The Tea on Sustainable Living

#21 | How to determine YOUR unique climate action

Brandee and Hannah

What brings you joy? What is the climate work that needs doing? What are you good at?

If you can answer all 3 of those questions (and find a common theme), you’ve just identified your unique climate action. Yay!

In today’s episode, we’re taking a closer look at Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s Climate Action Venn Diagram to (try and) determine the climate action that makes the most sense for us. You’ll hear us share our answers to the above questions and help each other find where they overlap. (You’ll also hear Brandee’s noisy neighbors because these walls are thin!

So grab some tea (and maybe a pen and paper), get comfy, and hit that play button.

Links and resources:

Article | Climate Action Venn Diagrams - Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Article | Urban Solutions | WWF
Article | 10 Ways to Figure Out What You're Good At
Article | How to find the best local food near you - CPRE
Book | Drawdown, The Book
Library | Solutions Library | Project Drawdown
Podcast | How to Save a Planet | Gimlet
Project | Circles - The All We Can Save Project
Quiz | Free Personality Test | 16Personalities
Video | Ayana Elizabeth Johnson: How to find joy in climate action
Video | sustainability myths: plastic prevents food waste, glass vs. plastic, & recycling
Video | The Story of Stuff - YouTube
Website | 80,000 Hours: How to make a difference with your career

Send us a text message and let us know what you thought about the episode! Or questions for us to answer in future episodes :)

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-Brandee and Hannah

Note: This transcript is mostly unedited.

Brandee   0:05  

It's not easy living on a dying planet. But it is easy to feel overwhelmed when it comes to making changes and taking action to try and save it. Where do you start? Is it even worth it? Can you really make a difference? Welcome to the tea on sustainable living podcast, where we attempt to answer these questions by spilling the tea on living sustainably in a world that's going to ship. I'm Brandy.

Hannah  0:26  

And I'm Hannah. And for years, we've been navigating the big messy gray area of caring about our planet. It hasn't always been smooth sailing, but we're not giving up yet. So bring yourself a cup of tea. Get comfy and let's try and navigate that gray area together Hello, give us shivers This is Hannah.

Brandee   0:48  

And this is Brandy. And you're listening to episode number 21 of the T on sustainable living podcast. Hey, and happy new year

Hannah  0:56  

yeah welcome to the new year Welcome to 2023 is the first time

Brandee   1:03  

like there has to be an error somebody has made a mistake

Hannah  1:06  

yeah who was the time gone bring it back.

Brandee  1:10  

Oh please

Hannah  1:12  

didn't know if I want to go back let's be real the last few years have been interesting

Brandee   1:17  

but they haven't interesting but there's also some like I guess tiny slivers of silver linings that I do miss about like the streets of Madrid being actually like walkable yeah might be the thing that I missed

Hannah  1:31  

Yeah, it was really nice actually.

Brandee   1:35  

Quiet so I just find myself holiday season getting especially irritated at all the people but I think that's probably that could also be a city population problem

Hannah  1:44  

anyway the city's problem so the problem come compounded with the fact that you I think I'm just very quiet yeah I think you like the all the benefits of a city and the amenities but yes, probably with his people.

Brandee   1:59  

Yes, I like to access but like I don't want everyone else to have that's of course I do but like I just want it to be like I just want to be able to walk down the street and not like have to stop every two seconds because people are so I don't know.

Hannah  2:12  

I feel like maybe you need to move like slightly more barrier because you are in like a really busy I'm in like the center. Yeah, there's you're in the center. But then the center is great. It is great walk everywhere.

Brandee   2:23  

Yeah. Anyway, this episode we had the idea this is coming out what the second week of January almost halfway through January I had every had the like an aspirational idea of like just continuing every two weeks. But we ended up taking a break because I got COVID and cannot be bothered to get ahead with a shotgun travels. And so here we are. Where we're talking about today.

Hannah  2:51  

We're talking about how to decide like how to decide where best to put our energy maybe.

Brandee   3:01  

Yeah, figuring out with with climate action. Yeah. determining our like, own unique climate action. Like where does it start?

Hannah  3:10  

Yeah, this came out we we've talked about it before. This is something you came across right but brand neither climate action Venn diagram.

Brandee   3:18  

Yeah, this kind of Venn diagram I forget where I first heard about it, but it's on a Dr. Aiyana, Elizabeth Johnson. created this is on her website. I on Venn, we'll link it in the show notes. I can't remember how I first heard about her. But she's a marine biologist. And I think there's a TED talk too, which I meant to watch before starting, but I will definitely watch it after we stop recording. And it's yeah, how you specifically you can help with climate solutions. To find your meaningful and bespoke way to help address the climate crisis. Draw your own climate action Venn diagram. Quickly walk us through what the three circles. I mean, if you aren't familiar with diagrams from school, you have your two circles, what overlaps in the middle as well depending on what the activity is. But this one has three. So what are the three?

