Tyrone/Dungeon Master:  Portal Quandary has some content warnings that you can check out in the episode description.

Theme Song: *rock music plays*

Finding home in the belly of the beast, to make it home we can’t accept defeat, so roll the dice and come along with me, finding home in the belly of the beast

Tyrone/Dungeon Master:  Hello this is Tyrone here your Dungeon Master, I just want to start a preface for this episode that you’re listening to, basically this is going to be the last episode at least of this of this iteration, I just didn’t want you to get all the way to the end of this episode just for it to abruptly end and then sort of be left dissatisfied basically we sort of had to abruptly end this version of Portal Quandary, just due to some complications on our end, so this was the last episode we recorded and we weren’t of able to happily conclude the episode. Don’t be alarmed, me and the production team are working on getting a new iteration out there, so were looking to make it better, I’m looking at ways to improve the audio, looking at ways to make the story better and I’m just hoping that you guys will stick around and thank you so much for sticking with us for four episodes so far, it really means a lot, it's been quite a learning journey for me, for the production team, for all the amazing people that you are listening to, so thank you and enjoy your episode four.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And hello, welcome to Portal Quandary episode number four, I’m Tyrone Cross I’m your dungeon master, let’s start off by going around the room seeing all of our amazing characters and everything they’re excited for this week, let's start with Nick, how you going Nick ?

Nick/Lin-Dare: So, name is Nick, I play the frost dragon paladin Lin-Dare, who’s a single mum who works two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What are you excited for Lin-dare ?

Nick/Lin-Dare: She’s excited to keep tutoring Blizzbro on his frost magic because she knows about it from her daughter who’s a frost mage.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Which daughter’s that again?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Sa-Ra.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Sa-Ra ?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Sa-Ra. She’s a frost mage so she knows how to teach people about frost magic.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Hmm I don’t know, how many kids have you introduced us to so far, you’ve got what? Ten kids. You’ve got Sa-Ra, you’ve got Lu-Kas who’s getting married.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yup, I said Jess-E was the professional teleporter.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Jess-E

Nick/Lin-Dare: And Suz-Anne is just a sorcerer. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Suz-Anne… is just sorcerer ?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Sorcerer.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: We’ll find out more about later.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah maybe

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Damn. Lets move on to Afra, how are you Ara ?

Afra/Milo: I’m Ara. I play Milo, he is a Dragonborn ranger, he’s large and in charge and I love him and he’s very dumb. And he’s excited for basically just to get this man to the hospital, this week I think? That’s his main thing he’s going for, so yeah.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: This man needs a doctor.

Afra/Milo: Yeah *Laughter*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Very excited to see what an ambulance is. 

Afra/Milo: He’s a bit worried about it.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Oh my god… Alright let’s go to Nathan, hi Nathan. 

Nathan/Fiero: Hey I’m Nathan and I play Fiero, the fiery elf wizard. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What are you excited for ?

Nathan/Fiero: I’m excited to explore different avenues and get back into the dating pool. The steamy romance between Blizzbro and Fiero. We’ll see if it continues but he’s uh… gonna play the field.

Afra/Milo: Damn.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Healthy.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Have you moved on from Blizzbro ? 

Nathan: He moved on from me.

*Gasps and oooos*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I feel like that’s been your thing you’ve been excited for every week, has been some sort of variation of improving your love life and I’m kinda here for it. He just really needs a man.

Afra/Milo: That’s a real quest he’s on

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: How about you Liv, how are we?

Liv/Elixia: Hi so I’m Liv and I play Elixia, the rogue half-elf. She’s you know… She’s kinda mean and rude and doesn’t care about people because she’s you know, insecure and angsty and has like a fifteen year old emo teenager’s kind of personality.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I was gonna say like just half of that just describes me sometimes.

Liv/Elixia: She’s relatable you know she’s everyone

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And what are you excited for?

Liv/Elixia: I’m excited because we got a blackout which means I can be as shifty and sneaky as I want to be so…

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I mean once you figure out how to get off this roof cause the elevator’s down. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Oh right.

Liv/Elixia: Ah, ack I can figure it out.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Like emergency staircases right? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Ah. That’s true.

Liv/Elixia: Think about like, disabled people Ty.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I was waiting for you to like want to scale down the side of the building,

Liv/Elixia: Yeah I was like, I’ll figure it out. I have, I’m sure I have a grappling hook somewhere. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: *Chuckling* A grappling hook.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Uh yeah so where you guys are about to find yourselves back in action is; Milo is down in the lobby helping this man that they beat up and then decided that they wanted to heal with a random citizen waiting for the ambulance. And then Fiero, Lin-Dare and Elixia still on the rooftop with Blizzbro after having fought the fairy cops and witness the portal in the distance with the black out covering the entirety of the city of Melbourne and that’s where we’re about to drop back in. Okay lets start with Milo.

Afra/Milo: *Nervous groan*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: In the dist- yeah the black outs just happened and you can hear these sirens approaching. 

*Sirens play*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re kind of used the them, you’ve had a lot of sirens in the past day

Afra/Milo: Yeah, I’m assuming I don’t really know what that means but I’m like ‘I guess this could be this ambulance you’ve spoken of, let's get this man on the street.’ So yeah I’ll bring him out to the street hoping the ambulance comes, I don’t know.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah you’ll be there with the citizen as this vehicle with flashing lights on the top comes out and the citizen will sort of be like 

Tyrone/Citizen: Oh, a blackout, that’s kind of unusual. I hope everything’s okay.

Afra/Milo: “Yeah…”, um did I can’t remember, did I see the portal as well? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: No.

Afra/Milo: No, okay so Milo’s just like, “I guess this is just what happens in the city”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: This is very normal isn’t it?

Tyrone/Citizen: Are you going to be alright though, cause like the elevators down, I guess, um, you have the keys to get back up the stairs?

Afra/Milo: Uh no, but my friends will get me, I know they will. They’ll come for me.

Tyrone/Citizen: Do you know this man?

Afra/Milo: Yeah, he’s my best friend. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: My pal, my chum.

Afra/Milo: Yeh, I’m just helping him out don’t even worry about it.

Tyrone/Citizen: Okay so you’ll be right to go in the ambulance with him?

Afra/Milo: Sure

Tyrone/Citizen: Or are you just gonna see him off?

Afra/Milo: Um.. I think maybe I’ll go with him to make sure.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Oh?

Afra/Milo: Nah I don’t… Yeah I’ll go with him, let’s go, they can find me, my friends

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright, yeah the ambulance is gonna turn up, with these people in uniforms and they’re gonna be like; 

Tyrone/Paramedic: Where’s the patient?

Afra/Milo: I’ll uh, just lift him up and be like, “This is him, take him please…”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: This is gonna be very apparent very quickly that I’ve never had an interaction with an ambulance, ever.

Afra/Milo: Yeah, me too. We’re just guessing. Yeah, we’ll just throw him on the stretcher 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah

Afra/Milo: He’ll be fine

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: They’ll sort of take it from there, one will say, 

Tyrone/Paramedic: What’s your relationship with the patient?

Afra/Milo: He’s my, my bestie, my best friend

Tyrone/Paramedic: You right to see him to the hospital ?

Afra/Milo: Yeah, sure. I’ll come to the hospital, sure.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You look very scared. You’re gonna see them kind of whisper to each other, they’re gonna be like, 

Tyrone/Paramedic: Oh actually um, according to, sorry, the covid restrictions at the moment were not allowed to have any people who aren’t the patients -

Afra/Milo: I’m being rejected

Tyrone/Paramedic: - sorry this is a newbie in training he didn’t remember his protocols. 

Afra/Milo: Okay. So I can’t come with him?

Tyrone/Paramedic: No. But your bestie will get in touch with you when it’s time.

Afra/Milo: My bestie… Okay

Nick/Lin-Dare: I like it how you refer to him as your bestie as well 

Afra/Milo: He is my bestie! I’m trying not to be suspicious

Nick/Lin-Dare: Not just like, your friend.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah and they’re gonna put him in the ambulance and drive away. 

Afra/Milo: “See ya”, I’m gonna wave goodbye

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I guess the citizen is gonna be like, 

Tyrone/Citizen: You good?

Afra/Milo: I’m very sad. I hope my friend will be okay. ”Yeah I don’t know maybe I should try and get back upstairs, with this random citizen, where’s this random citizen going?

Tyrone/Citizen: “Oh, where am I going?

Afra/Milo: Yeah.

Tyrone/Citizen: Well I was just heading out to some dinner with some friends were gonna go catch a movie maybe go do some bowling?

Afra/Milo: Can we go back upstairs, can you let me in?” 

Tyrone/Citizen: “Uh well aren’t you off? Like…

Afra/Milo: No, I just, I left my keys inside

Tyrone/Citizen: Um well alright, let's head up the stairs together.

Afra/Milo: Alright, I’ll go upstairs again.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Cut to the people upstairs. Hi guys, you guys are in a blackout upstairs you’ve seen the portal in the distance, you guys are a bit buggered after a fight

Nick/Lin-Dare: Are we though?

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, are we though? I didn’t exactly… I wasn’t exactly on the losing side of that fight 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Did anybody even take any damage?

Nick/Lin-Dare: No

Nathan/Fiero: No

Liv/Elixia: I think I did, but I don’t remember though

Nick/Lin-Dare: My health points were still at full

Nathan/Fiero: I think I always moved behind someone beefy. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, behind me!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Milo the himbo.

Liv/Elixia: Um, can I scale down the wall?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Sorry what?

Liv/Elixia: Can I scale down the wall?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You just gonna walk to the edge and attempt to start going down?

Liv/Elixia: I’m gonna be like, “Well, the magic box is broken, I know one way we can get down and we gotta go meet that guy so we can get information.”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Blizzbro is gonna be like, 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Woah woah woah, there’s emergency stairs, you don’t need to do that.

Liv/Elixia: Fine.

Nathan/Fiero: Do you even have a rope?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Oh yeah… how were you planning to scale the building?

Liv/Elixia: I’d figure it out, but I’m gonna slowly climb back over the railing, and follow Blizzbro to the stairs and look kinda dejected

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Did you guys see the direction of the portal, should we go after that?

Nick/Lin-Dare: “Yeah do you know where that is?” Can I ask him, “What’s kind of over that way, of the city?”

Tyrone/Blizzbro: It kinda looks like… CBD kinda looks like the main strip, the main shops.

Nick/Lin-Dare: CBD?

Tyrone/Blizzbro: The Central Business district

Liv/Elixia: What is that?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: That’s what it stands for right ?

Liv/Elixia: But but, should we ? I feel as though if we just go to the portal we might just end up somewhere else like I think we should go to the guy and get answers.

Nathan/Fiero: So we have to go to the hospital?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, you guys want to go to the hospital first?

