Spiritually Speaking With Liz
Spiritually speaking is a motivational, uplifting podcast. I will be chatting about all things Spiritual from meditation, mediums and manifesting, tarot and divination, blocks and mind monkeys to crystals, aromatherapy, yoga, chakras, well being, mindfulness, repeating numbers, signs, and just about anything else you can think of.
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Spiritually Speaking With Liz
Life as a Modern Day Witch with Emma Griffin
In this episode I chat with the Modern day witch Emma Griffiths about all things magical. She chats openly about her journey to where she is now, from family seances to fashion design, photography and illustrating, to her health problems, with sprinkles of magic all the way. Emma is truly inspirational and definitely living her purpose!
Join us for a fabulous insight into her life, you'll be glad you did!
Love Liz x
Emma's book, Find your Soul Path: A heart-centred lifestyle guide to following your soul's purpose and living authentically is due to be released on the 17th October but you can preorder now at Amazon, WHSmith, Waterstones, Barnes & Noble.
You can contact Emma through her website and Instagram page:
Youtube: @emmagriffinwitch
Instagram: @emmagriffinwitch
You can contact me in the usual way:
email: spirituallyspeaking222@gmail.com
Instagram: spiritually_speaking_222
Visit my website for the crystals we discussed, incense and more!
Hi, this is Liz and welcome to my podcast, Spiritually Speaking with Liz. Today I'm joined by an amazing guest. I've been so excited to have her on and I'm joined by the beautiful Emma Griffin. Emma is a modern day witch who practices witchcraft to manifest the life of her dreams. And boy, is she, she is. With thousands of people from all over the world, helping them connect to their authentic self, step into their power, overcome negative programming to access their own magic through her own most popular offering, the guidance medicine reading. Born in London and raised in Nottinghamshire, Emma has grown up in a magical household and she now lives in Cornwall with her husband, mother of two mini adults as she calls them, six dogs and a cat. And through Emma's life she's gone through, we'll hear, major transformations, traumas and events. Which have brought her to today and who she is today. And she's just about to release her first book, find your soul path, discover the magical life within. And that's released on the 17th of October, I believe. Yeah, that's right. Hi. Thank you. Hello, welcome. It's very exciting. Oh, it's so exciting. I think with you, Adelaide, I'm such a fan and I love your Instagram page. I think if anybody, you must look at it anyway, just for the photography side of it. But if ever you were feeling stressed or uptight, honestly, go to Emma's page. Her pictures, it just takes you into nature. If you can't be in nature and, uh, your photography is just. Out of this world, which we'll come to in a moment. So tell me about young Emma because. You sounded like you grew up in the Weasley household. because your mom was a practicing witch and a well-known tarot reader, wasn't she? Mm-hmm. Yeah. And your dad was a platform
Emma Griffin:medium. Yes. Later on in life he did platform mediumship. He was more spiritual, so he taught me how to meditate and he taught me about chakras, where my mum has was always a witch. I don't know my mum any. Other way really, but she was an artist, a very, she had amazing imagination. So we had like these sort of make believe worlds that we could live in. And she taught me about fairies, magic, the dead, everything, everything I know, basically.
Liz Hill:That must have been such an amazing childhood because most people coming into their spiritual life, they haven't had, they haven't had the, the fortune of that, have they? They've, you know, yeah. They've, they've come from all classes. A normal family. They've, they've had the wake up call type of thing where you've, you've had that.
Emma Griffin:Yeah. My husband's and parents were very normal, but my mum and dad never told me that, um, you know, seeing or playing with the dead when you were a child was wrong or you shouldn't do that. Or, you know, my mum would do tarot readings every week. She'd always have clients over to her house doing readings. She'd be doing spells or rituals or seances and yeah, it was quite normal for me.
Liz Hill:How amazing though, it must have been. So, and that's obviously the, of where you are now, this has just continued. So from early childhood then, so like taking friends home from school.
Emma Griffin:My mom, especially it was very. Weird. Um, I did used to get picked on a little bit as well because my mum was a bit more different to other mums. Um, and my dad was quite a character as well. So they were quite well known in our sort of little town that we lived in. Um, but yeah, you know, it, They, they always found it very interesting and they always wanted to do Ouija boards and things like that, which I wouldn't do with friends, but I obviously did do Ouija boards with my family. And that was just a normal family event, but my mum held space for that. And I thought everyone did it. So I was very sort of naive by that. It's really when I met my husband at 17, his parents were so normal. I was like, okay. Okay. I've got a different type of family. So yeah, people do call me Molly Weasley actually. I think I'm relatable.