Hannah  4:09  

Yeah, so the three are, what are you good at? So what is the work that needs doing? And that you're particularly interested in? And what brings you joy and satisfaction?

Brandee   4:22  

I'm just almost knocked over my tea again. So I'm gonna move it out of harm's way from my hands and arms. No, yeah. So each of us are present each of us kind of random to our answers to the questions to come up with like our own climate action and I thought it'd be cool to kind of talk through and see what we came up with. And if it's like on the right track, I already know I need help with mine because I think I stay in my comfort zone.

Hannah  4:49  

I need to have a help in mind and i don't know i It's kind of depressing, but I was like, I feel like this is kind of a good potential more more self reflection. So just a bit like, what brings me joy and satisfaction? And that's why when I did so depressing, but then and then also things like, what are you good at? It was interesting. I did watch the TED Talk. And she kind of was saying, like, try and let go of like your maybe the part of you that's kind of wants to stay like humble or that you put yourself down like trying to be honest. I mean, like, Well, no, we are all good at things. You know, and and also like to see on the Venn diagram, we don't have it written down, but it also has some other prompting questions within those categories. So I think within the what are you good at it was also talking about, like, what resources do you have like, what networks? Do you know, and things like that? So kind of,

Brandee   5:45  

yeah, maybe a better way to put it is like, what can you bring to the table?

Hannah  5:49  

Right? Yeah. But, yeah, it's interesting, because why does that phrasing make it easier to answer?

Brandee   5:57  

Because I hear like, what are you good at? And then it brings up, I don't know, insecurity, insecurities, self doubt. Yeah.

Hannah  6:06  

That's like a whole other conversation, like, how do our, like insecurities get in the way of us? Take taking action? Yeah. Good idea. And also how to corporations like, take advantage. Oh, they definitely do, too. Anyway, that's

Brandee   6:27  

so many ideas here. Like with these types of kind of reflective activities, I either spend way too long, like staring at the blank page, because I want to, I don't want to, I'm not great at like hand writing. For to type things out. And either just like, I don't want to even still type something out until like, I know, that that's how I want it to be like, I have a hard time like jotting down rough draft and then coming back to it later. Like I want to like get it right in the moment. So at this I tried to, to just kind of brain dump, and not really tweak or mess with. But then I read what you put in the outline about how she says Dr. Johnson says emphasizing choosing an action not just communicate about and to fill in with an open mind. So not so that you don't just come up with the same things like you're already doing, which is Yeah, of what happened with me.

Hannah  7:19  

Yeah, it was interesting. That's what she she like really emphasized that in her I think she was like, Oh, I've seen a lot of these and a lot of them ended up with something about communicate about and she's like, let's move beyond. Even though that's important, but what's like an action. And yeah, no, yeah, I didn't really come to an action on mine. I would just like because I was like, what like, oh,

Brandee   7:43  

oh, talk to him? I wouldn't I just want to say the I feel like it is a bit of a trap to to not push yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Because then you see Oh, my action is things I'm already doing. Oh, okay. I'm good. Like, check pat yourself on the back. And then. And yeah, you change anything. So, so already have an idea about how like, I can make mine better. But let's start with you. Alright, what did you

Hannah  8:08  

weigh? I said, I think I put them on this. All right, I think what are you good at? So hot? What can you bring to the table? I

Brandee   8:18  

had put that last actually. So I don't know if that? Okay.

Hannah  8:22  

I was the one I feel. What did I bring? Actually? No, it was I filled it in second the one that was easier? Like what is the work that needs doing? And you're particularly interested in?

Brandee   8:32  

Oh, interesting. I started with what brings me joy, because I felt the easiest. Okay.

Hannah  8:38  

Yeah, so okay, maybe I'll start with the easier one. What is the word lendings doing and you're particularly interested in it, as I'm quite interested in in like, urban environments and sustainability. So like solutions in the urban environment, and then to do with like, it's like a more new one, but sort of like, permaculture farming, how we grow our food, food in general, like agriculture. And then things to do with like education and like, diversity and like, amplifying Global Voices. So those are kind of areas. Yeah. I don't know if it would be helpful to be like more specific.

Brandee   9:24  

I think so. Potentially,

Hannah  9:26  


Brandee   9:27  

what's the one you have out of the things that you listed of work that needs doing? What are you most interested in? Is it I feel like you'd like to talk about the urban environments a lot?

Hannah  9:36  

Yeah, I would say that's like my, my go to one. So I think if, if I was like, on one I'm already doing education is probably an easier one. To have an impact in because that's something I'm already involved in. But in terms of what I'm like more interested in, I think, like how we make cities more environmentally friendly. and how we like to use the, the positives and negatives of city living to, to like, yeah. To promote sustainable solutions. I mean, I'm realizing I'm saying all of this and none of it is like an actual specific thing though.

