Spiritually Speaking With Liz

Encounters with an Arcturian Star Being

Liz Spiritually Speaking Season 2 Episode 9

In this episode I chat with Spiritual/Inspirational Medium Beverley Steer. 
Bev tells us of her spiritual journey and holding trance medium groups. She also tells us about the book, Encounters with an Arcturian Star Being, where an Arcutrian being has been to visit her and her trance group!
You're not going to want to miss this one!
Grab a cuppa and join me
Liz x

You can contact Bev via her facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1608366632583287 
Email:   bev@beverleysteer.co.uk

You can contact me at the usual details:
Email:  spirituallyspeaking222@gmail.com
Instagram: spiritually_speaking_222
Facebook:  spirituallyspeaking222
Youtube: LizzyHill222

Liz Hill:

Hi, this is Liz and welcome to my podcast, spiritually Speaking with Liz. I've got another fabulous guest with you today, and before we jump in with Bev, I'm just gonna remind you to like and subscribe to the YouTube channel. To follow me on your podcast app and then you'll get all notifications of when I put a new podcast up. Okay. Today I'm joined by the fabulous Beverly Steer, who I'm pleased to say is a friend of mine and we met in Spain. Bev is a spiritual, and I like how she calls herself inspirational medium. So as Bev chats, you'll, you'll hear how she's, she's very grounded. Very real person I think. And I think that's important for me to say that for what we're going to be talking about because it is absolutely fascinating. She's written a book, which I'll tell you about and I'll show you towards the end. I don't want to put any spoilers cuz I want you to hear her story progress. I took the book on holiday with me a couple of weeks ago and. It was just fabulous. I loved it. I loved every minute of it, and that's what we're gonna be talking about today. So Bev, welcome. Thank you so much for joining me.

Bev Steer:

Thank you for asking me, Liz. It's lovely.

Liz Hill:

Okay, so let's jump straight in. So you are a medium, an inspirational medium. So in your words and how you work, what does that mean? What is, what is a medium? How you work, what's a spiritual, inspirational medium?

Bev Steer:

Well, I pick up vibrations from people. Um, I know other people do that, but for me, I tend to look at somebody and I can pick information up from them. So I'm not preempted in any way. I'm just literally picking up on their vibrations. I have to be careful, because it, because I'm inspirational. I want to tell that person. But I can't always do that. The situation has to be right. So I have to, um, calm it down, if you like, so it doesn't. You know, go silly.

Liz Hill:

Yeah, because it's, you see this, um, and I know it's hyped up for tv, on YouTube where somebody's just shopping in the supermarket, minding their own business, picking up the bag of frozen peas, and somebody jumps on'em and says, oh, I've got great Aunt Martha here, and she wants to tell you blah, blah. And it's not appropriate, is it?

Bev Steer:

Not at I, I would never do that. In fact, the opposite happens. For instance, once I was flying back from Spain to the uk, I was on my own and somewhere from the airport somebody came up to me and sat down and started talking to me about their life and everything, and I could pick up. She, there was a child in spirit, but I didn't say anything to her because it was inappropriate. I didn't know her. But these are the type of experiences that I have. Right. Um, people also say, I have a look that sometimes they feel that I'm staring at them. Um, but it isn't that I'm staring, I'm just reading their energy. It's difficult to explain, but I know other mediums that work in the same way. Understand exactly where I'm coming from. So how did this

Liz Hill:

all start? Did were you, obviously you were born with this, but when did it start to progress from a childhood? When did you see spirit as a child or just how did your journey began? That's always my, I love to hear people's stories.

Bev Steer:

It is a very long time ago now, but I was around the age of about nine. I can't be specific. Sort of nine, 10. And I couldn't sleep. I couldn't settle. So I went into my mother's room, um, and said, look, I can't sleep. And she said, oh, you know, we'll sit here and what's the matter? And then all of a sudden my, one of my dogs, the alsation, they suddenly sat bolt upright, um, in the bedroom and were looking towards the bottom of the bed. So I looked to see what she was looking at. And I could see two figures standing there. A tall male and a child, and I sort of looked and did a double take, and then I could see them quite clearly. The man was standing there and he was, he looked very calm and peaceful, which made me as a child, feel calm. I was excited, but not overly, you know, exuberant. And then I saw this little boy. And instantly I knew it was my brother. Nobody had told me I'd never seen him. He died when he was three days old. Um, but I just knew it was him. He had a trumpet and my mother said to me, what are you doing? Cuz I was sitting bolt up out in bed myself then, and I said, you have a man and a child at the bottom of your bed. Sort of like telling a child, oh, don't be silly, you know, but I described them to her and, um, that was my very first sighting. I was aware of things. I never saw things around. I never had any imaginary playmate. My sister did, but I didn't, and I thought she was loopy, but, um, It was it. That's the beginning of it, really. And, and then it's never left me. I, I constantly see spirit. Um, so do

