My Tog Blog About Awesome Content Creation

Tweet Hunter: A Tool for Serious Twitter Users

Tim (Mytogblog) Season 1 Episode 3

If you're looking to grow your Twitter audience, you will want to give this episode a listen. It's my product review of Tweethunter, a software subscription service that I've recently started using in an effort to expand my Twitter following. In it, we'll cover what Tweethunter is, who it's for, what it does, how to use it, and how I think it can help you as a content creator. 

Check it out! And if you want to follow along on how my progress with this tool is going over the next few months, give me follow on Twitter at 

Music and effects are licensed under StoryBlocks.  Closing track: Reaping Havoc, by Humans Win (formerly Lance Conrad). 

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[00:00:00] Tim: If you're ready to skyrocket your Twitter following, then I've got a tool you're gonna want to hear about. 

[00:00:04] Control Tower: 3, 2, 1 fire. 

[00:00:10] Tim: Okay. Let's get one thing out of the way off the top. There are no affiliate links in this episode. And this episode is not sponsored by Tweet Hunter. 

[00:00:17] Like all Tweet Hunter subscribers, I participate in a pool in which I could receive a payout worth 1% of the sale price of the company if it were to be sold. However, as of the time of the publishing of this podcast, my share of that1% is about 3000 tokens out of more than 4.8 million tokens. So yeah, it's not a huge financial stake. But I'm telling you this anyway, in the interest of full transparency. 

[00:00:43] The main reason I wanna share my thoughts on Tweet Hunter with you is that it's one of the best social media tools I've used so far. So in this episode, I'm gonna cover what Tweet Hunter is, what it does, how to use it, who it's for, and how I think it can help you as a content creator. 

[00:00:57] All right, then let's get into it. 

[00:00:59] Tweet Hunter is pretty much an all-in-one social media tool for Twitter. It includes features to support ideation, content, production, and scheduling, engagement, and automation, all in one package.

[00:01:10] Arguably, the only major feature Tweet Hunter doesn't include is a follow-unfollow tracker. But honestly, I don't think that's something that's needed anyways. And that's because using a follow-for-follow strategy is one of the worst ways to try and grow your account. That kind of transactional connection is not gonna help you build a real audience or make any sales anyways.

[00:01:28] So let's talk about the content production tools. This is one of the areas in which tweet hunter really shines. 

[00:01:35] I've found that by using the resources available here, I can easily produce a week's worth of content, which for me would be 10 to 14 tweets, within an hour. And if you wanted to bump that up to put in a couple of hours per week, you could probably get that up to more like 20 to 25, which over time could give you a fair amount of reach.

[00:01:52] Some of the main tools to help you do that within Tweet Hunter include AI writing assistance, a stream of high-performing tweets from other accounts for daily inspiration, and a tweet library. 

[00:02:03] Let's start with the AI writing assistant. The AI writer, which generates tweets for you using artificial intelligence, is probably the feature that initially attracts a lot of interest in Tweet Hunter

[00:02:13] I mean, in some ways, it's a seductive idea to think that an AI robot can produce your content for you. For me, however, this is not necessarily the best feature of this software. Like most AI writing tools, this one can be pretty hit-and-miss in producing usable material. 

[00:02:31] It seems to operate by taking tweets you've written or replied to plus the high-level topics you've fed into it to produce content suggestions for you. This sometimes produces good inspiration, but it can also produce tweets that seem to repeat stuff you've already recently covered or provide suggestions that would be outta context for your brand identity. But I think a key point to remember here is that these suggested tweets are meant to be an inspiration, not a replacement for your own content.

[00:02:58] You should really expect to take them as ideas, which you can then tweak or rewrite to put in your own voice and to add your own insights. If you're purchasing Tweet Hunter expecting that it's gonna do the writing for you, then you're gonna be disappointed. It's not meant for that. And it's not the right way to approach your content production anyways. It's really meant to provide prompts and inspiration for you. 