Liz Hill:Yeah. What about, and why not? But I think that's lovely. So and have you been the same with your children? Have you? Yeah, encourage them from,
Emma Griffin:didn't we encourage them? I just sort of carried on my lifestyle. So to speak, it was very, my life, my life as a witch was very private until 2019. So I, my mum always told me to keep it quiet and don't tell people you're a witch and don't wear the pentagram and just keep it back. Um, just for protection, I think. Um, but my kids always did like, um, spell potions and did some moon rituals with me. They obviously have done seances. My youngest, which is my son, who's going to be 21 soon, he will do a ritual on Halloween where my daughter, who's 23, she was initiated by me last year. So she is fully into her witchcraft sort of area now. So that's really lovely to see. Yeah,
Liz Hill:that is nice that they're embracing it and taking it forward because you often found out you in families, if you've been brought up one way, you tend to rebel against it. Yeah. And then maybe come back to
Emma Griffin:it later. Yeah. And I, you know, I often ask my son, cause I know my daughter loves it and it helps her and her wellbeing and her way of living. But with my son, he's not embarrassed of it or anything like that. He often tells people, Oh, my mom's a witch and yeah, he's, he's absolutely fine with it. So yeah, I'm very lucky.
Liz Hill:That's so it's lovely. And your husband's an artist, isn't
Emma Griffin:he? Yes, he's a graphic designer. So he's always known that I was a bit different. He's always supported me. He's very grounded. He's a Taurian. He's very grounding. Um, so yeah, he's been very supportive on this journey.
Liz Hill:That's not, yeah, well, that's important. And you've had, honestly, your, your life could be a It could, yes. When you, when you look back, so you You did a degree. What was your, your first degree was in?
Emma Griffin:My first degree was in fashion design. So I was a fashion designer. Um, so I worked for lots of corporate brands. I did work for Hugo Boss to Ted Baker to Gap. And then when I had my daughter, I went into illustration so I could be at home with her. And I worked for like Mothercare and did like baby wear graphics. And then I've always moved the house around and I find creating sacred spaces, a big part of my practice. And then naturally when I had a baby, lots of people are asking me to do their homes, so they went into interior design. And then I moved to Cornwall where my son was one and went back to university and did a fine art degree. And that's when I found out I was dyslexic. So that's why I used the camera. So the camera was my way of communicating in a easier way for me. And then I started a photography career for 11 years. And that
Liz Hill:started with fashion, didn't it? You, again, you were
Emma Griffin:with the big... Yes, because I knew fashion, it was an easier sort of industry for me to step into. So yeah, so I did editorial photography, which I did love. I did really love doing
Liz Hill:that. Which explains then why your Instagram, the photos tell a story. You don't really have to read the narrative if you don't want to, or your videos, it just takes you.
Emma Griffin:Yeah, well, I was a storyteller, photographer, and I used to create content for people. So I really do love that. And if I ever do have any time to myself, I'm either drawing or for doing photography. So. It is definitely something I absolutely love.
Liz Hill:So now you've transitioned to a full time witch, haven't you?
Emma Griffin:It wasn't my plan. I never thought I could have a career like that, to be honest. None of this was a plan.
Liz Hill:Well, it's amazing. It's amazing. And so what was instrumental in you saying, right, okay. This can be my full time job now.