Liz Hill:

you see them as you're seeing me, do you physically see them like that?

Bev Steer:

Yes. Yes. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. That,

Liz Hill:

that must be a curse and a blessing.

Bev Steer:

I very often, I, I just ask them, you know, I'm doing something. You need to step back. You need to leave me alone. I have times when. I say, right, you know, I need, I'm human. I need my own space in my own time. And it's really good because it's almost like your auric shield blocks them out, um, because they come in on energy. So if I open up that energy, then you know, that's what happens. And that's what happens at nighttime very often as well.

Liz Hill:

Oh right, because you're in ala cuz people often say that they get woken up by spirit. So you think that's because we're in a more relaxed state? So I, very much so, yeah. Okay. So

Bev Steer:

I need actually agree with that Uhhuh sometimes, cuz I'm just laying in bed and, uh, they, they just appear. I've got a new one around me at the moment. my husband despairs sometimes.

Liz Hill:

When you say a new one, is that a new guide or just a spirit person that's around?

Bev Steer:

Just a spirit person. Okay. Um, we moved a year ago to where we are now, and every time I sort of move, I think, right. That's it. That's another chapter over. And then a mist came in the hallway. And my husband, again, he saw it, um, because he's very intuitive but doesn't do anything about it as such, and we couldn't work it out, what the mist was. And I said, oh, don't worry, somebody's visiting. They're trying to come through. And then the next night a little girl appeared in the hallway. Um, so she's not a guide, she's just come, I dunno the history of where we are. So, you know, possibly linked to where I'm living at the moment. So exciting. It is exciting. Yeah. Yeah.

Liz Hill:

It, it really is. Tell us the story. I guess this is in your book and I, I loved this. I just think it's fantastic. Uh, about age 12,

Bev Steer:

right? When I was 12, my parents, you know, sort of said to me, they were taking me to a meeting and I thought that was a bit odd. So, As a child, very curious, wanted to know the ins and outs. They said, we're taking you to see a medium, and I didn't really know what a medium was, so it was explained quickly. Apparently my mother had, father had been to this house a couple of times before, and whilst they were there, The medium had actually said to them, he didn't know them, didn't know anything about them. He was a trance medium, and he asked them to bring their, their daughter to the next meeting because he had information for her. So that's why they took me along to that meeting And what was said at the meeting. Um, he just said that, um, I was, somebody was gonna come into my life. Um, That was gonna be very important to me and it would be something when I was ready to receive the information, it wouldn't be at that point in time, obviously in time. So it's taken a long time, time. so it was lovely. It was really, I mean, I didn't take any notice really, but his words sort of stuck in my head. 12,

Liz Hill:

though you wouldn't, you wouldn't take that, like you said, the word stick, but you wouldn't really take that in. Right. And we have to remember that in, in spirit. It's not a linear time like ours,

Bev Steer:

is it? It's It's very different. Yeah. More

Liz Hill:

like a circular time. So they don't, you know, we live on this arrow timeline, which to them doesn't exist, so, you know. From a, from 12 year old to where you are now. Some, a few decades, years of gone can say it, a few decades

Bev Steer:

of gone. I'm okay with that. Yeah.

Liz Hill:

And but to them that could be like a month or so, or, you know. Exactly. And that's, that's always the thing. That's something that, um, still I get a little bit frustrated, but I I was the same, I was told by, in your fifties, Is when things will really start to, and this was like in my thirties, not like 12. This was in my thirties when I thought that that would be it then. Mm-hmm. Who would go to it? She was a transmedium and I was like, really? Yeah. But it's, it's a never, it doesn't just click on does it, it it builds up.