Brandee   10:16  

Yeah, I don't know a ton about I loaded up the sorry, I think we have that as like a an our idea list of like, talking about more urban planning stuff, because I don't know a lot about it. I know, I get an order to sell the cars. And when you have so many people in cars, like in a small space, it's not very easy to get around. And then not to mention that, you know, fewer green spaces and building efficiency and you're trying to cram a lot of people in like, apartment buildings and stuff. Right.

Hannah  10:43  

And that was something that she said as well in the Elizabeth. Elizabeth was Anya and Elizabeth and Jana, Jana, Elizabeth. Sorry, I just remember Elizabeth. She was saying to like, not try and come up with your own solutions. Because we have so many solutions out there already. And it's like, what can you do? I mean, of course, it always can be more, but actually, we just need to start implementing right. Some of the solutions we already have rather than be like, continually searching for some sort of like, ideal 100% solution. So I say one, sorry, go ahead. No, I would well, I was gonna say I did, like do, she'd linked, like, an organization that lists a lot of the solution. So I did have a look at that. But I didn't there wasn't one where I was like, oh, that's you know,

Brandee   11:40  

that the project drawdown? Exactly. So it's hard reading that book, and it is very, very dry. So I like that there's a website, I was messing around with that you can like sort through all the solutions based on like the different scenarios, scenario one being only a two degree Celsius temperature rise by your 2100. And then scenario two column is 1.5. Which would be way better. So then, like if you sort through, I thought this was interesting. If you sort the I went with the scenario to column and sorted the number here as far as carbon dioxide and like drawing down pulling the co2 out of the air. It's in gigatons, which is shit ton sounds like sequestered. And the top like 10, which are like either near 50. Other word 100. Like 40 is basically electricity. Is it like wind and solar? Where's sorry? I dropped this. jotted this down somewhere. Yeah, so we have to do like renewable energy, food, trees, education and fridges for refrigerators, which I thought was interesting. So it's like wind and solar energy plant rich diet, I like kind of condensed these into like, those categories, plant rich diets, reduced food waste and clean cooking, because a lot of people still use wouldn't call tropical forest. Re rest restoration. Family Planning and education and alternative refrigerants and refrigerant management, those were like all the top would bring down the most. So there's something about like picking something that is interesting to you. And like it would be easy for you to implement. But I also like the consultancy, okay, what would have the most impact?

Hannah  13:21  

Yeah. Is it um, I didn't realize that project drawdown was a book.

Brandee   13:27  

Yes. I don't know what started first the website or the book, but it starts off, like, if I'm remembering correctly with this, like, kind of like a utopian world society, like what the world could look like, no climate change, like everyone. It basically just paints like a really like nice picture and of what the world could look like. And then it starts it like goes in, it gets quite dry with the going. go more in depth mines. And like all of these areas.

Hannah  13:57  

interested? Yeah. So for people who don't know, which I didn't until researching for this episode, it's like a website, which basically lists all of the or not all of them, but a lot of different solutions for various.

Brandee   14:11  

Yeah, and I like that's because I work who did I hear? I was listening to someone talk recently about, about people asking for and waiting for this new technology to like, solve our problems. We have the solutions, we just don't want to do them. We either don't know about them. But I think that's lessening, I think our knowledge is increasing, but we just don't want to implement them because it would affect our lives. Too much. Yeah. I'm quite comfortable anyway. So let's see what specifics Can I come up with for urban urban planning and see, are you linked this panda website for urban solutions? What?

Hannah  14:53  

Yeah, so that was just like they didn't the that's the world. What's it called World WWF What does that stand for? Forget? Well, what is it? Well,

Brandee   15:08  

the wrestling weekend in the US at least I don't know, his international EGBDF.

Hannah  15:12  

What do they say? Like know that what they stand for? Right? Why is that it's not obvious on there on that website as well. World Wildlife Fund. That's okay. World Wide Fund for Nature. Okay. Anyway, they have a page on their website, which was for like case studies with different urban environments, and how they've been changed, like different things that are being implemented in different cities. Which, which I didn't, like, I haven't looked into a lot the different things they've suggested.

Brandee   15:54  

We've been like more real combining, like agriculture, and like, we have such a disconnect between, like, where our food comes from, because all the people in the city and then all the fields are outside the city, we have such a disconnect. Is there like, an action or solution to like, kind of bring them together?

Hannah  16:11  

I mean, I think I'm sure there must be I think a lot of this is maybe to do with maybe it's an action for me would be kind of joining some sort of local group that's working. Like working in the community, because a lot of the kind of urban stuff is like, big picture. Like things you need the, like, local governments, well, there's like two strands, right, like what you can do in your local community. Like, I know, like, near me, there's like, a community garden and that kind of thing. So there's like those parts of like, how do you make cities more livable within your local communities? And also, like the work to like, you know, get cities to implement, like, building more bike lanes and committing to like, any new buildings that they have to be?