Emma Griffin:Yeah, um, my father passed in 2019 and then my, my father passed in January and then my mum found out in March that she had cancer. And that literally just tore my world apart, really. And I mean, whenever you lose a parent, but it's just awful to have both of them go so quick together. Um, and obviously my mum was a huge inspiration to me and I nursed her to her end of her days as well. So I put on her pentagram and during that stage, and because I was trying to give her sort of respite and help her through her cancer treatments, I opened up a little studio. So I could do healing, and obviously I had to pay the rent for that, so I had to open that to the public. So I was kind of splitting my sort of healing side of Emma to the photography side of Emma, and it was just, the photography side was so hard. It was really hard. It was more hustling where this other side of me was just very easy, just flowed. And then when I lost my mom and we had obviously lockdowns as well around that, my photography business was just, it was too exhausting. It was too much for me. So I knew I had to make a decision. I did actually cry as well. I sat up in bed with my coffee saying to my husband, I think I'm damaging my career. The more I talk about my witchy side, I was damaging. My photography side and all my clients said they didn't want to be associated with me or yeah, yeah, I'd lost a lot of people. The more I talked about death or witchcraft, they just stepped away. That's when I first started, yeah, yeah, well, you know who your friends are as you go through this kind of journey, um, so yeah, I, then obviously because of lockdown, my one to one sessions had to go on zoom and that's when I went global and it became really easy and then it just just really exploded and yeah, I've been fully booked ever since. So I had to pick, you know, which direction I had to either drop the editorial or drop the witchcraft. And I stuck with the witchcraft because that doesn't really feel like a business because it's just my way of life.
Liz Hill:Yeah. And it's your passion,
Emma Griffin:isn't it? Yeah. It's me. So, you know, I can still do the photography, but I don't miss the photo shoots.
Liz Hill:There must have been, even though you were doing your passion as a photographer, but under the constraints of being told, this is what we want. This is how you do it. Then it sort of stifles. The creative
Emma Griffin:spirit, I would have thought. Yeah, it's a stressful world. You know, it's fun. You get to meet amazing people, but it's very muggly. And those people weren't really my kind of people. You know, I often used to give models crystals or I would channel guidance, but they never knew what I was doing. They just thought, Oh, she's got really good wisdom. She's got really good advice.
Liz Hill:Yeah. I think that's fabulous then. So, really you were not railroad is the wrong word, but you were just gently nudged over, weren't you forced to into, but I think, I think this is the thing, people who are passionate about what they do and people who love what they do, then it's a success because they're just being themselves, aren't they?
Emma Griffin:Yeah. And especially if it's scary, I mean, it did terrify me still does now, you know, sometimes if I post something on Instagram, I do have a lot of anxiety over that because I wonder what, whether people are going to judge me the same normal phase as everybody else has, we're going to be judged. You're going to be pulled up for that or anything like that. But I do really truly believe that when we step into a fear and we sort of move through that. The more terrifying it is, the more we expand as a soul. And that's why we're here. So I have to kind of jump into these sort of anxiety moments to be able to grow.
Liz Hill:Totally. That's me with the podcasts. I get anxiety before, you know, meetings like you, because I've followed you for quite some time now. So seeing you, it's like, you get that anxiety, but I think I see it. I embrace it now as a good thing because it shows that I'm passionate about what I'm doing. Yeah. Yeah. And it shows that it means something to me. Yeah.
Emma Griffin:Exactly. And society has changed so much that when we feel the fear just to step back and stop where it's not the case, we have to move
Liz Hill:forward. Yeah. I totally, yeah. Totally agree with that. You just have to, you have to embrace it, don't you? And go through it where a lot of people, they get to the door, don't they? And the door's ajar, but their anxiety won't let them step through. Yeah. And it's such a shame. Yeah. Yeah, it is because I think a lot of great souls hold themselves in that. Anxiety state, anxious state when if you just step through it, it's not comfortable, but we step through
Emma Griffin:it. Yeah. But then you make your own evidence instead of what you think that you know, it's going to happen. You actually see the evidence as it's actually really good. And you've grown so much as a person you've probably gained, you know, in your business or you probably gained friends or whatever, you know, that fear is for, and it's always in your best
Liz Hill:interest. Yeah, yeah, totally agree. It really is. So can we go, so your, the readings that you do, so these are unique to you. So what sort of, so when you've been doing your sessions over Zoom, what does that entail?