Bev Steer:

Anyway, he also, he also told me I was gonna have a Chinese guide in my life, um, which I obviously found out quite quickly. Yeah. So that was, uh, interesting. That's the other bit I remember

Liz Hill:

from it. And your Chinese guide, is he been with you all through? Yeah,

Bev Steer:

yeah, yeah. He is. He's, he's my, my higher self, my, the guide that always works with me. He's my protector, Uhhuh. Um, and whenever I run any group workshop, trance group, for example, I don't say it out loud, but I, in my head, I asked for him to be there. In fact, he's one of the main guides in the trans group. Okay. So he's, he's led to this as well. Yeah.

Liz Hill:

Fascinating. Okay, so you moved to Spain and that's where spiritually you really started to grow then, didn't you? You started doing the trance groups, you started doing more mediumship, you started doing house clearings, so it was, I think Spain for all of us. Who went, it was quite a big lesson, wasn't it? There was. There was a lot in there.

Bev Steer:

Very much so. It was a huge turning point.

Liz Hill:

Yeah. And same for me. And I think in the area where we were, cuz we were nearish, we were about an hour away from one another, weren't we? And you used to come to my yoga classes, which is I did, yeah. I met, yeah. And it, there's something about. The energy out there. And I think a lot of it, you know, is the stillness because they sort of seem to be where we were in Andalucia they're a little bit sort of like behind where we are now. I think I can remember seeing British families coming on holiday and all being on their, on their phones, on their smartphones. Well we, smartphones were just coming in, but we didn't really bother with stuff, did we like that? And I think that was probably one of the, Um, strong points about it is that it was that peace. It gave us that time to hear, to connect. Anyway, so fast forward then you come back to the UK and through a spiritualist church. You were asked to run a Transmedium group again, weren't you? That's right, yes. Yeah. Um, which you set up and was going quite nicely, and then once you moved it to another venue Yeah. Was that in your home then? Did you move it

Bev Steer:

to No, somebody, um, we had one or two people leave the trance group because I set it up as a, a trial, I can't remember now, six or 10 week period. Mm-hmm. And that they could dip in and out. It was really an introduction. And some of them left for, you know, personal reasons, but you are always gonna get the fallout. Um, and then we, I got the offer of taking it to somebody's house who, she's a very. Spiritual person. She's a spiritual healer, and it was ideal. So we moved it there and the energies were great. Yeah. Okay,

Liz Hill:

so, and then this is where it all began. So this is where the story that I want to talk to, I wanted people to hear your background and just to hear, yeah. How grounded you are and from the background you're from. And I don't mean that disrespectful in. Any way or form. But coming from my point of view, what we're going to talk about next, I've always been a bit like, Hmm. Yeah. Okay. That's very easy to say and to say that you've experienced this, and I saw in a Facebook group that Bev runs that you'd written a book. Yes. And. Um, and I saw that and I was like, and I thought, because I trust you and because I know you're a very experienced, grounded medium, and I know you wouldn't fabricate or make anything up in any way. And I thought, right, okay. This is what I. This is the one I need to read, which says more about me. I am still, I do still need proof, not scientific proof necessarily, but I, yes, I can understand that. And I think that's quite important to have that balance sometimes that we're not constantly up here. Um, so your book came, I took it on holiday and I was blown away by what was happening with you, so, I'd like you to start the story of, of what happened in the trans, so you knew something was coming. You knew that in the trance group that there was going to be an event or something happened that was going to really change things. Didn't you?

Bev Steer:

