Steven/Noah: Portal Quandary has some content warnings. You can check them out in the episode description.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Within a towering spire set amidst a cream-coloured field of reeds, celebration reigns. All around the sounds of joy celebration and hints of anxiety fill the space, echoing up to the highest rooms and spilling out of the window-like notches that dot the structure. But not every person is happy. Robes swirling around her in haste, Thaumus cuts through the cheering throngs of cold determination. The people know better than to call out to her, aware that today of all days, her focus is absolute. As she descends within the spire, the sounds of revelry dim, never fading entirely but lessening in intensity. The energy around her becomes laden with anxiety, the people down here focused less on the joy of what is to come and more on the stress of what lies behind them, creeping ever closer. At the base of the city, an enormous tree winds out of the earth. Thaumus ducks expertly through the branches, pink foliage brushing away the fly away hairs that have broken free from her braid. She uses her staff to part the more stubborn branches, swooping into a large knot in the tree and setting foot on the entry ledge to Oberon’s castle, encased within the trunk of the massive tree. From here, the energy is more frantic again, scouts hustling with anticipation to their posts, a group of field medics making a beeline to the apothecary for backup supplies even as the faint sounds of laughter trickled down from above the branches of the Kingswood tree. Thaumus thunders into the map room and offers a kurt bow, cutting straight to the matter at hand before she is even fully straightened. 

Tyrone/Thaumus: There's a complication. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: The man and woman before her share a look. The shorter of the two stands abruptly, one hand reaching for the vine wrapped the staff resting against her chair in preparation.

Tyrone/Oberon: Today is the worst day to hear that from you, of all people.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: The man offers with a small quirk of his lips. His large orange wings flare out, yellow lined tips catching the light as he rises from the chair. Thaumus grimaces.

Tyrone/Thaumus: Far be it for me to ruin a good time, Your Majesty, but we spotted an abnormality over the Glamos’s fields. Onyx has already dispensed to investigate. 

Tyrone/Illumen: The Lustris or stars tell me not the Astr-

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: The King holds up a hand, cutting through the sentence. 

Tyrone/Oberon: Peace, Illumen. Don't borrow trouble yet. What is your assessment of the situation, Thaumus? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Thaumus thinks back to the scene for a short second before shaking her head once. 

Tyrone/Thaumus: Not the Astroglamos no, too small, too few, it's something… stars… 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She sinks absently into a seat at the table. 

Tyrone/Thaumus: I think it's something new. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Illumen's face draws tight, the wood of her staff creaking as she shifts her grip on it. The King nods behind Thaumus. 

Tyrone/Illumen: Auris, you better notify Ayanna to make preparations for whatever or whomever we’re to receive.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Thaumus starts twisting to see the flower-laden guard standing behind the doorway. He nods his ascent, casting one amused smirk her way before he departs. The King draws her focus back around.

Tyrone/Oberon: Something new, hmm? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Illumen scowls. Thaumus huffs once and casts about for something insightful. She sighs, the fatigue of the day finally catching her.

Tyrone/Thaumus: Something new.

Theme Song: *rock music plays*

Finding home in the belly of the beast, to make it home we can’t accept defeat, so roll the dice and come along with me, finding home in the belly of the beast

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright, welcome back to episode two of Portal Quandary: Prophis, and good job guys on fighting the buffalo. You managed to kick it back, and as a reward you guys have levelled up! Let's have a quick chat about that. Steven, how's your level up going? 

Steven/Noah: Not a lot happened for Noah on level up, but I did gain some infusions, inspired to create, I suppose, is what is going through Noah's head right now. I have four new infusions which we'll hopefully find out what that is later.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I'm realising perhaps that our listeners haven't actually been introduced to what classes we are, or what our official races are. Do you want to tell them what your race and class is? 

Steven/Noah: Oh, sure. So, Noah is a gnome and he is an artificer.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What background did you pick? 

Steven/Noah: Recluse. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I think it was the hermit?

Steven/Noah: Yeah, that one, he's a hermit. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I'm very curious to see, learn what these infusions are that you've picked. Going around to Nathan. How did your level up go?

Nathan/Hymnbo: Um, pretty good it's another episode of me doing mediocre because Hymnbo is a bard, a tiefling bard, and level two we get Jack of all Trades, which means not great at everything but you know, we'll give it a shot. Yeah, I've also learned a new spell, can't use it yet, but it is putting people to sleep, not unlike what I'm doing right now.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What background did you pick?

Nathan/Hymnbo: Oh we did, uh, the folk, but not like a hero. Like a folk person who's wanting to be a hero.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Was it folk hero or was it entertainer?

Nathan/Hymnbo: Folk hero.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Okay.

Nathan/Hymnbo: But like hasn't saved anyone yet.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I'm gonna quickly update my notes. Rosie, how did we go?

Rosie/Lucille: Yes, hello. So my level up has gone brilliantly. I have basically, well Lucille has become more cunning and basically starting to learn all of these different ways to hide from a battle and escape as best as possible. Or watching everybody else doing everything and then sneakily taking the credit. So, the level up went pretty well, yeah.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And what's all your race, class, background?

Rosie/Lucille: Alright, so Lucille is a fairy, and class, a rogue. of course, and she also has the background of a charlatan.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s gonna become very apparent as she knows how to hide and sneak around and shit. 

Rosie/Lucille: Yeah, definitely.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Last but not least, Magnolia. How did we go?

Jorja/Magnolia: Good. She kind of got her arse handed to her in that fight, so good thing that she can kind of hone in on her fighting skills, and she's gonna use her blessed powers to try to just be a bit better and be more cautious and take a step back, and she's gonna fire off some spells now that she has them after seeing everyone else do them.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I think that fight unlocked the knowledge that magic is maybe possible in this world.

Jorja/Magnolia: Yes, definitely some ideas just popped in. Was like ‘Oh, I should try that’.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And what's your race/class/background?

Jorja/Magnolia: She is harangon paladin, and background is athlete.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: From the gym junkie.

Jorja/Magnolia: Yeah, gym rat.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s swole. 

Jorja/Magnolia: She’s so thick.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Well, I suppose we better introduce this gent who's just introduced himself as Onyx to us all. He's wearing a uniform, he's got a red hat sort of like a, say like an old-fashioned soldier's hat, he's got these sort of moth wings that are sort of black and silver and brown, very metallic colours. He’s got a bow and arrow attached to his side, and he appears to be some sort of soldier or guard. Lucille, he's kind of gonna look at you for a second, 

Tyrone/Onyx: What are you doing out here in the fields with these beasts, these creatures? 

Rosie/Lucille: What do you mean? I don't know who put me here, could have been you for all I know. 

Tyrone/Onyx: Well, you being here has been rather inconvenient for me so I don't think I would have put you here. 

Rosie/Lucille: Lucille is not impressed. Me, an inconvenience? Me?! Excuse me, I'd like to speak to your manager.

Tyrone/Onyx: I think that's where we're going anyway. I'll be taking you to the king to have a word about where you're from. 

Rosie/Lucille: Lucille is kind of a bit taken aback for a bit. A king? She kind of shuts up for a little bit, tidies her hair. 

Steven/Noah: Fan of the monarchy, I see. 

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, yes.

Steven/Noah: I'm sorry, did you say king? 

Tyrone/Onyx: Aye? 

Steven/Noah: Where, where… who has a king anymore? Where are we? 

Jorja/Magnolia: England. Just throwing that out there. 

Rosie/Lucille: I sure hope.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Lucille has a little cross on her chest, like, God save the king.

Jorja/Magnolia: She’s already got the new money with him on it.

Tyrone/Onyx: Yes, that would be king Oberon to you.

Rosie/Lucille: I, I have a question um why do I have wings on my back because I have just noticed them just now and they're um a bit like yours

Tyrone/Onyx: I don't quite understand the question, all fairies are born with wings?

Rosie/Lucille: Fairies, excuse me? This is England.

Tyrone/Onyx: England… What is England?

Rosie/Lucille: This is quite offensive, I hope you understand. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s gonna turn to the rest of you, beginning with Noah.

Tyrone/Onyx: And who and what are you?

Steven/Noah: I'm obviously Link, Ocarina of Time. 

Tyrone/Onyx: I somewhat pleased to make your acquaintance, Link.

Steven/Noah: Thank you.