Emma Griffin:Um, well, I work with mainly women all over the world. Um, I think I've done I can't remember how many, I think, well, between 40 and 50, 000 people since 2019. Yeah. That is a lot of people. That's Some people come just for a one off. Some people have been with me for, well, since I've started and have yearly, like, birthday sessions. Some people see me every three months, six months. It's entirely up to them. Um, before the session, I always ask somebody to write and journal about. What they're in need of, what's the guidance for, where are they stuck or why are they coming to me? And then I will meditate an hour before. And prepare myself here and then when the person logs on and they ask me questions, that's sort of like my trigger to be able to channel. So I work with what I call, um, the 12 council and they're like, um, beings of light and they're in the library of where your soul contracts are. That's how they show me it. So when a client asks me a question, it's not just a client. It's also on the TV. If an actor says a question, I will start channeling as well. So the question is my daughter's always asking me. But yeah, so basically they will just tell me the whole hour session, I will just relay everything that I'm hearing and seeing from the council within that sometimes. I do get shown, um, people's spirit guides, they will stand behind them sometimes, um, or spirit animals, whatever they choose to show me. They'll also bring in a loved one as well and the spirit worlds occasionally have sort of like normal mediumship. Um, and then. I also now as well see the parts of past lives with people as well, sometimes within the session. So yeah, it's, it's really fun. It's really fun. It's a lot. Yes. Because obviously it's quite draining for me because you're constantly channeling and relaying and trying to work out what, what I'm being shown basically. And normally they, the council will tell me things that are going on inside that person's head, which will then link into their notes beforehand. So it's all blends in well, and they normally give me sort of like homework, which is why I call it the medicine part of it for them to carry on to doing their home time. So that could be a spell or ritual or some journaling or, you know, how to help their wellbeing. So yeah, it can, I can have a client that's really upbeat and excited and then I can have a client who's very, you know, dealing with grief. So you're constantly on a roller coaster of emotions and, um, they normally always crying and I will, I'm an empath, so I feel all of this as well. It is quite physical for me, mentally, because it's probably the most difficult job I've had. Yeah, but I do really love it. It is an honour. It's a pleasure to
Liz Hill:do. You must have to limit yourself, then, Dee, to so many a day, so many a week
Emma Griffin:type thing. Yeah, and you do it, um, well, twice, three times a week, because it's just too
Liz Hill:much. Yeah, well, and it's a lot of, it's a lot of time as well, isn't it? So you've got the preparation,
Emma Griffin:the hour before, the hour of the session. Hour after I had to close that one depending, um, if somebody is in a real bad way, I might need a couple of hours to clear that from me. Oh, really?
Liz Hill:Yeah. What on right. So on a little tangent here, what could you give because I'm an empath also, as many people are, there's more and more people seem to be realizing, don't they? What tips could you give for people for Um, I don't like the word protection because I always think it brings in fear when there's something to be scared of, but for, for, for a broad spectrum, what would you, what tips could you give us that we can help to release other people's energy if we've held onto it?
Emma Griffin:Yeah. Um, well, because you're an empath, obviously being around lots of people, like in a supermarket or out, you know, shopping can feel quite sometimes it does feel like anxiety. It feels overwhelming sometimes. So I would place a little pebble. Um, crystal of black tourmaline in your left cup of your bra, that's wonderful because that will protect you. I also wear, I haven't got it on my desk here, but I also have a clear quartz point crystal and a smoky quartz. So you could place on your left hand, your receiving hand, the clear quartz with the point facing into your body. And then the smoky quats in your other hand with a point facing outta your body and just sit and breathe and meditate with that and that will rebalance you. Um, I do a lot of smoke cleansing, either with resin or with herbs that I burn, but I always, after every guidance medicine reading, I'll have an Epsom salt bath and that will literally just take. Anything else away that's sort of left around, but then you can also place your left hand on your heart and call your power back and release any energy that's not yours. You know, you can command that. So that's a very simple way of doing it as well.