That's right. I mean, at this point we'd established a closed trance group, which meant that other people didn't come in. And it was to develop the individuals within that group, not just one particular person, but anybody that was interested could go into the cabinet and we work with a cabinet. Um, and as time progressed, I mean that was going for about three years. and. I was at home watching telly like you do, there's ordinary people in the evening and I could see three blue glows above the telly. And I thought, oh, that's strange. It's, you know, coming, it's a reflection off the television. And I was sort of looking and I said to my husband, can you see anything? Cause he often sees what I see. And he said, Well, I can't see anything I said. Nothing at all. He said, well, there's blue glow. He didn't say three blue glows. He said There's some blue glowing over the television, but it is moved now to the other side so I said yes. And as we were talking, these glows moved around and he said, you know, we both thought, well, we don't really know what it is. And then after that, um, they appeared in the bedroom. These three blue glows and in my head, because you know, telepathically, you speak out loud whether you realize it or not. And I was saying I feel very peaceful. What you know, while you are glowing around, but I don't know who or what you are or what you are and what your intention is. And they disappeared and then they came back. And the three glows merged into one, which was an aurion, just the head. And I sort of went, oh, and I still didn't really feel frightened because I'd seen, um, spirit. So I just thought somebody's putting a mask on or something. And then I just felt this wonderful energy coming from them and I felt really uplifted and peaceful. And they said to me, I said, how do I know you are real? You know, am I, am I hallucinating? Am I going through a lucid dream? And the answer came back, no. We will come to you in your trance group when the time is right, but in no way must you tell the members. And they also told me I mustn't record or video because we had to get the vibrational energies right, which I totally could understand. And then with that, they disappeared. So I didn't, I wrote it. I used to transcribe the transcript. We recorded it and I used to transcribe it. And on that piece of paper on, I said, there will be something unusual happening in the trance group, but it could be months. Mm-hmm. But I never told them what nobody knew about anything. And. Again, it must have been about three months or thereabouts. And Trance group was going as normally we're sitting there and I could feel the arcturian energy that came into the bedroom. And I said to the group, please do not talk out loud. Shout scream. Well, they know that anyway, but I thought if they're gonna show themselves, they might react very differently. I said, I want you to be calm. And as I said that, The medium in the trance group who was sitting in the cabinet, transfigured into the arturian. Wow. And everybody was going, oh, you know, the people in the group are not silly. We've got a deputy head teacher and you know, we and all sorts of people from professional backgrounds very grounded. And I said, okay, stay calm. I know all about this, you know, trying to sort of, I was excited trying to stay calm, and all of a sudden, three fingers like that came out from the cabinet just to the side of the cabinet, and everybody's going, oh, and the arcturian showed themselves to me as blue, but they went from blue to a slight green to a paler white and then back to the blue. They were just showing me, I think that. They may not always appear as blue, but that is the color they normally present themselves to humans. And they, it wasn't just my trance group that they appear in. They come to other groups and to other people, and it's the only way they can do it is the vibratory energies, you know? And that's why I've always worked with those energies as far as I away. So when they went back, the, the trance medium had no idea. So I just said to the others, be quiet. And I spoke to her and said, how do you feel? And she said, well, that was weird. She said, I felt as if I was being stretched, really stretched. You know, because sometimes transfiguration takes time and sometimes. You know, it might be a, a male and who's bigger, but that she actually felt her head was gonna burst. So, because it was, but it, she said it was, it was, didn't hurt, but it was really strange feeling. So, So we all, I, I closed the trance group and we all sat in chat because there was no, we couldn't do anything else. We were just, they were all just blown away,

Liz Hill:

you know? I bet the, the, the excitement and shock and energy in the room must have been just incredible. And I just, before you go on, I just need to pause you to ask you two questions for people who might not know. So, um, You say about a cabinet, can you just briefly say what the cabinet is? Yes. Um, what transfiguration is and what an Arcturian is.

Bev Steer:

Right. Okay. The cabinet that we use is black. It's a black cabinet, and we always keep it open. So there's two sides and a back on it, and the chair that medium sits on is in the cabinet, and then we start the trance group up. And go through the protection and prayer, et cetera, and then wait to see, you know, spirit energy or whatever comes through. That's what the.

Liz Hill:

And the cabinet just helps to hold the energy, doesn't

Bev Steer:

it, as it's, it is an energy. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. It builds the energy up and sometimes you can often see, um, energy going around it. You can actually see that either with lights or other means. It's, it's quite amazing.