Liv/Elixia: That place, yeah.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Okay. We got to go find Milo first.

Nathan/Fiero: Right.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: How are we going to get there? I guess we could Uber, if Uber’s are doing their stuff right now. Because I don’t think my car will get out of the garage because the gate is electronic.

Nathan/Fiero: Do cars drive in a blackout?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I don’t know. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah. Yeah. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I feel like the traffic light’s would be fucked. 

Afra/Milo: The traffic lights will. be fucked but you can just… That happens all the time. The police take care of that. They come and direct traffic or just have to pray that you don’t get hit. You’d have to be in a stand-off with the other cars like, ‘who’s going to go first?’

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I feel like in the middle of this debating what you’re going to do Blizzbro’s going to start leading you down the stairs and quickly run into Milo who’s heading up the stairs with this random dude.

Afra/Milo: Oh my god, hello. Theses are my other besties. 

Tyrone/Citizen: Oh hi. It looks like you’re safe now. I might just leave you to it I guess.

Afra/Milo: Yeah, see you. Bye.

Nick/Lin-Dare: I will give back Milo’s bow and be like, “Here you go, I kept it safe for you.”

Liv/Elixia: So Milo do you know which one of these hospitals he was taken to.

Afra/Milo: They just took him. They didn’t tell me where he was going. 

Liv/Elixia: Milo, How are we meant to find him and question him?

Afra/Milo: I don’t know! I tried to get in with him and said no because of this Covid thing.

Nick/Lin-Dare: I heard about that. Some lady told me it was crazy. Crazy beast. 

Afra/Milo: Oh okay. The bureaucracy man. 

Liv/Elixia: It’s nothing.

Tyrone/Blizzbro: You guys don’t know what Covid is, do you?

Afra/Milo: Let’s not think about it too much. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: No. I talked to the lady at the station about it.

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Well the closest hospital is probably the Royal Alfred I guess. So we can probably head over there. 

Liv/Elixia: Okay let’s just go there. If he’s not there then we check the next one and the next one and the next one until we find him. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re going to go to every hospital? He’s just going to take you to a hospital because it doesn’t matter because Blizzbro knows his area even if I don’t know exactly where Blizzbro lives. 

Afra/Milo: Then we’ll go to the hospital. The one. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to call a taxi actually, which is Elixia’s favourite thing.

Liv/Elixia: Oh yay. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Lin-Dare’s going to be like, “Can I use my taxi card on this? Is that how that works?”

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Oh you’ve got a taxi number there? Yeah I can use that.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Can I make one appear?

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Yeah, if you just show me the number on the card then I can make one appear. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: I’ll show him the card.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to call the number on the card and get a taxi to come. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: You can cast conjuration magic as well?

Tyrone/Blizzbro: I don’t even know where to begin to teach you what a phone is. 

Nathan/Fiero: Can I cast a conjuration magic thing?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Right now?

Nathan/Fiero: I’m just going to go pss pss pss pss up the stairwell and beckon Tabasco to come with us to the hospital. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: *meows* Tabasco has been loyally trained and is still waiting under the deck chair where you sent him last time. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Oh yeah that’s right. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to run down… I don’t remember, I think it was the thirtieth floor. He’s going to run down thirty flights of stairs. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Zoom.

Nathan/Fiero: he can probably scale the walls. 

Afra/Milo: So he’s allowed to but Elixia isn’t? 

liv/Elixia: Yeah what the hell?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: No, he’s going to take the stairs. 

Afra/Milo: We’re taking the stairs. 

liv/Elixia: How many flights of stairs are there?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Uh, thirty, I think we’re on the thirtieth floor. It’s a lot of stairs. 

liv/Elixia: Urgh.  

Afra/Milo: Let’s go. Let’s hustle. You’re already like halfway down. You met me on the stairs. 

Nathan/Fiero: How far down did we meet Milo?

liv/Elixia: How far away is this hospital?

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Maybe like a twenty minute drive?

liv/Elixia: *sighs*

Tyrone/Blizzbro: What?

liv/Elixia: It’s nothing. Let’s just go. 

Nathan/Fiero: It’s been a long day. 

Afra/Milo: Alright let’s get in a taxi and go. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Can we all fit in one taxi?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You got a maxi taxi. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Okay, I was going to say. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, we’re in one of the vans. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, you’ve got like a van taxi. You’re on the way to the hospital in the taxi. 

*car engine sound*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re just having a moment of reprise because it's been a BIG day. We’re on episode four and it’s still the same day. Can you believe that?

Afra/Milo: Jesus. Let me sleep. 

liv/Elixia: I mean, she’s trained herself to be able to go days without sleeping but it’s not fun. She’s not enjoying it. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I feel like she’s moody anyway regardless. 

liv/Elixia: Yeah, but it gets worse and worse the more she goes without sleep. Especially if she doesn’t have… Like she’s not in a place that she’s familiar with and has control over. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: But while we’re taxiing and you’re sort of resting your eyes. Definitely not sleeping.

liv/Elixia: I would never. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Lin-Dare. You’re going to… You’ve had this happen a couple of times in your life. It’s one of the many reasons that you worship Bahamut. You’re going to see Bahamut appear in your vision as he is going to restore you back to vitality. He seems much more distant than you’re used to. You’re not used to feeling so disconnected from your god. For your tough trials to return to him he’s going to offer you some magic. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Ooo. Magic.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: As he’s going to offer you some spells, and some Divine Smiting I think? Lin-Dare, you’ve levelled up. Similarly, Fiero you’re going to see your twin gods in field of visions. 

Nathan/Fiero: Got it, levelling up. Yep, yep. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’ve levelled up. You’ve got some more spells to add to your spellbook as they bestow their knowledge upon you. A little bit more mysteriously Milo, you’re going to hear a voice in your head that you haven’t heard before. It’s sort of in my head like a feminine husky sort of voice. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Did you actually make it Tiamat?

Afra/Milo: Hear what he’s going to say. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Mind your business. As she’s going to be like: 

Tyrone/Mysterious Voice: My child. I sense how far away you are. In a new world you must cause destruction and chaos, and I’ll give you the tools to do so, and will bestow upon you these magic spells of destruction. I feel like you picked Cure Wounds. What spells did you pick?

Afra/Milo: Umm, Cure Wounds and Ensnaring Strike, but yeah I’m going to cause so much chaos. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s to cure your own wounds when your enemies get you.

Afra/Milo: Milo’s going to be like, “Huh? Sure. Whatever lady.”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Do you say that out loud?

Afra/Milo: No, hopefully not. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And Elixia you don’t have a god so no god is going to bestow anything upon you unfortunately.

Liv/Elixia: It’s fine. I don’t even need a god. They always disappoint me anyway. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: No gods. No masters. But after that last fight you feel yourself grow as a person. This is your character arc development. 

Liv/Elixia: Because I reckon all the other guys get everything and I’m like ‘I don’t need a god. I believe in myself. I will level up out of pure willpower. I will not be left behind by anyone. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: This is how you’ve had to do it your whole life. You’ve either had to adapt and overcome or…

Liv/Elixia: Exactly. Exactly. I don’t take hand-outs from anybody. I’ve had to grow up on the streets on my own. None of you understand. You wouldn’t get it. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You all collectively level up in the taxi.


Nick/Lin-Dare: Does Blizzbro level up? 

Liv/Elixia: Can we have a movie montage where we all are gazing out the window like I’ve Gotta Go My Own Way is playing and we’re like ‘I’ve gotta say what’s on my mind’ and the rain is coming down and there’s blackout and it’s just emotional and we all just kind of look each other in the eyes and realise we have levelled up. You know?

Afra/Milo: It’s a beautiful moment.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m picturing like game stats coming up on the screen as well. It’s like ‘enemies killed’, ‘kilometres walked’, ‘choices that you missed’. 

Afra/Milo: Looking at all our stats. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright you’re at the hospital. Congrats. 

Liv/Elixia: Finally.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I don’t know what your plan is here because as we’ve established you’re not allowed in because of Covid. Let’s find out.

Afra/Milo: Are we breaking into the hospital?

Liv/Elixia: Please. Please. I would love a good heist. I deserve to do some heisting. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m just the Dungeon Master. If you can provide a way. 

Liv/Elixia: Alright guys we’re heisting. 

Afra/Milo: Alright, let’s heist.

Liv/Elixia: Alright Milo you said they wouldn’t let us in because of this plague thing right?

Afra/Milo: Yeah.

Liv/Elixia: Luckily you have someone who’s main thing that they do is break into places. So, here’s what we’re going to do. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m listening.

Liv/Elixia: I haven’t got that far yet because these places are not made out of easy to climb cobblestone. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: It’s fine. Lin-Dare is going to be like, “No, no, no. We don’t need to heist nothing. We’ll just go in and talk to him.”

Liv/Elixia: Come on. Alright, and when that doesn’t work? Then we try my idea?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Maybe.

Liv/Elixia: Fine. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: So you guys are just going to the front door?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yes. 

Afra/Milo: Okay. Do we even have masks on?

Nathan/Fiero: Umm.

Nick/Lin-Dare: No.

Liv/Elixia: I do. I always have a mask on. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Blizzbro’s got some to distribute if you want to put your masks on.

Afra/Milo: Okay, Blizzbro’s just going to give us all a mask?

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Here you go. I got some spares because you guys don’t… 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Do we know… We know how to put these on right? We've seen this. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah it’s a mask. You can still put them on. 

Nathan/Fiero: Can we do the thing in Thor. Like, ‘help, my brother’s injured’. In through the front door and then at least one of us will be taken in. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: If you want. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, and then we get help and go into the emergency.

Nathan/Fiero: Easiest way to get into a hospital. Just ‘help’. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Is that what you guys are going to do?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Uh no. Lin-Dare’s going to be civil and go to the front reception. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright, so Lin-Dare’s leading the way?

Nick/Lin-Dare: If they want to do that, they can do that. 

Nathan/Fiero: Okay we’ll try that first and see if we get in. 

Afra/Milo: And then if that doesn’t work, you have to faint and I’ll be like, ‘oh my god, get this man medical attention’.

Nathan/Fiero: Yep, yep.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright yeah the guy at the door and he’ll be like:

Tyrone/Guard: Are you the patient? Are you alright?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, yeah. I’m fine, I’mjust coming to see a friend.

Nathan/Fiero: Bestie. 

Tyrone/Guard: A friend?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah.

Tyrone/Guard: We don’t really allow friends here. Are you the next of kin?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah I’m his mother. 

Tyrone/Guard: Oh umm, okay, yep. What’s the patient’s name?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Jack.

Tyrone/Guard: And how long have they been here?

Nick/Lin-Dare: He got taken by the ambulance about… How long ago was it do I know?

Nathan/Fiero: Twenty minutes.