Liz Hill:Yeah, that's lovely. It's yeah, I think, um, crystals are well underrated, aren't they? I, well, I think I have a shop which sells crystals as well. And yeah, so it's I, I hear different reactions, you know, like you get some people, here we go, where some people, you know, really feel the energy of, of the crystals and they are, and they aren't always telling people to put women, but to put crystals in the bra and honestly, some people just grown an extra head, the worst thing I think is It does. You've just got to remember when you get undressed on the night, I always frighten myself to death
Emma Griffin:in the bathroom, all these
Liz Hill:rocks dropping and salt. But I, I think water is important, isn't it? I like to be by the sea. I find that very,
Emma Griffin:yeah. We shower, you know, in the shower, cleansing your crown and just telling yourself that you're cleansing away any sort of energy that you've been carrying. Mm-hmm. So, yeah. Or even barefoot on the grass, that's wonderful as well, just ground
Liz Hill:yourself. I've recently discovered Qigong. I've never done a yoga teacher, but I've never really done Qigong, so I like doing that barefoot in the garden on a morning, particularly this time of year, obviously it's warm, but yeah,
Emma Griffin:it's very... It's raining here, it's not very nice in
Liz Hill:Cornwall at the moment. It's not so bad, it has been raining, but it's looking dry. at the moment, which is quite pleasant for a change. Can I rewind you back to a not so good time in your thirties? So you were diagnosed, uh, first of all, it was cervical cancer,
Emma Griffin:wasn't it? Yeah. Cervical cancer, then breast cancer, and then thyroid
Liz Hill:cancer. During that time. I mean, I can't imagine I've been with somebody close to me receiving that diagnosis. But he's still not the person having it, you know, the fear must be intense. And you were told at one point, weren't you, that you probably wouldn't make it beyond 40.
Emma Griffin:Yeah, that's right. With the thyroid. Yeah. My, obviously my children were young, but I think because my children were young, that was my trigger to really fight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it could be controversial, but this is only my, you know, personal view, but I do believe that we carry cancer around a chakra point that is blocked. Our body's been holding trauma and I'll see with my worst, um, tumor was in my throat and I never spoke my truth. I always put others first and just pleased people. And I'll see. I did keep a lot of trauma inside and I didn't release it because I was a young mum and I was busy being a mum, you know, as life does, you know, we do do that as women. We do put our kids and our partners first. Um, but looking back now, it was really a blessing to have the cancer because it did change my world completely because I did, I didn't, I wouldn't take that sort of diagnosis. I knew that I would get past, I'm now 47, so I would get past and I would be in remission. So I put little, um, sort of markers that I would reach and I still do that now because I'm used to it, but it's always with my daughter. So, because she's my oldest, I always put that I would see her going to learn to drive or going to school prom. And now, you know, it's bigger, bigger milestones, but, and I always reach them. And that's, I think when I was, when I was told I had this cancer and I realized the treatment in front of me, that's when I started my photography business, as you do. And she was like, Oh, I'll start a business. Yeah, nobody knew that I was having treatment. I just carried on. So yeah. So from
Liz Hill:a, from a magical spiritual side, so obviously you, you had the, the sort of channel into using your talents with the photography. but from the magic side, from the spiritual side, what really helped you?
Emma Griffin:Rituals. Just being, you know, in the present moment, the present moment and meditation, I really believe saved my life. Because otherwise I would have been, you know, you'd run along with your mind space of all the fears and everything, but I'm very connected to my body and how my body feels and I've had to be. Um, because I have to, that's how I navigate. If I could be poorly again, you know, I can check, you know how I am and I don't, that's all. I try to eliminate stress and I'm, I'm, my husband calls me the queen positive. I am positive about everything, but I don't bypass it. I do feel the feels as well.'cause it's a lot of bypassing of, you know, just be happy all the time. Which is impossible, isn't it? You can't, yes. Um, so I'm very big on self care and I did learn to put myself first and that was hard because my children were so young, um, but I had to, I had to put my wellness first. So then I became, you know, the better wife, the better mom, the better friend and sister. So it was in my interest to do that. Definitely. And
Liz Hill:before that then, were you, I know you said that your, your mom taught you meditation and, um, your
Emma Griffin:dad Yeah, my dad taught me meditation. Dad meditation. Yeah.
Liz Hill:So were you, would you say that you were present
Emma Griffin:before? Not as, no, because my parents, although they were very magical and amazing, were very stressful as well. My dad was like a failed gangster. So my, um, my, um, Yeah. From like 18 till I was 40, it was very stressful. Um, so I became like their parent. So I had a lot to deal with as a, as a young mom, basically. So I'd only meditate when I was doing magic because I thought that's what you had to do. But obviously I learned that meditation is part of my daily life. I have to do that.
Liz Hill:It's such an important, it should be taught at
Emma Griffin:schools. Yeah. Yeah. And we're so programmed to be outside of our body. We need to get back into our body because then I don't think we would have any anxiety or depression or it would help so much. And it's free, you know, yeah, we have all of this around us.