Tyrone/Onyx: And you, uh, devil.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Just the supporting music, just a background kind of… just here for some music. You might have heard me, I go by the performing name of Hymnbo, one word, okay, no surname. You can find me on all your social media links at Hymnbo. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Do you still think it's the LARP? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: I thought everyone was still dressed up, I've just been yelling insults and compliments at people. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Regular behaviour. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yes, exactly.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You've been paid to do a job and you think that you've just been hurling insults at the other LARP players?

Nathan/Hymnbo: That was a free of charge service, that's on the house. 

Tyrone/Onyx: It’s a somewhat pleasure to make your acquaintance, Hymnbo 

Nathan/Hymnbo: One word. Like Cher.

Tyrone/Onyx: I have not been blessed with meeting this Cher… and you, uh, rabbit?

Jorja/Magnolia: Oh, okay, so I look like a rabbit, is that what it is? I just touch my ears that are slightly singed.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, you look kind of charred. 

Jorja/Magnolia: I am busted, I'm just holding onto my necklace that I have. I'm like, I'm Magnolia, you can call me Maggie, this fuckin’ hurts, and then I think my necklace is gonna just start glowing a bit in my hand. I'm gonna heal myself for, let's go three hit points. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Is that your paladin ability? 

Jorja/Magnolia: Lay On Hands. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Wait, no, no, I thought you just said you're going to kill yourself? 

Jorja/Magnolia: No, heal

Nathan/Hymnbo: Heal, okay, okay, okay. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Yeah, that's it, I'm done. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: That's right! 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, it kind of glows at this golden light that probably even takes you aback, probably it kind of reminds you the same glow that the buffalo was giving off, actually. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Oh, no, am I going to turn into that?

Tyrone/Onyx: I mean, I don't know what you are yet but let's hope not. Most of the other Exos that we've met don't usually talk, they don't appear to be quite as sentient as you are, and so it must be something else. Follow me. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s gonna start walking through the reeds. 

Rosie/Lucille: Yeah, Magnolia is deathly afraid of upsetting authority, so she's gonna quickly fall in line.

Steven/Noah: Yeah, yeah, let's follow him. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And as you walk for quite a while, like at least half an hour, at which time you're welcome to ask any questions. 

Rosie/Lucille: I'm still just wondering about these wings, but I'm also not going to pass to the man since he's mentioned a king. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: I'm going to ask if Blizzbro is still around, because I think it's quitting time for me. 

Tyrone/Onyx: Blizzbro, I don't… is he one of the mages at our court?

Nathan/Hymnbo: He is! He is a mage at your court. I found him at one of your tent things, he was quite a chilled guy.

Tyrone/Onyx: We can ask Thaumus about them, Thaumus is our head mage, perhaps she knows of this Blizzbro. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Okay good, because he owes me money. 

Tyrone/Onyx: If this Blizzbro has been coordinating with a devil such as yourself, we might even have some words for this Blizzbro fellow, ourselves. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: I'll take that as handsomely devilish and say, “Cool, thank you. Let’s go.”

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Does anybody else have a question for this gent? 

Jorja/Magnolia: Not him, but I'd probably just start talking to who I now know is Noah, because I didn't know his name before. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, has he said ‘Noah’, because I think he's only said Link? 

Jorja/Magnolia: Oh, okay, I'll just lean into Link, then. 

Steven/Noah: What’s up? 

Jorja/Magnolia: I haven't actually played Zelda, is it worth it or…?

Steven/Noah: Oh, only the original, only the original Ocarina of Time N64. best.

Jorja/Magnolia: “Oh okay, okay, ‘cause like I was gonna get into it but then I wasn't sure which one to start with.” And then I would just continue talking about games for way too long.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Not the Breath of the Wild slander. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: There was a purist, he only cares for the old games that look way better only in his mind.

Steven/Noah: They are better. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: As you walk, you eventually come up, you start seeing in the distance and as we keep walking it gets much much larger. It’s walls that are, it's probably 400 feet high. I'm picturing like the wall in Game of Thrones in my head.

Jorja/Magnolia: Pretty big. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s pretty big. You come up to that and there's like a little pulley system elevator that is attached to the side. Onyx’s just gonna look at you and be like, 

Tyrone/Onyx: Since we aren't all blessed with the power of flight, unlike myself and… What did you say you name was?

Rosie/Lucille: Lucille.

Tyrone/Onyx: Blessed as myself and Lucille, with the power of flight we will take the elevator, I guess. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: So you step into the elevator and start rising up very, very slowly, you can hear the winches pulling in the pulley system.

Steven/Noah: Holy shit, this is high.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Might I offer some elevator music for the ride?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Down to hear it.

Nathan/Hymnbo: How does the Ocarina of Time… Ocarina thing go? The tune of time. You know what, my favourite one was the one that makes it daytime because all the little zombie things that come out of the ground.

Steven/Noah: Oh yeah, the Sun Song.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Sun Song. Song, song, song. 

Steven/Noah: That’s Game of Thrones!

Jorja/Magnolia: We’re at the wall!

Nathan/Hymnbo: It’s a blend of everything.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And as you reach the top of this elevator with the lovely Game of Thrones background music that, if anyone any of the characters have watched Game of Thrones, you immediately recognise the tune, probably not Lucille.

Rosie/Lucille: I would never watch TV.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Rots your brain, does it?

Rosie/Lucille: Oh yeah, don't trust the televisions. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Not even Countdown to Cats? 

Rosie/Lucille: I don't know what that is, young man. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Did you say Countdown to Cats? Do you mean Cats does Countdown? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What is that? 

Jorja/Magnolia: It’s the comedy version of regular Countdown. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I don't know what regular Countdown is. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Countdown is a letter and numbers game.

Nathan/Hymnbo: All the references are jumbled up today. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: As you reach the top, you reach ramparts of castle walls, with guards standing intermittently throughout, up until you can see over onto the other side, and this is a city that is built within this tower, and it's sort of built in layers. It's not like, it’s sort of open air in the middle, like a tunnel all the way down. You can see all the way down to the ground from the other side, and it's built in layers. Some layers have markets, some layers have residential homes, some layers of parks, particularly the bottom, and you see fairies everywhere. They're flying between levels to get to where they need to go. You know they're bartering at the shops. They're dancing in the streets. There seems to be some sort of festival happening. There’s a parade with floats, people are wearing masks, and some version of a Chinese dragon is in my head. 


Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What are we all laughing at? 

Jorja/Magnolia: I was imagining, like, the face masks for Covid, not parade masks.

Rosie/Lucille: That's exactly what I imagined, too! 

Jorja/Magnolia: And then we made eye contact and I was just sent. 

Steven/Noah: They both had the collective thought like, ‘We're out’. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: They're not wearing face masks, let's clarify these are like full masks made out of wood and have other faces drawn on them. 

Steven/Noah: Noah's definitely gonna get excited about the bee-looking creatures flying above head, in a very organised sort of manner.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Onyx is going to turn back to you and he's going to say, 

Tyrone/Onyx: Welcome to Lambence, the Wayfarers’ City.

Jorja/Magnolia: Lam-how do you say it?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Lambence. Do you want me to spell it out for you?

Jorja/Magnolia: Yes, please!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: L-A-M-B-E-N-C-E.

Jorja/Magnolia: Ah, thank you.

Tyrone/Onyx: Now, let’s go to the king, I suppose. 

Rosie/Lucille: Lucille gets a little bit more upbeat. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s going to point to a structure in the middle of the city at the very bottom that sort of looks like someone's manipulated a tree to grow in a very specific way, with twirling branches to make spires of this castle and this like thick base of the trunk, where the throne room probably is. And we're gonna have this lady come over to us, sort of salute,

Tyrone/Ayanna: Onyx, we got your message and we're here to escort these things over to the castle.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s gonna turn to each one of you and be like, 

Tyrone/Ayanna: My name is Ayanna. I'm the captain of the city watch and you'll be safe under my protection. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Safe from what? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Oh, our citizens aren't very used to whatever you want so they might lash out

Rosie/Lucille: But what about me? Because I look kind of like you guys, so… 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Yeah, you'll be fine. I don't know what you're doing out of the city, anyway, but you're safe now.

Rosie/Lucille: I do have a question about why I am the way that I am. Why do I have wings? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: We put so much funding into education, why aren't these fairies understanding basic biology! 

