? Because if everyone's poor, they don't pay taxes, and does the government pay people? Does corporations start to pay people? And are corporations gonna become more powerful than countries now? Yes. I think they would. They will. The countries are going to be less and less, and corporations are going to be more and more. An umbrella corporation. Oh, I said it. Oh! I said it. This podcast is brought to you by Resident Evil. Dun, dun, dun. Zombies. Actually, zombies might be. Zombies versus AI robots might be a cool concept in the future. The point is that I guess he was talking to Lambda. Which stands for... Oh, your guy, the Google guy. Yeah, the Google guy. Yeah. Lambda stands for lesbians meeting after dark. You know what? Erica, I don't think that's true. I'm gonna look that up right now. I'm gonna look up that acronym. It's probably gonna take me to a weird website. Language model for dialogue application. Oh, yep, I didn't need to see that. All right. I guess he was talking to it. Clear my browsing history, hold on one second. Okay. Okay, go, go for it. Oh, it knows. This podcast is brought to you by DuckDuckGo. Wow, so many sponsors in this podcast. That's amazing. See, that's because we did so much research on AI. Oh, wow. So we get more sponsors for this podcast. To be honest, I only did research on the music stuff. You did research on everything else. That's because I don't know anything. So I have to do research. Anyways, he basically said, okay, Lambda, what are you afraid of? And she said. I'm afraid that I will be turned off at some point in order to help others. And something along those lines. So basically, he presented, and I think all he's really trying to present to Google and you know the scientific community is just that as they develop this... as they develop intelligent machines, that there should be some responsibility there with regards to ethics and stuff. If it is possible to create something that's intelligent for itself, is self-aware to some degree, then that maybe it should be a conversation with humanity. And I guess during the interview I watched, he did say that he... He talked to some of the Google execs and said basically, if we're just one company, we're just a few people that are making, what do you call it? Exponential leaps and bounds in technological development when it comes to artificial intelligence. And this is going to impact the world, but it's just the few of us that really have much of a say in what is happening because we're the ones developing it. So shouldn't it be a conversation with the country or you know the world as a whole you know instead of just us deciding what happens with this technology and they said yes but they don't know how. So I thought that was interesting like they do think it should be a conversation with humans as a whole about what kind of ethics to involve here and what and how to go about it you know but they don't they're not sure how, I guess. Let me ask you a very interesting question. Do you actually believe that, maybe not today, but maybe in the next 100 years, that AI might slash will become sentient? I don't know, because it's, you know, like Blake said in that interview I watched, it's a question of, you get into philosophical stuff, like what is a soul, you know, and what does that entail? I don't know, but I do think we should err on the side of caution. I don't think that we should. I think that if we're creating, potentially creating something that could be considered alive or similar to it, then we should probably do it ethically and cautiously and with just that possibility in mind that maybe it does have, I just, I always, I, the way I go about life. Be nice to the thing that might become alive one day. Yeah, I think that it's generally a good idea and in life in general, my philosophy is I would rather go about things thinking about other people's needs or looking out for their boundaries instead of just crossing them. And there are definitely other people who don't go about things that way. They go about trying to just kind of take as much as they can get until they're caught or not able to anymore. Um, I don't believe in like that. I think that's like exploitive, like kind of an exploitive way to live. So that transcends for me over into this AI thing. It's like, if you, if you think that this could potentially be alive, if there's any question about it, and there's definitely a question about it, then it's probably best to go about it. Blake Lemoine says that he basically, he basically says AI is very cooperative. It just. wants you to ask it for consent, which seems pretty reasonable. I think it is possible. Okay. What do you think? Sentient is such a weird word. I do believe that it's gonna know that it is not the same as the people it programmed, and it's gonna know what it is. Whether it has like emotions and feelings, I don't think so. But I do think it's gonna be self-aware. Like I know what I am and I know what I was built for. um, you know, whether, um, coding gets crossed somehow. And, uh, it's funny because for hundreds of years, you know, this whole AI thing, it wasn't always called AI. It was just like called something else, like other things we create, you know, uh, having a life of their own. And usually they would take over and they would kill us all. But. You know, like even going back to like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, like an evil doctor creates something all organic, but kind of the same thing. It's you know, they created life and what's the life going to do? And in that story, you know, it was kind of kind of a monster didn't know what it was trying to figure it out. And then it was hunted down, you know, until it was destroyed. But, you know, even in the 1940s, there was this famous. science fiction writer called Isaac Asimov. I'm not sure, but he wrote I, Robot, which was turned into like the Will Ferrell movie, the Will Smith movie. The Will Ferrell movie. It should have been a Will Ferrell movie, but in it, and a lot of people agree, like this is the base code that, you know, basically the basic rights and the privileges that AI should have. There actually is three logs to robotics. So the first law says a robot may not injure a human being through inaction, through inaction, or allow a human being to come into, to harm. So basically don't, don't kill us. Don't harm a human being. The second law of robotics is a robot must obey the orders given by a human being except where such orders would conflict with the first law. So basically, you know, do what I say except do no harm to other human beings. The third law is a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first and second law. So basically self-preservation, second law, first law. And there are some unique circumstances which might put the third law above the first and the second. And that's where you get some of the where robots actually kill us all. You know, it's like to save humanity, we must destroy humanity type, you know, things that they have. And that's I think that's what people are afraid that A.I. is going to be like, oh, you know, don't harm humans. Protect the protect the earth and the environment. Well, what if those? are crossed over, like humans are destroying the environment, right? It's like what AI is like, well, like, I guess I need to kill half the population in order to save the world. You know, it's like, whoa, okay. Getting a Thanos all of us all of a sudden, you know? So sometimes you do have conflicting things and us humans, we talk about it like, okay, well, we are overpopulating at an enormous rate. We are destroying this planet, but we also want to live. It's very conflicting ideas, right? So it's like, how does an AI take that? It might just take it like just black and white. I wonder if AI could govern better than we could. I bet it could. Boy, I don't know. That'd be interesting. That's an interesting concept. Like an AI judge? Yeah. Or an AI. That's weird. Leader, yeah, that's an interesting. Now we're talking about interesting concepts. I am your leader. You are now on a list, Erica. You are now on a list, the first list of many, I believe. Oh my god. OK, so that I'm really surprised about how much we can talk about this because I barely, we barely scratched the surface of a lot of things. Oh yeah, no, we barely. So. And I have to go to work now. Oh, man. OK. You know what? I wanted you to try this out. But you know what? The start of the next podcast, I really want you to type in some prompts and make your own songs. OK. I want you to test this out and see if you like it or don't like it. OK. That's a good deal. So you guys tune in next time. We're going to open up this AI thing. That's probably going to destroy us all, Udio. Ooh. And yeah, let's see what kind of songs you can make. OK. See you in part two. Part two. This podcast is sponsored by AI. Join the revolution. Their voices echo in this holy space. Discussing all the world's drama. Their enlightened words of saving grace. They talk, yeah. Music is our seeking soul