Liz Hill:People seem to be like here, don't they? They're sort of constantly, it's like the donkey with the carrot. Yeah. Constantly striving for
Emma Griffin:the next day and the next day and the next thing. I don't have any goals. You know, I often get asked, you know, what's your five year goal? I don't have goals because I've never known how long my life's going to be. So I don't believe in that. I only have little things to move forward that I'd like to see or like to witness. I don't have goals that I want to achieve. I think that's better.
Liz Hill:Well, that's really interesting because that's always the, you know, like with manifesting and you're a great teacher of manifesting, but obviously you're not doing the five year plan, the 10 year plan and things can change anyway. You know, obviously there's free will, but you know, destiny is destiny. You might not be like with you, you know, you might've thought as the fashion designer.
Emma Griffin:This is it. I thought that was going to be like, you know, but then there's also women. Women do change. We're constantly transforming and rebirthing and going through different stages of our life. How could we possibly know once we've rebirthed what that woman would like to do? Yeah. We can't. We have to get there. So I'd rather, I mean, I don't look in the past. I kind of have some kind of dreams for the future, but they're not set in stone. I'm fully present. And that's why I think that's more healthy to be in that present moment.
Liz Hill:Well, it's working for you and it's working for you. And you're a great advocate of it then. Thank you. Yeah. It's, it's quite, um, It made me, when I'd read that with you, it really made me think and then hearing you say it. Because we are always, well, what are you, what, but, but rather than now.
Emma Griffin:Yeah. How are you feeling right now? Yeah. You know, and that's better. And that's why, you know, I've never had, well, I have had panic attacks and, you know, sad times, but when you're in the present moment and you can actually work on how you're feeling and whether all those thoughts are actually your thoughts in the first place, and you can write it, you can burn it, you can swear, you can sing, you can get it out of your body and just keep what's yours. The present moment is the only place that we can do that.
Liz Hill:Yeah, very true. Yeah. Can I ask you about your guides. So how did they, how did, and when did they first come to you? The council almost. Yes, the council. Well,
Emma Griffin:yeah. Um, well obviously I've always, um, worked with the dead. I've always talked, uh, I say this a lot, I find that although speaking to the dead is amazing. I don't think it's very valuable to me. It's very chitter chatter. It's like, um, if we turn the light off or, or they'll tell me something about, um, history or the past, or it's just chitter chatter as though you would speak to someone who's alive. It's nice, but it's not guidance. It's not, um, And obviously I've had different spirit guides, you know, come and go and stuff as well, which I have a lovely spirit guide, but the council appeared when my, um, mom told me she had cancer and I was in a very busy time and obviously I was grieving over my dad where I lived at the time there was a cornfield. And I just had to, I just felt so overwhelmed. I thought I just need to get out the house. Because obviously you're dealing with your children upset about their nanny or my husband was very close to my mum as well. So I just wanted to be on my own. So I was in this cornfield and I just decided just to sit in it so no one could see me. So I was just, there's corns all around me. And I just screamed and cried and just shouted and you know, I don't know what to do. Whether I should, because I was doing photography and healing at the same time and then they just appeared and they just told me this is how I've, I've always been able to channel and this is how I work and this is, they gave me the name guidance medicine redo. They told me how it would work. They even told me it would be, um, on video and overseas. And at that time I hadn't even looked at Zoom, um, and just gave it to me. And because I've always trusted what I've, what I receive and receive, I had to fully trust. So when I walked back to the home, I told my husband, he was like, okay, okay. Yeah. He didn't judge me or anything. Cause I obviously come up with lots of things like this and I said, I'm just going to try it and then just say what happens. And that's how it happened. They just appeared.
Liz Hill:So do you physically see or. Is it in your, you know, like a cinema in your head type
Emma Griffin:thing? Yeah, in, for the council, I see them in my mind's eye. So they, they sort of come up sort of above my crown and then they'll put in front of me, um, little movies about that person. Very similar to working with the dead, but obviously I do see the dad as well. Um, And then obviously I do meditations where I can, it's like an astral travel type of meditation. I do that once a week where it's for longer, and then I can go and see different dimensions and see them and get sort of more of a, well, a one to one for me, really more of guidance. So yeah, so I can see it like that as well.