Rosie/Lucille: I am confused. I suddenly have wings, please help me! In my old age, am I going crazy? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: I'm not a scientist dear, let's take you to the scientists. 

Steven/Noah: Oh yeah, let's go to the scientists.

Jorja/Magnolia: Yes, please, please. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Rather not, but I'll go with the group.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: So, this woman who's approached you, she dons a wooden club and carries a shield made out of stone, and she has orange butterfly wings. She's got an outfit pretty similar to Onyx. He's gonna stay behind at the wall to watch, but yeah, as you guys are walking through, you get to walk through the festivities that you guys saw before. No, they're not wearing face masks, they’re wearing wooden masks and sort of dancing around. You actually see a sort of a flamboyant looking fairy with multi-colored wings and he's got like a whole one-man band set up happening, playing the bagpipes very obnoxiously. 

Rosie/Lucille: I love the bagpipes, can we go down there? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You asking Ayanna? 

Rosie/Lucille: I'm just asking anyone, does anyone want to go to the fair? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: We don't really have time for that.

Rosie/Lucille: Well, I'm thoroughly disappointed, we can continue. 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Do you guys have any questions about anything in the city, while we’re here? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Can I ask Anana? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Ayanna?

Nathan/Hymnbo: Ayanna, Ayanna, yeah. Who is the rainbow coloured fairy? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Oh, I generally ignore him. That’s Exto, he's the minister of festivities. 

Steven/Noah: That’s a job title?

Tyrone/Ayanna: Well, I don't know how you do it wherever you're from, but somebody has to organise the party, which is not usually my thing. I much prefer order and structure, but we can't all be city guard watchmen. 

Steven/Noah: I agree, I agree. Structure is good. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Are they all doing like the same dance, or are they just vibing?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What, like they’ve got a High School Musical coordinated choreography? 

Jorja/Magnolia: And like you know in like period pieces where they all do like the ballroom dancing and stuff, is it like one of those? Or are they just…

Rosie/Lucille: Or, are they all running around in a circle with, like, daisy chains? ‘Cause that's what I'm seeing. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: They're all doing all different dances, it's all pretty chaotic and all over the place. It’s, um… you want to describe it as primal, almost.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Okay, like, okay, I'll ask Ayanna, “What…what are we celebrating? What's with the festivities?” 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Today is Moving Day. We're celebrating Moving Day which should have been over by now, but somebody… 

Rosie/Lucille: Alright, I have to ask: Are they on drugs?

Tyrone/Ayanna: We…

Nathan/Hymnbo: You like pixie dust, is that what you… is that… 

Tyrone/Ayanna: We do our best to turn a little bit of a blind eye on Moving Day. It is a rather joyous occasion in our city. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Maybe they’re on a bit old, a bit of the old green fairy. 

Rosie/Lucille: That definitely sounds like a yes.

Steven/Noah: Yeah, that’s a yes. 

Rosie/Lucille: Next question! Can we join?

Tyrone/Ayanna: We have a king to see. 

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, yes, quite. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Okay, previous question, Moving Day? Moving… you're just celebrating this… who's moving? 

Steven/Noah: The drugs. 

Tyrone/Ayanna: We all are. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Great. 

Rosie/Lucille: Where? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Oh, well, Thaumus’s scouts have found a location perfect for us and they're actually waiting in the field, waiting to get the go-ahead and move the whole city over there. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: So, this is a moving city, if that hasn't already been established? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Yes, I believe Onyx perhaps introduced it as the Wayfarer City, because the city wayfares.


Jorja/Magnolia: Guess that makes sense in hindsight. 

Tyrone/Ayanna: So, yes, we're celebrating that, because the fields of Glamos have moved a little bit too close. I believe you maybe had an interaction with one of the dangerous creatures that roamed the fields.

Rosie/Lucille: Ah yes, I whacked it with my cane just like I whack my goats. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s gonna kind of size your cane up and down, and: 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Perhaps there is… Are you in the city watch? 

Rosie/Lucille: Excuse me? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: I just haven't seen you in the city watch, but if you fought one of the creatures… 

Rosie/Lucille: I just got here. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: She’s watching the city now.


Tyrone/Ayanna: Are there any other questions? 

Jorja/Magnolia: Yeah, I have one. So, the city moves… is it like a Howl’s Moving Castle or is it like, does it grow legs? Does it walk? What happens? 

Tyrone/Ayanna: I don't think we have a wizard here called, Howl? What’s that? 

Jorja/Magnolia: Uh, um, I'm in too deep. I'm just, nope, nope, nope.


Tyrone/Ayana: The city does not grow legs, no. It just, I suppose, teleports, is the word? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Castlevania.

Jorja/Magnolia: Ah, okay, I see. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: This whole group of people, just nerds? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Back when we were humans. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Except for Lucille, I guess. 

Jorja/Magnolia: You were hating on the anime people.

Rosie/Lucille: I have actually seen some good animes, I will say, so, yeah. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Animes. We're at the castle. You're at the base of this tree, it's bigger than any tree you've ever seen in your life. It's probably got a hollowed out base, like a giant hollow at the base, which is the entrance. Branches are all twisted and wrapped around each other and then ending in sort of pink and white leaves that come up to about halfway up the city. 

Jorja/Magnolia: I fully just run over to the tree and start, like, touching the bark and inspecting all of it and just looking at what I can figure out is similar to plants that I've studied. 

Tyrone/Ayanna:What are you doing? 

Jorja/Magnolia: It’s just cool! I just want to look at it. 

Tyrone/Ayanna: I'd ask you to refrain from doing that, as maybe you're looking for weaknesses in our defences. 

Jorja/Magnolia: I just like plants, but I don't want to get in trouble so I just step back really quick. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You can roll a nature check, if you like. 

*rolls die*

Jorja/Magnolia: Six. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Not plus anything? 

Jorja/Magnolia: Nope. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s a big tree. 

Jorja/Magnolia: She’s a student.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You've got no idea why it would be big. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Big tree. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Coming inside, there's a whole bunch of guards that are different to the other guards that you've seen so far. They are sort of bare-chested with sort of like flower crowns almost, and they've got golden moth wings and carry, like, shields that look like fossilised leaves, almost, and they'll just sort of nod at Ayanna, and she's gonna be like, 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Just follow this gent. I will take my leave. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Bye Ayanna, I like your wings. 

Tyrone/Ayanna: Thank you. I like your fur. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Thanks, it's a little bit singed, but that's okay. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: This gent is gonna introduce himself as Auris. He’ll be like, 

Tyrone/Auris: Follow me this way to the to the council room. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Hymnbo’s gonna whisper to Noah like, “I feel like this is a trap, did you feel like this is a trap?” We're gonna like step back from the group a little room like “Does this feel like a trap?” 

Steven/Noah: Yeah, it’s coming across very cult-like 

Nathan/Hymnbo: I think they think we're the threat. Okay, but let's keep going.

Steven/Noah: And we'll just like quickly walk back to the group, as if nothing happened. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s gonna kind of squint his eyes at you as he looks back. Interesting. You’re gonna walk past the throne room which is sort of crafted from this tree, the tree sort of comes… juts out a little bit and it's grown in the shape of a nice ornamental throw. But he's going to lead into one of the rooms to the side. You're brought into this big council room, this enormous map room chairs all around it. There’s a whole bunch of commotion happening here, there's probably ten to fifteen fairies all looking very confused, some of them are coming in and out, various groups sort of entering the room going into another room, it's a lot of hustle-bustle. And then you walk in and everything turns silent. They all turn to look at you.

Steven/Noah: Yeah, we're definitely the threat.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yeah, that's what I thought. Okay, alright, Lucille, Lucille, Lucille I think the king’s over there, okay?

Rosie/Lucille: The King? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Let’s say hi to him!

Rosie/Lucille: Where do you think the king is? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Um… I'm gonna scan the room, is there any king-distinguishing characters that I can see?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I won't even make you roll for it.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Thank you.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: There’s a gent at the head of the table, he’s rather dark-skinned with golden moth wings. He's also bare chested with, it's got like a bramble thorny crown he's wearing, and flowers almost seem to sprout from certain parts of his skin. He looks like a king.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Lucille, isn't that the king? Shouldn't we just pay our respects and greet him on ceremony?

Rosie/Lucille: You’re definitely right. I think that myself, at least, should go over and greet him.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yes, you are the most distinguished one of all of us, please do. 

