Castine Conversations

Neil Scarth - Commission Rebundling in the UK

Castine LLC

In this conversation we meet Neil Scarth, Founder and Principal of Frost Consulting.

Neil Scarth has held a wide range of roles in asset management and investment banking in Europe and North America over the last 25 years, ranging from running equity businesses at global banks to launching and managing various asset management products. Neil has comprehensive knowledge of the strategic and competitive framework that governs the inter-relationships between plan sponsors, asset managers and investment banks.

Frost Consulting, which was formed in 2007, focuses on commission management and unbundling. Frost's depth and breadth of experience helps their clients navigate existing rules around unbundling as well as helping them understand how proposed changes in the UK and Europe - along with the sunsetting of the SEC No Action Letter - will impact and benefit them. My conversation with Neil is on those changes and where things may play out over then next year or two. 

This conversation is with Robin Hodgkins, Castine's President and covers the potential changes in the UK around commission management as being led by Jeremy Hunt and Rachel Kent.

For more information on Frost Consulting, please visit

For more information on Castine LLC, including our commission management, compensation, and compliance solutions for investment managers and retail and institutional brokers, please visit