Nick/Lin-Dare: About twenty minutes ago, but I wasn’t allowed to go with him. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Are the other guys behind you or are still hiding around the corner or something?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Umm, I don’t know. 

Afra/Milo: I’ll just come up, like “My best friend”.

Tyrone/Guard: Alright the mum can go in but the other guys have to stay behind. 

Afra/Milo: Great. So, we’re breaking in?

Liv/Elixia: God damn it. I’m breaking in. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: She’s going to turn back and be like, “No, just I’ll speak to him.”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah they’re going to sort you through, go through some paperwork. Find out where he is, which is currently still waiting for a doctor honestly. 

Afra/Milo: Yep. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: So he’s in the waiting room right now. Again, I don’t know how ambulances work.

Afra/Milo: Well how badly injured is he?

Liv/Elixia: He was stabbed. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah but you guys did heal him up a little bit. 

Nathan/Fiero: And maced and flailed in the side. 

Afra/Milo: He won’t be in the waiting room, he might be not being seen by a doctor right now.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: A private waiting room.

Afra/Milo: He’s in his own bed, or in the hallway. 

Liv/Elixia: I feel like he’s getting stitches.

Nick/Lin-Dare: He is bleeding out so

Afra/Milo: So who’s been let in? Just Lin-Dare?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Just Lin-Dare because that’s all that’s allowed in. Next of kin.

Liv/Elixia: Okay, I’m going to look around at my surroundings. I see what I assume to be a map of the building. I heard the words ‘Waiting Room’. I find it on the map. I understand the layout. I’m going to go outside and find it outside and listen in from the window. 

Afra/Milo: We’re going to pretend we’re sick. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What are you going to do?

Afra/Milo: To go to the waiting room we’re going to pretend to be sick, right?

Nathan/Fiero: Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

Afra/Milo: Going to be like ‘ow, my head. Owie’.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Side note. There’s this really good D&D spell where you can make a willing creature appear dead.

Afra/Milo: Yeah well…

Liv/Elixia: That would just take you to the morgue.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah that won’t take you to the hospital.

Liv/Elixia: They’re like you don’t need to wait bro. You did it. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: So who’s feigning injury? You’re feigning injury? Okay please explain. 

Afra/Milo: My head is so hurty. So ow. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re limping, pretending to. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah limping, and my head hurts. Can’t see. There’s a lot of things going on. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Is Fiero taking you?

Afra/Milo: Yeah who? Are you going to be sick as well or? 

Nathan/Fiero: No, no. Okay so, we’re at the front of the hospital, right?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yes. 

Nathan/Fiero: Is there a smoking area? Hear me out. Is there anyone-

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Sure. Oh my god are you going to start a fire?

Nathan/Fiero: Oh my god lets- 

Afra/Milo: Please don’t set fire to the hospital. 

Nathan/Fiero: No, I just want to see if there is someone in the same clothes that are matching clothes with other people? Because I think that I can disguise myself.

Afra/Milo: *laughter* He has a spell!

Liv/Elixia: If you can disguise yourself you should have been a rogue.

Nathan/Fiero: We took a rest. I can do it again. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yes there is a nurse outside who is smoking. 

Afra/Milo: Oh god, are you going to become a nurse?

Nathan/Fiero: Yes. and then I’ll walk you through. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: You need the ID tag though that they scan on the…

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Well it is the whole outfit. 

Nathan/Fiero: I get the entire outfit. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Oh that’s right, you do. 

Afra/Milo: Ooo yes!

Nathan/Fiero: Let’s cast it. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I love that we’re all getting into the hospital our own separate ways. 

Afra/Milo: We’re all finding this man. 

Nathan/Fiero: I don’t think that anyone saw me do the spell, right?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Not if you’re in the smoking area. 

Nathan/Fiero: The smoke. There you go. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: How thick are they smoking!?

Liv/Elixia: They’re just getting high in the hospital.

Afra/Milo: They’re hotboxing.

Liv/Elixia: HOTBOXING! *laughter*

Nathan/Fiero: So dressed as a nurse.

Afra/Milo: Assist me. Oh thank you. Ow, ow, ow. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright. So the nurse is just escorting you into the building?

Afra/Milo: Yep. No-one questions it. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Okay roll me… I think both you. I think it’s a Deception on your sheet. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah Deception. Charisma modifier.

*dice rolling*

Nathan/Fiero: Eighteen. No modifier. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Eighteen? Damn

Afra/Milo: A four. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Oh no. 


Liv/Elixia: Already just the idea of it is just so funny.

Nathan/Fiero: What is it? So in terms of the deceiving. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah does it matter if I don’t deceive very well?

Nathan/Fiero: Plausible nurse. Plausible nurse. No injury himbo. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah that’s pretty much it. Milo looks fine but Fiero’s got the confidence to pull it off so it balances each other out. 

Afra/Milo: Yes. We did it. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You look fine but maybe it’s some internal injuries or something. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah. 

Nathan/Fiero: I’ll explain. I’ll explain to the other nurses. “It’s okay. Leave this to Head Nurse-” and I look down at this name badge.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Do you want to pick your name?

Nathan/Fiero: “Nurse Jackie.” It’s a great show. 

Tyrone/Guard: Nurse Jackie you’re back. 

Nathan/Fiero: Yes, yes. I’ve just got this patient. I found them outside. I’m just going to take them quickly into the triage bay.

Nick/Lin-Dare: How do you know what that is?

Nathan/Fiero: I don’t know what that is. I’m just looking up at the map. Like there. We’re going to go there.

Afra/Milo: Yeah.. Just to that place. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Okay you’re going to look up at the map like, ‘Uhhhh’. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Triage.

Nathan/Fiero: Tree-aggy. Tree-aggy bay. 

Afra/Milo: Well. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Fucking hell. Alright. 

Nathan/Fiero: Deceived right?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: The security guard is going to squint at you for a little bit. It’s the end of his shift. He doesn’t care. He’ll let you through. Umm… Lin-Dare? Oh no, you’ve already been let into the room. 

Afra/Milo: Elixia’s climbed the walls. Yep. Elixia’s in the walls. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m picturing a skylight and you’re perched at the top. 

Liv/Elixia: Yeah!

Afra/Milo: Yeah. She’s just going to propel down on a rope. 

Liv/Elixia: No I feel like if someones that badly injured then, the waiting room, they won’t take them up. It’s probably going to be on ground floor. 

Afra/Milo: Are you going to break in?

Liv/Elixia: I’m thinking I might try to lip read from the window. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Oh my god. You won’t get to question him. 

Afra/Milo: How are you going to interrogate this man?

Liv/Elixia: Well once Lin-Dare’s in there. She can unlock the window. 

Afra/Milo: Okay. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: True.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Okay Lin-Dare. You’re in the waiting room where the guard… The guard? One of the nurses I mean has shown you to Jack who is currently on a stretcher in a private room, like one of those little side rooms. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Okay.

Tyrone/Nurse: I’ll leave you two to it. Hopefully the doctor won’t be too much longer. 

Liv/Elixia: I’m going to tap on the window. 

Afra/Milo: Like, ‘Lin-Dare! Lin-Dare!’

Liv/Elixia: *knock* Lin-Dare. *knock* Lin-Dare.

Nick/Lin-Dare: She’s going to hold up her hand to be like ‘wait a second’. Because they have the curtains right? Can I close the curtain first?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah. You’re going to close on Elixia!?

Nick/Lin-Dare: No, no. Like the curtains around the bed. 

Afra/Milo: The curtains around the bed. She doesn’t close the curtains on Elixia. 

Liv/Elixia: What are you doing?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Just go away Elixia. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Oh. I thought you were closing the curtains to outside. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: No, no, no. The curtains around the bed so no-one can see Elixia come into the room. I’ll close those and then I’ll open the window for Elixia. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, yeah. 

Liv/Elixia: I’m highly doubtful that a hospital would have windows that you can just open, but sure. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, what type of window is this? Is it locked with a key lock or like?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Depends. Do you want me to be nice to you Elixia?

Liv/Elixia: I mean if there’s like a screen or something I can just cut it. 

Afra/Milo: With your knife. 

Liv/Elixia: With my knives. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Moving on. You can get into the window is the point of this discussion. I’m not going to bar you from getting into the room. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll open it for Elixia to come into. 

Liv/Elixia: Okay where are the other two?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I don’t know. 

Afra/Milo: I’m being escorted by the nurse. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Going to the tree-agy 

Nathan/Fiero: The tree-agy bay. Can we see if we can see Lin-Dare?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Oh yeah, do they pass the waiting room? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Roll an Investigation check if you’re looking. You can as well Milo. 

*dice rolling*

Afra/Milo: I got an eight. No, no, sorry. Six. Because I have minus one. 

Liv/Elixia: *laughter* Intelligence?

Afra/Milo: Yes. I have minus one Intelligence. Thank you. 

*dice rolling*

Nathan/Fiero: Ten.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You will not be able to find the other guys. 

Liv/Elixia: I’m like, “You know what, I knew this plan was going to fail anyway so I’m just going to start without them.” 

Nathan/Fiero: Who said anything about failing? We’re just lost. 

Afra/Milo: We’re just wandering the halls of the hospital.

Nathan/Fiero: Well I can. 

Liv/Elixia: Lin-Dare is he conscious yet?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Is he conscious  or is he…?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Ah yeah, you’ve brought him back to consciousness, but he’s just not having a great day right now. He’s in a lot of pain. A lot of side stomach issues. 

Afra/Milo: From where he was stabbed. 

Liv/Elixia: Can I go up to him and talk to him?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah he’s just going to look up and be like, 

Tyrone/Jack: Why are you here?

Liv/Elixia: Hi, it’s me again. So, tell us more about this anomaly, machine, portal, fairy queen bullshit.

Nick/Lin-Dare: It’s okay dear, take your time.

Tyrone/Jack: What do you want to know? I don’t know what information I can give you that I haven’t already given you.

Liv/Elixia: How do we find the anomaly?

Tyrone/Jack: The anomaly is Blizzbro. You were already with….

Liv/Elixia: No, no, no, no, no. The other one. The original one. The portal one.

Nick/Lin-Dare: The orrery fairy. 

Nathan/Fiero: Push down on his catheter.


Liv/Elixia: No, no, no. I’m not resorting to torture just yet. I understand that he’s slow to process things due to injuries that people may or may not have given him. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: We don’t want him to scream. It’ll alert the hospital staff.

Nathan/Fiero: Final resort if we need to. Push on the cath, 

Nick/Lin-Dare: We don’t know what a catheter is!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I don’t know if he- Does he have one of those already? It’s been twenty minutes since he got- 

Liv/Elixia: Stabbed. By yours truly. 

Nathan/Fiero: You can get cathed pretty soon. Yeah 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Cathed. They really freak me out. I really hate them.

