Cutting Edge Ministries Podcasts


David Bay Season 3 Episode 3

Once you understand how the child is supernaturally bound by a priest through Roman Catholic Doctrine, you will shockingly comprehend the monstrous threat to all children posed by the Catholic Priesthood. You will also understand how the Illuminati could then choose the Pope to be the False Prophet of Antichrist.

Almost daily for the past many months, new and ever more shocking allegations and admissions have poured forth about homosexual pedophile priests preying on young children entrusted to their care by trusting moms and dads. We have learned that such pedophilia has been going on for many decades, and that single priests have sexually abused dozens and dozens of young boys, 8-14 years of age! One Boston area priest is accused of sexually abusing over 100 boys.

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Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this is Jim on behalf of David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries, located on the Internet at and by phone at 1-800-451-8211


Once you understand how the child is supernaturally bound by a priest through Roman Catholic Doctrine, you will shockingly comprehend the monstrous threat to all children posed by the Catholic Priesthood. You will also understand how the Illuminati could then choose the Pope to be the False Prophet of Antichrist.

Almost daily for the past many months, new and ever more shocking allegations and admissions have poured forth about homosexual pedophile priests preying on young children entrusted to their care by trusting moms and dads. We have learned that such pedophilia has been going on for many decades, and that single priests have sexually abused dozens and dozens of young boys, 8-14 years of age! One Boston area priest is accused of sexually abusing over 100 boys.

Like multiple large rocks being individually cast into a placid lake, the ripple effect of these sexual abuses is incalculable; only on Judgment Day will people finally discover the true emotional, spiritual, and psychological damage done to thousands, and maybe tens of thousands, of young boys; but, this abuse extends further than just to the victim himself, as his spiritual and emotional damage will terribly affect those loved ones in his sphere of influence, extending to the full life of the victim. The cost to society itself is also so exceedingly high as to be absolutely incalculable on this side of Judgment Day.!

After a period of absolute outrage and attempted denial, a person is confronted with the nagging question, "how is this type of monstrous homosexual abuse of tender, innocent young boys possible?" To be sure, we have known that historically, priests of every era also preyed upon young girls and married women using the Confessional as their weapon; this heterosexual abuse continues even today, as many women have testified who have come out of Catholicism. Many women are afraid to go to Confession, because they have been verbally abused and threatened by the priest.

Therefore, we have to admit that the Roman Catholic priesthood is guilty of both heterosexual and homosexual sins against their penitents.

Further, how is it that Catholic Church officials could cover up such abuse, transferring offending priests into other parishes rather than turning them into the law? Since this type of official church cover-up is so widespread, has lasted for so many centuries, and has involved so many dioceses, one can only wonder if the problem might be systemic: that is, the problem may be so widespread because the official Roman Catholic Church is evil from the inside out, and from top to bottom?

Remember Jesus' warnings about knowing the truth of an individual or an organization by examining the spiritual fruits produced. Listen:

"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

[Matthew 7:16-20; KJV].

Repeat: Wherefore by their (spiritual) fruits ye shall know them.

Since no one in their right mind can possibly defend the sexually predatory activities of Roman Catholic priests, we have to ask the Biblical question, do we not? Is the Roman Catholic Church a good fruit tree, or is it a "bad (diseased) tree" bearing "bad (worthless) fruit"? You be the judge as we examine this question in detail.


NEWS BRIEF: "Priestly Sin, Cover-up: Powerful Cardinal in Vatican Accused of Sexual Abuse Cover-up", by, April 26, 2002.

"The alleged victims say the Vatican knew of the allegations against Father Marcial Maciel and chose not to pursue them. In fact, the pope has continued to praise 82-year-old Maciel ... as an effective leader of Catholic youth, despite detailed allegations sent to the Vatican four years ago saying the man was also a long-time pedophile ... Maciel is the founder of the little-known but well-connected and well-financed Legion of Christ which has raised millions of dollars for the Church. Operating in the United States and 19 other countries, the Legion of Christ recruits boys as young as 10 years old to leave their families and follow a rigorous course of study to become priests ..." [Emphasis added]

Note the term, "recruits boys as young as 10 years old". This type of pedophile recruiting is precisely the kind of activities that homosexuals carry out in their quest to seek out young sex partners. This is the kind of activity publicly advocated by NAMBLA [North American Man-Boy Love Association], of which Boston priest, Father Shanley, was a bold member! With this thought in mind, let us return to this above article, as one of Father Maciel's victims describes his molestation at the hands of the respected priest.

