Spiritually Speaking With Liz

A Journey into the Akashic Records with Renu Mehta Cheng

Liz Hill / Renu Mehta Cheng Season 4 Episode 4

In this episode I was delighted to chat to the lovely Renu Mehta Cheng, PT, Acupressure Cranial sacral therapist, Divine Light Energy Healer & Akashic Consultant/healer,   We had an amazing chat about her spiritual journey, how she came across the akashic records and an insight into a reading she gave me

Renu also kindly gave us the link to a fabulous free gift which includes meditations and how to protect your energy field

Get yourself comfy and join us, you’ll be glad you did!


Liz x

Renu can be contacted at https://i.embracetherapy.com/
Email: Renu@embracetherapy.com

Free Gift:  https://spiritualawakeningkit.com/

You can contact me in the usual way:
 email:  spirituallyspeaking222@gmail.com
Instagram:  spirituallyspeakingwithLiz
Facebook:  spirituallyspeaking222
 Visit my website for all things spiritual  

Liz Hill:

Hi, this is Liz. This is a prequel to the actual episode you're about to hear, because Renu kindly offered to give me a session of the Akashic Records, which you'll hear her explain all what they are in our conversation. And then at the end, I will add my feedback after we actually had the session. Okay. Here we go. Hi, this is Liz and welcome to my podcast, Spiritually Speaking with Liz. I've got a fabulous guest today for you and a really interesting topic. It's not something I know a lot about, but I'm fascinated to hear, and we've got the right person for the job today. We're joined by Renu Mehta Cheng, and she holds a master's degree in physical therapy. She's a divine light energy healer, and she's an Akashic Records consultant and healer trained with renowned expert Lisa Barnett. So Renu, hi, thank you so much for joining me.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Thank you so much for having me here today, Liz. It's such an honor. You're

Liz Hill:

very welcome. I'm very excited about this. So I know a little bit. About the Akashic records, but not a massive amount and purposely knowing I've had you coming on. I've not wanted to dig into it because I want to hear it. I want to absorb it. But first of all, how did you get, how did you make that transition? Cause you started as a PT physical therapist. So what made you get drawn to the Akashic records?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Well, I think it all started in my youth, actually. Uh, when I was younger, I remember I, my spiritual awakening process started when I was, uh, In elementary school and let's start

Liz Hill:

there, then let's go back to

Renu Mehta Cheng:

those youthful days of playing on the playground. And I remember one summer between fourth grade and fifth grade, between nine and 10 years of age, I shifted, I recognized there was something that I needed to change or a lesson that I needed to learn. And to be truthful, those were a couple of years ago, so I can't remember exactly what it was, but it. really shifted me into a different person so that by the time I was 10, I, I saw the world a little differently. I had come out of this shell of being very shy and insecurities and uncertainty of myself and found myself at 10 in 5th grade really knowing who I was standing in that moment in time. Wow. Which. Yeah. I know. I mean, I was really, I, I look back and I think that's really pretty, pretty wonderful at that age. Yeah. And, and I say that because then I started to, um, I met a friend who introduced me to this game, which I actually still have called Past Lives. Okay. And it intrigued me so much because it was talking about reincarnation and about the lives we've lived. And it just hit me. It just touched my heart so deeply that I, I, I played the game every single day for about a year and a half. I would, yeah, I would drag people. They're like, Hey, come sit, come sit. I remember my dad after, you know, a couple of months, he's like, do we have to play this game? It was so interesting to me, that concept of past lives. So that I think started my. love and my interest of reincarnation and just what the past life world was

Liz Hill:

all about. That's, I can't believe that at 10. Yeah. 10 years old, that's, that's, that's really young to have that knowing who you are and being present in that moment. Most 10 year olds are just running around having fun, causing chaos, so that, that's, that's really something quite incredible. Well,

Renu Mehta Cheng:

I think I do, I'd be remiss if I didn't say that, you know, of course I was only 10, so the maturity level I had was for, of a 10 year old. So, my process continued and I continued to be aware and, and. You know, the process of spiritual awakening is a an opening and then you kind of go on your path and then you might have a plateau for a little bit and then you open again and you learn more. And so that started it. And I continued through, I mean, I have to be honest, the middle school years, I was that awkward girl. I really didn't come into my own. My next level, I think the next opening was when I was in eighth grade. So when I was about 13 years old, and then again, it happened again when I was 17 in my 11th year. My 11th grade. And then again, a couple years later. So it was a couple years for me to really find who I was. And, but life also causes you to learn those lessons. And so I would have a lesson that would come up that I would have to really contend with. And then I would have that a moment of revelation, enlightenment, and then I would move forward. And then of course, as life has something new would come up. So it was. It was really exciting when you look back to say, wow, how wonderful for me to be able to have that. But during the moments being in it, I remember thinking, oh my gosh, you know, why am I dealing with this insecurity or why am I dealing with this issue? But now looking at the whole life that I've lived, I'm so grateful for those opportunities.