Liz Hill:Wow. That's incredible. And do you, do you hear as well? What other? Yes,
Emma Griffin:I feel here. Um, I do get touched. Um, Yeah, pretty much all the senses because then I've never, I was never told to switch those off. So it's very easy for me. So, so yeah, um, as I've always, I have tried to not work with the dead because obviously when you're at school or at least when you're about 18, when people were mocking me, I thought this isn't right. This isn't normal. So you try and sort of put them in a box and step away from it. But then you end up going to someone's house and then there'd be a spirit stood there or you can't, I can't stop what I do is part of me. So I've just learned to accept it. I have asked my husband if I'm schizophrenic and he says no. So I think I'm okay. Yeah, it's just trust. I have a lot of trust.
Liz Hill:Yeah, and I think that's one of the key things, isn't it? Trust.
Emma Griffin:Trust, yeah. And I think because of what I've gone through in my life, it's given me that trust, because it's my evidence. So I, even if someone mocked me now, I know that it, that I'm, you know, not losing it. I do see all these things. I do hear them because I've helped so many people over the world with it too. It
Liz Hill:shows their fear more, doesn't it? I always say. And
Emma Griffin:I understand it. You know, I totally understand why people would find that really weird, but you know. It's a shame. Yeah,
Liz Hill:it is a shame. It's really a shame. It is a shame because they miss out. And I remember, it must have been about 14 years ago, something like that, um, a friend of ours is a member of Mensa and they have a Mensa magazine apparently, and he brought it around to show me and it was, um, a witch who was a member of Mensa and she'd, she'd written about what a spell is. to a brain person, if you know what I mean. And you know, and saying that it's all about the intention. And it was, I wish I could remember, it was really well written and, and really well from, obviously because she wasn't going to let her side down. She straddled, she straddled the worlds of, of the muggle, and it was, yeah, it, it was a really good Wow. Yeah, a really good read. So as Emma now, who's totally in a, in her power, who's, well, you are, aren't you? Now you know, you, you,
Emma Griffin:oh, Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm on my authentic self.
Liz Hill:Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Living your authentic self, standing around power. The queen of all she surveys, what would you say now to that 18 year old? Who felt uncomfortable and because she was being mocked.
Emma Griffin:To love your uniqueness. We all have our own uniqueness and we should cherish that. And to honor your gifts, honor your flaws, and stand in your power and speak your
Liz Hill:truth. It's so easy, isn't it? To, step back. And I used to try defend myself to quite a point, and then it just, and then I used to think I'm just exhausted here and still nobody's believing me anyway, so yeah. So I just, then I, I sort of learned to not, um, not to put myself down, but just I think I don't have to defend myself Exactly. I believe in what I believe in. If you don't, then that's your choice too. Yeah,
Emma Griffin:yeah, exactly. That's lovely.
Liz Hill:What would you say are your, so you've obviously you've told me meditation, but now on a day to day basis, what are your non negotiable self care? I always like to ask people. What they do for themselves.
Emma Griffin:I love a slow morning. I mean, I'm blessed I can do because I work from home and I obviously I'm obsessed with my little chihuahua behind me and he sleeps with me, my husband. So, I love that first morning coffee in bed. And just thinking about my day and just planning my day, just having that coffee with Walter as Steve gets ready. Um, then I will meditate and journal and I will do an oracle reading. I will also cleanse myself. I also put incense on every morning and I will also call out to spirit and, and to my ancestors and my loved ones and sort of bring them forward as well. That's my non negotiable and then obviously closing down in the evening as well. But yeah, just quite simple, really. And also clothing, obviously fashion still is a big thing for me and I do love clothes and I find that's a, what I'm thinking about when I'm having that coffee of how I want to feel for that day is the clothes that will bring that energy for me. So that's important for me as well.
Liz Hill:That's a non negotiable. I like that. Yeah. It makes sense.