'He pushed my hand onto his penis. And I didn't know anything about masturbation,' Juan Vaca, who was first abused when he was 11 years old, told ABCNEWS. 'And he says, 'You don't know how to do it. Let me show you.' And he gets my penis himself and starts to masturbate me. I was in shock'."

This story goes well beyond shocking, does it not? You have to ask yourself that, if such a powerful Cardinal could sexually molest children, and still be protected by the Pope and his all-powerful hierarchy, how could any Pope ever hope to "solve" America's sexual abuse disaster by calling a special meeting with American Cardinals at the Vatican! How could Pope John Paul II hope to "solve" an American problem when he is hiding pedophilia -- covering it up --in his own back yard?!

When we reach back into history, we see that Popes have had a sorry record of sexual abuse.

Peter De Rosa, in his book, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, describes some of the men who held the office of a pope:

"Among the popes were a large number of married men, some of whom gave up their wives and children in exchange for the papal office. Many were sons of priests, bishops and popes; some were bastards; one was a widower, another an ex-slave; several were murderers, some unbelievers; some were hermits, some heretics, sadists and sodomites; many became popes by buying the papacy (simony), and continued their days selling holy things to rake in the money; one at least was Satan-worshipper; some fathered illegitimate children, some were fornicators and adulterers on a grand scale…." [ P. 30; Written 1988]

With leaders like this, is it any wonder that priests under them are perverted also? This above news story tells us that one of Pope John Paul II's high-ranking officials, and the head of an elite seminary, is a known pedophile, whom the Pope continues to support and to praise!

NEWS BRIEF: "Former Archdiocese vice chancellor offers resignation in face of abuse allegations", By Ron DePasquale, Associated Press, 04/26/02, carried by The Boston Globe.

"BOSTON -- A pastor, vicar and former Archdiocese of Boston vice chancellor facing allegations that he molested three teen-age boys offered his resignation in a letter publicized Friday. Msgr. Frederick J. Ryan, pastor of St. Joseph's in Kingston, told the archdiocese and his parish of his resignation in a letter sent earlier this week. Ryan also led the Plymouth vicariate, which includes 16 parishes."

"Ryan had been placed on administrative leave while the church investigated the claims against him, which date to the 1970s and '80s. Garry Garland, a former sports star at Catholic Memorial High School, where Ryan served as chaplain, became the first plaintiff to file suit against Ryan last month ... Garland says Ryan gave him wine at a Boston restaurant, took several nude photographs of him in the chancery, and performed oral sex on him ... In another lawsuit, David E. Carney of Boston alleged that Ryan sexually abused him twice at the archdiocese chancery 20 years ago. Carney also claims that Ryan drove Carney and a friend of Carney's to a Cranston, R.I., motel where Ryan plied the boys with liquor and sexually molested them ... The parents of the late Daniel O'Loughlin, who was an altar boy in Boston in 1970, also have accused Ryan of sexually abusing their son ... Ryan is the highest-ranking, living church official to be accused of child molestation. Garland also alleges he was fondled by the late Cardinal Humberto Medeiros at the chancery."

"Father" Ryan was obviously a long-term, unrepentant Catholic pedophile priest, who had sexual relations with young boys in his church during the time he was not performing Mass at Church. Truly, the Apostle Paul understood this type of person really well when he warned that, at the time of the End of the Age, a certain predatory type of individual would rise up. Listen:

"But the Holy Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that, in latter times, some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach. Through the hypocrisy and pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared (cauterized). Who forbid people to marry and teach them to abstain from certain kinds of foods ..." [1 Timothy 4:1-3; Emphasis added.].