Liz Hill:

Yeah, for sure. So what, what made you go down the physical therapy route? Let's start there.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

I was always, well, my father and my mother, my father was a physician. My mother's a physician. So I really wanted to go to medical school for years, but then I had a family member who was in a car accident and was in the hospital for an extended period of time. And I saw how the physical therapists had helped. that family member so much, so I decided that was something that I wanted to do versus go to medical school at that time. I was supposed to go to medical school later, but in that moment in time, I realized physical therapy was going to be such a nice road. I had seen the progress and I had seen how helpful they were for my family member. I mean, just life changing in that moment. So that was really, and that was my destined path, I know, helping people.

Liz Hill:

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I think when you have When you have that person that you see something that you're just like, wow, I had a similar thing. Yeah. Where you just think like, wow, this is what I want to do. And I, I think that's it. It just starts you on your journey. So you did your physical therapy training and you worked pediatrics, didn't you?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Mm-Hmm. for over 20 years.

Liz Hill:

Okay. And then what led you, so what led you down the healing side? What led you down the holistic side as opposed to going down the left brain side?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

It's so funny when we say that out loud, it's, it's, it's so true. It's so, I went to a physical therapy program that had more osteopathic, holistic, um, Emphasis. So that was my beginning of learning about cranial sacral therapy and learning about hands on, non traditional physical therapy experience. So that was really cool and I remember feeling so drawn to it and having a family of very left brained, medical orientated adults. minds, it was, it was interesting, you know, I, I don't, those kinds of conversations, they didn't really understand it at the time. And this was going back, you know, 20, 30 years ago. So I remember thinking, well, that was really cool, but I have to get a job and I have to, I have to work. So I couldn't really utilize those, those skills at that time. But once I started working in the hospital and working in, uh, school and then started working with babies, then I remembered, Oh my gosh, I, I learned some of this. Let me, let me try to take a class and let me learn about it again. And that opened up my world into just a myriad of really wonderful holistic tools like cranial psychotherapy, Reiki, acupressure, working with the meridians and the chakras. And I just loved that, but then I found that there was still, I just wasn't reaching or getting that deep, deep healing that I really wanted for the people that I worked with.

Liz Hill:

So how did the Akashic

Renu Mehta Cheng:

records come in? I'm so blessed and grateful to say that even though 2020 was such a hard year for so many of us, the world of zoom opened up and changed learning and education and continuing education classes. So I was blessed enough to see, and it's all divine timing, right? I had a, some email came in about, um, a summit that was coming up with these really powerful healers in the world. And I said, Oh my gosh, this looks really interesting. And. And if you fast forward a couple of years, you know, to today, the person that actually had the summit is a friend of mine now. So it was, I didn't know who she was at that time. And my teacher for the Akashic Records was one of the speakers. So I remember going through the list and seeing her name and thinking, Oh my gosh, that's so cool. I really want to learn that. And then also my other teacher for. And Divine Light Energy Healing was also on the same summit. So they both stuck out to me so much that I remember thinking, okay, those are the people that I want to learn from. I'm going to write their names down and I'm going to look for classes. And that just opened my eyes up to the Akashic Records. And I took the first class and I learned how to open my own records. And then ever since then I was, I was hooked. It was just so powerful and amazing.