Liv/Elixia: We’re interrogating this man. Please. 

Tyrone/jack: Well he leaves behind- well  the portal leaves behind the distinct signature each time it moves location.

Liv/Elixia: What do you know about the portal? Does it just go between our world and this world? Or is there other places?

Tyrone/jack: I can only imagine. I think it belongs to this fairy. It is his own design. I have never seen a portal machine like this. 

Liv/Elixia: *groans loudly*

Nick/Lin-Dare: I will ask him, “How do I get an audience with Demeter?”

Tyrone/jack: When you have earned one. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: I slayed that monster for her already.

Afra/Milo: Still hasn’t even called. 

Tyrone/jack: When I have healed. Once I’m able to return back to Agent Khione, we may be able to discuss an arrangement.

Liv/Elixia: You’re not in a position to discuss arrangements, sir. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: She’s like, “I can heal you now if you take me Demeter now.”

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, yeah, yeah Lin-Dare. How do we find the guy with the portal? That’s what’s most important here. 

Afra/Milo: I mean, didn’t you guys see the portal before? 

Liv/Elixia: I know, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s there. 

Afra/Milo: Okayyy

Nathan/Fiero: He’s not at the hospital. Or is he?

Afra/Milo: He’s in the walls *laughter*

Liv/Elixia: These guy can track Blizzbro. Ergo, they can track the other guy. 

Afra/Milo: Do you have like a diviner- I’m not there. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah how did she know that we were at Blizzbro’s house?

Tyrone/Jack: The unique energy signature that the portal gave off as it entered this realm. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: And how do we track that? 

Tyrone/Jack: Magic

Liv/Elixia: *groans*

Nick/Lin-Dare: Can you teach us this magic?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to look between you.

Tyrone/Jack: Wasn’t there a magic user amongst you?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yes. He’s not here right now, but I can pass the spell knowledge onto him. Can you write it down or something?

nathan/Fiero: Just come find me.

Tyrone/Jack: There’s a few ways to discover the energy signature. Personally, I just use the spell Detect Magic. It’s one that I was taught.

Nick/Lin-Dare: I have that spell!

Afra/Milo: Yay!

Tyrone/Jack: You’re a magic user?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Only recently. Only since an hour ago.


Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Flashback to Bahamut being like: “Here’s how you do Detect Magic”. 

Tyrone/Jack: Then that’s basically all you have to look for. All you need is to look for the unique signature of the conjuration. There’s not a lot of magic around so you’ll quickly be able to find it. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Okay, Elixia are we done here? I can track it now. 

liv/Elixia: Hmmm. 

Afra/Milo: Just stab him again

liv/Elixia: Wait, wait, wait. I just- Is there anything else? That you can think of that you can give us out of the kindness that we spared you. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, anything else?

Tyrone/Jack: Why are you here?

Nick/Lin-Dare: What?

Tyrone/Jack: Why are you guys here? How did you get here? Why are you with this fairy guy?

liv/Elixia: That’s what we’re trying to figure out!

Tyrone/Jack: Why are you with this fairy guy that we don’t want here?

Nick/Lin-Dare: He’s not with us.

Tyrone/Jack: Then why are you with him?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Cos his portal took us here.

Tyrone/Jack: How?

Nick/Lin-Dare: It’s a portal.

liv/Elixia: It’s a whole thing Jack. It’s been a long day and we want to find him so that we can undo everything that he did to us. 

Tyrone/Jack: And we want you out of our realm as quickly as possible.

liv/Elixia: So let’s work in tandem. Let’s figure out something where we both get what we want. 

Tyrone/Jack: Well someone put me in a hospital. 

liv/Elixia: That’s because you were attacking us!

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, Lin-Dare will apologise. She’ll be like, “Sorry about that. But we healed you up. You attacked us first.”

Nathan/Fiero: Valid. These are valid points.

liv/Elixia: Yeah, and more importantly we spared your lives, so you owe us. So is there anything else? Any other piece of information that you can think of that would help us so that we can get back. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Tyrone, feed me some lore.

Afra/Milo: I need something. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Roll me a persuasion.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Can I roll it as well? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah.

*dice rolling*

Nick/Lin-Dare: I got a fifteen. 

liv/Elixia: Alright, I get twenty-three. I have really high charisma. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Holy shit. What was your initial roll?

liv/Elixia: Eighteen. My charisma is a plus 3 and I have a proficiency. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Damn. Shit. We’re just going to hold that for a second while we sort these guys out wandering the corridors of a hospital.

Afra/Milo: Yay.

Nathan/Fiero: Hey Milo, do you want to go to the cafeteria?

Afra/Milo: I could eat. Definitely. 

Nathan/Fiero: Yeah definitely. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You guys have seen a map and been like, ‘cafeteria.’

Nathan/Fiero: I own the place. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: A nurse is going to come up to you and be like:

Tyrone/nurse: Jackie! You’re back from your break early. Are you alright girl?

Afra/Milo: Goddamit

Nathan/Fiero: Yeah. I heard about this really cool case came in. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Does disguise self change your voice? Or does he have to put on a ladies voice?

Nathan/Fiero: It was a Jackie Chan kind of a Jackie, you know?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Like a masculine Jackie?

Nathan/Fiero: Yeah. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She still called you girl. It’s like a ‘gurrl’ sort of girl.

Nathan/Fiero: Boys can be nurses too. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, but you said Jackie, and you said Nurse Jackie as in the T.V. show so I pictured Nurse Jackie.  

Nathan/Fiero: I did do that, didn’t I?

Tyrone/Nurse: Alright. Yes. A hot case? What?

Nathan/Fiero: Some guy named Jack, and ‘cos I’m (and I look down again) Jackie, I just wanted to check in on a fellow Jack. 

Tyrone/Nurse: What about your patient here? Are you alright?

Afra/Milo: Yeah. My head hurts. Thanks. He’s taking care of me. 

Liv/Elixia: Sounds like he’s concussed!

Afra/Milo: That’s what he’s going for. 

tyrone/Dungeon Master: He really does. 

Nathan/Fiero: He was in the same incident. So we’re going to group them together. Yeah. So, which way? Where is it?

Afra/Milo: Where is it?

Tyrone/Nurse: I think I saw them down by Room 306. 

Nathan/Fiero: Great, and where is 306?

Liv/Elixia: You know there’s signage everywhere. 

Tyrone/Nurse: That old age is really getting to you isn’t it? Come on Jackie. You’ve been here for what? Twenty-five years? 

Nathan/Fiero: And how dare you talk to me that way. I am your superior. 

Tyrone/Nurse: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. 

tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’ll show you on the map on the wall how to get there. 

Nathan/Fiero: Thanks. Let’s go. 

tyrone/Dungeon Master: Let’s go. Back to the interrogation. You wanted extra information from me which I was definitely supposed to be thinking about this entire time and then kind of didn’t think about the extra piece of information to give you. 

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, I got a twenty-three. So…

Nick/Lin-Dare: Persuaded him to reveal anything else he thought he wants to. 

tyrone/Jack: He is a danger to our realm. Our court has seeked peace across this realm and he’s inflicting magic upon the realm which could ultimately cause it’s destruction. 

Liv/Elixia: Okay, question to you Jack. 

tyrone/Jack: Yes. 

Liv/Elixia: What if we helped you get him? Would there be anything in it for us from the fairy court? And by anything I mean some sort of prize or treasure or something. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Monetary reward. 

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, I don’t just want honour. 

tyrone/Jack: We have court wizards and Queen Demeter is very powerful herself. I’m sure she could arrange a way back home for you. 

Nathan/Fiero: I’m getting Wizard of Oz vibes.

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, I was gonna say, ‘Come on Wizard of Oz’.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Oh my god. 

Nathan/Fiero: Let’s go red ruby slippers. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: So if we catch orrery man you will take us to Demeter, who will then send us back?

Liv/Elixia: But what if we just get him to send us back? I want something like-

tyrone/Jack: From what limited knowledge we have seen of him, he doesn’t know how to control it himself. 

Liv/Elixia: Goddammit. Alright fine. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Alright. Elixia let’s go. I’ll cast Detect Magic.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You guys are packing up ready to go and then Milo and Fiero walk in. 

Afra/Milo: Hi! What’s going on guys? Did we miss anything?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I mean can they see us? The curtain is still closed. 

Afra/Milo: We rip back the curtain. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’ll hear people walk in. You just hear the other nurse’s voice say:

Tyrone/Nurse: He’s just behind there. You’re such a hard worker Jackie. You’re getting off your break early. Don’t work yourself too hard. 

Afra/Milo: We rip back the curtain. 

Nathan/Fiero: I got this girl. You can go down to the other end of hall and do something over there. I’ve got this area. 

Afra/Milo: Wow

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Oh my god.

Tyrone/Nurse: Yeah, I’ve go this really tough case down in Room 410. Byeee.

Nathan/Fiero: So, do we pull back the curtain? Pull back the curtain. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah. Let’s rip back the curtain at the same time. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: I guess you’ll see Elixia and Lin-Dare talking to the agent. 

Nathan/Fiero: What did you find out?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I can track the orrery portals.

Liv/Elixia: And I may have gotten us a way home through the fairy queen. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Elixia made a deal. If we catch the orrery fairy then Demeter might… Will! Will send us home.

Liv/Elixia: Actually yeah, if you’re a fairy, do you do contracts or deals or promises that you can’t break. Like unbreakable oaths kind of things?

Nathan/Fiero: Ooo fae contracts.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Or does Demeter do that?

tyrone/Jack: I work for the queen so I can’t take any other contracts since I work for her. There are some who do that, but not me. 

Liv/Elixia: Can you give me some level of assurance that what you say is true, and that she has the power to send us back.

tyrone/Jack: I can’t guarantee that she has the power to send you back. I can only assume because she is so powerful. 

Liv/Elixia: It will have to do I guess.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Let’s go find the fairy man and then we can go.

Afra/Milo: Yeah, let’s go!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright.

Nathan/Fiero: How do you get out?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Elixia, do you want to go back through the window.

Liv/Elixia: We are all going back through the window. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Lin-Dare is so heavy! She’s in full plate armour, she can’t fit through the window!

Afra/Milo: I mean you can just walk out. You’re a visitor.

Nick/Lin-Dare: True, I am the mother so I can…

Nathan/Fiero: You’d have a visitor’s pass. I assume you’d have a vistor’s pass.

Nick/Lin-Dare: I do. Lin-Dare can leave, right?

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, I’m jumping and barrel-rolling. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Just like my visit is done. I’m gonna go home. I’m going to give Jack some of the cookies from her bag to keep. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Did you heal him?

Nick/Lin-Dare: No.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re just going to keep him in the hospital for a while?

Afra/Milo: Yeah the hospital can heal him. Who cares?

