Podcast Solutions Made Simple

Chasing the Entrepreneurship Dream and Conquering Podcasting: A Journey with Shari Doherty

Carl Richards Season 1 Episode 19

Imagine one day waking up and deciding to ditch your corporate job to chase the entrepreneurship dream. That's exactly what Shari Doherty, a successful real estate agent from Kingston, Ontario, Canada, did. In our insightful conversation, Shari opens up about her leap of faith into the entrepreneurial world, the struggles she encountered, and the reinvention that comes with such a life-altering decision. 

Shari's journey didn't stop at real estate, though. She ventured into the podcasting world, where she hosts the Encore Podcast - a platform she uses to express her voice and share transformative tales of others like her. Shari gives us a peek into the world of podcasting, highlighting the challenges, costs, and the immense potential it holds for building credibility and expanding one's network. But it's not all rosy; Shari doesn't shy away from discussing the tough aspects of maintaining a podcast.

The conversation then shifts gears to the critical role of networking, resilience, and using multiple platforms for business growth. Shari advocates for the long-term benefits of public-facing activities and how they can lead to business growth. Shari's vision? Achieving financial independence for her family. She doesn't stop at just dreaming; she emphasizes investing in expert coaching and the right tools to make this vision a reality, just like you'd hire a mechanic for your car! Want to connect with Shari? She's just an email away. Get inspired by Shari's journey and learn why she firmly believes that your best songs are yet to be sung!

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Carl Richards, Shari Doherty

Carl Richards  00:04

Welcome to Podcast Solutions Made Simple. It's the podcast that's all about podcasting. I'm your host, Carl Richards, you know, in my 25 plus years in the broadcast and speaking world, I've noticed a lot of overwhelm when it comes to podcasting. And I'm here to tell you, it doesn't have to be that way. If you're a coach, consultant, or other subject matter expert, and the thought of starting a podcast seems too technical, too confusing, too time consuming, or just way out of your reach, then this is the podcast for you. On this show, we give you the tools, tips and techniques to run a kick ass show and share stories from people who have been there, done that and are enjoying massive success with their own shows. Oh, and if you're an existing podcaster this show is also for you. The mics are up. So let's dive into today's episode. 

You know, there are various reasons why people come to the podcasting space. And sometimes when they first come to the space, they're not sure why they're here. So I want to have a conversation today with Shari Doherty. She's my guest today. And she's a real estate agent in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. That's not the full story. I'm sure we'll get more of her story. But she's also a podcast host. And I know she didn't come to this place, easily or organically. It was a process. So I want to find out about that, as well and see how the podcast is working for Shari. Shari, welcome to the show.

Shari Doherty  01:22

Thank you for having me today, Carl.

Carl Richards  01:24

So tell me about the Coles Notes version of your career path. What brought you to where you are today in that area.

Shari Doherty  01:30

Very long story short, I had a 30 year corporate career in the insurance industry. In 2018, that was no longer so. 

Carl Richards  01:40

Oh, wow. ok. 

Shari Doherty  01:41

And I decided that I needed to reinvent myself because as I looked at what I had been doing for the first half of my life and my career, it was great. And I wouldn't change anything. But it wasn't what I wanted to do for the second half of my career. And in my world, I call that your encore career, which is why the podcast is aptly named The Encore podcast!

Carl Richards  02:02


Shari Doherty  02:02

It is really just to tell my story and to share the stories of other people like myself, who often around the midpoint of their life, do some sort of reevaluation. And a lot of times, there's a imposed change on you like there was for me. So it could be a career change. It could be a divorce, it could be a death and illness, just an epiphany or an awareness or awakening things happen to people when they get to the midpoint because they actually really stopped to reevaluate, "oh, my half of my life is over!" 