Liz Hill:

I bet. And then, so now on transfiguration, what does that mean? Right? A

Bev Steer:

lot of people get confused with overshadowing and transfiguration. Um, I've had people say to me, all transfigured and, you know, into this, but they haven't transfigured. It's overshadowing. Um, transfiguration is where the buildup of physical energy. Now this can be done with ectoplasm, but in no instance is my medium that. It uses the cabinet more than the others. We've not had any ectoplasm that's visible. I know many years ago that mediums had ectoplasm that they came outta, you know, their nose, their ears, their mouth. And I'm not saying that that doesn't happen, but trance groups do work in different ways. Mm-hmm. But she transfigured, which meant a whole appearance, was totally changed and. The arturian appeared, it transfigured onto her. It was able to use her energy, the energy in the cabinet and the energy in the room to transfigure. Okay? And not only did they do that on that occasion, but they transfigured on three separate occasions with the medium. And I asked the group if on one occasion we could ask somebody who had done a lot of medium mediumistic work, if we could invite them in the group. On a one off. So I had to make sure I had to clear that with the guides and, and the group, um, so that they could hopefully witness. There was no guarantees and they saw it, they saw the transfiguration and they just talk about it all the time. Because I wanted to, I wanted to prove outside the group. Yeah, we tried to do it on Zoom. But the energy was not right. And I could see the medium was uncomfortable, so I closed it Uhhuh twice we

Liz Hill:

tried it. That makes sense. And you've not, um, so when you are running a circle as you do, cuz I know many of the people thinking, well why, why isn't she in the box? Cuz she's the medium. But as to do what you are doing, you have to hold the energy, don't you? You have to create that space and hold the energy for everybody else, and then everybody else's energy builds up on top of that. But you are the foundation for, I'm just making that clear. So everybody, you are the foundation then, aren't you? For the, for the group.

Bev Steer:

Yeah. And we always work in love, peace, and harmony, you know? Yeah. That's essential. It is important to be the leader. Leader. It's quite a responsibility. It's, but. Um, it's something you become accustomed to and you know, you need to intervene if you feel the occasion warrants it. Mm-hmm.

Liz Hill:

So with it, so can you just explain to us what an arcturians is? The

Bev Steer:

arcturians they come from, um, they're in the Buddhist constellation, which is a star system in the sky, and they come from auras. Um, They are translucent. They, because of their energy coming through, um, I've said to them, how'd you get here? You know, how does it happen? And obviously the answer is, it's may not be obvious to some people, but it, they come through a portal. I have no idea where that portal is. I would presume there's many, many portals around, but this is literally the beginning of the journey with them. Um, they're very gentle. They're very peaceful. They're linked into the ascended masters. They work with the ascended masters and they have links. I have no proof that they have links with the pyramids or anything like that, or Mayans. Um, but they told me about Crystals. They work with crystals and that's, you know, wonderful. Cause I, I love crystals, so,

Liz Hill:

yeah. So, and are they, so are Torian is STARI like the generic word? Yes. Yeah. So because we're hearing this more and more now, there's more prolific, uh, people in our field that are coming out with, with star seed books and Oracle cards and experiences. Uh, it, it is getting more and more so obviously, I mean, there's huge energy shifts going on at the moment and. Throughout our lives, we've heard this, haven't we? Or there's energy shifts. Yes. And I've, I've honestly, I've never really felt them so much as I have in this last few years. Very much. Yeah. Things are really, and we've just gone through a really funky time. Well, we're just coming outta quite a funky time, aren't we? Um, and so it seems that their energies are getting stronger. We're getting more open to them. I'm not sure what the. What the deciding factor is, but the fact is that they are coming through to more and more people. So I know that you were then able to speak to, um, the Arturians at home, weren't you? That's right. Yeah. Can you, can you tell us about that? You asked about the name and everything.

Bev Steer:

It took me a long time because light spirits, you know, or, or guides and things like that, they, they. Say to, or they say to me, you don't need a name. And I say, well, I do. And it's sort of like, well, you are human, you know, you do need a name. So eventually, but the Arturian was really very reluctant to give me a name and he gave me the name Julio, and I just said, thank you. And then afterwards I thought this, he is got a, or they've got a sense of humor. You know, because this is related to Spain, why would they give me Yeah, that name. But I looked it up and it's in my book about, I looked up the meaning, and I think it's a connection to Israel. So I have no idea. But they, you know, they, they spoke through the medium well. She's had different aliens, if you like, come through. Since, um, and, and they tell us, they, they told us all about the, the covid without going into detail, but I can't prove that I put it in the book, but I can't prove it. Um, so there, there's lots of them, believe me. And, and I also put a book a bit in the book about the gender with people nowadays. Well, of course, our d n A has been altered. That's what they told me. Mm-hmm. Um, that, and they are altering the DNA of people. And the other thing I didn't put in the book is the reuss negative factor. The blood group. Mm-hmm. If you are a no reuss negative, did you know this? No. Okay. You are more likely to be a star seed. Now I'm not saying this is fact, but this is what, you know, I'm learning still as I go on. So I don't know if you are an O resus negative. I am.