Nick/Lin-Dare: At least we know where he is. If we need to come back to him we know that he’s going to be at the hospital. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, I don’t want him getting up any time soon.

Liv/Elixia: He’s not getting out any time soon. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: And you know, are they going to be sus that he miraculously healed a stab wound?

Liv/Elixia: Exactly. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah that’s fair. Alright, so everyone is going out the window except for…

Afra/Milo: Where has Blizzbro been this whole time?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Did we leave him alone?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s still outside.

Liv/Elixia: He’s on his phone.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s like paying the taxi and then he turns back around and you’re all gone, like ‘uhh?’

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, I’ll go back out the normal way.

Afra/Milo: Alright, then we’ll go back out. I like that the girls got information while we just wandered the halls dressed up as other people. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s that dynamic, you know? That Milo Fiero dynamic. The shenanigans if you would. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah!

Nathan/Fiero: We are the side story. That one that brings humour to break everything up. 

Liv/Elixia: The B-plot!

Nick/Lin-Dare: Elixia and Lin-Dare are the devil and angel on the shoulders. 

Liv/Elixia: Yeah! Good cop, bad cop!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Like a Shakespeare play with the comedic subplot.

Nathan/Fiero: Exactly.

Afra/Milo: I think we can just walk out. Just put a bandage over my head. “I’m fixed. Don’t worry”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re just going to walk back out?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I’m cured of my concussion, I’m leaving. 

Liv/Elixia: I’ve had worse in the war. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah Nurse Jackie helped me out. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Elixia’s the only one going through the window then?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I can leave the normal way. 

Nathan/Fiero: Is there any other way?

Liv/Elixia: Yeah. It feels weird to go through the fluorescent lit hallway. I don’t like them. They make my eyes hurt. 

Nathan/Fiero: Does the blackout affect the hospital?

Liv/Elixia: No they have generators. Hospitals have generators. Doesn’t change that they’re fluorescent. 

Afra/Milo: They have generators.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Back-up generators. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Please, everybody but Elixia roll me a perception. 

Liv/Elixia: *groans*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You went out the back way.

*dice rolling*

Afra/Milo: I got eighteen. Finally a good roll.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Twelve. 

Nathan/Fiero: Twenty-three.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Milo and Fiero will, as they’re going out through the doors, Lin-Dare is too amazed by the modern technology of the hospital I suppose. You will see actual Nurse Jackie coming in. 

Nathan/Fiero: Oh no! Oh god.

Afra/Milo: Oh god!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What’re you going to do?

Nathan/Fiero: I’m just going to crouch behind you. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, I’ll just make myself really big and be like, “Oh my god, hi!”

Nathan/Fiero: You know when you chase someone around a tree? Let’s do that. 

Afra/Milo: Yep. I’ll just be like, “Hi, nurse.”

Nick/Lin-Dare: Are the receptionists going to notice that Jackie had come in and now another Jackie is coming in.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah the security guard is looking very confused. Like:

Tyrone/Security Guard: Wait, wait. Hold on. Did you come in just to go out another door Jackie?

Nathan/Fiero: Yes, yes I did. Medicine. It’s pretty- he’s convinced. 

Afra/Milo: I think that works fine. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Deception roll?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I wanna say stealth if you’re trying to hide behind.

Nathan/Fiero: Oh right, right. Of course. 

*dice rolling*

Nathan/Fiero: It’s an eight plus two. I just rolled a d12.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah what did you just roll? Oops. 

*dice rolling*

Nathan/Fiero: I’m going to stick to the first roll.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What was it?

Nathan/Fiero: I’m a six now. Can we do that mime thing if she sees me? Be pointing my finger for the people listening. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re going to see the security guard actually get the real Nurse Jackie and is firmly placing her to the side and intensely questioning her. He’s going to look to you and be like:

Tyrone/Security Guard: Nurse Jackie, on your way. I’ve got this imposter here. 

Nathan/Fiero: Rightly so. How dare they!

Afra/Milo: Let’s go.

Liv/Elixia: Oh we’re running with this are we?

Tyrone/Security Guard: We’re just going to have to follow this up with you later. But we’ve got your number on file so we’ll sort it out. 

Afra/Milo: Yep. This sounds fine. 

Nathan/Fiero: Absolutely. There’s only one Nurse Jackie in this hospital. 

Liv/Elixia: And that’s you?

Nathan/Fiero: That’s me. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I haven’t even seen Nurse Jackie. Yep, you guys are back out the front and Blizzbro has held the taxi for us. Because he’s putting it all on his parents credit card. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Oh that’s right.

Liv/Elixia: That’s going to be something to explain.

Nick/Lin-Dare: All of these taxi trips recently. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’ve seen his house. I’m sure they can afford it. 

Liv/Elixia: That’s true. He lives in an apartment penthouse. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Did you guys get what you needed to get?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yes. I will track the magic down.

Liv/Elixia: Right, let’s go. Let’s do it. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: So you just need to head in the general direction of where we say the flash?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yes.

Afra/Milo: Are you going to do your spell?

Liv/Elixia: I feel like we don’t need to do it right now. We can just go straight to the portal.

Nick/Lin-Dare: If you take me to this CBD I can cast it there. It works better if I’m closer to the source. 

Afra/Milo: Let’s go. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Alright, let’s tell the taxi man to take us to the CBD.

Liv/Elixia: He’s going to be like ‘bro, that's a wide couple of blocks. Like, which one?’

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Take me to the State Library. That works. 

Afra/Milo: Nice. A classic spot. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: What did you find out?

Nick/Lin-Dare: We may have a possible deal with the fairy queen.

Tyrone/Blizzbro: What? Don’t we hate the fairies? They tried to fuck me up. 

Liv/Elixia: Oh yeah, that’s right. They don’t like you either. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: They want the same thing. If we can catch them the fairy man that makes the portals, that will take us back home. 

Liv/Elixia: Do you think they’ll give us something extra if we also hand over this guy?

Nick/Lin-Dare: No! We’re not going to. You can come back with us. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: What do they want with me? 

Liv/Elixia: Like, they won’t do anything that bad. Plus think of the reward. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: No, no, no. It’s alright. We’ll look after you. Come back to our realm. I’ll teach you proper frost magic. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: What do they want with me?

Afra/Milo: Don’t worry about it little bro. It’s fine. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: I’m very worried. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Little Blizzbro

Afra/Milo: We’ll take care of you now. Then you can come back to our land.

Nick/Lin-Dare: You can come back and my daughter is going to teach you all the frost spells. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah. 

Liv/Elixia: Or he could stay in this world.

nathan/Fiero: He can stay in this world. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: For reals?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah you could. 

Liv/Elixia: And be handed over to the fairies.

Afra/Milo: Don’t say that in front of him! He’s right here!

Liv/Elixia: He doesn’t pick up on those things. Right Blizzbro? Don’t even worry about it.

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Excuse me?

nathan/Fiero: See exactly. He didn’t hear anything. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: I’ll keep you safe, don’t worry. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Roll a deception Elixia.

Liv/Elixia: Okay.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m going to roll an insight against that. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Is Blizzbro proficient in insight?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He hasn’t been the brightest. It took him a long time to pick up that you guys are from fantasy land. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah true. 

*dice rolling*

Liv/Elixia: I got seventeen. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He rolled a nineteen. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Ooooo

Liv/Elixia: Shit.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to whisper to Fiero and be like:

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Keep me away from Elixia please. I don’t trust her. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: He doesn’t say that to Lin-Dare? The one who was literally like ‘I will protect you.’

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah.

Nick/Lin-Dare: When Fiero was like ‘he can go.’

Nathan/Fiero: You’re on thin ice.

Liv/Elixia: Get it? Ice. Because he-

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Fucks sake. 

Nathan/Fiero: Ba-dum-tss

Liv/Elixia: Ba-dum-tss

*car ambience*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Okay we’re in the taxi on the way to the CBD. The central business district. That’s what it stands for, right?

Afra/Milo: *laughter* You’re questioning yourself. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It felt very confident for something I wasn’t one hundred percent on. And we’re going to stop at the State Library which is more of an architecture style that you guys might be a bit more familiar with. It feels a bit more traditional than some of the other buildings around, which feels very similar to what Blizzbro referred to as a skyscraper last time. Or his house. And the taxi’s going to go off this time, it’s not going to wait behind. 

Afra/Milo: Alright. 

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Okay, Lin-Dare. What are we… What do we do?

Nick/Lin-Dare: She will cast Detect Magic. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What does that look like when you cast spells?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I think it’s like a glowing, holy light that comes out of her hands. Because she’s not using any of her weapons in the spell. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Ah yep. It’s also quite dark here. So, not a lot of people are around because everything has basically had to shut. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yep, she will just raise her hands up and glowing, holy energy will pulse out of her hands. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Are you going to start…I’m picturing like a human metal detector.

Nick/Lin-Dare: And I’m looking for conjuration, right?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Conjuration, yep. Which I believe has a specific colour according to the spell. Let’s say purple. Conjuration is now purple. Let’s make that canon. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yep purple, yeah. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re looking around for some purple magic. You’re looking around at your surroundings trying to figure at where that is. You see a few people around. There’s a child skateboarding out the front. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Does anyone react to her casting this? Because it is dark. 

Nathan/Fiero: It is pitch black. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: No, there’s just kind of looking at you because you’re-

Liv/Elixia: Wait there’s a child skateboarding in a blackout?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yes.

Afra/Milo: It’s the State Library.

Liv/Elixia: There’s always a child skateboarding. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’ll probably see some sneaky beers in the bush as well that the child has been taking sips out of. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Because yeah, I’d like to think it generates quite a lot of light when she casts this. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I think people think it’s just your phone torch or something, because they can’t really see where the source of the light is coming from. There’s like a couple making out on the side on the bench. There’s a well-dressed, sort of middle-aged woman  wearing sunglasses. Kind of weird, but you just keep moving around them to across the street, very opposite, to what looks to be some main shopping centre. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Can I ask Blizzbro if he knows what’s in there?

Tyrone/Blizzbro: That’s the shopping centre, like a big shopping centre in there. Is that where it’s coming from?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, I think if I get closer to it.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Okay, it’s sort of like purple coloured smoke is what it looks like in your vision. No-one else gets to see this. Everyone is going off of you. You have to lead the way. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Where is it? Does is just go straight in? Does it go up some stairs?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You can see that the purple smoke is sort of in then up a few floors. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Alright, I will go up the floors. Just keep following the trail. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: As you guys get in, you get into what looks to be a big bazaar. It’s one of the biggest shopping areas that you’ve ever seen. It’s got multi-platforms. It’s got stairs leading up which looks like the magic stairs, but they’re not running right now. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Ah the magic stairs, yeah. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s pretty empty. There’s not a lot of people. There’s like one or two people walking through, but it’s pretty empty. But in the middle of this blackout, there's a lot of the lights on on the third floor going haywire. Flashing like crazy. 