Brandee   17:06  

Yeah, so I would say once said, yeah, so as far as like, for you to the end of it, if as far as like what work needs doing more like a sense of community, it sounds like Yeah, maybe. Okay, let's go through the the other questions. Yeah.

Hannah  17:20  

So I did I mean, I got didn't really know. I was like, so vague. I was just like, what are you good at? I was just like, I don't know. I think I'm good at like asking questions.

Brandee   17:37  

No, I think I thought that it sounded. It sounded like you.

Hannah  17:42  

Yeah, I think I'm good at like, help. I think I'm good at asking questions that help other people see what they're trying to say. Or like, help draw things out of other people. Yeah, I would say that's something I'm good at. And I think I'm good at bringing together different ideas and different, like, different things kind of connect for me. So I think, I mean, that can sometimes come across as very chaotic. But I think, not always said,

Brandee   18:20  

I'm playing devil's advocate to like looking at different sides of things.

Hannah  18:24  

Yeah. I just put Yeah, like question listening. And then I was like, kind of like curiosity and like interest. I think I'm genuinely quite like interested in people. And then things I like learning. And I think that's, that can be positive. I mean, I guess I'm thinking all of these things. These, it's interesting, because all the things I'm talking about, like, cut into, what's it called, like, when I'm thinking about the impact on other people, which is interesting. They're quite like, like, soft skill things. But I think when you're genuinely curious about people, like people feel that, and I think that kind of

Brandee   19:05  

understanding where people are coming from and yeah, what they're trying to say is, I can't quite get there.

Hannah  19:10  

Yeah, so that's kind of where I got to, and then or things I was like, Yeah, I don't know. i But uh, yeah, it was, it all feels very, it feels quite vague. It feels like real but also I was like, Oh, I you know, maybe this would be like, I'm like, good at writing or like, I'm good at this specific hard skill. But

Brandee   19:30  

yeah, I think that's, that's maybe like a societal thing about like, it's not like as tangible like a tangible skill you like, don't feel like it counts, but I don't think that's true. I think that was very important, soft skill, they generally get overlooked. Something noisy is happening in my building. Curiosity, asking questions, understanding seeing things from different perspectives is very important. And it seems clear to me

Hannah  19:59  

it's very different. I'm going to tip a foam and foaming a foaming favorite for over an hour

Brandee   20:15  

Okay, so what does that leave us? Sorry, someone's banging their doors something.

Hannah  20:21  

And then I had what brings you joy and satisfaction is thing. And it's kind of people related. I like bringing people together. I like it when I have space or like I have roles or like in whatever capacity where I can kind of do lots of different things. Because otherwise I get like bored because your building is so tariffs The stairs are like right on the other side of this wall. Oh, of course. Right. That

Brandee   20:49  

makes sense. So apologies listeners.

Hannah  20:52  

Yeah. This brand is brand is old building.

Brandee   20:57  

Screaming anytime.

Hannah  21:01  

That's fine. And yeah, then my final thing was kind of doing something creative or artistic. I'm not. That was kinda I like an odd because I don't feel like I'm especially creative. And I'm not particularly artistic in terms of like creating something. Well, it's not the question. It's what, like, makes me happy? Doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. Yeah. So those are kind of Yeah, I and then I did did find, like one thing that I thought but I wasn't really sure like an action. But maybe in light of what we were talking about what solutions that could like also change. But I found this. I was like really impressed. I kind of from Anna's Elizabeth website, there were quite a few links. And then she has this all we can save, which I think is her. It was either from one of her projects or from Yeah, it's a project that they that she also runs called the all we can save project, which is about like nurturing community. And they had this, they have this like, circles project to kind of like build conversations. And they've got like a, like a whole, like, so basically session guides for like, 10 sessions that you could like run, like getting together a group of people in your workplace or like with friends or like whoever.

Brandee   22:35  

Yeah, that's a quick look, I think I'd heard. It's a really neat idea.

Hannah  22:40  

Yeah, so that was one thing from what I written. I was like, Oh, that could be a potential solution. But again, that doesn't that's not I think it is important, but it's not such a like a concrete action. Okay,

Brandee   22:52  

I think it is like if it's I want to like run the circles group and with my, with people in my community, too. Because like all the common themes I'm hearing from you, like words that come up is they have creativity, community people curiosity questions. So bringing people together. So an action would be to lead these circles, maybe with friends family

Hannah  23:16  

know, like, it feels intimidating, don't feel like

Brandee   23:21  

well, it's point is to get out of your comfort zone. Like who?