Carl Richards  02:35


Shari Doherty  02:35

"And what do I want the second half to look like? And do I want to show up as in that second half?" So for me, I took that time to reevaluate in the summer of 2018. And realize that what I had been doing was not what I wanted to do going forward. We had dabbled in some small businesses and always had a big entrepreneurial spirit in our life. And with my family, we've had a couple of businesses that were moderately successful. And I really did have the entrepreneurial itch, I wanted to believe in myself and take the leap of faith. 

So corporate life is great, it's secure, and you have a stable paycheck every two weeks, and you have benefits, and you have a nice office and expense card and all the things. And it's scary when you walk away from all of that, and now you're self employed, and the only person who's going to generate business is you. And while the funny part of the story was for my entire career, I kept saying, "After this, insert the name of my corporate company here, I'm going to get into real estate after this, I'm gonna get into real estate." 

And then one day in September 2018, I thought, "shit, it's after. I guess I better put my money where my mouth was for the last couple of years and actually explore getting my real estate license and figuring out if this really is what I want to do." Because I didn't want to run down the street to another corporate insurance company, which I could have, and just did the same thing. So fast forward, I got my real estate license and got started and had some moderate success in the first year or two, while actually the first year and then the pandemic hit.

Carl Richards  04:11

Lovely pandemic. 

Shari Doherty  04:12

Yeah, just I really felt like the rug had been pulled out under me-

Carl Richards  04:17


Shari Doherty  04:18

-for a number of different changes in 2018. Not necessarily just career, but I had an empty nest and I had another business close and a whole lot of things happen. So all of my solid foundation was gone. And then just as I started to get myself back up on my feet, be excited about my new business and my new career, the stupid pandemic hit. So I really feel like a wave. Just be like "no down girl. It's not time yet you're not going to come out flourishing just yet." And that took a lot of strength and perseverance as it did for everybody. 

Carl Richards  04:47


Shari Doherty  04:48

But as I've ventured out into the world of entrepreneurialism and network groups, particularly in our community, I've met so many amazing people with amazing stories, similar to mine, so everybody was doing their thing just trying to get by and survive, support their families and build a life for the first half of their life. 

And then when some of those things have been accomplished, a lot of times either people burn out or something happens where they think, "oh boy! what do I want to do with the second half?" And they completely reinvent themselves. So that's what my podcast is about is shining the spotlight on those people and their amazing stories. And the message to anybody in that place is; there is so much more! This is the encore. This is when the best songs are still yet to be sung.

Carl Richards  05:31


Shari Doherty  05:32

And to the loudest applause, and to the younger generations. Don't count us out.  Don't put us out to pasture yet.  Exactly. So as it relates to my real estate career, it's going really well, I'm really happy. It is how I pay my bills and how I support my family still have this other passion project as well, though, which is The Encore podcast and all things encore, which in my dreams and visions one day will be a community that I will be having encore events and encore trips. And they look very different than what we envisioned our gray hairs soft shoe moms doing when they went on a bus trip. So stay tuned for The Encore World.

Carl Richards  06:11

I'm looking forward to hearing more about that as it evolves. And it's so true what you said about COVID, my goodness. It grounded so many of us- well it grounded the entire world pretty much. But can you imagine back in 2018, setting your five year goals, and then going well, "I didn't see that coming?"

Shari Doherty  06:27

Yeah, I think about even New Year's Eve 2018. What we were imagining my husband and I were actually celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. And we had planned to go to Hawaii in 2020. 

Carl Richards  06:38


Shari Doherty  06:38

Guess who didn't go to Hawaii in 2020 .

Carl Richards  06:40

Uh, Shari and her husband?

Shari Doherty  06:41


Carl Richards  06:43

So you're in your second career. 

Shari Doherty  06:45


Carl Richards  06:46

You have a podcast.

Shari Doherty  06:47

 I do. 

Carl Richards  06:47

First question I'll ask you in relation to the podcast is what brought you to the space. What- why podcasting?