Let us review again the pertinent revelation given by the Apostle Paul through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit:

"DOCTRINES THAT DEMONS TEACH: Example #1: Forbidding people to marry; Example #2) Teaching people to abstain from certain kinds of foods"

You can certainly recognize the Roman Catholic Church in this verse, can you not? By teaching that priests cannot marry, Roman Catholic officials opened a huge spiritual doorway for sexual demons to enter and devastate the flock

Truly, celibacy is a "doctrine that demons teach"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Pope says no place for paedophiles in Church", Tue Apr 23, 2:59 PM ET, By Philip Pullella and Crispian Balmer, Yahoo News.

"VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul (news - web sites), formulating his own zero tolerance policy on child abuse by priests, told American Catholic leaders on Tuesday that paedophilia was a crime that had no place in the Church. Addressing a crisis meeting of top U.S. churchmen and Vatican (news - web sites) officials, he also offered comfort to victims of paedophile priests and said he hoped the scandal that has rocked the United States would lead to 'a holier priesthood'.

'The abuse which has caused this crisis is, by every standard, wrong, and rightly considered a crime by society: it is also an appalling sin in the eyes of God,' he said. The Pope's powerful, clear words may determine whether the U.S. church formulates policy to expel paedophiles from the priesthood and hand them over to civil authorities."

This "powerful" statement by the Pope seems rather hollow and self-serving in light of the first news story we examined, above, where the Vatican has been protecting its own pedophile priests, in its elite seminaries! Just two days after this story ran, Catholic sex abuse victims and their families were outraged that the final statements by the American Cardinals backed off from this original harsh condemnation.

NEWS BRIEF: "Investigative Report --Sins of a Father: 'Sauna Kids' Abuse", by Kelley Patricia O'Mera, Insight On The News, April 22, 2002,

"In the summer of 1985 the National Conference of Catholic Bishops held a closed meeting at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minn., a major center of the Order of St. Benedict in the United States, to address the problem of sexual abuse of children by clergy ... St. John's is a nationally known center of liturgical revolution, redirecting Catholic liturgy away from worship of a transcendent God to community-centered participation. Thousands of Catholic parishes use its manuals weekly.

"An investigation by this magazine suggests that nearly two dozen cases have been settled privately by the Roman Catholic Church there and that, according to victims, parents, lawyers and priests, there are likely to be more cases. These are cases that, as with the scandals in New York and Boston, could unfold into a worse nightmare than currently even imagined. Meanwhile, ironically, the document given to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops so many years ago could open the floodgates against the church for its failure to protect children and other sexual innocents entrusted to the care of its clergy by a system that was warned but failed to deal rigorously with the widespread problem of sexual predators. Here, in an exclusive report, Insight looks at the personal stories and allegations of sexual exploitation at the hands of just one priest, the Rev. Richard Eckroth, a veteran clergyman accused of molesting both little boys and young girls over many years.

"This is their story--the story of youngsters called the 'Sauna Kids'. It developed between 1971 and 1976 when 'Father Richard' invited scores of children in groups of four to six for weekends at a remote log cabin on Lake Swensen near Bemidji, Minn., owned by St. John's Abbey. These youngsters ranged in age from 7 to 13. They tell Insight they saw a happy time turn into the nightmare of a life dealing with painful memories of what occurred at the abbey's cabin where, they claim, they suffered abuse at the hands of their trusted priest."

One of the greatest horrors with which any parent lives is the nightmarish possibility that their children might be sexually molested, especially when the parent is totally unaware such molestation has occurred. Parents go out of their way to ensure that children are protected against sexual predators at all times; untold millions of Catholic parents breathed a sigh of relief when they sent their kids off to Catholic Church Camp, believing they were safe for the time they were there. Little did they know that their precious children were being delivered into the hands of some of the most severe child molesters and rapists the world had ever seen!

NEWS BRIEF: "Catholic Church Was Warned to Take Action", Posted April 19, 2002, By Paul M. Rodriguez and Kelly Patricia O'Meara, Insight On The News, April 19, 2002.