Afra/Millo: Is that the food court?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Is Milo a little bit hungry is he?

Afra/Milo: So, are we where the clock is?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re where the clock is. Which is very ominous that it’s going to start doing its little dance thing, because it’s hit on the hour. Like the clock’s going to lower down and the clockwork figures are going to start dancing.  Making some little tunes. 

Afra/Milo: Ooo.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Look, I’ve seen clocks do this before. 

Afra/Millo: With the power out?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, with the power out. 

Afra/Milo: Okay it’s this haywire…

Nick/Lin-Dare: Okay I’ll point to the likes and be like, “Smoke’s up there. Let’s go. 

Afra/Milo: Alright, let’s run up these magic, non-magic stairs. 

nathan/Fiero: That first step.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s a little disconcerting running up magic, non-magic stairs. Which always does, running up escalators that don’t move. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, it always feels wrong. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Blizzbro’s going to be like:

Tyrone/Blizzbro: It’s coming from the arcade. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Elixia, can you stealth in there and sus it out?

Liv/Elixia: Can I?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re going to stealth into a room full of flashing lights?

Nick/Lin-Dare: She can do it. I trust her ability. 

Liv/Elixia: Can I just stealth whenever?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, yeah, you can give it a go. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Send Elixia in there first.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: How difficult it is is just contextual based on what there is available to hide.

Liv/Elixia: Alright, so I just roll a D20?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah.

Afra/Milo: It’s the most sides…

Liv/Elixia: I’ve got it, I’ve got it.

*dice rolling*

Liv/Elixia: Fifteen. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Damn, that’s pretty good. Pretty good. Yeah, you know what, you get up to the third floor above these guys as they’re sticking back I imagine?

Nathan/Fiero: She can scout ahead. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah. I’ll wait for her to stealth. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, I told her to go in and sus it out first. 

Liv/Elixia: Hell yeah. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s going to be a lot. Do you remember when you were in the club and there were flashing lights everywhere?

Liv/Elixia: Not this again. 

*ambient electronic music starts*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s going to be a lot of that but it’s going to be… Music is still pumping as well. It’s still a different style of music of music but yeah. And inside you’re going to see what looks to be a middle-aged, on the older side of middle-aged woman emanating electricity. It’s zapping into all the arcade machines, all these machines around. And there’s also who you recognise as the fairy man.


Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And the fairy man is going to be talking to them, trying to calm them down.

Tyrone/Fairy Man: It’s alright, it’s alright.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Did he give somebody else magic? Is that what’s happening?

Afra/Milo: This man needs to be stopped. Jesus Christ.

Liv/Elixia: I am going to say first of all, “You!”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re going to come out from the shadows?

Liv/Elixia: You know what, yes. I think if she was in her own world and was on a job she wouldn’t. But she’s tired and these lights are annoying and so I think she’s just going to march up to him and grab him and be like: “You’re coming with me.”

nathan/Fiero: You just wanted to talk to him.

Liv/Elixia: I don’t care about electric girl. We need him and the fairy queen needs him and I need to get home. So…

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Roll me a dexterity saving throw.

*dice rolling*

Liv/Elixia: Thirteen.

*dice rolling*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You are going to take just one point of electricity damage as one of these things zaps you because you get very close to this middle-aged lady

Liv/Elixia: God damn it. Do I make like a: *cartoonish electrified sounds* Ow. 

*electric pulse sound effect*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Fairy man is going to be like:

Tyrone/Fairy man: No, no, no. You don’t understand. I’m just trying to help her, trying to calm her down so that she doesn’t blow up the entire city.

Liv/Elixia: Oh I’ll calm her down

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Elixia was not the one to try and defuse the situation. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Look, I thought that she’d just sus it out and come back and tell us, but you know. 

Liv/Elixia: It’s been a long day. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: I guess since she hasn’t come back, can I go in there?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, if you guys aren’t waiting behind. Are you guys waiting or…?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I’m not anymore. 

Nathan/Fiero: I’m joining.

Afra/Milo: Yeah, I think since I heard her get electrocuted maybe I’ll go in. 

Liv/Elixia: Okay, I’m trying to figure out how to attack this girly without using my metal weapons. 

Afra/Milo: You’ve got knives. 

Nathan/Fiero: You throw them. 

Liv/Elixia: Can I throw a knife at her. Just in the leg so she stops, you know? 

Afra/Milo: That’s really going to calm her down. 

Liv/Elixia: No, so that she stops moving. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, roll a dexterity attack roll. 

*dice rolling*

Liv/Elixia: Twelve. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m afraid that all of these flashing lights will distract you as the knife is going to clatter to the floor on the side. You get a knife on an arcade machine. Fairy man is going to see Lin-Dare coming and start pleading like:

Tyrone/Fairy Man: Please, you don’t understand. I’m just trying to help them. I didn’t mean to do this.

nick/Lin-Dare: Can I pick him up? I don’t want to hurt him. I just want to stop him from running away again. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Okay. I’ll let that happen. 

Afra/Milo: You can pick him up. 

*dice rolling*

nick/Lin-Dare: That’s a… what is that? A sixteen.

*dice rolling*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah no. He is not strong. He’s a little fairy boy. 

nick/Lin-Dare: She’s just going to put him under her arm and be like, “We’re not going to hurt you, but you’ve got to come with us.”

Liv/Elixia: Smart. Now we’ve got him. Let’s go. 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: You just need to help Mildred here. 

Liv/Elixia: *groans*

nick/Lin-Dare: What did you do to Mildred?

Nathan/Fiero: She is very middle-aged, on the older side. 

nick/Lin-Dare: She’s like, “Did you give her those electricity powers?”

Tyrone/Fairy Man: I didn’t mean to. 

Liv/Elixia: You didn’t mean to do anything. 

nick/Lin-Dare: I have one traumatised ice mage

Tyrone/Fairy Man: I just need you guys to stop coming after me so that I don’t accidentally set off the machine. 

Nathan/Fiero: What machine?

Tyrone/Fairy Man: The orrery. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Okay, well you can come with us.

Liv/Elixia: It’s your fault that we’re here. It’s your fault that this girl’s gone crazy and that the entire city’s in a blackout, and why are you not taking responsibility for any of it? 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: It’s what I’m trying to do right now. I’m trying to get her to get it under control so that we can figure out the situation. 

Liv/Elixia: Can Milo or Fiero or one of you fix this? Talk to this girl. I don’t know, you’re good at feelings kind of shit. 

Afra/Milo: Oh umm…

Liv/Elixia: Plus I feel like, Milo if you get electrocuted it doesn’t really matter. It’s not like your brain can get any worse.

Nathan/Fiero: Shots fired. 

Afra/Milo: Poor Milo. What can Milo do?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What can’t he do?

Liv/Elixia: Can’t he talk to her? You’re about her age. 

Afra/Milo: Alright Mildred. Can she hear me? What’s she doing? She’s freaking out?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s floating in the middle of the air. Electricity pouring out of her. She’s in a lot of pain. 

Liv/Elixia: So fucking cool.

Afra/Milo: Alright he’s going to be like, “Mildred, you doing alright? What’s going on?

Tyrone/Mildred: Who are you? What are you doing?

Afra/Milo: I’m just here to help you. Are you alright? You wanna come down from there queen?

Liv/Elixia: M’lady. 

Afra/Milo: We’re here to help. Yeah, m’lady. 

Tyrone/Mildred: I don’t know how. I don’t know how to get down. 

Afra/Milo: Okay well. So, she was fine and this little man did this.

Liv/Elixia: Didn’t you just learn magic?

Afra/Milo: Yeah, I don’t have magic that can help her. 

Liv/Elixia: No but you just got magic. She just got magic. Bond over that shared trauma.

Afra/Milo: It’s a scary time. You have a lady talking in your head and you don’t know who she is and she tells you to do bad things. I understand. 

Tyrone/Mildred: I don’t have a lady speaking in my head. 

Afra/Milo: Okay, well just me I guess. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What spells did you get?

Afra/Milo: Cure Wounds and Ensnaring Strike. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What is Ensnaring Strike? 

Afra/Milo: What is it? can restrain a target with magic vines. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Oh, why don’t you restrain her. 

Afra/Milo: But they take damage.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s like vines instead of metal stuff. 

Afra/Milo: Okay, let’s ensnare the strike. 

Liv/Elixia: You’re giving up trying to reason with her?

Afra/Milo: I’m going to restrain her. Yeah, I can’t grab her so I’ll ensnare her. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, she is floating. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, give it a go. Cast a spell. 

Afra/Milo: When I cast it my next hit restrains them with magic vines. They need to do a Strength saving throw.

*dice rolling*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m very sorry. She rolled a nineteen. So these vines…

Afra/Milo: Do I even roll!? Okay, so no vines. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: No roll a D20. See what happens. 

nick/Lin-Dare: You might get a twenty. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You could get a twenty. 

*dice rolling*

Afra/Milo: I got an eighteen. What do I add to that? Wisdom?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, Wisdom. 

Afra/Milo: I got a twenty. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: We’ll plus your proficiency as well. So that’s another two. 

Afra/Milo: Sure. Twenty-two!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: So these vines… How do you cast your magic? I’ve heard from everybody how they cast. 

Afra/Milo: Like what action does he do?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah like how does it manifest?

Afra/Milo: He just randomly waves his arms in the air because he doesn’t really know how to do it, so he’s just like, “Go, go, magic go.”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m imagining your arms waving around and these vines are going to shoot from your palms as they wrap around Mildred. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, let’s do that. And I put her down on the ground.

Liv/Elixia: Are you surprised by how your magic works? Are you like *shocked exclamation* Oh my god it worked!

Afra/Milo: Yeah, like *shocked exclamation* 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re like Bulbasaur, you’re doing Vine Whip right now. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: The lady in my head was right!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s still emanating electricity but she’s down on the ground now. It’s a start. 

Liv/Elixia: But you know what doesn’t conduct electricity? Plants. 

Afra/Milo: Vines. Well they have water in them so I think they do. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: These are magic vines. 

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, well…

Nathan/Fiero: I’m pretty sure I’ve seen lightning strike a tree. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, definitely. 

Liv/Elixia: Dendro and Electro are a whole thing so 

Afra/Milo: That’s true, and it’s not me, so-

Liv/Elixia: It’s a whole- it’s not metal.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s Ash Ketchum being zapped by Pikachu every fucking episode. 

Afra/Milo: God no!

Liv/Elixia: God it would be funny if it was though. If you got electrocuted from the vines. You’re just like car jumpers. 

Afra/Milo: Alright, we’ve got her down. Now will this little fairy man…

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Blizzbro’s going to be like:

Tyrone/Blizzbro: Should I freeze her? Is that a thing we should do?