Hannah  23:27  

Yeah, who is us?

Brandee   23:30  

I think I'm qualified enough to have to like foster conversation.

Hannah  23:35  

Yeah, so that was one thing, and then maybe the kind of the urban stuff, I think maybe I should I mean, I'm, like, I've done I've looked before, for like community groups, and things like that. So maybe I I just need to, like, follow through. I know, there's like a local community group that have like a produce kind of like, group that, like they get together. They do like, veg boxes and like, I think they work with like producers around Madrid. So like, maybe that would be something. Yeah, that's together different things.

Brandee   24:18  

I'm curious about that.

Hannah  24:20  

Yeah, I'll send you the links. But yeah, there was I know, there's a couple of invites, like where I live specifically in Madrid. I know there's a couple of what would they be called? Like social centers that are like community run that have things going on? So maybe that's like what I need to

Brandee   24:37  

get involved? Yeah, that's pretty concrete thing.

Hannah  24:42  

All right. Am I Well, I'm not I was gonna say, Oh, this all feels like oh, no, this doesn't

Brandee   24:49  

have to be like our final Venn diagram. We're gonna write laminated or like, put it on our walls. Yeah, I was just trying to get somewhere to like, start with to like, take messy Action.

Hannah  25:02  

Yeah, I guess it's good. Actually, I was gonna say it feels like, out of my comfort zone, I'm saying with the circles, but it all feels like stuff I'm interested in. I think that's the point. And then, which is the point. And I was like, almost like feeling resistant. Like there's a part of me that wants to be like to be resisted or to feel guilty, because I'm like, Oh, these all sound like things that I also think, like fun, or exciting, or, you know, interesting in some way. But, uh, yeah, that's definitely the point. Like, I don't know, that's interesting. Like, where's that mindset gone? There's got to be like, some kind of burden.

Brandee   25:38  

And you won't know if it's like the right action for you until you start doing it. Right. That's true, then you can try it. And if that doesn't work, then kind of revisit the diagram, I guess. Governor? Right. Your turn. Yeah. So we have a within our 10 minute zoom warning. So I'm going to end this cue the music while we get it all sorted. And we'll come back and try to tackle my and Rebecca

Hannah  26:10  

gave me time to read through your your responses. So that's

Brandee   26:17  

my responses that I already want to change. But it's, it's like I'm really feeling that resisted that like first draft, like, okay, like, I want to edit it. And like, I don't know if it's a first draft is like a first draft for a reason. You don't start with the final but like, I've just always battled that grow up in school, we have to write papers, do an outline, and then do this. No, no, I'm gonna, like write it from beginning to end how I want okay.

Hannah  26:43  

I'm like a very, no, I like my drafts. I was I was I would always, like, bullet point, like, everything before I would start writing. Pretty much.

Brandee   26:57  

I think my issue is that, as I get, like, I have an idea of like, what I want the final product not to be exactly but like, a feeling or something. And I'm trying to like, get if I move on, if I just do like, kind of brain dump or whatever, and like do a draft on Friday, I'm gonna lose that like that, like vision I had for the intro paragraph or whatever it is.

Hannah  27:19  

Yeah, that's interesting. That's quite like a strong. I mean, you could look at it from like, a positive perspective, right? And it's like a strong sense of like, conceptualization, like having a strong idea and like, kind of knowing how you want it to appear. Of course, yeah, as you say it then that can bring problems when you're like, it's not what I want.

Brandee   27:39  

I know it's getting them. Let's say if it's writing a paper getting the words to them, like match or fit that like vision or idea or feeling whatever. Yeah, anyway, so I started with from my climate Venn diagram, what brings you joy, sources of satisfaction and delight. And the very first thing I thought of what because again, this is basically a brain dump slash first draft now being at home with my cat snacks and comfy clothes. Which right now just had a snack and my cat is right behind me on my bed and I'm in very comfy clothes. It is my absolute like, happy place. So I try not to like answer these, like, necessarily based around like climate stuff. I tried to just answer them anyway. The next thing I said was podcast slash podcasting. So yeah, just consuming podcasts and working with podcasters getting their shows out there. But then this podcast, we are podcasters we are in the act of podcasting at this very moment.

Hannah  28:35  

very joyful mood filled with joy and satisfaction. I'm

Brandee   28:40  

like content I think as a, this might be the way I would use. And then the next thing I said was thrift store slash charity shops, not just their existence, but like going through them and finding like new local ones, because the other ones where we live. Yeah, aren't that great and few and far between, and then finding and trying new vegan foods and restaurants. Grey list, so like a day of like vegan food, shopping and eating and thrifting and then coming home to hang out with my cat and immediately put on comfy clothes. That's like the perfect day.

Hannah  29:15  

Yeah, that sounds pretty good.