Shari Doherty  06:53

Well, it's interesting, because I have brilliant children, which helped me in all of my businesses. And they're so smart, and so tech savvy and so advanced and forward thinking, and I really admire and they inspire me. But if I think backwards to the first time I heard the word podcast, I think it was my son in grade 11, or some age like that grade 10 or 11. And literally, the boy wouldn't shut up about this thing called podcasting. He was just talking "podcast, podcast podcast, there's gonna be this podcast and that podcast." And he actually had one or two of his own. 

And we were wondering, why is he talking about this so much, it hurts our heads. What I wish is I had of listened, because he's very cutting edge and he is ahead of the curve. So now I have to be asking him what's in the future five years that I should be investing in. So we should all ask him. But that that was my first even knowledge of the word podcast. And in my head, I was like, Well, that sounds kind of like a radio show." But I guess given technology, now we all have access to have a voice and we can get our message out there. That's kind of neat, kind of cool. We started playing around with it, particularly as a family. 

So I fast forward it a little bit. But I have what people say is a unique and interesting family. And for our entire lives, people would say, "oh my god, I would love to sit at your kitchen table." And the stories and the things that you guys talk about some not appropriate, just funny, you know, the Saturday night talk and the energy because we're also entrepreneurial and business savvy, that we said, "hey, let's let everybody in." So why don't we start The Family Business podcast. And that was when I was trying to build myself entrepreneurially my daughter has her own business as well. My son does his things. And my husband actually is a DJ. So he's always been very comfortable behind a microphone. And we said let's share this with people. 

So we started playing around a little bit with the family business podcast. Now I liked that you said people have their podcasts in "pod-gatory."  Because that's where the family business podcast is right now. We probably did 10 episodes, we got some really good feedback. People love listening to our nonsense. Not sure why but people do love listening to our nonsense. However, that kind of gave me an appetite and a feel for, "I do like doing this." I feel comfortable. I feel confident. And I feel like I have a voice and somebody needs to hear it. 

And I want to speak for my generation and for all the people over 50 that potentially life has tried to knock down and we come back swinging and say no! I know so many people. So we deserve a platform which that evolved then into not intentionally just by time and design, I guess kind of shelving, the family business podcast. And then Kieran and I have really partnered on the whole Encore concept and I have a lot in the works, whether it's a community. 

I also have a book that I've written but it's not quite ready to be released. I have a big get goal from a celebrity perspective. So I'm hoping maybe episode 50 or 100 of my podcast can be this famous person which is the big goal and the I kind of lit my fire for it. And then the more I've done it, the more fun it's been. And at the end of the day, I haven't made a dime from doing this, it actually costs me dimes, because the producer isn't free, and- 

Carl Richards  08:56

Right. Especially your producer, he probably charges you top notch.

Shari Doherty  10:13

Double, right? But it's fun, and it's building my confidence. And it's also kind of a side effect is building my network. 

Carl Richards  10:22


Shari Doherty  10:22

So I'm not doing this to promote real estate, there are a ton of great real estate podcasts.  Yep.  With really huge industry experts, even REMAX themselves, I'm gonna leave it to them because they know what they're doing. 

Carl Richards  10:34


Shari Doherty  10:34

This is more, and we talked about this a little bit more about Know, Liking and Trusting me. And if you Know, Like, and Trust me and have heard of me through The Encore podcast and you one day think you might want to move and maybe I come to mind, then great, that's gonna be a side benefit to this. But this is really just about providing a voice and a platform for our generation. And the amazing people that I know.

Carl Richards  10:57

I love it. And full disclosure, I was a guest on Shari's podcast recently as well, which so when she talks about the Know, Like and Trust factor, we talked about that on her show. And we've talked about that a lot on the show as well with some of our other guests. And when we talk about the Five Myths and some of our earlier episodes, and Shari mentioned something called pod-gatory, which is where podcasts go to die once they've basically run the lifecycle or for some people who have had podcasts for be it a short while or a long while go, "I'm done!" But that content doesn't disappear, it's still lingers in this space called pod-gatory. 