Liz Hill:

So, can you explain to everybody what exactly the Akashic

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Records are? Sure. So, the Akashic Records is, everyone has their own individual library. And it is a recording from the beginning of the inception of your soul and every life you've ever lived up until this life. And it presents to me as a library. So every book that's there is a life that was. That person has lived and everyone's library is very different, very unique to them. And everyone has their own Akashic record keepers who watch over their library and their lives. And also there are Akashic masters, teachers, lords, but all of these Akashic record beings are there to support each individual person and to help and guide us. Yeah. So

Liz Hill:

when was this discovered or how was this discovered?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Well, it was years, I mean, over a thousand years ago, the Akashic, people were utilizing the Akashic records, but unfortunately they did not use them in the right way. So the Akashic record keepers decided to move the energy. Um, away from humans because they had used them for not the most positive purposes. And so it was not available to us until maybe about, maybe 30, 40 years ago, you could get to the gates if somebody wanted to go and access some information, they get to get to the gates of the Akashic records, but they couldn't go in. And about 30, 40 years ago, I know some teachers, my teacher, other teachers in the world have been. We're given access to get into the records and then we're told, okay, now you can share it with the world and start having classes and schools and just teaching other people to get into their own records.

Liz Hill:

So how can it, so explain to us what is the purpose behind an Akashic record reading? Why would I, why would I come to you for a reading? Why would anybody come to you for reading? What would they be wanting to know? What would, what's generally what you hear?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Well, I have a lot, I mean, so many people, different, so many different kinds of people come for the sessions, but mostly to ask about. particular relationships they have, soul contracts, maybe to ask some of the big why questions, why are we here? What is my sole purpose? But that's really more informational, but there's also the ability of healing, working on blocks, working on any karmic patterns or any vows we made from past lives, any programs or limiting beliefs that we might be telling ourselves. As we live our lives. Every life we've lived there can be karmic patterns that we are continuing to, continuing to have. And what's interesting is we can find them and work on them and clear them and help that person heal and release so that in the next life they don't have to attend or address that karmic pattern because they worked on it or that vow or program or even some of those blocks or sometimes those really dark energies, um, You know, uh, the word curse comes to mind, you know, some of those kind of energies, they can be there from past lives. And so we can see them and work on them and clear them, not just in the physical, but in our energetic bodies, the four energetic bodies of our, our energy, our auric fields. Okay. So

Liz Hill:

obviously there's a confidentiality. With every client that you have for this, but without naming names, can you give us an example of a couple of examples of people that you've worked with that it really stands out how much it's helped them in different ways?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Oh, sure. I can give you my example. So I, as a physical therapist have from, and what's so amazing about. Just life in general and just the whole Akashic realm is as I'm growing and I'm learning and I'm healing and I'm on my spiritual awakening path I'm aware now of some of the things that I had to contend with so from the age of 14 I had a severe neck and shoulder pain and limited range of motion in my neck. And I think deep down that was probably one of the reasons why I became a physical therapist to work on posture and to work on the muscles of the body. But as I went through physical therapy school and I was a physical therapist for years, I could not address and clear some of that stagnant, stuck energy in my own physical body. And it wasn't until, you know, three years ago when I was in the records that they showed me what that stagnant energy was. And it was layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of my being a healer in past lives. And having made vows of not wanting to share my gifts or my talents because I had a very untimely death or something very traumatic happened to me and my saying, okay, well, I don't ever want to do that again, you know, and then having a vow saying, oh, I don't want to do that. And, and in this life now having all of that stagnant stuff stuck in me. I've been able to clear it by going into the records and asking and finding out what it is and then clearing that energy where now, Liz, I have almost full range of my neck, which I never had. And it's. It's, I mean, life changing, you know, now when I'm driving, it's, it's, it's a, it's a free world, you know, yeah, exactly for those, those my neighbors, but I just feel so differently and you can clear some of that stagnant energy, you know, physically, but also it went deeper than that. It was some of that fear that I had. Uh, I'll tell you something interesting. I used to have this really nonsensical thought that if I did neck range of motion or stretched my neck, and I'm not joking, I would say my head will fall off, right? Which is so weird as a physical therapist. I, I used to make people do that, but I had that deep fear because in a past life I was shown that I was, my head, and I don't want to be too graphic, but You know, my head came off. I was decapitated because of what I was doing as a healer in that lifetime. And so I had such a deep fear about neck range of motion and stretching my neck because I was afraid my, literally my head would fall off. And when I finally put two and two together and my Kashuk record keepers, you know, showed me and reminded me of that, I thought, Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense. And now, I mean, I stretch my neck all the time. It's, it's, it's liberating. But I had to. First go through all of that to get there. So that's one example. You can use it for physical stuff You can use it for someone that feels maybe they're stuck in their life They don't know where to go or they just keep having similar repeating patterns of maybe relationships or Not feeling that they're heard and there might be a karmic pattern there It can be something in the, the mental field or the emotional or, or all three of them a block that's just keeping them in the same pattern of not finding what they need in this life or the relationships or the job. I mean, there's a myriad of reasons to go into the records or it could just be informational. You know, like those big whys, why am I here? What's my sole purpose? Should I be in this relationship? Do I have a sole contract with this person, et cetera, like that.