Rosie/Lucille: Alright.

Steven/Noah: I'm gonna turn to the rabbit and just be like “Should we  stop her?”

Jorja/Magnolia: Maybe.

Nathan/Hymnbo: I mean, I wouldn't want a club to the head.

Jorja/Magnolia: Can I just try to grab her? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Are you gonna resist at all?

Jorja/Magnolia: Oh, yeah.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Let's do an opposed strength contest. So, you just roll a strength roll. 

Jorja/Magnolia: So, just straight straight, yeah, well mine's a nineteen, total.

Rosie/Lucille: I got a three.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, this rabbit yoinks you back. 

Rosie/Lucille: Okay, well I want to intimidate this rabbit into not doing this.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What are you saying? 

Rosie/Lucille: I'm gonna turn around and say, “Back off”, with these really like evil eyes.

Nathan/Hymnbo: I'm gonna turn to Noah again like, “They definitely think that we're the threat”.

Steven/Noah: Yeah, this is not helping.

Rosie/Lucille: Intimidation, let's go. 

*rolls dice*

Rosie/Lucille: Thirteen plus nine… Twenty-two. 

Steven/Noah: She’s scary fairy.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Plus nine, did you just say? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: What the fuck?

Rosie/Lucille: Yeah, I put all of my stats into deception, persuasion, sleight of hand.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Goddamn.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: One of these King’s guard is gonna come up and step between you, they're like, 

Tyrone/King’s Guard: That’s enough.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: But you are scared of Lucille. 

Jorja/Magnolia: I'm also terrified of authority so I'm like shitting myself 

Tyrone/King’s Guard: Sit.

Steven/Noah: I'm sat.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Popping a squat. 

Rosie/Lucille: I'm standing. 

Jorja/Magnolia: I go to just sit down where I was standing because I'm so terrified, but then I'm like, oh he probably made the chair, and I move over.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Popping on a squat on a chair.?

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, can't sit on my tail, you gotta take into account the tail but… 

Jorja/Magnolia: That’s pretty cool.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It's one of those chairs with like, uh, there's not a back to it so you can have room for your tail. They just kind of ignore you, almost, I reckon Lucille, they don't actually mind that you're still standing. 

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, so I'm not a threat to them?

Tyrone/King’s Guard: We'll question you later but stand in the corner and mind your business.

Rosie/Lucille: In the corner? Who are you to put me in the corner?

Tyrone/King’s Guard: The King’s guard.

Rosie/Lucille: I want to see the King, that's what I'm here for.

Tyrone/King’s Guard: You can see him from across the room. 

Rosie/Lucille: I'm gonna go say hello. I go to walk over.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You're gonna see his hand light up in a fireball, he’ll be like,

Tyrone/King’s Guard: I suggest you sit back.

Rosie/Lucille: I'm going to be like, ‘yeah alright, so alright, if you think that's best, I think I will, alright’. 

Tyrone/King’s Guard: Good.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Let's take on the King's Guard in Episode Two. 

Jorja/Magnolia: eSeeing her actually listen to authority, you can kind of watch Magnolia, like, de-stress a little and it seemed like she might have been considering casting a spell on the fairy if she didn't listen, and so you just kind of see that go away.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What were you gonna cast?

Jorja/Magnolia: Nothing, don't worry about it. 

Rosie/Lucille: I'd like to know.

Jorja/Magnolia: Keep acting up and you'll find out.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright, some of the things that you see around in this room, you see what looked to possibly be some scouts getting ready, they've got head covers, they've got like enormous backpacks, like they're ready for a good hike. They’re sort of running around, looking like they're getting ready. We have this woman in blue robes, with pink magical markings on her cheeks. She's got red purple and blue wings, she's like clutching a red ruby very tight in her hands, and there also looks to be some medics getting ready as well. They’ve got little med kits they're carrying, they're wearing face masks, actual face masks, and there's a few other people as well. They kind of look to be academics running around collecting their things, their clipboards and their scientific measurement tools. The man at the head of the table is gonna chime in. He seems very calm and kind, he seems like a nice, gentle soul. He’s gonna say,

Tyrone/Oberon: You're free to speak. You probably haven't met me, but I am the king here. My name is Oberon, What’s your names?

Rosie/Lucille: Well, um, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm Lucille.

Tyrone/Oberon: What a beautiful name.

Rosie/Lucille: Thank you.

Jorja/Magnolia: I was unprepared for that. 

Rosie/Lucille: She's very nervous, she’s never met a King!

Tyrone/Oberon: And you? Uh, rabbit?

Jorja/Magnolia: Uh, uh, uh, I'm Magnolia. 

Tyrone/Oberon: Like the flower, that's beautiful.

Jorja/Magnolia: Exactly. 

Tyrone/Oberon: Demon? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: The name’s… the name’s Hymnbo. One word, like Cher. You might have seen me on YouTube, maybe? Got a lot of subscribers, everyone follow. 

Tyrone/Oberon: I'm not sure about this YouTube, but it's something that we share in common. I only have one name as well, Oberon, though I have many titles. And you?

Steven/Noah: Um, hi, I'm, I'm Noah.

Tyrone/Oberon: Pleasure. Why are you here?

Rosie/Lucille: That’s what we wanted to ask you.

Steven/Noah: Yeah, what she said.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s gonna stare at each of you in the eyes for a very long time.

Steven/Noah: Noah's a little scared.

Rosie/Lucille: Lucille's staring right back.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Mine are black.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: When the abyss stares.

Jorja/Magnolia: Yeah, I cannot hold eye contact, so I'm like ‘Oh’, I'm just looking around the room’.

Rosie/Lucille: Lucille's pretending she's a goat. He's a goat, it's a man king. 

Steven/Noah: I thought you meant Lucille is pretending Lucille is a goat.

Jorja/Magnolia: Goat strength. Stare at a king

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, you can cut the tension with a knife.

Jorja/Magnolia: I think Magnolia will crumble under the pressure and just say, “Well she's right we don't actually know why we're here. We all kind of just fell, at least that's what happened to me. I fell, and I fell, and then I'm here and then we want to know what's going on and how to go back”.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You're gonna see him turn to the wizard, the lady in the blue robes with the red ruby.

Tyrone/Oberon: Thaumus, is this true? Does this match the reports?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She'll just nod solemnly 

Tyrone/Oberon: Then perhaps we have gotten off on the wrong foot. You see, Moving Day is very high tensions, the Lustris could attack at any moment and so when four, three, four strangers… I'm still confused about you, Lucille, we'll come back to that.

Rosie/Lucille: Fair call, my King. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, not helping the situation.


Tyrone/Oberon: We did thank you for the Lustris at one point. I want to hear of your tale, tell me where have you come from. 

Rosie/Lucille: Where did you go, where'd you come from, Cotton Eye Joe?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Nun, nun, nun, nun.  

Rosie/Lucille: Okay, sorry, back on track.

Tyrone/Oberon: Whoever wishes to speak.

Rosie/Lucille: Well, I was just doing my groceries. Was just going about my day, then I was on my way back on the train and then I just kind of showed up here and now I have wings.

Tyrone/Oberon: Is a train some form of transportation where you're from? 

Rosie/Lucille: Yes it is, unfortunately. 

Tyrone/Oberon: And were the others, too. Were you also doing your groceries?

Nathan/Hymnbo: No, okay, first I'll bow to Oberon and I'll play like a violin kind of, like, let's just do a bard, let's do a bard thing where they tell the story through song. Don't worry, they'll edit in post, they'll add the song in post. I'm thinking, like, one of the Witcher-y ones.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, I'll insert violin track here.

*melodic violin music*

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yeah, and so in that track obviously it will tell the whole story, so done. 


Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Are you gonna give me the recording of the story? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: We were all four humans and then we started to fall and now we're here.

Steven/Noah: How many subscribers did you say you had?

Nathan/Hymnbo: At least three…. thousand. Let’s do three thousand. I'm alright, not too bad. I can mainly do covers, I don't write my own lyrics 

Tyrone/Oberon: So, humans, hey. Our historians tell of these humans but humans are not here, so I'm very curious how you got here. What did you see when you came?

Steven/Noah: Have you ever seen Doctor Who?

Tyrone/Oberon: We don't have a doctor by that name.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Um, we were teleported against our will.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You see some intrigue in his eyes.