Liv/Elixia: I mean you may as well. 

nathan/Fiero: Let’s teach him

nick/Lin-Dare: I’ll be like, “Do you remember what I told you? Deep breaths. Focus your thoughts on the spell and you freeze her.”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to close his eyes in deep contemplation. 

nathan/Fiero: Ray of Frost. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah Fiero, you’re going to recognise the movements from that tent moment that you guys had. Where you tried to learn it, and you can see how much more efficient and better he does it than you. As he’s got this LARPing spell down and he does his Avatar scroll moves to cast his Ray of Frost towards Mildred. 


nick/Lin-Dare: Does Mildred get frozen?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Let’s roll for it.

*dice rolling*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He rolled a one. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Oh no.

*ice magic sound effect*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He has covered himself in ice completely. He is encased in icicle. 

Afra/Milo: Oh no!

nathan/Fiero: He missed. I blame the teacher. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Look I’m not a frost mage. She’s just passing on what she knows. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s conscious but he is encased in a big crystal of ice right now. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Oh dear. 

Afra/Milo: Frozen in a block of ice. 

nathan/Fiero: I thought you were a frost dragon. 

nick/Lin-Dare: She’s a frost dragon but she doesn’t practise frost magic.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You could try your frost breath I guess.  

Afra/Milo: You gonna breathe frost on her?

nick/Lin-Dare: Oh yeah. She will breathe damage at her 

nathan/Fiero: Yeah do your frost breath attack.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I feel like Lin-Dare is like, “No, not like that. Like this.”

nick/Lin-Dare: Like this *blowing* Alright.

*dice rolling*

nick/Lin-Dare: I rolled a seventeen.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Seventeen. Yeah, that’ll definitely hit. Especially because she’s restrained. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Yep, I’ll make it non-damaging frost. Just only to immobilise her. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright, yeah. She’s covered in a thin sheet of ice. You can see all of this electricity bouncing around, reflecting inside of it. But it is not enough to shatter your…

nick/Lin-Dare: Can I shatter Blizzbro’s ice thing. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: How are you going to do it? 

nathan/Fiero: On him. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Just whack it with my flail. 

nathan/Fiero: You know what happened the last time you tried to gently whack someone with your flail. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Okay, I’ll just hit him with my shield then.

Liv/Elixia: Just concuss him. 

nick/Lin-Dare: I’m not going to leave him in there. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You're going to slowly start chipping away at the ice. It’s pretty thick because he rolled a one. It’s powerful, he just doesn’t know how to control it. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Okay, I’ll start chipping him out of there if you guys want to deal with Mildred. 

Liv/Elixia: We could leave him in there. 

nathan/Fiero: How are we going to deal with Mildred?

Afra/Milo: I think we just talk to the little man. The man was worried about Mildred and now-

Liv/Elixia: They’re both in ice. They don’t matter. Let’s just talk to the guy.

nick/Lin-Dare: Oh yeah. Lin-Dare still has the man under her arm because I picked him up. 

nathan/Fiero: Grab him and run.

Afra/Milo: Let’s talk to this man. I need this guy to explain what is going on. He has not explained anything. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: That’s because you keep trying to attack him so he keeps trying to run away. 

Afra/Milo: Well now we’ve got him nice and secure. Can you please explain? 

Liv/Elixia: I pull out my rapier. I’m this close. And he’s not taking any responsibility.

Tyrone/Fairy Man: Thank you for helping me help Mildred.

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s go. 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: Where are we going? 

Liv/Elixia: Actually, you know what? We don’t even need him to explain anything. All we need to do is deliver him to the queen. 

Afra/Milo: Alright. How do we do that? Do we go back to the hospital? 

nathan/Fiero: We don’t know where the council is.

Afra/Milo: Yeah. Do we find Jack? 

Liv/Elixia: Or could we just detect magic for fey magic? 

nick/Lin-Dare: Can I ask him if he knows how to get to Demeter’s court?

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, you’re a fairy. You should know. 

nathan/Fiero: I don’t think he’d tell us. 

nick/Lin-Dare: We’ll just hold onto him until we run into one of the other fairies. 

Liv/Elixia: I could persuade him to tell us.

Tyrone/Fairy Man: I don’t know how to get there and I definitely don’t want to get there even if I knew how to get there because I…

Liv/Elixia: You’re so useless. 

nick/Lin-Dare: Does he look okay as I’m chipping him out of his ice block thing?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’ve got him under your arm and also using your other arm to chip away at the ice. 

nick/Lin-Dare: She’s a strong lady alright. 

nathan/Fiero: How did you know Dave’s name?

Afra/Milo: Yeah.

nathan/Fiero: And how did you know Mildred’s name? What’s your connection? 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: I asked Mildred her name. You guys don’t ask people’s names when you meet them do you?

nathan/Fiero: Oh so you’ve met them?

Liv/Elixia: We’re a little preoccupied with trying to get back to our home world. 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: Yeah, what’s your names?

Liv/Elixia: Milo don’t fall for it. 

Afra/Milo: “That doesn’t matter.” I’m not telling him

nathan/Fiero: Don’t tell him. He’ll give you weird magical powers. 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: And have you had any word at all from Greggory?

Liv/Elixia: Who?

Nick/Fiero: Who’s Greggory 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: The man in the sky. 

Liv/Elixia: Huh?

Nick/Fiero: Oh! The one outside the helicopter. 

Afra/Milo: How did you know this man’s name?

Liv/Elixia: I don’t recall that.

Afra/Milo: He was just in the sky.

Liv/Elixia: You guys saw a man in the sky and you didn’t tell us?

Afra/Milo: It was a long day.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Did you guys not see it at all? No.

Afra/Milo: No. It was just me and Fiero. 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: I think that’s all the damage I caused. I think it was just Greggory, and Dave, and Mildred. 

Liv/Elixia: And us!

Nathan/Fiero: And us.

Tyrone/Fairy Man: Who’s names are?

Liv/Elixia: It doesn’t matter.

Afra/Milo: I don’t think you should know our names. 

Tyrone/Fairy Man: Should I tell you my name first? Will that encourage you?

Afra/Milo: Yes. What’s your name?

Tyrone/Fairy Man: Are you going to tell me your name?

Afra/Milo: Mmm, we’ll see. I’ve been tricked before. 

Liv/Elixia: None of this matters. Let’s just go.

Tyrone/Fairy Man: My name is Kyros. Thanks for asking.

Liv/Elixia: Ugh. Well Kyros, if you don’t want to meet the end of my pointy stick again, can you help us get to the queen?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, how do we signal them?

Tyrone/Kyros: The ones that are hunting me should know. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Actually shouldn’t they be turning up soon because Mildred is an anomaly?

Afra/Milo: Yeah. Let’s just wait here for them.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You incapacitated one of the officers, and the other one. …

Nathan/Fiero: Wasn’t there two officers?

Afra/Milo: Is in a hospital. Wait, what happened to the other one? Did we kill…?

Nick/Lin-Dare: She jumped off the roof. Because she flew away. 

Afra/Milo: Oh shit. Yeah, she’s around. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You set her wings on fire and then she jumped off the building.  

Afra/Milo: She flew away. Who did that?

Nathan/Fiero: Who did that?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I guess we’ll wait here and we’ll speak to whoever turns up. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re just going to chill in the arcade?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah, why not?

Liv/Elixia: Okay. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m picturing a montage of you guys doing arcade games, like Whack-a-Mole.

Nathan/Fiero: Anyone wanna shoot hoops?

Afra/Milo: What else are we supposed to do?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Lin-Dare’s gonna break the Whack-a-Mole machine. 

Afra/Milo: With him in the Whack-a-Mole. We hit him. 

Liv/Elixia: Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Yeah I’m going to keep an eye on this guy. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: I’m going to keep him under my arm. I’m not going to let him go. 

Afra/Milo: Can he explain anything? Please? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What would you like to ask him?

Afra/Milo: What is he doing? Like why is he doing this?

Tyrone/Kyros: Why am I doing what?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Why did you make the orrery?

Afra/Milo: Don’t act naive! You know what you’re doing!

Nick/Lin-Dare: Why did you make the orrery in the first place?

Tyrone/Kyros: The orrery? I made it. It’s my invention. Thank you very much. I’m an engineer. 

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, a great one at that. 

Tyrone/Kyros: It’s the prototype that’s going to lead the way to the rest of my people coming back to their homeland. 

Liv/Elixia: You’ve done so well so far. It’s all so under your control. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Then why are they after you if you’re trying to help them?

Tyrone/Kyros: Here’s the thing you need. Not all fairies are the same. 

Afra/Milo: Ooo, we’ve been racist against the fairies. 

Tyrone/Kyros: Just as you there are a frost dragon and you here are an acid dragon…? Poison dragon?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Poison dragon. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah, poison. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Poison is like a cloud. Acid is like a stream. 

Tyrone/Kyros: Well you’re not the same. You see I work under the court of my king who needs to be reunited back to his homeworld. 

Afra/Milo: Oh, what happened? Why is he not in his homeworld? Is it because you made an invention that sent them to somewhere else?

Tyrone/Kyros: Well you see the Winter Court banished us. 

Liv/Elixia: I love fairies with seasonal courts. 

Afra/Milo: Ohhh, okay. 

Tyrone/Kyros: So, we’ve been exiled from our homeworld.

Afra/Milo: And you want to go back there?

Liv/Elixia: I mean at this point I kind of agree with the Winter Court. 

Afra/Milo: What did you guys do to get you exiled?

Nick/Lin-Dare: There must have been a reason. 

Liv/Elixia: Was it because you create terrible inventions?

Tyrone/Kyros: They wanted to put a limit on magic and we did not agree with them. 

Liv/Elixia: That’s fair.

Nathan/Fiero: That is actually fair with the havoc and mayhem.

Liv/Elixia: “With everything that I’ve seen with all the mages that I’ve spent the day with. With the amount of fire that has been set. I think it’s kind of fair.” Also, is this not just the plot of Civil War?

Tyrone/Kyros: Is it? What, just two sides fighting?

Liv/Elixia: No, but one’s like, ‘we should limit powers, and the other’s like we should have freedom and justice’. So which court are you from?

Tyrone/Kyros: The Summer Court. 

Liv/Elixia: Ugh, that explains everything. 

Afra/Milo: Of course. 

Tyrone/Kyros: So the people that have been trying to eliminate me are trying to eliminate all signs of magic from this realm 

Liv/Elixia: Fair. Again we’ve seen how badly magic interacts with this world. 

Afra/Milo: But aren’t they magic? They’ve got wings and stuff. 

Tyrone/Kyros: Well that’s the dictatorship that they’re in. They’re the only ones that can have magic. We disagree, so I’ve been sent to scout ahead so that the rest of my people can come through with my portal once I figure out it’s fucking issues!