Brandee   29:18  

So that's what I came up with that. And then what work needs doing climate and justice solutions. So already I had added on already touched on in the first half of like, those kinds of main, the main kind of heavy hitters for like the project drawdown. But then my first thoughts when I answered those were like access to nourishing food, clean water and shelter, which is just I think it was already an issue and then climate change in has just kind of magnified these issues for various reasons, and then shipping more responsibility to more responsible parties like big corporations in terms of emissions. sourcing and disposing of materials etc, which basically moving money to move from a linear economy to more circular economy. So it's not like we source materials use the item dispose of it like that's the line be more circular. So like corporations for example like then have to, before they source it have a plan for how it's going to get reused after it's been used. The Story of Stuff does a much better job of explaining that all I get anyway. So that's what I ended on for that. And what kind of leapt out at me from those this project drawdown that the actions on that website, the wind and solar energy, so which is great if you live somewhere and have control of like, the like you're in it, whether it's energy companies you're using whether you can install solar energy, like that's all great.

Hannah  30:52  

But the food,

Brandee   30:54  

I already knew that it was up there, like plant based diets, reducing food waste. But I think that's mainly where I started to go down like the, okay, I'm already doing like, what are you doing pretty good. Like, I'll just keep doing more of more of these things. And then the what are you good at your skills, resources and networks? I kind of went off with like, what people have told me as well. So like, I put living my values, generally, like, are you most of the time experimenting and making changes in my own life having like one on one conversations as the changes I make kind of spark curiosity and then creating small ripple effects from their podcasting because I think I'm pretty good at it, like behind the scenes. But then also, while I think I'm still figuring out this hosting thing, and like wearing all the different hats of like, getting a podcast out there because it's a lot a lot of parts. Now wrote, What did I mean by this? personable slash making connections are limited introvert, people energy, but when I have the energy, I think I'm pretty good at like networking and making connections, and cooking, which should should probably also say eating. I think I'm good at.

So yes, that's where I landed with the questions. Yeah, so far as anything leapt out at you that is either missing or not incorrect. I don't know what what's better word?

Hannah  32:15  

No, I don't think anything's incorrect. I would say, I wonder if it'd be worth thinking like, behind. Like, why you're good at or why you enjoy certain things. Like, this is my perception, I might be wrong. But for example, I feel like you're very, you are able, you're very creative person, but you're also very logical. You're very good at systems.

Brandee   32:39  

That's like an INFJ thing. I think, me Yeah. It's, like being in that. It's like how, like, how do they phrase it like, equal parts dreamer and doer? Like you can see the big picture and actually, like, doing something,

Hannah  32:56  

which is a great combination, and kind of mean, like, fairly? You? Yeah, I mean, it's, it's like a really great skill to have. So like, wonder if, like, we're looking behind why you're good at certain things like that, like the podcasting, I think that maybe it's fulfilling to you because you get to do those two parts.

Brandee   33:18  

Yeah, there's like the vision of like, what, like I want it to be and then there's actually like, doing it to me, right?

Hannah  33:23  

And maybe that can help like, find the action? If it's like, what is it behind this thing that is enjoyable to me.

Brandee   33:34  

Interesting. Let's come back to that I'll share like what I came up with with my for the climate action, and then what I might want to change about it. So that I think would be helpful to see how I can make it more a bit more out of my comfort zone, but also like appropriate so I came up with art. So my climate action, which items I kind of just expanded on this, which items slash themes are similar across all three questions. And then I tried to like get a bit specific. So I said one using this podcast as a platform for education, networking, slash relationships and accountability. To I said, working with podcast clients who share my values, so I can support their work and message. And then three, I said share more plant based food with people cooking, but also going out to local vegan restaurants and shops. So that this is where after I did this, I went back and read what you wrote down. I shared about like, the what the point of the climate diagram is and how she wants you to you know, get outside of your comfort zone because I looked at these like, oh, so it's just doing more of what I'm already doing. Right? And I was like, oh, okay, what's not to say that these aren't things that like I won't do shouldn't do aren't so good to do, etc. Right? I was watching a video recently. I think it was shell Bizzle on YouTube, where I referenced a lot. She was talking about like individual chains versus individual change versus Corporation. change versus government. And it was like, how he put it, the corporations aren't going to change unless the government passes laws to like make them change. And the government is not going to do that unless the people like that the government represents, like, demand for that sort of change. So yeah, she was talking about the connection between all three. So I don't know, I think I feel like out of my comfort zone, we'll talk about this for about like more advocacy, advocacy and policy change. I think I need to find something. Something there. Right.

Hannah  35:34  

Like, insane. Like, maybe it doesn't have to be out of our comfort zones? Exactly. It just has to be new. No, I think we better way we discover that we'll be in our comfort zone.