Tyrone/Oberon: Teleported how? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: By a portal of quandarious nature…? 

Steven/Noah: Roll credits!

Tyrone/Oberon: Did you see purple?

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yes. 

Rosie/Lucille: Yeah, a lot of it.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Maybe like a mov, mauv... how do you say that word?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Mauve?

Jorja/Magnolia: It was a lilac.

Steven/Noah: It was heliotrope.

Jorja/Magnolia: French Violet.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Eggplant. 

Jorja/Magnolia: How many purples do we know?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Magenta. He's gonna have a concerned look over his face. He's gonna kind of send everyone out of the room and grab a fairy on the way, on their way out, and be like,

Tyrone/Oberon: Grab Cleary, we need her help on this.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And point at the wizard lady and be like,

Tyrone/Oberon: You stay. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Alright, I guess that's lunch for us. Do we leave? do we leave as well?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Stay.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Stay, okay, we're staying. We're staying, we're staying guys!

Rosie/Lucille: Wait, is the king still there?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, he’s still there.

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, I want to go to the king and be all like, “Hey, um, so I just want to know do you think that we'll be able to get home, because I don't know about you but I've got one hundred and twenty three goats that waiting for me to get back and I just really need an ETA, so I know whether or not they're going to need their evening food or not”.

Tyrone/Oberon: I think Cleary will be able to give you a better estimate of that/

Rosie/Lucille: He'll be able to give me an answer more Clear-ly?

Tyrone/Oberon: She will.

Rosie/Lucille: Oh. 

Tyrone/Oberon: But I am deadly afraid that perhaps you may have been caught in on one of our scientist’s experiment, I am sorry. 

Rosie/Lucille: I kind of walk away, a bit shaken and confused. I just want my goats back.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Did King Oberon dismiss all the King's Guards? 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: They stayed.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Fine.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: What are you gonna do?

Nathan/Hymnbo: Cause chaos.

Jorja/Magnolia: Why would the king send out his guards with four strangers in the room?


Nathan/Hymnbo: But they stayed, right, so when you were like, everyone leave… 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, they knew to stay. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Everyone stays. Literally everyone stayed in the room.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Everyone left.

Rosie/Lucille: But what about the people who didn't?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: The guards stayed, because they're the guards.

Rosie/Lucille: … And the King and us.


Nathan/Hymnbo: Well, he said everyone leave. Also yeah, yeah, just the scouts are gone.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: The scouts, the medics, the wizards, they're all gone. 

Rosie/Lucille: So, you should have said half of you leave.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: But he had to specify which half.

Steven/Noah: He's like, ‘I'm gonna give you all a number, all the Ones stay behind’.  

Rosie/Lucille: And they're swapping with their friends, like-

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: A redhead walks into the room wearing brown furs, sporting a wrench. She's got brown butterfly wings. She walks in looking like she means business. She’s gonna bow to the king, be like,

Tyrone/Cleary: My liege.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He’s gonna turn to Cleary and be like, 

Tyrone/Oberon: I think our friends here have been caught up in Kyros’s experiment. Can you help them explain, I am going to get a tea. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And he leaves the room. 

Jorja/Magnolia: I, like, bow as he leaves because I realised I never did it, and I freak out and overthink.

Tyrone/Cleary: Alright, who are you, why are you here?

Steven/Noah: Aren’t you supposed to tell us that?

Tyrone/Cleary: I'm supposed to tell you who you are? 

Steven/Noah: Yeah. 

Tyrone/Cleary: You’re a pain in my side is what you are! Alright, I'll get straight to the chase. My boss, a few days ago, built a portal, took a lot of effort, took years of research. Took a lot of funding from the body. We finally got there. Ee built it.

Jorja/Magnolia: Congratulations. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Thank you. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: It didn’t work.

Tyrone/Cleary: Well, it did work, kind of. You see, he said he decided to test it, make sure it worked. He’s disappeared, he didn't come back, he has the machine with him.

Rosie/Lucille: So… what do we do?

Tyrone/Cleary: That’s an excellent question. I think we build a new one. I was there, I built the whole thing with him, I know exactly how to make it.

Rosie/Lucille: Well, how long will it take?

Tyrone/Cleary: Depends how quick you can walk, or fly, in your case. 

Steven/Noah: To where?

Tyrone/Cleary: To get the parts, don't just grow on trees, you know.

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, where do they grow?

Steven/Noah: That was glorious.


Tyrone/Cleary: We’re going to gear you up and we're gonna send you out on an expedition with our scouts. Our scouts are just there to scout out the area but you're there to look for the parts. You want to get home, you're going to do it yourself. Ain't nobody going to give you any freebies in life. 

Rosie/Lucille: Well, I'm no stranger to hard work. I don't know about these ones, but I'll be able to do it.

Tyrone/Cleary: I like your attitude, woman.

Rosie/Lucille: Well, thanks mate.

Jorja/Magnolia: I literally held you at bay with one hand.

Rosie/Lucille: I don't recall.

Jorja/Magnolia: I think I'll be alright.

Tyrone/Cleary: A strong woman, I like that 

Steven/Noah: I'll follow the rabbit, because she protected me.

Tyrone/Cleary: This one sounds like a weak one. Make sure you look after him.

Jorja/Magnolia: On it.

Steven/Noah: To be fair, I'm shorter than all of you.

Tyrone/Cleary: What do you bring to the team? 

Steen/Noah: I've got a wrench. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She looks at her own wrench.

Tyrone/Cleary: I like that. Do you build things?

Steven/Noah: In my spare time, yeah.

Tyrone/Cleary: There you go. Beautiful. And you, what are you bringing to the team?

Nathan/Hymnbo: The entertainment! And then I pull out the violin and then - you'll add another song in post, right here - and then, so, pull out my violin and then I'll start playing something, but also I will sort of like wave it around like a rapier, so you know that I still mean pointy business.

*melodic violin music*

Tyrone/Cleary: Do you know how to use that thing?

Nathan/Hymnbo: I don't know if this is trademarked, but sticking with the pointy end?

Jorja/Magnolia: We need to cut it, we need to cut it.

Nathan/Hymnbo: It’s just a reference to something… Did you not see who defeated the Lustris? There was a rabbit on fire, there's a guy swinging at air, and Lucille, the strongest one, bonked but then sent up flying high.

Tyrone/Cleary: About that, he's just gonna get you nowhere. When the Lustrois are chasing you, I'm gonna send a team with you just to make sure you don't die straight away. 

Rosie/Lucille: Can they teach me how to fly properly? I've only ever had legs until now. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Well, we didn't send them to Flight School for nothing.

Rosie/Lucille: You have Flight School?

Tyrone/Cleary: The youngins got to learn how to fly, somehow. 

Rosie/Lucille: I'm doing it on my own, I'm not going to some school.

Jorja/Magnolia: Literally just asked for help and then said you don't want the help.

Rosie/Lucille: Yeah, well I meant one-on-one, and not a school.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Private education.

Rosie/Lucille: I would love that actually. With the king. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It sounds like you're trying to get down and dirty with the King… 

Rosie/Lucille: I mean, maybe Lucille is, you don’t know. 

Tyrone/Cleary: The king is rather busy. 

Rosie/Lucille:  Is it an open offer? Like, would he be down?

Nathan/Hymnbo: Is he taken?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: No. 

Rosie/Lucille: Fair enough.

Tyrone/Cleary: Alright, we're going to take you into the armoury. We're gonna get you set up with some equipment. Oh alrighty, let's get you kitted up. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s going to look at each of your weapons be like,

Tyrone/Cleary: Lucille, do you, oh in general, are you guys proficient in these weapons at all, like are you any good at this?

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, yes.

Tyrone/Cleary: This cane?

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, yes.

Tyrone/Cleary: Alright. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: I've seen it, she is…

Rosie/Lucille: Very proficient. In fact, I was going to suggest we put a little pointy needle on the end.

Tyrone/Cleary: Yeah, oh we can we can erase that. 

Rosie/Lucille: Whack-n-stab.

Tyrone/Cleary: Just give that to me and we can arrange that now. 

Rosie/Lucille: Excellent. 

Tyrone/Cleary: And take your cane. If you let me borrow this violin for a second, I think…

Nathan/Hymnbo: Oh no, you can probably fit it with, like, a blacksmith sharp tip thing. I will need a costume change. My main weapon is my insults, and harsh, cutting words. 