So the content is still out there. So you got some amazing things going on. And that's what I like is that you've come to this space, you're embracing it, you're loving what you're doing. And one of the things that you said that was fascinating to me was that you're not using this as a way to make money. If anything, it's an investment, it's costing you a few pennies to do that. And I like that you share that because so many people come into this space. And they ask immediately before they even publish a show, they say how is my podcast going to make me money, whereas you've completely turned it around and said, I have a voice, it needs to be heard. Down the line if somebody wants to come and partner with me or you know, some of the goals-

Shari Doherty  10:58


Carl Richards  10:58

-that you've shared with the of the bigger picture vision, which is great, by the way, and I guess I'm not guest number 100. So, I guess I'm not famous enough. But I like how you've positioned yourself and been willing to put yourself out there, regardless of what the investment is. Because you know that if you keep doing this, not only is it going to promote awareness, it's going to elevate your credibility even more, even though you're not talking about real estate, it's still putting your best self out there.

Shari Doherty  12:45


Carl Richards  12:45

And one of the things that a lot of podcasters struggle with is putting themselves out there and wanting to do it, not because they want the money, but because they want to be there and be seen as the expert. Right? What's one of the challenges? Or what are some of the challenges that you have had along the way with your show? I know, you mentioned that there was the first show and now there's this show, and you're still there. But what are some of the challenges that you struggle with or that you have struggled with in relation to being in this space and continuously playing in this space?

Shari Doherty  13:16

It's a lot of work to-  That's why you have a producer! Right! But he does the technical producing, I'm still recruiting guests. And most times, if it's somebody that I haven't met before, I will have a pre meeting with them to make sure that we're aligned, I don't want to give someone a voice for something I don't agree with to be honest. So I want to make sure that you know, essentially our value systems and our messaging aligns. So between you know, scheduling, logistically, the you know, the producers schedule and mine we try and batch record. 

So today is Friday, and we're recording four or five today. And that is a really effective way to do it, as opposed to trying to get him for four or five one hour slots over a month. So we do try and batch record, which is a little bit of a pro tip I would share with everybody is just rip off the band aid do it all in one day. That though, also managing interests and inquiries because I have had people either raise their hands or nominate people, which is wonderful. And the scheduling of all of that, in addition to some times I've you know, had to do a pre meeting over zoom. 

Sometimes there's been some scheduling conflicts and being mindful that this is equally important work because while I'm doing this today, let's be honest, I'm not selling houses and selling houses is paying my bills right now. And so I have to be mindful that this is also really important and really valuable. And sometimes it's okay to just take a day away for something that you just love that isn't necessarily income generating. So I would just say that it's been a little bit more work than I had anticipated. I guess a lot of people get VAs and I-

Carl Richards  14:55


Shari Doherty  14:55

-On the other side of my business and personally thinking it's probably time that I have some sort of assistant formally, that helps me manage my time and some of my clerical tasks and things like that. But that would be a big thing. I don't think that people appreciate that as much. I also pre listenen to every one of my recordings before we release it. So there's a whole 'nother half an hour. I typically do that while I'm driving, because that's a good way to make use of your time. 

But it is a lot of work. And honestly, I couldn't do it without the talent of the producer. Because I am not the person who can make all the magic happen to cut out the hums and ahhs and when someone comes to the door, when we giggle, or when something happens. And I don't even know how to put it up on the streaming platforms. So that's what we pay the brilliant, talented people of the younger generation for.

Carl Richards  15:43

He's a pretty talented producer. He's also my producer. And the product of you actually, if I can say Kieran has been with us here at Podcast Solutions Made Simple, pretty much almost since inception, but great to have him on our team. You said something very interesting about the batch recording being something that you would advise, especially the newbies coming in, if you're thinking of really maximizing your time, do that because it does actually make it easier, especially if you are using your producer and I know that we've actually taken not our show, but with some of our clients, we've been on location with him similar to what we're doing here in your space today. 