Liz Hill:

Okay. So when you're going into this, obviously you're trained in it and that's different, but can you explain to us from your point, what the process is? Directly, you know, step by step, but what the process is and what you see, feel,

Renu Mehta Cheng:

hear. Sure. I, we are given prayers. So I'll ground a client. I'll just give them a simple, short guided meditation to just ground them. And then I say a prayer out loud, and then I am quiet for a couple of minutes, and then I will go into the records and I will introduce myself to their Akashic record keepers. And then I will ask the questions that they want to ask, and then we'll have a dialogue. And then if there's something that's, if they're showing me a block or there's something that they're dealing with in this life that stems from a past life, they might show me that, what, what happened, where the root is. And then we'll look at the root, we'll address it, and then we'll clear it and fill them up with golden liquid light. Move on to the next thing they want to talk about. So each,

Liz Hill:

each person's, so like you said earlier, each person's library looks different and, and so do you, you have a guide that takes you in and then you address their keeper, would you say it works like that or?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

I don't. I mean, there's no, I go into their records with this prayer and then I, it depends on what we're working with. But typically if I've never worked with that client before, I do like to see the big picture of what their library looks like so I can describe to them, well, I see this, I, I see that, and then we go in and, and I'll, I'll figure it out. talk to their record keepers. Sometimes there's just a pressing, a pressing issue. And so I just go directly in and I don't really look around and I just find their record keepers and I say, okay, we want to work on this. So, and sometimes there's, you know, every session is so different. I really never know what to expect. And sometimes I'll think, oh, we're going to work on this. And then they'll show me something like, no, no, no, this is something really deep we need to address. Let's work on it. And then we work on it. So it's, It's so unique to everyone.

Liz Hill:

Yeah. As you could say, so everyone's different. So when you, so like you said, when you go into somebody and when you look at their library as a whole and you describe that to them, is there some things in that, that they can relate to even just how that looks?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Some people tell me that they describe, I, when I'm describing their library, that it's their dream house or they love the beach. And so sometimes their libraries might be on a beach or overlooking a city at dusk or in the middle of a valley. in farmland. I mean, it really all is so unique and it's what I think that they really truly love to the depths of who they are. And that's what I'm shown, you know, every Akashic record keeper also is very different because, uh, excuse me, Akashic record keeper, but someone that goes into the records because everyone has different strengths in the sense of sometimes I'll see. I'll see it or sometimes I'll just hear it. It really depends. And it also works with the energy of the person as well because sometimes it's just a knowing, they'll just tell me and I may not get so many visions. It'll just be like, this is where it is. This is how you have to work on it. Let's go forward. So it's just, it's very unique. Um, but I, I think what's really cool is, is that. I've seen enough people to know that there is nothing very similar. Everyone is such, everyone is so different that, uh, I might describe something about maybe your library, for example, but your neighbor, you know, Johnny Joe might say, well, no way. It's mine is so different. So. Well, that's

Liz Hill:

like, we are as people, isn't it? So it makes, it makes complete sense does that to me, everybody is, it's like going into somebody's home. Yes. Somebody might like the clean line, everything white, zen type thing, or you might come into my house, all Indian stuff, so it's all bright color. And so that makes a lot of sense that everybody's would be unique to them and tailored to them.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Yes. And, and I think the true essence of who they are comes out in the, the libraries. And it's interesting because I know my library, I never would have thought it looked the way it did. And it is, it's, it's straight, I mean, it's interesting. It's a, for me, my library is a three to four story building. It's an apartment building with. some really large staircases and books. And I never would have thought that, but when I, when I'm in it, I feel very at home, very at peace, comfortable chairs and couches. And I feel very, just that there's just so much love. And so, um, I do say that if you were, if someone was feeling inclined to learn how to do that, it's a great, great tool because then you can ask questions. I mean, all day long, you could be in your records and just ask questions about anything and everything.