Rosie/Lucille: Go on.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Fairies… are short.

Tyrone/Cleary: Good one. Did you think about that for long? 


Nathan/Hymnbo: Exactly. That's it terrible. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Well, you're gonna think about that when the loss just start taking away your ability to speak. You're gonna need to use your hands.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Oh, yes. Well, um, I made a buffalo cry. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Good on you. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yeah, thanks. 

Steven/Noah: Colour me unimpressed. 

Tyrone/Cleary: We’ll just get you up.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Alright, maybe, yeah, okay it probably almost like Prince. You know, like Smoke on Water?

Tyrone/Cleary: Just assume that any artist from your worlds don't exist here. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: So when I say Hymnbo, singular, like Cher, you're just like ‘What are you sharing (Cher-ing)’? 

Tyrone/Cleary: Yes, I'm very confused. What about you, kiddo? I don't think you know how to use that sword and shield, do you?

Steven/Noah: No, it hasn't been very effective in the past. 

Tyrone/Cleary: What do you know how to use?

Steven/Noah: Um, not a lot of things to be frank, but I like to build, like, I like to make things.

Tyrone/Cleary: Give you a spanner. 

Steven/Noah: Thanks.

Rosie/Lucille: Lucille has actually always wanted to be able to use the throwing stars, but she's never had any. Can she try to persuade this person that she is proficient in them and then she can get some throwing stars?

Tyrone/Cleary: Are you proficient in throwing stars? 

Rosie/Lucille: Yes. 

Tyrone/Cleary: I'd like to hear your argument, I’m just going to give some idiot some throwing stars and then they lose it in the first five seconds.

Rosie/Lucille: Well, I have never lost a single thing in my whole life, just like I've never been unwell with any illness. I have one hundred and twenty three goats, I've never lost one. Sometimes, I throw things at them, they're not star-shaped, but I think I could do really well with throwing stars, and I know how to use them. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Roll me a persuasion.

*rolls dice* 

Rosie/Lucille: Twenty. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: A natural twenty? 

Rosie/Lucille: Uh, no, it's thirteen, then plus seven. 

Tyrone/Cleary: We'll get some for you. 

Rosie/Lucille: Thank you so very much. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Uh, rabbit. What do you know how to use?

Jorja/Magnolia: Um. 

Tyrone/Cleary: I don't think this bag is gonna do very much.

Jorja/Magnolia: No, also, I kind of burnt my hands, so I would like a big stick with something pointy on the end of it, and then also I saw that the guards had cool shields that kind of looked like fossilised leaves. One of those would be cool, like maybe an old design, so it doesn't get confused or anything like that.

Tyrone/Cleary: I like your thinking, we'll get you a spear. Send youu to the medic bay. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Thank you. She fist pumps.

Nathan/Hymnbo: I will probably need, yeah, if we're doing, like, pointy weapons, can I grab a… I think I'm gonna need a switchblade. Maybe, like, a small pointy dagger, in case my big ones dropped.

Tyrone/Cleary: Okay. Everybody needs a knife.

Steven/Noah: Are we in the armoury right now?

Tyrone/Cleary: Yeah. 

Steven/Noah:  I'm just gonna look over the wall and see some crossbows, and be like “Oh, can I, can I get me some of those?”.

Tyrone/Cleary: Is it Link’s crossbow training? 

Steven/Noah: Yes. 

Tyrone/Cleary: I mean, Link had one.

Rosie/Lucille: Are there swords nearby? I want to pick up a sword and go, Ha Ha ha!’”, and challenge someone because now that I'm a fairy my youth has come back to me.

Tyrone/Cleary: Put that down or you don't get the throwing stars. 

Rosie/Lucille: Please. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Put it down.

Rosie/Lucille: Okay, put it down. 

Tyrone/Cleary: This is why we're sending you to teams, Fucking need to babysit you. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Can I also have a club? I saw someone earlier had one, I think it should be really cool. I just want like a big like a hunk of wood.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She just grabs one off the shelf.

Tyrone/Cleary: There you go. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Sick. 

Tyrone/Cleary: And I think these outfits will be ill-fitting. 

Rosie/Lucille: I never go anywhere without my lucky cardigan. 

Tyrone/Cleary: It looks dishevelled.

Rosie/Lucille: It looks dishevelled!? Who says that!? I've had this for so many years, and I always get compliments on its lovely colour and how it brings out my eyes. I'll keep it on, thank you very much.

Tyrone/Cleary: You want to look like Prince… Describe this to me. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Um, sleek, deep purples, maybe some blues. Ruffles. We love ruffles, and jewellery. 

Tyrone/Cleary: We’ll see what we can find. Maybe the wizards have something, they usually like to dress like that. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Enchantingly, like kind-of jewellery.

Tyrone/Cleary: Hmm, I like your style. And… you look like a man who likes to wear something practical.

Steven/Noah: Yeah, I think I think something a little stronger. I sewed this myself for Comic-Con. I don't think it was made for battle, it's held together with hot glue and desperation.

Tyrone/Cleary: Let’s get you a nice coat with a lot of pockets, I think.

Steven/Noah: That sounds great. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Anything else? 

Steven/Noah: Checks list. “No, I think that's alright” 

Tyrone/Cleary: We’ll get that sorted for you. Do you guys want to see Moving Day?

Rosie/Lucille: Sure. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Let’s go up, let's go to the walls and watch Moving Day. I fucking love a good, love a good Moving Day.

Steven/Noah: I'm just gonna turn to Hymnbo and be like, “I think we're in a cult”. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: I agree, but I feel like we should rise to the top of this cult.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Out of character, I'm very confused. Where this ‘cult’ hypothesis is coming from?

Nathan/Hymnbo: About this festival of just moving.

Jorja/Magnolia: And they're on drugs. 

Steven/Noah: Yeah, they're on drugs. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: They all like to watch the city… the city's watch. 

Jorja/Magnolia: They all think they're fairies, like what is this? 

Nathan/Hymnbo: There’s nothing wrong with a cult. 

Rosie/Lucille: I do love a good cult, yeah, as long as it's good.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Cleary is going to take you back through the city with all of this cult-like dancing. 

Rosie/Lucille: Lucille kinda just sighs. She doesn't like all these people. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: We get to the top looking out over the fields. Looking good. She’s gonna pull out this little red ruby out of her pocket, kind of look into it for a second be like, 

Tyrone/Cleary: You guys ready? It’s gonna fuckin’ rock your world. Three, two, one. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And one moment, you are looking out over this golden field of reeds, and then you feel this intense pressure weighing down on you like gravity is just doubled, before you feel the weightlessness that you felt in the portal, but there's no purple this time. And then you sort of see reality start to change in front of your eyes, as the fields, the golden fields in front of you change into this burnt barren wasteland with dead trees and pools of lava, and Cleary is gonna start clapping and be like, 

Tyrone/Cleary: Oh, isn't that fun!

Rosie/Lucille: Why did you pick here?

Tyrone/Cleary: What? 

Rosie/Lucille: It's horrid.

Tyrone/Cleary: I can assure you Novis is much better than Glamos. 

Rosie/Lucille: Whatever you say, alright.

Tyrone/Cleary: Quick, let's take a little look around. Let's take a look at- take a little tour, uh we're just gonna walk around the city.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Didn’t the city move with us?

Tyrone/Cleary: Yeah. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: So the city has the city changed? Haven't we already gone around the city? 

Tyrone/Cleary: No, you're gonna see. You don’t understand. Just walk with me, and put an arm on your shoulder Hymnbo and walk around.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Um, I would like to put my hand around his- 

Tyrone/Cleary: -Hers.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Shoulder, and I would like to do a sleight-of-hand kind of pickpocket.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Roll a sleight-of-hand.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Oh my god, if I get keys to the city.

*rolls dice*

Nathan/Hymnbo: It’s a twenty-two. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You reach into Cleary’s pocket and… 

Nathan/Hymnbo: He put his hand around me first-

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: They put his hand around me first. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And you pull out the red ruby that they had in their pocket.

Nathan/Hymnbo: I love that. I just attach it to like one of the other ones, the rubies or gems that are on my belt, just to blend in.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: We haven't got the outfit quite yet, so… 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Oh my god, okay. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Just chuck it in your pocket for now, I guess. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Done. 