This is where we're recording today is in your lovely space here. But we've done that on occasion, it's been a full day right of shooting of gathering that content. But what that means is that now we have that content. And now we can finesse those six or eight episodes and make them ready. And it's also maximizing the time for- for your host to be able to do that. So that's a phenomenal thing. We're post COVID, endemic, whatever you want to call it. Live networking events are opened up again, live stages are open. I know you're in the Toastmasters world as well, and you love being in the Toastmasters space.

Shari Doherty  16:53

I'm President of downtown Kingston Toastmasters.

Carl Richards  16:55

Oh, you're the president this year. 

Shari Doherty  16:56

Effective yesterday!

Carl Richards  16:57

Madam President. I'm so glad to be in your presence. But no seriously great organization that I also spent some time in. But you know, live stages are back everything live is back. Would you ever give up your podcast?

Shari Doherty  17:11

No, I'll do both. So I will definitely- I'm more than happy to speak on a live stage I'm very comfortable in speaking. And I do. Again, when we're thinking about the big, hairy audacious goal, I have a live event planned in my head with the same big celebrity that we haven't asked yet. But it will all coincide when it's meant to, which will have me on a large stage hosting the event nice. And so it's all multipronged supporting the same end goal and vision. 

And I think that I want to reach people where they want to be reached. So some people want a straight up written email or a newsletter. Some people want to read a book, some people want to listen to a podcast, some people just like to scroll social media, I will be wherever you need and want me to be to communicate the messages that I believe are so important. And this is one prong of that, ultimately, so don't think I'll give it up for live. I think I'll add it to, it'll be in my toolkit for sure.

Carl Richards  18:07

I like that. And even though your podcast isn't about business, 

Shari Doherty  18:10


Carl Richards  18:10

It's not about real estate at all. 

Shari Doherty  18:12


Carl Richards  18:12

Have you noticed an uptick though, in your business? Because you have a podcast?

Shari Doherty  18:16

I would say that it's built my network. And then by default, building your network makes people more aware because they will say, "Oh, what does that lady do for a living?" Which turns into someone saying, hey, my neighbor needs to sell their house? Or could you come and do an evaluation or whatnot. So I think any professional development that you do, or any endeavor you do to make yourself more public facing and build that credibility will ultimately grow your business.

Carl Richards  18:44

I think you hit the nail right on the head there too. When you said that it has a spin-off effect, and an indicating it's a long game. It's not a short game. 

Shari Doherty  18:53


Carl Richards  18:53

You don't just come into this space thinking I'm going to be a superstar. Unless you already are a superstar. I mean, Oprah Winfrey, I think has two or three podcasts. But she's already spent-

Shari Doherty  19:03

Sorry Oprah Winfrey!

Carl Richards  19:04

-three years building her career, right? So, you know, she didn't start out that way. Right. So when you have that celebrity status is different when you're Shari Doherty or Carl Richards, or even though I run an agency, I'm still not worldly famous. So it is a long game. It's a longer game.  And as you said, the spin off of you're building your network connecting with more people, be they like you said you're doing in person events. 

You're connected to people through Toastmasters and other organizations. You have the podcast, even though it's not about real estate, it has that spin-off effect and you're seeing it as a long game. You're not looking at it month to month going, Well geez, I'm not getting any results from this in my real estate business. I'm thinking of giving it up." Because you've already indicated you're not going to. 

Shari Doherty  19:18

Right. I'm not no. 

Carl Richards  19:45


Shari Doherty  19:45

No, I have a lot of stick with it-ness-

Carl Richards  19:47

I love it!

Shari Doherty  19:47

And a lot of perseverance. I feel like life has kicked me around a little bit. And I keep coming back swinging. I'm just gonna keep coming back swinging. Do you know who Ed Mylett is? Podcaster. famous podcaster, I'm a big fan of Ed Mylett. And he tells a great story about hitting the pinata. So essentially, let's be honest, in real estate world, we use that as an example, if you sell a house a week, that's like a really good month, that's four houses, that's a lot of money. And that's a really good month, and some months, you sell nothing. And some months, you sell one, depends what it is. 