Liz Hill:

That's incredible. Do you know what's coming into my head? And I'm thinking, wow, I wonder if this is linked to Akashic Records. I've always had this, you know, Um, it's not a dream, it's not a vision, I don't know what I'd call it really, of from being young, that I, there's this big room that I'm in and it's got, you know, like in these fancy libraries where they have the ladders that slide along, and that's my library behind me. And I can go up and it's just, it's really, you know, like when you, when they're telling you something, it's really like coming in as this vision really strong. And I'm thinking, wow, I wonder if there's any link here.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

I'm hearing that. Yes. That, that could be your library. And I don't know if you have a strong vision of it, but. I, I'm seeing a, a circular window with white and a lot of sun and light coming in. I don't know if that resonates with you, but that's the vision that I'm getting, but yeah. It's

Liz Hill:

making me want to, it's making me one, want to have a reading and two, want into training and

Renu Mehta Cheng:

everything. I know. And the training, you know, they're, uh, my teacher, uh, I learned with the Akashic School of Knowing and the, there's a one class where it's just a beginner where you can learn how to go into your own records. And that's, and you can even do it by a book. My teacher, Lisa Barnett, actually wrote a book. She wrote many books actually, but there is one of her books where you can actually learn and it's a workbook where you can learn how to get into your records without having to take a class. But I find that. I love to learn actively, but with the teacher asking questions, I love to ask questions. And so I find that the actual seminar is really powerful. But some people love to learn from books, so you can learn by reading her book and doing it step by step that way. So I mean, and there are other teachers. You know, schools and teachers out there, I don't really know much about them. I just know about my school because it's accredited and it took years to become a consultant because there's some, some criteria you have to do in order to become a consultant, which I think is great because it gives you the opportunity to learn and experience different people's libraries and, and have different, Um, clients come in and, and experience different things that people want to work on. Yeah. So that's why I've seen a lot of things. Yeah.

Liz Hill:

I understand. Yeah. I can, I can see that there would be a lot of training with it. So what would you say, are there any limitations with it? Would you say, is there anything that you can think, okay, well now I'd have to do something else or you would need something else to do, you know, do you, is it like you would tell somebody, okay, I found this block, or I saw this. And yes, you fill them with the golden healing liquid, but do you then give them homework?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Oh, yes, yes. There can be prayers you're given. There could be mantras you need to work on. The truth is that it's. And really all, anything we all present with, it's layer upon layer upon layer. So one session might open your eyes to something you might need to work on and, but there's, then once you clear something away, something new might come up. Yeah. So it's, you know, you know, so it's, it's truly a journey. And I find that. When you start to want to go down that road of healing and you're on your spiritual awakening path and you do utilize a guide Someone to help you on that road It it can be really powerful because you might address like you said something comes up and then you work on it Then you clear that space way something new comes, but then it's not as hard So then you work on that one and then that you clear that away and then something new comes up But it's it could be the same thing. It could be something different, but We're just, it's peeling away the layers to get to just the true essence of us without the pain bodies, without the, the mental constant chatter that the ego, the mind wants to tell us. And all those things, those limiting beliefs, those vows, those programs, there's just so much that we can clear to help us really recognize that we are part of the divine. We're having this human experience and we should. and hopefully feel the best that we can be in this world today without all that stuff that we've carried on for lifetimes.

Liz Hill:

Well, yeah, that sounds like the ultimate goal, doesn't it, of what we want. How do people feel then after, after they've had a session? So do they, do you speak one to one or Zoom and then you have a session on your own where you go into their records and then you come and give them the feedback? Is that how it works?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

No, I, I do it live with the person. I do it over Zoom or in person if anyone lives in New Jersey. We talk through it and I'll tell them what I'm seeing. We'll work on something. A lot of active participation, because if I just do all the work. When's that, what ends up happening is that they, when there's no active participation, then it's kind of those days of the person doing, you know, the healer doing the work is really old now. It's really about the person coming in and, and wanting to work on it. And they might have to say something, a mantra or do some tapping, some energy work, or have a discussion or recognize. What is being brought up at the moment and then talk about it and, and recognize the fear or, or find the root cause in this life, or, I mean, gosh, who knows, but it's a, it's a team effort. We work on it together. Yeah, that sounds good. And people You're

Liz Hill:

bringing on all your skills as well, aren't you? All the other All the other courses you've done all comes in at that moment as well with how you can guide the person.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Right. Right. And then when they're done, you know, it could be tiring because the Akashic energy is very, very, very heavy and it's high vibration. So they might be tired, but then after a couple of days of releasing and clearing, typically I find that they feel better and then something new might come up. And hopefully not right away, but something might come up to say, Hey, you know, I think I need to work on this, or I feel really great about that. Let's work on this. Or I need to delve a little bit further about what we did to understand it more, or I'm finding a different avenue about it that's really affecting me, et cetera. So it's, it's just, it's a journey, but it's a really liberating light journey, I feel.