Liz Hill:

I'm disappointed. I'm not. I'm positive. Yeah. I'm not saying you're not. I always thought that was a good thing, being positive.

Bev Steer:

So you, you, it doesn't, this isn't, I mean, I'm reading this like you are reading about it. I'm reading other people saying, since I've written the book, you know about all of this. And I'm thinking, well that's really weird. I mean, you must feel like lots of people that. You know, what is your purpose here? Mm-hmm. Why are you here? Yeah. You know, I, I certainly do. Um, and, and I feel that whatever happens, this is like a fulfillment, you know, it's like a, a crazy dream. That's absolutely wonderful. and they, they took me on, they took me up and they, they twice, once I had a really. Lucid dream about it, but they took me up and took me into the, where it was. Now, whether this was totally in my imagination that I was in this spacecraft or spaceship, whatever, you know the terminology is, but I felt I was there and they were showing me things and they told me I came. That was one of the places I came from. I'm a mixture. One is, Art tourists. And in my heart, I feel the other one is Lyra because that's connected with cats and I've got loads of cats behind me. But we've always had cats. I, I can't prove that, but I feel it in my heart. Well, it's just fascinating, you know, I have to, I am so grounded and my family are grounded cuz they think I've totally lost the plot. You know, lots of other people, you know. I've witnessed

Liz Hill:

it. Th this is the important point I wanted to get across because exactly that. As soon as somebody starts saying about, um, spacecraft and travel, then people are of, you know, whatever. But you are a very grounded down to earth person. And as I always say, your vibe attracts your tribe. So your group, your trans group, will be of the same. Energy won't they? They'll be of, of the same. So you have, have created a very grounded, stable group and maybe that's why it was easy for them to come through to you. You know, you've been sort of building to this all your life, but it's easy for them to come, come through to you because you know you are running your transcr one minute and then like you say, you're just sat chilling with your feet up watching telly. Exactly. You know you're a normal person. Yeah, having, we're all spiritual beings having a human experience, but when you are not doing your spiritual work, you are a normal person. Exactly. You're out with your grandkid, you know, you, you're doing things, um, what normal people would, would do. So it, it's, you are not away with the fairies. You know, you're not somebody that's always up here and, and has no touch on reality. I'd say quite the opposite. So, which is what makes it more powerful to me. Knowing you and how you are that like Wow. And we were away. Like I said, when I was reading this book and I'm, it has to be pitch black for me to sleep. Pop heavy, have hates. It's like you says, oh, you'd be happy sleeping in a coffin. You cuz I do. I like it so dark. Oh wow. Yeah. And when I was reading your book, when about the blue light, I'd wake up in the night and think, please come blue

Bev Steer:

light. Yeah. It is amazing. You know, and I've, um, Since it's happened, since they appeared in my other place, and I've been here just a year now, but they have made their presence known. They haven't come through to talk to me, only that I know they're here. Um, and that they are gonna show themselves again. Um, but it's just knowing and they always let me know they're around because of the silver sparkles. They always leave silver sparkles. It drives my husband mad. You know, he just says, ah, you know, it's, it's funny. That's what's, you know, the grounding bit Really. Yeah. Especially when he saw them in the car.

Liz Hill:

That made me laugh, I to say. Yeah, true. And that's still, they're still coming out.

Bev Steer:

Yeah, they're still coming out. Yeah. So what would


Liz Hill:

say as we sort of start to wrap up our conversation today, what would you say? Why are they coming, do you think? What, what, from what you've, from what information you've had from them, from what you've spoken about with them, um, from what they've taught you, what, why are they starting to become more and more prevalent? What, what are they here to tell us, do you think?

