Dr Daniel is The Crown Prince of Brooklyn

You're Probably Brushing Your Teeth Wrong | The Top 10 Worst Oral Hygiene Habits

Dr Daniel Rubinshtein Season 2 Episode 8

In the 2005 movie version of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory starring Johnny Depp, [young] Willy Wonka’s dentist father was obsessed with clean teeth to the point of depriving poor Willy of any kind of candy treats. We know how this story ends, it’s a very emotionally disturbed and traumatized adult Willy Wonka! 

Despite having both of my parents as dentists, that was not my experience at all. I’m pretty lucky to have amazing parents who knew how raise us right. Yes, they encouraged us to eat healthy food, but they were not extreme and taught us to eat (and drink) in moderation. We learned the value of good habits like daily teeth brushing. You could always find a toothbrush at my house! 

Establishing good habits and a having regular routine is the key to most things that are worth doing and have a positive payoff. The thing about habits is, it takes about 21 days (on average) to create a habit — and just one day to break it! Consistency is key.

In the case of clean teeth, it's not about the quantity of how often you brush…It's not how hard you brush your teeth either. It's not even how often you brush your teeth. The sweet spot is in the quality of brushing. 

If you're an aggressive brusher, you could remove the enamel. You could cause gum recession and more. In this podcast you’ll learn how to properly brush your teeth like an expert. We also explore the 10 worst habits that lead to poor health.

ICYMI - The purpose of the podcast is simple…

The team and I want to use this podcast platform to provide value to you by way of free information and education about important health & wellness tips and recommendations. This includes our specialties in oral healthcare, but we are also privileged to know and collaborate with many experts in other fields who will be our guests to talk about everything from nutrition, peak performance, dermatology, strength training, mental health, entrepreneurship and more! 

Remember: We are doctors but we may not be your doctor in the particular area where you’re looking to improve your health. For this reason you should always research and consult your personal doctor (or Bensonhurst Dental team for dental issues) before starting any new routine, practice or treatment mentioned in these podcasts. We are so happy you’re coming along this journey with us in the pursuit of continued health and happiness!

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