""The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy" is how the report begins. It is a confidential document written nearly 17 years ago that lays out a detailed plan to steer the Roman Catholic Church away from troubled waters. The flood of allegations splashing across the news today strongly suggests that its leadership did not fully implement -- if at all -- such a plan and went to great lengths to cover up problems, quietly buy off victims and rotate pedophile and homosexual predator priests from parish to parish without telling the public."

Obviously, this report demonstrates several truths:

1). The Roman Catholic Church at the highest levels has known of this homosexual pedophile disaster for a long time, but has done nothing to correct the problem and root out those offenders. Instead, Catholic Church officials just spread the problem around, from parish to parish, exposing even more of their families and their precious children to these sexual predators. Remember this fact, based in current news stories, for we shall return to it when we discuss the history of such practices by the Catholic Church.

2). Priestly sexual molestation has been going on for a very long time. While this report goes back only 17 years, other reports filed with police departments across the land specify time periods going back several decades.

3). No one in the Catholic Church really cares about the victims. No one really cares! Everyone in authority in these matters really only cares about the public opinion of the Church itself, the institution.

Later in this Insight report, Catholic officials note that they have depended in the past upon Roman Catholic judges and attorneys to sweep allegations under the carpet, thus protecting the diocese and the offending priests! Therefore, we have a total Catholic Church problem, do we not? Homosexual priests caught sexually abusing young boys can count upon a coddling diocese, while the diocese knows they can depend upon Roman Catholic judges and attorneys! No one in the entire Roman Catholic system really cares one whit about the helpless, innocent children -- the ultimate victims. In the minds of every Catholic in authority, these children must be considered as worthless "bottom-feeders"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Sex Abuse by Clergy a Global Problem", Fri APR 19, 1:46 PM ET, By RICHARD N. OSTLING, AP Religion Writer, Yahoo News.

"NEW YORK (AP) - Canada, Australia, Ireland, Britain, France, Germany, Mexico, Poland. It may be the American cardinals who are headed to the Vatican, but the Roman Catholic Church has faced clergy sex scandals around the globe ... No one knows whether those [other] nations actually have more molester priests. Some observers suggest that victims in English-speaking countries — along with journalists, lawyers and prosecutors — just have more support if they dare to speak up. Canada has faced devastating sex abuse scandals. Indians in that nation have filed 2,500 compensation claims over physical and sexual abuse at boarding schools run by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and the order filed for bankruptcy protection last week."

"Also, Archbishop Alphonsus Penney of St. John's, Newfoundland, became the first prelate to resign for poor administration when he quit in 1991 after more than 20 of his clergy were charged with molesting boys.

"Australian cases began surfacing in the late 1980s, and during the past nine years at least 50 priests and brothers have been sentenced for sexual offenses. One of the worst involved sex rings at four Christian Brothers orphanages. Barry Coldrey, a Christian Brother who aided government inquiries, said he received Vatican pressure to stop releasing material about his findings.

"In Ireland, the church faces 'the greatest institutional crisis in its modern history,' the Irish Times editorialized last week. An estimated 3,000 victims at church schools and orphanages will share $110 million in compensation under a January deal, with the church paying perhaps a fourth and taxpayers the rest."

"Twenty-one priests were convicted of molestation between 1995 and 1999 in England. There, as in Ireland, bishops have set up a child-protection office.

"Continental Europe has suffered fewer public cases, but they have still been embarrassing."

NEWS BRIEF: "Sent to California on Sick Leave, Boston Priest Bought Racy Gay Resort", by Nick Madigan,, The New York Times, April 15, 2002.

"PALM SPRINGS, Calif., April 12 — When Boston church officials granted the Rev. Paul R. Shanley a medical leave 12 years ago and allowed him to move here, they saw it as a chance for him to heal various physical ailments, primarily allergies, in the desert air, and to do a little pastoral work if and when he was well enough. At his insistence, Father Shanley's Boston superiors arranged for regular checks to be sent to him for living expenses and medical bills, and sent laudatory letters of recommendation to their counterparts at the Diocese of San Bernardino, carefully avoiding mention of a swirl of accusations that he had molested more than two dozen young boys in Massachusetts going back to 1967.