Brandee   35:46  

Yes, well, I think maybe a better way to put it is like at the edge of your comfort zone. All right, because everything outside, it's like hills, let's just push them a little bit, let's not go too far out. Like let's make the poor and foot out, we'd be at the edge. Yeah, something new. Because if you make changes, you incorporate them in your life, and then it just becomes a part of your life. So that's great. So now that is now an opportunity to bring in something new. Yeah. So okay, what? So if you're saying, Should I bring?

Hannah  36:17  

So if you're interested in policy,

Brandee   36:19  

I think not necessarily that I'm interested in it. Okay. It's that it, I think it's what needs doing and then would lead to more impact.

Hannah  36:29  

Okay. So okay, because me as an individual

Brandee   36:35  

and individual, I'm not going to get was at the top 100 corporations are responsible for some majority percentage of like global emissions or something along those lines. I'm not going to change that. And as someone who lives in from the United States lives in Europe, contribute the most but kind of suffer the least for now, the environmental impact of the way we live. So

Hannah  37:09  

out So out of all of the Latino character with in terms of policy, as you say, you're interested in it, because it's the way you feel that you can make the most impact or have the most impact will be made. And it's what needs managers wondering is doing. Is there any like, obviously, policy is kind of like a huge area in terms of like, the tasks, I imagine, I don't know a lot about it, but the tasks that need doing to then, which then comes into kind of creating policy that can then be, you know, like, the activism around that policy? Or like, yeah, the mental, is there a part of like, are you interested in like, the research side, the writing, like, fundraising, interest, education, communication, like, what is there any of those? And there's probably more out there that I haven't thought of, if you broke it down? Is there any of that, that you're like, Absolutely not? Or a bit of it, where you're like, oh, maybe that's, that's interesting.

Brandee   38:12  

Well, I know from, like, past conversations episodes, we've done I know, like, you know, joining extinction rebellion and going like, you know, leading a protest, getting arrested. Like, that's not, that's, that's not how I want to drive policy change. So I don't know, I feel like I've tried thinking about this, and I get stuck. So I wonder if it would be more beneficial to think of, like, a specific area, like policy around food, or policy around? I don't know, like, I need to, I need to educate myself a bit more. In terms of, I just, I feel I think I feel a bit like lost on like, where to start? Yeah.

Hannah  38:52  

I wonder if like, Okay, so you've said food, water, shelter. Corporations. I mean, I think like, from our conversations, that things that come up, generally around, we always talk about food. And that's a lot one way you've done a lot of I feel like you've done a lot of research and also around like water I know you've like done a lot of like that's been something you've been quite engaged in. And then yeah, and then what you've talked about with the like responsibility and onto like corporations, would you do you think you'd feel happy staying in those areas or would you like to think it's probably one of the other ones that you've mentioned?

Brandee   39:35  

I think yeah, food Yeah. would probably be a good place to start. But then it's okay as an expat like living abroad. Like I said in like I voted in the US, recent us some election for like Texas governor. person I voted for did not win unfortunately. And so is It like, I feel like maybe I've gotten stuck because I'm trying to focus on like, How can I impact policy and state or the whole of the United States? But is there a way to do something more locally? Without having right voting privileges? Like, does that make sense?

Hannah  40:15  

But I mean, I think maybe you could look at, like, this is maybe where like, remote work, not like a job stuff. But like, that helps. Because, for example, I'm thinking I know I have I have a friend, who, who is a lawyer, and when and she did, like voluntary, voluntary work, basically, creating reports around legal violations and like the ISRAEL PALESTINE conflict. So like, there was like, she, like did volunteering for like a website that, like, I think I can't I don't know all the details, but I think it like updated, like, kept updates. And like, kind of, I think, translated for like the layperson, and not like, necessarily, like legal, but kept track of that kind of thing. And, of course, I mean, she did that when she was living in Spain. I mean, she's moved away now. But I wonder if there's something not that specific thing. Maybe there's like, and I know, like, you know, like, the websites, for example, that do like consumer ratings. need people like who are volunteer to do like, say, the research part? Yeah. And I'm not saying that Nestle, suggesting that you do research or like report writing might not be of interest to you?

Brandee   41:36  

No, but I like reading I have like, there are people groups organizations already doing this work. So how can I support them? Right. Yeah.

Hannah  41:44  

I mean, that kind of we obviously, you still have to, like find those organizations. But what struck me basically, doing this thing and doing some of the research was just like, how much is already out there. There's like, you don't necessarily need to create the thing yourself. You know, I'm like, oh, I want to like do a community group. And then I'm like, Oh, this, like, I'm this whole website that how missions

Brandee   42:09  

land. Like, why make it harder for ourselves? Because I feel like there might be like, a bit of a way to like, make, like, make up excuses for like not to take action. It's too hard.