But his analogy is, is life is just like hitting a pinata. So every blow that you make on the pinata, you're weakening the inside. And you just keep striking and striking and striking, and you don't know what day it's gonna burst open. And that all the candy and all the goodness is going to come to you. But if you stop striking, you'll never find that pot of gold, let's call it. And so in our household, particularly, all of us except my husband are fully self employed. And we say like, what do you do today? Hitting the pinata. Just hitting the frickin' pinata. One day, it's gonna burst wide open on me. And why would you stop? Because what if you stopped the day before it was due to burst wide open on you and you just stopped? 

Carl Richards  21:11


Shari Doherty  21:11

What alternative is there? And I'm definitely not a give up kind of person. And I'm gonna keep striking. And you know, my windfall, or my candy that bursts out of the pinata, call that success. And that is defined differently by everyone. For me, it is health. It is family and financial independence. I do want to never have to- well one day because I currently do- but one day, never have to worry about money. 

I don't want to want to purchase something and think how much first as a knee jerk reaction, which is a current knee jerk reaction for most people. I'm not spilling the beans or anything. But when somebody says do you want to go on vacation? One of the first thoughts is oh, how much is that going to cost? I don't want to have to think like that. As I get older, and I don't want my children or grandchildren to have to think that way. I want to be the one who changes the generational path for my family. And that takes a lot of hitting the pinata.

Carl Richards  22:07

Yeah. And I think that's a really good analogy. And it's in business, obviously. But it's also in this podcasting space that we're in again-

Shari Doherty  22:15


Carl Richards  22:15

That's why so many shows end up in pod-gatory. Because a lot of people look at it and go "Well, I've put out 10 shows and I'm not seeing the you know, it's just a little trickle of, you know, people tuning in." What happens if you went 11?

Shari Doherty  22:27

Right, wait for one more?

Carl Richards  22:28

15, 20, 50. 

Shari Doherty  22:30

What if 51 is the one where suddenly you go viral?

Carl Richards  22:32

Exactly. It's like the Starbucks effect. I mean, and I don't know the full story. So I'm paraphrasing, but how many investors did they have to go through? 

Shari Doherty  22:39

Oh, a sh- a tall number. 

Carl Richards  22:39

Before they finally got the one, it was like something like 500? 

Shari Doherty  22:43


Carl Richards  22:43

Before one said, Yeah, sure. We'll consider this as an investment. Yeah, let's have a conversation. But that's the persistence. And I love that about you. So I want to ask you this. Because there's a lot of people who are listening to this podcast, this might be the first time they've even thought about having a podcast, they're on the edge, they're ready to dive in. But they're just starting to put their toe in the water, and they're not maybe getting the feels that they want is- so what would you say to those individuals who are thinking about getting into the podcasting space? What would you say to them?

Shari Doherty  23:13

If I didn't have my 24 year old son, I would have called you to be honest. So I directly made him and therefore have direct access to him. Which is the only reason I was able to bypass a Carl. However, it is definitely something that requires a level of expertise, and a level of understanding. 

So I would hire a coach, I'd get a consultant whenever it's something that I'm serious about. And I want to do well at and do well, quickly. So I'm 55 years old, I don't have 20 years to learn something, I need to accelerate my learning curve. Because I do want to, you know, be a snowbird when I'm 70. And so it's not like I'm 21. And I have 40 years to learn this. 

So I would definitely hire a coach and make an investment in myself and in my vision, and tap into the knowledge and expertise that people who have gone before me have; yourself, is what I would do.

Carl Richards  24:07

I appreciate that, because it's one of the things that I share with people all the time is like if you don't know where to start, get the help if you don't know what you're doing. Because a lot of people will come to the podcasting space and say, it seems too technical or I don't know where to begin. Well, it's the same reason why and I've given this analogy a few times too, it's the same reason why I don't fix my own car. 

Shari Doherty  24:27

I was gonna say I don't cut my own hair. 