Steven/Noah: Noah's very intrigued by this. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He saw what happened. You just saw the robbery. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yeah, no, no, no, no, sleight-of-hand. It’s like, you don't see it, no one sees it with that one, I don't think. 

Steven/Noah: I just see the red ruby and I'm like, ‘I love that’. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: They will need a perception to see it. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You just want, you're just talking about like when you saw it when they pulled it out before the move?

Steven/Noah: Yeah. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: But not when I put it in my… okay. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You don't know that Hymnbo has it. We're gonna walk around the city walls because it's a big circle, and we're gonna get to a point where there's a barren wasteland has almost a hard border, like one side of this line is barren and burnt and one side is a lush greenery.

Tyrone/Cleary: Oh, isn't it beautiful! I love looking at the borders.

Steven/Noah: I was gonna say, I think we're on the wrong side of the line. 

Tyrone/Cleary: What do you mean? 

Steven/Noah: We’re on like the burnt side, look, it's kind of dead on this side.

Tyrone/Cleary: Oh, we're like right on the middle, we're in the intersection of all four.

Steven/Noah: All four what? 

Tyrone/Cleary: Oh, okay. Let's keep going. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’ll get another quarter-way around the city and there'll be another hard border. This time, there's a hard border between the lush greenery. It's like empty, as well, like it is just flat earth grassland, and then on the other side of that is marshland. It's all swampy with pools of water everywhere and it’s covered in a thick layer of mist. 

Jorja/Magnolia: I lag behind because I just keep looking at all the different plants, and, like, we'll stop and look and be like, “Oh shit!”, and like run to catch up and like run ahead a few steps and stop and look again.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And another quarter-turn, we've got one more hard border between that and a desert, a very arid region with sand dunes everywhere. Cleary will be like,

Tyrone/Cleary: There you go, well fourth. Which one was your fave? Favourite?

Steven/Noah: Oh my God. We're trying to think, I like totally fave. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Sorry, I just get excited because it's… 

Steven/Noah: She’s a valley girl, and that's okay. 

Tyrone/Cleary: So dreary, every time the fields of Glamos approach. It’s so much nicer when we get back to our roots.

Jorja/Magnolia: So, the fields approach you. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Yes, unfortunately. 

Jorja/Magnolia: So it’s…

Rosie/Lucille: … On legs? 

Tyrone/Cleary: No. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Wheels? On wheels?

Tyrone/Cleary: No. 

Steven/Noah: Teeny, tiny motorcycles.


Nathan/Hymnbo: Are there farmers that are rushing in front of the field planting further field and to bring it forward towards you? 

Tyrone/Cleary: We’ve been through it a number of times that whenever we move somewhere new, Glamos inevitably follows us.

Rosie/Lucille: Well, it just wants to be close.

Tyrone/Cleary: That would be wonderful if the Lustris didn't follow. 

Jorja/Magnolia: So, it's like an invasive species, but its destination is you?

Tyrone/Cleary: Yeah.

Jorja/Magnolia: Okay, um, I liked the swamp and the lush green area. 

Tyrone/Cleary: I like the lush green area, too. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: You’ll find me in the blazing pits of hell, so I guess the burning zone whatever it was.

Tyrone/Cleary: Okay, gosh.

Rosie/Lucille: Um, I liked the lush green bit, but Lucille's a little bit puffed because, well, I mean, she's old and now she's kind of young but she's still kind of old and she's still, like, when she walks… walks with like a little thing, and so then when she tries to fly, she also just kind of is lopsided and has to try and, like, counteract it. She's been struggling this whole walk, and she's like, “Yeah, the green was great!”.

Nathan/Hymnbo: It sounds like a medical ailment.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: No, she's never had one in her life.

Rosie/Lucille: I wouldn't call it medical, no. It’s just a little bit of, um, yeah, you know. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: A goofy walk.

Rosie/Lucille: Yeah. Do it for fun.

Jorja/Magnolia: I can't wait to not have to heal you because you never get sick or…

Rosie/Lucille: Hey, an injury is different to sickness, I will just say, if you Google it.

Steven/Noah: You know what Google is? 

Rosie/Lucille: Okay, ignore that. Lucille has no idea what Google is.


Tyrone/Cleary: So,

Nathan/Hymnbo: Why do you want to know what our favourite planes were?

Tyrone/Cleary: Because you guys are gonna have to decide which one you're gonna go to. I better tell you what you guys are going to go out and get, hey. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Kind of forgot about the whole point of this, to be honest. 

Tyrone/Cleary: You see, what you need here is the essence of each of these places, with Novis representing fire, Avos representing air, Theran representing earth, and Neptis representing water. So, you need to go and get the essence from each of these places to put into our portal device. 

Rosie/Lucille: But if it's fire, can't we just get some fire?

Tyrone/Cleary: I wish it was that easy, sweetie. 

Rosie/Lucille: Oh.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Sweetie. How casual.

Steven/Noah: How do we obtain these essences? 

Tyrone/Cleary: Well, we've found in our travels that there are guardians of the essences. We've come to call them the Astrolustris, because of their size. They are much larger than the average Lustris and they're quite dangerous. 

Jorja/Magnolia: It’s a bigger version of the hot buffalo we fought? 

Tyrone/Cleary: Correct. 

Steven/Noah: So there's still a Lustris.

Tyrone/Cleary: Yes, but…

Steven/Noah: That nearly killed us. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: So, like jaws but like bigger jaws. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Some of them have jaws. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Some of them don't have jaws!? That’s horrifying.

Steven/Noah: I think somehow more terrifying. 

Tyrone/Cleary: They take on various forms. They don't always have to be a buffalo, so whichever one you go to, I'll be sending the scouting team with you, otherwise the other three scouting teams will head out on their own.

Rosie/Lucille: Question. Will you give us somewhere to rest our heads and have a sleep tonight before we go out? Because I'm quite tired.

Tyrone/Cleary: Yes, we're gonna send you off to bed and we'll wake up and you'll have your equipment ready to go. 

Rosie/Lucille: Whoa, amazing. That’s quality service. Yeah, don't get this back home.

Jorja/Magnolia: How difficult is it to get to the different essences?

Tyrone/Cleary: Difficult. Um, well, you see this lovely lush green area that we've been looking at? This is nothing. Everything is up there. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She points up to the sky, like,

Tyrone/Cleary: There’s a whole world in there's clouds up there. 

Steven/Noah: You’re up, Lucille.

Rosie/Lucille: Can't fly that well, yet. Give me a minute.

Tyrone/Cleary: Uh, we believe that the Astronovis likes to live in lava pools, while the Astroneptis likes to live in the mist, uh, in the Astrotheran somewhere deep within the sand dunes. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Yeah, don't say earth, it's not Earth. 

Steven/Noah: I've played enough RPGs. I know which one we're gonna pick. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Well, I guess out of those four, the mist and the sand dunes seem the most doable to not die immediately. 

Rosie/Lucille: I like the sound of the mist.

Nathan/Hymnbo: I could go for a soak in some hot lava, so we've got one for fire, one for mist.

Jorja/Magnolia: Two for mist. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Two for mist. 

Steven/Noah: Three for mist.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Three for mist. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’ve been outvoted. 

Jorja/Magnolia: You can go on your own. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: I'm still an indie artist. Okay, we'll go with the popular choice. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Neptis. Interesting. 

Steven/Noah: Why is that interesting? Have we made a mistake?

Jorja/Magnolia: We’ve failed before we've even begun. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Absolutely not. They're all difficult.

Jorja/Magnolia: So, while we're there, the scouts, will they be helping? Or just kind of standing and watching us die? 

Tyrone/Cleary: Well, their job is to scout, but they will maybe help you a little bit, if you are in dire need.

Jorja/Magnolia: Okay, that spells it out. 

Tyrone/Cleary: The Exos in Neptis like to camouflage themselves in the mist, so be wary of that. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: How does one go about being wary about that? 

Tyrone/Cleary: Good luck. Apparently you guys have exhibited magical abilities, so perhaps that may come in use, seeing the unseen.

Nathan/Hymnbo: Who can see invisible creatures? Can you make a gizmo… can an artificer make a gizmo to see invisible things, not knowing what an artificer is?

Steven/Noah: No, that's not one of the infusions I picked. 

