Pixels Polygons and Fun

Pixels Polygons and Fun Episode 09: Witch Time!

Pixels Polygons and Fun Season 1 Episode 9
1st episode without the main host RaggingGingy, let's see how our co-host Pegasus takes in the reins?? No, seriously. He did a fantastic job! -Gingy We are Pixels Polygons and Fun! a video game podcast, where we talk about anything under the video game sun! We are brand new, so we do ask some slack lol. We will get better over time!! Feel free to follow us with our channels!: RaggingGingy's Twitter: @RaggingGingy Pegasus's Twitter: @Pegasusthegame1 The Show's Twitter: @PPaFPodcast Join our Community Discord! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/UQzZsnK or you can email us directly at: ppandfpodcast@gmail.com For any comments, concerns, or topic suggestions, feel free! We are now LIVE on Google Play, iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify!! If you guys could leave us a review that would be greatly appriciated! <3 Intro and Outro music is: Splash Hill Zone Remix by GlitchXCity Futurama is owned by Fox and owns all rights. We are Pixels Polygons and Fun! Thank you for your time! And we hope you enjoy!

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