[00:03:20] Bearing this in mind, I can usually get one to two ideas per day out of the eight to 12 that the program typically generates for me. Those nuggets of inspiration can be quickly revised and fine-tuned to reflect my way of writing and the message that I wanna put out there.

[00:03:36] There is also a thread idea generator within the AI writing tools to give you ideas for tweet threads, which you may know are longer tweets parsed out into subtweets, or what's called a thread in this case. And then to go with that, there's a hook generator to help you come up with an engaging way to introduce your threads using common tweet-writing formulas.

[00:03:56] The great thing is that the AI writing assistant is only one of the tools at your disposal for content production. Another writing tool is the daily inspiration feed. Here, it appears the AI is looking at your bio, the high-level topic, the directions you input, and the content you write and engage with to aggregate a stream of high-performing tweets from other content creators.

[00:04:18] The idea then is not to plagiarize these tweets. In fact, the content drafting tool within Tweet Hunter will flag your tweets to warn you when yours are too similar to the one you've identified as an inspiration. Furthermore, the Tweet Hunter documentation actually says don't use the software this way. I mean, it's important to remember that it's not only wrong to copy and paste someone else's content like that, it's also not gonna do anything to develop your own brand identity and skills as a content creator. What you should be doing with these inspirations instead is looking at the topics and structure, and then using these as jumping-off points to come up with something that's original. 

[00:05:00] It's kind of like you do in studying what topics other successful writers are talking about, and the literary devices those writers use to get their points across effectively. And then taking the inspiration, but not the content itself to help you do the same. The difference here is that the AI has done all of the legwork for you to curate some of the best content right there in your feed. And the nice thing about this feature too, is that unlike the AI writer, which produces new stuff only once per day, you can refresh this feed as many times per day, as you like and it will keep coming back with more high-performing tweets for inspiration. 

[00:05:41] The Tweet Library rounds out the content production tools available within Tweet Hunter. This is a collection of 10,000 plus tweets across 12 common content categories, which have been curated as best-in-class by professional tweet ghostwriters. It's another great trove of templates and ideas that can be adapted to reflect your particular content, topics, perspective, experiences, and brand. And using these three tools: the AI writing assistant, the daily inspiration stream, and the content library, you should be able to really accelerate your content production for Twitter.

[00:06:17] There's one more tool that I should mention in relation to content production. And that is the content scheduler within Tweet Hunter the good thing about this feature is that it really helps with batch-producing your content. So using the tools that I just mentioned, you can sit down and produce a week or two's worth of content in one, then have it all scheduled to be auto-posted and rolled out at whatever time you set. 

[00:06:40] What I'm doing right now is about one to two tweets per day, with scheduling them at different times of the day, so I can test out the best times for me in terms of where I get the maximum audience engagement. 

[00:06:51] If these were the only Tweet Hunter tools available, that alone would be a lot, but that's actually only about half of what's there because suite hunter also has some awesome features for engagement. And what I mean by engagement is the interaction that you have with other accounts and that other accounts have with you in the form of likes comments, retweets, and so on. 

[00:07:11] As a content creator, the engagement you do is an important way for you to connect with potential audience members or customers. And the extent to which you get engagement from others is a key measure of how your account is doing in attracting an audience that's interested - or as we say, engaged or invested - in your content. 

[00:07:31] How does Tweet Hunter facilitate engagement? Well within the program, you can access a customer relationship management module with different tabs. For example, when you click the people tab, it brings up an interface that allows you to engage with other accounts drawn from four different areas, including a list of contacts you've put together, a string of keywords You feed into the system, a collection of the mentions and replies you've received, and a list based on who you follow.

[00:07:58] But the best part of this is that it brings these things up in a clean uncluttered feed on your desktop. There are none of the distractions that come with a normal Twitter feed and everything is lined up on a single interface. It's just like filling in an online form. So you can whip through and fill in the comments you wanna make, as fast as you can come up with the comments and type them in. It allows you to cover a lot of ground in a comparatively short period of time. Essentially, a game changer in terms of efficiency. 