Nathan/Hymnbo: Okay, um… 

Tyrone/Cleary: That actually reminds me, and… 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s gonna go digging into her pocket and not find anything. Patting her pockets down. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Um, I did have something to give you. No, I used it a second ago, did I drop it? Did you guys see a red ruby around anywhere? 

Rosie/Lucille: No. 

Steven/Noah: Not since you held it.

Jorja/Magnolia: Yeah, I saw you use it and then that's it. 

Tyrone/Cleary: We'll get you another one. Let's head back down, we're gonna start walking down. 

Rosie/Lucille: What is it? 

Tyrone/Cleary: It’s a communication device. You can sort of use it to chat to us long distance. Sometimes, we have connection issues where we might not be able to talk via long distance by the unknown forces of the Exos, but… 

Steven/Noah: They must be with Optus. 

Tyrone/dungeon master: Just gonna to get back down to the castle. She’ll just say:

Tyrone/Cleary: Wait here.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And she'll come back with another one of these red rubies. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Well I don't know what happened to mine. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s gonna hand it to Noah, this ruby, like,

Tyrone/Cleary: I trust you. 

Rosie/Lucille: I'm pretty trustworthy. 

Steven/Noah: Noah's eyes light up.

Tyrone/Cleary: Would you guys like to do anything before bed?

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, I want to show everyone, um, no, you go.

Steven/Noah:  Oh, I was just gonna play with this crystal. I was just gonna, like, just look at it, adore it, maybe caress it a little bit, because Noah's like that. 

Jorja/Magnolia: I'll join in. 

Rosie/Lucille: I want to go and interrupt their caressing because throughout the day, Lucille has noticed that she can do cool things now, like light a fire in her hand, so she's gonna go up to them and be like, “Guys, since being in this land look what I can do now!” and go whoosh!

Jorja/Magnolia: I jump away. 

Steven/Noah: After being burned a lot, the rabbit jumps away. 

Jorja/Magnolia: PTSD fully jumped backwards. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: She’s scared of fire now.

Steven/Noah: You have psychological disadvantage on all fire attacks.

Rosie/Lucille: Pretty cool, though, hey.

Jorja/Magnolia: Wonderful.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s bedtime.

Jorja/Magnolia: I also would have went to Cleary and asked for… because I got so burnt, I'll be like “Can I just… I want something to just stop things from hitting me, but you seem to have a lot of nature things, so could it be like a lot of leaves or something please?”. 

Tyrone/Cleary: Oh, your armour?

Jorja/Magnolia: Yeah. 

Tyrone/Cleary: We'll see, you'll have something weighted in your bed in the morning.

Rosie/Lucille: Wait, so do they, while we're sleeping, come into our beds and put the things on our beds?

Tyrone/Cleary: Yes. 

Rosie/Lucille: I'm a little bit creeped out.

Steven/Noah: It’s like Christmas.

Jorja/Magnolia: It’s Christmas.

Rosie/Lucille: It’s a bit lovely. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Alright, so you wake up in the morning and someone has come and put things on your bed in your sleep. It's the clothes that you ordered. It's a little bit like Christmas, and a little gift like it's wrapped up in a little ribbon. Lucille, all that you got is a cane, but it now has been sharpened to a point on the end.

Rosie/Lucille: Can I still use it like a cane?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Of course.

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, amazing, perfect. Just what I wanted.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Kind of like a hiking stick. You requested all your clothes stay the same.

Rosie/Lucille: What about my throwing stars?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: There is also some throwing stars.

Rosie/Lucille: Whoa, this is like Christmas!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You get five of them. 

Rosie/Lucille: Five throwing stars! Wow. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Don’t make me take them away from you.

Rosie/Lucille: Oh, I would never, don't you worry about that good sir-miss. Who are you?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Tyrone, the DM.


Rosie/Lucille: Oh, hello. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: You’ve just woken up and opened it; there's no one waiting in your room. 

Jorja/Magnolia: They sat it down and then stood there until she woke up. 

Steven/Noah: Like, I'm not a character, but I will take them off you.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Correct me if I'm wrong Jorja, you get a shield that's like a fossilised leaf. It’s a dark orange colour. What was the other weapon you wanted?

Jorja/Magnolia: It’s a morning star, but I just wanted something that was like a long stick and pointy on the end, because I'm used to using gardening equipment and that just seemed like something I could do.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, you couldn't get a big stick and on the end is like a bunch of spearheads that have all been tied together into a big ball.

Jorja/Magnolia: Sick!

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: All wrapped together with natural materials, like shredded bark. Let's keep wrapping it together.

Jorja/Magnolia: I pocket all of it. I keep it all.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And your outfit. So you kind of got a little bit similar to what the King’s guard were wearing, they've got a little chest thing that's got lots of leaves coming down from it, and it's sort of like a wrap, leaf wrap underneath that, to cover up all the bits that you want to cover up, if you want to cover them up. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Hot.  

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: It’s a rabbit, I don't know what nudity is for a rabbit.

Jorja/Magnolia: I don't either, so I'm just gonna pretend like I'm a human.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yeah, you've still got the mindset of a human. I guess, and they've got the boots with little leaf ankle booties.

Jorja/Magnolia: Oh, cute.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Hymnbo, you got your Prince outfit as requested. It's this sort of button-up thing that I'm sure that you won't button up. Blue, red, gold is sort of the colour scheme, we’ve got going on here. It's got a lot of little gems attached to the side, kind of  goes unnoticed, some around your neck, some around the waist, got like a little anklet. You got a little bit of everything, bracelet. All colours, all colours and sizes. Emeralds, rubies, but they're all relatively small, and you get your violin back and now it has a bit of a point to the end of the bow. And now comes with a hilt so you can hold it like a rapier. Noah, you got this big purple jacket. You've got a lot of pockets for all your tools. It's got a wrench in one of them, ready to go. You've just got a bunch of tools in all the various pockets now. 

Steven/Noah: Excellent. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Sort of like your dad’s garage in your pockets. 

Steven/Noah: Cute, love that.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: And some goggles. That's everyone's outfits. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Do we long rest?

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yes, you've long rest, everyone's rested up, heal back up.

Steven/Noah: So refreshing. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: A man is waiting outside your rooms. 

Jorja/Magnolia: Ew.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: He's got brown moth wings with white tips at the bottom and he's like all in black with like a head cover. Oh, even his eyes he's got goggles so you can't even see his eyes and his mouth is covered up by the wrap so he's pretty much all covered .

Tyrone/Parav: I am Parav I'll be your guide on your journey to Neptis have you got your things 

Jorja/Magnolia: Hell yeah. 

Tyrone/Parav: Well, let's head off to Neptis together, shall we?


Theme Song: *rock music plays*

Finding home in the belly of the beast, to make it home we can’t accept defeat, so roll the dice and come along with me, finding home in the belly of the beast

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Thank you so much for listening to Portal Quandary. Portal Quandary is made possible by the following people: Myself, Tyrone Cross, the Dungeon Master, Community Manager, and Editor, Steven Edwards as Noah, Nathan Lee as Hymnbo, Rosemary Octhman as Lucille, and Jorja Odd as Magnolia. Elias Moffat is our content producer and narrative consultant. Olive Jerome is our editing assistant, and Amelia Nemet is our transcriber. The theme song is Belly of the Beast by Lily Harnath and Henry Lucas, and if you need to contact us you can do so at This podcast was recorded on the lands of the Wurundjeri people, and produced on the lands of the Awabakal, Bunerong, and Wurundjeri people. Portal Quandary acknowledges and pays respect to our traditional custodians and to their past, present and emerging leaders. 

Theme Song: *rock music continues* 

Finding home in the belly of the beast, (in the belly of the beast), to make it home we can’t accept defeat, (there’s no turning back) so roll the dice and come along with me, (come along with me, let’s go), finding home in the belly of the beast.

Steven/Noah: I’m small.

Jorja/Magnolia: Just a little guy. 

Steven/Noah: Small, I am just small.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: There’s something that we share in common. I only have one name as well, Oberon. 

Rosie/Lucille: I was just about to say, I thought it was King, and then I was like, wait that's really dumb.

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: I, too, love a man waiting outside my room.

Jorja/Magnolia: But you don't prefer him in your room, just waiting outside. 

Tyrone/Dungeon Master: Yep, he can come in when he's told.


Steven/Noah: Bye!