OT Cyber | From the Plant Floor Up

OT Cyber | From The Plant Floor Up: Jerod Asbridge from Genesee County Drain Commissioner Division of Water & Waste Services

DYNICS Season 1 Episode 7

Jerod Asbridge, CTO at Genesee County Drain Commissioner Division of Water & Waste Services (GCDCWWS), joins host Jeff Smith, CTO at DYNICS, for a new episode of OT Cyber | From The Plant Floor Up. 

Jerod and Jeff have a lively discussion around a variety of topics including how operational technology (OT) cybersecurity has become a main topic of discussion for the industrial business sector, the current threat landscape on public water systems, and how GCDCWWS integrates the DYNICS ICS360.Defender into their system to help provide safe, effective wastewater treatment and water treatment.  Lastly, they highlight how the White House National Cybersecurity Strategy effects public water systems and what the future holds.