Hannah  42:18  

Right. So that's kind of like if there was a part in policy, like, the like the area like food, food justice. And then what was things? Could you do that use that natural, your natural skill set? And probably, presumably, things that you couldn't kind of do from home? Like maybe computer base? Do you think you'd be happy to use your like professional skills? Like, like the kind of the podcasting side? Would you be happy to use that like voluntarily? Yeah, yeah, I would. Because even if they didn't have a podcast, there's, you know, basic website updates, right? There's

Brandee   43:06  

editing. Like, word editing, the audio editing, graphics. Right, stuff like that. Yeah.

Hannah  43:19  

So like, maybe that could be also a space where it's like, might not be what you think, or it's like, oh, it's a policy website or a policy organization, but they still need people who can?

Brandee   43:34  

Or they are like, some, like an advocacy group or something. Right. Exactly. before? Yeah. Yeah. Feels more. Yeah. Behind the scenes stuff supporting other organizations. Yeah. Okay. So I need to find which one's gonna resonate with me.

Hannah  43:51  

And, yeah, I mean, it's like narrowed down a little bit.

Brandee   43:55  

Yeah, I just need to find like, specific one, like, find that and reach out to people.

Hannah  44:00  

Yeah, there's definitely that if that's yeah, that's a bit which is kind of more work.

Brandee  44:06  

Mm. Hmm. Yeah.

Hannah  44:11  

I mean, I think as well there's like a lot in what you've said, to be fair about, like your, your work as well, like, and that was something that she also said in the TED Talk. Like, I'm not think also think about the networks you have like, you might find that the place where you can have the most impact is in your work. And that's not saying like you have to go out and get a whole new job. Like maybe that is like one of those like positive things about you having your own business is that you can I mean, it's also more risky because it's all on you, but like, like I know, you already have been implementing things you've learned into like making it more sustainable, and more accessible. Business

Brandee   44:58  

again, and currently our web I think it would fail the accessibility checklist audit that I've been working off. Of course, I just did so all recently making changes.

Hannah  45:08  

Yeah. But you know, something like that. I mean, could obviously mounts probably not where you are right now. But could you offer to do that check for? For like another like for a company? Or is that something that we you always offer your clients like that's within? You know, what you offer?

Brandee   45:29  

Yeah, interesting. Yeah. Like that, like bridging, kind of bridging the gap between work life and personal life? Because they're, I don't know, people talk about balance. It's two sides of the same coin. Like, can't really have one can't have one without the other like,

Hannah  45:44  

No. Does it feel good? Or do you feel a bit overwhelmed?

Brandee   45:48  

No, it feels good. I just know, like, I want to go into like research mode and like find, let's just kicked the computer. I just need to like find, find people groups to help because I think that would help. This is good, like, kind of, to give me like the right direction.

Hannah  46:11  

But now I need to Hmm, do you have anything in mind? Or any organizations that you know, you like you might have links or

Brandee   46:22  

there? I think I would like to not none that are coming to mind are some coming to mind, but they don't directly. You either influence or like advocate for like policy change. So yeah, I can I don't think I have trouble finding them. It's just now I need to, like right now. I can't say okay, I'm going to volunteer this number of hours a week reading this, you know, updating website or camera graphics or whatever, for this organization? Who is influencing policy change? Yeah. So I think I'll get there. I just need to. Yeah, and I'm sure as soon as I hit like, stop recording, I'll think of like, three

Hannah  47:04  

no idea, you know, that even like you listening it there, that's kind of it does sound like a good place to start is like okay, um, you know, kind of what you want, right? And like, potentially to do some, like behind the scenes volunteering for an organization that do policy work. Preferably around food. Yeah. But maybe in one of the other areas that you're interested in.

Brandee   47:26  

Yeah, sounds good. I think this is already a bit of a long one. So yeah, she's probably ended here. So we'll leave all links and resources for you listener to do your own climate and diagram. And yeah, if you, like us have struggled a bit coming up with your unique climate action. You know where to find us on Instagram @theteaonsustainableliving. Send us a DM, let us know where you're at where you struggle with or leave us a voice note and we can talk about it in future episodes. Yeah, that's the So yeah, all links will be in the show notes, the 21. All right. That's all I got. Yeah, the next one.

Hannah  48:11  

Do you in the next one,

Brandee   48:13  

and you're about to

Hannah  48:18  


Hannah   48:23  

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of The Tea on Sustainable Living podcast. Now go share it with a friend, a co-worker, a partner, a family member, or whoever. A pet, your cat, someone on the street.

Brandee   48:38  

Whoever you think could use a little more support on their sustainability journey, share it.

Hannah  48:41  

You can send them over to our website, And while you're there, check out the show notes for more info on today's topic. 

Brandee   48:51  

All right, Give-a-Shitter, tea you later. Get it? Tea you later? As in, see you later? So punny…

Hannah   49:01


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