Carl Richards  24:29

Well, I do but that's a- look at my picture. You'll understand why. But to that point, yeah, exactly. If you have long flowing hair and you want to color it or tinted or what do you do with hair? I'm sorry-

Shari Doherty  24:40

The product I want produced is this. So I go to an expert who produces this blonde. 

Carl Richards  24:45


Shari Doherty  24:45

Ask Thomas the hair mechanic.

Carl Richards  24:47

Yeah, it's the same with a car though. Like I don't fix my own car because I know if I did, firstly, my spouse would come running out screaming saying what are you doing right? It's a Tesla doesn't need fixing. But also it's because it's not in my wheel house. I don't do my own dentistry, we understand it from that perspective, we understand that well, that's different. That's expertise. 

But it's also the same reason why we don't go and find our own cow. And you know, slaughter it and cut it up. And you know, we don't do those things. We go to the grocery store or we go to an abattoir, we go to a butcher that has all that experience. So the fact that you've said that, yeah, if I needed a podcast, I would go to the expert, if I didn't already have one built into my, you know, household is a huge testament, not only of what we're striving to do here with the show and with our company, but the caliber of what you do, and how that coaching that professionalism is important to you to save you time.

Shari Doherty  25:43


Carl Richards  25:43

Because you don't have years to figure out how to do it. So-

Shari Doherty  25:46

Right. Absolutely. Yeah. When we talked about coaching initially. So again, going back to the coaching analogy, I was struggling a little bit when I started out whether or not I should hire a real estate coach, and my husband and I sat down and talked about it and said, "Okay, if we're opening a restaurant, and we needed a certain kind of stove, and the stove was $10,000, we would buy it. It's a capital investment in your restaurant, it is a tool that you need to be successful in your restaurant." Coaching is exactly the same. 

Carl Richards  26:18


Shari Doherty  26:19

Particularly when I came into real estate new and again, didn't have as much runway as a younger person was I wanted to hit the ground running. So if that capital investment was hiring a coach and a guru who's carved this path before me and has tons of successful people around him, that's money well spent. And the same thing as it relates to building a podcast to either ultimately, if that is your business or support your business. It's a tool. And I know that sounds trivial, but like a stove, you can't run without it. It's an investment in your business, and you need it in order to be successful. So get a coach!

Carl Richards  26:54

 And then get a podcast. 

Shari Doherty  26:56

Or get a podcasting coach, is what I meant. But yeah,

Carl Richards  26:59

Yes for sure, for sure. 100%. Shari it's been fantastic chatting with you today. Where can people find you?

Shari Doherty  27:05

Okay, well, I can be reached at Shari@stageonerealestate.ca And that is s-t-a-g-e-o-n-e real estate.ca. And it's Shari, s-h-a-r-i. That is way too complicated. I need shorter email address. It is also stage one real estate.ca I have a website and all the social sites, you will find me anywhere.

Carl Richards  27:30

And we will make sure we post all of those links in the show notes and link to the podcast as well because Shari has a phenomenal podcast and a great attitude to not only about business but about the podcasting space. So I'm so blessed that you took the time out to be my guest today. Thanks so much. 

Shari Doherty  27:46

Thank you, for having me. 

Carl Richards  27:47

And thank you for joining us today special thanks to our producer Aidan Burrows, our production lead Kieran Doherty, our music guru, Nathan Simon and the person who works the arms, all of our arms actually my trusty assistant, Stephanie, Gafoor. If you like what you heard today, leave us a comment and a review. And be sure to share it with your friends. If you don't like what you heard, please share it with your enemies. 

Oh, and if you have a suggestion of someone who you think would make an amazing guest on the show, let us know about it. Drop us an email. AskCarl@Carlspeaks.ca. Don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter as well. You'll find all those links in the show notes. 

And if you're ready to take the plunge and join the over 3 million people who have said yes to podcasting, let's have a conversation. We'll show you the simplest way to get into the podcasting space because after all, we're Podcast Solutions Made Simple. We'll catch you next time!