Liz Hill:

And how often do you go into your records?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Daily. For you? Yeah, I, almost every morning. And then I spend the day, um, in my records.

Liz Hill:

How would that explain how that would work for us? Do you do that like in a meditation and you think, Oh, I'm going to. Pop in, or is there something that you go into them and then you would have a meditation afterwards or does it not involve meditation at all?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

It's so funny you say that because this morning I was told I really need to start doing more meditation in the records. So you're reminding me, but I, what I do is I do my morning routine and then I will go into my records and I'll start to have a conversation and just, you know, just put the energy out for the highest and best for the day for myself on my highest and best timeline. And then if I have any questions about anything, I'll ask them and I just keep asking questions or I'll just keep the energy with me. But if I don't engage, If you don't engage the Akashic record keepers, then they, then the records just close on their own. So, um, some days I'll open the records and then I'll just get caught up with life and I won't be in the records unless I'm working. When I'm working, I'm always in the records. And then, um, And then I just close the records at the end of the day, if I've been in them all day. And uh, and then I go on again the next day.

Liz Hill:

That's fabulous. So you said about your routine, what's your morning routine? I'm always fascinated by everybody's spiritual morning routine. So what would you say yours was?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

I do a golden ball of meditation where I surround my auric fields with golden liquid light. And then I connect to source and I ground myself into Gaia. And then I do that for my family members and my close friends. And then I just set my intention for the day. I might like, I might look at a tarot card or two if I have the time, but otherwise I just do that meditation and I just set my intention for the day. And on a great day when I'm not rushing and I've woken up early enough, I will do a meditation for about five to 10 minutes. But sometimes that, that gets put on the wayside and I have to do it later in the day. But typically that's, it takes about maybe 10, 12 minutes, nothing too crazy, but it just helps me center myself and helps me really be present as best as I can in the moment. Mm

Liz Hill:

hmm. I understand that. I, I was joking with a friend the other day and we were saying if we did all these spiritual things that we want to do, I wouldn't leave the house until like four in the afternoon.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Oh my gosh. So true.

Liz Hill:

Isn't there? There's so much that. I want to do, and I hate this phrase, I don't have time. When you are running a business, you, you, you know, I, I have to be out of the door and I'm Mm-Hmm. you know, I'm lucky. It's better. I'm better in summer. I find because it's lighter than I'm, I can be up and outside at half past five some mornings because I wake up with a light. Right. I love that. I love that piece before everybody gets up. Mm-Hmm. winter, less so because I just want to hibernate, but there's so many things aren't there as we're. As we're always going on this journey that you, you hear, oh, oh yes, that's interesting. I'll try that. And, oh yeah, I'm going to add that. And we do it, don't we, for like weeks, months, and then it falls by the wayside and then somebody reminds you about something and you're like, oh, yeah, I'll try that again. But I think it's, I think we're all the same, aren't we? There's so many things that we would like to do. Um, but it's not about us, is it? It's about being of service. So we have to be out there. You know, working with people and, and helping them, but it always fascinates me. What would you say are your, so maybe like top three things that you would do for yourself that you think it's important? I'm always saying to people about self care. So you've said about your, your morning practice, what else would you bring in? To your day that you would provide self, not necessarily on a, on a daily, but that just provides you with self care. What, you know, what does Raynu do to get, you know, feel relaxed, feel connected apart from what you've told us?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Well, definitely meditation for sure. That's, that's huge. That's really, really, really helpful and powerful. I exercise because I find that. just keeps me more in my own physical being and really grounds me. So either I run or I do yoga or I rock climb. So something that really helps me keep myself as strong as possible, but also as physically present. And, um, what else do I do? I guess I try to eat as clean as I can. I find that that really does affect my vibration and it really does make a difference because when you're, when you're, when you're bogged down. And you just, it just doesn't feel so great. And I find that it affects my level of energy. And also when I'm going into the records, I'm a little bit sluggish. So I noticed that's a big one. And then just playing with my kids and with being with my family and just being as present as possible. That's really, that's really the goal of every day. As best as you can with chaos of little children and work and life and, you know, and all of that. Um, my daughter will be 10 next month and my son is seven. Aw,

Liz Hill:

nice ages though.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Yes. Lovely little souls. They're just, they're just such wonderful human beings. I'm really blessed with them.

