Psyched to Practice
Join us as your hosts, Dr. Ray Christner and Paul Wagner, as we explore the far reaches of mental health and share this experience with you. We’re going to cover a wide variety of topics in and related to the field, as well as having experts share their findings and their passion for mental health. We look forward to taking this adventure with you and hope we can get you Psyched!“ Be well, and stay psyched!”
Psyched to Practice
Living Psyched: A-C-C-E-P-T Find Out What it Means to Me
We’ve talked about problem solving and how effective it can be when we have control and influence over a situation. But what about when we don’t? Well… we then have to accept it. Ray and Paul follow up from their conversation on problem solving talking about the other side, when we have to accept a situation and how we do this. They break down what acceptance is and how when done well can allow us to move forward in a situation and get unstuck. We hope you enjoy this Living Psyched episode: A-C-C-E-P-T Find Out What it Means to Me.
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“Be well, and stay psyched”
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