"What his superiors appeared not to know, however, was that the address to which they were sending Father Shanley's checks for most of his time here was the Cabana Club Resort, one of the many hotels that cater to the town's gays. Father Shanley became an owner of the hotel, along with the Rev. John J. White, another Boston priest who was also on sick leave and receiving money from the Boston Archdiocese. Father White was the sole owner of a second hotel, the nearby Whispering Palms."

Wonderful! Now, we see that, when Father Shanley was not performing Mass, he was sexually molesting young boys; and when he was sent on "sick leave", he was running his gay hotel in Southern California! Truly, you have to remember the Apostle Paul's declaration that people who propagate "doctrines that demons teach" have consciences that are seared by a hot iron. Such consciences are totally dead, inoperative, allowing a person to live a completely double life, pretending to be religiously pious on the one hand while living an active gay lifestyle on the other. Such was Father Shanley, and a great number of Roman Catholic priests.

A 'seared conscience' explains why Father Shanley could perform his daily priestly duties and yet publicly advocate sex between adults and youngsters as part of his duties in the Man-Boy Love Association, one of the most reprehensible organizations on the planet! These homosexuals actually promote sex with younger and younger boys. Father Shanley was an outspoken member and Cardinal Law knew it, yet he still kept shuttling Shanley from parish to parish where he would have physical access to younger and younger boys! ["Papers Outline Church Cover-up of Abuse Allegations",, April 9, 2002]

The Apostle Paul said that men who taught "doctrines that demons teach" would have seared consciences. Teaching men not to marry was given as one example of such a demonic doctrine. Therefore, anyone who advocates celibacy is not only teaching a demonic doctrine, but possesses a seared conscience! The entire Roman Catholic hierarchy, from the Pope on down, has a seared conscience, totally unworking, and totally abandoned by the Holy Spirit. This is THE most serious problem with the Roman Catholic Church; heterosexual misconduct and homosexuality among the priests, all covered up by the establishment, is one one of the more obvious "rotten fruits" of a church founded on "doctrines that demons teach".


Obviously, this disaster is global; therefore, one must look at the institution of the Roman Catholic Church itself to discover the full truth as to why church priests have turned into pedophiles. Of course, the Roman Catholic Church has been in existence for almost 1,700 years. Has deviant sexual behavior long been a problem of the Catholic Church? I believe it has, and offer the following proofs. Let us begin back at 1 Timothy 4:3:

"DOCTRINES THAT DEMONS TEACH: Example #1: Forbidding people to marry"

When the Roman Catholic Pope issued his original decree ordering that Catholic priests be celibate, he was taking Rome down the paths of demons; he was forcing a classical demonic trap upon the entire church! He was literally opening the structure of the entire Catholic Church to demonic possession and/or affliction!

In Witchcraft, the practitioner always seeks spiritual doorways in his victims in order to obtain the spiritual legal authority for Satan and his demons to enter a person to possess them or to afflict them. As we describe spiritual doorways to you, keep in mind that the entire Roman Catholic Church opened itself, its priests, and its parishioners to spiritual possession and/or affliction when priestly celibacy was imposed. All Catholics in the world today are facing open spiritual doorways in their lives, and they do not realize the spiritual plight they are facing.

This ends part 1.

In Part 2 we will  turn our attention to the subject of "Spiritual Doorways":

For more information on this subject see our DVD "PEDOPHILIA: Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret"

BELIEF: Eternal Life To Anyone Having Sex With a Minor Child

Pedophilia is literally the 'grease that moves the levers of power', from people as diverse as Jeffrey Epstein, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden. both George Bushes and Henry Kissinger!

In this Teaching learn what demonic overlords command: geopolitical perversity, nihilism, violence, 'Wokeness' and satanism working frantically to crush and pervert our morality, children, Scriptural family values, freedom and religious rights.

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