Liz Hill:

Oh, that's lovely. I tell you, it's making me think, I did a podcast last year with Marisa Crane and she does Qigong and that's more a summer thing for me because I like to do it outside with my feet brown. But I, once I, when I found her, Yochi, she's uh, She is on YouTube and her practices. But I think that'd be quite good for kids as well, because you, you being animals or shapes or it sort of brings that in. But I, I found that I'm looking forward to, it doesn't seem to work for me inside the same, for some reason.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

I think when you connect with earth, with mother nature and you're barefoot in the grass and you're amongst the trees or just feeling the wind in your physical, you know, in your hair, it. It, it's just life changing, just standing in nature. And you know, I always tell when I talk about spiritual awakening, I say, you don't really need a guide. You don't really need a Reiki master or a Kaushik record consultant. You could be on your spiritual, spiritual awakening path by just standing in nature and being present and feeling the wind or feeling the grass on your feet. And for someone, for myself, I like to wear socks and shoes outside. It's a, it's, it's been a real big. Life changing challenge for me

Liz Hill:

back to you You've very kindly got a free gift. Haven't you? Yes, and the viewers. Would you like to tell us about that?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Sure It's at a website called or www. spiritualawakeningkit. com And in it I have audios for people kind of like what I do every morning the golden ball of light meditation a Column of light to just ground yourself talking a little bit about spiritual awakening and some meditations to help you in your morning for your morning practice, just to have ground yourself, but to really appreciate and, and command things into the universe. So it's just, uh, It's actually what I do in the morning, but I put it out there for the world. And I just find that it is just such a nice, if you don't have a morning routine, it's a nice thing to follow through and do yourself so that it keeps you on pace and, and keeps you, um, accountable, I guess you could say. Oh, that's

Liz Hill:

perfect. So all of those details I'll put in the show notes, um, along with Raynu's website, how you can contact her, social media, everything I'll pop down in the show notes, and then you can bob over and have a look. That'd be really great. I'm looking forward to listening to that. Okay. So we're back and I've just had my session, so I thought we'd put this add on bit at the end. I'm still a bit spaced. I'm not going to lie because it was, it was very deep. And, um, how can I explain it? Okay. So to start with Reino took me, um, through some amazing visualizations, um, guided visualizations and, um, had me running my energy. So connecting to source, connecting to the earth and running that through my body. And I have to say I meditate regularly. As you know, I'm quite preoccupied at the minute, cause we've got a big venture that's just about to take off, but. I haven't felt that relaxed in quite a long time, which is probably why I look a bit spaced and a bit so I'm going to try to remember what happened. Uh, but that was the first thing. And I could, this sounds silly as I say this, but I could hear Space so I could feel the softness around me feel, um, that space. Um, so Rainie does, um, as she opens the records now, I love it. As she's talking to, is it your guides that you're talking to? And are they relaying it through, or is it the Akashic record keeper or my Akashic record keeper? Who during the, when you're in the records, who is it you're speaking to?

Renu Mehta Cheng:

I'm speaking to all of the above. I'll speak to my record keepers, your record keepers, my higher self, your higher self, your team, my team. That's why when you said it was very crowded, there were a lot, I called in everyone for that session. Yeah.

Liz Hill:

