Cutting Edge Ministries Podcasts


David Bay Season 3 Episode 6

Americans are truly in love with all things alien and UFO. And no wonder, for we have been fed a steady diet since 1938, with tremendous emphasis on them since World War II. People love to be titillated, and nothing excites quite so much as aliens from another world. Since World War II, alien movies have shown aliens to be hostile in some films and friendly in others.'E.T.' is a good example of showing aliens as friendly beings that just seem to have our best interests at heart.

While most people believe Aliens are just harmless entertainment fare, New Age adherents are taking them very, very seriously. Further, they are claiming that Aliens do exist, and are attempting to help lead us Earthlings into the new, higher levels of consciousness that will allow The Christ to appear. If you do not believe me, just walk into any New Age bookstore, and peruse the many volumes on Aliens and UFO's. Or, if you surf the Net, type New Age into a Search Engine. Then, scroll down the many listings, noting how many times Aliens or UFO's are referenced.

But, why would New Agers be so excited and enthused about Aliens and UFO's? The answer will both enlighten and surprise you. Stand by for 'the Rest of the News'.

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