Emma Griffin:Yeah, because so many people just wear, I mean, I do like black, you know, I'm not saying black's bad, but some people just follow the crowd, don't they? Or just wear what they think they should do or to fit in or not be seen. But if you look at it as a, another layer to your aura, to your energy, it will help you. You know, we all love that new dress, don't we? We feel amazing. You know, if you could do that every day, if you felt like that with your clothes, it would help us. It helps with your
Liz Hill:energy. Yeah, I totally get that. Part of our shop, we've got a clothing boutique and we have, we go to India a lot and we have tailors and repurposed saris. So we've got all different styles of dresses. Yeah. And, and it's colourful. Yeah. Colour's just, colour's important. And I think that's, I've had this passion with India for 20 odd years, we go. And that's one of the things I love about India. It's the smiles, it's the smells of the incenses and the food, and it's the colour.
Emma Griffin:And the fabrics. You know, yes,
Liz Hill:fabrics. They're just beautiful where here everything seems to be beige or black.
Emma Griffin:Yeah. Although I'm sat here in beige. It's linen so it's nice. Shall I edit
Liz Hill:that bit out? That's fine.
Emma Griffin:I like the beige
Liz Hill:as well. Sometimes beige is good and it depends on the style of the beige as well. Yeah,
Emma Griffin:exactly.
Liz Hill:Oh, it's been so lovely having you on. I've really enjoyed it. So can I ask you one more thing? Could you give our listeners three tips of maybe connecting with their intuition or being comfortable with themselves, whatever feels right to you?
Emma Griffin:Um, and one easy thing that everyone can do, even if you're a busy mum, is we all have that cup of tea moment during the day. So instead of going through your phone or distracting yourself from Facebook or TikTok or whatever, light a white candle in front of tea. Because the white candle will symbolise to your subconscious that you're about to do something sacred. So it will instantly slow down our nervous system. And then hold that cup of tea. And really feel into how are you feeling, place your left hand on your heart and still yourself and just have a little check in. Where am I holding stress? You know, what do I want to do for today or what do I want to let go of that's not mine right now? Why you're drinking that little cup of tea and afterwards then you can carry on but that literally will put you into the present moment Also tap in you know And you can do a butterfly heart and you tap either side of your shoulders that will instantly put your your mind back into your body That will help you as well. Um, and yeah, meditation again,
Liz Hill:always comes back to that. Doesn't it? It's
Emma Griffin:always, yeah. Even, you know, lots of people say, well, I don't have time. Well, we all have time. We all have time to actually say, yeah, you know, two minutes. That's like a nothing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah,
Liz Hill:I totally get that. Less script. I mean, it's hard with social media because particularly because it is a massive part
Emma Griffin:of your work. Yeah, but I'm not on social media very much, you know, and I look at my social media as it's fun. I don't follow people that bring me down or make me feel awful or anything like that. It's always something I can study or uplift me or it's exciting or funny. You know, I, I like it, but I've seen, I'm used to that environment because of the photography, but when people say, well, I don't have time to stop or do anything, we all do. We all have time.
Liz Hill:Yeah, we do. So before I let you go, I'm still not letting you go. Tell us, tell us about your
Emma Griffin:book. My first book out, it was called, um, Find Your Soul Path. And it's out on the 17th of October, but you can pre order now at any major bookstore. It's, um, like a, well, it is a witchy self help book, and it helps you find your authentic self. And... You step onto your soul path and there is also exercises and easy techniques to follow. And there is also rituals that you can do throughout the Sabbaths of the will of the year. And there's also beautiful grief ritual and a birthday ritual in there as well. Talks to you about how to make smudge sticks, journaling, meditation. There is a motherhood section in there as well. It's quite, it is full. of stuff. So, and it's very pretty. I've done all the illustrations and the photography for it as well. So yeah, I'm really excited about that coming out very, very soon. I
Liz Hill:bet. Yeah. And it's, and that's so lovely bringing everything together then within that book. So for the people that can't get to see you or maybe can't afford to get to see you
Emma Griffin:then. Everything's in that. Yeah. Everything's all in that book. So it's a good start. It's a really good. Yeah. It is really pretty
Liz Hill:amazing. I shall look forward to receiving it. Thank you. Well, Emma, thank you so much for joining me. Oh, you're welcome. I'll put all Emma's details in the show notes. You can contact her on Instagram. She is Emma Griffin witch her website is Emmagriffinwitch.co.uk um, and I'll put links to the book as well. below so you can pre order that too. Emma, thank you for joining me. Thank you for taking the time out. I really appreciate it. No, I've loved it. Thank you very much. Oh, you're welcome. And guys, I'll be back again soon. Bye.