This room was full. So the. Yeah. I found it really endearing your conversation backwards and forwards because Rainer would ask me a question and I'd be formulating it and then she'd be coming back with what they were saying. And I was like, well, yeah, okay, that's right. But I, I, I physically felt the sense of, of this room being full of people. I'm just going to check my notes. Um, so one of the questions I asked was, am I on purpose? To which she said partially, which I was a bit like, dang, because I thought I was. And, um, I'm going to sit with this and really look into this. But what they were saying is that I need to be going back to the hands on therapy, which I've done years ago. So I came back with my excuses that my hands hurt and I physically can't do it, but they were having none of that. And so they've given me a lot of food for thought on that one. So watch this space with regard to that, because there's more coming. The, one of the other things now, part, if you remember in Rainer's story, one of her big things was her neck and how she got the release when she had her records read for the first time. So I asked her about my neck, which has been on and off a problem throughout my life. And particularly about the last couple of weeks. On this side. So she immediately pinpointed where it was before I told her, um, or they did, they told her, um, and said, okay, let's just go through, sit quietly, palms up as you sit, close your eyes. And immediately as she said that, I felt like a gnarly little person come in and they were like, Fidgeting around my neck and it wasn't, it wasn't very comfortable to be honest. It was, you know, it was quite sort of like, Oh, what's going on here? You know, like you're having a, somebody's fumbling around looking for something. So it was quite weird. And then it felt like they took something out, like a shape of something out and the neck pain went, and then I could feel it in my shoulder. I didn't tell her that she told me that, or they told her that. Get confused with the he and the she and the they's.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

Yeah, it's a, it's a, it's a feel, it's registering, it's, it's everything. Yes, it is confusing.

Liz Hill:

That was quite mind blowing that I'm feeling it, Rain is telling me what I'm feeling and I haven't told her. Yet what's happening. So she told me that she could feel it in my shoulder more intensely, which I could. And then she was saying, um, words, emotions that were relevant to what is sitting in here. And I could relate to all of them, but the three of them, and I wish I could relate to strongly and like anything, as you know, we're working on ourselves. It's like peeling an onion. So we need to go down the layers, but I can honestly say. That's gone. I can feel something more in my upper shoulder than what I could before, which is obviously the shift because the body, we know as physical therapists, the body adapts. But that, that was a real physical one. And, you know, Reinu's in the States, I'm sat here and it's yeah, over zoom and it's mind blowing. Um, the other thing, my read my scroll. Yep. So I asked her, um, you know, she's asked me a lot. Have you got any more questions? And one of the questions was, um, up until about maybe eight years ago. 89 years ago, I had a gift, spiritual gift, which was quite prevalent in me. I would, I would hear it about people. I would see it with people when I was working with people. And it's very careful of my phrasing now. It's back now because she's brought it back, but in my mind then it wasn't. And I'm saying to her, I don't have it anymore. It's gone. And so she said, right, okay then. So we went through a prayer, which I repeated back with her. And then She's just again, brought me back to a meditative state and said, okay, I want you to try it out on somebody. So I had somebody in mind to try it out on somebody who I know would have permission. So I haven't gone into anybody's energy who wouldn't allow it. And it was there, it was back. So that I know that I'm really excited with. So there's a lot more and I need to Process a lot more, but I, I have to say it was quite. Mind blowing really, it's not, I'm not saying that in a surprised sense because I never doubted you. I knew you had the gift, which is why you're on the podcast in the first place, but to actually experience it for myself was quite intense. So I'm really grateful for that and the work that you've done with me today and Renu, we've said this before, but Renu has prepared a gift for you. so much. and me, which is going to be in the show notes below. And within that, there's some of the guided visualizations that you use with me today, isn't there? Yes.

Renu Mehta Cheng:

What else is in it? There are some strategies to help command energies into the universe to help you feel like you can have some type of control in your life. Talks about spiritual awakening. The Golden Ball of Light, some meditations. It's a really, it's something I do every day that I felt would be so nice to share with everyone. And I'm so, so honored to be able to work with you today, Liz, because it is really an honor to work in someone's records and to work on a healing journey. So I'm so glad that you had, you A good experience. So thank you so much.

Liz Hill:

Yeah, I had a wonderful experience. Thank you. And thank you for inviting me. And you can tell by Raina's voice, cause she's very calm, really beautiful voice. So you're going to love the meditation. I'm experiencing it firsthand now. So I just wanted to put this little interjection after our podcast, just then, you know, what you can experience with Reynos don't think about distance being an issue because it really isn't. I can tell you that because I've just experienced it myself. I'll put details below as well of how you can book. Uh, a session, or, uh, you can maybe email and just have a little chat with Renu just to, to, you know, sound it out. Would this be a, you know, do you think this would be something that would work for me, but I can tell you, I've got lots of notes scribbled and Renu's going to email me aren't you tomorrow with, um, the prayers that I have to do, that have to, I want to do to bring everything online and other little bits and pieces You, you just forget, you just don't want to come back. So again, thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it. And thank you for joining us and thank you for your free gift. So guys, don't forget, download that links in the bottom and I'll be back again very soon. Bye.

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