Nick/Lin-Dare: Does he have the orrery with him now?

Tyrone/Kyros: I do, but I can’t get the thing to work the way that I want it to.

Liv/Elixia: Maybe you should, I don’t know, run some more tests before you unleashed it on the world. 

Tyrone/Kyros: This is the test. 

Afra/Milo: Okay, is there not a less insane way to do the test?

Liv/Elixia: I did not consent to said test. 

Nathan/Fiero: Why does it work on people?

Tyrone/Kyros: What do you mean?

Nathan/Fiero: So why does it affect Mildred and Dave?

Afra/Milo: Yeah, why’s it making them magic?

Tyrone/Kyros: I’ve got some working hypotheses, but I don’t have a full answer. 

Liv/Elixia: You’re telling me you invented this thing and you don’t even know how or why it works?

Nathan/Fiero: It makes portals but creates magicky people. 

Tyrone/Kyros: My best bet is that my magic from the portal machine is maybe zapping them and unlocking something inside them. Some sort of potential that they’ve already had, that they didn’t know that they’ve had.

Liv/Elixia: Ugh I hate this guy. 

Afra/Milo: Ohhh, the magic that got sealed away by these dictators. 

Tyrone/Kyros: Yeah exactly! See this guy is the only guy that gets it! 

Nathan/Fiero: The himbo!?

Afra/Milo: I can be smart sometimes. 

Liv/Elixia: I’m this close to stabbing you, I swear to god. 

Afra/Milo: I’m not just an idiot.

Nathan/Fiero: A handsome idiot. 

Tyrone/Kyros: Obviously humanity is not ready for this, so I’m trying to help Mildred and Greggory. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Is she still frozen? Is the ice starting to thaw or is she still frozen?

Afra/Milo: She’s fine. She’s frozen in a block of ice. Don’t even worry about it. 

Nathan/Fiero: Isn’t all the electricity just bouncing around.

Afra/Milo: I feel bad for Mildred

Tyrone/DUngeon Master: Well it’s sort of getting absorbed back into her as well. 

Liv/Elixia: How long are we going to be waiting here before these stupid fairy cops or whatever show up?

Nathan/Fiero: Do we want them to show up?

Liv/Elixia: We have one incapacitated that’s already scared of us in a bed. Why don’t we just go back there?

Afra/Milo: Now I don’t like the fairy cops.

Tyrone/DUngeon Master: Roll me a perception everybody. 

*dice rolling*

Nathan/Fiero: Eleven.

Nick/Lin-Dare: Sixteen.

Afra/Milo: Twenty-one.

Tyrone/DUngeon Master: Milo the most perceptive one. You will notice, while you guys are bickering away. You’re going to see a familiar figure rocking up to the arcade. He’s sort of slowly limping towards the arcade. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Is he out of the hospital already?

Afra/Milo: Is it Jack?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s Agent Jack.

Afra/Milo: Who let him out!? Oh my god, I’m scared. Oh my god that’s actually scary. He’s come after us. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s on some crutches and he’s limping towards you guys. 

Afra/Milo: Oh he got discharged from the hospital. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: I mean he’s not going to try anything again after last time.

Afra/Milo: Yeah, he knows what we can do. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to wave. Like:

Tyrone/Jack: Hello!

Afra/Milo: Hey Jack. How you doing?

Liv/Elixia: Hey Jack we got him!

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah Lin-Dare is going to gesture under her arm. 

Tyrone/Jack: I can see that.

Liv/Elixia: Now can you fulfil your side of the deal and take us to the fairy queen?

Tyrone/Jack: Sorry?

Nathan/Fiero: Of the Winter Court.

Liv/Elixia: Yeah we found that out too. Thanks for that by the way. You didn't explain any of the fairy politics. Or the fact that this guy was from the Summer Court and probably had a reason to do this. 

Tyrone/Jack: What’s the Summer Court?

Afra/Milo: These guys! Doesn’t know a damned thing.

Nathan/Fiero: Have we been hoodwinked?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Lin-Dare will point to the little fairy man and be like, “Why doesn’t he know?”

Tyrone/Kyros: I mean we’ve been exiled for some millennia. I don’t know what sort of indoctrination the queen has put upon its citizens. 

Liv/Elixia: I mean if I was part of a court that was named after one of the seasons I would simply assume that other courts of seasons were in existence. So that’s on them. 

Nathan/Fiero: Maybe they only get together in the cold months?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I would just assume it’s eternal Winter there. 

Liv/Elixia: The entire court? They probably hang out. 

Tyrone/Jack: I want to know more of what this fairy man has to say. Is there somewhere better we can go than this very very public area?

Liv/Elixia: There’s Blizzbro’s house?

Nick/Lin-Dare: Blizzbro’s house. 

Afra/Milo: Yeah I was going to suggest that. Let’s go to Blizzbro’s house. 

Tyrone/Jack: You mean this man currently encased in ice?

Nick/Lin-Dare: I’ve been chipping him away. How far is he out of the block?

Afra/Milo: We’ve got a fire user!

Liv/Elixia: Yeah we’ve got a fire mage! Why didn’t we just melt him?

Afra/Milo: Let’s crisp him up a bit. 

Nathan/Fiero: Alright, I’ll use one of my spell slots to do Burning Hands and grab the ice and-

Nick/Lin-Dare: Can you melt Mildred while you’re at it?

Liv/Elixia: No, no, no. Let’s leave her incapacitated. No.

Nathan/Fiero: No. With a name like Mildred. No. 

Liv/Elixia: She’s not your type, so no. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Kyros is going to be like:

Tyrone/Kyros: Put me down for a second. You can keep a hold of me or whatever. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Alright, I’ll keep hold of his neck. 

Afra/Milo: The scruff of his neck.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to mutter some incantations and do some… I don’t know why my first thought was Naruto with the hand movements. And he’s going to cast a light barrier around Mildred, so that she can-

Liv/Elixia: Why didn’t he do that earlier?

Afra/Milo: Yeah, Jesus. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Yeah.

Nathan/Fiero: Is it because we grabbed him?

Liv/Elixia: Excuses, excuses. 

Afra/Milo: I feel like this has been going on for quite a while. It took us twenty minutes to get to the hospital and there was a blackout. 

Tyrone/Kyros: I was trying to teach her to control it, not trying to encase her. 

Liv/Elixia: Okay. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You guys are heading back to Blizzbro’s?

Afra/Milo: Yep.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: This party is getting bigger and bigger. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: We’ve picked up so many extra people now. 

Liv/Elixia: And funnily enough I don;t care for any of them.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Hard cut sequence to-

Afra/Milo: Us in the apartment.

Nathan/Fiero: It’s a two bedroom apartment. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You know in sitcoms where they have that- I’m picturing Hannah Montannah where they have those singing parts.

*Afra and Nathan singing*

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yep. One scene is you in the arcade. The next is you guys in the loungeroom. Like a sitcom. 

Nathan/Fiero: Can we all walk on through the door simultaneously?

Afra/Milo: With the clapping. Like WOOO!


Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I’m picturing the wolf whistle.

Liv/Elixia: Is that Fiero as the crowd cheers.

Nathan/Fiero: Ooo okay, I’ll take that one. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’re all back in the loungeroom. Assuming Kyros is in some form of makeshift hand-cuffs. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: No, I think I’m still holding him. 

Liv/Elixia: Yeah, I’m not trusting anyone except Lin-Dare to keep hold of that. 

Nathan/Fiero: Because I like to rollercoaster emotion backflip and everything. Did my Burning Hands reignite anything between me and Blizzbro?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’ll sit next to you. Sit knees touching. 

Afra/Milo: Ooo, that’s spicy. 

Liv/Elixia: Is it?

Nathan/Fiero: Oh my god, I love him again. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Is he okay? He’s gone through a lot in one day. 

Nathan/Fiero: We all have. We all have. 

Liv/Elixia: You know what though? We all have.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And after he’s got the same story back from Kyros, Agent Jack. He’s going to look back to each of you and be like:

Tyrone/Jack: It’s time to take the anomaly in to Queen Demeter. 

Liv/Elixia: Didn’t he want to talk to him?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, I just hard cut that. He just got all the same- it was the same thing you guys got. 

Liv/Elixia: Oh okay cool. We did not need to go to a second location for that then,

Afra/Milo: Gotta be private. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: We also had to get Mildred out. 

Nathan/Fiero: Did we?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: The conversation still had to happen even if you didn’t get to roleplay it. He’s going to look to each of you and be like:

Tyrone/Jack: We need to visit Queen Demeter. If you guys would help me escort the anomaly. 

Liv/Elixia: Finally. 

Afra/Milo: Okay, let’s go. 

Nathan/Fiero: I suppose so. Yes. 

Nick/Lin-Dare: Alright, let’s go.

Nathan/Fiero: How do we get there?

Afra/Milo: Can we fly?

Nathan/Fiero: Don’t say an Uber.

Liv/Elixia: Don’t say a taxi either. 

Tyrone/Jack: Neither of those. We have to take the train. 

Theme Song: *rock music plays*

Finding home in the belly of the beast, to make it home we can’t accept defeat, so roll the dice and come along with me, finding home in the belly of the beast

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Thank you for listening to Portal Quandary. Portal Quandary is made possible by the following people: Afra Child as Milo, myself Tyrone Cross as Dungeon Master, Editor, and Community Manager, Nathan Lee as Fiero, Nick Fairleigh as Lin-Dare, and Liv Ryan as Elixia. Elias Moffat is our Content Producer and Narrative Consultant. Lachlan Fardy is our Sound Designer, Dylan Passé is our Editing Assistant and Amelia Nemet is our Transcriber. The theme song is Belly of the Beast by Lily Harnath and Henry Lucas, and if you need to contact us you can do so at portalquandary@gmail.com. This podcast was recorded on the lands of the Wurundjeri people, and produced on the lands of the Awabakal, Birpai, Bunerong and Wurundjeri people. Portal Quandary acknowledges and pays respect to our traditional custodians and to their past, present and emerging leaders. 

Theme Song: *rock music continues* 

Finding home in the belly of the beast, (in the belly of the beast), to make it home we can’t accept defeat, (there’s no turning back) so roll the dice and come along with me, (come along with me, let’s go), finding home in the belly of the beast.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Deception. Disgrace. 

Liv/Elixia: Evil as plain as the scar on his face.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Deception.

Liv/Elixia: Disgrace. You know that one zebra in that movie who’s screaming disgrace with the intensity of the devil himself.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s an iconic movie.

Liv/Elixia: It’s pretty good.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: We’re getting all sorts of public transport. We’ll all have to put on our best: *train notice imitation* The next stop is the Winter Court. Stopping all stations to getting home.