[00:08:29] Now, there are a couple of caveats I would like to add here because just like the AI writing tools, it's important how you use these tools if you wanna get the best results and stay out of trouble on Twitter. 

[00:08:40] Firstly, just because you can write comments very quickly, doesn't mean that you should. Be sure you're taking the time to think about what you're putting out there before you hit publish. 

[00:08:50] That relates to the quality and the content itself. I'm sure you can think of your own examples of how a quick reaction tweet has gone wrong for some people because they didn't take that pause to think about what they were putting out there. In many cases, a good guide rail here is to just stick with the topics that relate to your art and business. I mean, after all, that's what you're on there for. And one nice thing about the Tweet Hunter interface is that it's going to filter everything, so you're only seeing things that relate to your niche. Most of the time. 

[00:09:23] Secondly, make sure you're putting in quality comments most of the time as part of your engagement. Sure, there are times when saying something simple like "nice work" is appropriate. But if that's all you're doing all of the time, this is not going to help you grow your audience and it may even get you flagged as some kind of spammer.

[00:09:42] So instead, try to leave quality comments that will help you build your credibility and prompt people to care enough to visit your profile, and maybe even check out more of your content and hit that follow button. 

[00:09:54] These are some of the main tools in Tweet Hunter, which have convinced me it's a great option for helping to grow my Twitter account. There's also an auto DM responder, an auto retweet feature, and some analytics there too. But these are really getting deeper than I think we need to go into here for most beginners. And I think what I might do is cover some of those other more detailed components in my other content on YouTube or Instagram in the future, you can follow me on either of those platforms if you're interested in more content like that or anything relating to social media, content creation and strategy in general. I'd also encourage you to give me a follow on Twitter. You can find my account there under Mytogblog. 

[00:10:35] Before we wrap up, I should say something about pricing. Normally, I might put this in the drawback category, as the software may seem a bit expensive compared to other tools. However, there are a few things to keep in mind with this. 

[00:10:48] Firstly, with Tweet Hunter, you're getting a lot of tools together in one place, which is saving you time and money from having to use a bunch of separate apps to accomplish the same things.

[00:10:59] Secondly, Tweet Hunter offers significant discounts based on the size of your account, so you may have an opportunity to get things going for less than the full price. 

[00:11:09] And thirdly, you can use the software for as many of your own Twitter accounts as you want and run yourself. That doesn't apply to me, but it might be relevant to you if you run more than one of your own accounts.

[00:11:20] Bearing all that in mind, as of the publication of this episode, the full list price is $49 per month with no access to the AI writing tool, going up to $99 per month for the individual plan that includes the AI writing tool. 

[00:11:35] It's best to look at this in the context of your full marketing budget. The bottom line is if you're looking to get your content into the hands of a prospective audience, you need a distribution channel. That's something that can be created through paid ads or by developing your own channel via platforms such as Twitter. 

[00:11:52] And while ads definitely can be part of your strategy, keep in mind that money spent on ads is ephemeral. Once you've spent that money to run the ad, it's not gonna keep working for you after that, until you invest more money in more ads. The nice thing about developing your own distribution channel is that once you build it, it's there and you can use it over and over to promote your content and brand. 

[00:12:14] I would also say that as a content creator, having multiple distribution channels is not only good for your reach, but it's also a good risk management practice just in case your main channel drops out of favor among users or the algorithm changes and the content or topics that worked for you in the past suddenly don't work anymore.

[00:12:33] So I think Tweet Hunter can be a great tool for anyone who is serious about growing their Twitter following. 

[00:12:38] I've been using this tool for a few months now, but because I've been busy and learning the ropes of both Tweet Hunter and Twitter at the same, I've only had a chance to apply all of this somewhat sporadically. However, in the next few months, I'm gonna try to put a bit more focus on Twitter growth as part of my overall social media strategy.

[00:12:58] I see a lot of potential here for Twitter to become a solid distribution platform for this podcast, as well as a cool creative platform and its own right. So I invite you to follow along and see how that goes. 

[00:13:11] I hope to see you around. Until next time.