The Grace Bros Podcast

Part 3 Interview and Q&A with Dr. Harry Coffman regarding 'The Vital Place Prophesy Holds Today'!

Adam Mendenhall/Steve Prager Season 1 Episode 31

In this special episode of the GraceBros, we again, in this series, welcome Dr. Harry Coffman as we ask a series of important questions regarding the gift of prophesy in the body of Christ, and how the Fire of God rose up in Dr. Harry to where he began to step out to pursue the Holy Spirit's gifting inside him!

This will be part 3 of 3 episodes endeavoring to answer a total of 7 questions throughout the episodes. You won't want to miss this deep dive into Dr. Harry's journey and ministry pathway into answering the call into the prophetic gift.

We love you all and thank you for your prayers and loving support of 'GraceBros' and Worship and Word Ministries.

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Grace and Peace be on you!!! Thank you again!