Bev Steer:

Well, they haven't told me that apart from the fact, because I'm still building on it. I started writing another book. Right. Good. So, you know, for, for sort of updated the information. But I just feel that they're really concerned like other beings for our earth. Mm-hmm. I mean, we are really in troubled times. And I don't wanna pour oil on the water, but you know, they, they really are. And because the human species as we know it, um, you know, I dunno where we came from, but it's almost as if we've been made here for a purpose. And this is why we question what is the purpose? I can't answer a lot of the questions because I'm still discussing learning it. Yeah. Finding out, and this is why I need to keep the interaction up with them. Absolutely.

Liz Hill:

Absolutely. But I, I think the fact from, for me, what I've picked up from what you're saying is the way that you felt so calm, so peaceful, and even in the group, you know, where they're seeing the, the three fingers coming out and apart from the. Shock and awe of like, wow, biggest transfiguration. That's what you're hoping for. Something coming through physically like that. Um, there was no fear. It was all very peaceful, all very calm, and I think in the world at the moment, and I, I don't like saying this because. The universe responds back to what we say. Mm-hmm. We are in crisis. Everywhere is in crisis, isn't it? Everywhere you, there's wars, there's, there's people, um, at one another all the time. Out and about. I spoke to somebody else about this's, you know, out and about. There's more road rage. People are agitated and so if they in, in my little. Little happy world I sort of thing. I hope that they're coming just to bring that peace, to bring that blue. Um, I've always seen blue energy as a calming, you know, like the blue calcite. Yes. It just brings that calming energy down. So if they can bring that blue and just help to calm everything. Cool. Everybody off and just, Bring us back to us rather than this striving and, and trying to be trying to get people. You know, a lot of, we of course know, but a lot of people that are just striving for money and it's just numbers now. I mean, it's not even physical. Money is, we don't get anymore. It's just numbers on a, not even on a statement now. It's not even on paper, it's just numbers on, on our phones or on something. Uh, it so it, it never really, I. Exists as such. And it doesn't, people sort of lose focus of that, but that's where they're aiming and grasping onto, isn't it This, this power of having all these numbers.

Bev Steer:

That's right. Yeah. It's very difficult times and you know, for me and the older gen, myself and others in the older generation, you know, we're having to deal with those changes and some people that I can't believe or begin to believe how they're coping with the changes. Yeah, it's, it is very, very difficult. But one thing I must add that, um, if that's okay. Yeah, please. The Arturians have got me painting. Ooh. Yeah. It's like I was suddenly decided I wanted to paint. I did do a little bit in Spain, but I haven't done anything. And so I started painting and I, the first thing I painted was an tu. My husband said, oh no, you're not putting that in the house. You, we can't have that in the house. Oh, I love him. Really? You know, it's like, You know, in the night if I start talking, I don't know, I'm talking and he'll say to me the next day, where did you go to last night? Where, who are you talking to? I just say, don't worry, don't worry.

Liz Hill:

It's fine. It's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so I'm gonna ask you, I like asking people this, so for. You for Bev, away from the trance group, away from family and everybody else. What do you do for your self-care? I think self-care is really important. So what, what are three things would you say that you do that are on a regular basis that are help you to, to calm and centered meditation?

Bev Steer:

Yeah, very much so. You know, zen meditation or anything like that? It, it depends. Sometimes shamanic drumming, I love it. Got a drum. Um, and or I'll put drumming music on. I find that's really uplifting. Um, and that was one of the workshops that I actually did Shamanic drumming in Spain. what else do I do? I listen to music generally. Mm-hmm. Um, that self care stand under the shower, I think, and just, Feel better, wash away better. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Washing away everything. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Just getting to peace for it. And I particularly, I like to be quiet. I like to be on my own more now than I used to be. Mm. Me too. Quite an outgoing person, but I tend to. Enjoy my own company. There's so much going on in my head that I need to quiet. Yeah, very

Liz Hill:

much so. Yeah, I, I totally get that. Oh, Bev, you've been an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much for joining us and thanks for asking me. Here's Bev's book. What I'll do is I'll put a picture, on the Instagram page so you can see it, and I'll put a link down below of Bev's website, um, links of how you can buy the book and how you can get in contact with Bev if you wanted to get in contact with her too. So thank you everybody for joining us. Don't forget to hit the like and subscribe buttons and the little notification bell and we'll be back again very soon. Thank you, Bev.

Bev Steer:

Thanks, Liz. Bye bye.

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